BOROUGH OF COPLAY ELECTED OFFICIALS MAYOR Joseph Bundra [email protected] 484 239-1611 610 262-3288 COUNCIL Louis Bodish, President 610 261-1782 Stephen Burker Joseph Groller Bill Leiner, Jr. David Royer Charles Sodl 610-703-8487 [email protected] 610 262-4542 610 751-2745 [email protected] 610 393-3107 [email protected] 610 262-7495 Carl Luckenbach 610-390-4766 TAX COLLECTOR Jeffry P. Deutsch 610 261-0766 COPLAY NEWSLETTER OCTOBER VOLUME 33 #10 APPOINTED OFFICIALS Zoning Officer Code Enforcement Officer Ronald Helman 484 239-6331 [email protected] Deputy Health Officer George R. Briner 215 723-2366 Commercial Building, Electrical, Plumbing & Mechanical Inspector Lehigh Valley Inspection 610 395-3827 Code Master 484-223-0763 Barry Isett & Associates 610-398-0904 POLICE DEPARTMENT Non Emergency 610 262-2288 610 437-5252 PUBLIC WORKS [email protected] 610 262-8378 BOROUGH OFFICE 610 262-6088 Email—[email protected] Website— Published Monthly By The Borough of Coplay. Sandra Gyecsek, Editor. 610-262-6088 SPOOKTOBER FUN The Coplay Recreation and Welfare Association sponsored HALLOWEEN PARADE will be held Tuesday, OCTOBER 21 beginning at 7 PM, with rain date Tuesday, October 28. Forms to register for this event are available on the Borough Website – Home Page (quick links) or the Calendar Page. Final date to register is Friday, OCTOBER 10th. For more information, email [email protected]. TRICK or TREAT will be Friday, OCTOBER 31 from 6 – 8 PM, rain date Saturday, November 1. If you are willing to invite costumed creatures for a treat, indicate your participation by turning on your porch light. Coplay Police will patrol the borough to ensure the safety of all our witches, ghosts and goblins. On Trick or Treat night the Coplay Fire Station will once again be transformed into a Haunted House! Since it falls right on Halloween this year, the fire company hopes to make this their best year yet! Be sure to stop by from 6 – 8 PM and take a walk through – unless you are too SCARED! COPLAY TOWN WATCH The CTW is on an active search for volunteers. We need your help! The CTW is comprised of eight Committees, each committee needs help. In the coming months, we will be examining all our activities with the goal of improving them. This is similar to what was done in 2003 when active members evaluated all activities and decided to adopt by-laws and change our name from Coplay Crime Watch to Coplay Town Watch. If you have any spare time and want to help make Coplay a safer, cleaner, better community join the CTW. If you lack time, consider sending a check of support to – CTW 19 North 5th St, Coplay, PA 18037. For more information call Bill at 610-751-2745; Carol at 610-653-7762 or email [email protected]. CHILDREN’S BIKE DERBY The annual Children’s Bike Derby is planned for Saturday, June 6, 2015. Although this is a long way off, the Children’s Bike Derby Committee is seeking a Chair. The previous chair, Bev Miller, did an outstanding job coordinating the derby for many years. She has chosen to move on and are in need of someone to coordinate the event in 2015. If you want to keep this long standing tradition alive by helping, please call Bill at 610-751-2745 or email [email protected]. IRONTON RAIL TRAIL – IRT Trail Loop Historical Walk is scheduled for Saturday, OCTOBER 4, meet at Chestnut Street Barn. For more information email [email protected] or contact Whitehall Recreation 610-437-5524 ext. 160. Our next workday is Saturday, OCTOBER 11 (North Whitehall); meet at 8 AM at Quarry & Portland Sts Trailhead. Public meeting Wednesday, OCTOBER 22 at 7 PM at North Whitehall Twsp Municipal Bldg. Contact information: Dale 610-405-1025 st SENIOR CITIZENS – meets the 1 and 3rd Wednesday of each month at 1 PM at the Fire Building; always looking for new members! Contact information: Dale 610-262-5464 SUBURBAN NORTH YMCA –For a full list of programs and registration information, contact the YMCA or visit Contact information: Y 610-264-5221 EVENTS COPLAY AWARDS RECEPTION – The CTW is sponsoring its annual awards reception on Saturday, OCTOBER 11 AT 6 PM at Sam Owens Restaurant, 2nd Flr. At this reception the 10 Properties of Merit finalists and Chairs will be presented with awards and gifts. The CTW will present its annual “Volunteer of the Year” award. The Coplay Scholarship Fund Committee will give two $500 awards to two outstanding Coplay kids. And, the annual “Mayor’s Achievement Award” presented by a former Mayor will be given to a deserving former elected official. YOU are invited. Join the CTW in an evening of fun, fellowship and community recognition. For more information call Gail at 610-2628325 or Bill at 610-751-2745. AQUA AEROBICS – held Tuesdays & Thursdays from 7- 8 PM at the Whitehall High School Pool. Fall session continues through November 6. Cost is $55 for residents, $65 for non-residents. Please call Whitehall Township Recreation Bureau at 610-4375524 ext. 160 for more information. FREE PUBLIC SWIM – continues at the Whitehall High School pool, Monday and Wednesday evenings through November 12. Family Swim 7 – 8 PM, Adult Swim 8 – 9 PM. Children 10 and under MUST be supervised by a parent or legal guardian. This activity is for Whitehall/Coplay residents only and a photo ID proving residency is required. COPLAY SCHOLARSHIP FUND – The CSFC will be presenting two awards at the Coplay Awards Reception. If you want to support Coplay kids defray some college, university, technical school or police academy costs, consider a donation to CSFC. Send check to: CSFC – 19 N 5th St, Coplay, PA 18037 COPLAY SPORTS – Visit our website at or email the address below. Next meeting - Wednesday, OCTOBER 8 at 7:30 PM at Fieldhouse. Contact information: email [email protected] COPLAY TOWN WATCH - All are welcome to join us at our monthly meeting, Wednesday, OCTOBER 15 at 7 PM in Council Chambers. For more information contact Bill 610-751-2745 or email [email protected]. PROPERTIES OF MERIT – The ten finalists and Chairs Awards will be presented at the Awards Reception - Saturday, OCTOBER 11 at 6 PM Sam Owens Restaurant. There will be an announcement at the event that we are excited about. Call Bill at 610-751-2745 or Gail 610-262-8325 for more information. WATCH WALKS – Join us as we greet neighbors and pick up loose garbage. Meet at Sam Owen’s Restaurant at 9 AM, Saturday, OCTOBER 11 and OCTOBER 25. If the weather is bad, walks are cancelled. DOG WALKER WATCH – If you walk your dog and want to improve our community consider joining the “Dog Walker Watch” (DWW) program. You will be trained in basic crime prevention techniques. Call Bill at 610-751-2745 or Carol 610-653 -7762 or email [email protected]. EXPLORER POST 101 – Our mission is promoting youth ages 1420 interested in the hobby of model railroading. We meet every Thursday at 7:30 PM on the 2nd floor of the Coplay Municipal Building. Contact information: Dick 610-965-2598 FERAL CAT COMMITTEE – is inviting you to celebrate National Feral Cat Day on Thursday, OCTOBER 16 at 6 PM at Sam Owens Restaurant for a dinner meet up. All attendees receive $5 reduction in their entrée as a gift from the Feral Cat Committee. Please keep your house cat indoors. If you choose to let it out, be sure it is wearing a collar. Next meeting is Sunday, OCTOBER 26 at 2 PM, Sam Owens Restaurant. Call Dennis at 610- 967-2471 or Bill 610-751-2745 for more information or interest in joining. COPLAY FIRE DEPT. In celebration of National Fire Prevention Week – October 5 – 11th, we will be holding an OPEN HOUSE on Saturday, OCTOBER 11 from 12 – 4 PM. Come learn about fire safety and also see what it is like to be a firefighter! Hope to see you there! FROM THE DESK OF Mayor Joseph Bundra As we settle into the routine of fall schedules and prepare for seasons to come, it is my hope that you will take time to enjoy some of October’s festivities. I look forward to seeing you at the Coplay Recreation and Welfare Association sponsored Halloween Parade, out and about Trick or Treat Night or enjoying the trail during this mild season. Any resident wishing to share suggestions or concerns may reach me at 484-239-1611 or [email protected]. COUNCIL NEWS The Borough of Coplay has recently joined the Whitehall Area Chamber of Commerce. BOROUGH HAPPENINGS COPLAY LIBRARY –Library Events: Friday, OCTOBER 3 and Saturday, OCTOBER 4 – Bake Sale/Book Sale – 11 AM to 4 PM Saturday OCTOBER 4 – Trivia 12 – 3 PM Thursday, OCTOBER 9 - Library Board Mtg 7 PM Tuesday, OCTOBER 14 - Storytime 11 AM – all ages welcome Saturday, OCTOBER 18 – Storytime 11 AM – all ages welcome Monday, OCTOBER 27 – Scrabble Night 5 – 7 PM Tickets on Sale now for our Spaghetti Dinner & Chinese Auction – Saturday, November 8 from 4-8 PM at St. Peter’s Church. Prices are $7 Adults ($8 at the door) and $4 for children; 3 and under eat free! Library Hours: Monday – Thursday 10am – 7pm; Friday – 10am – 5pm; Saturday – 10am – 2pm. Follow our website – Contact the Library at 610-262-7351 TRASH/RECYCLING/YARD WASTE/METAL COLLECTION/ ELECTRONICS RECYCLING. There are no collection changes for the month of October. Recycling collected every Thursday and Yard Waste, NO BAGS PLEASE, every Friday. Electronics recycling (call to schedule pickup) collection Wednesday, OCTOBER 15 and Metal collection Thursday, OCTOBER 16. Large Metal items can be put out with your regular recycling. There is no need to call the borough office to schedule pick up for metal. GARBAGE CANS - in excess of 35 gallons will NOT be collected. You must call borough office at 610-262-6088 to schedule pick up of larger items (sofas, mattresses, etc.) on regularly scheduled garbage days, limit of two per year at no charge. ELECTRONICS - televisions and other electronics WILL NOT be collected with regular garbage. Utilize our Electronics Recycling collection, most items are $1, except TVs and computer monitors, call the borough office for cost to recycle based on type/size, or you can drop items off yourself, at FreeCycle, 795 Roble Road, Allentown on Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 10 AM-5 PM and 3rd Saturday from 9 AM-11 AM. COPLAY POLICE — received 170 calls in August, 2014. Arrests: 0; Traffic – 16, Written Warnings - 4; Parking Tickets – 32. CIVIC ORGANIZATIONS INFO COPLAY AMERICAN LEGION POST 426 – Did you know…if you fly an American Flag at your home and are replacing it because it is worn, there is an old mailbox to the front of our Post to dispose of worn flags properly. Contact Information: Larry 610-262-4133. COPLAY ATHLETIC CLUB – Gym is located on the 2nd floor of the Coplay Municipal Building; check the board for meeting dates. Contact Information: Bev 610-262-0909 COPLAY COMMUNITY DAYS - Next meeting Monday, OCTOBER 27 at 7PM in council chambers. Contact information: Steve 610-703-8487 COPLAY DEMOCRATIC CLUB – The CDC is holding a “Meet the Candidates” event on Saturday, OCTOBER 25 at Paulie’s Restaurant. The General Election, November 4th, will be here before you know it. Register and Vote. Annual dues only $2.00. Contact information: Bill 610-751-2745;[email protected] COPLAY GARDEN CLUB – will meet Thursday, OCTOBER 30 at St. John’s, 18 S 3rd St. Program topic “Plants of Murder and Mayhem”. Garden Hint: Finish planting bulbs. Lift and store gladiola, dahlias and any other bulbs that would freeze. Allow to dry 2 weeks. Clean and store in peat moss. Contact information: Jane 610-261-1243 COPLAY LIONS CLUB – Join us at our next regularly scheduled meeting, Monday, OCTOBER 6 and Monday, OCTOBER 20 at 7:15 PM at the Coplay Saengerbund, S 5th St. All are welcome as we work together to help our neighbors. Contact information: Larry 610-262-4133 COPLAY NEIGHBORHOOD CRIME WATCH – this passive group of concerned Coplay residents is always vigilant concerning any unusual persons or activities in the neighborhood which is then reported to our local Police department. Laminated window Crime Watch signs and Vial of Life kits are always available free of charge for anyone, for use in your home. Please contact us at the number below to request a kit. Contact information: Frank 610-262-0802 COPLAY PARK & RECREATION BOARD – next meeting scheduled for Monday, OCTOBER 13 at 7 PM, in Council Chambers. Contact information: Steve 610-703-8487 COPLAY RECREATION & WELFARE ASSN – New members are always welcome! If you are interested in learning more or joining, contact Rick at the number below. Donations are always greatly appreciated. Contact information: Richard 610-261-0566 Convalescent equipment, such as wheelchairs, crutches, walkers, and canes, is available if needed for one day, an outing over the weekend, or for however long is necessary; contact Faye at the number below, requests require 48 hours notice to organize. Convalescent Equipment: Faye 610-262-5335 COPLAY REC & WELFARE ASSN FOOD BANK – available to any borough resident, proof of residency required, open 2nd Tuesday of each month; OCTOBER 14 from 9 – 10:30 AM in the municipal building basement. Any donations are welcome and can be dropped off at the borough office during business hours. Contact information: Louise 610-262-9351 MINI NOTES Pennsylvania law mandates that electronic items be kept out of landfills. We partnered with FreeCycle, a division of GERSolutions, to bring you the most cost effective well-rounded electronics recycling program available in our area. They accept a wide variety of items, most of which can be recycled for a small fee. However, the cost to recycle TV's and Computer Monitors are as follows: CRT Televisions Up to 18" $ 20.00 19"-27" $ 30.00 28" and up $ 40.00 Wooden Console CRT $ 50.00 CRT Computer Monitor $ 10.00 Projection Television $ 50.00 LCD & Plasma Television $ 20.00 (any size) LCD Computer Monitor $ 3.00 Additionally, FreeCycle will accept items containing Freon, at a cost of $20.00 each: Dorm Size Refrigerator Air Conditioners Freezers Dehumidifiers Please note, it is vitally important that ALL electronics items be complete. Taking items apart INCREASES fees incurred for recycling and can be dangerous to you and the environment. Fees for the items above apply whether you utilize our curbside collection or drop off at their facility. Curbside collection is offered the third Wednesday of each month, for which we charge a nominal fee, $1 for most items, exclusions apply, see above; please call the office to arrange. You can also take these items to FREECYCLE, 795 Roble Road, Allentown, PA, smaller items are still FREE of charge; for drop off schedule please visit or call 484-866-0927. GARBAGE CANS – Please be sure the garbage cans you use are in good condition. The public works department does not, as a general rule, throw garbage cans into the truck. They will however dispose of them if they are in poor condition and considered a safety hazard. Cans should not have the bottom broken out or handles broken and should be able to be lifted within the 35lb. weight limit. RUCH ST - milling will be done October 1 – 3RD with a tentative schedule for paving on October 13th. CHERRY ST – bid to be awarded at the October 14th Council meeting. MEDICATION RETURN BIN Introducing: "MedRx Return-Drug Collection Unit", located in the Coplay Municipal Building Lobby right next to the Police Station door. Hours of operation are Monday - Friday from 8 AM - 4:30 PM. Materials Accepted include: Prescriptions, over-the-counter medications and samples, vitamins, prescription ointments, prescription patches, and pet medication. Materials NOT Accepted include: syringes, needles, sharps or other sharps objects, medications from businesses and clinics, lotions or liquids, aerosol cans, inhalers, hydrogen peroxide, and thermometers. LIKE US ON FACEBOOK The Borough of Coplay has established a Facebook page to notify residents of upcoming borough events, alerts, public notices and emergencies happening in our town. Like us Today!! LEHIGH COUNTY LIFE A new online town hall tool to communicate with county residents. By interacting with the tool, residents will be able to engage using polls, submitting ideas, sharing photos, and answering surveys. To register go to or and click on the double orange light bulb icon. For more information, contact [email protected] LIKE US ON FACEBOOK The Borough of Coplay has established a Facebook page to notify residents of upcoming borough events, alerts, public notices and emergencies happening in our town. Like us Today!! MEDICATION RETURN BIN Introducing: "MedRx Return-Drug Collection Unit", located in the Coplay Municipal Building Lobby right next to the Police Station door. Hours of operation are Monday - Friday from 8 AM - 4:30 PM. Materials Accepted include: Prescriptions, over-the-counter medications and samples, vitamins, prescription ointments, prescription patches, and pet medication. Materials NOT Accepted include: syringes, needles, sharps or other sharps objects, medications from businesses and clinics, lotions or liquids, aerosol cans, inhalers, hydrogen peroxide, and thermometers. DOGS There have been complaints reported to the Borough Office and at council meeting regarding dog feces on properties. As a reminder, Dogs are not allowed to run at large in the borough, they must be walked on a leash and cleaned up after. DO NOT allow pets to use neighbor’s yards without removing same. Ordinances are in place governing dogs and fines will be levied. Thank you for your cooperation. MOSQUITOS There’s a new bug in Town! The Asian Tiger mosquito, small and black with striking white markings on body and legs and is competent vector for West Nile virus. Eliminate mosquito breeding sites NOW to prevent problems this summer! Any container with ¼ inch of water is enough to sustain the Mosquito life cycle – egg to adult in 7-10 days. Make sure you empty any water from tires, flowerpots, soda cans, bottles, bottle caps, tarps, roof gutters, plastic bags, roadside trash, plant saucers, garbage cans, corrugated roof drains and toys just to name a few. The easiest way to remove this hazard is just dump out the water into the ground, it will be absorbed and leave nothing for the mosquito to breed in. Can’t dump it? Treat it with an insecticide that specifically targets mosquito . larvae such as Bti (Bacillus thuringiensis subspecies israelensis). From Public Works Director Dan Pavelko: If you plan any medium to large scale remodeling jobs at your home, obtain a dumpster. The borough sanitation department is not equipped to handle building material refuse. Call 484-239-6333 with questions. LEHIGH COUNTY LIFE l A new online town hall tool to communicate with county residents. By interacting with the tool, residents will be able to engage using polls, submitting ideas, sharing photos, answering surveys. To register go to or and click on the double orange light bulb icon. For more information, contact [email protected] 150th ANNIVERSARY In 2019 Coplay will celebrate its 150th Anniversary of the Borough’s Incorporation. Although it seems far off, celebration planning needs to begin. We would like to hold several festivities throughout the year and are putting together a committee to oversee this task. If interested, contact the Borough Office 610-262-6088. AQUA AEROBICS – held Tuesdays & Thursdays from 7- 8 PM at the Whitehall High School Pool. Fall session continue through November 6. Cost is $55 for residents, $65 for non-residents. Please call Whitehall Township Recreation Bureau at 610-437-5524 ext. 160 for more information. FREE PUBLIC SWIM - is held at the Whitehall High School pool, Monday and Wednesday evenings, SEPTEMBER 15 thru November 12. Family Swim 7 – 8 PM, Adult Swim 8 – 9 PM. Children 10 and under MUST be supervised by a parent or legal guardian. This activity is for Whitehall/Coplay residents only and a photo ID proving residency is required
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