審 議 事 項 頁 審議事項 1 国際会議関係 提案1 欧州若手アカデミーに向けて「グランド・チャレンジ」ブレイ ンストーミング・ワークショップへの会員の派遣 1 1 幹事会 提 91 案 欧州若手アカデミーに向けて 「グランド・チャレンジ」ブレインストーミング・ワークショップへの会員の派遣 1 提 案 者 若手アカデミー委員会委員長 2 議 案 標記について、日本学術会議から駒井章治特任連携会員を派遣 すること 3 提案理由 欧州若手アカデミーに向けて「グランド・チャレンジ」ブレイ ンストーミング・ワークショップに以下のとおり会員を派遣 することとしたい。 4 派遣者 駒井章治 (特任連携会員、若手アカデミー委員会委員) 5 会議期間 平成 22 年 3 月 26 日(金)∼28 日(日) 6 派遣場所 アンタルヤ(トルコ) 7 開催趣旨 全欧アカデミー(ALLEA: ALL European Academies)は、 「欧 州若手アカデミーに向けて(EYA: Toward a European Young Academy) 」という一連のプロジェクトを推進させており、全 欧アカデミーの中での「全欧若手アカデミー」の設立を目指 して様々なワークショップを打ち出している。今回は、特に 大型の国際的研究プログラムの策定に関連し、戦略計画立案 及び科学における優先順位の付け方等について、約 20 人の若 手科学者及び何名かの専門家を交えたブレインストーミング 型のワークショップを開催する。地球規模への問題対応に科 学が関与することが一層強く必要とされる昨今、未だ「若手 アカデミー」の設立を模索する段階にある今日の日本の状況 を鑑み、駒井章治連携会員を当該ワークショップに派遣し、 欧州の若手アカデミーについての情報を入手することとした い。会合の概要等については別添資料を参照のこと。 別添 Professor Hideaki Karaki Science Council of Japan 7-22-34 Roppongi, Minato-ku Tokyo, 106-8555 Japan Amsterdam, 08 March 2010 Ref: L/1077/mb Subject: Invitation brainstorming workshop “Grand Challenges” Dear Professor Karaki, ALLEA (ALL European Academies) – the European Federation of 53 National Academies of Sciences and Humanities – is writing to invite you to nominate one young scientist to participate in the “Grand Challenges” brainstorming workshop convened in the context of its project “Towards a European Young Academy (EYA)”. Awards for beneficiaries of existing young scholars’ support schemes are available to participate in this workshop. We would ask you to nominate one young researcher, taking into account also their likely ability to contribute to interdisciplinary and science policy oriented discussions. ALLEA, its members and partner organisations, have embarked on this project in order to harness the creative potential of the next generation of leading scholars from across Europe to develop new forms of interdisciplinary collaboration. Another function of such a “European Young Academy” would be to establish a cohort of some of the best early career researchers in Europe who would be able to speak up on science policy issues. In parallel, discussions also will be useful for determining dimensions of the science policy activities o national Young Academies. With increasing pressure being brought to bear on science to respond to major, often global, societal challenges, science policy makers are in the process of identifying “Grand Challenges” around which to arrange large scale international research programmes. This workshop will bring together a select group of ca. 20 young researchers and a handful of expert practitioners – at national, European and global level – in the field of strategic planning and priority setting in science. We shall make additional material accessible to workshop participants closer to the time of the actual event. Such background materials and lectures by senior science policy makers on “Grand Challenges” approaches and associated problems will equip the representatives of the next generation of leading scholars to debate the rationale behind such processes, or, indeed, to propose alternatives. Participants will articulate their vision of the structures needed for the next generation of leading scholars to play a role in the ongoing debates; questions may include: what science for the future? how to design research foresight processes? etc. Through break-out and more broadly conceived plenary sessions a workshop document will be prepared (“Grand Challenges in Science: the voice of the next generation”). This document will be used as input for the further development of the project by ALLEA and partner organisations. ALLEA The workshop is co-sponsored by our Member Academy TÜBA (the Turkish Academy of Sciences; http://www.tuba.gov.tr/) and will be convened on 25-28 March 2010 in Antalya, Turkey, at the “Concorde De Luxe Resort” (http://www.concordehotel.info/). TÜBA will cover accommodation for 3 nights for participants, meals and the airport-hotel-airport transfers in Antalya (by taxi). Costs of the airline ticket to Antalya (economy class) will be reimbursed by ALLEA. Private expenses (mini-bar, phone calls, etc.) as well as accommodation for extra persons (family, guests etc.) will need to be paid for by the participants themselves. Costs in the country of origin (travel to and from airport) cannot be covered. Please do let us know by 10 March 2010 the details of the participant you have identified by e-mail to [email protected]. We are looking forward to seeing your representative in Antalya. Best regards, Rüdiger Klein Executive Director ALLEA Towards a European Young Academy “Grand Challenges” brainstorming workshop Turkish Academy of Sciences (TÜBA) Antalya, Turkey, 26-28 March 2010 PARTICIPATION FORM Please return this form to the ALLEA secretariat ([email protected]) by Wednesday 10 March 2010 Please tick the Yes/No boxes and fill in the shaded areas where appropriate Participant’s name: Phone: E-mail: Attendance Meeting Yes I will attend the “Grand Challenges” brainstorming workshop in Antalya, 26 - 28 March 2010 Special dietary requirements None Vegetarian No meat No fish and seafood Other, please specify: Travel details Arrival date and time: Departure date and time: No Accommodation requirements Yes I require a single room for the following night: • Thursday 25 March 2010 • Friday 26 March 2010 • Saturday 27 March 2010 Any other nights – please specify: No
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