The International Workshop on Radiolysis, Electrochemistry and Material Performance 2014 (RADEM’14) Program October 31, 2014 − Sapporo, Hokkaido, JAPAN Presentation 15 min + Discussion 5 min Time Session Opening 8:00 8:10 Name (Authors) Paper Title Radiation Effects on Corrosion Electrochemistry of BWR Fuel Components Under Irradiation and Water Chemistry Affiliation Prof. Katsumura The University of Tokyo Y. J. Kim GE Global Research Center 8:30 Stainless Steel under Proton or Electron Irradiation: Temperature and Hydrogen Influence in PWR environment M. Wang 8:50 Radiation-Enhanced Corrosion of Reactor Core Materials D.M. Bartels, J.A. Jacob and K. Kanjana 9:10 Impedancemetry Characterization for 316L/H2O(PWR) interfaces during proton irradiation C. Corbel , M. Wang 2 D. Feron 9:30 Radiation Effect on Metal Oxide Semiconductors ―Influence of Aqueous Redox Systems K. Ishigure 1, 2 2 1 , S. Perrin , C. Corbel , D. Feron 1 1,2, Japan USA 1:Laboratoire des Solides Irradiés – Ecole Polytechnique – Palaiseau 2:Service de la Corrosion et France du Comportement des matériaux dans leur environnement- CEA, DEN, DPC, SCCME 2 2 Country Notre Dame Radiation Laboratory 3 , P. Perrin , D. Simon , USA 1. Laboratoire des Solides Irradiés, UMR 7642, Ecole Polytechnique, Palaiseau 2. Laboratoire d’Etudes de Corrosion Aqueuse, CEA/DEN/DPC/SCCME, Saclay 3. France Conditions Extrêmes et Matériaux: Haute Température et Irradiation, UPR3079, CNRS-Orleans Emeritus, the University of Tokyo Japan A Numerical Model for Simulating the Water Chemistry in the Primary Coolant System of a I-H. Lo, M-Y. Wang and T-K. Yeh Pressurized Water Reactor National Tsing Hua University Taiwan 10:50 Laboratory Experiments to Improve Our Understanding of Water Radiolysis in Reactor G.A. Glowa Systems Atomic Energy of Canada limited Canada 11:10 Simulation study on the effect of hydrogen P. Lertnaisat1,Y. Katsumura1,S. Mukai2, injection towards the water radiolysis in PWRs R. Umehara 3,Y. Shimizu 3, and M. Suzuki3 1:The University of Tokyo,2:NDC,3:MHI Japan 11:30 Radiolysis Chemistry of Gas Systems National Nuclear Laboratory UK 11:50 A study into the ionizing radiation stability of a M.S. Morkin1, V.V. Lemekhov1, Y..S. Cherepnin 1, fluorocarbon fluid for the secondary S.P. Kolotukhin2, I.M. Mazurin2 , circuit of a heavy-liquid-metal-cooled reactor V.V. Bedin3, V.V. Shushlebin3 facility 1:NIKIET, 2: JSC “ENIN” 3: JSC “IRM”, Zarechny Russia Session Q&A 9:50 10:00 10:30 Coffee Break Evaluation Models and Experiments Session Q&A 12:10 12:20 13:40 J. Henshaw Lunch Basic Science Fast Process of Water Radiolysis at High of Radiolysis Temperature and High Pressure (1) Y. Muroya1, D. Hatomoto1, Y. Katsumura2, M-Z. Lin3, S. Yamashita2, J-P. Jay-Gerin4, T. Kozawa1 1 Osaka University, 2 University of Tokyo, 3 University of Science and Technology of China, 4 Université de Japan Sherbrooke 14:00 Studies on radiolysis of water under neutron and gamma-ray radiation conditions J-W. Yeon, H-J. Im, W-S. Cha, K-S. Song Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute Korea 14:20 High Temperature Radiation Chemistry of First Row Transition Metal Cations D.M. Bartels and K. Kanjana Notre Dame Radiation Laboratory USA 14:40 Pulse Radiolysis Study of Molten Salt of Lithium/Potassium Chloride T. Amemiya, Y. Maehashi, S. Yamashita, and Y. Katsumura The University of Tokyo Japan 1:The University of Tokyo 2:Japan Atomic Energy Agency Japan Session Q&A Coffee Break 15:00 15:10 15:40 16:00 Basic Science of Radiolysis Radiolysis of Water under Boiling Condition (2) An evaluation on primary yields of radiolytic species in highly concentrated sodium chloride aqueous solutions 16:20 Water Radiolysis Simulation Study on Salted Water Condition 16:40 Radiolysis of Nitric Acid Solution by GammaRay Irradiation 17:00 Influence of Water Radiolysis on Hydrazine Decomposition and Hydrazine-Oxygen Reaction K. Hata1, S. Yamashita2, Y. Muroya3, Y. Katsumura2, 1: Japan Atomic Energy Agency, 2: University of Tokyo, 3: Osaka University S. Hanawa1, S. Kasahara1, T. Tsukada1 Japan J. Takagi and S. Yamamoto Toshiba Corporation Japan D. Watanabe1, Y. Wada1, A. Sasahira1, 2 3 3 T. Horibe , K. Okada , T. Ebina 1Hitachi Research Laboratory, Hitachi Ltd. 2Hitachi Works, Hitachi-GE Nuclear Energy Ltd. 3Japan Nuclear Fuel Ltd. Japan Maria-Vita Di Giandomenico and Martin Bachet EDF R&D France The University of Tokyo JAPAN Session Q&A 17:20 17:30 Y. Katsumura1, S. Yang1, C. Matsuura1, 1 1, 2 K Iwamatsu , S. Yamashita and M. Taguchi Closing Emeritus Prof. Ishigure
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