DAS ALSO MICROSOFT ONLINE MEETING «NUTSHELL» April 2015 startet um 13.30 Uhr Wir lizenzieren Microsoft®-Software DAS ALSO MICROSOFT ONLINE MEETING APRIL 2015 Wirlizenzieren verkaufenMicrosoft®-Software nur Original-Microsoft®-Software! Wir Ihre heutigen Online Meeting Moderatoren Hauptthemen • Aktuelle Promotions, Produkteund Preisänderung für Mai 2015 • Veaam (Gerold Eichkorn) • Short News • Top Themen@ALSOO • Wettbewerb • Microsoft SPLA Agenda Wir lizenzieren Microsoft®-Software Laufende und neue Promotionen Marco Iten Head of Business Unit Software http://www.microsoft.com/emea/mos/de-ch/Default.aspx Verkauf von Windows Server Standard 2012R2 oder neuer Windows Server Datacenter in Open, Open Value, Open Value Subscription Agreement oder OEMLizenzen + 1 x AZURE Guthaben im Lizenzprogramm Open License als Azure Subscription Services Corporate oder Subscription Services Government oder Subscription Services Faculty = Sie erhalten zusätzlich 1x ein AZURE Guthaben kostenlos Was gilt es zu beachten: • Max. 1 Lizenz Pro Endkunde innerhalb dieser Promo • Qualifiziert für Reseller mit Büros in Europa • Max. 1 Claim pro Reseller pro Endkunde Promodauer: 01.12.2014 - 31.5.2015 http://microsoft.also.ch/perfect-project/ http://microsoft.also.ch/perfect-project/ Produkte- und Preisänderung Ursy Vetterli Sales Consultant Veeam Gerold Eichkorn Channel Manager Veeam Software AG Availability for the modern datacentre Gerold Eichkorn Channel Manager Switzerland [email protected] +41 79 417 2373 Veeam enables the Always-On Business™ by providing solutions that deliver Availability for the Modern Data Center ™. Availability Evolution WEEKLY BACKUP RTO and RPO DAILY BACKUP RTO and RPO RTO and RPO Days and weeks Hours and days Seconds and minutes 1970s 1990s 2015 24/7 operations No patience for downtime and data loss Growing amount of data Enable the Always-On BusinessTM Modern Data Center Virtualization Modern storage Cloud - Agentless backup and replication for VMware and Hyper-V - Scalable, powerful, easy-to-use, affordable Application Aware Image Processing how Veeam backup works 1. Prior to backup the VM is made application consistent (quiesced) using VSS or the hypervisor integration tools. 2. For Hyper-V: an internal and external VSS snapshot is made. At this point a backup can be made. For Hyper-V the external VSS snapshot can leverage hardware VSS and for Hyper-V 2012 R2 the internal VSS snapshot will use a VM snapshot High-speed Recovery instant VM recovery vPower migrate online Verified Protection automated backup verification verification job VM App OS Report Exchange: Restore any exchange object to same or different location, export, or Office 365 All without agents SharePoint: Browse for object to restore, including shredded files Active Directory: Browse, compare and restore Active Directory objects, to the same or different location. Including original Passwords SQL Server: Browse and restore SQL databases to a specific point in time via transaction log replay. Explorer for Exchange instant recovery of mailbox items - Visibility into Exchange 2010 and 2013 VM backups. - Browse, search and restore mailboxes and mailbox contents. - Export, email or restore directly back to Exchange, or even Office 365. - Recover from hard deleted items (that were both created and deleted since last backup) - 1-Click Exchange item recovery in Enterprise Manager (useful for helpdesk staff) Explorer for SharePoint instant recovery of sharepoint items - Visibility into SharePoint 2010 and 2013 VM backups. - Browse, search and restore SharePoint objects (including form templates, documents, pictures and reports) - Export, email or restore directly back to SharePoint. Explorer for AD New in v8 instant recovery of active directory items - Visibility into Active Directory 2003 (and higher) VM backups. - Browse, search and restore any Active Directory objects, to the same or different location. - Compare the backup state with the current Active Directory partition to quickly find changes. - Restores original password for account objects. Explorer for SQL New in v8 precise recovery of SQL databases - Visibility into SQL 2005, 2008, 2008 R2, 2012 and 2014 VM backups. - Browse and restore SQL databases to a specific point in time via transaction log replay. - 1-Click self-restore in Enterprise Manager (no VM name required) - Built-in agentless transaction log backup for low RPO SQL protection. 3-2-1 Rule avoiding recovery failure Backup specialists agree that in order to ensure recoverability you need: - 3 copies of your data - Store this data using at least 2 different media types - Store at least 1 copy offsite - Allow for “0 errors” by using automatic recovery verification using SureBackup and SureReplica WAN Acceleration speed up replication and backup copy offsite Cloud Connect New in v8 use or become a dedicated cloud provider - Uses backup copy and WAN acceleration (if licensed on customer side). - Hosted offsite backup to a cloud repository through an SSL connection. - 10-minute setup, multitenant support, resource management, scale-out architecture and encryption. Service provider licensing (monthly rental) available through Veeam Cloud Provider program, costs for end-users depend on the provider. Cloud Connect New in v8 on Microsoft Azure Run a Cloud Connect VM in Azure, and benefit from its powerful and cost-effective resources for your customers: - Same simple deployment. - Restore files and individual application items. - VM recovery to Azure (using native VHD import) - Multitenancy - Available in Azure Marketplace Veeam Backup & Replication SSL Customer SSL WAN Customer Cloud repositories Cloud gateway Customer WAN accelerator (optional) WAN accelerator (optional) Backup repository How it works: Service provider setup Service Provider Veeam Backup & Replication Cloud gateway Backup repository How it works: Service provider setup 1. Install Veeam infrastructure: backup server, repository and cloud gateway Service Provider Veeam Backup & Replication Customer Cloud repository Cloud gateway Backup repository How it works: Service provider setup 1. Install Veeam infrastructure: backup server, repository and cloud gateway 2. Create a “tenant” and allocate resources to it Service Provider Veeam Backup & Replication SSL WAN Customer Cloud repository Cloud gateway Backup repository How it works: Service provider setup 1. Install Veeam infrastructure: backup server, repository and cloud gateway 2. Create a “tenant” and allocate resources to it 3. Give customer connection information Service Provider Customer Veeam Backup & Replication SSL SSL WAN Customer Cloud repositories SSL Cloud gateway WAN accelerator (optional) Customer WAN accelerator (optional) Backup repository Complete Visibility monitoring and reporting Make the most of your investment, and realize cost savings by improving infrastructure visibility. Microsoft Active Directory, Exchange, SharePoint and SQL Server Backup to Tape jobs Vielen Dank Gerold Eichkorn Channel Manager Switzerland [email protected] om +41 79 417 2373 Neu! http://microsoft.also.ch/perfect-project/ Short News Sébastien Leuenberger Product Manager Erhältlich unter iOS, Android und Windows Phone http://blogs.office.com/2015/04/02/office-lens-comes-to-iphone-and-android/ Erhältlich unter Android und Windows Phone http://research.microsoft.com/en-us/projects/officeremote/ Top Themen @ ALSO Tamara Wolfer Product Manager http://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/marketplace/partners/veeam/veeamcloudconnect-veeambackup/ http://azure.microsoft.com/de-de/pricing/calculator/ http://azure.microsoft.com/de-de/pricing/calculator/ Trainings und Team Thomas Bickel Product Manager Microsoft Cloud Practise (Level 200) Auf dem Weg in ein erfolgreiches Cloud-Business sammeln Sie Grundlagen über Cloud Computing. 05.06.2015 09:00 - 16:00 ALSO Schweiz, Emmen Jetzt Anmelden! Azure for Insider (Level 300) Mit Azure, der Public Cloud von Microsoft, könnte man hochskalierbare und weltweit verteilte Anwendungen für Millionen von Endbenutzer erstellen. Doch wer arbeitet schon am nächsten Facebook? Wir zeigen Ihnen wie Sie Microsoft Azure auch in kleineren IaaS Projekten nutzen können und was die Vorteile sind. 12.06.2015 09:00 - 16:00 ALSO Schweiz, Emmen Jetzt Anmelden! SharePoint Basics in Office365 (Level 200) Die Schwerpunkte in diesem Training: •Einführung in SharePoint •Eröffnung eines Office365 Tenant •SharePoint Bibliotheken und Listen •SharePoint Apps •SharePoint Websites bearbeiten 08.05.2015 09:00 - 16:00 ALSO Schweiz, Emmen www.also-training.ch/microsoft Jetzt Anmelden! www.also-training.ch/microsoft http://microsoft.also.ch/kontakt/also-microsoft-team/ Wettbewerb Massimo De Luca Product Manager Was gibt es zu gewinnen? 1x Trolley Rucksack Wer gewinnt den Preis? Der schnellste Absender mit korrekter Antwort gewinnt den Lync Trolley Rucksack!! [email protected] SPLA - Topics Massimo Caruso Sales Consultant 741035M 741036M 6RH-00002 6RH-00004 Corporate License/Software SfBSrvEntSAL ALNG Assurance Pack LicSAPk MVL Microsoft®SfBServerEntSAL AllLng License/SoftwareAssurancePack MVL 1License Corporate License/Software SfBSrvEntSAL ALNG Assurance Pack LicSAPk MVL forSA Microsoft®SfBServerEntSAL AllLng License/SoftwareAssurancePack MVL 1License forSA Microsoft®SfBServerEntPlusSAL AllLng License/SoftwareAssurancePack MVL 1License 741034M 6TH-00002 Corporate License/Software SfBSvrEntPlusSAL ALNG Assurance Pack LicSAPk MVL 741037M 6SH-00002 Corporate License/Software SfBSvrPlusSAL ALNG Assurance Pack LicSAPk MVL Microsoft®SfBServerPlusSAL AllLng License/SoftwareAssurancePack MVL 1License 741038M 6SH-00004 Corporate License/Software SfBSvrPlusSAL ALNG Assurance Pack LicSAPk MVL forSA Microsoft®SfBServerPlusSAL AllLng License/SoftwareAssurancePack MVL 1License forSA 741039M 6QH-00002 Corporate License/Software SfBSvrStdSAL ALNG Assurance Pack LicSAPk MVL Microsoft®SfBServerStdSAL AllLng License/SoftwareAssurancePack MVL 1License 741040M 6QH-00004 Corporate License/Software SfBSvrStdSAL ALNG Assurance Pack LicSAPk MVL forSA Microsoft®SfBServerStdSAL AllLng License/SoftwareAssurancePack MVL 1License forSA Effective April 1, 2015, Windows Server 2012 R2 includes the use rights for the synchronization services provided by Forefront Identity Manager Synchronization Service for Hosting 2010 R2 (“FIM Hosting”). Accordingly, service providers may download FIM Server 2010 R2 from VLSC at no additional charge from Microsoft. Microsoft removed the FIM Hosting processor licenses from the May SPLA price list. Partners who report Windows Server processor licenses are not required to report FIM Hosting on April monthly usage reports. Microsoft plans to rebrand FIM server as Microsoft Identity Manager (“MIM”) in FY16 H1. Service Providers who provide all other FIM identity and access management capabilities should continue reporting FIM SALs. Können in einer VM sowohl SQL Server Standard wie auch SQL Server Enterprise lizenziert werden? Grundsätzlich ist es nicht erlaubt, verschiedene Versionen auf einer VM zu lizenzieren. Man kann also nicht 1x SQL Server Standard Lizenz und 1x SQL Server Enterprise Lizenz in der gleichen VM nutzen. Man kann jedoch die SQL Server Enterprise Lizenz nehmen und die Down-Edition Rights nutzen, um nebst SQL Enterprise auch SQL Standard auf der gleichen VM zu installieren. Denn in den SPUR steht: www.microsoft.also.ch Das heutige Live Meeting steht Ihnen im Anschluss zur Verfügung auf www.microsoft.also.ch Online Meeting ab Konserve Informieren Sie sich über Yammer https://www.yammer.com/alsomicrosoftpartner NUTSHELL Feedback
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