Perth, 8th August 2014 curriculum Aureliana Di Rollo pag.1/3 Curriculum Vitae: Aureliana Di Rollo Tel.: +61432 047360 E-mail: [email protected], [email protected] MAIN QUALIFICATIONS: 2010-2013 PhD at Monash University, Faculty of Arts, Italian Studies and Gender Studies 2000-2001 Qualified as State secondary teacher.1 1990-1994 Masters degree (equivalency: first class Honours degree) in Arts at La Sapienza University Rome CURRENT POSITION: July 2010 till present: Lecturer of Italian language for Undergraduate and Postgraduate level at WAAPA (Western Australia Academy of Performing Arts – ECU) in Perth. June 2013 till present: Course Coordinator and Lecturer of “Italian for Opera Lovers” organised by the Italian Consulate, the Western Australia Academy of Performing Arts, and the Western Australia Opera. AFFILIATIONS: Since 2013 Associate member of the Center for the Study of Contemporary Women's Writing. AWARDS AND SCHOLARSHIPS: OCTOBER- DECEMBER 2013: Awarded the Monash Post Graduate Publication Award. JUNE 2013: Awarded 1 travel Grant from UWA for attending the Limina conference. MAY 2013: Awarded 1 travel Grant from MIGR (Monash Institute for Graduate Research) of about 2800$. JANUARY AND OCTOBER 2013: Awarded 2 travel Grants from UCL (University College of London). 2012: Nominated for the Postgraduate Publication Prize call at Monash University. 2012: Awarded the LCL Research Publication Scheme at Monash University. 2011: Awarded LCL Outstanding Publication Award at Monash University of Melbourne. 2010: MIGR Scholarship to attend the ICW Conference in New Zealand (Travel and registration fee). 2010: Awarded the Monash Research Graduate Scholarship as an International Student (three-year stipend). RECENT PUBLICATIONS: BOOKS: A.Di Rollo and C. Madaschi, WAIC: A Club History, Wangara, Universal Press, 2014 BOOK CHAPTERS: ALREADY PUBLISHED: • A.Di Rollo, “Julia Mœsa and Mammӕa,” Mary Hays, Female Biography; or, Memoirs of Illustrious and Celebrated Women, of All Ages and Countries (1803). Chawton House Library Series: Women’s Perth, 8th August 2014 curriculum Aureliana Di Rollo pag.2/3 Memoirs, ed. Gina Luria Walker, Memoirs of Women Writers Part II. Pickering & Chatto: London, 2013. vol. xxx, pp. xxx-xxx. • A. Di Rollo “Conclusioni: Oggetti di lusso di un discorso maschile” in Roma: femminile singolare, vol. 2, ed. M.P. Ercolini, (Roma: Iacobelli, 2013). • A. Di Rollo, “Toponimia maschile e femminile. Nominare come strategia di conquista. Il caso di Perth” in Sulle vie della Parità, ed. M.P.Ercolini, (Roma: UniversItalia, 2013). • A. Di Rollo “Introduzione” in Roma: femminile singolare, vol. 1, ed. M.P. Ercolini, (Roma: Iacobelli, 2011). • A. Di Rollo “Scuola e Comunità Italiana all'Estero” in Nominare per esistere: nomi e cognomi, ed. Giuliana Giusti, (Venezia: Cafoscarina, 2011). • A. Di Rollo “Educazione Linguistica e Sessismo: insegnare a riconoscerlo, imparare ad evitarlo”, in Che genere di lingua, ed. M.S. Sapegno, (Roma: Carocci, 2010). BOOK CHAPTERS: ACCEPTED FOR PUBLICATION: • A.Di Rollo, “Goliarda Sapienza's L'Arte della Gioia, or the art of de-constructing the motherdaughter relationship,” in Goliarda Sapienza in Context, ed. A.Bazzoni and K.Wehling-Giorgi, (UK: Fairleigh Dickinson University Press, 2014). ARTICLES IN PEER REVIEWED JOURNALS (ALREADY PUBLISHED): • A. Di Rollo “Tracce Troppo Leggere”, in Leggendaria, n° 95, September 2012. • A.Di Rollo, Teaching Italian language in gender perspective and Vocational guidance in gender perspective, “SuiGeneris” Published by the Presidency of the Italian Council of Ministers (2009). ARTICLES IN PEER REVIEWED JOURNALS ACCEPTED FOR PUBLICATION: • S. Scarparo, A.Di Rollo “Mothers, Daughters and Family in Goliarda Sapienza's L'Arte della Gioia” in The Italianist, February 2015. RECENT PAPER PRESENTATIONS: April 2014: Seminar Series Gender, Media and Cultural seminar series (UWA). October 2013: Conference “Motherhood in post 1968 women's writing”, 24-26 October, UCL (University College of London), UK. June 2013: Conference “Limina” 14th June, (UWA). May 2013: Conference “Goliarda Sapienza in Context”, 31 may-2 June 2013, UCL (University College of London), UK. April 2013: Seminar Series Gender, Media and Cultural seminar series (UWA). April 2013: Seminar Series CREATEC, Lunch Seminar Series (ECU). 1 This is a highly competitive post based on an open, competitive examination system. Perth, 8th August 2014 curriculum Aureliana Di Rollo pag.3/3 2012: “First International Conference on Toponymy” (Rome, 24-25 October 2012). 2011 Biennial ACIS Conference, in Melbourne, Vic (13th-16th July 2011). 2010 International Women's Council Confernece, New Zealand, Auckland (7th-9th November 2010). 2009 “Gender studies: what’s the matter?” (10th December 2010) at RomaTre University of Rome. 2009 Conference: “Che Genere di Lingua?” (23-24Novembre 2009) La Sapienza University of Rome. PREVIOUS POSITION AND DUTIES: February -June 2013: Course Coordinator and lecturer at NotreDame University of WA. June – August 2011: Italian Teacher for the program Young Artists at Metropolitan, NY, USA. 2011 S1: Lecturer at Monash University in Italian Literature. 2001- 2010: Tenured secondary teacher of Italian, Latin and ancient Greek literature (Rome, Italy). 2001 Election observer for OSCE (Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe), Croatia. 1999-2000 Education Officer and assistant of the Head for Regional Government within the United Nations Mission in Kosovo. 1999 Teacher of Italian, History, Geography at Lycée International Saint-Germain-en-Laye, Paris, France. 1998-1999 Elected Municipal Councellor (Albano L. Rome) and responsible for Youth and Gender Policies. 1994-1998 Teacher of Italian Literature, Latin and ancient Greek in Italian public schools Licei Classici. 1989-1993 Free-lance journalist: “La Repubblica” and other national and local newspapers. ADDITIONAL QUALIFICATIONS: 2005 University Masters Degree “Didactics of the Latin language”, Tor Vergata University, Rome. 2004 Diploma “Teaching written Italian to non-native speakers”, La Sapienza University, Rome. 2003 Masters in “Vocational guidance”, La Sapienza University, Rome. 2000-2002 Masters in Didactics of literature at FORCOM (FORmazione e COMunicazione) Rome. 2001 Advanced “International training for conflict management”, Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna, Pisa. 2000-2001 Masters course in International Human Rights, La Sapienza University, Rome. LANGUAGES: Italian: mother language - French: excellent - English: excellent- Spanish: good - Serbo-Croatian: basic
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