Prof. Dr. Thomas Bernauer ETH Zurich Center for Comparative and International Studies (CIS) and Institute for Science, Technology and Policy (ISTP) and May 2015 PUBLICATIONS Working Papers These manuscripts are available on request from the author(s). 1. Anderson, B., Bernauer. T., Carbon Offsetting: Elitist Arguments Meet Public Opinion. 2. Bernauer, T., Koubi, V., Böhmelt, T. Globalization and the Environment. 3. Siegfried, T., Beck, L., Koubi, V., Bernauer, T. Climate Change, Conflict and Regime Stability in International River Basins. 4. Koubi, V., Schaffer, L., Spilker, G., Bernauer, T. Environmental Stressors and Migration: Evidence from Vietnam. 5. Nguyen, Q., Bernauer, T. Does Social Trust Increase Support for Free Trade? Evidence from a field survey experiment in Vietnam. 6. Umana, V., Spilker, G., Bernauer, T., Different Countries, Same Partners? Experimental Evidence on PTA Partner Country Choice from Costa Rica, Nicaragua, and Vietnam. 7. Oehl, B., Schaffer, L., Bernauer, T. How to measure public demand when there is no appropriate survey data? 8. Bernauer, T., Kachi, A., Schmidt, F., Sollberger, S. Is There Really Strong Public Support for Ambitious Climate Policy? 9. Sollberger, S., Bernauer, T., Ehlert, U. Salivary testosterone and cortisol are jointly related to pro-environmental behavior in men. 10. Bernauer, T., Kachi, A. “Framing Citizens”: Does Emphasizing Co-Benefits, Community-Building, and Public Health Enhance Public Support for Climate Change Mitigation? 11. Gampfer, R., Bernauer, T., Meng, T., and Su, Y-S. Public Support for Climate Policy in China: Could Greater Participation of Civil Society Make a Difference? 1 12. Schaffer, L., Oehl, B., Bernauer, T. Hear the call: public demand and policy responsiveness in the area of climate change policies. Articles in Scientific Journals If you don’t have access to these articles via your library, please contact me at: [email protected]. Replication datasets can be found at: or are available on request from the author(s). 1. Betzold, C., Bernauer, T., Koubi, V. (2015) Press Briefings in International Climate Change Negotiations. Environmental Communication, forthcoming. 2. Bernauer, T., Nguyen, Q. (2015) Free Trade and/or Environmental Protection? Global Environmental Politics, forthcoming. 3. Kachi, A., Bernauer, T., Gampfer, R. (2015) Climate Policy in Hard Times: Are the Pessimists Right? Ecological Economics 114: 227–241, 4. Gampfer, R., Bernauer, T., Kachi, A. (2014) How to obtain public support for large-scale North-South climate funding? Global Environmental Change 29: 118–126, 5. Beck, L., Bernauer, T., Siegfried, T., Böhmelt, T. (2014) Implications of hydro-political dependency for international water cooperation and conflict: Insights from new data. Political Geography 42: 23-33. 6. Buhaug, H., Nordkvelle, J., Bernauer, T., et al. (2014) One Effect to Rule Them All? A Comment on Climate and Conflict. Climatic Change 10, DOI 10.1007/s10584-014-12661. 7. Schaffer, L., Bernauer, T. (2014) Explaining the Adoption of Renewable Energy Policies. Energy Policy 68: 15 – 27 ( 8. Böhmelt, T., Bernauer, T., Buhaug, H., Gleditsch, N.P., Tribaldos, T. (2014) Demand, Supply, and Restraint: Determinants of Domestic Water Conflict and Cooperation. Global Environmental Change DOI:10.1016/j.gloenvcha.2013.11.018. 9. Böhmelt, T., Bernauer, T., Koubi, V. (2014) The marginal impact of ENGOs in different types of democratic systems. European Political Science Review doi:10.1017/S175577391400006X. 10. Bernauer, T., Böhmelt, T (2014). Basins at risk – Predicting international river basin conflict and cooperation. Global Environmental Politics 14 (4), forthcoming. 11. Bernauer, T., Böhmelt, T. (2013) Are the ‘Kinder, Gentler Societies’ Really Greener? Environmental Science & Technology 47 (21): 11993–12001. 12. Koubi, V., Spilker, G., Böhmelt, T., Bernauer, T. (2013) Do Natural Resources Matter for Inter- and Intrastate Armed Conflict? Journal of Peace Research DOI: 10.1177/0022343313493455. 13. Bernauer, T., Gampfer, R., Kachi, A. (2013) European Unilateralism and Involuntary Burden Sharing in Global Climate Politics: A Public Opinion Perspective from the Other Side. European Union Politics DOI: 10.1177/1465116513496878 (print version: 15/1:132-151). Thomas Bernauer, Publications 2 14. Sattler, T., Spilker, G., Bernauer, T. (2013) Does WTO Dispute Settlement Enforce or Inform? British Journal of Political Science DOI: 10.1017/S0007123413000136 (print version 44/04: 877-902, 2014). 15. Böhmelt, T., Koubi, V., Bernauer, T. (2013) Civil Society Participation in Global Governance: Insights from Climate Politics. European Journal of Political Research 53/2014: 18–36. 16. Bernauer, T., Gampfer, R. (2013) Effects of Civil Society Involvement on Popular Legitimacy of Global Environmental Governance. Global Environmental Change 23/2: 439–449. 17. Bernauer, T., Kalbhenn, A., Koubi. V., Spilker, G. (2013) Is There a ‘Depth versus Participation’ Dilemma in International Cooperation? Review of International Organizations 8/4: 477-497. 18. Bernauer, T., Böhmelt, T. (2013) National Climate Policies in International Comparison: The Climate Change Cooperation Index. Environmental Science and Policy 25: 196-206. 19. Bernauer, T., Böhmelt, T., Koubi, V. (2013): Is There a Democracy–Civil Society Paradox in Global Environmental Governance? Global Environmental Politics 13/1:88107. 20. Bernauer, T. (2013): Climate Change Politics. Annual Review of Political Science, doi:10.1146/annurev-polisci-062011-154926. 21. Landis, F., Bernauer, T. (2012): Transfer Payments in Global Climate Policy. Nature Climate Change, DOI: 10.1038/NCLIMATE1548. 22. Bernauer, T., Betzold, C. (2012): Civil Society in Global Environmental Governance. Journal of Environment and Development 21(1): 62–66. 23. Bernauer, T., Koubi, V. (2012): Are Bigger Governments Better Providers of Public Goods? Evidence from Air Pollution. Public Choice, DOI 10.1007/s11127-012-9916-1. 24. Bernauer, T., Böhmelt, T., Buhaug, H., Gleditsch, N. P., Tribaldos, T., Berg, E., Wischnath, G. (2012): Water-Related Intrastate Conflict and Cooperation (WARICC): A New Event Dataset. International Interactions, DOI: 10.1080/03050629.2012.697428. 25. Bernauer, T., Gleditsch, N. P. (2012): New Event Data in Conflict Research. International Interactions, DOI: 10.1080/03050629.2012.697428 (Preface to special issue). 26. Bernauer, T., Boehmelt, T., Koubi, V. (2012): Environmental Changes and Violent Conflict. Environmental Research Letters 7 015601 (8pp), DOI:10.1088/17489326/7/1/015601. Originally written for the “Foresight report on Migration and Global Environmental Change: Future Challenges and Opportunities”, UK Government Office for Science. 27. Spilker, G., Schaffer, L., Bernauer, T. (2012): Does Social Capital Increase Public Support for Economic Globalization? European Journal of Political Research 51/6: 756784. 28. Koubi, V., Bernauer, T., Spilker, G., Kalbhenn, A. (2012): Climate Change, Economic Growth, and Conflict. Journal of Peace Research 49/1: 113-127. 29. Bernauer, T., Siegfried, T. (2012): Climate Change and International Water Conflict in Central Asia. Journal of Peace Research 49/1: 227-239. Thomas Bernauer, Publications 3 30. Siegfried, T., Bernauer, T., Guiennet, R., Sellars, S., Robertson, A. W., Mankin, J., BauerGottwein, P. (2011): Will Climate Change Exacerbate Water Stress in Central Asia? Climatic Change, DOI 10.1007/s10584-011-0253-z. 31. Bechtel, M., Bernauer, T., Meyer, R. (2011): Green Determinants of Protectionism: How Environmental Attitudes Shape Different Facets of Trade Policy Preferences. Review of International Political Economy, DOI:10.1080/09692290.2011.611054. 32. Beck, L., Bernauer, T. (2011): How Will Combined Changes in Water Demand and Climate Affect Water Availability in the Zambezi River Basin? Global Environmental Change 21: 1061-1072. 33. Bernauer, T., Tribaldos, T., Luginbühl, C., Winzeler, M. (2011): Government Regulation and Public Opposition Create High Additional Costs for Field Trials With GM Crops in Switzerland. Transgenic Research, DOI: 10.1007/s11248-011-9486-x. 34. Beck, L., Bernauer, T., Kalbhenn, A. (2010): Environmental, Political, and Economic Determinants of Water Quality Monitoring in Europe. Water Resources Research 46, W11543, DOI: 10.1029/2009WR009065. 35. Sattler, T., Bernauer, T. (2010): Gravitation or Discrimination? Determinants of Litigation in the World Trade Organization. European Journal of Political Research 50/2: 143-167. 36. Perrin, S., Bernauer, T. (2010): International Regime Formation Revisited: Explaining Ratification Behavior With Respect to Long Range Transboundary Air Pollution Agreements in Europe. European Union Politics 11/3: 405-426. 37. Bernauer, T., Gilardi, F. (2010): Publication Output of Swiss Political Science Departments. Swiss Political Science Review 16/2: 279-303. 38. Bernauer, T., Kalbhenn, A., Koubi, V., Spilker, G. (2010): A Comparison of International and Domestic Sources of Global Governance Dynamics: Explaining Global Environmental Treaty Ratifications, 1950-2000. British Journal of Political Science 40/3: 509-538. 39. Bernauer, T., Kuhn, P. (2010): Is There an Environmental Version of the Kantian Peace? Insights From Water Pollution in Europe. European Journal of International Relations 16/1: 77-102. 40. Bättig, M. B., Bernauer, T. (2009): National Institutions and Global Public Goods: Are Democracies More Cooperative in Climate Change Policy? International Organization 63/2: 281-308. 41. Bernauer, T., Koubi, V. (2009): Effects of Political Institutions on Air Quality. Ecological Economics 68/5: 1355-1365. 42. Bernauer, T., Koubi, V., Ernst, F. (2009): Does Neutrality Make a Difference? Explaining Patterns of Swiss Defense Spending in 1975-2001. Defence and Peace Economics 20/5: 413-422. 43. Bernauer, T., Koubi, V., Ernst, F. (2009): National and Regional Economic Consequences of Swiss Defense Spending. Journal of Peace Research 46/4: 467-484. 44. Bernauer, T., Siegfried, T. (2008): On Cooperation, Compliance and Performance in International Water Management, with an empirical application to the Syr Darya Basin. Global Governance 14/4: 479-501. 45. Siegfried, T., Bernauer, T. (2007): Estimating the Performance of International Regulatory Regimes: Methodology and Empirical Application to International Water Thomas Bernauer, Publications 4 Management in the Naryn/Syr Darya Basin. Water Resources Research 43, W11406, DOI: 10.1029/2006WR005738. The paper was translated into Russian by the Interstate Commission for Water Coordination of Central Asia and can be obtained in that language from the authors on request. 46. Bernauer, T., Engels, S., Kammerer, D., Seijas Nogareda, J. (2007): Determinants of Green Innovation – Ten Years after Porter’s Win-Win Proposition: How to Study the Effects of Environmental Regulation? Politische Vierteljahresschrift 39: 323-341. Reprinted in Ghose, A., ed. Green Marketing Strategies. Hyderabad, India: The Icfai University Press. 47. Rieckermann, J., Daebel, H., Ronteltap, M., Bernauer, T. (2006): Assessing the Performance of International Water Management at Lake Titicaca. Aquatic Sciences 68/4: 502-516. 48. Hostmann, M., Bernauer, T., Mosler, H. J., Reichert, P., Truffer, B. (2006): MultiAttribute Value Theory as a Framework for Conflict Resolution in River Rehabilitation. Journal of Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis 13: 91-102. 49. Bernauer, T., Sattler, T. (2006): Sind WTO-Dispute im Umwelt- und Verbraucherschutzbereich eskalationsträchtiger? (Are Environment, Health and Safety Disputes in the WTO more Prone to Escalation?). Zeitschrift für Internationale Beziehungen 13/1: 5-38. A modified version of this article appeared as Bernauer, T., Sattler, T. (2006): Les Litiges de L’OMG sur la protection de l’environnement et des consommateurs. Annuaire Français de Relations Internationales VII: 942-964, Paris: Bruylant, La documentation française. 50. Bernauer, T., Koubi, V. (2006): On the Interconnectedness of Regulatory Policy and Markets: Lessons From Banking. British Journal of Political Science 36/3: 509-525. 51. Caduff, L., Bernauer, T. (2006): Managing Risk and Regulation in European Food Safety Governance. Review of Policy Research 23/1: 153-168. 52. Aerni, P., Bernauer, T. (2006): Stakeholder Attitudes Toward GMOs in the Philippines, Mexico, and South Africa: The Issue of Public Trust. World Development 34/3: 557-575. 53. Bernauer, T., Koubi, V. (2004): Banking Crisis vs. Credit Crunch? A Cross-Country Comparison of Policy Responses to Dilemmas in Banking Regulation. Business and Politics 6/2: Article 2, 54. Bernauer, T. (2004): Causes and Consequences of International Trade Conflict Over Agricultural Biotechnology. International Journal of Biotechnology 7/1-3: 7-28. 55. Bernauer, T., Caduff, L. (2004): In Whose Interest? Pressure Group Politics, Economic Competition and Environmental Regulation. Journal of Public Policy 24/1: 99-126. 56. Bernauer, T., Styrsky, V. (2004): Adjustment or Voice? Corporate Responses to International Tax Competition. European Journal of International Relations 10/1: 61-94. 57. Bernauer, T., Meins, E. (2003): Technological Revolution Meets Policy and the Market: Explaining Cross-National Differences in Agricultural Biotechnology Regulation. European Journal of Political Research 42/5: 643-683. 58. Bernauer, T., Koubi, V. (2002): Banking Regulation in Hard Times: Business Cycles, Bank Capital, and the Bank Failure – Credit Crunch Dilemma. Journal of Public Policy 22/1: 61-75. Thomas Bernauer, Publications 5 59. Bernauer, T. (2002): Explaining Success and Failure in International River Management. Aquatic Sciences 64/1: 1-19. 60. Bernauer, T. (2000): Consumer Protection in a Global Market (Debate; with contributions by Bruce Silverglade, Gunnar Trumbull, Erika Meins, Andreas Ziegler, Kenneth Oye, David Victor, Thomas Epprecht, Erik Millstone, and Patrick van Zwanenberg). Swiss Political Science Review 6/2: 79-99 and 6/3: 85-127. 61. Bernauer, T., Kissling-Näf, I., Knoepfel, P. (2000): Institutionalized Management of Scarce Resources (Special issue; with contributions by Gebhard Kirchgässner, Elinor Ostrom, Emmanuel Reynard, Clark C. Gibson, Stéphane Nahrath, and Walter Schenkel). Swiss Political Science Review 6/1. 62. Bernauer, T., Achini, C. (2000): From 'Real' to 'Virtual' States? Integration of the World Economy and its Effects on Government Activity. European Journal of International Relations 6/2: 223-276. 63. Bernauer, T. (1999): Measuring and Explaining Switzerland’s Public Sector (Debate, with contributions by Jan-Erik Lane, Hanspeter Kriesi, Bruno S. Frey, and Alois Stutzer). Swiss Political Science Review 5/2: 93-114. 64. Mitchell, R., Bernauer, T. (1998): Empirical Research on International Environmental Policy: Designing Qualitative Case Studies. Journal of Environment and Development 7/1: 4-31. 65. Bernauer, T., Moser, P. (1996): Reducing Pollution of the River Rhine: The Influence of International Cooperation. Journal of Environment and Development 5/4: 391-417. 66. Bedarff, H., Bernauer, T., Jakobeit, C., List, M. (1995): Transferzahlungen in der internationalen Umweltpolitik: Das Problem der Transaktionskosten beim Tausch von Finanzhilfe gegen Umweltschutzmassnahmen (Transfer Payments in International Environmental Policy: The Problem of Transaction Costs in exchange of Financial Aid for Environmental Protection Measures). Zeitschrift für Internationale Beziehungen 2/2: 317-345. 67. Bernauer, T. (1995): Theorie der Klub-Güter und die Osterweiterung der NATO (Theory of Club Goods and the Expansion of NATO Towards the East). Zeitschrift für Internationale Beziehungen 2/1: 79-105. 68. Bernauer, T. (1995): The International Financing of Environmental Protection: Lessons From Efforts to Protect the River Rhine against Chloride Pollution. Environmental Politics 4/3: 369-390. 69. Bernauer, T. (1995): The Effect of International Environmental Institutions: How We Might Learn More. International Organization 49/2: 351-377. 70. Bernauer, T. (1993): The End of Chemical Warfare. Security Dialogue 24/1: 97-112. 71. Goldblat, J., Bernauer, T. (1992): Towards a More Effective Ban on Biological Weapons. Bulletin of Peace Proposals 23/1: 35-41. 72. Goldblat, J., Bernauer, T. (1991): Proposals for Strengthening the Biological Weapons Convention. Bulletin of Peace Proposals 22/2: 235-240. 73. Goldblat, J., Bernauer, T. (1990): The US-Soviet Chemical Weapons Agreement of June 1990: Its Advantages and Shortcomings. Bulletin of Peace Proposals 21/4: 355-369. Thomas Bernauer, Publications 6 Books 1. Bernauer, T., Spilker, G. (2015) Einladung zur Politikwissenschaft (Invitation to Political Science). Baden-Baden: Nomos / UTB. 2. Bernauer, T., Jahn, D., Kuhn, P., Walter, S. (2009, 2012): Einführung in die Politikwissenschaft (Introduction to Political Science). Baden-Baden: Nomos / UTB. 3. Bernauer, T. (2003): Genes, Trade and Regulation: The Seeds of Conflict in Food Biotechnology. Princeton: Princeton University Press. 2005 American Political Science Association’s Don K. Price Award for the best book on science, technology and environmental politics published in the past three years; book reviews e.g. in: Perspectives on Politics 2/4, Political Science Quarterly 119/4, Quarterly Review of Biology 79/2004, Foreign Affairs May/June 2004, Current Science 87/1, International History Review 26/2004, Journal of Environment and Development 15/1, Perspectives on Political Science Sept. 2004, Minnesota Journal of Law, Science and Technology 6/2, EMBO Rep.5/6. A Chinese translation of the book was published in 2011 (Institute of Policy and Management (IPM), Chinese Academy of Sciences). 4. Bernauer, T. (2000): Staaten im Weltmarkt (States in the World Market). Opladen: Leske&Budrich. Copyright handed back to the author in 2008, can be downloaded free of charge at 5. Bernauer, T., Ruloff, D., eds. (2000): Globaler Wandel und schweizererische Aussenpolitik “Informationsbeschaffung und Entscheidfindung der schweizerischen Bundesverwaltung” (Global Change and Swiss Foreign Policy: Information-Gathering and Decision-Making of the Swiss Federal Administration; with contributions by Peter Moser, Aviva Schnur, and Stefano Bruno). Zurich: Verlag Rüegger. 6. Bernauer, T., Ruloff, D., eds. (1999): The Politics of Positive Incentives in Arms Control (with contributions by Stefan Brem, Roy Suter, Amy Smithson, and Jozef Goldblat). Columbia, S.C.: University of South Carolina Press, 1999. Book reviews, inter alia, in: Political Science Quarterly 115/2, 2000, International Studies Review 2/3, 2000. 7. Bernauer, T., Ruloff, D., eds. (1999): Handel und Umwelt: Zur Frage der Kompatibilität internationaler Regime (Trade and the Environment: On the Compatibility of International Regimes; in collaboration with Richard Senti and Andreas Ziegler). Opladen: Westdeutscher Verlag. Copyright handed back to the author in 2008, can be downloaded free of charge at 8. Bernauer, T., Schneider, G., Weitsman, P. A., eds. (1995): Towards a New Europe: Stops and Starts in Regional Integration (with contributions by Michael D. Ward, Corey L. Lofdahl, Lars-Eric Cederman, Simon Hug, Pascal Sciarini, George Tsebelis, Robert Pahre, Walter Mattli, and Philippe Martin). Westport, CT: Praeger. 9. Singh, J., Bernauer, T., eds. (1993): Security of Third World Countries (with contributions by A.W. Singham, Mohammed Ayoob, K. Subrahmanyam, Thomas A. Imobighe, and Muthiah Alagappa). Aldershot: Dartmouth Publishers. 10. Bernauer, T. (1993): The Chemistry of Regime Formation: Explaining International Cooperation for a Comprehensive Ban on Chemical Weapons. Aldershot: Dartmouth Publishers. Thomas Bernauer, Publications 7 11. Bernauer, T. (1990): The Projected Chemical Weapons Convention: A Guide to the Negotiations in the Conference on Disarmament. New York: United Nations. Book Chapters 1. Umana, V., Bernauer, T., Spilker, G. (2015) Natural Trading Partners? A Public Opinion Perspective on Preferential Trade Agreements. In: Elsig, M., Dür, A. Trade Cooperation: The Purpose, Design and Effects of Preferential Trade Agreements. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 113–133. 2. Bernauer, T., Gampfer, R. (2014) Burden Sharing in Global Climate Governance. In: Cherry, T.L., Hovi, J., McEvoy, D. Toward a New Climate Agreement: Conflict, Resolution and Governance. New York: Routledge, 44-60. 3. Bernauer, T. (2013) Leistungsfähigkeit von Demokratien: Die beste aller Staatsformen? In: Kriesi, HP., Müller, L. Herausforderung Demokratie. Zürich: Lars Müller Publishers, 358-393. Published in English by the same publisher (Democracy: An Ongoing Challenge). 4. Bernauer, T. (2013): OSCE Activity Concerning Water, Energy and Transport Issues. In OSCE Focus Conference Proceedings, 19-20 October 2012, Villa Moynier, Geneva. Geneva: Center for the Democratic Control of Armed Forces, 97-109. 5. Dobbelaere, D., Bernauer, T. (2012): Risiken minimieren, Chancen nutzen, Kompetenz erhalten. In Nutzen und Risiken der Freisetzung gentechnisch veränderter Pflanzen: Programmsynthese Nationales Forschungsprogramm 59. Zürich: vdf Hochschulverlag AG an der ETH Zürich, 12-35. 6. Siegrist, M., Bernauer, T. (2012): Meinung, Konsum, Kommunikation und Akzeptanz. In Nutzen und Risiken der Freisetzung gentechnisch veränderter Pflanzen: Programmsynthese Nationales Forschungsprogramm 59. Zürich: vdf Hochschulverlag AG an der ETH Zürich, 198-219. 7. Bernauer, T., Elsig, M., Pauwelyn, J. (2012): The World Trade Organization’s Dispute Settlement Mechanism – Analysis and Problems. In Narlikar, A., Daunton, M., Stern, R. M., eds. The Oxford Handbook on the World Trade Organization. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 485-506. 8. Bernauer, T., Schaffer, L. (2012): Climate Change Governance. In Levi-Faur, D., ed. The Oxford Handbook of Governance. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 441-454. 9. Bernauer, T., Kalbhenn, A. (2010): The Politics of International Freshwater Resources. In The International Studies Encyclopedia. Wiley-Blackwell, 5800-5821. 10. Bernauer, T., Kalbhenn, A. (2009): International Freshwater Problems. In Al-Rodhan N. R. F., ed. Potential Global Strategic Catastrophes: Balancing Transnational Responsibilities and Burden-sharing with Sovereignty and Human Dignity. Berlin: LIT, 99-118. 11. Bernauer, T., Aerni, P. (2009): Implications of the Transatlantic Biotech Dispute for Developing Countries. In Schreurs, M. A., Selin, H., VanDeveer, S. D., eds. Transatlantic Environment and Energy Politics. Burlington VT: Ashgate, 127-144. 12. Bernauer, T., Aerni, P. (2008): Trade Conflict Over Genetically Modified Organisms. In Gallagher, K., ed. Handbook on Trade and the Environment. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 183-193. Thomas Bernauer, Publications 8 13. Bernauer, T. (2007): Risikofreiheit als Utopie (Risk-Free Society as Utopia). In SitterLiver, B., Hiltbrunner, T., eds. Utopie Heute: Zur aktuellen Bedeutung, Funktion und Kritik des utopischen Denkens und Verstehens. Fribourg/Stuttgart: Academic Press Fribourg/Kohlhammer Stuttgart, 201-222. 14. Bernauer, T. (2006): Determinanten gesellschaftlicher Reaktion auf neue Technologien (Determinants of Social Responses to New Technologies). In Cimichella, S., Kuhn, A., Niggli, M. A., eds. Neue Technologie und Kriminalität. Zurich: Verlag Rüegger, 17-46. 15. Bernauer, T., Caduff, L. (2006): Food Safety and the Structure of the European Food Industry. In Ansell, C. K., Vogel, D., eds. What’s the Beef? The Contested Governance of European Food Safety. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 81-95. 16. Bernauer, T., Walter, S. (2006): Die Schweiz im globalen Kontext (Switzerland in a global context). In Klöti, U., Knoepfel, P., Kriesi, H., Linder, W., Papadopoulos, Y., eds. Handbuch der Schweizer Politik. Zurich: Verlag Neue Zürcher Zeitung, 59-76. English translation of this chapter published in Handbook of Swiss Politics. Zurich: Verlag Neue Zürcher Zeitung, 2007. 17. Bernauer, T., Aerni, P. (2006): Competition for Public Trust: Causes and Consequences of Extending the Transatlantic Biotech Dispute to Developing Countries. In Falkner, R., ed. The International Politics of Genetically Modified Food. Houndmills/Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 138-154. 18. Bernauer, T. (2004): Genes, Trade, and Regulation. In Stopford, M., Haines, P., eds. Syngenta Lectures. Basel/Amsterdam: Elsevier BV/Excerpta Medica/Syngenta, 58-64. 19. Mitchell, R., Bernauer, T. (2004): Beyond Story Telling: Designing Case Study Research in International Environmental Policy. In Sprinz, D. F., Wolinsky-Nahmias, Y., eds. Models, Numbers, and Cases: Methods for Studying International Relations. Ann Arbor: The University of Michigan Press, 81-106. 20. Bernauer, T. (2003): Transboundary Freshwater Management: When and Why Does it Succeed or Fail? In Castelein, S., ed. Proceedings of the UNESCO/PCCP Conference “From Conflict to Co-operation in International Water Resources Management: Challenges and Opportunities”. Delft, Netherlands, 20-22 November 2002, 431-449. 21. Bernauer, T., Meins, E. (2001): La protection du consommateur dans un marché global (Protection of the Consumer in a Global Market). In Annuaire Français de Relations Internationales II, Bruxelles: Bruylant, 952-969. 22. Bernauer, T. (2001): Warfare: Nuclear, Biological and Chemical Weapons. In De Jonge Oudraat, C., Simmons, P. J., eds. Managing Global Issues. Washington D.C.: Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, 610-662. 23. Bernauer, T. (1999): Energiepolitik als Sicherheitspolitik, illustriert am Beispiel der Energieversorgung und regionalen Sicherheit in Ostasien (Energy-Policy as Security Policy: Energy Supply and Regional Security in East Asia). In Reiter, E., Schöpfer, G., eds. Wirtschaft und Sicherheitspolitik. Graz: Styria, 127-139. 24. Bernauer, T. (1998): Globalisierung und staatliche Handlungsspielräume (Globalization and State Capacity). In Ruloff, D., ed. Globalisierung: Eine Standortbestimmung. Chur: Verlag Rüegger, 123-127. 25. Bernauer, T. (1997): Managing International Rivers. In Young, O. R., ed. Global Governance: Drawing Insights from the Environmental Experience. Cambridge, MA.: MIT Press, 155-195. Thomas Bernauer, Publications 9 26. Bernauer, T., Moser, P. (1997): Der internationale Schutz des Rheins (The international protection of the River Rhine). In Gehring, T., Oberthür, S., eds. Internationale Umweltregime: Umweltschutz durch Verhandlungen und Verträge. Opladen: Leske&Budrich, 147-163. 27. Bernauer, T. (1996): Protecting the River Rhine Against Chloride Pollution. In Keohane, R. O., Levy, M. A., eds. Institutions for Environmental Aid: Pitfalls and Promise, Cambridge. MA.: MIT Press, 201-232. 28. Bernauer, T. (1995): The Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW): Structure, Functions, and Potential Deficiencies. In Hague Academy of International Law, ed. The Convention on the Prohibition and Elimination of Chemical Weapons: A Breakthrough in Multilateral Disarmament. Dordrecht: Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, 331-342. 29. Bernauer, T. (1995): Full Membership or Full Club? Expansion of NATO into Central and Eastern Europe and the Future Security Architecture of Europe. In Bernauer, T., Schneider, G., Weitsman, P. A., eds. Towards A New Europe: Stops and Starts in Regional Integration. New York: Praeger Publishers, 173-191. 30. Bernauer, T., Flournoy, M., Miller, S. E., Minichiello, L. (1993): Strategic Arms Control and the NPT: Status and Implementation. In Allison, G., Carter, A. B., Miller, S. E., Zelikow, P., eds. Cooperative Denuclearization: From Pledges to Deeds. Cambridge, MA.: Harvard University, CSIA Studies in International Security 2, 26-71. 31. Bernauer, T. (1993): Cooperative Denuclearization and the Global Non-Proliferation Regime. In Allison, G., Carter, A. B., Miller, S. E., Zelikow, P., eds. Cooperative Denuclearization: From Pledges to Deeds. Cambridge, MA.: Harvard University, CSIA Studies in International Security 2, 253-270. 32. Bernauer, T. (1992): The Control and Disarmament of Chemical Weapons. In Sur, S., ed. Verification of Disarmament or Limitation of Armaments: Instruments, Negotiations, Proposals. New York: United Nations, 73-109. 33. Goldblat, J., Bernauer, T. (1992): Making the Ban on Biological Weapons More Effective. In Sur, S., ed. Verification of Disarmament or Limitation of Armaments: Instruments, Negotiations, Proposals. New York: United Nations, 111-118. Research Reports and other Academic Publications 1. Kalbhenn, Anna and Bernauer, Thomas (2012): International Water Cooperation and Conflict: A New Event Dataset. Available at SSRN: or 2. Dronin, N., et al. (including Bernauer, T.) (2012): Europe, Chapter 11, Global Environmental Outlook. Geneva: UNEP, 289 – 316: 3. Bernauer, T., Koubi, V., Boehmelt, T. (2011): The Impact of Environmental Change on Conflict and Cooperation – A Review. United Kingdom Government Office for Science, Foresight Global Environmental Migration Project. 4. Dapp, M. M., Bernauer, T. (2009): Hot Debate about Chilling Effects: Do Software Patents Hamper Free/Open Source Software Development? Center for Comparative and International Studies (CIS), Working Paper 40, Thomas Bernauer, Publications 10 5. Bernauer, T., Koubi, V. (2006): Taking Firms and Markets Seriously: A Study on Bank Behavior, Market Discipline, and Regulation. Available at SSRN: or 6. Spillmann, K. R., Bernauer, T., Gabriel, J. M., Wenger, A., Rosteck, Y. (2002): Peace Support Operations: Lessons Learned and Future Perspectives. Bern: Peter Lang. 7. Brem, S., Heinzer, A., Bernauer, T. (2000): Abrüstungs- und Rüstungskontrollpolitik der Schweiz: Schweizer Beiträge zur Stärkung internationaler Abrüstungs- und Rüstungskontrollregime (Swiss Arms Control and Disarmament Policy: Swiss Contributions to Strengthening International Arms Control and Disarmament Regimes). Bern: Schweizerischer Nationalfonds, NFP 42 Synthesis. 8. Bernauer, T., Lavenex, S. (2000): Abschied vom Sonderfall: Die 90-ProzentMitgliedschaft der Schweiz in den Vereinten Nationen (Farewell to a Special Case: The 90-Percent UN-Membership of Switzerland). Vereinte Nationen 48/3: 89-94. 9. Bernauer, T. (2000): Internationale Koordination und Kontrolle von Rüstungsexporten und Rüstungsimporten in einem globalen Markt (International Coordination and Control of Arms Exports and Imports in a Global Market). Europaforum Luzern: Sicherheitspolitik in Europa, 54-57. 10. Ruloff, D., Bernauer, T., Bruno, S., Moser, P., Schnur, A. (1999): Globaler Wandel und schweizerische Aussenpolitik: Informationsbeschaffung und Entscheidfindung (Global Change and Swiss Foreign Policy: Information gathering and Decision making). Bern: Schweizerischer Nationalfonds, Working Paper 12, NFP 42. 11. Bernauer, T. (1997): Weltpolitik im 21. Jahrhundert: kein ‘Vorwärts in die Vergangenheit’ (World Politics in the 21st Century: No ‘Forward to the Past’). Vereinte Nationen 45/2: 49-55. 12. Bernauer, T. (1996): Globales Chemiewaffen-Verbot: Regime-Bildung mit Hindernissen (The Global Ban on Chemical Weapons: Regime Building With Obstacles). FriedensWarte 71/1: 9-26. 13. Bernauer, T., Brem, S., Ruloff, D. (1996): Internationale Verhandlungsprozesse in Theorie und Praxis (International Negotiation Processes: Theory and Application). Zurich: University of Zurich, Institute of Political Science, Studien zur Politikwissenschaft 295. 14. Bernauer, T., Moser, P. (1996): Reducing Pollution of the River Rhine: The Influence of International Cooperation. Laxenburg: International Institute of Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA), Working Paper WP-96-7. 15. Ruloff, D., Bernauer, T. (1995): Modelle rationalen Handelns und Internationale Beziehungen (Models of Rational Action and International Relations). Zurich: University of Zurich, Institute of Political Science, Studien zur Politikwissenschaft 287. 16. Bernauer, T. (1992): Towards a Comprehensive Chemical Warfare Control Regime: Some Thoughts on the 'Why' and 'How'. UNIDIR Newsletter 20: 5-8. 17. Bernauer, T. (1992): Verification of Compliance with the Biological Weapons Convention: Developing Countries between Passive Participation and Obstruction. In Thränert, O., ed. Verification of the Biological Weapons Convention: Problems and Perspectives. Bonn: Friedrich Ebert Stiftung, 55-67. 18. Bernauer, T. (1991): Nuclear Issues on the Agenda of the Conference on Disarmament. New York: United Nations. Thomas Bernauer, Publications 11 19. Goldblat, J., Bernauer, T. (1991): The Third Review of the Biological Weapons Convention: Issues and Proposals. New York: United Nations. 20. Bernauer, T. (1990): L'utilisation des armes chimiques dans la Guerre du Golfe: Conséquences et enseignements politiques et militaires (The Use of Chemical Weapons in the Gulf War: Consequences and Political and Military Lessons Learned). Cahiers du CEDSI 11, Grenoble: Université des sciences sociales de Grenoble, 60-64. 21. Bernauer, T. (1990): Economic Implications of the Chemical Weapons Convention. In Sur, S., ed. Disarmament Agreements and Negotiations: The Economic Dimension. Aldershot: Dartmouth Publishers, 211-212. 22. Bernauer, T. (1990): Und wieder ist ein Jahr vorbei... Die Genfer Verhandlungen über ein umfassendes Chemiewaffenverbot (Once Again a Year Has Passed: The Geneva-Based Negotiations on a Comprehensive Chemical Weapons Ban). CBW Infodienst 5, BerghofStiftung für Konfliktforschung, Berlin, 1-5. 23. Bernauer, T. (1989): Politische Wissenschaft in der Schweiz (Political Science in Switzerland). Special issue of the Bulletin of the Swiss Political Science Association; with contributions by Ulrich Klöti, Pierre Allan, and Jean Freymond. Geneva: Swiss Political Science Association. 24. Bernauer, T. (1989): The Future Chemical Weapons Convention and its Organization: The Executive Council. New York: United Nations. 25. Bernauer, T. (1988): Superpower Summits: When Are They Successful? A Quantitative and Qualitative Analysis of the Outcome of Summits. Zurich: University of Zurich, Institute of Political Science, Studien zur Politischen Wissenschaft. 26. Bernauer, T. (1988): Entwicklungsprozesse und Politische Instabilität (Development Processes and Political Instability). In Dieter Ruloff, ed. Politische Risiko-Analyse, Zurich: University of Zurich, Institute of Political Science, Studien zur Politischen Wissenschaft, 1-10. Thomas Bernauer, Publications 12 Newspapers / Blogs 1. Bernauer, T., Boehmelt, T. Can We Forecast Where Water Conflicts Are Likely to Occur? NewSecurityBeat, 27.10.2014, 2. Bernauer, T., Gampfer, R., Kachi, A. What type of climate-change funding for developing countries do Americans and Germans support? Monkey Cage, 8.10.2014, 3. Bernauer, T. Nord-Süd-Finanzierungsmechanismen in der globalen Klimapolitik, ETHZukunftsblog, 7.1.2014, 4. Bernauer, T. Globale Lösung Nötig. Neue Zürcher Zeitung, 11.11.2013, 5. Bernauer, T. Vermindert eine Wirtschaftskrise die Zustimmung zum Klimaschutz? ETHKlimablog, 2.4.2013, 6. Bernauer, T. Kyoto-Protokoll ist verlängert – aber mit ungewissem Ausgang. ETHKlimablog, 10.12.2012, 7. Bernauer, T. Feiglingsspiel im globalen Treibhaus. ETH-Klimablog, 03.10.2012, 8. Bernauer, T. Klimawandel und Wasserkonflikte. ETH-Klimablog, 05.06.2012, 9. Bernauer, T. UN-Klimakonferenz: lebenserhaltende Massnahmen für den Verhandlungsprozess beschlossen. ETH-Klimablog, 12.12.2011, 10. Bernauer, T. Globale Klimapolitik befindet sich im Kriechgang. ETH-Klimablog, 24.11.2011, 11. EU will Flugverkehr in Emissionshandel einbinden. ETH-Klimablog, 25.08.2011, 12. Bernauer, T. Coping with the Power of Towers. PoliScie Zurich, 04.08.2011, 13. Bernauer, T. Sind umweltbewusste Personen Protektionisten? (Are EnvironmentallyMinded People Protectionists?) Oekonomenstimme, 18.04.2011, 14. Bernauer, T. Mehr Zweckoptimismus als realer Fortschritt (More Purposeful Optimism Than Real Progress). ETH-Klimablog, 14.12.2010, 15. Bernauer, T. Klimapolitik in der Sackgasse? (Climate Policy in a Dead End?). ETHKlimablog, 17.11.2010, 16. Bernauer, T. «Hartwell Paper» – Zynisch oder gut gemeint? (Hartwell Paper: Cynical or Well-Intended?). ETH-Klimablog, 24.06.2010, 17. Bernauer, T. Ethical Constraints on Political Science Research. PoliScie Zurich, 31.3.2010, Thomas Bernauer, Publications 13 18. Bernauer, T. Erhöht der Klimawandel das Risiko von Kriegen? (Does Climate Change Increase the Probability of War?). ETH-Klimablog, 28.03.2010, 19. Bernauer, T. Was haben die Verhandlungen in Kopenhagen gebracht? (What Did the Negotiations in Copenhagen Deliver?). ETH-Klimablog, 06.01.2010, 20. Bernauer, T. Klimaschutz-Regime braucht flexiblere Architektur (Climate Change Regime Requires More Flexible Architecture). ETH-Klimablog, 30.11.2009, 21. Bernauer, T. 100 Tage Obama, Erfolg in der Wirtschaft entscheidet über Erfolg in der Präsidentschaft (Obama’s First 100 Days. Presidency’s success defined by economic policy outcomes). Mittellandzeitung, 25.4.2009. 22. Bernauer, T. Lassen sich Finanzkrisen verhindern? (Can Financial Crises Be Prevented?). Basler Zeitung, 29.9.2008. 23. Bernauer, T. Die Universität als Weltdorf (The University as a Global Village). Basler Zeitung, 26.5.2008. 24. Bernauer, T. Wasserknappheit ist keine Kriegsursache (Water Scarcity is Not a Cause of War). Tagesanzeiger, 26.3.2008. 25. Bernauer, T. Was leistet die Schweiz in der UNO? (What does Switzerland do in the United Nations?). Basler Zeitung, 14.1.2008. 26. Bernauer, T. Klimapolitik der Schweiz im Vergleich (Swiss Climate Change Policy in Comparison). Basler Zeitung, 10.9.2007. 27. Bernauer, T. Neutralitätspolitische Haarspalterei statt Interessenorientierte Aussenpolitik (Hairsplitting Over Neutrality Policy Instead of Interest-Oriented Foreign Policy). Basler Zeitung, 4.9.2006. 28. Bernauer, T. Globalisierung: Hilfe oder Hindernis im Kampf gegen die Armut (Globalization: Help or Obstacle in Fighting Poverty?). Basler Zeitung, 8.5.2006. 29. Bernauer, T. Trotz WTO-Entscheid keine Lösung in Sicht: Die WTO und der Handel mit gentechnisch modifizierten Pflanzen (No Solution Despite WTO Decision: The WTO and Trade in Genetically Modified Plants). Tagesanzeiger, 7.3.2006. 30. Bernauer, T. Das Vertrauen in die Politik schwindet (Trust in Politics Disappears). Basler Zeitung, 9.1.2006. 31. Bernauer, T. Der Staat als Risiko-Manager (The State as Risk Manager). Basler Zeitung, 17.10.2005. 32. Bernauer, T. Was die Gipfel der G-8 bewirken (Effects of G-8 Summits). Tagesanzeiger, 4.7.2005. 33. Bernauer, T. Den Nutzen in der Zukunft stärker analysieren (Analysis of Future Benefits). Basler Zeitung, 17.5.2005. 34. Bernauer, T. Gesellschaftliche Verantwortung: Wie viel Staat ist genug? (Social Responsibility: How Much Government is Enough?). Basler Zeitung, 7.2.2005. 35. Bernauer, T., Meinshausen, M. Klimapolitisch spielt die EU eine Vorreiterrolle (EU Plays a Leading Role in Climate Change Politics). Tagesanzeiger, 14.1.2005. 36. Bernauer, T. (2004): Kanon Politik: Von Wolf Linder bis Daniel Lehmann Pollheimer (Canon Politics: From Wolf Linder to Daniel Lehmann Pollheimer). Weltwoche 52. Thomas Bernauer, Publications 14 37. Bernauer, T. Globale Währungspolitik: Leichter Renovations- aber kein Revolutionsbedarf (Global Monetary Policy: Need for Renovation but not Revolution). Basler Zeitung, 18.10.2004. 38. Bernauer, T. Klimawandel: Wir müssen sofort und konsequent handeln (Climate Change: We have to act immediately and with determination). Basler Zeitung, 14.6.2004. 39. Bernauer, T. Weshalb sind Staaten unterschiedlich gross? (Why Do States Differ in Size?). Basler Zeitung, 16.2.2004. 40. Bernauer, T. Mehr Gewinn dank Umweltschutzvorschriften? (Higher Profits Thanks to Environmental Regulation?). Basler Zeitung, 27.10.2003. 41. Bernauer, T., Jung-Mounib, M. Kooperation mit Nordkorea suchen (Seeking Cooperation With North Korea). Tagesanzeiger, 20.10.2003. 42. Bernauer, T. Die UNO als Putzequipe? (The UN as a Cleaning Team?). Aargauer Zeitung, 23.8.2003. 43. Bernauer, T. Können PolitikerInnen durch Kriege Wahlen gewinnen? (Can Politicians Use Wars to Win Elections?). Basler Zeitung, 16.6.2003. 44. Bernauer, T. Krieg als Wachstumsbeschleuniger? (War as Accelerator of Economic Growth?). Financial Times (Deutschland), 22.4.2003. 45. Bernauer, T. Fördert Krieg das Wirtschaftswachstum? Unsentimentale Betrachtungen zum “Phoenix”-Effekt (Does War Promote Economic Growth? Unsentimental Observations on the “Phoenix” Effect). Neue Zürcher Zeitung, 5./6.4.2003. 46. Bernauer, T. Nur sanfte Macht garantiert den USA eine Führungsrolle (Only Soft Power Will Guarantee a Leadership Role for the USA). NZZ am Sonntag, 23.3.2003. 47. Bernauer, T. Nächster Halt: Nordkorea? (Next Stop: North Korea?). NZZ am Sonntag, 9.3.2003. 48. Bernauer, T. USA und EU auf Kollisionskurs im Biotech-Bereich (The USA and the EU On Collision Course in the Biotech Area). Basler Zeitung, 24.2.2003. 49. Bernauer, T. Grosskonzerne sind keine Wohltätigkeitsvereine (Big Firms are Not Charity Institutions). Basler Zeitung, 11.11.2002. 50. Bernauer, T. Wirtschaftswachstum und Umweltschutz (Economic Growth and Environmental Protection). Basler Zeitung, 15.7.2002. 51. Bernauer, T. Wie gut funktioniert die WTO-Konfliktlösung (How Well Does Conflict Resolution in the WTO Work?). Basler Zeitung, 26.11.2001. 52. Bernauer, T. Klimawandel: Politisches “Durchwursteln” mit ökonomischen Illusionen (Climate Change: Muddling Through with Economic Illusions). Basler Zeitung, 9.8.2001. 53. Bernauer, T. Bessere Regulierung des Abfallhandels: Deutliche Schwächen der Basler Giftmüll-Konvention (Improved Regulation of Toxic Waste Trade: Weaknesses of the Basle Convention on Toxic Waste). Neue Zürcher Zeitung, 28.5.2001. 54. Bernauer, T. Kein Grund für Endzeitstimmung! Marginalisierte Sozial- und Geisteswissenschaften? (No Reason for Dispair! Marginalized Social Sciences and Humanities?). ETH Life, 9.5.2001. 55. Bernauer, T. “Menschlicher” studieren: Ja, aber wie? (Studying in a More Human Way: Yes, But How?). ETH Life, 11.4.2001. Thomas Bernauer, Publications 15 56. Bernauer, T. ProfessorInnen-Löhne: Wie viel ist genug? (Faculty Salaries: How Much is Enough?). ETH Life, 14.3.2001. 57. Bernauer, T. "Trust Me, I'm a Scientist"!!?? ETH Life, 14.2.2001. 58. Bernauer, T. Forschungspolitisches Debakel (Science Policy Debacle). ETH Life, 10.1.2001. 59. Bernauer, T. Museumsreif (Ready for the Museum). ETH Life, 6.12.2000. 60. Bernauer, T. Multinationale Unternehmen auf dem politischen Rückzug? Keine NullRisiko-Gesellschaft trotz erfolgreichen NGOs (Multinational Corporations Losing Political Ground? No Zero-Risk Society Despite Successful NGOs). Neue Zürcher Zeitung, 12./13.8.2000. 61. Bernauer, T. (1999): Farewell to Politics? The Tension Between the Global Economy and Domestic Politics. Credit Suisse Group, Group News for All Employees Worldwide, October: 18-19. 62. Bernauer, T., Ruloff, D. In den Krieg hineingeschlittert: Kritische Bemerkungen zur Kosovo-Krise (Muddling Into the War: Critical Comments on the Kosovo Crisis). Neue Zürcher Zeitung, 1.6.1999. 63. Bernauer, T., Moser, P. Einiges spricht für ein Eingreifen in Kosovo (There Are Substantial Arguments For Intervening in Kosovo). Weltwoche, 30.7.1998. 64. Bernauer, T., Brem, S. Altbekannte Rezepte mit wissenschaftlicher Begleitmusik: Kritische Anmerkungen zu Christoph Blochers Strategiebericht (Old-Fashioned Recipes With Scientific Mood Music: Critical Comments on Christoph Blocher’s Strategy Paper). Neue Zürcher Zeitung, 16.7.1998. 65. Bernauer, T., Brem, St. Wie man mit positiven Anreizen den Rüstungswettlauf stoppt (How to Stop an Arms-Race With Positive Incentives. Weltwoche, 4.6.1998. 66. Bernauer, T., Wenger, A. Die Schweiz braucht einen neuen Nachrichtendienst (Switzerland Needs a New Intelligence Service). Neue Zürcher Zeitung, 26.5.1998. 67. Bernauer, T. Energieversorgung und Sicherheit in Ostasien: Macht oder Markt bei andauerndem Wachstum? (Energy Supply and Security in East Asia: Power Politics or Market Solutions under Conditions of Continuing Growth?). Neue Zürcher Zeitung, 22./23.11.1997. 68. Bernauer, T. Wird Japan zur Nuklearmacht? (Will Japan Become a Nuclear Weapons Power?). Neue Zürcher Zeitung, 16.12.1996. 69. Bernauer, T. (1996): Der Staat ist tot! Es lebe der Staat! Globalisierungsprozesse und Grundstrukturen des internationalen Systems (The State is Dead! Long Live the State! Processes of Globalization and Basic Structures of the International System). Schweizer Monatshefte 76/11: 30-33. 70. Bernauer, T., Brem, S., Suter, R. Traum und Wirklichkeit kollektiver Sicherheit: UNO und OSZE am Anfang eines Umdenkprozesses (Dreams and Realities of Collective Security: The UN and the OSCE Are Beginning to Rethink Their Role). Neue Zürcher Zeitung, 13.12.1995. 71. Bernauer, T. (1995): The Swiss Switch to a World Role. European Brief 2/7: 21-22. 72. Bernauer, T. Wie wird die EU in Zukunft aussehen? (How Will the Future EU Look Like?). Neue Zürcher Zeitung, 8./9.7.1995. Thomas Bernauer, Publications 16 73. Bernauer, T., Moser, P. Sind grosse Staaten politische Dinosaurier? Wirtschaftliche Globalisierung und das Paradox der politischen Zersplitterung (Are Large States Political Dinosaurs? Economic Globalization and the Paradox of Political Fragmentation). Neue Zürcher Zeitung, 10./11.6.1995. 74. Bernauer, T. Internationale Beziehungen: Theorie und Empirie (International Relations: Theory and Empirical Analysis). Neue Zürcher Zeitung, 3.4.1994. 75. Bernauer, T. Die Sowjetunion auf dem Weg zurück zur totalen Diktatur? (Is the Soviet Union Returning to Dictatorship?). Vaterland, 12.2.1991. 76. Bernauer, T., Schmalberger, T. An der alten Frage des Atomteststopps schieden sich die Geister (Conflict Over the Old Issue of a Nuclear Test Ban. Der Bund, 20.9.1990. 77. Goldblat, J., Bernauer, T. Der Atomsperrvertrag ist ein wirksamer Riegel (The Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty is an Effective Barrier). Der Bund, 18.8.1990. 78. Bernauer, T. Das harzige Ringen um einen C-Waffen-Vertrag (Hard Negotiations on a Chemical Weapons Treaty). Der Bund, 29.3.1990. Thomas Bernauer, Publications 17
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