Checklist for processes and procedures for information gathering/sharing/updating
(if resources allow):
Personal Advisers based in schools, colleges, youth centres, drop-in clubs across the region – Continually
updating IYSS (CCIS)
School/Academies/College lists (Internal, all London regions and external to London, Berks, Bucks, Herts,
MKOB, Surrey), this is separate to the school census and September Guarantee offer lists.
UCAS lists/information either direct or from Schools/Academies/Colleges
LCCIS checking (London system made up of the 5 regional systems East, Central, North, South & West),
this enables us to track YP outside of our own London region.
EET information/data from training providers
ILR/Apprenticeship information/data from the Data Service – normally received monthly through specific
Information Sharing Agreements.
Checking for information from other boroughs systems (FWI, YOS, LAC)
Sibling checks
Matching phone numbers with Social Services
Access to National Pupil Database (NPD) – general 2 to 3 people in each borough have this access and
normally based in the schools MI team.
Having Youth Services data and information with IYSS helps considerably, so we can check for session,
project and drop-in attendance at any Youth clubs in the region.
Electoral roll checking (ERO)
LRS (Learner Record Service) – has full ILR data but can be out of date but worth trying
Pan London Early Leaver notification process – Schools, Colleges, training providers using the London
Councils secure portal to notify the London regional units of their early leaver YP (dropping out) from their
DWP data – YP 18-19yrs old claiming JSA (new claimants) – Information Sharing agreement set up with
local JC+ district offices to obtain further information for tracking and information on lone parents
Mail outs and text messaging (IYSS has in built SMS system)
Events – Apprenticeship, training providers, youth forums
Full and normal tracking procedure e.g. numerous phone calls, letters, text & email messages
Home visits – 2 x PA (4 pairs) or Connexions PA and Youth Service Workers (2 together) or Youth Service
workers on estates through their normal contact procedure
Facebook, Twitter, BBM etc.
Competitions through texting, generally used for Not Known YP, offering IPOD/IPAD
Other External help:
Provision for Temporary staff for the period August to December
Traded service in schools from guidance co.’s e.g. CfBT, Prospects reporting back to the West London
Partnership Support unit
Welfare call (Will call a specific number of YP for information for a cost) (Telephone checking/searching service)
NB. Having a Connexions Service will obviously help of which in West London we still have a good
To compliment all of the above you need to have regular checks around the Management Information that
reports from the CCIS system:
Daily and weekly reports produced for EET, NEET & Not Known YP for tracking e.g.
Ward lists
EET expired
Not Known - Cannot be Contacted
Maintenance of the cohort
MI errors (Destinations, support levels, Predicted end dates, etc.)
LCCIS Housekeeping reports (NEET lookup, Moved Away, Not Known matching, Postcode lookup)
NEET & Not Known strategy meetings
IYSS (CCIS) regional meetings re: MI, system, etc.
Dave Pether
Information Systems & Policy Manager
West London Partnership Support Unit (Connexions)
London Borough of Ealing
14-16 Uxbridge Road
Ealing, London
W5 2HL
Tel no: 020 8825 9151
Fax no: 020 8825 5775
Mobile: 07970 958565
A Shared Service working for West London Local Authorities and London Borough of Barnet