WATER RESOURCES – Melaka Experiences KeTTHA EXCELLENCE AWARD KEA 2014 Presented by: YBhg Datuk Ir Hj Mohd Khalid bin Hj Nasir Chief Executive Officer, Syarikat Air Melaka Berhad OUTLINE 1. Introduction SAMB Briefly 2. Challenges Climate Change 3. Impact Quality & Quantity of Water Resources 4. CASE STUDY Case Study I : Drought Season State of Melaka Case Study II : Raw Water Quality Deterioration in Merlimau Case Study III : Empowering Operating System Water Supply of Melaka 5. CONCLUSION DAF II Water Treatment Plant 2 2 1. INTRODUCTION SAMB briefly Syarikat Air Melaka Berhad (SAMB) is a company 100% owned by State Government of Melaka. Scope Of Services: Treatment and distribution of potable water to all domestic, commercial and other users throughout the State of Melaka. Operator License From SPAN Date Operator License From SPAN License Effective Date Date Migration Assets to PAAB 3 : : : 29 October 2012 1 November 2012 – 31 October 2015 17 December 2008 Ceremony of Restructuring of Water Supply Services Industry Has Successfully Been Finalized For State of Melaka To be the WORLD CLASS water provider. We are committed to excellent water management for the UNIVERSAL WELL BEING AND DEVELOPMENT. 4 Integrity Professionalism Submission Catchments AREA MAJOR RIVERS OF MELAKA No 1 2 Name of the River Sg Melaka Sg Kesang TOTAL Durian Tunggal Dam 5 Length (km) Catchments Area(sq.km2) 80 36 670 380 116 1050 Jus Dam SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM OF INTER BASIN SYSTEM (Raw Water) Loji DAF I & II Bunded Storage I & II Bunded Storage I & II 6 6 DIAGRAM MELAKA WATER SUPPLY SYSTEM UP TO SEPT 2014 Gadek WTP Jus WTP ~ LATEST ~ Asahan WTP Bertam WTP Chin Chin WTP DAF I & II WTP Sebukor WTP Merlimau WTP 7 MAJOR WATER TREATMENT PLANTS AND CAPACITY WATER TREATMENT PLANT YEAR BUILD/YEAR UPGRADE SOURCE (INTAKE) TREATED DESIGNED CAPACITY (MLD) PRODUCTION UP TO SEPT 2013 2014 (MLD) (MLD) EXCESS/ (DEFICIT) IN CAPACITY SUPPLY AREA (%) 2013 2014 1976/1982/ 1992/2002 SG. MELAKA, SG. MUAR 182 174 163,709 4 10 MELAKA TENGAH, JASIN & MASJID TANAH 1998 DURIAN TUNGGAL DAM 120 122 119 -2 0.6 MELAKA TENGAH & JASIN 3) DAF II** 2014 DURIAN TUNGGAL DAM 120 0 40 100 66 MELAKA TENGAH & JASIN, MASJID TANAH, MERLIMAU 4) SEBUKOR 1954/1996 /2012 SG. MELAKA, BUNDED STORAGE 78 70 73 10 7 BANDAR MELAKA 5) GADEK 2003 SG. BATANG MELAKA, JUS DAM 55 46 57 16 -3 GADEK, TAMPIN, SPG.EMPAT, ALOR GAJAH & SEBAHAGIAN MASJID TANAH 6) MERLIMAU 2005 SG. KESANG 55 42 1 23 100 MERLIMAU 7) CHINCHIN 1971 SG. CHIN CHIN 12 11 19 9 -58 MERLIMAU & JASIN 8) ASAHAN 1991 ASAHAN DAM 4,500 4.5 5.4 -0.71 -20 9) JUS 2010 JUS DAM 4,500 4.5 4.2 0.4 7 NYALAS VILLAGE, SPG.BEKOH & ASAHAN SELANDAR, BTG MELAKA 631 475 481 1) BERTAM 2) DAF I TOTAL Note : MLD – Million Liters per Day **DAF II WTP started operation at 18 July 2014 Source : Data Strategik Tahunan SAMB/ Jab Pengeluaran MELAKA STATE WATER SUPPLY STATISTICS FROM 2008 -2014 (Until Aug 2014) NO NO 11 22 33 44 55 66 7 7 8 8 9 9 10 10 11 12 11 13 12 13 PARAMETER PARAMETER UNITS UNITS 2008 Treated Water Supply MLD MLD 444 Water Consumption MLD Water Consumption MLD 298 NRW NRW 145 a.Volume Volume MLD a. MLD b.Percentage % 33 b.Percentage % c.ILI 13 c.ILI Meter Replacement Nos. 12559 Meter Replacement Nos Pipe Replacement km 26.4 Pipe Replacement km DMA Nos. 64 DMA Nos PRV Nos. 54 PRV Nos Pipe Burst Nos. 2963 PipeBurst Nos Consumers Consumers a. Domestic Nos. 200,743 a. Domestic Nos b.Trade Nos. 28,017 b.Trade Nos c.Total Nos. 228,760 c.Total Nos Length of Pipe km 3876 Length of Pipe km NRW Manpower Nos. 5 NRW Expenditure 20.5 RM(Million) NRW Manpower Nos Total Revenue 130 RM(Million)RM(Million) NRW Expenditure 9 www.samb.com.my Total Revenue RM(Million) Treated Water Supply 2013 2012 481 472 375 362 2014 2013 444 312340 TAHUN TAHUN 2010 20122011 472 444 441 362 340 327 130104 114 110 104 29 24 26 23 24 11 9.8 7.8 9.7 9.8 8378 13556 13,556 12241 15,943 30.25 48.5 28.78 70.248.46 87 124 166 168 166 78 89 107 107 128 2919 2098 1728 1,728 137 110 105 2223 9.7 9.4 15943 15,600 70.22 169.1 168 170 128 131 137 201 105 103 2011 2009 442 207,354 212,861 217,442 217,442 31,053224,384 29,386 31,610 31,610 243,91433,632 236,740 249,052 249,052 4479 258,016 4412 4643 54,643 5 18.4 14 16.6 1357.8 134 155 4,656 14 24 7.8 3.4 155 172 224,384 231,059 33,632 34,707 258,016 265,766 4656 4,693 24 243.4 172 3.1 178 485 382 375 481 22 21.2 9.4 9.2 15600 0 169.1 46.0 170 170 131 137 201 171 231,059 234,982 34,707 35,159 265766 270,141 4693 4,860 24 3.1 36 178 2.3 9 121 INTERGRATED MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (IMS) MS ISO 9001 2001 : Certification of Quality Management System (QMS) Scope : The major areas of the organization i.e. : Production, Distribution, Planning, Finance & Administration MS ISO 14001 Certification of Environmental Management System (EMS) Scope : water treatment processes, energy conservation, resource optimization and in short avoiding wastage in all aspects 2009 : Bertam Water Treatment Plant (WTP) complex including Mechanical & Electrical 2010 : Merlimau WTP 2011 : Gadek WTP 10 INTERGRATED MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (IMS) 2014 : Integrated Management System (IMS) for QMS & EMS Environmental & Quality Improvement 11 CHALLENGES Climate Change Source: IPCC, 2001 12 Increased 1.4–5.8°C by 2100 CHALLENGES CHALLENGES Climate Impact Change Unstable Water Resources Quality & Quantity i) Wet season River yield very maximum/overflow. (Change *WQI from Class II to Class III) ii) Drought season River yield very minimum. (Due to discharge from domestic waste, industrial effluent/sewage effluent). Note *WQI – Water Quality Index which monitored by Department of Environment Bunded Storage During Drought Season Year 2014 13 Impact Unstable Water Resources Quantity CHALLENGES 14 IMPACT QUANTITY OF WATER RESOURCES Impact Unstable Water Resources Quantity Based on Malaysian Climate Projection from NAHRIM Study for Peninsular Malaysia for future annual rainfalls there will be : 10% increase in Kelantan, Terengganu & Pahang. 5% decrease in Selangor & Johor. From this, there will be prolong droughts i.e. dry years anticipated (2028, 2029, 2034, 2042 and 2044). Impact Unstable Water Resources Quantity DROUGHT SEASON – Affected Critical Level At Dam Durian Tunggal Dam During Drought Season Year 1991 16 Impact WET SEASON – Affected Flooding At Dec 2006 Tidal gate at Sg Melaka, Durian Tunggal Sg Melaka Inlet Chute at Intake Durian Tunggal 17 Source: SAMB Impact Unstable Water Resources Quality IMPACT OF RIVER WATER QUALITY IMPACTS & AFFECTED WTP SHUTDOWN POLLUTION – Affected WTP Shutdown Sg Kesang During Drought Season 2014 18 18 Impact Unstable Water Resources Quality POLLUTION – Affected Merlimau WTP Shutdown 20 June 2014 pH Value Of Sg Kesang Very Lowest pH 2.88 (Standard pH 5.5) 19 IMPAIRMENT IMPACT OF RIVER WATER QUALITY Lowest pH Value 21 June 2014 Merlimau WTP Stopped At 2.30 am CHALLENGES During DROUGHT SEASON 2014 14 FEB 2014 : INCIDENCE OF SALT WATER INTRUSION INTO THE GRISEK PUMP HOUSE SAMB run 6 pumps (compared to 5 pumps before) from Sg Melaka to Bertam WTP. On 14 Mar 2014 , SAMB has been pumping raw water from Sg Muar (2 pumps compared to 4 pumps from Sg Muar with the suction capacity of 135 – 140 Million Liters) Investigation on the intrusion of the salt water to the Grisek Pump House Salinity and Chloride Test has been done at the Before : Pumping capacity 225 Million Liters. 20 21 CASE STUDY I: DROUGHT SEASON STATE OF MELAKA Unstable Water Resources Quantity ISSUE : Melaka drought at the end of January 2014, when the level of Sg Melaka found to decrease from the normal level (2.5m). IMPACT : This causes the supply of 48 MLD raw water to the Bertam WTP affected. 12 Feb 2014, Bunded Storage dried & affected the operational of Sebukor WTP (77 MLD) need to be stopped. The plant ceased operations for 11 hours. Durian Tunggal Dam & Jus Dam level that continued decreased. 22 Sg Melaka During Drought Season Year 2014 CASE STUDY I: DROUGHT SEASON STATE OF MELAKA KEY INITIATIVES : Setting Up A Task Force Of Water Resources Inter-basin Transfer System Implementing Flexibility Of Interconnectivity Water Supply System Pressure Management Method Applied In Program Operasi Bekalan Mesra (OBM) 23 100 PERCENTAGE OF STORAGE AT DURIAN TUNGGAL DAM YEAR 2013 & 2014 100.0 Hentikan Operasi Pengepaman Grisek & Bunded Storage 90.0 90 Mulakan Operasi Pengepaman Grisek pada Keadaan Biasa 60.0 Paras Berwaspada 70 50.0 Paras Amaran Projection menurun @ 50% : 8 SEPT 14 40.0 60 30.0 Kritikal Kapasiti Dam: 50% 20.0 50 Mula hujan di kawasan empangan: -31/3 (0.0mm) & -1/4 (1.0mm) 40 10.0 0.0 2014 hujan BERSIAP SEDIA AMARAN KECEMASAN 2014 ARAS KRITIKAL BERWASPADA 2013 Projec '14 BERSIAP SEDIA Arahan Kerajaan Negeri Untuk Bebas Catuan Pada 16 Apr 2014 Jumlah Hujan (mm) 70.0 Mulakan Operasi Pengepaman ke Empangan Jus JAN '14 (Rain:43.5mm) 9 17 25 FEB '14 (Rain:0 mm) 10 18 26 MAC '14 (Rain:15mm) 14 22 30 APR '14 (Rain:mm) 15 23 MEI '14 (Rain:mm) 9 17 25 JUN '14 (Rain: mm) 10 18 26 JUL '14 (Rain:mm) 12 20 28 OGO (Rain:mm) 13 21 29 SEP '14(Rain: mm) 14 22 30 OKT '14 (Rain:mm) 16 24 NOV '14 (Rain:mm) 9 17 25 DIS '14 (Rain: mm) 11 19 27 % Kapasiti Air Dam 80 80.0 PERCENTAGE OF STORAGE AT JUS DAM YEAR 2013 & 2014 100 100.0 Hentikan Operasi Pengepaman RP Machap 90.0 90 80.0 70.0 Mulakan Operasi Pengepaman RP Machap Paras Berwaspada 70 50.0 40.0 Paras Amaran Jumlah Hujan (mm) 60.0 60 Projection menurun @ 50% : 23/JULY/14 Kritikal Kapasiti Dam: 50% 30.0 20.0 50 Mula hujan di kawasan empangan: -31/3 (0.0mm) & -1/4 (6.0mm) 40 10.0 0.0 JAN '14 (Rain:45.3mm) 9 17 25 FEB '14(Rain: 0 mm) 10 18 26 MAC '14 (Rain:1.4mm) 14 22 30 APR '14 (Rain:mm) 15 23 MEI '14 (Rain:mm) 9 17 25 JUN '14 (Rain: mm) 10 18 26 JUL '14 (Rain:mm) 12 20 28 OGO (Rain:mm) 13 21 29 SEP '14(Rain: mm) 14 22 30 OKT '14 (Rain:mm) 16 24 NOV '14 (Rain:mm) 9 17 25 DIS '14 (Rain: mm) 11 19 27 % Kapasiti Air Dam 80 2014 hujan 2014 2013 ARAS KRITIKAL Projec '14 AMARAN KECEMASAN BERWASPADA BERSIAP SEDIA STOP PUMPING Projection manaik Arahan Kerajaan Negeri Untuk Bebas Catuan Pada 16 Apr 2014 Jus WTP Jus Dam Asahan Dam Asahan WTP Gadek WTP Tebat Pond dipam ke dalam laluan JPS sedia ada ke dalam Sg. Kesang. Selandar Outfall Durian Tunggal Sg. Kesang Kolam Tebat Dam Chin-Chin WTP Kesang 2 Kesang 1 DAF WTP I & II Bertam WTP Grisek P/S Balancing Tank Kesang Outfall Durian Tunggal P/S Bunded Storage I & II Sebukor WTP Air kolam Kesang 1 & 2 dipam ke dalam paip sedia ada & dilepaskan ke Sg. Melaka melalui Sg. Garing. Merlimau WTP Tidal Gate (River Barrage) 26 Program Operasi Bekalan Mesra Pengguna Baseline DURATION : 3 Mar – 1 Mei 2014 (53 Days) Setting timer 11:00pm - 5:00am LOCATION : 130 Zone DMA METODOLOGI : Flow and pressure can be measured continuously at all DMA inlets and view by AquarSmart System. Demand Setting timer 8:00pm - 5:00am Average of saving For 53 Days : 541,291 m3 (RM 974,324) Pressure control to reduce the pressure between 1.1 - 1.5 bar in the critical areas. 131 nos PRV was installed in whole state of Melaka. 27 Note : 1 m3 = RM 1.80 PRV - Pressure Reducing Valve PRESSURE MANAGEMENT Method Applied In Program Operasi Bekalan Mesra (OBM) SUCCESSFUL IMPLEMENTATION: CRITERIA A) Adequate Water Supply MONITORING Quantity of treated water STATUS Total saving 541,291 m3 (RM 974,324) for 53 days 541,291 m3 x RM 1.80 = RM 974,324 28 B) Operations More Efficient And Effective Record of ration water supply Based on records from SAMB Info Centre found no record ration water supply C) Customer Care Record of water quality Based on records from (dirty water) SAMB Info Centre found no record dirty water Decreased Production of Sebukor WTP BUKIT KUDA BERTAM WTP BUKIT LESUNG 1.7 MLD SEBUKOR WTP 6.1 MLD BUKIT CHENG 6.3 MLD 2.3 MLD 12.9 40 MLD BUKIT DUYONG MGD BEKALAN ASAL LOJI SEBUKOR 11/5/2014 VALVE FULLY OPEN 29 CASE STUDY II RAW WATER QUALITY DETERIORATION IN MERLIMAU Unstable Water Resources Quality ISSUE : 21 June 2014, the Merlimau WTP has been closed due to raw water pH is too low. This WTP closure has caused some areas in Jasin District disrupted water supplies, including the north, Jasin, whole Merlimau including Sungai Rambai and Serkam. COMPREHENSIVE ACTION Water supply has been extended from the district of the Kolam Bemban & Umbai. Water Supply is also taken from Syarikat Air Johor (SAJ) at Sungai Rambai (Ledang) and Chohong(Tangkak). Some work system changes made with pipe connection to the existing pipe to the affected areas. Setting Up A Task Force KEYS INITIATIVES Raw Water Piping From Outfall Sg Kesang To Lanchang Intake Proposal System Improvement Of Chin Chin WTP 30 Impact Of Lowest pH (pH < 3.0) In Sg Kesang, Treated Water Turn To Black Color & Sour Taste 31 Work on Pipe Connections For Water Supply From SAJ Ledang & Sg Rambai on 22 June 2014 EMPOWERING OPERATING SYSTEM WATER SUPPLY MELAKA SUPPLY & DEMAND AIR DURING MERLIMAU WTP SHUTOF DOWN MERLIMAU WTP DURING NORMAL OPERATION WHEN DAF II WTP STARTED OPERATION Supply From ASAHAN WTP SENANDONG B3 BERTAM WTP Production increased when DAF II WTP start ed operation BUKIT BAHUDDIN Kandang, Tiang Dua 2.5 MLD dan Paya Dalam BUKIT DUYUNG 1.54MLD Bkt Bahuddin 2.04MLD Chinchin 0.5MLD 3.2 BktMLD Bahuddin Pekan Jasin LOJI CHIN CHIN CHIN CHIN WTP 12 MLD 20 MLD BUKIT PERAH BARU LAMA BUKIT PERAH ELEVATED Supply From BERTAM WTP BUKIT PERAH BARU 18.4MLD 23.2 Seluruh Kawasan MLD Merlimau 4.77MLD 32 Supply From SAJ (TANGKAK) Stopped Merlimau NORMAL MERLIMAU WTPWTP OPERATION 55 MLD (55 MLD) Shutdown (0 MLD) Supply Supply From From SAJ SAJ (LEDANG) (LEDANG) Stopped 32 CASE STUDY III: EMPOWERING OPERATING SYSTEM WATER SUPPLY OF MELAKA 18 July 2014: Start of operations DAF II WTP has been strengthening and empowering operational water distribution system in Melaka. EVIDENCE OF IMPLEMENTATION: By operating the DAF II WTP, the water supply can be extended to Sg. Udang. Therefore, this can reduce the dependency on Bertam WTP. The flexibility of this interconnectivity, can take advantage of to supply water to the area Merlimau. RESULTS: Overall, the available performance interconnectivity Melaka was 100% 33 FLEXIBILITY OF INTERCONNECTIVITY Upstream And Downstream Water Supply System In Melaka Connection Gadek WTP with Bertam WTP at Bukit Bulat Area Connection Gadek WTP with Bertam WTP at Masjid Tanah Area Connection Sebukor WTP with Bertam WTP 34 Connection Asahan WTP with Merlimau WTP at Simpang Bekoh Connection JUS WTP with BERTAM WTP Connection Bertam WTP with Merlimau WTP at Duyong area Connection Bertam WTP with Merlimau WTP at Telok Mas Area EMPOWERING OPERATING SYSTEM WATER SUPPLY OF MELAKA RESERVOIR B1, B2, B3 RESERVOIR SENANDUNG A BERTAM WTP BEFORE INTERCONNECTIVITY DAF I WTP DAF II WTP 35 EMPOWERING OPERATING SYSTEM WATER SUPPLY OF MELAKA RESERVOIR B1, B2, B3 RESERVOIR SENANDUNG A BERTAM WTP AFTER INTERCONNECTIVITY DAF I WTP DAF II WTP 36 CONCLUSION This study has proved successful in managing the water supply without water rationing to develop a more efficient process, practicality and efficiency of innovative ideas in testing flexibility of interconnectivity water supply system at Merlimau. DAF I Water Treatment Plant 37 THANK YOU YBhg Datuk Ir Hj Mohd Khalid bin Hj Nasir www.samb.com.my [email protected] 38
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