Circular for Award Operators Volume 22 • No 1 No 1/2015 DAS INTERNATIONALE JUGENDPROGRAMM IN DEUTSCHLAND E.V. Tuesday, 31 March 2015 Based on impressive achievements in 2014, the 25th AGM of the German Award Association set the course for the future. The photo, taken by Raimund Ademes after the regular elections, shows (L-R): Klaus Vogel, Margaret Horb MdB, Dr. Gabriel Ledezma-Sanchez, Barbara E. Oehl and Mayor Jürgen Galm. The 25th General Assembly of the German Award Association in Osterburken was attended by delegates, board members and guests from Baden-Württemberg, Bavaria, Hesse and Rhineland-Palatinate. Chairman Klaus Vogel welcomed guests of honour Jürgen Galm, Mayor of Osterburken, and Margaret Horb, member of the German Parliament. “Welcome to the Alte Bahnmeisterei, whose new façade adequately reflects the great progress which was made by all of us during the last year,” Vogel said in his opening speech. “The year 2014 proved to be an important step forward and I should like to take this opportunity to thank everybody who has contributed – including those who have been prevented from attending this meeting in Osterburken due to ill health or due to other obligations.” The AGM did not merely receive an impressive financial and operational report, it also set the course for the next year and far beyond. “We are proud that ‘Made in Germany’ has come to be THE quality attribute in the world of the Duke of Edinburgh‘s International Award, too, and we shall do whatever we can to ensure that it will maintain this status in the future,” said the Chairman in his statement. This first and foremost requires taking the ‘customer focus’ even more seriously and, through excellent products and services, ensuring that each and every participant can experience what the progressive educator and creator of the Award, Kurt Hahn, promised: There is more in you than you think. Vogel continued: “We need to offer the best programme in order to become the biggest and the most important programme in Germany and throughout the world”. Two weeks prior to the AGM, the financial audit had also taken place in the ‘Alte Bahnmeisterei’. On behalf of both auditors, Steffen Blaschek (DRK Kreisverband Mosbach) now praised the work of Treasurer Benedikt Kurz, the National Award Office and the entire Award team, who were discharged unanimously by the General Assembly. The Annual Financial Statement 2014, the Budget 2015, the Fee Schedule 2015 and the Mediumterm Financial Planning were unanimously accepted, too, as well as the updated Mission and Vision statement, the Governance Guidelines, the IT strategy, the modifications to the Licence System and the updates of Handbook, Expedition Guide and Leaders Manual. For the first time, the product roadmap is to focus on basic information in 2015; Flyer and website will receive a thorough overhaul. At the regular elections the entire team headed by Klaus Vogel (Chairman since 2003, previously Deputy Chairman since 1994) was unanimously confirmed in office. Benedikt Kurz, Rainer Schmid und Karsten Vogel were re-elected as Deputy Chairmen and are joined by Dr. Gabriel Ledezma-Sanchez. Katharina Kleiser, Sebastian Kurz, Barbara E. Oehl, Dominik Salm and Marco Salm will continue to serve on the Executive Board. Raimund Ademes is to support the Association in IT-related matters. Christoph Künzig, Roland Matzker, Alexander Müller, Ceri Temple und Eva Wilke will contribute to the work of the German Award Association as members of the Extended Board. Auditors Steffen Blaschek and Thomas Zemmel also remain in office. The Advisory Board is reinforced by both Margaret Horb, member of the German Parliament, and Mihaela Stanciu, National Coordinator of the Romanian Award. The next step will be the appointment of a second part-time secretary (accounting) to ensure adequate support for Iris Dikel in the National Award Office. News EFQM-Workshop in Romania. The first foreign assignment of the Chairman in the new year was an EFQM workshop in Brasov, with Romania becoming the second country (after Germany) to adopt the renowned Excellence Model for their work. In addition to Romania, both Slovenia and Turkey have completed the EFQMbased Management Course in Osterburken, while the Netherlands have attended the Assessor Course of the German Society for Quality (DGQ). The workshop in Brasov was instrumental in moving the German EFQM workbook to the next level. Professional Back-up System installed in the National Office. With this new system, Raimund Ademes‘s work is beginning to bear fruit. The IT officer of the Board is having a closer look at the technical foundations of the Online Administration and he intends to lend a helping hand in its further development. Operator Prize 2014 awarded. First prize went to the Erzbischöfliche Kinder- und Jugendheim St. Kilian, e.g. for its exemplary work in the area of cooperation. Second prize went to the International School of Stuttgart, third prize to Realschule Osterburken. Special prizes were awarded to Strothoff International School, the city of Elmshorn and the group of Turkish IASS 2014 participants. Further information: www.jugendprogramm. de/anbieterpreis. Mini shop to be created within the Online Administration. In order to simplify the administrative process, a “mini shop” will be created within the Online Administration, allowing operators to select participants and order their record books, badges and certificates. People Michaela Stanciu now a member of the Advisory Board. The election of the National Coordinator onto the Advisory Board of the German Award has further cemented the German-Romanian relationship. She first came to Germany for IASS 2012 and on occasion of the 20th anniversary celebrations of the German Award during Spring School 2014, she presented a gift on behalf of the Romanian Award. Products and Services Operator Prize Operator Prize 2015 – call for entries. The Guidelines for submitting entries remain unaltered, applications have to be handed in by 15th January 2016. Further information: Courses and Seminars Online calendar updated. Except for the Operators Conferences and the Audits, most of the dates are now online: Expedition Skills Course postponed again. Because of numerous cancellations owing to illness, the Expedition Skills Course had to be postponed at short notice. New dates: 16-18 Oct 2015. Register now for Spring School 2015! Spring School in Osterburken (8-10 May 2015) offers the last opportunity for a weekend Programme Course before the Summer Break or a Management Course before the Mid-term Break in the autumn. The event will include an Operators Conference. Deadline for registration: 17th April 2015. Deadline for IASS 2015 is on 1st May 2015. In addition to the Open Gold Event, the 10th International Summer School also offers a Gold Assessor Course. Media Raimund Ademes to assist with IT-related issues. Having made his debut as the leader of the “Orga-Team” during both Summer and Autumn Schools 2014, the IT expert from Gilzem now supports the Executive Board in this area as well. Good progress on the 5th ed. of the Programme Volume of the Handbook. More than ten draft versions have already been published; suggestions for changes can be submitted until the end of June. Link to the current version: Dr. Gabriel Ledezma-Sanchez joins the Executive Board. During the regular elections, Ledezma, a longterm resident of Wilhelmsfeld (BW), was elected as a new Deputy Chairman with responsibility for “Cooperation and Fundraising”. Many thanks to Matija Vilfan, EMAS Regional Director, for establishing the contact! Leaders Manual updated. Following the 25th AGM, the Leaders Manual now contains the Fee Schedule 2015 and the call for submissions for the Operator Prize 2015. Margaret Horb now a member of the Advisory Board. This is the first time a Member of the German Parliament has become a member of the German Award Association and its Advisory Board. A native of Osterburken, the financial expert had already paid a visit to the Alte Bahnmeisterei during Summer School 2014. Impressum Unter dem Motto „Du kannst mehr als du glaubst!“ trägt das Programm über Anbieter wie Schulen, Gruppen, Heime und Unternehmen zur Persönlichkeitsbildung junger Menschen bei. Der Rundbrief wird auf Grundlage des Magazins NETZWERK ( herausgegeben. Er kann über heruntergeladen werden. Details zu Terminen finden sich im Online-Kalender, www. Redaktion und verantwortlich im Sinne des Presserechts: Klaus Vogel, Adelsheimer Str. 19, 74706 Osterburken, [email protected]. © 2015 Das Internationale Jugendprogramm in Deutschland e.V. No 1/2015 Annual Report 2014 available. As in previous years, the report of the Chairman to the General Assembly was also published as a 2-page summary. The full report will be published in the form of the Yearbook 2014 once the Annual reports of the Operating Authorities have been analysed. Market Place Updates • Handbuch, Bd. 2, 5. Aufl.: e10, 27.01.2015; • Helferblätter: Version 4.1, 22.01.2015; • Jahresbericht: Version 1.0, 28.02.2015; • Leitermappe: Version 5.3.1, 02.03.2015; • Toolbox: Version 2.0, 29.03.2015; • Vereinsmappe: Version 2.2.1, 01.03.2015. Upcoming Events (subject to change) • PC 4/2015: 08.05. – 10.05.2015, Osterburken; • MC 1/2015: 08.05. – 10.05.2015, Osterburken; • GAC 1/2015: 25.05. – 29.05.2015, Osterburken. Circular for Award Operators
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