List of Conference Participations - Lehrstuhl Für Internationale

Full Professor of International Relations
Chair of the International Relations Department
Institute of Political Science
Friedrich Schiller University Jena
Carl-Zeiss-Str. 3, 07743 Jena, Germany
[email protected]
Seeking Coherence: The Emerging Coherence of Europe's Foreign and
Security Policy Architecture
Discussant, The University of Texas at Austin, 23 February 2015
Secession and International Order. Understanding Scotland, Kosovo and Ukraine
Presentation at the Kozmetzky Center of Excellence, St. Edward’s University, Austin, 23 February 2015
Cooperation, Competition, or Enmity? Inter-IO Relations
Discussant of the Panel, ISA Annual Convention in New Orleans, 20 February 2015
Ukrainian Civil Society after the Majdan. Potential and Challenges on the Way to Sustainable
Democratization and Europeanization
Co-Organizer and Chair, National University Kiev Mohyla Academy, 12 December 2014
The Legitimacy (and Effectiveness) of Inter-Organizational Relations
Presentation at the World Congress of Political Science, International Political Studies Association,
Montreal, 21 July 2014
Sezession im Spannungsfeld von Legitimität und Legalität. Zur Rolle internationaler
Transdisciplinary Lecture Series (Ringvorlesung) „Legitimität und Legalität internationaler Organisationen“,
organized by the Institute of Political Science, Jena University, 1 July 2014
Gerechter Frieden, gerechter Krieg? Leitplanken christlicher Friedensethik
Presentation at the „Hochschultage Jena“, 12 May 2014
Normen und Interessen in der internationalen Politik. Erkundungen eines Spannungsverhältnisses
Presentation at the Workshop „Wirtschaftliche Interessen und Menschenrechte. Kriterien für den Einsatz von
zivilen und militärischen Mitteln in Krisengebieten“, Evangelische Akademie Thüringen, Neudietendorf, 8
November 2013
Effectiveness and Legitimacy Challenges of Inter-Organizational Relations
Chair, Panel at the 8th Pan-European Conference on International Relations of the ECPR Standing Group on
International Relations, Warsaw, 18-21 September 2013
Designing Inter-Organizational Cooperation. The Dual Consensus Rule and the Effectiveness-Control
Presentation at the 8th Pan-European Conference on International Relations of the ECPR Standing Group on
International Relations, Warsaw, 18-21 September 2013
Networks, Legitimacy and Security Governance
Chair, Panel at the 8th Pan-European Conference on International Relations of the ECPR Standing Group on
International Relations, Warsaw, 18-21 September 2013
International Organizations after the Crisis
Roundtable Participant, 8th Pan-European Conference on International Relations of the ECPR Standing
Group on International Relations, Warsaw, 18-21 September 2013
Outline of a Handbook on Inter-Organizational Relations
Paper handed in at the Annual Convention of the International Studies Association, San Francisco, 5 April
2013 (together with Joachim Koops)
Herausforderungen bei der Koordination internationaler Peacebuilding-Einsätze (Challenges of
Coordinating International Peacebuilding Operations)
Presentation at the closed Workshop “Recent Challenges for Peace and Security Policy”, Protestant Academy
of Thuringia, 27-28 March 2013
Kosovo und humanitäre Intervention (Kosovo and Humanitarian Intervention)
Paper and presentation at the international Symposium “Toward a New Moral World Order?
Menschenrechtspolitik und Völkerrecht seit 1945“, Jena Center Geschichte des 20. Jahrhunderts and Imre
Kertesz Kolleg, 30 June 2012
Sezession und internationale Ordnung (Secession and International Order)
Inauguration Lecture at Jena University, 19 June 2012
Resource Dependence and Inter-Organizational Cooperation
Presentation at the Workshop “Interorganizationalism in International Relations: Theories and Cases”,
Brussels, 28 January 2012
Die Macht internationaler Institutionen (The Power of International Institutions)
Paper and presentation at the Annual Conference of the „Deutsche Gesellschaft für Politikwissenschaft“, 18
November 2011
Designing Inter-Organizational Cooperation. The Quest for Autonomy and the Effectiveness-Control
Paper and presentation auf der ECPR General Conference, Reykjavik, 27 August 2011
Europeanizing Turkey: External Incentives and Domestic Scope Conditions
Presentation at the Workshop “The Social and Political Change in Turkey and Its Impact on the Domestic
and Foreign Policy of Turkey”, University of Jena, 2 July 2011
Ein Populismus südosteuropäischer Prägung?(A Specific Populism in South Eastern Europe?)
Panel at the Conference “Populismus und Euroskeptizismus in Südosteuropa”, University of Jena, 18 June
Europäische Sicherheit – Trends, Perspektiven, Herausforderungen (European Security – Trends,
Perspectives, Challenges)
Presentation at the German Embassy, Kiev, 18 May 2011
Designing Cooperation among International Organizations. The Efficiency-Control Problem
Paper and Presentation at the Annual Convention of the International Studies Association, Montreal, 18
March 2011
The Struggle Between Europeanization and Secessionism: The Case of Bosnia and Herzegovina
Paper and presentation at the Annual Convention of the International Studies Association, Montreal, 16
March 2011
The EU as a Hub Organization. The Genesis of Cooperation with Partner Organizations
Presentation at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel: The Institute for European Studies, IES Spring Lecture Series:
The EU as a Diplomatic Actor, 15 Febrary 2011
Measuring Progress in Peace Operations
Presentation at the „Program for Security, Stability, Transition and Reconstruction” (SSTaR) of the George
C. Marshall European Center for Security Studies, Garmisch-Partenkirchen, 29 March 2010 (and 22 July
Resetting NATO-Russia Relations
Panel at the European Strategy Conference des US European Command (EUCOM), Ramstein, 2 March 2010
NATO and European Security
Discussant at the Annual Convention der International Studies Association, New Orleans, 17 February 2010
Current Trends in European Security
Presentation at the Annual Conference of the US Foreign Area Officers (FAOs), Garmisch-Partenkirchen, 27
October 2009
Divergierende Weltsichten. Von der Macht der Armeen zur Macht der Ideen?(Diverging World View. From
the Power of Armies to the Power of Ideas?)
Presentation at the „Program for Advanced Security Studies” (PASS) of the George C. Marshall European
Center for Security Studies, Garmisch-Partenkirchen, 29 September 2009
Stability Policy in the Caucasus Region
Moderator of the Conference organized by the German MFA and the George C. Marshall European Center
for Security Studies, Berlin, 25-27 May 2009
NATO Enlargement to the Western Balkans. And Serbia?
Presentation at the Annual Conference of the Belgrade Fund for Political Excellence (BFPE), Palić (Serbia),
8-10 May 2009
Rivalität zwischen Internationalen Organisationen (Rivalry among International Organizations)
Presentation at the Institute of Political Science, University of Jena, 19 December 2008
Principal-Agent Relations and Inter-Organizational Cooperation: A Catalyst for Agency Slack
Paper and presentation at the Annual Meeting der American Political Science Association (APSA), Boston,
28-31 August 2008 (together with Stephanie Hofmann)
Rivalität zwischen Internationalen Organisationen. Die Kehrseite von ‘institutional choice’ (Rivalry among
International Organizations. The Flip-Side of ‘Institutional Choice’)
Paper and Presentation at the Workshop „Internationale Beziehungen und Organisationsforschung: Stand und
Perspektiven“, Munich Center on Governance, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, 18-19 September
Normative Grundlagen der ESVP – die Europäische Sicherheitsstrategie (The Normative Foundations of
ESDP – the European Security Strategy)
Presentation at the University of Mainz, Institute für Political Science, 7 May 2008
Mediating Conflicts of Indivisibility
Paper and presentation at the Annual Convention of the International Studies Association, San Francisco, 26
March 2008
Rivalry Among International Organizations. Bringing Power Back In
Paper and Presentation at the Pan-European Conference of the Standing Group on International Relations in
Europe, Turino, 14 September 2007
European Strategic Culture. Post-Modern Foreign and Security Policy in the Enlarged Europe
Panel Discussant, Pan-European Conference of the Standing Group on International Relations in Europe,
Turino, 14 September 2007
Mediation in Nullsummenkonflikten. Die internationalen Vermittlungsversuche im Kosovo 1991-2007
(Mediation Conflicts of Indivisibility. International Mediation in Kosovo 1991-2007)
Presentation at the Bundeswehr University Munich, Institute of Political Science, 27 June 2007, and at Kiel
University, Institute for Social Sciences, 21 July 2007
„Interlocking“ oder „Interblocking“? Synergie oder Rivalität im Netzwerk europäischer
Sicherheitsinstitutionen („Interlocking“ or „Interblocking“? Synergy or Rivalry in the Network of European
Security Institutions)
Presentation at the Bundeswehr University Munich, Institute of Political Science, 28 June 2006
The European Perspective for the Balkans. Reassurance in a Time of Uncertainty
Presentation at the U.S. Naval Postgraduate School, Center for Civil-Military Relations, 25 May 2006
Grenzen und Identität der europäischen Einigung – der Fall Türkei (Borders and Identity in European
Integration – the Case of Turkey)
Presentation at the Krone/Ellwanger-Kreis, Schloss Eichholz, 22 January 2005
The European Perspective for Southeastern Europe
Presentation at the Summer School “Network of European Studies in South Eastern Europe”, Chemnitz
University, September 2004
Quo Vadis Europa? Zur Finalität des europäischen Einigungsprozesses (Quo Vadis Europe? The Finality of
the European Integration Process)
Public Inauguration Lecture at the Faculty of Philosophy of Bonn University, 15 July 2004
Der Deutsche Bundestag und die Auslandseinsätze der Bundeswehr. Gratwanderung zwischen legislativem
Mitentscheidungsrecht und exekutiver Handlungsautonomie (The German Bundestag and Peace Missions of
the Bundeswehr. Balancing Executive Prerogative and Legislative Co-Decision)
Lecture at the Faculty of Philosophy, Bonn University, 19 May 2004
The European Perspective for the Western Balkans – Tabooing the Unpleasant
Presentation at the 6th Annual Conference of the “Network of European Studies in Southeastern Europe,
Rousse Univerity (Bulgaria), 30 January 2004
Conclusions and Findings
General Rapporteur, 6th Mediterranean Dialogue International Research Seminar (“Managing Natural
Resources and Security Issues in the Mediterranean Region”), NATO Defense College, Rome, 13 December
Männerfreundschaft. Die Bedeutung freundschaftlicher Verbundenheit als Basis von Politik (Friendship
among Man. The Relevance of Friendship for Politics)
Paper and presentation at the Annual Conference „Gefühl und Kalkül. Der Einfluss von Emotionen auf die
Politik des 19. und 20. Jahrhunderts“, Ranke-Gesellschaft, 1 November 2003
Serbien nach Djindjic(Serbia after Djindjic)
Panelist, Michael-Zikic-Stiftung, Bonn University, 18 March 2003
Erweiterung nach der Erweiterung – zur Zukunft des Beitrittsprozesses der EU (Enlargement after
Enlargement – the Future of the EU Accession Process)
Presentation at a Conference organized by the German Foundation on International Law Cooperation (IRZ)
and the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Hungary, Budapest, 14 November 2002
Der Stabilitätspakt im Gefüge der europäischen Balkanpolitik (The Stability Pact within European Balkan
Paper and presentation at the „Balkan Forum“ organized by the German MFA, the Bertelsmann Foundation
und the Center for Applied Policy, Berlin, 15 April 2002
EU Perspectives for Southeastern Europe
Presentation, Kosovo Law Center of the OSCE and Kosovo University, Prishtina, 13/14 March 2002