Curriculum Vitae - University of Missouri

Z. D. Peterson
Department of Psychology
University of Missouri-St. Louis (UM-St. Louis)
216 Stadler Hall
One University Blvd.
St. Louis, MO 63121
[email protected]
Ph.D. (2005)
Department of Psychology, Clinical Program (APA accredited), University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS
• Dissertation: Conceptualizing the “Wantedness” of Women’s Consensual and Nonconsensual Sexual
Experiences: Implications for How Women Label Their Experiences with Rape
Women’s Studies Graduate Certificate (2003)
Women’s Studies Program, University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS
M.A. (2000)
Department of Psychology, Clinical Program (APA-accredited), University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS
• Master’s Thesis: Calling It Rape: Rape Myth Acceptance and Situational Characteristics as Related to Rape
B.A. (1998)
Macalester College, St. Paul, MN
• Major: Psychology
Associate Professor (August 2013-Present)
Department of Psychology, University of Missouri-St. Louis, St. Louis, MO
Affiliate Faculty Member (May 2010-Present)
Gender Studies Program, University of Missouri-St. Louis, St. Louis, MO
Research Fellow (January 2008-Present)
Kinsey Institute for Research in Sex, Gender, and Reproduction, Indiana University, Bloomington, IN
Assistant Professor (August 2007-August 2013)
Department of Psychology, University of Missouri-St. Louis, St. Louis, MO
Assistant Professor (August 2007-May 2010)
Institute for Women and Gender Studies, University of Missouri-St. Louis, St. Louis, MO
Clinical Research Postdoctoral Fellow (2005-2007)
Kinsey Institute for Research in Sex, Gender, and Reproduction, Indiana University, Bloomington, IN
Pre-doctoral Intern (2004-2005)
Minneapolis Veterans Administration Medical Center, Minneapolis, MN
Pre-doctoral Research Fellow (2003-2004)
Sexuality Research Fellowship Program, Social Science Research Council
August 2014
Z. D. Peterson
Pending External Research Funding
Principal Investigator
Examining a Typology of Sexually Violent Men Identified Using a Fake Lie Detector Methodology
Agency: National Institutes of Justice (NIJ)
Amount Requested: $340,670 direct costs; $158,610 indirect costs
Funding Period: January 2015 – December 2017
Status: Under review
Completed External Research Funding
St. Louis Site Principal Investigator
National HIV Behavioral Surveillance
Agency: Center for Disease Control (CDC) cooperative agreement through a contract with Missouri Department
of Health and Senior Services
Amount: $304,892 direct costs; $23,511 indirect costs
Funding Period: September 15, 2009 - December 31, 2010
Status: Completed
Principal Investigator
Sexual Aggression and HIV Risk in Young, Heterosexual Men (R21HD055831)
Agency: National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD)
Amount: $345,311 direct costs; $83,070 indirect costs
Funding Period: May 1, 2008 – April 30, 2010
Status: Completed
Principal Investigator
A Focus Group Study of Sexually Aggressive and Non-Aggressive Men’s Sexual Communication and DecisionMaking
Agency: The Foundation for the Scientific Study of Sexuality, Grant-in-Aid Program
Amount: $1,000
Funding Period: October 2007- September 2008
Status: Completed
Project Director / Postdoctoral Fellow
A Methodological Study of Hysterectomy and Sexual Functioning
Principal Investigator: J. R. Heiman
Agency: Athena Institute for Women’s Wellness
Amount: $20,000
Funding Period: 2006-2007
Status: Completed
Principal Investigator / Dissertation Fellow
Conceptualizing the “Wantedness” of Women’s Consensual and Nonconsensual Sexual Experiences
Agency: Ford Foundation / Social Science Research Council, Sexuality Research Fellowship Program
Amount: $28,000 direct costs; $6,000 indirect costs
Funding Period: 2003-2004
Status: Completed
August 2014
Z. D. Peterson
Completed Internal Research Funding
Principal Investigator
Sexual Functioning Among Infertile Couples: A One-Year Longitudinal Study
Agency: University of Missouri Research Board
Amount: $32,112
Funding Period: May 2011 – April 2013
Status: Completed
Principal Investigator
A Laboratory Analogue of Sexually Aggressive Behavior: Testing Feasibility and Validity
Agency: University of Missouri-St. Louis Research Award
Amount: $12,065
Funding Period: June 2008- May 2009
Status: Completed
Indicates current or former UM-St. Louis graduate student.
Journal Articles
*Buday, S., & Peterson, Z. D. (in press). Men’s and women’s interpretation and endorsement of items
measuring self-reported sexual aggression. Journal of Sex Research.
Jozkowski K. N., Peterson, Z. D., Sanders, S. A., Dennis, B., & Reece, M. (in press). Gender differences in
heterosexual college students’ conceptualizations and indicators of sexual consent: Implications for
contemporary sexual assault prevention education. Journal of Sex Research.
doi: 10.1080/00224499.2013.792326
*Artime, T. M., *McCallum, E., & Peterson, Z. D. (in press). Men’s acknowledgement of their sexual
victimization experiences. Psychology of Men and Masculinity.
doi: 10.1037/a0033376
Jozkowski, K.N., Sanders, S.A., Peterson, Z.D., Dennis, B., & Reece, M. (2014). Consenting to sexual activity:
The development and psychometric assessment of dual measures of consent. Archives of Sexual
Behavior, 43, 437-450.
doi: 10.1007/s10508-013-0225-7
Jozkowski, K. N., & Peterson, Z. D. (2014). Assessing the validity and reliability of the Perceptions of the
Consent to Sex Scale. Journal of Sex Research, 51, 632-645.
doi: 10.1080/00224499.2012.757282
Peterson, Z. D., Janssen, E., Goodrich, D., & Heiman, J. R. (2014). Physiological reactivity in a community
sample of sexually aggressive young men: A test of competing hypotheses. Aggressive Behavior, 40,
doi: 10.1002/ab.21512
*Strang, E., & Peterson, Z. D. (2013). The relationships among perceived peer acceptance of sexual
aggression, punishment certainty, and sexually aggressive behavior. Journal of Interpersonal Violence,
28, 3369-3385.
doi: 10.1177/0886260513502126
Jozkowski, K. N., & Peterson, Z. D. (2013). College students and sexual consent: Unique insights. Journal of
Sex Research, 50, 517-523.
doi: 10.1080/00224499.2012.700739
August 2014
Z. D. Peterson
*Strang, E. T., Peterson, Z. D., Hill, Y. N., & Heiman, J. R. (2013). Discrepant responding across self-report
measures of men's coercive and aggressive sexual strategies. Journal of Sex Research, 50, 458-469.
doi: 10.1080/00224499.2011.646393
*McCallum, E., Peterson, Z. D., & *Mueller, T. M. (2012). Validation of the Traumatic Sexualization Survey for
use with heterosexual men. Journal of Sex Research, 49, 423-433.
doi: 10.1080/00224499.2011.585524
*Artime, T. M., & Peterson, Z. D. (2012). The relationships among childhood maltreatment, emotion regulation,
and sexual risk-taking in men from urban STD clinics. Journal of Aggression, Maltreatment, & Trauma,
21, 277-299.
doi: 10.1080/10926771.2012.659802
Peterson, Z. D., & Lamb, S. (2012). The political context for personal empowerment: Continuing the
conversation. Sex Roles, 66, 758-763.
doi: 10.1007/s11199-012-0150-6
Lamb, S., & Peterson, Z. D. (2012). Adolescent girls’ sexual empowerment: Two feminists explore the concept.
Sex Roles, 66, 703-712.
doi: 10.1007/s11199-011-9995-3
McCallum, E., & Peterson, Z. D. (2012). Investigating the impact of inquiry mode on self-reported sexual
behavior: Theoretical considerations and review of the literature. Annual Review of Sex Research
[Special issue]. Journal of Sex Research, 49 (2-3), 212-226.
doi: 10.1080/00224499.2012.658923
Buday, S., Stake, J. E., & Peterson, Z. D. (2012). Gender and the choice of a science career: The impact of
social support and possible selves. Sex Roles, 66, 197-209.
doi: 10.1007/s11199-011-0015-4
Muehlenhard, C. L., & Peterson, Z. D. (2011). Distinguishing between sex and gender: History, current
conceptualizations, and implications. Sex Roles, 64, 791-803.
doi: 10.1007/s11199-011-9932-5
Peterson, Z. D., & Muehlenhard, C. L. (2011). A match-and-motivation model of how women label their
nonconsensual sexual experiences. Psychology of Women Quarterly, 35, 558-570.
doi: 10.1177/0361684311410210
Article selected by the editors of Psychology of Women Quarterly to include a podcast interview with the
Blain, L., Galovski, T. A., & Peterson, Z. D. (2011). Female sexual self-schema after interpersonal trauma:
Relationship to psychiatric and cognitive functioning in a clinical sample. Journal of Traumatic Stress,
24, 222-225.
doi: 10.1002/jts.20616
Peterson, Z. D., Voller, E., Polusny, M., A., & Murdoch, M. (2011). Prevalence and consequences of adult
sexual assault of men: Review of empirical findings and state of the literature. Clinical Psychology
Review, 31, 1-24
doi: 10.1016/j.cpr.2010.08.006
Peterson, Z. D. (2010). What is sexual empowerment? A multidimensional and process-oriented approach to
adolescent girls’ sexual empowerment. Sex Roles, 62, 307-313.
doi: 10.1007/s11199-009-9725-2
August 2014
Z. D. Peterson
Peterson, Z. D., Rothenberg, J., Bilbrey, S., & Heiman, J. R. (2010). Women’s sexual functioning following
elective hysterectomies: The role of surgical and psychosocial variables. Journal of Sex Research, 47,
Peterson, Z. D., Janssen, E., & Laan, E. (2010). Women's sexual responses to heterosexual and lesbian
erotica: The role of stimulus intensity, affective reaction, and sexual history. Archives of Sexual
Behavior, 39, 880-897.
doi: 10.1007/s10508-009-9546-y
Peterson, Z. D., Janssen, E., & Heiman, J. R. (2010). The association between sexual aggression and HIV risk
behavior in heterosexual men. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 25, 538-556.
doi: 10.1177/0886260509334414
Peterson, Z. D., & Janssen, E. (2007). Ambivalent affect and sexual response: The impact of co-occurring
positive and negative emotions on subjective and physiological responses to erotic stimuli. Archives of
Sexual Behavior, 36, 793-807.
doi: 10.1007/s10508-006-9145-0
Peterson, Z. D., & Muehlenhard, C. L. (2007). What is sex and why does it matter? A motivational approach to
exploring individuals’ definitions of sex. Journal of Sex Research, 44, 256-268.
doi: 10.1080/00224490701443932
Peterson, Z. D., & Muehlenhard, C. L. (2007). Conceptualizing the "wantedness" of women's consensual and
nonconsensual sexual experiences: Implications for how women label their experiences with rape.
Journal of Sex Research, 44, 72-88.
doi: 10.1080/00224490709336794
Winner of the Hugo G. Beigel Award for best paper in the Journal of Sex Research in 2007.
Selected as a finalist for the 2008 Ira and Harriet Reiss Theory Award in recognition of theoretical advances
in the field of sexual science.
Reprinted as: Peterson, Z. D., & Muehlenhard, C. L. (2009). Conceptualizing the "wantedness" of women's
consensual and nonconsensual sexual experiences: Implications for how women label their experiences with rape.
In J. K. Davidson, N. B. Moore, & T. D. Fisher (Eds.), Speaking of Sexuality (3 edition; pp. 525-540). Oxford:
Oxford University Press.
Muehlenhard, C. L., & Peterson, Z. D. (2005). Wanting and not wanting sex: The missing discourse of
ambivalence. Feminism and Psychology, 15, 15-20.
doi: 10.1177/0959353505049698
Peterson, Z. D., & Muehlenhard, C. L. (2004). Was it rape? The function of women’s rape myth acceptance and
definitions of sex in labeling their own experiences. Sex Roles, 51, 129-144.
doi: 10.1023/B:SERS.0000037758.95376.00
Muehlenhard, C. L., Peterson, Z. D., Karwoski, L., Bryant, T. S., & Lee, R. S. (2003). Gender and sexuality: An
introduction to the special issue. Journal of Sex Research, 40, 1-3.
Peterson, Z. D. (2002). More than a mirror: The ethics of therapist self-disclosure. Psychotherapy, 39, 21-31.
doi: 10.1037/0033-3204.39.1.21
Book Chapters and Encyclopedia Entries
Peterson, Z. D., *Buday, S., *McCallum, E. (in press). Rape, sexual assault, and sexual coercion. In P.
Whelehan & A. Bolin (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Human Sexuality. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell.
August 2014
Z. D. Peterson
Peterson, Z. D., *Silverman, E. A., & *Strang, E. (in press). Consensual sex. In P. Whelehan & A. Bolin (Eds.),
Encyclopedia of Human Sexuality. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell.
Peterson, Z. D., & Muehlenhard, C. L. (2011). The Sexual Wanting Questionnaire. In Fisher, T. D., Davis, S. L.,
Davis, C. M., & Yarber, W. L., (Eds), Handbook of Sexuality-Related Measures (3 edition; pp. 575581). New York: Taylor & Francis.
Peterson, Z. D., & Heiman, J. R. (2008). Sexuality. In G. Reyes, J. Elhai, & J. Ford (Eds.), Encyclopedia of
Psychological Trauma (pp. 599-601). Ontario: Wiley.
Muehlenhard, C. L., & Peterson, Z. D. (2004). Conceptualizing sexual violence: Socially acceptable coercion
and other controversies. In A. G. Miller (Ed.), The Social Psychology of Good and Evil (pp. 240-268).
New York: Guilford.
Peterson, Z. D., & Muehlenhard, C. L. (2003). Rape. In The International Encyclopedia of Marriage and Family
(pp. 1293-1297). New York: Macmillan.
Journal Special Issues
Muehlenhard, C. L., Peterson, Z. D., Karwoski, L., Bryant, T. S., & Lee, R. S. (Eds.). (2003). Gender and
sexuality [Special issue]. Journal of Sex Research, 40(1).
Educational Brochures
Muehlenhard, C. L., & Peterson, Z. D. (2010). What sexual scientists know…: About rape (2
[Brochure]. Allentown, PA: Society for the Scientific Study of Sexuality.
Published Book and Media Reviews
*Mueller, T., & Peterson, Z. D. (2012). Affirmative consent and safer, hotter sex. (Review of the DVD Asking for
it: The ethics and erotics of sexual consent). Journal of Sex Research, 49, 303-304.
doi: 10.1080/00224499.2011.607979
Peterson, Z. D. (2004). Challenging evolutionary theories of sex differences and rape: An interdisciplinary
response to Thornhill and Palmer (Review of the book Evolution, rape, and gender). Journal of Sex
Research, 41, 118-120.
Muehlenhard, C. L., & Peterson, Z. D. (2001). Inviting dissent: Formulating theories about men’s violence
against women (Review of the book What causes men’s violence against women?). Psychology of
Women Quarterly, 25, 83-84.
doi: 10.1177/036168430102500106
Manuscripts Submitted for Publication
*Buday, S., & Peterson, Z. D. (2014, July). The relationship between belief in traditional sexual roles and men’s
and women’s perpetration of sexual aggression. Manuscript submitted for publication.
*McCallum, E., & Peterson, Z. D. (2014, April). Women’s self-report of sexual victimization: An experimental
examination of the influence of race, mode of inquiry, setting, and experimenter contact. Manuscript
submitted for publication.
*McCallum, E., & Peterson, Z. D. (2014, August). The influence of race and methodological variables on
women’s self-report of sexual behaviors and attitudes: An experimental study. Manuscript submitted for
publication in response to a “revise and resubmit” decision.
August 2014
Z. D. Peterson
Edited Book Under Contract
Peterson, Z. D. (Ed.). (2015, November expected). The Wiley-Blackwell handbook of sex therapy. Oxford,
England: Wiley-Blackwell.
Manuscripts in Preparation
*Artime, T., & Peterson, Z. D. (2014). Rape victims’ feelings of wanting and consenting to nonconsensual sex:
Implications for posttraumatic cognitions. Manuscript in preparation.
Peterson, Z. D., & *Buday, S. (2014). Men as victims of sexual coercion in couples with infertility. Manuscript in
Peterson, Z. D., *Eiseman, P., & Thigpen, J. (2014). Sexually aggressive and non-aggressive men’s ideas
about rape prevention: A qualitative study. Manuscript in preparation.
Peterson, Z. D., Goodrich, D., Janssen, E., Fortenberry, J. D., & Heiman, J. R. (2014). Child sexual abuse and
negative affect as shared risk factors for sexual aggression and HIV risky sex. Manuscript in
Indicates current or former UM-St. Louis graduate student.
** Indicates current or former UM-St. Louis undergraduate student.
Refereed Presentations (Last 5 Years)
**Dement, W., *Strang, E., & Peterson, Z. D. (2014, November). Are men’s reports of sexual risk influenced by
social desirability? A bogus pipeline study. Poster accepted for presentation at the annual meeting of
the Society for the Scientific Study of Sexuality, Omaha, NE.
*Eiseman, P., & Peterson, Z. D. (2014, November). Definitions of “cheating” in an undergraduate sample:
Comparisons and correlates. Paper accepted for presentation at the annual meeting of the Society for
the Scientific Study of Sexuality, Omaha, NE.
*Kirschbaum, A., *Scharer, J., *Pine, J., & Peterson, Z. D. (2014, November). Infertility and relationship
adjustment: The role of infertility-related variables, psychological variables, and partner variables. Poster
accepted for presentation at the annual meeting of the Society for the Scientific Study of Sexuality,
Omaha, NE.
*Kirschbaum, A., & Peterson, Z. D. (2014, November). "Would you say you masturbated if...?" Definitions of
masturbation and implications for research and practice. Poster accepted for presentation at the annual
meeting of the Society for the Scientific Study of Sexuality, Omaha, NE.
*Rivas-Gonzalez, S., & Peterson, Z. D. (2014, November). Sexual satisfaction in infertile couples: A comparison
of sex for conception and sex not for conception. Paper accepted for presentation at the annual meeting
of the Society for the Scientific Study of Sexuality, Omaha, NE.
*Strang, E., & Peterson, Z. D. (2014, November). Intentional misreporting on self-report measures of sexually
aggressive behavior: A bogus pipeline study. Paper accepted for presentation at the annual meeting of
the Society for the Scientific Study of Sexuality, Omaha, NE.
Peterson, Z. D. (2013, November). Sexual coercion among couples with infertility. Paper presented at the
annual meeting of the Society for the Scientific Study of Sexuality, San Diego, CA.
August 2014
Z. D. Peterson
Jozkowski, K., & Peterson, Z. D. (2013, November). Consenting to sexual activity: The development and
psychometric assessment of dual measures of consent. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the
Society for the Scientific Study of Sexuality, San Diego, CA.
*Silverman, E. A., & Peterson, Z. D. (2013, November). Self-efficacy and relationship factors in sexual risktaking among young African American women. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Society for
the Scientific Study of Sexuality, San Diego, CA.
Peterson, Z. D., Janssen, E., Goodrich, D., & Heiman, J. R. (2013, August). Physiological reactivity in a
community sample of sexually aggressive young men: A test of competing hypotheses. Poster
presented at the annual meeting of the International Academy of Sex Research, Chicago, IL.
Peterson, Z. D., *Strang, E., Janssen, E., Goodrich, D., & Heiman, J. R. (2012, November). Negative affect and
sexual risk-taking among men: Questionnaire and laboratory findings. Paper presented at the annual
meeting of the Society for the Scientific Study of Sexuality, Tampa, FL.
Jozkowski, K., Peterson, Z. D., Sanders, S., & Reece, M. (2012, November). Gender differences in college
students’ conceptualizations and indicators of sexual consent. Paper presented at the annual meeting of
the Society for the Scientific Study of Sexuality, Tampa, FL.
*McCallum, E., & Peterson, Z. D. (2012, November). Situational characteristics, experimenter contact, and
inquiry mode: Evaluating data collection methodologies for self-reported sexual behavior. Poster
presented at the annual meeting of the Society for the Scientific Study of Sexuality, Tampa, FL.
Jozkowski, K., Peterson, Z. D., Sanders, S. (2012, May). Consenting to sex: Unexpected findings related to
how college students define consent. Paper presented at the Eastern and Midcontinent Region meeting
of the Society for the Scientific Study of Sexuality, Bloomington, IN.
*Silverman, E. A., Peterson, Z. D., Janssen, E., Goodrich, D., & Heiman, J. R. (2012, May). Hypermasculinity
and sexual excitation/inhibition as predictors of sexual aggression in men. Paper presented at the
Eastern and Midcontinent Region meeting of the Society for the Scientific Study of Sexuality,
Bloomington, IN.
*McCallum, E., *Mueller, T. M., & Peterson, Z. D. (2011, November). The relationship between men’s labeling
of child sexual abuse and distress in adulthood. Poster presented at the Association for Behavioral and
Cognitive Therapies, Toronto, Canada.
*Mueller, T. M.,*McCallum, E., & Peterson, Z. D. (2011, November). Rape acknowledgement among men.
Poster presented at the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies, Toronto, Canada.
Peterson, Z. D., & Muehlenhard, C. L. (2011, November). Labeling nonconsensual sexual experiences: A
match-and-motivation model. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Society for the Scientific
Study of Sexuality, Houston, TX.
Peterson, Z. D., *Silverman, E. A., Janssen, E., Goodrich, D., & Heiman, J. R. (2011, November). Negative
affect and alcohol use as predictors of two kinds of sexual risk-taking: A study of young men from urban
STD clinics. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Society for the Scientific Study of Sexuality,
Houston, TX.
*Buday, S., & Peterson, Z. D. (2011, November). The role of sexual scripts in men’s and women’s report of
sexual coercion perpetration. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Society for the Scientific
Study of Sexuality. Houston, TX.
Muehlenhard, C. L., & Peterson, Z. D. (2011, November). Distinguishing between sex and gender: Reification
but lack of consensus. Continuing education workshop presented at the annual meeting of the Society
for the Scientific Study of Sexuality. Houston, TX.
August 2014
Z. D. Peterson
*Strang, E., & Peterson, Z. D. (2011, November). Self-report measurement of sexual aggression perpetration: A
comparison of instruments. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Society for the Scientific
Study of Sexuality. Houston, TX.
Jozkowski, K., Peterson, Z. D., Sanders, S., & Reece, M. (2011, October). An assessment of heterosexual
college students’ conceptualizations of sexual consent as a mechanism to reduce rates of sexual
assault. Paper presented at the American Public Health Association Annual Meeting, Washington, DC.
**Uding, D., **Collie, K., **Wells, K., Peterson, Z. D., Iyengar, A., Snavely, A., & Friedberg, Y. (2011, March). Is
sex with a “main” partner less risky than sex with a “casual” partner? A comparison of HIV risk factors
among main and casual sexual partners in a high risk heterosexual sample. Paper presented at the
Eastern and Midcontinent Region meeting of the Society for the Scientific Study of Sexuality,
Philadelphia, PA.
Peterson, Z. D., *McCallum, E., Janssen, E., Heiman, J. R., Goodrich, D., Thigpen, J., & Fortenberry, J. D.
(2010, November). Negative affect as a mediator in the relationship between child victimization and
adult sexual perpetration: A study of men from urban STD clinics. Paper presented at the annual
meeting of the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies, San Francisco, CA.
*Mueller, T. M., *McCallum, E., & Peterson, Z. D. (2010, November). Examining the relationship between child
sexual abuse, adult sexual victimization, and traumatic sexualization in men. Paper presented at the
annual meeting of the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies, San Francisco, CA.
*McCallum, E., *Mueller, T. M., & Peterson, Z. D. (2010, November). Childhood sexual abuse history and
decision making under risk: Preliminary examination of the implications of prospect theory. Poster
presented at the annual meeting of the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies, San
Francisco, CA.
Peterson, Z. D., Janssen, E., Heiman, J. R., Goodrich, D., Thigpen, J., & Fortenberry, J. D. (2010, November).
Men who perpetrate acquaintance rape: How they conceptualize and label their sexually aggressive
behavior. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Society for the Scientific Study of Sexuality, Las
Vegas, NV.
*Buday, S., & Peterson, Z. D. (2010, November). An examination of the convergent validity of two measures of
sexual aggression perpetration in a sample of men and women. Paper presented at the annual meeting
of the Society for the Scientific Study of Sexuality, Las Vegas, NV.
*McCallum, E., *Mueller, T. M., & Peterson, Z. D. (2010, November). The impact of childhood sexual abuse on
men: Moving beyond a PTSD conceptualization. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Society
for the Scientific Study of Sexuality, Las Vegas, NV.
*Silverman, E. A., & Peterson, Z. D. (2010, November). The role of sexual scripts and cultural influences in
African-American young women’s sexual risk-taking. Poster presented at the Midcontinent and Easter
Region Reception of the Society for the Scientific Study of Sexuality, Las Vegas, NV.
*Strang, E., & Peterson, Z. D. (2010, November). Is the relationship between perceived peer acceptance of
sexual aggression and perpetration mediated by perceptions of punishment? Paper presented at the
annual meeting of the Society for the Scientific Study of Sexuality, Las Vegas, NV.
Peterson, Z. D., Janssen, E., Heiman, J. R., Goodrich, D., Thigpen, J., & Fortenberry, J. D. (2010, July).
Negative affect and emotion dysregulation as associated with sexual aggression: A study of young men
from urban STD clinics. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the International Academy of Sex
Research, Prague, Czech Republic.
August 2014
Z. D. Peterson
Peterson, Z. D. (2010, July). Evaluating the feasibility and validity of a laboratory analogue of men’s and
women’s sexual coercion. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the International Academy of Sex
Research, Prague, Czech Republic.
**Kretchman, E., & Peterson, Z. D. (2010, June). The association between viewing sexual images and
engaging in four types of sexual aggression. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Missouri
Psychological Association. Lake of the Ozarks, MO.
Winner of the 2
place poster prize.
Peterson, Z. D., Janssen, E., Heiman, J. R., Goodrich, D., Thigpen, J., & Fortenberry, J. D. (2010, February).
Emotion regulation, negative affect, and sexual aggression in young men from two cities. Paper
presented at the National Summit on Interpersonal Violence and Abuse Across the Lifespan, Dallas, TX.
*McCallum, E., *Mueller, T. M., & Peterson, Z. D. (2010, February). Validation of the Traumatic Sexualization
Survey in two samples of heterosexual men. Poster presented at the National Summit on Interpersonal
Violence and Abuse Across the Lifespan, Dallas, TX.
*McCallum, E., *Mueller, T. M., & Peterson, Z. D. (2009, November). Childhood sexual abuse as a moderator in
the relationship between negative affect and risky sexual behavior: A study of men attending urban STD
clinics. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive
Therapies, New York, NY.
*Mueller, T. M., *McCallum, E., & Peterson, Z. D. (2009, November). Examining types of childhood
maltreatment in predicting emotion regulation difficulties and risky sexual behavior in men. Poster
presented at the annual meeting of the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies, New York,
*Silverman, E. A., & Peterson, Z. D. (2009, November). Sexual risk taking among college men and women: The
role of attachment style, emotion dysregulation, and alcohol use. Poster presented at the annual
meeting of the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies, New York, NY.
*McCallum, E., *Mueller, T. M., & Peterson, Z. D. (2009, November). Validation of the Traumatic Sexualization
Survey in two samples of heterosexual men. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Society for
the Scientific Study of Sexuality, Puerto Vallarta, Mexico.
*Mueller, T. M., & Peterson, Z. D. (2009, November). The mediating effects of emotion regulation on the
relationship between childhood maltreatment and risky sexual behavior. Paper presented at the annual
meeting of the Society for the Scientific Study of Sexuality, Puerto Vallarta, Mexico.
*Silverman, E. A., & Peterson, Z. D. (2009, November). Sexual risk-taking behavior as a function of attachment
style, emotional dysregulation and sex motives in college students. Paper presented at the annual
meeting of the Society for the Scientific Study of Sexuality, Puerto Vallarta, Mexico.
Invited Research Presentations and Lectures
Peterson, Z. D., & Muehlenhard, C. L. (2013, April). Women’s labeling of their nonconsensual sexual
experiences: A Match-and-Motivation Model. Presentation at the Midcontinent Region Society for the
Scientific Study of Sexuality Research Symposium. Minneapolis, MN.
Peterson, Z. D. (2012, May). Keeping the SEX in sexual assault research. Invited plenary panel presentation at
the Eastern and Midcontinent Region meeting of the Society for the Scientific Study of Sexuality,
Bloomington, IN.
Muehlenhard, C. L., & Peterson, Z. D. (2012, May). What happened? A match-and-motivation model of how
individuals label their experiences. Invited talk at the Midwestern Psychological Association Annual
Meeting, Chicago, IL.
August 2014
Z. D. Peterson
Peterson , Z. D., & Muehlenhard, C. L. (2008, November). Turning problems into theory: A model of wanting
and not wanting sex. Invited talk presented at the Ira and Harriet Reiss Theory Plenary at the annual
meeting of the Society for the Scientific Study of Sexuality, San Juan, Puerto Rico.
Peterson, Z. D. (2007, April). Was it sex for you, too? Research findings on college students’ definitions of sex.
Invited lecture at Southern New Hampshire University, Manchester, NH.
UM-St. Louis College of Arts and Sciences Research Travel Grant (2011, 2013)
Society for the Scientific Study of Sexuality Early Professional Leadership Award (2010)
Chinese Academy of Social Sciences Faculty Research Exchange grant (2010) for travel to Beijing, China to
explore possible research collaborations with Chinese scholars
Hugo G. Beigel Award (2008) for the best article published in 2007 in the Journal of Sex Research
Finalist for the Ira and Harriet Reiss Theory Award (2008) for best publication on the theory of sexuality—
nominated by colleagues and selected by the Foundation for the Scientific Study of Sexuality
Nominated and selected as a Society for the Scientific Study of Sexuality “Emerging Professional” (2007)
Nominated and elected as a full member of the International Academy of Sex Research (2007)
Faculty Member (2007-Present)
Department of Psychology and Gender Studies Program, University of Missouri-St. Louis, St. Louis, MO
Graduate Courses Taught:
Gender, Sexuality, and Mental Health
Introduction to Clinical Skills
Clinical Supervision Team
Undergraduate Courses Taught:
Psychology of Gender
Human Sexuality: Psychological Perspectives
Gender in the Military (co-instructor for a team-taught course)
Directed Studies in Psychology
Assistant Instructor (2000-2003)
Departments of Psychology and Women’s Studies, University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS
Graduate Courses Taught:
Specialized Clinical Practicum: Introduction to Psychotherapy
Undergraduate Courses Taught:
Psychology of Women
Women’s Studies: An Interdisciplinary Introduction
General Psychology
Teaching Assistant (1998-2000)
Department of Psychology, University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS
Assisted with the Following Undergraduate Courses:
Psychology of Women
Intimate Relationships
Psychology of Families
Theories of Personality
Mental Health of Children
General Psychology
August 2014
Z. D. Peterson
UM-St. Louis Thesis Committees Chaired
Allison Kirschbaum
Title: Would you say you had masturbated if…? Examining which behaviors college students label as
Status: Proposal approved (March 2014)
Philip Eiseman
Title: The relationship between heterosexual extradyadic involvement and parental divorce: The role of
adversarial sexual beliefs
Date completed: August 2014
Emily Strang
Title: Is the relationship between peer acceptance of sexual aggression and perpetration mediated by
perceptions of punishment?
Date completed: August 2011
Ethan McCallum
Title: Childhood sexual abuse as a moderator in the relationship between negative affect and risky
sexual behavior among men attending an STD clinic
Date completed: June 2010
Tiffany Mueller
Title: The mediating effects of emotion regulation on the relationship between childhood maltreatment
and risky sexual behavior
Date completed: March 2010
Emily Silverman
Title: Sexual risk-taking behavior as a function of attachment style, emotional dysregulation, and alcohol
use in college students
Date completed: August 2009
UM-St. Louis Specialty Research (Qualifying Exam Equivalent) Committees Chaired
Sara Rivas-Gonzalez
Title: Benefits and barriers to women’s sexual initiation
Status: Proposal approved (March 2014)
Emily Strang
Title: The under-study of men who rape women
Date completed: November 2012
Tiffany Mueller
Title: The relationships among rape conceptualizations, schemata, and psychological distress in female
rape victims
Date completed: May 2011
Ethan McCallum
Title: An investigation of the impact of mode of measurement on self-reported sexual behaviors
Date completed: March 2011
Emily Silverman
Title: The role of sexual scripts and cultural influences in young African-American women’s sexual
Date completed: December 2010
August 2014
Z. D. Peterson
Sarah Buday
Title: Women’s sexual aggression against men: Prevalence, correlates, and explanatory models
Date completed: September 2009
UM-St. Louis Doctoral Dissertation Committees Chaired
Emily Strang
Title: Intentional and unintentional misreporting on self-report measures of sexual aggression
Status: Proposal approved (July 2013)
Emily Silverman
Title: Self-efficacy and relationship factors in sexual risk-taking among low-income young African
American women
Date completed: June 2013
Ethan McCallum
Title: Measuring the impact of inquiry mode above and beyond situational characteristics and
experimenter contact in research relating to self-reported sexual attitudes and behaviors
Date completed: June 2013
Tiffany Artime
Title: Cognitive conceptualizations and schemata as predictors of distress in female rape victims
Date completed: February 2013
Sarah Buday
Title: The role of sexual scripts in men’s and women’s interpretation and endorsement of items
measuring self-reported heterosexual aggression
Date completed: June 2012
UM-St. Louis Graduate Student Committee Membership
Dissertation Committee Member:
Chelsea Gloth (proposal approved September 2014)
Jared Israel (proposal approved September 2014)
Kalyin Jones (proposal approved May 2014)
Courtney Chappius (proposal approved September 2013)
Wilson Brown (proposal approved September 2013)
Diane Rosenbaum (completed July 2013)
Leah Blain (completed June 2013)
Rachel Hibbard (completed March 2013)
Ryan Walsh (completed January 2012)
Katherine Hadlandsmyth (completed May 2011)
Jennifer Craft (completed May 2011)
Desiree Sutherland (completed May 2011)
Debra Emery (completed March 2010)
Erin Barnett (completed May 2009)
Specialty Research (Qualifying Exam Equivalent) Committee Member:
Ashley Gold (proposal approved April 2014)
Chelsea Gloth (completed May 2014)
Courtney Chappius (completed May 2013)
Kaylin Jones (completed May 2013)
Katherine Buchholz (completed December 2012)
Wilson Brown (completed October 2012)
Shannon McNeil (completed June 2011)
Diane Rosenbaum (completed June 2011)
August 2014
Z. D. Peterson
Rachel Hibbard (completed October 2010)
Leah Blain (completed August 2010)
Ryan Walsh (completed September 2009)
Jennifer Craft (completed August 2009)
Katherine Hadlandsmyth (completed June 2009)
Debra Emery (completed April 2009)
Desiree Sutherland (completed January 2009)
Juliette Mott (completed July 2008)
Thesis Committee Member:
Johanna Collier (completed August 2014)
Sara Gonzalez-Rivas (completed August 2013)
Ashley Gold (completed August 2013)
Courtney Chappius (completed February 2012)
Kaylin Ayotte (completed June 2011)
JeanMarie Bianchi (completed May 2011)
Shannon McNeil (completed July 2010)
Leah Blain (completed August 2009)
Sarah Buday (completed August 2008)
External Committee Membership
Dissertation Committee Member:
Kristen Jozkowski, Indiana University (completed June 2011)
Undergraduate Honors Thesis Committee Member:
Victoria Klimaj, Knox College (completed May 2013)
Mentorship of Graduate Students Who Taught Courses
Sarah Buday, Psychology of Women (Spring 2010; Spring 2011)
UM-St. Louis Undergraduate Research Projects Supervised
William Dement (Spring 2014)
Title: The role of intentional deception in men’s self-report of risky sexual behavior: A bogus pipeline
Accomplishments: Poster presented at the UM-St. Louis Undergraduate Research Symposium (URS;
2014, May) and the Society for the Scientific Study of Sexuality. Poster won third place poster prize at
Sarah Gamblin (Spring 2012-Spring 2013)
Title: Sexual identity and its relationship to attitudes and behaviors
Accomplishments: UM-St. Louis Undergraduate Research Award Winner (2012). Poster presented at
the UM-St. Louis Undergraduate Research Symposium (URS; 2013, April). Poster won the second
place Psi Chi prize at URS.
Danielle Uding, Kanisha Collie, and Kevin Wells (Spring 2011)
Title: HIV risk factors in primary versus casual sexual partners
Accomplishments: Paper presented at a regional meeting of the Society for the Scientific Study of
Sexuality (2011, March).
Erica Kretchman (Spring 2010)
Title: The association between viewing sexual images and engaging in four types of sexual aggression
Accomplishments: Poster presented at the UM-St. Louis Undergraduate Research Symposium (2010,
April) and at the Missouri Psychological Association (MPA; 2010, June). Poster won second place in
MPA poster competition.
August 2014
Z. D. Peterson
UM-St. Louis College of Arts and Sciences Curriculum Development Grant (co-applicant with Ebest, Obermark,
and Craig)
For the development of an interdisciplinary, co-taught “Gender in the Military” course
Amount: $6,781
Funding Period: 2014-2015
UM-St. Louis College of Arts and Sciences Curriculum Development Grant
For the development of a “Theoretical and Conceptual Issues in Human Sexuality” course
Amount: $7,194
Funding Period: 2013-2014
Empowerment strategies for millennials: Feminist perspectives on adolescent sexual empowerment (2014,
July). Invited presentation as part of the American Association of Sexuality Educators, Counselors, and
Therapists (AASECT) Summer Institute. St. Louis, MO.
Working with clients who have been sexually assaulted: Considering the role of rape acknowledgement (2014,
July). Invited presentation as part of the Washington University Brown School Professional Development Series.
Why you should ask your clients about sex and how you should do it. (2014, March). Required training for UMSt. Louis clinical psychology graduate students.
Was it rape? Challenges in labeling nonconsensual sex (2013, July). Invited presentation as part of the
American Association of Sexuality Educators, Counselors, and Therapists (AASECT) Summer Institute. St.
Louis, MO.
Labeling sexual experiences: A match-and-motivation model (2013, February). Invited presentation to the
Washington University Clinical Science Seminar.
Sexual dysfunctions: Diagnosis and treatment (2008-2014). Annual lecture for St. Louis Internship Consortium
Seminar Series.
Appropriate therapeutic responses: Panel discussion of sexual orientation change efforts (2012, October). Panel
member for discussion of the scientific and ethical arguments against “reparative therapy.” Presented to the
Psychology Department and the larger UM-St. Louis community.
Conceptualization and correlates of risky sexual behavior in heterosexual college students (2012, April).
Presentation for the UM-St. Louis University Health and Wellness Counseling staff.
Sexuality research symposium (2010, April). Organized and moderated a set of multidisciplinary talks given by
nationally known researchers. Attended by nearly 100 individuals, including UM-St. Louis students and faculty
and community member.
Acknowledged and unacknowledged rape: How women conceptualize their nonconsensual sexual experiences
(2009, December). Presentation for the UM-St. Louis University Health and Wellness Counseling staff.
Sexual risk-taking: The relationship between sexual aggression perpetration and HIV risk behaviors (2008,
April). Paper presented at the jointly-sponsored Institute for Women and Gender Studies and Center for Trauma
Recovery Colloquium.
The assessment and treatment of male and female sexual dysfunction. (2007, May). Series of training lectures
presented to Indiana University School of Medicine Psychiatry Residents, Indianapolis, IN.
August 2014
Z. D. Peterson
Was it sex for you, too? Research findings on college students’ definitions of sex. (2007, April). Invited lecture at
Southern New Hampshire University, Manchester, NH.
Conceptualizing the “wantedness” of women’s consensual and nonconsensual sexual experiences: Implications
for how women label their experiences with rape. (2005, October). Invited lecture at the Kinsey Institute
Interdisciplinary Seminar Series, Bloomington, IN.
Let’s talk about sex: Challenges in assessing and treating sexuality-related problems. (2005, January). Lecture
at the Minneapolis VA Medical Center and the University of Minnesota School of Medicine Psychiatry Grand
Rounds, Minneapolis, MN.
Licensed Psychologist (Missouri), License # 2007036382 (December 2007- Present)
Psychological Health Service Provider (Missouri; March 2009 - Present)
Licensed Psychologist (Indiana), License #20042078A (2006 - 2012)
Supervisor (2008-Present)
Community Psychological Services, University of Missouri-St. Louis, St. Louis, MO
Supervised teams of 3 to 6 Clinical Psychology doctoral students in assessment and psychotherapy.
Provided individual and team supervision
Psychologist (2008-Present)
Community Psychological Services, University of Missouri-St. Louis, St. Louis, MO
Provided individual and couples therapy to treat sexual and gender-related concerns (e.g., sexual
dysfunctions, sexual communication difficulties, Gender Identity Disorder).
Postdoctoral Fellow / Sex Therapist (2006-2007)
Kinsey Institute Sex Therapy Clinic, Bloomington, IN
Provided individual and couples therapy to treat sexual and gender-related problems. Served as a
consultant to other mental health professionals on sexuality-related issues.
Predoctoral Intern (2004-2005)
Minneapolis Veterans Administration Medical Center (APA-accredited), Minneapolis, MN
Completed rotations in the Women’s Clinic, PTSD Clinic, Addiction Disorders Services, Partial
Hospitalization Program, and Family Therapy Clinic.
Clinic Systems Coordinator (2001-2002)
University of Kansas Psychological Clinic, Lawrence, KS
Provided back up and supervision for on-call intake therapists. Assigned clients to therapists and made
referrals to other agencies. Communicated with supervisors about therapist progress and problems.
Student Therapist (1999-2004)
University of Kansas Psychological Clinic, Lawrence, KS
Conducted individual, couples, and family therapy with outpatient community residents, university staff, and
university students representing a wide range of ages and socioeconomic and educational backgrounds.
Conducted intake interviews and assessment batteries.
Student Therapist (1999-2001)
Bert Nash Community Mental Health Center, Lawrence, KS
Provided individual therapy to women in abusive relationships and to women with physical and cognitive
August 2014
Z. D. Peterson
• American Psychological Association (APA)
• APA Division 35: Society for the Psychology of Women
• International Academy of Sex Research (IASR)
• American Association of Sexuality Educators, Counselors, and Therapists (AASECT)
• Society for the Scientific Study of Sexuality (SSSS)
SSSS Elected Leadership Positions:
• Midcontinent Region President (2012-2013)
• Midcontinent Region President-Elect (2011-2012)
• Midcontinent Region Representative to Board of Directors (2008-2010)
• Midcontinent Region Treasurer (2006-2008)
SSSS Committee Memberships:
• Executive Committee (2012-2013)
• National Nominations Committee Member (2010; 2012; 2014)
• Personnel Committee Member (2010-Present)
• Kinsey Award Committee Member (2010, 2012)
• Membership Committee Member (2008-2010)
• Conference Program Committee Member (1999, 2000, 2002, 2009, 2010)
• Student Paper Award Committee Member (2008)
• Financial Committee Member (2007-2008)
Other SSSS Service
• Midcontinent Region Symposium Chair and Organizer (2010; 2013)
• Panel Member for Student Session on Professional Development (2010)
• Board of Director’s Meeting Organizer and Host (2010)
• Conference Session Moderator (1999, 2004, 2007, 2009, 2010)
Associate Editor, Journal of Sex Research (2013-Present)
Editorial Board Member:
Journal of Sex Research (2009-2013)
Archives of Sexual Behavior (2008-2013)
Ad Hoc Reviewer:
Basic and Applied Social Psychology
Feminism and Psychology
Journal of Interpersonal Violence
Journal of Sex and Marital Therapy
Journal of Sexual Medicine
Perspectives on Sexual and Reproductive Health
Psychology of Women Quarterly
Sex Roles
Sexuality & Culture
Sexuality Research and Social Policy
Conference Abstract Reviewer, International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies (2009)
Academic Advisory Board Member, Annual Editions: Gender published by McGraw Hill (2009)
Special Issue Co-Editor, Journal of Sex Research (2003)
• Reviewer for the Canadian Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (2014)
• Reviewer for the University of Missouri Research Board grant competition (Spring 2012; Fall 2012;
Spring 2013; Fall 2013; Spring 2014)
August 2014
Z. D. Peterson
Reviewer for the Italian Ministry of Health Call for Young Researchers grant competition (2009)
• Member, Campus IRB Committee (2013-Present)
• Member, Faculty Senate Spring Research Panel (2012-2014): Created criteria and reviewed
applications for several university-wide research award competitions.
• Graduate Student Poster Presentation Judge, UM-St. Louis College of Arts and Sciences Graduate
Research Fair (2012, 2013, 2014): Evaluated student research posters and selected prize winners.
• Organizer, Sexuality research symposium (2010, April). Organized a set of multidisciplinary talks given
by nationally known researchers. Attended by nearly 100 individuals, including UM-St. Louis students
and faculty and community members.
• Undergraduate Student Poster Presentation Judge, UM-St. Louis College of Liberal Arts and
Sciences Undergraduate Research Symposium (2008, April): Evaluated student research posters and
selected prize winners.
• Member, Psychology Department IRB Committee (2013-Present): Evaluated all human subject
psychology department research protocols in advance of submission to the campus IRB committee.
• Faculty Mentor, to Sandra Langeslag (2014-Present)
• Member, Faculty Search Committee (2014-2015)
• Faculty Representative, Clinical Program Diversity Committee (2014-2015): Served on a committee
comprised of clinical faculty and graduate students designed to ensure a supportive climate for
minorities and to respond to any student complaints related to diversity.
• Member, Ad Personam Tenure/Promotion committee for John Meriac (2014-2015).
• Member, Clinical Program APA Accreditation Committee (2012-2013): Contributed to the development
of the American Psychological Association accreditation materials. Participated in the site visit.
• Member, Student Awards Committee (2009): Reviewed applications and helped to select student award
• Member, Curriculum Committee (2008-2011): Participated in discussions and decision-making related
to curriculum issues, including requirements for certificate earners, the role of online courses, and
development of an undergraduate major and minor. Also took the lead in collecting qualitative and
quantitative data regarding the campus-wide interest in an undergraduate Gender Studies major.
• Member, Small Grants Review Committee (2011; 2014): Reviewed applications and helped to select
award winners.
Invited Participant (2014), United Educators’ Symposium on Changing Campus Culture to Reduce Sexual
August 2014