KLETC Course Catalog - Kansas Law Enforcement Training Center

Kansas Law Enforcement
Training Center
December 2014—February 2015
Training Catalog
Specialized Training Events
and Distance Education Opportunities
Available Courses
Please be advised, the courses listed are briefly described. Full descriptions are
located at WWW.KLETC.ORG. As always, if you have any Specialized Training needs
or questions, contact either Mark Damitio, Deputy Assistant Director, KLETC,
620-694-1532 or email [email protected] or Heather Buller, Education Program
Coordinator, KLETC, 620-694-1537 or email [email protected].
Online Data Entry—December 10, 2014
Presented by: Matt Deffner, KS-CPOST
This course will prepare training officers, department support personnel or other department
employees to enter training data online, instead of submitting the information on paper. The
participant will interact with the web-based computer program to submit the data to KS-CPOST. A
general working knowledge of the internet and computers will be required for this course.
Project #: LE150205
Times: 10:00 AM to 2:30 PM
Location: KLETC Brazeal Hall, Computer Lab
Fees: Tuition FREE!!!
Human Trafficking: New Laws in Kansas—December 17, 2014
Presented by: Pat Colloton, Attorney General’s Office
This 2-hour class will illustrate the Human Trafficking law, provide local examples of the
problem and give participants the tools they need to investigate this growing problem in
Kansas communities.
Project #: LE150316 (0900-1100) OR LE150317 (1500-1700)
Location: Concordia Fire Department—City Hall, 701 Washington St., Concordia, KS
Fees: Tuition FREE!!!
Please note the following dates during which KLETC will be
CLOSED for business:
Wednesday, December 24, 2014
(1:00PM) Through Friday, January 2, 2015. We will reopen on
Monday, January 5, 2015.
Basic Crime Prevention—January 15-16, 2015
Presented by: Michael Betten, Director of Security, Stowers Resource Management, Kansas City, MO
Designed for crime prevention and community oriented policing officers, the course provides officers
with the skills necessary to deliver comprehensive crime prevention programs to residents and
businesses in their community. Topics will include: Introduction to Crime Prevention and Risk
Management; Residential Security; Lighting; Security Glazing; System Integration.
Project #: LE150300
Times: 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM
Location: KLETC Learning Center, Classroom B
Fees: $50/Person. Meals and Lodging—$110 Double Occupancy or $140 Single Occupancy;
rates include tuition.
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Available Courses
21st Annual Sheriffs’ Administration and Management Seminar—Jan. 26-28, 2015
This year’s seminar will include information on Racial Profiling, Ethical Decision Making, Critical
Incident Stress and it’s Effect on OIS Investigations, MOCIC Update, Kansas Operation LifeSaver;
Financial Retirement and KBI Lab Updates.
Project #: LE150306
Times: 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM Jan. 26th & 27th; 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM Jan. 28th.
Location: Ramada Downtown Topeka, 420 SE 6th Ave, Topeka, KS 66607
Fees: Tuition FREE!!
Bold Patrol: Self Initiated, Mission-Oriented Patrol Strategies—February 2, 2015
Presented by: Tina Lewis Rowe
Patrol strategies and techniques that will increase energy, enjoyment and effectiveness during
unassigned time. Look at patrolling in a whole new way, in a workshop that is not available from any
other source! Share your ideas and experiences and gain ideas as well. From the newest officer to the
most experienced senior officer, FTO, sergeant or commander, this workshop offers useful and
challenging ideas for everyone.
Project #: LE150311
Times: 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM
Location: KLETC Learning Center, Classroom C
Fees: $55/person. Meals and Lodging: $85/Double Occupancy or $100/Single Occupancy;
rates include the tuition fee.
Gaining & Maintaining Supervisory Excellence—February 3, 2015
Presented by: Tina Lewis Rowe
For experienced, new or future sergeants, lieutenants, supervisors and managers: This training will
take you beyond the basics to excellence! Participants will develop a toolkit of tips and techniques to:
Be an active, effective presence within an energized team; Ensure high levels of productivity and
performance; Deal with concerns before they become problems; handle problems once and for all;
Develop and use influence; Make work easier for yourself and others; Take a leadership role and help
others become leaders too.
Project #: LE150312
Times: 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM
Location: KLETC Learning Center, Classroom C
Fees: $55/person. Meals and Lodging: $85/Double Occupancy or $100/Single Occupancy;
rates include the tuition fee.
9th Annual Kansas Gang Investigators Association Conference—Feb. 10-13, 2015
This year’s conference will highlight: East Coast Gangs, 211 Gangs and Interview Techniques for
Prison Gangs, Hells Angels Undercover Operation with Jay Dobyns, Survival Story with Enrique
Hernandez and the Influence of Music on Gangs.
Project #: LE150308
Times: 2/10: 1300-1700; 2/11: 0800-1700; 2/12: 0800-1700; 2/13: 0800-1200
Location: Four Points Sheraton, 530 Richards Dr., Manhattan, KS 66502
Fees: The conference registration fee includes tuition for the conference, conference materials,
lunch, certificate of attendance and membership.
Conference registration is $150.00 which includes the $25.00 membership dues.
Membership dues are required to attend the conference. All registration should be submitted
online at the link below:
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Available Courses
Defensive Tactics Instructor—February 10-13, 2015
Presented by: KLETC Staff Instructors
This course will cover the instruction of police arrest and control tactics as well as defensive
techniques. Upon completion students will have a firm understanding of the methods taught at
KLETC. During the class we will explore use of force issues, the importance of force integration and
general issues in the training of physical skills. Upon completion of their initial training and complete
their 40 hours of training students will be required to assist in the instruction of cadets at KLETC.
Flexible scheduling exists to lessen the impact to home agencies.
Project #: LE150291
Times: 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM
Location: KLETC Main Campus: Gym and Classroom #3
Fees: $65/student. Meals and Lodging—$165/Double Occupancy or $225/Single Occupancy;
rates include the $65 tuition fee.
Domestic Violence Training for Law Enforcement Officers—February 19, 2015
Presented by: Audra Fullerton, YWCA Center for Safety and Empowerment
This training will provide comprehensive, up-to-date information to address basic, as well as new
emerging issues, and moves beyond information-based training towards building skills. The following
information will be included: DV Overview; Protection Orders; Arrest Decision and Investigation;
Stalking; and Strangulation.
Project #: LE150319
Times: 8:00 AM to 12:00 PM
Location: City of Horton “Blue Building”, 716 1st Avenue West, Horton, KS
In Stealth Mode: An Interactive Illustration of Stalking and Intimate Partner Abuse
in the Digital Age—February 19, 2015
Presented by: Stephine Bowman, KS Coalition Against Sexual & Domestic Violence
This interactive class will address how abusers, perpetrators, and stalkers misuse common
technologies to further abuse victims of sexual and domestic violence and stalking. Participants will
experience the life of a victim experiencing technology abuse through a hands on multimedia journey.
The perpetrator stalks, harasses, threatens, and intimidates the victim by misusing cell phones, GPS,
spyware, e-mail, internet, and more. Best practices, safety considerations, and strategies for law
enforcement will be provided.
Project #: LE150320
Times: 1:00 PM to 5:00 PM
Location: City of Horton “Blue Building”, 716 1st Avenue West, Horton, KS
Ready, Aim, Speak: How to Quickly Develop & Deliver Impressive Presentations—
February 25, 2015
Presented by: Tina Lewis Rowe
This one-day class gives participants fail-safe methods and easily applicable ideas for developing
impromptu and planned presentations in any setting or situation. Focused solely on presentations
made by public safety professionals. Topics covered include, but not limited to: Applying VOICE to
every speaking opportunity; Using Engagement Activities to move a presentation along; Five concepts
for developing and presenting with ease; Developing a mental file of speaking components; etc.
Project #: LE150322
Times: 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM
Location: KLETC Learning Center, Classroom C
Fees: $55/student. Meals and Lodging—$85/Double Occupancy or $100/Single Occupancy;
rates include the $55 tuition fee.
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Available Courses
Leading & Developing a Supervisory Team: Techniques for Lieutenants &
Commanders—February 26, 2015
Presented by: Tina Lewis Rowe
This one-day class is the only training that focuses on those who are responsible for the work of
sergeants—and through them, the officers and employees who are supervised. It is an expanded view
of the role of those in command ranks in both police departments and sheriffs offices, as it relates to
developing and coordinating the work of sergeants in a positive way.
Project #: LE150323
Times: 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM
Location: KLETC Learning Center, Classroom C
Fees: $55/student. Meals and Lodging—$85/Double Occupancy or $100/Single Occupancy;
rates include the $55 tuition fee.
Sex Crimes Investigations Training—February 25-26, 2015
Presented by: Sedgwick Co. Dist. Attorney’s Office, Wichita Police Department and EMCU
Few other crimes are the focus of as much attention and scrutiny as sex offenses, particularly with
respect to the prosecution and ultimate disposition of these cases. This two-day training has been
developed to enhance the skills, knowledge and abilities of the first responder as well as the criminal
investigator. Areas of focus, will include: Patrol Response to Sexual Assault; Interviewing Sexual
Assault Victims; Interviewing the Drugged or Mentally Incapacitated Victim; Rapist Typologies &
Suspect Interview Techniques; DNA & CODIS; CODIS Investigation Tips; Legal & Defense Issues
and; Child Sex Investigations.
Project #: LE150310
Times: 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM 2/25 and 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM 2/26
Location: Heartland Preparedness Center, 2808 N. New York St., Training Room, Wichita, KS
“Integrity is the Basis
for Community Trust.”
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NOTICE: Please check course description to see if the KLETC Registration Form is Applicable
Applicant Name: (Last)
 Male
 Female
Agency E-Mail Address:
Agency Phone:
Applicant E-Mail Address:
Agency Fax:
 Please add this address to the KLETC Continuing Education E-mail
listserv for notification of upcoming classes and events
Agency Mailing Address: (Street or PO Box)
Project Number:
Course Title:
Location of Course:
Course Times:
Meals and lodging and any costs incurred during this course will be the sole responsibility of the applicant and/or their agency, unless otherwise noted in
the course description. Meals and lodging at KLETC are subject to limited availability, and are not guaranteed until confirmed. Lodging rates at KLETC
are based upon double occupancy. Requests for single occupancy will be considered on a space available basis, at an additional cost.
 I request meals and lodging
Pursuant to the Americans with Disabilities Act, KLETC will consider any reasonable need or purpose which the applicant or his/her agency may have
regarding the requested course or training. Do You Request a Reasonable Accommodation?
 YES  NO
Payment Method: (PLEASE ENCLOSE):
Commuter: $
Meals & Lodging: $
 Check  Money Order  Bill My Agency
 Government Purchase Order
I plan on purchasing meals for cash at
the KLETC Cafeteria:
 NO
Course fees vary. Please consult the course announcement.
Make checks or Purchase Orders payable to The University of Kansas at the address below.
If your agency is submitting more than one application for this course, circle the priority of THIS applicant: (highest) 1 2 3 4 5 (lowest)
Send completed application form to:
KLETC Registrar
PO Box 647
Hutchinson, KS 67504-0647
Fax: (620) 694-1420
E-mail: [email protected]
Questions regarding the application
process should be directed to (620) 694
The University of Kansas prohibits discrimination on the basis of
race, color, ethnicity, religion, sex, national origin, age, ancestry,
disability, status as a veteran, sexual orientation, marital status,
parental status, gender identity, gender expression and genetic
information in the University’s programs and activities. The following person has been designated to handle inquiries regarding
the non-discrimination policies: Director of the Office of Institutional Opportunity and Access, [email protected], 1246 W. Campus
Road, Room 153A, Lawrence, KS, 66045, (785) 864-6414, 711
“Integrity is the Basis for Community Trust”
For KLETC Use Only
Project #: _____________
Date: _________________
By: ___________________