/ qrJog) ooe, orz:/ed ooJol q.6:qq 6 q.r, e"ro,r em*qFi qf,or8.o: Glgn$)ebgL-u Cs6n6l66n Llrl 500, 3r6.ddr sietl, o6190' t 0 6r-l 3'd Floor, $run*eno msricxfirl glpfllerTfscoru No.500, T.B.Ja)/ah t/lawatha, TECI{NICAL SERVICE$ DIVISION Colombo MahawetiAuthor:itY of 9ri l-anka MA/TSlADM/53-XXx 19 sEP September 1$ 2014 10 2014 Dear Sir, ADVERTISING OF TENDER NOTICE Please advertise the attached Tender Notice in sunday observer 21"t september 2014 and forward the bill to us at the following address for setdement. Dy. Director General Technical Services Division Floor Mahaweli Audrority of Sri Lanka 50Q T.B. Jayah Mawatha Colombo 10. (Tel: No. 2696435) 3.d Yours hithfully, r *)2' .,..1 En[. K.G.Perera Director (Project Implementation) Hr,A N"J For Dy. Director General (TS) Mahaweli AuthoritJl of Sri lanka !q: - For information please. Director Ceneral, MASL Project Director (M/K) - For information please. Director (Finance) Director (PMU) " : (o:/sdt l un$^(ol,'/cs) | 4mDcorolu B*e(trti.ro Dilc(ror (Tit) J in MKRP/KALU/B/166, MKRP/KALU /F.BI[{C /LC / 167, -L7O MKRP/KALU/B/1,69, }i4KRP / KALU / B / qour.do (orroa6 Eo:<jrl qouds -,{i!il. - Please display the advertisement Mahaweli Website - For information please. Secretaries (DPC) File - For information please. 011"2696a36 u00riruL16'r, dn-LL0 olgg&r .l qord6 (oxroa6 $oroJEo 6B&) r SLGodrr f011"26897a1 .j6our,rni unL. SmgcorJIjgtu) lO1r.:OttZeo Dirc<tor (proiecr ordcr 'l- Fdr I pl.rnnln9)l Dirc(tor {proJQEr rmptemanrqrtofl) 3dd oiore 01'l -2689651 c-rrqil L J [email protected] I / BID NOTICE on Laoka (MASL), sealed Bid-s will be received by behalf of the chairman. DeDartme Procuement committee of Mahaweli Authority of sd or 14.10.2014 for the following works' to 1loohrs. up gifrr*,, lo, colombo N". soo, T.B. Jayah Mawatha, ilesi. ;r.;;;;;;C;;. Contnct No. Description of Work No. OPD B"tldi"C & Mortuary Building for Dasgidya Hospital under Moragahakanda & Kaluganga Developmert Project (E^stimated value is Rs. l4.l Millior Non ICTAD Grade Refundable Teoder Fee and Field d*rs.clio! of 1 Rs. 5000.00 C6 or above for Buildiogs MKRP/KALU/RBMC/LCN67 Rs. 5000.00 C6 or above for Irrigation & Land Drainage /Bridses MKRP/KALUE/169 Rs. 5000.00 M(RP/KALU/B/I7O Rs.5000.00 MKRP/KALUE/166 excludine VAT and Contact Deriod is lS0days) Co".t*"ttor of Sptlt*"y Cum Bridge at LC3 in Kaluganga Right Bartk Main Canal under Moragahakarda & Kaluganga Development Project (Estimated value is Rs. 14.8 Milliofl 2 Co ract Deriod is 180 days) NotJ"tde UI Quirlers for Nuses of Laggala "ti". "f Hospital in Laggala Tou,Il Celter under Divisioml excludifls VAT ard c;;.tr 3 4 Moragahaka[da & Kaluganga Dev€lopmeot Project (Estimated value is Rs. 19.9 Million excluding 180 days) 4 of Repistration 3 N*. G"d" "ctfi;f Laggala Divisioml Hospital C6irt Moragahakanda value is Rs, 15 180 days) & In vAT afld cortract period is Quarters for Hospital staff of Laggala TowD Cefltet u[der Kaluganga Developme Project (Estimated io Million excludiog VAT ard Contract period C6 or above for Buildings is C6 or above for Btrildings mentiooed ill the above table agai$t the eorks or y Bidders who have ihe Grade and lield of registration uflder the ICTAD scheme ofregisfation are eligible for bidding. letter]lead, addr.essed to the Deputy Director Prospective Bidders can obtain th€ Biddi4 Documents by a wlitten request oo_a company/firm Colombo 10, ftom 22'09'2014 up to Mawatha, T.B' Jayah 500, Floor, No. 3rd sri ialka, of Aithority (Technical Mahaweli Services), General given above per set of Bidding Document as fee tender days, on payment of a non-refundable 13.10.2014 ftom 09.30 hls to t 5.00 hrs on working-tlru' to the capacity limits in the IgtAD accordiog made will be selections ieoder but on" no." to bid fo! each work. Bidde6 are ftee registration. (Technical services), Mahaweli Authority of sri Bidding documents may be iNpected ftee of charye at the omce of Deputy Director General ftom 22.09.2014 up to 13.10.2014 ftom 09 30 h$ to Lanka, 3rd Floor, No. 500, T.B. Jayah Mawatha, lolombo l0 on normit working days 15.00 hrs. left comer of tlrc eovelop may be dispatched either by sealed Bids io duplicate clearly marked the contract name and the number on the top 9th Floor' No, 500, T.B. Jayah Mawatha' colombo of sri ianka' p"" Authority certral, Mahaweli fo a"ure."a to tr," oir""roi "irr-a time of specified date of submission. Bids will be opened iffnediately thereaft$ Bidders oI their authorised 10 before the closiog two i2) in numbers are Permitted to be prese at the opening of bids' ,"pr"."ntti""", not ""Lding Lar*a on Tel: 01t-2673264' 011-2689651' For further derails, please coflract Technical services Division of Mahaweli Authority of sri n"giri"*J Director General Maha{€li AulhoritY of Sri Lanka I ol6er6o eor de er@od togeorod<fi ge3orxoca€ ooolQ q6tor6oo ogldoeotodq odoco cooDdo5) orrea6c,s 6 eo?o) ooolod g1d8o 6 e"!o, (9toote q3ol3o<3 goOorqo roog sloo-. olol€e l0 <d.6 gll @rsr6jolrsrlrd(o6j oolor o16e c.qot qo ooreS oogoool $ g"or g.oo(e q8.$racd qordcr Ooorcf 56oI g.o ioo, aa.dc.rr 06 Qn @cr.o 1t.00 sa€lo o6,ood ooo oqool orSrod oqo: d,Jt!',6<.1 0s g.ooC{ 2014.10.14 olo 6a!rJ eq 6odo8 o6, o,rrd@O dcj6rdcc eaoA. o6l6JOltJ 9.6c. gi$oto €oroQ"E @6b/ srsoo qgt6oaolsdq oo@ar ca.o6o!r, olr<,a5(r oood erd63o odJoof OPD s<oto6.6e co.o gaol co36)o)dc! 9Q5ao (o(A d6o ecJo'@6lA g(g d. gec.lt t4.l qlol6lord.oreo ?6, t8O) @9tdoo!o6Jq oooo C!.o60!r orl(,iS(, claoo, r$o oo eeqi eed 9015) gaoC LC3 E Booro oo o)eE 9? 5ao(oao d6o qld5)@O6je gqe d( 6eoar t4.8 ootolo:oi.oleco ?o oqor III Eddqd 5C Ber.5 4!.1 e?63e d6o Adoooda gCC dI. Oec.6, t09 oeoQonl (oro C6 eoJ MKRP/KALU/RBMC/I-91 67 C6 ooJ ola C6 ooJ ordoo 61 5000 goe rol 9oO deroor.ot,)/ arleo MKRP/KALU/B/1 69 qo6rod goe ooroa16E IEO) Egld@oo6r< 6O@(0 cooa6oo olroaSc.: ooooj edoe ooo eoldotr'oqi ed@e 9ro{6o ooJoo( 3 MKRP/KALUB/166 qloB oo1900!) di, 5000 goe eorOo16@ d1 5000 goe oolo6'tde 61 5000 @lordgrd lslec? ?6, tEo) og)6ooao6r( 4 edoe ooo(' co"o6o6 o!lcra6(. c!o66, 5)o6 eordoros<J edoe grsd4o EaJooC lr)dco edogs, oqor III oE[GocJ 5e 6orc. 3l1; 9Q6ae (oro oEo qcSoodq pqe d{, Oecro t5 qlrr6jord .oreo ?6i tEO) . sss rrr3rod_ oc.r) qCg(9 56oo 6l')dotOr.O6(O5i .,(,6. rr9 gsg EEEI'O o610 6Ae c,cor qool' opocJ MKRP/KALU/B/170 C6 ooJ goo ooooo6 oqoal 5)d qa6 9?5Bo cg[6oo oo oleJgoo qq:e oo EB eCor6 c.s@ ccaroo EA 66r,srd 96d e6o qCeod gQ8od oa lO. Ear5or orosoJ , q.rs 500 C6o dor6o6j g6A 6 c'";r gooi€ q6or8exJ 3 o!: grooC 6o<!r.& qotdar 6ordrC (olrdar.6 odol) ed tordoneqcjoi oqE oi6lccd coqol g ooo6d od toa& edrolr .r(!s- ooalrt od 6qd !.)dascJ 2014.09.22 qo 6. 2014.10.13 t!, Qdor €.ro930 8o oo30o golor ooG. €o1o oosjodro6(oQo_ od 616!corta eor -eoorod gt8ooJ 6390 .0(6 eod. oorojgrd gqrao oog eoolool orordgroltoaldd 9do1A EoreQ.S tsoroolo qgqeo ooG. gq€d-gro6 ooroooo- ooaloS ordgod ooor oist€o @odoB .rd 6r$r€0 lo. 86gcor qros6r. 90ol 500 (6rll dornrssJ 863 $ c"or oool8 g8tol8sd 3 osl g.ooC 6eqrJdl qolda, d6)6!C (ordcr6 edo, od or8oreecrs, 2014.09,22 ?tl, Aa 2014.10.13 ?!r <do! oaolo66' qE o!16 6oo930 Bo oo300 Cdo] 666 s<o8q56, s6)rdo oador roc o1to. !oo6@d 9.oe o@ 66rgo9 qo6lod@d !')s co.o qot c, or6,iqeo c!(.o6 !sr6, @ E)a6) eC oo6Jod ooJ ooalo8 orooalor oagrob roesl giqoo@d. sist€a lO 5.5.d€t orosd q.6 SOO ioa -99-t g.or ooof cjor6,@cJ 865 qSor8erJ 0 o6 e.r@C qosd€ .Jodrd soo-ec,roQ.A ororsed o8s ool q5d ioolEd'or $ te tsle !ga?i @oEoA o6, ol6or6e qoc.r!r, g oorg 006108 od 6oao oao {oo obJot od gQ3ooi ,og qoojoSrs,orc opod SoolSo8dq qteoo oqo<olrrDo so)oa8 o5, ooo&o!5o os qoqJoroo c..oc'i6 36 o(to. Eas E)ldlc. EGoq or8 5dt')d 6 e".rr g.ooie g6or8scJ. o:do6 odo: q.oo oo56J ga)ao or.o. gdroot0 qo!.)c! - lo4oci_o_.oi 0l l-2073264. 0t l-2680651 qold.' rrad)C $ c.tor ooosB 96o13ro
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