• .....V-**1'-'' i.."•-•'•• ••"'"' •' • • - : . < s r v * . - ', -"-"'"' :?P?,, ' „ ^Irtl"* I Ml KNKMaBOCKni N. T . r>., Ap. NfWt A, 1MI TiUinghast Estate Set At $569,280 1 Specific * • State tax reports filed in Albany County Surrogate's Court yesterday show Mrs. Carrie H. Tillinghast, who died Nov. 10, 1949, left a gross estate of $f>6»,280.03 and that Frank D. Cowdery, who died Aug. 24, 1949, left a gross estate of $.T90,674.7«. Mrs. Tillinghast, 35.', State St., had $498,430.41 in stocks and bonds, according to the report; real estate valued at ll.tJOO and $66,309.21 in mortgages, notes and ca.-iii. The -m>t eslaU.' was JT'H),973.42 after deductions of $39,945.06 for funeral and administration expenses, $7,861.55 for debts and $10,500 for bequests to char- ma Green Island Albanian Hurt in Korea, Ford Plant f 2 District Men Missing Modernizing Ml • ci i V An Albany Army officer has been wounden in action in Korea and two other Capital District servicemen have been- reported missing tri action. • 1st Lt. Julian Wasserman, 22, A modernization and improve- son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wasment program has been started at sfrjman, 5 Sparkill Ave., was the Green Island plant of Ford wounded in the leg while servm ^ ws*j « ** K w l t n t n e •*<* Division Mar. 24, Motor Company, Donald C. Car- a c c o r < t i n * t o w o r d received by ter, plant manager, announced, his parents. today. • Lieutenant Wasserman is , a! Historic Rose Hill farm, near The company said the program ] graduate of Albany High School Mid.dleline a few miles of Ballston Road Spa, has been soldwest for „ . , . . , „ „ j . and was a student at Rensselaer "will involve major expend.- P a l y t e c h n i c g ^ t t i t a ^tot* he the first time since its constructures," but did not give figures, enlisted in July, 1946. He attend- tion 150 years ago. It is believed the cost will run ^ officer candidate school at The '.*2-room house, widely around $l million. Mr. Carter F o r t Benning, Ga., and was cornA new hot-air heating system,, S S T l i S i * ' *"" * ^ " ^ o w n Saratoga County showsaid the program includes: lace h a s b e e n already installed, and changes in He has bee* in action in Korea P Purchased by Aljthe ventilating and air purifying since August. Prior to going to bert White, Long Island chainisystem, now being made. Korea he served in Hawaii and,store executive, from Mrs. MorAddition of new machinery and Okinawa. He Is a patient in a g a n E , W e y h f widow of a Ballston I equipment, renovation and re- hospital in Tokyo and In. a letter g bank ldeni r i arrangement of radiator manu- to his parents said he expected facturing and assembly facilities, to be transferred to a hospital in R o s e H l U m a n o r h o u s e a n d l t s addition of a new paint spray this country for „ further treat-' adjoining farm land first was department and ^expansion of of- ment. owned in 1800 by James Thompiice space. , , Listed 4s missing in action a r e : | s o n > attorney, Union College or r . 150-Year-Old Farm Sold itrbockrr News Photo T H E Y TALK CHANGES—Plans for expansion of the Ford Motor Company's Green Island plant were revealed at a luncheon meeting yesterday of Ford Company executives with press, radio and civic representatives in Albany. Lett to tight, Walter H. Simpson, Ford's general manager of parts and equipment manufacturing; Alderman Richard J. Conners, Ninth Ward, and Donald C. Carter, Albany, plant manager of the Green Island plant. bequests went to a C o U U t \ S t m t $ E n l i s t i n g F i r e i T i e F l tWtWlna>-;..;;.:/Brtnfrffn^wt inri r^irfaring, iw. *„,, t, ^2.^ — . ..***-\"** _*" ^ ' relatives, A $50,000 trust fundi 40,ooo 40,000 square feet of factory a n d M r S yU^Oy Ml. French. 740 granite utan wn m uw mar was provided for a cousin, Sarah floor space "for production' re- River St., Troy, and Sgt. Richard judge in Saratoga County's /irst ^ L. Tunis, Morristown, N. J* On quiring heavy equipment; resur- L. Wojeski. son, of Mr. and Mrs. Court of Common Pleas. her death it is to go to" Mrs. TilThe property was inherited by linghast's three grandchildren, Albany registration places for auxiliary firemen in the civil facing of S.50O square feet of Anthony P. Wojeski, 66 Bleecker hi.« son, John W. Thompson, who Frederick Tillinghast 3d, Holly- defense organization were announced toay by Battalion Chief outside area for storage purposes, St., Gloversville. passed it down to his sister. Miss wood; Polly Tillinghast and Rob-'•Richard Fleming, chief of auxiliary fi»e services for Albany County. and resurfacing and repairing of Rhoda Thompson. On her death present railroad spur facilities. ert Tillinghast, both of Ogoiv-1 Effective immediately, Chief in l»-':t, the property was willed Installation of flashboards on R e v . Clee's B r o t h e r quit, Me. • Fleming said, volunteers who to Mr. Welsh ana* the late Thomas Two-thirds of the residue was J wish to become auxiliary firemen the plant's Hudson River dam to Kerley, Ballston Spa attorney. directed to be used as a trust for may register day or night at six provide manufacturing operations; T b D e l i v e r S e r m o n Mr." Welsh died early last year her son, Frederick Tillinghast Jr., firehouses for a training course with a steady flow of electrical The Rev. Lester H. Clee. chair- and Mrs. Welsh, she explained, 8 Circle Lane, and On his death is scheduled to start soon. The power, a job to be started some time in May. The plant at present man of the N e w . Jersey Civil!felt life would be lonely in such to go to the grandchildren. The registration places are: other third is for three separate For South End residents, Enhas to shut down periodically Service Commission, will be g u e s t 3 large house. She has moved because of lack of power, Mr trust funds for the grandchildren. gine 5, Fourth Ave. and Franklin! to Scotia. Carter said. The hydroelectric speaker at H a . m. services SunMr. Cowdery, 485 State St., was St.; Second Ave. and Delaware day in the First Church in Aistation pext to the plant can secretary of the AlbanyFelt Corn- Ave. sections, Truck 4, Marshall (generate more than 2 million r-any where his brother, the Rev. 1 pany His wife, to whom he left St. and Delawa-e Ave.; New ScotA verdict of accidental death' kilowatt hours of power each IF. Raymond Clee, is pastor. approxiraately half of his estate,} land Ave. section, Engine 11, Dr. Clee resigned last Septenv has been issued by Coroner month. died less than four months after'upper New Scotland Ave.; Pine rberfrom the pastorate of the Seche did. The will established six'Hills and Upper Western Ave. Nealon in the case of Eugene' 'Local contractors who have ondPtsesbyterian Church in NewNww professional been awarded prime contracts trust funds for friends and rela-isections, Engine 10,. W. Lawrence}Bender, 69, of 289 Lark St., who. i n the program include: Albany ark, N. 3L_after serving the 2,500method takes only ti/es from the other half. St. and Western Ave.; West End,jdied yesterday in Albany Hospital Heatine & Ventilating Company m e m b e r congregation more than The gross estate included $321,- Engine 7, and Truck .?, Ontario -,.„_ h . i n _ transferred there f r n m l n ^ J r. v WpHim. , n [ . * 2(» years. Soon after his resigna418.67 in stocks and bonds, $l"2,000 St. and Clinton Ave.; Arbor Hill after being transferred there from .Albany; G. F. Wertime Inc., tion he was named chairman of Cohoes; Allain Roofing & Sheet (he First Precinct Station. jointly-owned property and $28,- and North Broadway, Engine the State Mediation Board. Bender was being held on a Metal Company, Troy; Gordon L. 000 transferred during his life. Third and Lark . Sts. Dr. Clee, a former New Jersey! [ H a y e s , Troy; Smith Electric The net estate was $318,309.43. Decharge of public intoxication Company. Cohoes, and John Mat- A ^ " J * m a n ^ senator, was! ductions were $32,230.07 for *„- Company, iSL„V.S- Water w . t » r fford «^ Republican candidate for goverwhen he complained of pains in'ton funeral and administration ex- DAV to Make Plans his back. He died from internal) The plant produces radiators, nor. penses $35,129.26 for debts and ^ a r s P r i n / assemblies and spring _ $5,000 charitable bequest. For Albany Convention hemorrhages caused -byf a f r a c - hangers for passenger cars a n d . V r W P o s t L l e r ts ur a eivl orone which ™ thee ccoroner 'fjp. Albanv C h a n t e r Disabled ltured f Ppelvis, * . ™"«> / : n o w has about 750 hourly and Aioany e n a p i e r , uisaoieu a n d suf-' _ i e s hce determmed were laried emD OV Goldwire Commander American Veterans, will meet ati f e r ed in a fall. salaried employes New K..of C. Council Devolepod by William Goldwire has been S::tO p. m. Tuesday in Ambrose! Born in New York City, he To Attend Mass Sunday J. Scully Post Rooms to make lived in Albany .'55 years. He h a d ; P h o n e W o r k e r s P l a n elected commander of Maj. Loriltho makers of lard Spencer Post, VFW. * In. e r further plans for the state con-jbeen employed as a salesman tori ~ BIG E LOW stallation will be Apr. 16 at'the v e n t i o n t() t a k e la CC i n A l b a n a y McAulev Council Kniehts of C o - ! £ , * i New o r k City calendar firm.!Communion* Breakfast Rugs and Carp«t* J post rooms with Joseph E, GailMCAUJey council, is.mgnts of c o - | J u n e ~ g a n d ,, Delegations from The funeral servises will be tolard Sr., past commander, prelumbus, of Ravena will attend a [-Schenectady and Troy Chapters!morrow at 1 p. m. in the James | Catholic employes of New York siding. v •pecial Mass Sunday at St. Pat-[will attend. |Keeher Funeral Home, 144 N.'Telephone Company in the Capi- Other officers include: Senior rick's Church, Ravena. The Rev. Speakers will include William |Allen St. Burial will be i n tmynion a l District will at hold breakfast the aDe ComWittivicecommander, Pleasant Rowe, , \ o t ^ George Murray, pastor, will be J, Lasch, convention chairman; Graceland Cemetery. Clinton Hotel Sunday, Apr. ls.jjunior vicecommander, William Dr. William W. Fellows, manager the celebrant. after 8 a. m. Mass at Cathedral Morris; chaplain, Baylor Bingof the new V, A. Hospital, and A breakfast will be served in STUDENTS SIGN UP of the Irmnaculate-eortception. {ham; officer of theTiay, OscarW. James J. Moore and Adolphus the school hall following the Speakers at the breakfast willjLink; judge advocate, James FAMNQ Mass, with James Morrissey as Klebonis, service officers at the Austin, Tex. — ( U P ) — Spring include the Rev. Benjamin Kuhn.jTaylor; .trustees, Albert Thomas, V. A. .regional office at the Waoeoai toastmaster and* Brother John semester enrollment at the Uniof the Siena College faculty, and!James Johnson and A. L. Tucker tervliet Arsenal. V—. w me wdheHaa* w »irtiHy# McCall as principal speaker. versity of Texas showed 1.671 Richard Reid, editor of The Cath-jSr.; director, Edgar Harrison. Re- Kara product and w t h o d . d«v»topi< by Other speakers will be Frank MARKS 103D BIRTHDAY students in "Army, Air Force a n d | 0 i i c News. Toastmaster will be;elected adjutant and quarter- M M to WOW tigatow-Sonford Cu>>»l Co. Reis, district deputy of the 3.1th Cofnpt«t« In formation arto titimat«« Awoil'Leo W. O'Brien, newspaperman, jmaster was Robert Tucker. District; John J. Masko, 39th DisGary, Ind. _ ( A P ) — Mrs. Ida Navy ROTC units. « b « Without ObNgathM—CaH... ' fMI M I K I N O SFACI f O * M M CABS-NO TIMI UMIT trict, and James A. Hogan, 41st McNealy, born of slave parents at , District Leo P. Chenette, faithful Nashville, Tenn., Apr. 5, 1848, navigator, will escort the 4th celebrated her load birthday yesDegree color guard. terday in a nursing home. For Defense Organization Jail Death Accidental*, Coroner Rules Great News o*** Don't tfiftt thatel Tkeir smart mandarin and bolero af. •nchantinq Chineie design*. And—thay'ra of toft, smooth rayon crepe that W M K M beautrfully. The colon? High-fashion 2-tone comb.n«tiontl Sitas 34 to 40. >f M S * »ATUIO«T H A ifl *. a to i r. a M . TO t tU Ranch Mink Cape tYrytr Mink Stele" ^ •• Silverblu Mink Cape I ^u www.fultonhistory.com - • . - » '*av Fur Salon, Third Floor All prices plus tax. ' Convenient terms may be arranged. our white pique bonnet * Just the right, crisp accent for-warm weather costumes. Pert pique flowers add back interest, and the tiny brim it velvet faced for flatering contrast. Whitt with navy or black. 7.95 Hat Bar Street Floor Thtir s e c r e t . . . the double front panel from seam to seam, waist to hem . , . keeps shadows from peeping thru summer sheen. Site* 32 to 40. Left: Hide-a-Bra Cftpe by Val Mode. Whitt or Shell Pink with Uc« trim. RiXht: Crepe Tailieur by Colony Club. - eoiy with faggotiog trim Street Floor • Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069 . 995 '•• • •••• 6 5 0 , 1395 TO • P. m. otHsa M R tf as ML TO S P. at.- Untitled Document ' capes or cape stoles Lingerie. » • Squirrel 10 Thii Tamous and Traditional Regan Silvarplata" tpalii quality for your dinnar taUa. ' Stainlssi stval blades; guarantaad satisfactory sarvica. During this sala you racaiva the regular Sft-pc sat, sarvica for S, and thre« bonus serving pieces: Salad fork, berry spoon, caka server. Two dhV tinctive prttami: Memory, two and Mary Low Gritlo or regular stylo knifa and fork anti-tarnish wood ehost included. - Russian una wv*i fact top* rir« colorfully embroidered of %&amn prinVH in » r*f.
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