PILOT 2014-2015 My Cooking Counts Teachers’ Guide Contents 2. Welcome 3. Getting started 4. Adding students 5. Student passwords 6. Student login 7. Student help sheet 9. Teacher - Recipes 12. Teachers – Reporting 1 © BEPLEX/EBLEX 2014 Divisions of the Agriculture and Horticulture Development Board Welcome Thank you for agreeing to pilot My Cooking Counts - a new tool exclusively for secondary schools in England, Northern Ireland and Wales. My Cooking Counts allows: • you to create usernames for your students • you to add recipes, for your students to use • you to monitor student progress • students to record the recipes they cook, including a photograph • students to rate the food skills they demonstrate • students to note the main ingredients they use • personalised certificates to be printed • reports for Year groups or the whole school to be generated. This teachers’ guide will help you get started and use My Cooking Counts at school. If you have any questions, please email [email protected] and someone will get back to you. We will contact you to find out how you and your students are using My Cooking Counts next term. This will take the form of an online questionnaire. We would also like to visit some schools to see My Cooking Counts being used. Once again, thank you for taking part! 2 © BEPLEX/EBLEX 2014 Divisions of the Agriculture and Horticulture Development Board GETTING STARTED Creating your school account 1. Go to http://mycooking.mosquito-digital.com/ 2. Under Teacher, click the word ‘Register’. 3. Enter your details, going through the registration process. Keep a note of your username and password below! 4. BNF will also confirm your registration by email. Once you receive the email from BNF, you can get started. 5. You are now registered to use My Cooking Counts - you can access the tool at school or at home. School username (Email Address): School password: Note: Please create one account for your school. You can share the username and password with colleagues. This will allow you to generate whole school reports. 3 © BEPLEX/EBLEX 2014 Divisions of the Agriculture and Horticulture Development Board ADDING STUDENTS Creating student usernames and passwords 1. Go to http://mycooking.mosquito-digital.com/ 2. Login as a teacher. 3. You will go to the Student Management screen, by default. 4. Click on ‘Add students’. 5. You may add students manually: Click ‘Add students manually’, add their first name and last name, followed by Year Group – the name and Year Group must be separated by a comma (e.g. Jon Smith, 8). 6. Alternatively, you can upload a list of students. A template is available. Click ‘Import CSV file’. Download the template (a .csv file). Complete the columns - first name, last name and Year Group (i.e. 7, 8, 9, 10 or 11). Save the template (as a .csv file). Click ‘Upload file’ - locate the file you have just saved. 7. Click ‘Add students’ - the students will now be uploaded to your school account. 8. Students will be added to the school. 4 © BEPLEX/EBLEX 2014 Divisions of the Agriculture and Horticulture Development Board Printing student username and passwords 1. First, you will need to provide all students their own unique username and password. 2. Go to the Student Management area. 3. Click the ‘tick box’ next to the student name you wish to print. (You may wish to ‘filter’ the names – you can do this by Year Group or Key Stage. You can also sort the names and Year Groups in order.) If you click the ‘tick box’ above the first name, this will highlight all names. 4. Click ‘Print selected’. 5. A new window will appear. Print the usernames and passwords, using the Print function in your web browser. 6. Cut the names into strips and give to the students. You may wish to remind students to stick this in their work books. Note: Students need a Username and Password to login to My Cooking Counts. 5 © BEPLEX/EBLEX 2014 Divisions of the Agriculture and Horticulture Development Board STUDENTS LOGIN 1. Tell students to go to http://mycooking.mosquito-digital.com/ 2. Ask them to click on the Student icon, then to enter their username and password. Click ‘Log in’. 3. They will then be taken to their own personalised area. 4. Here students can add recipes that they cook, rate skills they demonstrate, record the main foods they use and print their own certificate. 5. You may wish to give students Pages 7-8 - an easy guide for students. 6 © BEPLEX/EBLEX 2014 Divisions of the Agriculture and Horticulture Development Board Students My username is: My password is: Login 1. Go to http://mycooking.mosquito-digital.com and click on ‘Students’. 2. Enter your username and password and click ‘enter’. Recording what you cook My Cooking Counts helps you to record everything you cook. It has a number of recipes in its database, but you can also add your own (including a photo). Your teacher may also add some recipes. You can print out all the recipes! After you’ve cooked, use My Cooking Counts to record the recipe and rate your food skills. Remember, be honest about your rating. You can cook dishes again and improve your rating! Find a recipe – from the database 1. Click ‘Find a recipe’. 2. Search for a recipe - this can be by name, food group or food skill. 3. Click the recipe you’ve cooked, followed by ‘Select’. Add your own recipe 1. Click ‘Add your recipe’. Type in the recipe. • Recipe name: Type in its name. • Recipe image: Upload a photo. Click ‘Browse’ to locate the image to upload. • Recipe type: Savoury or sweet? • Ingredients: List the ingredients (pressing return will add to a new line). • Equipment: List the equipment (pressing return will add to a new line). • Method: Type in the steps of the method. To add another method press the ‘+ Add another Step’. • Prep time: Add the preparation time. • Cooking time: Add the cooking time. • Food groups: Click on the main food groups used in the recipe. • Food skills: Click on the food skills demonstrated by the recipe. 2. Click ‘Add recipe’. 7 © BEPLEX/EBLEX 2014 Divisions of the Agriculture and Horticulture Development Board Rate your skills Once you’ve added a recipe, you can rate yourself. 1. Click ‘View recipe’ for the recipe you wish to rate. 2. Click ‘Ready to rate’. 3. Rate each food skill using the stars. 4. Click Save. 5. You can retry a recipe again, looking to improve your skills. 6. My Cooking Counts give you an average score – this is based on the average of all your food skills rated for a recipe. 7. My Cooking Counts give you an average score for all your cooking – look to improve this as you progress. Print a certificate The certificate shows how many times you’ve cooked, along with the food groups used and food skills demonstrated. It also shows the average score achieved. 1. Click ‘Print certificate’. 2. Print the certificate through the web browser. 8 © BEPLEX/EBLEX 2014 Divisions of the Agriculture and Horticulture Development Board TEACHERS RECIPES Adding your own recipes You may wish to add a school recipe, allowing your students access. You only need to add a recipe once - and it will be available to all students. Your recipe can include a photograph (this is optional). 1. Login in. 2. Go to ‘Recipe Management’ and click ‘Create new recipe’. 3. Compete the form on the screen, i.e. enter your recipe: • • • • • • • • • • Recipe name: Type in its name. Recipe image: Upload a photo. Click ‘Browse’ to locate the image to upload. Recipe type: Savoury or sweet? Ingredients: List the ingredients (pressing return will add to a new line). Equipment: List the equipment (pressing return will add to a new line). Method: Type in the steps of the method. To add another method press the ‘+ Add another Step’. Prep time: Add the preparation time. Cooking time: Add the cooking time. Food groups: Click on the main food groups used in the recipe. Food skills: Click on the food skills demonstrated by the recipe. 4. Click ‘Add recipe’. 9 © BEPLEX/EBLEX 2014 Divisions of the Agriculture and Horticulture Development Board Managing your recipes In My Cooking Counts when creating your own recipes you may wish to make your recipe available to others in the school or show and hide recipes at different times. The Recipe Management area will allow you to do this. 1. Go to ‘Recipe management’ and click ‘My Recipes’. 2. Click ‘View recipe’ to edit the details a recipe. If you wish to publish a recipe to the School, select a recipe by the tick box in the first column and then press ‘Publish selected’. This will make it available to all your students. ‘Unpublish selected’ will unpublish a recipe from the school, but recorded data will remain. ‘Delete selected’ will delete a recipe and all recorded data with it. (This is not recommended.) 10 © BEPLEX/EBLEX 2014 Divisions of the Agriculture and Horticulture Development Board Viewing recipes already added My Cooking Counts already contains a number of recipes. 1. Login in. 2. Go to ‘Recipe management’ and click ‘My recipes’. 3. Recipes will be listed below – from here you can edit, print, delete and publish. Viewing recipes added by your students Students can add their own recipes in My Cooking Counts. On occasion, you may wish to make a student recipe available to others in the school – helping to share good practice. 1. Login in. 2. Go to ‘Recipe management’ and click ‘Custom Student Recipes’. 3. Select the recipe by the tick box in the first column and then press ‘Publish selected’. ‘Unpublish selected’ will unpublish the recipe from the school but recorded data will remain. ‘Delete selected’ will delete a recipe and all recorded data with it – this will affect reporting. 11 © BEPLEX/EBLEX 2014 Divisions of the Agriculture and Horticulture Development Board REPORTING You can generate reports for specific Year Groups, Key Stage or the entire school. These reports will provide you with details on recipes cooked, skills demonstrated and food groups used. It will also tell you the total number of recipes cooked in your school, including the number of savoury and sweet. Reporting could be used to promote your department/faculty, as well as support the recommendations set out in the School Food Plan (England). Year Group/Whole school Reporting 1. Click ‘Reports’. There will be a short delay while the system gathers all the data. 2. Select a specific Year Group, Key Stage or ‘All’ (whole school). 3. Add a start date and end date (optional) - useful if you wish to compare/monitor trends. 4. Click ‘Go’ - a report will be generated. The report shows: • Total number of students • Number of dishes cooked (savoury/sweet) • Average number of dishes cooked by a student • Recipes cooked, Food groups used and Cooking skills demonstrated. The Average score and Average overall percentage are based on the ratings pupils give for their food skills. 5. Click ‘Print’ to receive a printed report. 12 © BEPLEX/EBLEX 2014 Divisions of the Agriculture and Horticulture Development Board Individual students You can review the recipes cooked by individual students. 1. Click ‘Student Management’. 2. Click on a student name. 3. You will see an overview for the student. 4. Scroll down to view the recipes cooked. 5. Click on a recipe to see details - such as how a student has rated specific food skills for specific recipes. Certificates You can create and print certificates for individual students. To save time, ask students to print their own certificates throughout their food work. This will help towards monitoring and tracking their progress. 1. 2. 3. 4. Click ‘Student management’. Click on a student name. Click on ‘Print certificate’. View and print the certificate. 13 © BEPLEX/EBLEX 2014 Divisions of the Agriculture and Horticulture Development Board
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