BHT-407-FM-2 ROTORCRAFT FLIGHT MANUAL TEMPORARY REVISION FOR OVERSPEED ADAPTER Insert these Temporary Revision pages opposite like numbered pages in the basic Flight Manual after helicopter has accomplished ASB 407-14-102. DO NOT remove existing pages. DO NOT remove temporary pages until replacement pages are received or temporary pages are canceled. THIS MANUAL SHALL BE IN THE HELICOPTER DURING ALL OPERATIONS COPYRIGHT NOTICE COPYRIGHT 2014 BELL ® HELICOPTER TEXTRON INC. AND BELL HELICOPTER TEXTRON CANADA LTD. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Export Classification C, ECCN EAR99 POST OFFICE BOX 482 FORT WORTH, TEXAS 76101 4 MARCH 2011 REVISION 3 — 15 APRIL 2013 TEMPORARY REVISION (TR-2) — 16 DECEMBER 2013 REISSUE — 25 APRIL 2014 BHT-407-FM-2 LOG OF REVISIONS Original ......................0 ..................... 16 DEC 13 Reissue ..................... 0 ......................25 APR 14 LOG OF PAGES PAGE REVISION NO. PAGE REVISION NO. Title .............................................................. 0 A/B................................................................ 0 C/D................................................................ 0 E/F ................................................................ 0 2-8................................................................. 0 2-14 – 2-15 ................................................... 0 NOTICE Changed information in this Temporary Revision appears in bold type. All other information is outlined. Export Classification C, ECCN EAR99 16 DEC 2013 — Temporary Revision (TR-2) 25 APR 2014 — Reissue A/B A/B BHT-407-FM-2 LOG OF TC APPROVED REVISIONS Original ......................0 ..................... 16 DEC 13 Reissue ..................... 0......................25 APR 14 APPROVED DATE CHIEF, FLIGHT TEST FOR DIRECTOR — NATIONAL AIRCRAFT CERTIFICATION TRANSPORT CANADA Export Classification C, ECCN EAR99 16 DEC 2013 — Temporary Revision (TR-2) 25 APR 2014 — Reissue C/D C/D BHT-407-FM-2 LOG OF FAA APPROVED REVISIONS Original ......................0 ......................08 JAN 14 Export Classification C, ECCN EAR99 Reissue ..................... 0..................... 09 MAY 14 16 DEC 2013 — Temporary Revision (TR-2) 25 APR 2014 — Reissue E/F E/F BHT-407-FM-2 2-4. INTERIOR CHECK TC APPROVED AND PRESTART Display units are not compatible with use of polarized sunglasses. 1. Cabin interior — Clean, equipment secured. 2. Fire extinguisher — Installed and secured. 3. Cabin loading — Maintain CG within limits. 4. Passenger seat belts — Secured. 5. Copilot seat belt — Secured (if solo). 6. Doors — Secured. 7. Throttle — Closed. 8. LDG LTS switch — OFF. 9. Emergency pedal stop handle — In and lockwired. release 10. Standby altimeter — Set. 11. Overhead switches — Set: a. BATT switch — OFF. b. GEN switch — OFF. c. PART SEP switch (if installed) — OFF. d. ANTI COLL LT switch — ANTI COLL LT (on). e. HYD SYS switch — HYD SYS 17. CAS messages — ENG OUT, XMSN OIL PRESS, HYDRAULIC SYSTEM, GEN FAIL, L/FUEL BOOST, R/FUEL BOOST, L/FUEL XFR, R/FUEL XFR, FADEC DEGRADED, FADEC FAULT, and WOG will be illuminated. NOTE If faults OSFlt, prim_gov_fail, and hmu_os_sol are not displayed, or are displayed in white (historical), select 2-8 2-8 Temporary Revision (TR-2) — 16 DEC 2013 Reissue — 25 APR 2014 Clear History and press ENT. This will refresh the display and list the faults in yellow (current). 17a. AUX OEM-DIAGNOSTICS/ENG/ECU FAULTS page — Confirm faults OSFlt, prim_gov_fail, and hmu_os_sol are listed in yellow. 17b. Throttle — Idle position. 17c. FADEC MODE switch — Cycle to MAN and back to AUTO. NOTE If faults OSFlt, prim_gov_fail, and hmu_os_sol do not transition from yellow (current) to white (historical), select Clear History and press ENT. This will refresh the display and clear the faults from the page. 17d. AUX OEM-DIAGNOSTICS/ENG/ECU FAULTS page — Confirm OSFlt, prim_gov_fail, and hmu_os_sol are listed in white. 17e. Select Clear History and press ENT. This will refresh the display and clear the faults from the page. 17f. Throttle — Closed position. 17g. CAS messages — Confirm FADEC DEGRADED and FADEC FAULT are extinguished. NOTE L/FUEL XFR and R/FUEL XFR will not be illuminated when forward fuel tank is empty. 18. Pedals — Centered. PEDAL STOP TEST button — Press — Verify PEDAL STOP message illuminates and left pedal travel restricted. Return to center pedal position, verify PEDAL STOP message extinguishes, and both Export Classification C, ECCN EAR99 BHT-407-FM-2 1. TC APPROVED FUEL QTY FWD TANK button — Press, note forward fuel tank indication. 2-11.ENGINE SHUTDOWN F u l l fo rw a r d f u el ta n k q u a nt it y (approximately 256.0 pounds) will be indicated at approximately 770.0 pounds or greater total fuel. Fuel transfer will be complete at approximately 193.1 pounds total fuel. 1. Collective — Full down. 2. Cyclic and pedals — Centered and CYC CTR message extinguished. 3. Cyclic friction — Increase so that cyclic maintains centered position. 4. LDG LTS switch — OFF. 5. Throttle — Reduce to idle stop. Check RPM warning light illuminated and audio on at 95% NR. Descent and Landing Large reductions in collective pitch a t he a v y G W m a y p e rm it N R t o increase independent of NP (needles split). Main rotor may be reengaged with a smooth increase in collective pitch. 1. 2. Rear facing seat headrests Adjusted to proper position. NOTE If dual controls are installed, guard th rottle to prevent inadve rten t manipulation from copilot position. 3. Throttle — Fly detent position. Check 99 to 100% NP. 4. Flight path — As required for type of approach. ENG ANTI ICE — As required. 6. LDG LTS switch — As desired. RPM warning light — Press to mute audio. 7. MGT — Stabilize at idle for 2 minutes. 8. ENG ANTI ICE switch — OFF. 9. FUEL BOOST/XFR LEFT breaker switch — OFF. — Flight controls — Adjust friction as desired. 5. 6. During run-on or slope landings, disregard CYC CTR message and position cyclic as required. After landing is completed and collective is full down, reposition cyclic so that CYC CTR message is extinguished. circuit NOTE Left fuel boost and transfer pumps will continue to operate until either LE F T FUE L B O OS T /XF R c ircu it breaker switch (highlighted with y e ll o w bo r de r ) o r F U E L V A L V E switch is positioned to OFF. These pumps operate directly from battery and will not be deactivated when BATT switch is OFF. Battery power will be depleted if both switches remain on. 10. ELT (if installed) — Check inadvertent transmission. for 11. GEN switch — OFF. 12. Deleted. 2-14 2-14 Temporary Revision (TR-2) — 16 DEC 2013 Reissue — 25 APR 2014 Export Classification C, ECCN EAR99 TC APPROVED BHT-407-FM-2 TO SLOW ROTOR COASTDOWN. NOTE With overspeed adapter installed, overspeed shutdown test shall not b e u s ed . If F A D E C O V S P T E S T button is pressed with engine running, engine will not shut down and FADEC FAULT and FADEC DEGRADED cautions will illuminate. 18. Pilot — Remain on flight controls until rotor has come to a complete stop. 19. ANTI COLL LT switch — As desired. 13. IDLE REL switch — Press and hold. CAUTION 20. All remaining overhead switches, except HYD SYS switch — OFF. Ensure engine rotation has completely stopped prior to positioning BATT switch to OFF. 21. BATT switch — OFF, with NG at 0%. POSITIONING THROTTLE OUT OF CUTOFF DURING NG SPOOL DOWN MAY CAUSE POST ENGINE SHUTDOWN FIRE. 14. Throttle — Closed; check MGT and NG decreasing, ENGINE OUT warning message illuminated and audio on at 55 ±1%. 15. MASTER W/C light — Press to extinguish and mute audio. AVOID RAPID ENGAGEMENT OF ROTOR BRAKE IF HELICOPTER IS ON ICE OR OTHER SLIPPERY OR LOOSE SURFAC E TO PREVENT ROTATION OF HELICOPTER. APPLICABLE MAINTENANCE ACTION MUST BE PERFO RMED PRIOR TO FURTHER FLIGHT IF A FADEC MESSAGE HAS ILLUMINATED DURING THE PREVIOUS FLIGHT OR ON ENGINE SHUTDOWN. If shutting down at, or refueling to, between approximately 193 to 211 pounds total fuel quantity, up to 18 pounds of fuel may remain in forward fuel cell as unusable. Postflight Check If any of following conditions exist: 16. Rotor brake (if installed) — Apply full rotor brake at or below 40% NR. Return rotor brake handle to stowed position just prior to main rotor stopping. • Thunderstorms are in local area or forecasted. • Winds in excess of 35 knots or a gust spread of 15 knots exists or is forecasted. • Helicopter is parked within 150 feet of hovering or taxiing aircraft that 17. FUEL VALVE switch — OFF. DO NOT INCREASE COLLECTIVE OR APPLY LEFT TAIL ROTOR PEDAL Export Classification C, ECCN EAR99 DURING 16 DEC 2013 — Temporary Revision (TR-2) 25 APR 2014 — Reissue 2-15 2-15
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