ISEGA - ForschungsOtfenllich bestellter und vereidrgter Sachverstandiger fur Verpackungsmatenalien. Boden- und Luftanalys€n und UntersuchungsGesellschaft mbH Aschaffenburg =tnr rEr ISEEIFT DR. RALPH DERRA 63704 Aschaffenburg, Postfach 1 00565 63741 Aschaffenburg, Zeppelinstr. 3-5 Germany Telefon +49 (0) 60 21 / 49 89-0 Telefax +49 (0) 60 21 / 49 89-30 E-Mail: [email protected] http:/A,trww.isega. de 23 July 2014 Dr. Dr/hf-lo/kr UNBEDENKLICHKEITSERKLARUNG CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE CERTIFICAT DE CONFORMITE eingetragen registered no. 3O226 U 14 regist16 fUr Firma Messrs MM for pour Cascades S.A. - Usine de La Rochette Avenue Maurice-Franck _ Bp 1 13110 La Rochette France Produkt product Rochcoat Produit The product manufactured by the company mentioned above is a board grade which is used forfood packaging. It was examined by us according to the "Methoden zur Untersuchung von Papieren, Kartons und Pappen fur Lebensmittelverpackungen", Stand 2008, entsprechend der Vorschrift Nr. 80.56'in der Amgichen Sammlung von Untersuchungsverfahren nach $ 64 des Lebensmittel- und Futtermittelgesetzbuchsl LFGB, ("Methods for testing papers and bo_ards for food packaging", state of 2008, corresponding to the method no. 80.56 within the Official Collection of teit Methods according to Oe oi S the Foodstuffs and Animal Feed Code - LFGB), -2Geschdftsfiihrer: Dr. Ratph Derra . Handdsregister^HRB Oie Vordnlnllic,lung von ErgebnB8€n msrerArbeits b.durrm . ,6h auszugswais - ffi.rer rchrittlichff 3329 und Gulacht.n rffie Gsmlheung Erl0lllJngsffl und GaridrtsstandAschltenburg die \&n'endung t(]r (t natts Werbezwocka l;H::l'nt"rrnrr.,u,," D-pt_14160-Ol{1 D-pL-l4l6GO1-O2 O-ZE-1416O0I_OO Page 2 olthe document of 23 July 2ol4 ISEGA und Untersuchungs-G6sollschafr mbH Aschaffsnburg 38226 U 14 for the used raw matenals, fabrication additives and special paper finishing agents as well as for the release of Eubstances which might endanger health. Moreover, the heavy metals content was examined according to the Directive 94l62lEc of the European Parliament and of the council of 20 December 1994, 9n -pqclag]ng and packaging waste, Official Journal of the European Communities L 365110 of 3l December 1994, last amendment by the Directive zolgl2tEu of the commission of 7 February 2013, official Journal of the European Union L 37110 of g February 2013, as well as the release of heavy metals according to the DIN EN 71 , part 3 "Safety of Toys, Migration of Certain Elements,', state of July 2013. The board grade is in compliance with the rules of the Regulation (EC) No 1935/2004 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 October 20o4 on materials and articles intended to come into contact with food and repealing Directives 80/590/EEc and 89/109/EEc, officiat Journal ofthe European union L i38/4 of '13.11.2004, modified by app. no. 5.17 of the regutation (EC) No 596/2009 of 18 June 2009, Official Journal of the European Union L 188 of 1B July 2009, arlicle 3, as well as of the Lebensmittel-, Bedarfsgegenstende- und Futtermittelgesetzbuch (Lebensmittel- und Futtermittelgesetzbuch - LFGB) in der Fassung der Bekanntmachung vom 3. Juni 2013 (qcql: I Sr 1426), zuletzl geandert durch Artiket 4 Absatz 20 des Gesetzes vom 7. August 20'13 (BGBI. I S. 3154), SS 30 und 31, (Foodstuffs, consumer Goods and Animal Feed code (Foodstuffs and Animal Feed code - LFGB) in the version of lhe notification of 3 June 2013 (BGBI. p. M26), tast amendment by article 4 section 20 of the law of 7 August 20.13 (BGB|. I p. 3154), SS 30 and 3.1), and is approved according to the Deutsche Empfehlung XXXVI zur gesundhei ichen Beurteilung von Materialien und Gegenstenden fur den Lebensmittelkontakt im Rahmen des Lebensmittel- und Futtermittel- gesetzbuches, 34. Mitteilung, Bundesgesundheitsblatt 10, 14 (1967), einschlieglich 215. Mitteilung, Bundesgesundheitsblatt 56, 1017-1022 (2013), Stand vom 1.6.20.t3, (German Recommendation XXXVI for the health-related evaluation of materials and obiects for the contact with foodstuffs in the frame of the Foodstuffs and Animal Feed code, 34rh memorandum, Bundesgesundheitsblatt 10, 14 (1967), including the 215th m€morandum, Bundesgesundheitsblatt 56, 1017-1022 (2013), state of 1 June 2013), The demands of the Dlrective 94l62lEC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 20 December 1994, Communities L 365/10 of 31 December '1994, last amendment by the Directive 2O13l2lEU of the Commission of 7 February 2013, Official Journal of the European Union L 37110 of February on packaging and packaging waste, Official Journal of the European I 2013, -3- Page 3 ot the docurnent of 23 July 2014 ISEGA Forschunga- und Untersuchungs-Geselbchafi mbH Aschaffenburg 38226U 14 with regard to the heavy metal contents as well as of the DIN EN 71, parl3 "safety of Toys, Migration of Gertain Elements", state of July 2013, with regard to the release of heavy metals are mel by the board grade. Thus the !oa1d grade Rochcoat according to the sample material submitted may be used safely for food packaging. lt may stand in direct contact with dry and fatty foodstuffs. Furthermore, the uncoated reverse side may additionally come into direct contact with moist foodstuffs. This certificate of compliance has a validity of 2 years and consists of 4 pages. lt was subsequently modified on 24 July 2014. Peplct. Pettx (un3lstotleo. 6l 6"__qh' ,",-\*_# (Burkardt) Officially certified and authorized food chemist $ffi;t' The translation of the above stamps is given on page 4. La traduction des estampilles est donn6e en page 4. -4- Page 4 oflhe document of 23 Juty 2014 ISEGA Forschungs- und UnteBuchungs-Geseflschaft mbH Aschaffenburg 38226 U 14 0r, .ar. nsL ndph S,rfiv!Etlndi..r GEallldt ancrtanntar 68chvorsl0ndtgr, Odr. uur Unl€Gudlun0 dor Gogenprob€n von ilr Vorpackun0smlttotn aus paplsr, psppo, Vtlprtuiqr'nriztrrt.i Kumtstoffon, Glss, Woi8btodr und $n8llosn M6tallvorpEckungen sut thr3 labanrmltt€lrodltlldta Unb€d6nklldtIeI Dr. Ralph Derra Authorized expert for the analyses of packaging materials, attested by the Aschaffenburg Chamber of lndustry and Commerce. Expert aulorise pour l'analyse des mat6- riaux d'emballage, assermente par la Chambre d'lnduskie et de Commerce d'Aschaffenburg. p:q State registered expert for the analysis of contrasting samples of packaging materials of paper, board, plastics, glass, tin plate and other metallic packaging materials as to their suitability for use with foodstuffs. Expert public pour l'etude du control des contre-6chantillons d'emballages de papier, cartons, plastiques, verre, fer-blanc et d'autres emballages metalliques concernant leur conformit6 alimentaire. . r!$rutirtdto.llr&ll.rttnrr rt,'t',re \ ' q[ ].S ffi Dr. Ralph Derra Authorized expert for the analyses of soil and air, attested by the Aschaffenburg Chamber of lndustry and Commerce. Expert autorise pour l'analyse du sol et de l'air, asserment6 Chambre d'lndushie et de Commerce d'Aschaffen- par la burg. Die Rircklagen des untersuchten Materials werden bei der Gutachterstelle verwahrt. A file sample of the tested material is kept at the expert's office. R6serve du material analys6 est gard6e au bureau de l'exp ISEGA - Forschungs- und UntersuchungsGesellschaft mbH DR. RALPH DERRA Ofrenllrch bestelller und veredtgter Sachverst;lndiger fur Verpackungs- materlalien. Boden- und Luftanalysen Asc haffen bu rg =,rx IIUT ISEEiFT 63704 Aschaffenburg, Postfach 100565 63741 Aschaffenburg, Zeppelinstr. 3-5 Germany Telefon +49 (0) 60 21 149 89-0 Telefax +49 (0) 60 21 / 49 89-30 E-Mail: [email protected] 13 April 2015 Dr. Drlho-hoe/kr UNBEDEN KLICH KEITSERKLARUNG CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE CERTIFICAT DE CONFORMlTE eingetragen registered no. 39821 U 15 registrO f0r Firma for Messrs pour MM Produkt Product Produit Cascades S.A.S. - Usine de La Rochette Avenue Maurice-Franck - BP 1 73110 La Rochette France Rochblanc The product manufactured by the company mentioned above is a board grade which is used for food packaging. It was examined by us according to the "Methoden zur Untersuchung von Papieren, Kartons und Pappen fur Lebensmittelverpackungen", Stand 2008, entsprechend der Vorschrift Nr. 80.56'in der Amgichen Sammlung von _Untersuchungsverfahren nach $ 64 des Lebensmittel- und Futtermittelgesetzbuchs LFGB, ("Methods for testing papers and boards for food packaging", state of 2008, corresponding to the method no. 80.56 within the Official Collection of leit Methods according to g 6a o:f the Foodstuffs and Animat Feed Code - LFGB), -2{i lt onxrs Geschafisrilhrer: Dr. Ralph Deffa - Handelsregrster HRB 3329 Ole VH6llentllchuno vm Ergetni!s€n uns€rer Arb€ilen wld Gul,achl€n sw€ bedairrm - arch auszugswoiao - unserer Eckiltlrchen GamhmEu^O Erlolluogsdt qd Gerichlssled As€trarrsrbug dre VeMendung lur Wsbezwecko oeutschc AtkrcditierunBsstelle D-Pr..14160"01.01 o-Pt-14 160-O1-O2 o-z[-14 16GO1-00 Page 2 of the document o, 1 3 April 20 1 5 ISEGA Forschungs- und Untersuchungs-Gesellschaft mbH Aschaffenburg 39821 U 15 for the used raw materials, fabrication additives and special paper finishing agents as well as for the release of substances which might endanger health. Furthermore, the release of heavy metals was examined according to the DIN EN 71, parl3 "Safety of Toys, Migration of Certain Elements", state of July 2013, and the heavy metal contents according to the requirements of the Model Toxics Legislation as developed by the Source Reduction Council of CONEG of December 14, 1989, last modification of December 2008, as well as according to the Directive 94l62lEC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 20 December 1gg4, Communities L 365/10 of 31 December 1994, last amendment by the Directive 2O13t2tEU of the Commission of 7 February 2013, Official Journal of the European Union L 37110 of February 2013. on packaging and packaging waste, Official Journal of the European I The board grade is in compliance with the rules of the Regulation (EC) No 1935120A4 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 October 2AA4 on materials and articles intended to come into contact with food and repealing Directives 80/590/EEC and 89/109iEEC, Official Journal of the European Union L 338/4 of 13.11.2004, modified by app. no. 5.17 of the regulation (EC) No 59612009 of 18 June 2009, officialJournalof the European union L 188 of 1B July 2009, article 3, as well as of the Lebensmittel-, Bedarfsgegenstdnde- und Futtermittelgesetzbuch (Lebensmittel- und Futtermittelgesetzbuch - LFGB) in der Fassung der Bekanntmachung vom 3. Juni 2013 (BGBI. I S. 1426), zuletzt gedndert durch Artikel 2 des Gesetzes vom 5, Dezember 2014 (BGBI. lS. 1975), SS 30 und 31, (Foodstuffs, Consumer Goods and Animal Feed Code (Foodstuffs and Animal Feed Code - LFGB) in the version of the notification of 3 June 2013 (BGBl. p. 1426l,last amendment by article 2 of the law of 5 December 2014 (BGB|. I p. 1975), SS 30 and 31), and is approved according to the Deutsche Empfehlung XXXVI zur gesundheitlichen Beurteilung von Materialien und Gegenstdnden fOr den Lebensmittelkontakt im Rahmen des Lebensmittel- und Futtermittelgesetzbuches, 34. Mitteilung, Bundesgesundheitsblatt 10, 14 (1967), einschlieBlich 217. Mitteilung, Bundesgesundheitsblatt 57, 1350-1351 (2014), Stand vom 01 .10.zAM, (German Recommendation XXXVI for the health-related evaluation of materials and objects for the contact with foodstuffs in the frame of the Foodstuffs and Animal Feed Code, 34'h memorandum, Bundesgesundheitsblatt 10, 14 (1967), including the 217th memorandum, Bundesgesundheitsblatt 57, 1350-1351 (2014), state of 1 October 2014). -3- Page 3 of the docum€nt of 1 3 April 201 5 ISEGA Forschungs- und Untersuchungs-Gesellschaft mbH Aschafrenburg 39821 U 15 Furthermore the board grade is in compliance with the DIN EN 71, parl3 "Safety of Toys, Migration of Certain Elements", state of July 2013, regarding the release of heavy metals as well as with the Model Toxics Legislation as developed by the Source Reduction Council of CONEG of December 14, 1989, last modification of December 2008, and with the Directive 94l62lEC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 20 December 1994, Communities L 365/10 of 31 December 1994, last amendment by the Directive 2013l2lEU of the Commission of 7 February 2013, Official Journal of the European Union L 37110 of 8 February on packaging and packaging waste, Official Journal of the European 2413, conceming the heavy metals content. Thus the board grade Rochblanc according to the sample material submitted may be used safely for food packaging. lt may stand in direct contact with dry, moist and fatty foodstuffs. This certificate of compliance has a validily of 2 years and consists of 4 pages. #!nttll1, {t ''r' ' 'i 'en'l$i alsppf. l!j;i:-t,,; ' ':i 'at*tl*rf)il Itii ' a,l (Burkardt) Officially certified and authorized food chemist tffi\ "G;t" *'S t:i-\*-,*.#' The translation of the above stamps is given on page 4. La traduction des estampilles est donn6e en page 4. -4- Page 4 of the document of 1 3 April 201 5 ISEGA Forschungs- und Untersuchungs-Gesellschaft mbH Aschafienburg 39821 U 15 Dr. Ctactlldt ru, nrt. Ralph Dcrra Srctvrrstlndiolr afl efi anntor S8dtvsr$tend[lr zor Unlersudtung dor Gogonprobon von Vopackungsmltteln aus pnpier. pappo. iir Vrrpaclun grmeitriolirn Kunstslollsn, Glss. Wel0bledr und .oncllgen Metall'rorpact<ungen aut lhra trDrnrm lttelrech tllfi 6 U nbaden klldrkelt Dr. Ralph Derra Authorized expert for the analyses of packaging materials, attested by the Aschaffenburg Chamber of lndustry and Commerce. Expert autoris6 pour l'analyse des mat6- riaux d'emballage, assermente par Chambre d'lndustrie et de State registered expert for the analysis of contrasting samples of packaging materials of paper, board, plastics, glass, tin plate and other metallic packaging materials as to their suitability for use with foodstuffs. la Commerce d'Aschaffenburg. Expert public pour l'6tude du control des contre-Echantillons d'emballages de papier, cartons, plastiques, verre, fer-blanc et d'autres emballages m6talliques concernant leur conformit6 alimentaire. ffi Dr. Ralph Derra Authorized expert for the analyses of soil and air, attested by the Aschaffenburg Chamber of lndustry and Commerce. Expert autoris6 pour I'analyse du sol et de l'air, asserment6 par la Chambre d'lndustrie et de Commerce d'Aschaffenburg. Die RUcklagen des untersuchten Materials werden bei der Gutachterstelle verwahrt. A file sample of the tested material is kept at the expert's office. R6serve du mat6rial analys6 est gard6e au bureau de l'expert. ISEGA - ForschungsOllsnlllch bestelller und veredble, sachverslandiger fu. venackungsmatefl alien. Boden- und Lultanalysen und UntersuchungsGesellschaft mbH Aschaffenburg =Zx lxrr ISEEiFI DR. RALPH DERRA 63704 Aschaffenburg, Postfach 100565 63741 Ascharfenburg. Zeppelinstr 95 Germany Telefon +49 (O) 60 21 / 49 89-0 Telefax +49 (0) 60 21 / 49 89-30 E-Mail: [email protected] hltpj ,vww.isega de 1 3 April 2015 Dr. Dr/ho-hoe/kr U NBEDENKLIC HKEITSE RKLARUNG CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE CERTIFICAT DE CONFORMITE eingetragen registered no. registre filr Firma 39822 U 15 for Messrs pour MM Cascades S.A.S. - Usine de La Rochette Avenue Maurice-Franck - BP 1 73110 La Rochette France Produkt Product Produit Rochcoat Blanc The product manufactured by the company mentioned above is a board grade which is used for food packaging. It was examined by us according to the "Methoden zur Untersuchung von Papieren, Kartons und Pappen fur Lebensmittelverpackungen", Stand 2008, entsprechend der Vorschrift Nr. 80.56 in der Amtlichen Sammlung von Untersuchungsverfahren nach S 64 des Lebensmittel- und FuttermiltelgeseEbuchs LFGB, ("Methods for testing papers and boards for food packaging", state of 2008, corresponding to the method no. 80.56 within the Oflicial Collection of Test Methods according to g 64 of the Foodstuffs and Animal Feed Code - LFGB), -2GoscMilsliihrer: Dr DE llrdl,n[.hute vd ErgenxrE^ u.3d.. &t 6 ud Gur&hl.^ 3tu. trdid.n - edr lirr nnrrs o.u..tro Ralph D€rra - Handalsrcgisler HRB 3329 .ug6u€i3. - un..r.r 3.rnilldDn Goretwo(ro E,lallutoen ud G.ric rsr.nd^lch.n nbuo de v.MndrE lr trr.,bez*.L alkr.drdlrqnt*t.ll. o-P(-14160 01'01 0.P1.14150.01.02 [email protected] Page 2 of the document of 1 3 April 201 5 ISEGA Forschungs- und Untersuchungs-Gesellschaft mbH Aschaffenburg 39822 U '15 for the used raw materials, fabrication additives and special paper finishing agents as well as for the release of substances which might endanger health. Furthermore, the release of heavy metals was examined according to the DIN EN 71, part 3 "Safety of Toys, Migration of Certain Elements", state of July 2013, and the heavy metal contents according to the requirements of the Model Toxics Legislation as developed by the Source Reduction Councit of CONEG of December 14, 1989, last modification of December 2008, as well as according to the Directive 94l62lEC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 20 December 1gg4, Communities L 365/10 of 31 December 1994, last amendment by the Directive 2O13t2tEU of the Commission of 7 February 2013, Official Journal of the European Union L 37110 of 8 February 2013 on packaging and packaging waste, Official Journal of the European The board grade is in compliance with the rules of the Regulation (EC) No 193512004 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 October 2004 on materials and articles intended to come into contact with food and repealing Directives 80/590/EEC and 89/109/EEC, Official Journal of the European Union L 338/4 of 13.11.2004, modified by app. no. 5.17 of the regulation (EC) No 596/2009 of 18 June 2009, OfficialJournalof the European Union L 188 of 18 July 2009, article 3, as well as of the Lebensmittel-, Bedarfsgegenstdnde- und Futtermittelgesetzbuch (Lebensmittel- und Futtermittelgesetzbuch - LFGB) in der Fassung der Bekanntmachung vom 3. Juni 2013 (BGBI. I S. 1426), zuletzt gedndert durch Artikel 2 des Gesetzes vom 5. Dezember 2014 (BGBI. I S. 1975), SS 30 und 31, (Foodstuffs, Consumer Goods and Animal Feed Code (Foodstuffs and Animal Feed Code - LFGB) in the version of the notification of 3 June 2013 (BGBI. p. 1426),last amendment by article 2 of the law of 5 December 2014 (BGBI, I p. 1975), gg 30 and 31), and is approved according to the Deutsche Empfehlung XXXVI zur gesundheitlichen Beurteilung von Materialien und Gegenstdnden fUr den Lebensmittelkontakt im Rahmen des Lebensmittel- und Futtermittelgesetzbuches, 34. Mitteilung, Bundesgesundheitsblatt 10, 14 (1967), einschlieRlich 217. Mitteilung, Bundesgesundheitsblatt 57, 1350-1351 (zAM), Stand vom 01 .1A.2014, (German Recommendation XXXVI for the health-related evaluation of materials and objects for the contact with foodstuffs in the frame of the Foodstuffs and Animal Feed Code, 34'h memorandum, Bundesgesundheitsblatt 10, 14 (1967), including the 217h memorandum, Bundesgesundheitsblatt 57, 1350-1351 (2014), state of 1 October 2014), -3- Page 3 of the document of 1 3 April 201 5 ISEGA Forschungs- und Untersuchunge-Geeellschai mbH Aechafenburg 39822U 15 Furthermore the board grade is in compliance with the DIN EN 71 , parl3 "Safety of Toys, Migration of Certain Elements", state of July 2013, regarding the release of heavy metals as well as with the Model Toxics Legislation as developed by the Source Reduction Council of CONEG of December 14, 1989, last modification of December 2008, and with the Directive 94l62lEC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 20 December 1994, Communities L 365/10 of 31 December 1994, last amendment by the Directive 2013l2lEU of the Commission of 7 February 2013, Official Journal of the European Union L 37110 of 8 February on packaging and packaging waste, Official Journal of the European 2013, concerning the heavy metals content. Thus the board grade Rochcoat Blanc according to the sample material submitted may be used safely for food packaging. lt may stand in direct contact with dry, moist and fatty foodstuffs. This certificate of compliance has a validity of 2 years and consists of 4 pages. altllll.f' l,:r 1," ltrd' '.;ll arlii !rirrjr:: l..l,.i loffi,t,rltctri il ,t (Burkardt) Officially certified and authorized food chemist r}l .5 i7 ht r{ lri '-;Lr. k, The translation of the above stamps is given on page 4. La traduction des estampilles est donn6e en page 4. -4- Page 4 of th6 documont of I3 April 201 5 ISEGA Forschungs- und Untersuchungs-Gesellschaft mbH Aschaflenburg 39822 U 15 DL rcr. nat Ralph !ftlttlldt Derra anorfi Ennlor S8drverslAndlgrrr rur UnlorsudtUno dor Gogonprobon von SrchtrrsUndiocr ii, Vrrpaclungrmoftrirticn Vorpackungsmlttetn aus Papler, p8ppo. Kumtstolten, Glas, Wel0bloctr und .onsllgsn Metallrorpadrungen sul thro bbcnrmlttslrechttido U nbodenkllCrkell Dr. Ralph Derra Authorized expert for the analyses of packaging materials, attested by the Aschaffenburg Chamber of lndustry and Commerce. Expert autoris6 pour l'analyse des mat6- riaux d'emballage, asserment6 par Chambre d'lndustrie State registered expert for the analysis of contrasting samples of packaging materials of paper, board, plastics, glass, tin plate and other metallic packaging materials as to their suitability for use with foodstuffs. la et de Commerce d'Aschaffenburg. ffi Expert public pour l'6tude du control des contre-dchantillons d'emballages de papier, cartons, plastiques, verre, fer-blanc et d'autres emballages m6talliques concernant leur conformit6 alimentaire. fuw Dr. Ralph Derra Authorized expert for the analyses of soil and air, attested by the Aschaffenburg Chamber of lndustry and Commerce. Expert autorise pour l'analyse du sol et de l'air, assermente par la Chambre d'lndustrie et de Commerce d'Aschaffenburg. Die R0cklagen des untersuchten Materials werden beider Gutachterstelle verwahrt A file sample of the tested material is kept at the expert's office. R6serve du mat6rial analys6 est gard6e au bureau de l'expert. ISEGA - ForschungsOtlenthch bestelller und vereidtqter SachversBndiger rur Verpackungsmaterialien. Boden- und Lurtanalysen und UntersuchungsGesellschaft mbH Aschaffenburg =ZII IEZ IEiEEIFI DR. RALPH DERRA 63704 Aschaffenburg, 63741 Aschaffenburg, Germany Telefon +a9 (0) 60 21 Telefax +49 (0) 60 21 E-Mail: [email protected] http://www.isega de Postfach 1 00565 Zeppelinstr. 3-5 / 49 B9-O t49 89-30 13 April 2015 Dr. Dr/ho-hoe/kr U N BEDENKLICH KE ITSE R KLARUNG CERTIFICATE OF COMPL]ANCE CERTIFICAT DE CONFORMITE eingetragen registered registr6 no. Firma Messrs Pour MM fUr for 39823 U 15 Cascades S.A.S. - Usine de La Rochette Avenue Maurice-Franck - Bp 1 73110 La Rochette France Produkt Product Rochfreeze Produit The produc't manufiactured by the company mentioned above is a board grade which is used for food packaging. It was examined by us according to the "Methoden zur Untersuchung von Papieren, Kartons und Pappen fur Lebensmittelverpackungen", Stand 2008, entsprechend der Vorschrift Nr. 80.56 in der Amilichen Sammlung von Untersuchungsverfahren nach $ 64 des Lebensmittel- und Futtermittelgesetzbuchs LFGB, ("Methods for testing papers and boards for food packaging", state of 2008, corresponding to the method no. 80.56 within the Official Collection of Test Methods according to g 64 oi the Foodstuffs and Animal Feed Code - LFGB), -2(i Gesche{sfiihrer: Dr. Ratph Derra - Hsndolsregister HRB 3329 OE \,adfenlliclrho von Erg€bnisss uNts Arb€itm und Gdachtsn badu.fs - &ch eusrug3urait - un6€ttr sclrittlchgn Ed0llrngstrt und Gericfit3glend Aschrtl€rbu,O rma Gemhm€69 de VEryendung lur rr nnn s Werbezw€cka lil,tiil'0"",rnrrr,",," O-pf- tlt6O.Oi-Of O-pL.14l6O.Ol-02 O,Zt-l4l6GO1.OO Page 2 o, lhe documont of 13 Apdl 2015 ISEGA FoBchungs- und mbH Aschancnburg 39823 U 15 for the used raw materials, fabrication additives and special paper finishing agenls as well as for the release of subatances which might endanger health. Furthermore, the telease of heavy metals was examined according to the DIN EN 71, part 3 "Safety of Toys, Migration of Cerlain Elements", state of July 2013, and lhe heavy metal contents according to the requirements of the Model Toxics Legislation as developed by the Source Reduction Council of CONEG of December 14, 1989, last modification of December 2008, as well as according to the Directive 94l62lEC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 20 December 1994, Communities L 365/10 of 31 December 1994, last amendment by the Directive 2013l2lEU of the Commission of 7 February 2013, Official Journal of the European Union L 37l't0 of February on packaging and packaging waste, Official Journal of the European 2013. I The board grade is in compliance with the rules of the Regulation (EC) No 1935/2004 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 October 2004 on materials and articles intended to come into contact with food and repealing Directives 80/590/EEC and 89/109/EEC, Official Journal ofthe European Union L 338/4 of 13.'11.2004, modified by app. no. 5.17 of lhe regulation (EC) No 596/2009 of 18 June 2009, Official Journal of the European Union L 188 of 18 July 2009, article 3, as well as of the Lebensmittel-, Bedarfsgegenstande- und Futtermittelgesetzbuch (Lebensmittel- und Fut. termlttelgesetzbuch - LFGB) in der Fassung der Bekanntmachung vom 3. Juni 2013 (BGBI. I S. 1426), zulelA geendert durch Artikel 2 des Gesetres vom 5. Dezember 2014 (BGBI. lS. 1975), SS 30 und 31, (Foodstuffs, Consumer Goods and Animal Feed Code (Foodstuffs and Animal Feed Code - LFGB) in the version of the notification of 3 June 2013 (BGBI. p. 1426),last am€ndment by article 2 of the law of5 December 2014 (BGBI. I p. 1975), SS 30 and 31), and is approved according to the Deutsche Empfehlung XXXVI zur gesundheitlichen Beurteilung von Materialien und Gegenstdnden ftJr den Lebensmittelkontakt im Rahmen des Lebensmitlel- und Futtermittel- geselzbuches, 34. Mitteilung, Bundesgesundheitsblatt 10, 14 (1967), einschliefSlich 2'17. Mitteilung, Bundesgesundheitsblatt 57, 1350-1351 (2014), Stand vom 01.10.2014, (German Recommendation XXXVI for the health-related evaluation of materaals and objects for the contact with foodstuffs in the frame of the Foodstuffs and Animal Feed Code, 34rh memorandum, Bundesgesundheitsblatt 10, 14 (1967), including the 217h memorandum, Bundesgesundheitsblatt 57, 1350-1351 (2014), state of 1 October 2014). -3- Page 3 of the document of I3 April 201 5 ISECIA Forschungs- und Untersuchunga-Gosolllcfiaft mbH A3chaff€nburg 39823 U 15 Furthermore the board grade is in compliance with the DIN EN 71, part 3 "safety of Toys, Migration of Certain Elements", state of July 2013, regarding the release of heavy metals as well as with the Model Toxics Legislation as developed by the Source Reduction Council of CONEG of December 14, 1989, last modification of December 2009, and with the Directive 94l62lEC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 20 December 19g4, Communities L 365/10 of 31 December 1994, last amendment by the Directive 2olbtztEU of the Commission ol 7 February 2013, Official Journal of the European Union L ATIIO of 8 February on packaging and packaging waste, Official Journal of the European 2013, concerning the heavy metals content. Thus the board grade Rochfreeze according to the sample material submitted may be used safely for food packaging. lt may stand in direct contact with dry, moist and fatty foodstuffs. This certificate of compliance has a validity of 2 years and consists of 4 pages. RalFh 0ef ri-EB+ \q )j (Burkardt) Officially certified and authorized food chemist :rs * .=*4 '*-"*{', '_-^{ The translation of the above stamps is given on page 4. La traduction des estampilles est donn6e en page 4. -4- Page4ofthedocumontof 13April201S ISEGA Forschungs- und Unlersuchungs-Gesellschaft mbH Aschaffenburg 39823 U 15 Dr. rer. Otstll& anBrkanntor Ssdtvorst0ndlgirr Unlersudlung <Jor Gegenprobon von Vorpackungsmltteln aue papler, pappe, nat Ralph Dcro Anr Sachwrthrdiacr frir Vcrprchuoo:mcirdrtitn Kunststollon, Cltas. Wsl0blodr und roncllgen Motallr/orpadqn0en aut lhre bbrnamlttolre& tll&s U nbedrntrldrkett Dr. Ralph Derra Authorized expert for the analyses of packaging materials, attested by the Aschaffenburg Chamber of lndustry and Commerce. Expert autorisd pour l'analyse des mat6- riaux d'emballage, asserment6 par Chambre d'lndustrie State registered expert for the analysis of contrasting samples of packaging materials of paper, board, plastics, glass, tin plate and other metallic packaging materials as to their suitability for use with foodstuffs. la et de Commerce d'Aschaffenburg. Expert public pour l'6tude du control des contre-6chantillons d'emballages de papier, cartons, plastiques, verre, fer-blanc et d'autres emballages m6talliques concernant leur conformit6 alimentaire. . /trturtnru.uut&l*snmcr\' ltch.llulburc ls ^. I wp Dr. Ralph Derra Authorized expert for the analyses of soil and air, attested by the Aschaffenburg Chamber of lndustry and Commerce. Expert autorisri pour l'analyse du sol et de I'air, asserment6 par la Chambre d'lndustrie et de Commerce d'Aschaffenburg. Die RUcklagen des untersuchten Materials werden bei der Gutachterstelle verwahrt. A file sample of the tested material is kept at the expert's office. R6serve du matdrial analys6 est gard6e au bureau de I'expert. ISEGA - Forschungsotfentlich bestellter und veredaglet Sachverstandiger fur Verpackungsmaterialien. Boden- und Luftanalysen und UntersuchungsGesellschaft mbH Aschaffenburg =Zf, rxz IEiEEiFI DR. RALPH DERRA 63704 Aschaffenburg, Postfach 1 00565 63741 Aschaffenburg, Zeppelinstr. 3-5 Germany Telefon +49 (0) 60 21 / 49 89-0 Telefax +49 (0) 60 21 / 49 89-30 E-Mail: [email protected] 13 April 2015 Dr. Dr/ho-hoe/kr U NBEDEN KLICH KEITSERKLARUNG CERTIFlCATE OF COMPLIANCE CERTIFICAT DE CONFORMITE eingetragen registered no registr6 fOr Firma 39819 U 15 for Messrs pour MM Cascades S.A.S. - Usine de La Rochette Avenue Maurice-Franck - BP 1 73110 La Rochette France Produkt Product Produit Rochperle The product manufactured by the company mentioned above is a board grade which is used for food packaging. It was examined by us according to the "Methoden zur Untersuchung von Papieren, Kartons und Pappen fUr Lebensmittelverpackungen", Stand 2008, entsprechend der Vorschrift Nr. 80.56 in der Amtlichen Sammlung von Untersuchungsverfahren nach $ 64 des Lebensmittel- und Futtermittelgesetzbuchs LFGB, ("Methods for testing papers and boards for food packaging", state of 2008, corresponding to the method no. 80.56 within the Official Collection of Test Methods according to g 64 of the Foodstuffs and Animal Feed Code - LFGB), -2,, II DAKKS r1 Geschdftsf0hrer: Dr. Ralph Derra - Handelsregister HRB 3329 Ois \rbrotfenllich$g vm Erg€b,risss mser6Arbeiten und Gulachten swE dE VeMrtdsg bodurtan - &ch ausagsw€iss - qserer sch.ifllichen Gemhmigung E.l0llu.E8qt urd Gerichtr3tsnd Aschafdburg tur Werbeil€cke oeutsche Akkrediti..ungsstell6 o-Pt- 14160.01-01 B.Pr-1415G01-02 D-Zr-14 1600r-00 Page 2 of the document of 13 April 2015 ISEGA Forechungs- und Untersuchungs-cesellschaft mbH Aschaffenburg 39819 U 1 5 for the used raw materials, fabrication addilives and special paper finishing agents as well as for the release of substances which might endanger health. Furthermore, the release of heavy metals was examined according to the DIN EN 71 , part 3 "Safety of Toys, Migration of Certain Elements,,, state of July 2013, and the heavy metal contents according lo the requirements of the Model roxics Legislation as developed by the source Reduction council of coNEG of December 14, 1S89, last modification of December 2008, as well as according to the Directive 94l62lEc of the European parliament and ofthe council of20 December 1994, paclaglng packaging and waste, Official Journal of the European Communities 9n L 365/10 of 31 December 1994, last amendment by the Directive 2ofinEu of the commission of 7 February 2013, official Journal of the European union L 37/10 of g February 2013 The board grade is in compliance with the rules of the Regulation (Ec) No 1935/2004 of the European partiament and of the council of 27 october 2004 on materials and articles intended to come into conlact with food and repealing Directives 801590/EEc and 89/10g/EEC, official Journat of the European union L i3g/4 of 13.11.2004, modified by app, no. 5.17 of the regutation (EC) No 596/2009 of 1B June 2009, Official Journal ofthe European Union L 188 of 18 July 2009, article 3, as well as of the Lebensmittel, Bedarfsgegenstende- und Futtermittelgesetzbuch (Lebensmittel- und Futtermittelgesetzbuch - LFGB) in der Fassung der Bekanntmachung vom 3. Juni 2013 (BGBI. I S. 1426), zulelzl geendert durch Artikel 2 des Gesetzes vom 5. Dezember 2014 (BGBL I S. 1975), SS 30 und 31, (Foodstuffs, consumer Goods and Animal Feed code (Foodstuffs and Animal Feed code - LFGB) in the vers,on of the notification of 3 June 2013 (BGBI. p. 1426),last amendmenl by article 2 of the law of 5 December 2014 (BGBI. I p. 1975), SS 30 and 31), and is approved according to the Deutsche Empfehlung XXXVI zur gesundheitlichen Beu(eilung von Materialien und Gefilr den Lebensmittelkontakt im Rahmen des Lebensmittel- und Futtermittelgesetzbuches, 34. Mitteilung, Bundesgesundheitsblatt 10, 14 (1961), einschlieBlich 217. Mitteilung, Bundesgesundheitsbtatt 57, 1350-1351 (2014), Stand vom 01.10,2014, genstenden (German Recommendation xxxvl for the health-related evaluation of materials and objects for the contact with foodstuffs in the frame of the Foodstuffs and Animal Feed code, 34rh memorandum, Bundesgesundheitsblatt 10, 14 (1967), including the 217ti memorandum, Bundesgesundheitsblatt 57, 1350-'1351 (2014), state of 1 October 2014). -3- Page 3 of the document of I3 April 201 5 ISEGA Forschungs- und Untersuchungs-Gesellschafi mbH Aschaffenburg 39819 U 15 Furthermore the board grade is in compliance with the DIN EN 71, parl3 "safety of Toys, Migration of Certain Elements", state of July 2013, regarding the release of heavy metals as well as with the Mode! Toxics Legislation as developed by the Source Reduction Council of CONEG of December 14, 1989, last modification of December 200g, and with the Directive 94l62lEC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 20 December 1994, Communities L 365/10 of 31 December 1994, last amendment by the Directive 2O1il2tEU of the Commission of 7 February 2013, Official Journal of the European Union L3Zt1O of 8 February 2413, on packaging and packaging waste, Official Journal of the European concerning the heavy metals content. Thus the board grade Rochperle according to the sample material submitted may be used safely for food packaging. lt may stand in direct contact with dry, moist and fatty foodstuffs. This certificate of compliance has a validity of 2 years and consists of 4 pages. {l1v*r tlllfi(tltP Ilta).r.JenilaC,lIaA ,$s% ff t (Burkardt) Officially certified and authorized food chemist c"rElkd 't,f q l$* r, :i$ 15f L,-lti+t.reranr,tC , rcrltr *V. J '\h.{,f The translation of the above stamps is given on page 4. La traduction des estampilles est donn6e en page 4. -4- Pagq 4 of lhe documsnt of 13 Ap.tl2ols ISEGA Fo.schungs- und UntGrsuchungs-Goseflsch8fl mbH Aschatt€nburp 3S819 U 15 0r tuailld,| rncrlcnrtcr E8dlvorstenOhltr rc.. naL nalph Dcr6 zur Unlsrsudluno dor Ge0onp.ob6n von Vorpackung3mlttetn au8 paplgl, psppo, Ku[8t3tolfsn, Glaa, Wotgblodl und tonEllgon Mohll'/tsrpsdrung€n oul thrc S.drvttrlll|dir. nl Vcry.clnq.n.i{rtrti!,| labafltmlttglrodttlldto lJnb6d6nk dtk.I Dr. Ralph Dena Authorized expert for the analyses of packaging materials, attested by the Aschaffenburg Chamber of lndustry and Commerce. Expert autorise pour l'analyse des mate- riaux d'emballage, assermente par Chambre d'lndustrie et de State registered expert for the analysis of conlrasting samples of packaging materials of paper, board, plastics, glass, tin plate and other metallic packaging materials as to their suitability for use with foodstuffs. la Commerce d'Aschaffenburg. p#b Expert public pour l'6tude du control des contre-echantillons d'emballages de papier, cartons, plastiques, verre, fer-blanc et d'autres emballages m6talliques concernant leur conformit6 alimentaire. ffi u xriot*atnt' 1 ' . I/ r,ortlrrr.,lllnlxro Ib Dr. Ralph Derra Authorized expert for the analyses of soil and air, attested by the Aschaffenburg Chamber of Industry and Commerce. Expert autorise pour l'analyse du sol el de l'air, asserment6 par la Chambre d'lndustrie et de Commerce d'Aschaffenburg. Die R0cklagen des untersuchten Materials werden bei der Gutachterstelle venrvahrt. A file sample of the tested material is kept at the expert's office- R6serve du mat6rial analys6 est gardee au bureau de I'expert. ISEGA - ForschungsOffenllich bestellter und vereidtgter Sachverstandiger [Ur Verpackungsmatefl alien, Boden- und Luftanalysen und UntersuchungsGesellschaft mbH Aschaffenburg =Zf, IIUT ISEEiFI DR. RALPH DERRA 63704 Aschaffenburg, Postfach 100565 63741 Aschaffenburg, Zeppelinstr. 3-5 Germany Telefon +49 (0) 60 21 / 49 8g-0 Telefax +49 (0) 60 21 / 49 89-30 E-Mail: info@isega de http://www isega de 13 April 2015 Dr. Dr/ho-hoe/kr UNBEDENKLICH KEITSERKLARUNG CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE CERTIFICAT DE CONFORMITE eingetragen registered no 39820 U 15 regist16 for Messrs pour MM Cascades S.A.S. - Usine de La Rochette Avenue Maurice-Franck - BP 1 73110 La Rochette France Produkt Product Produit Rochperle Premium fUr Firma The product manufactured by the company mentioned above is a board grade which is used for food packaging. It was examined by us according to the "Methoden zur Untersuchung von Papieren, Kartons und Pappen fOr Lebensmittelverpackungen", Stand 2008, entsprechend der Vorschrift Nr. 80.56 in der Amtlichen Sammlung von Untersuchungsverfahren nach $ 64 des Lebensmittel- und Futtermittelgesetzbuchs LFGB, ("Methods for testing papers and boards for food packaging", state of 2008, corresponding to the method no. 80.56 within the Official Collection of Test Methods according to $ 64 of the Foodstuffs and Animal Feed Code - LFGB), -2DAKKS Geschiftsf0hrer: Dr. Ralph Derra - Handelsregister HRB 3329 Dio V€rotlenllichung vtr ErgsbnBssn unsers Arbsiton und Gutachten sowe drs bodorten . auch euizuosr€ira - unsfiGr rchflltlichan Ganohmrgug Edirllung3ill und Grrichlsstand Aschsttmburo Wffiduog lff Werbee€cks Deuttche AlkrcdltlerunB3stelle o.Pt. 14160-0r.01 0.PL-14160-01.02 o.z€[email protected] Page 2 oftha document of 13 April 2015 ISEGA Forschungs- und Untersuchungs-Gesefischaft mbH Aschaffenburg 39820 U 15 for the used raw materials, fabrication additives and special paper finishing agents as well as for the release of substances which might endanger health, Furthermore, the release of heavy metals was examined according to the DIN EN 71, parT 3 "Safety of Toys, Migration of Certain Elements", state of July 2013, and the heavy metal contents according to the requirements of the Model Toxics Legislation as developed by the Source Reduction Council of CONEG of December 14, 1989, last modification of December 200g, as well as according to the Directive 94l62lEC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 20 December 1gg4, on packaging and packaging waste, Official Journal of the European Communities L 365/10 of 31 December 1994, last amendment by the Directive zO1gl2lEU of the Commission of 7 February 2013, Official Journal of the European Union LglnA of 8 February 2013 The board grade is in compliance with the rules of the Regulation (EC) No 193512004 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 October 2004 on materials and articles intended to come into contact with food and repealing Directives 80/590/EEC and 89/109/EEC, Official Journal of the European Union L 338/4 oJ 13.11.2004, modified by app. no. 5.17 of the regulation (EC) No 596/2009 of 18 June 2009, officialJournalof the European Union L 188 of 1B July 200g, article 3, as well as of the Lebensmittel-, Bedarfsgegenstdnde- und Futtermittelgesetzbuch (Lebensmittel- und Futtermittelgesetzbuch - LFGB) in der Fassung der Bekanntmachung vom 3. Juni 2013 (BGBI. I S. 1426), zuletzt gedndert durch Artikel 2 des Gesetzes vom S. Dezember 2014 (BGBI. lS. 1975), SS 30 und 31, (Foodstuffs, Consumer Goods and Animal Feed Code (Foodstuffs and Animal Feed Code - LFGB) in the version of the notification of 3 June 2013 (BGBI, p. 1426l,last amendment by article 2 of the law of 5 December 2014 (BGBI. I p, 1975), SS 30 and 31), and is approved according to the Deutsche Empfehlung XXXVI zur gesundheitlichen Beurteilung von Materialien und Gegenstdnden f0r den Lebensmittelkontakt im Rahmen des Lebensmittel- und Futtermittelgesetzbuches, 34. Mitteilung, Bundesgesundheitsblatt 10, 14 (1967), einschlieRlich 217. Mitteilung, Bundesgesundheitsblatt 57, 1350-1351 (2014), Stand vom 01 1A.ZO14, (German Recommendation XXXVI for the health-related evaluation of materials and objects for the contact with foodstuffs in the frame of the Foodstuffs and Animal Feed Code, 34th memorandum, Bundesgesundheitsblatt 10, 14 (1967), including lhe 217b memorandum, Bundesgesundheitsblatt 57, 1350-1351 (2014), state of 1 october 2014). -J- Page 3 of the documenl ol I3 April 2015 ISEGA Forschungs- und untersuchungs-Geseltschaft mbH Asc-haffenburg 39820 U 15 Furthermore the board grade is in compliance with the DIN EN 71, parl3 "safety of Toys, Migration of Certain Elements", state of July 2013, regarding the release of heavy metals as well as with the Model Toxics Legislation as developed by the Source Reduction Council of CONEG of December 14, 1989, last modification of December 2009, and with the Directive 94l62lEC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 20 December 19g4, Communities L 365/10 of 31 December 1994, Iast amendment by the Directive zolbtztEU of the Commission of 7 February 2013, Official Journal of the European Union L glll} of 8 February 2013, on packaging and packaging waste, Official Journal of the European concerning the heavy metals content. Thus the board grade Rochperle Premium according to the sample material submitted may be used safely for food packaging. lt may stand in direct contact with dry and fatty foodstuffs. Moreover the uncoated reverse side of the board grade may stand in direct contact with moist foodstuffs. This certificate of compliance has a validity of z years and consists of 4 pages. .rrtlnAtta, I l'lr ffi t r:t'ts$ mt. firlph lkn tGt'.tditir, &.t t*{tsrnttrrli iian L (Burkardt) Officially certified and authorized food chemist A * {"i'" 'it.[ll irfl' '#:5 The translation of the above stamps is given on page 4. La traduction des estampilles est donn6e en page 4. -4- Page 4 of the document of 1 3 April 2015 ISEGA Forschungs- und Untersuchungs-Gesellschafl mbH Aschaffenburg 39820 U 15 Altflldr Dr. rcr. naL Ralph Dera Sachvrrsi!ndiorr ilr rprcl un gsrne icrir t c n Vc an6rl6nntor Ssdluorcunolgrl tUr UnlsrsUdtgng dor Gegenprobon vqn Vorpackungsmitbln aus pnplor, pappo. i Kunststotlon, Glas, Wel6bloctr und londlgsn Motall'rorpad(ungen su, thro lrbonrmlttelredrtltdre U nbedrnltlldrkett Dr. Ralph Derra Authorized expert for the analyses of packaging materials, attested by the Aschaffenburg Chamber of lndustry and Commerce. Expert autoris6 pour l'analyse des mat6- riaux d'emballage, asserment6 par Chambre d'lndustrie State registered expert for the analysis of contrasting samples of packaging materials of paper, board, plastics, glass, tin plate and other metallic packaging materials as to their suitability for use with foodstuffs. la et de Commerce d'Aschaffenburg. ffi Expert public pour l'6tude du control des contre-6chantillons d'emballages de papier, caftons, plastigues, verre, fer-blanc et d'autres emballages m6talliques concernant leur conformit6 alimentaire. ffi Dr. Ralph Derra Authorized expert for the analyses of soil and air, attested by the Aschaffenburg Chamber of lndustry and Commerce. Expert autoris6 pour l'analyse du sol et de l'air, asserment6 par la Chambre d'lndustrie et de Commerce d'Aschaffenburg. Die RUcklagen des untersuchten Materials werden bei der Gutachterstelle verwahrt. A file sample of the tested material is kept at the expert's office. R6serve du mat6rial analys6 est gard6e au bureau de l'expert.
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