Worshipping God Sharing his love Making him known DIARY OF EVENTS MON 19th 9.00am 7.30pm 7.30pm 7.30pm TUES 20th 9.00am 6.00pm WED 21st 10.00am 10.30am 1.30pm 6.00pm THURS 22nd 9.00am 9.45am 2.30pm 4.00pm 7.15pm 7.45pm FRI 23rd 6.45pm SAT 24th 9.30am Morning Prayer—Church Bell Ringing Practice—Church Pastoral Care and Nurture Group—Gable Close Property Group—Church Centre Upper Room Morning Prayer—Church Pilates—Church Centre Activities Room Holy Communion—Church Holy Communion—Cherry Trees Lionhearts—Church Centre Activities Room Pilates—Church Centre Activities Room Morning Prayer—Church Holy Communion—Stacey Court Darby & Joan—Church Centre Activities Room Healing Prayer—Church Centre Upper Room Woodland Singers—Church PCC—Church Centre Upper Room Choir Practice—Church Tidy up—Church Sunday 25th January 2015 The Conversion of Paul The Third Sunday of Epiphany 8.00am 10.00am 11.30am 6.00pm Holy Communion (Traditional language) Holy Communion (Contemporary language) Sidespersons Meeting— Church Centre Upper Room Evensong Readings: 8.00am & 10.00pm: Jeremiah 1: 4-10; Acts 9: 1-22; Matthew 19: 27—end 6.00pm: Ecclesiasticus 39: 1-10; Colossians 1: 24-2: 7 USEFUL CONTACT DETAILS Rector : Revd. Tim Cockell - Tel: 812613 - e-mail: [email protected] Associate Minister: Revd. Joy Sharpe - Tel: 519651— e-mail: [email protected] Parish Office—Tel: 810641— e-mail: [email protected] St. Mark’s Web Site www.stmarksbilton.org.uk Sunday 18th January 2015 The Second Sunday of Epiphany Welcome to St Mark’s 8.00am 10.00am 12.15pm 6.00pm Holy Communion (Traditional language) Holy Communion (Contemporary language) Holy Baptism of Francesca Belle Fox Unity Service Readings: 8.00am & 10.00pm: 1 Samuel 3: 1-10; Revelations 5: 1-10; John 1: 43– end Collect (special prayer for today) Almighty God, in Christ you make all things new: transform the poverty of our nature by the riches of your grace, and in the renewal of our lives make known your heavenly glory; through Jesus Christ your Son our Lord, who is alive and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen Please Remember in your prayers: Mission Link Partners: Our local charities and Mission Partners including Hope 4, Deepmore Road Hostel, Christians Against Poverty, Rugby Foodbank Events and Issues: Messy Church. The World Around Us: Peace in Syria, end to fighting in Iraq, the countries caught up in the Ebola outbreak. Church and Linked Groups: Bell Ringers, Parade Service Team, Darby & Joan, Men’s Group If you are visiting us today please make yourself known to one of the clergy or those handing out books at the back of church. Large print books and service sheets are available Toilets and disabled facilities are situated in the North Porch UNITY SERVICE, THIS EVENING AT 6PM —This year St Mark’s is hosting the Bilton Churches Together Unity Service. Revd Fr Gerry Murray from Sacred Heart Church is the guest speaker. The service has been prepared by the Brazilian Churches, under the title, The Well is Deep. At least three congregations from Bilton Churches will be coming. Please join us to make them welcome. 1ST SUNDAY TEA - The next 1st Sunday Tea will be held on Sunday 1st February from 4.00pm - 5.30pm in the Church Centre. For those who live alone. Do come and enjoy afternoon tea and good company. If you would like transport please contact Don Barlow who will be happy to arrange a lift for you. SIDES PERSON MEETING—There will be a meeting of Sides Persons on Sunday 25th January after the 10am service. It is intended to last no longer than about 45 minutes, and we are encouraging all sides persons covering all services to attend. The aim of the meeting is for the Clergy and Wardens to get any feedback you may like to provide, and also discuss how different teams within the Church interact. If you are unable to attend then please let one of the Warden team know, so we can ensure that you are updated following the meeting. BARN DANCE—The property group are organising a Barn Dance on Saturday 31st January at the Crescent School - just the way to get rid of those extra pounds from too much food over Christmas! Please support us. Tickets available from committee members, in Church after services or at the Parish office Adults £10 Children £5 including a Fish and Chip supper. We shall be holding a raffle so any superfluous/unwanted Christmas presents will be gratefully received by us. NEW ALPHABETICAL POST TRAYS—Please do not leave any post on the desks near the entrance to Church, there is now a new system of leaving and receiving post for all Church Members. There are a set of wooden trays, each marked for different individuals plus 3 alphabetical trays. The latter are mostly for all the lists of lesson readers, chalice duty, sidesperson duty, brass cleaning rotas, draw club renewal etc.. Please check every week if you have any post especially if you are likely to be on a list. Thanking you most sincerely. Irene Landless, Deputy Church Warden. BIBLE READING FELLOWSHIP—Notes for Jan - April are ready for collection at the back of Church behind the S. aisle pews. Please take your copy. [And thank you all for such a warm welcome after my 9 weeks journey. It is great to be back with St Mark's family.] Ann . DEEPMORE - Thank you very much to everyone who kindly gave to Deepmore. We are keeping the bin for anyone who wishes to continue giving. PRAYER CIRCLE LIST—Please would people who would like prayers let Sheila Mace ([email protected]) know so that it can be included in the Prayer Circle list. THANK YOU TO EVERYONE FOR HELPING AT THE ADDITIONAL CHRISTMAS SERVICES—The help was most appreciated by Clergy and Wardens and this also helped to make all of our visitors most welcome. Mark Gilbert on behalf of the Warden team. CHRISTIAN BOOKSHOP—Planning to get deeper into the Bible in the New Year? Rugby Christian Bookshop has a good selection of Daily Devotionals, Bibles to suite all, as well as books and reading notes. Christian cards, gifts, CDs and DVDs are also in stock. Drop into the shop at 7 Castle Street, Rugby (Mon-Sat 9am- 5pm, Wed 9am-1pm) or place an order by phone - 01788 542852 or e-mail - [email protected]. We look forward to seeing you. RUGBY RNLI PRESENTS RUGBY MALE VOICE CHOIR—in Concert at St. Mark’s Church, Bilton on Saturday 31st January 2015 at 7.30pm. With guest artiste Nick Long on Trumpet accompanied by Sam Plumley. Tickets £6.30 with refreshments. Please phone 814021 or 565101 for Tickets. DEEPMORE ROAD HOSTEL; - If you are turning out your airing cupboard would you think of Deepmore Hostel, they are in need of bath towels and single duvets. Margaret Skelton. THE BRADBY CLUB—is holding a Supper and Quiz on Friday 30th January at 7.00 for 7.30pm at the Rugby School Sports Café in Horton Crescent. Tickets are £12.50p and are available from Sally Wise at 01788 811076 by 23rd January. There is also a Jumble Sale at the Bradby Club premises on Saturday 31st January at 10.00am, admission 20p. Excellent bargains for sale and tea and coffee are available. All proceeds go towards club funds. CHANGE OF ROUTINE FOR READERS AND CHALICE ASSISTANTS—From January 2015 please will you sign in with the duty Church Warden when you arrive in church and not the clergy. This change is to give clergy more time and space to prepare to lead our worship. READERS—The text for the readings we use in church, can be found in the New Revised Standard Version of the Bible. See BibleGateway.com. . ADVANCE NOTICE . THE FRIENDS OF ST MARK’S— plan to hold a “Ploughman’s and Pudding” evening in the Church Centre on the evening of Saturday 7th February 2015. More details later.
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