SEMINOLE TRIBE OF FLORIDA PURCHASING DEPARTMENT ROADWAY CONSTRUCTION EAST AND WEST ALICE JIMMIE CIRCLE IMMOKALEE SEMINOLE INDIAN RESERVATION COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA 6300 STIRLING ROAD HOLLYWOOD, FLORIDA 33024 ADDENDUM NUMBER FOUR December 19, 2014 The following changes, additions, and/or deletions are hereby made a part of the Request for Bids (RFB) documents for the Roadway Construction East and West Alice Jimmie Circle Immokalee Seminole Indian Reservation Collier County, Florida for the Seminole Tribe of Florida, as fully and completely as if the same were fully set forth therein: REQUEST FOR BIDS A. CHANGE BID DUE DATE DELETE ALL REFERENCES TO: BIDS DEADLINE: Friday, December 19th, 2014 by 4:00 pm REPLACE with: BIDS DEADLINE: Monday, December 29, 2014 by 4:00 pm B. ATTTACHMENT REMOVE: Attachment C. Bid Form (revised December 16, 2014) REPLACE WITH: Attachment C. Bid Form (revised December 19, 2014); attached. SEMINOLE TRIBE OF FLORIDA Monica Maragh Contract Specialist RFB ROADWAY CONSTRUCTION EAST AND WEST ALICE JIMMIE CIRCLE ADDENDUM No. 4 Page 1 of 3 A. CLARIFICATIONS • Item No. 1 For the purposes of bidding, the numbers for excavation, embankment and borrow material have been adjusted on the Bid Form. Actual quantities paid under this contract will be based on “in-place” quantities at the unit price provided on the bid form and as reflected by the “as-built” topographical survey. Excavation Material – Assumes all useable Material On-Site Borrow Material (10,274 CY) (7,500 CY) TOTAL AVAILABLE (17,774 CY) General Embankment Requirement all areas* (36,503 CY) General Embankment Deficit (Off-site Fill-Compacted in-place)** (18,729 CY) * Includes Roadway (6,705CY), Lake (607CY), Lots (29,191) ** This is the difference between the Embankment Requirement (36,503 CY) and the available On-Site Available Material (17,774 CY) • Item No. 2 Lot embankment shall be compacted to 95% AASHTO T-180 Test Method “C” • Item No. 3 Lot grading tolerances shall be + 1-inch from the elevations specified on the construction documents. • Item No. 4 Clearing and Grubbing unit prices shall include removal of topsoil and vegetation. • Item No. 5 Demucking, if any is required, will be paid at the same unit price of excavation. Organic material can be used as topsoil along berm construction or as directed by the Project Manager. • Item No. 6 After final grading, lot areas shall be seeded (Bahia) and mulched. SEMINOLE TRIBE OF FLORIDA Monica Maragh Contract Specialist RFB ROADWAY CONSTRUCTION EAST AND WEST ALICE JIMMIE CIRCLE ADDENDUM No. 4 Page 2 of 3 • Item No. 7 All sidewalks shall be 6-inches thick. • Item No. 8 Detention pond is to be sodded as indicated on Sheet 16. The Detention Pond’s sodding area quantity has been included under Pay Item 570-1-2 Performance Turf, Sod (Bahia). • Item No. 9 Fire Hydrant Assembly (Complete): Measurement for payment to furnish and install fire hydrant assemblies shall be at the unit price bid per each fire hydrant assembly furnished in accordance with the Contract Documents and include as Tee, Gate Valve, MJ Restraints, Piping, etc. Payment for furnishing and installing fire hydrant assemblies shall be at the unit price bid per each and shall include but is not limited to transporting, storing, furnishing, and installing. SEMINOLE TRIBE OF FLORIDA Monica Maragh Contract Specialist RFB ROADWAY CONSTRUCTION EAST AND WEST ALICE JIMMIE CIRCLE ADDENDUM No. 4 Page 3 of 3 Seminole Tribe of Florida Bid Form (revised December 19, 2014) EAST AND WEST ALICE JIMMIE CIRCLE ITEM NO. ITEM DESCRIPTION UNIT QUANTITY ROADWAY AND DRAINAGE ITEMS 101-1 Mobilization LS 1 102-1 Maintenance of Traffic LS 1 110-1-1 Clearing and Grubbing LS 104-10-3 Sediment Barrier (Silt Fence) LF 5046 1 120-1 Roadway Excavation CY 71 120-5 Channel Excavation CY 10203 120-6a Roadway Embankment (Compacted in Place) CY 6705 120-6b Onsite Borrow Material (Hauled and Compacted) CY 7500 120-6c General Embankment (Compacted in Place) CY 3,569 120-6d General Embankment (Off Site Fill - Compacted in Place) CY 18,729 160-4 Stabilization (Type B) SY 7067 285-706 Optional Base Group 6 SY 7067 334-1-23 Superpave Asphaltic Concrete (Traffic C, PG 76-22 PMA) TN 653 425-1-521 Inlets (Type C) EA 3 425-1-541 Inlets (Type D) EA 2 425-1-711 Inlets (Valley Gutter) EA 13 425-2-41 Drainage Manholes EA 7 430-171-118 Concrete Pipe Culvert (SS and CD) (18") LF 845 430-171-124 Concrete Pipe Culvert (SS and CD) (24") LF 384 430-171-130 Concrete Pipe Culvert (SS and CD) (30") LF 1179 430-171-136 Concrete Pipe Culvert (SS and CD) (36") LF 14 430-982-125 Mitered End Section Culvert (18") LF 1 430-982-133 Mitered End Section Culvert (30") LF 2 520-3 Valley Gutter (Concrete)(Type V) LF 4369 522-2 Concrete Sidewalk (6" Thick) SY 1783 527-2 Detectable Surrface SF 22 570-1-1 Seeding (Home Lots Only) SY 39785 570-1-2 Performance Turf, Sod SY 11943 SP01 Speed Hump (Per detail on sheet 8 of design plans) EA 3 ROADWAY AND DRAINAGE ITEMS TOTAL Page 1 of 3 UNIT PRICE AMOUNT Seminole Tribe of Florida Bid Form EAST AND WEST ALICE JIMMIE CIRCLE ITEM NO. ITEM DESCRIPTION UNIT QUANTITY PAVEMENT MARKINGS AND SIGNING ITEMS 700-1-11 Sign Single Post (up to 12 S.F.) AS 24 710-90 Painted Pavement Markings LS 1 * Reflective Pavement Markers EA 52 * Solid Traffic Stripe (White 12") LF 343 * Solid Traffic Stripe (White 24") LF 67 * Solid Traffic Stripe (Yellow 6") NM 0.094 * Skip Traffic Stripe (Yellow 6" 10'-30') GM 0.353 711-11-123 Solid Traffic Stripe (White 12") (Thermoplastic) LF 343 711-11-125 Solid Traffic Stripe (White 24") (Thermoplastic) LF 67 711-11-211 Solid Traffic Stripe (Yellow 6") (Thermoplastic) NM 0.094 711-11-231 Skip Traffic Stripe (Yellow 6" 10'-30') (Thermoplastic) GM 0.353 6" PVC Sewer Laterals ( single service, complete) EA 9 2 6" PVC Sewer Laterals (double service, complete) EA 8 3 8" PVC (SDR 26) Gravity Sewer (0-6ft) LF 774 4 8" PVC (SDR 26) Gravity Sewer (6-8ft) LF 1117 5 8" PVC (SDR 26) Gravity Sewer (8-10ft) LF 0 6 8" PVC Gravity Sewer (10-12ft) LF 140 7 Sewer Manholes (<6.00 ft) EA 2 8 Sewer Manholes (6-8ft) EA 4 PAVEMENT MARKINGS AND SIGNING ITEMS TOTAL UTILITIES ITEMS 1 9 Sewer Manholes (8-10ft) EA 5 10 Connect To Existing San Sewer Manhole EA 6 11 8" DIP Water Main (Restrained as per required per plan) LF 2200 12 8" Gate Valve w/ Extension EA 5 13 Meters for Water Service EA 24 14 Fire Hydrant Assembly (complete) EA 7 15 Temporary Plug w/ Blow Off or Remove Plug and Blow Off EA 5 EA 10 and Connect to Water Main 16 1 1/2" Single Water Service (saddle, corp stop, angle stop, fittings complete) Page 2 of 3 UNIT PRICE AMOUNT Seminole Tribe of Florida Bid Form EAST AND WEST ALICE JIMMIE CIRCLE ITEM NO. 17 ITEM DESCRIPTION UNIT QUANTITY 1 1/2" Double Water Service (saddle, corp stop, angle stop, fittings, complete) EA 7 18 PVC Pipe Sleeve for 1 1 /2" Water Service LF 264 19 Sample Points EA 7 20 2" Air Release Valve Assembly and Manhole EA 21 DIP Fittings for 8" Water Main TON 0.96 22 Remove Exist. 2" HDPE Forcemain LF 1190 23 Remove Exist. 2" PVC watermain LF 1728 24 2"HDPE Forcemain (fittings, complete) LF 60 25 2" Existing PVC Watermain connection to new 8" Watermain (saddle, corp stop, anEA 26 2" PVC watermain (fittings, complete) 3 1 LF 115 UTILITIES ITEMS TOTAL LIGHTING ITEMS 630-2-11 Conduit (F&I) (Underground) (PVC Schedule 40) (2") LF 9315 635-1-11 Pull Box (F&I) EA 62 715-1-12 Conductor (F&I) (Insulated No. 6) LF 28041 715-7-11 Load Center (F & I) EA 1 715-37-1 Photoelectric Control Assembly (F & I) EA 1 715-500-1 Pole Cable Distribution System (Conventional) EA 45 715-516-116 Lighting Pole Complete (Special) (16') (F&I) EA 45 LIGHTING ITEMS TOTAL SUMMARY Roadway Construction Total Signing and Pavement Construction Total Utilities Construction Total Lighting Construction Total GRAND TOTAL Bidder Company Name:______________________________________ __________________________________________________________ Signature of Official Authorized to Bind Bidder Print Name:_________________________________________ Title:______________________________________________ Date:______________________________________________ Failure to fully complete and sign this Bid Form may result in rejection of Bid. END SCHEDULE OF BID ITEMS Page 3 of 3 UNIT PRICE AMOUNT
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