Week 9 - Ungarra Primary School

Ungarra Primary School Newsletter TERM 4 WEEK 9 2014
FAMILY NAME………………………………
Dear All,
The 2014 school year is almost done and dusted, what a year it has been. I have just been flicking
through the magazine and it’s incredible how much we have been able to fit into just one year.
,resenta-ons will begin at ./m tomorrow night. 0e will be having dinner a1er 2anta gives out his
/resents at a//roximately ..40/m. 0e will also have a few sausages in bread ready to go for the
younger ones at 5.45/m. I’m looking forward to seeing everyone and saying goodbye to you all.
Danah acce/-ng Media awards on be
half of her class in Adelaide from the
AA2 will now be called 2/or-ng 2chools – it’s a similar /rogram to AA2, with a few slight changes. <hief Educa-on >ffice—Jayne Johnston.
2/or-ng 2chools will not begin un-l term 7 2015. ,lease see the factsheet in the newsle8er.
0e had a great night with the R-7 students last Thursday night. Thank you to Louise, Lisa and Ben
being a /art of the night, all the kids had an absolute ball. 0e would also like to thank the Berryman’s who hosted us at Li/son <over on the Friday. Rochelle had organised a number of ac-vi-es
for us to do at the beach in rela-on to the red hooded /lover. 2ome of our students went looking
for their nests and to their sur/rise they found one, with an egg in it. They also saw a baby chick!
>thers made nests in the sand and made eggs out of /las-cine. It was a great learning ex/erience
for the kids and adults alike, es/ecially us all /ushing the bus out of the sand.
2haron <am/bell will be joining out staffing team for 2015, taking over Nikki’s 22> role. 2haron
has worked as an 22> at many schools on the Lower E, and brings a wealth of ex/er-se. 2he will
be here on Mondays at this stage.
This is the last -me I will write in this newsle8er. I have truly loved being a /art of the @ngarra
community, thank you to everyone for their su//ort and encouragement throughout the last cou/le of years. I will look back at my -me at this school with many fond memories. I find myself being slightly jealous of Aathy next year, geBng to work with a great bunch of kids, their families
and a wonderful staff.
Re-sealing of the
Time capsule
This Thursday night we
will be re-sealing the
Centenary Time Capsule.
If you or your family
would like to add a small
item or story, please
bring it along to Thursday nights End of Year
Enjoy your summer holidays with family and friends, stay safe and I ho/e to bum/ into you all at
some stage in the next few years.
End of Year <elebra-on at the
school, star-ng . /m
All the best,
2chool finishes at 2:70/m this Friday, /lease can all students be wearing their uniform. 2chool will
commence on Tuesday 27th January and lunch will be /rovided. 2taff will begin the week /rior on
22nd and 27rd.
First day of school 2015
2tudent lunch /rovided
Respect * Resilience * Excellence * Integrity
For those who have not yet seen the
Nature ,lay /ass/orts or all of the great
resources on their website - check it out in
-me for the holidays!
In addi-on to the /hysical /ass/orts, there
are also missions on the website with an
online interface where children can build avatars, earn /oints and win /rizes Igreat for school
aged childrenJ. Nature ,lay have also nego-ated free entry in to Na-onal ,arks Iincluding Lincoln Na-onal ,ark and <offin Bay Na-onal ,arkJ for families.
,ass/orts can be ordered from Nature ,lay 2A - they will /ost but be aware that it may take a
cou/le of weeks, or you can /ick u/ from their office if you are in Adelaide.
2014 Tumby Traders Trail
Friday 19th December 2014
2pm-4pm (Friday before Christmas)
for children 0-12 years
<ollect your ma/ and bag from either ,eter Hibble ,harmacy or Bank2A and
visit over 20 businesses to collect <hristmas gi1s.
Kidz Biz Term 4 Week 9 2014
>n Monday we farewelled not 1, but . children and two families from ,laycentre. The
new intake system means that all eligible children leave at the end of term 4, ready for
school the next year.
It was goodbye to Marika Telfer, Maddie Fauser, Ashlee ,hillis, Tiffany ,ugsley, Hunter
2mith and Aalani Doley Iwho was absentJ and at the same -me it was the end of an era for
Mark and ,etrina Fauser and Jack and Bronja ,ugsley.
A1er /resenta-ons we all enjoyed a relaxing
/ooled lunch listening to some of our talented mums
/laying <hristmas tunes.
Don’t forget to order your co/y of the school’s
magazine from Nikki by Thursday night if your are interested as there is four /ages on what we got u/ to
at ,laycentre this year. Have a great holiday…...