OU BOCES Winter 2015 Division of Instructional Support Services Learning for Life Professional Development Workshops www.ouboces.org Winter 2015 Dear Colleagues, The Division of Instructional Support Services (ISS) is pleased to share our winter catalogue of workshops designed to promote continuous teacher and school leader knowledge and skill development. Within this catalogue, you will see offerings from a wide range of shared cooperative services: Teaching is the Core (TITC) Consortia, School Improvement (SI), Strengthening Teacher Leader Effectiveness (STLE) Consortia, Library/Educational Resource Services, CISM, Title III/ESL Consortia, and Model Schools. We have several new types of offerings this season. First, we are offering “open hours” for supported curriculum planning in the ISS Library Conference Center. ISS staff developers and librarians will support teachers to plan up‐coming units of instruction in a state of the art professional library. Secondly, we are offering courses in curriculum topics that help educators use assessment to focus on instruction and learning in TITC. Finally, we are offering many courses in social issues such as de‐escalation and positive classroom management. These new offerings are designed to further support curriculum, instruction, and assessment innovation in our region. We are embedding blended technological supports in all of our offerings. As such, we ask that you bring a laptop computer that can connect to the internet with you if you attend one of our professional learning experiences. Aware of the changing regulations regarding English Language Learners (ELLs), we are now indicating within the courses description which courses substantially address issues covered under Part 154. Please remember Title III courses are open to all teachers, classroom teachers, subject teachers, and English as Second Language teachers. Fees for the workshops depend on what service is providing the workshop and if your district is a subscribing member of that service. As we are currently developing the spring schedule, we would be happy to hear from you with ideas and suggestions for workshop offerings. If you have any questions or input please contact me at 845‐781‐4363 or email me at [email protected]. The workshops in this booklet are listed in chronological order. In order to register for events please go to My Learning Plan (MLP). If you have any difficulty registering please call Pam White at 845‐ 781‐4363 or email her at [email protected]. Additional courses may be added to the winter schedule based on feedback and needs. Updates will be shared on the BOCES Instructional Council (BIC) listserv and added directly to MLP. We look forward to seeing you at events this winter. Sincerely, Diane E. Lang Diane E. Lang, Ph.D. Director of Instructional Support Services (ISS) OU BOCES Winter 2015 Three-Hour Certification Course for Substitute Teachers Pre-K through 12th Grade Sponsored by School Improvement This course provides universal basic training for current and potential substitute teachers. This course covers basic safety, regulatory issues, routines, and substitute teaching practices. Specific materials about appropriate professional dress, interactional style, how to read lesson plans and schedules, grade level considerations, communication strategies, classroom management, duties and consideration for special populations (ELLs, SWDs, etc.) are covered. Successful completion will ready a substitute teacher for service across Orange and Ulster Counties. Date: Time: Location: Instructors: Audience: 1/6/2015 9:00 am to 12:00 pm Arden Hill - ISS Room 141 Thomas Lynch and Diane E. Lang, Ph.D. Potential and Current Substitute Teachers Open Library/Curriculum Lab: January Session Sponsored by School Library System With outstanding professional development collections and student resource collections, the Orange-Ulster BOCES Arden Hill Library is an indispensable partner in planning and organizing curriculum. In this open library/curriculum lab session you will have an opportunity to use our collections and services to help support your curriculum planning needs. The Library Services Coordinator will be available to help faculty access resources and plan across all disciplines. Date: Time: Location: Instructor: Audience: 1/6/2015 12:30 pm to 3:00 pm Arden Hill – ISS Room 156 Maureen Stalter Component O-U BOCES District Educators - Librarians, Teachers and Administrators Pre-Kindergarten and STEM Strategies Sponsored by STLE3 Combine Common Core strategies while learning how early exposure to STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) supports overall academic growth, develops early critical thinking and reasoning skills. This workshop will explore what STEM looks like in the early childhood classroom. Examine hands on STEM activities that incorporate science practices as well as integrating Common Core strategies in Pre-Kindergarten curricula. Date: Time: Location: Instructor: Audience: 1/7/2015 8:30 am to 11:30 am Arden Hill - ISS Room 141 Vanessa Rossi Pre-Kindergarten Educators 2 .................................................ORANGE-ULSTER BOCES .................................................... Dignity For All Students Act (DASA) 6-hour Course for Certification Date: Time: Location: Instructor: Audience: 1/12/2015 8:30 am to 3:00 pm Carl Onken Conference Center - Room B/C Vanessa Rossi Educators and Future Educators Seeking Initial or Additional NYSED Certification NYSAA-Baseline Collegial Review - AM Session Only Sponsored by School Improvement The purpose of this workshop is to review evidence and baseline data of students being administered the NYSAA. This workshop is by appointment. A schedule will be disseminated by email to the participants. Participants should bring their Frameworks, their completed birthdate/grade level chart, Profile pages, evidence and baseline data for each student. Each student's data should be organized in a file folder or binder. Snow date is January 15th. Date: Time: Location: Instructor: Audience: 1/13/2015 8:30 am to 11:30 am Arden Hill - ISS Room 153 Teresa Arluck Teachers administering the NYSAA Padlet Sponsored by Model Schools Padlet is a versatile web based tech tool that can facilitate brainstorming, assess prior knowledge or can be used as a digital storytelling tool. Explore ways in which this tool is being used and create your own Padlet to use for a lesson. Laptops will be provided, but bringing your own is recommended. Dates: Time: Location: Instructor: Audience: 1/15/2015 4:00 pm to 6:00 pm Arden Hill - ISS Room 141 James Treloar K-12 Teachers 3 ................................PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT WORKSHOPS............................. OU BOCES Winter 2015 Sponsored by School Improvement This training is designed to fulfill the harassment, bullying, and discrimination prevention and intervention training required for certification/licensure under the Dignity for All Students Act (The Dignity Act). The Dignity Act requires, among other things, school districts to create policies and guidelines to be used in school training programs to discourage the development of discrimination or harassment and to enable employees to prevent and respond to discrimination or harassment. This training will address the social patterns of harassment, bullying and discrimination, marginalization and microaggressions, including but not limited to those acts based on a person's actual or perceived race, color, weight, national origin, ethnic group, religion, religious practice, disability, sexual orientation, gender or sex. This training addresses these issues from a proactive - rather than a reactive - position and focuses on creating an affirming educational environment for all students through addressing school culture and climate. It will also cover the identification and mitigation of harassment, bullying and discrimination; and strategies for effectively addressing problems of exclusion, bias and aggression in educational settings. Successful completion of this course will meet the certification requirements in 14(5) of Chapter 102 of the Laws of 2012. OU BOCES Winter 2015 Augmented Reality in the Elementary Classroom Sponsored by Title III Augmented Reality is a fun and engaging way to teach students a vast array of subjects, and is becoming an increasingly popular tool for teachers. (Aurasma, LayAR, QR codes, and more) In this session, teachers will create an authentic, interactive Augmented Reality lesson for their classroom. Laptops will be available for use, but bringing your own is recommended. (This is an LP PD session. Part 154 issues will be covered.) Date: Time: Location: Instructor: Audience: 1/16/15 8:30 am to 11:30 am Arden Hill - ISS Room 141 Christine Dworetsky K-12 Instructors Cultivating and Nurturing the Art Brain Sponsored by School Improvement Thanks to new advances in neuroscience, it is confirmed that changes in brain plasticity take place when art is introduced to a curriculum, resulting in higher student achievement. Leveraging art and cognitive science with teaching and learning is easily achieved as participants learn to cultivate and nurture the creative "art brain" in students through learning environment, strategy and effective scaffolding technique. Participants will explore and experiment with cognitive learning theory as it informs rich and creative planning strategy and the differentiated curriculum that result of it. This is an on-line asynchronous course. Internet access is required. Dates: Time: Location: Instructor: Audience: 1/19/15 to 2/23/15 On-line, six hours, self-paced On-line Susan Ruckdeschel K-12 Instructors Tiering Tasks Not Text – Grades 3 - 8 Sponsored by TITC Participants will learn how and when to meet specific learners' needs without compromising NYS module curriculum fidelity or intent by tiering tasks not text. Tiered activities will involve use and development of challenging and engaging performance tasks and activities that maximize skills and understanding. Participants will learn and practice with scaffolding module lessons and tasks to for struggling and diverse learners through activities that work into a final project. This is an on-line asynchronous course. Internet access is required. Dates: Time: Location: Instructor: Audience: 1/19/15 to 2/23/15 On-line, six hours, self-paced On-line Susan Ruckdeschel Grades 3-8 Teachers, AIS Teachers, and Administrators 4 .................................................ORANGE-ULSTER BOCES .................................................... Teaching with Tape Diagrams Dates: Time: Location: Instructor: Audience: 1/19/15 to 2/23/15 On-line, six hours, self-paced On-line Susan Ruckdeschel Math and Classroom Teachers Learning Style Approaches to Behavior Management for Special Needs Students - Grades 9 to 12 Sponsored by School Improvement Managing behavior balances with understanding our learners and their learning styles. Differentiating for various student instructional needs is key to harnessing learning style and other data. While much of it is about student engagement, it is also about knowing them, and how they learn, enough to engage them in learning more. Whether they learn kinesthetically (using physical, hands-on), or inter-personally (social) for example, gives us the opportunity to craft activities and performance tasks geared to garnering better behavior that then allows us to help them academically. Participants in this course will learn how to use learning style information to develop effective behavior management strategies. This is an on-line asynchronous course. Internet access is required. Dates: Time: Location: Instructor: Audience: 1/19/15 to 2/23/15 On-line, six hours, self-paced On-line Susan Ruckdeschel Grades 9 to 12 Teachers and Special Education Teachers 5 ................................PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT WORKSHOPS............................. OU BOCES Winter 2015 Sponsored by School Improvement Tape Diagrams are found in many math modules on the EngageNY.org resource web site. What are they and why should they become an important part of your math teaching strategies in K-8 lessons? This course explores how tape diagrams can become an effective teaching strategy for teachers, as well as a powerful problem-solving tool for students. Participants will try several exercises in which they will draw a tape diagram to solve. They will also look at the best ways to implement this great instructional tool into lesson planning. Let's get this going! This is an on-line asynchronous course. Internet access is required. OU BOCES Winter 2015 Non-Violent Crisis Intervention Model Instructor Four-Day Certification Course Sponsored by School Improvement The Crisis Prevention Institute (CPI) is considered the standard for crisis prevention and intervention. CPI's Crisis Prevention Model Instructor Training teaches the skills to safely and effectively respond to anxious, hostile, or violent behavior while balancing the responsibilities of the classroom and maintaining professionalism. Successful completion of the 4-Day Instructor Certification course will allow you to train all staff within your district in Non-violent Crisis Intervention on your own schedule, give access to ongoing support and resources such as topical DVDs, videos on demand, publications, webinars, research articles and ongoing free consultation, and refreshers for instructors. Assignment completion and attendance required for all four (4) days in order to receive certificate. Dates: Time: Location: Instructor: Audience: 1/20/15, 1/21/15, 1/22/15, and 1/23/15 8:30 am to 3:30 pm Carl Onken Conference Center - Room B/C TBA Social workers, Crisis Counselors, Teachers (all), Administrators, and Guidance Counselors Practitioner Inquiry Data Analysis Sponsored by STLE3 Now that you have carried out your inquiry project and collected copious amounts of data how do you analyze it? Data can yield amazing insights when we do a thorough analysis and apply specific strategies for coding and examining our data and reflections. This optional 3-hour workshop will help STLE Career Ladder participants fully analyze their data in preparation for completing their Practitioner Inquiry report. Date: Time: Location: Instructors: Audience: 1/21/2015 12:00 pm to 3:00 pm ISS Conference Room 141 James Treloar and Diane E. Lang, Ph.D. STLE Career Ladder Participants 6 .................................................ORANGE-ULSTER BOCES .................................................... NYSAA-Final Collegial Review for Valley Central Teachers - AM Session Date: Time: Location: Instructor: Audience: 1/21/2015 8:00 am to 11:30 am Maybrook Elementary School Teresa Arluck Special Education Teachers Administering the NYSAA NYSAA-Final Collegial Review for Valley Central Teachers - PM Session Sponsored by School Improvement The purpose of this session is to provide a final review of NYSAA datafolios prior to submission. Participants should bring: NYSAA Frameworks, completed datafolio organized in a binder with regional cover sheet. A completed datafolio includes student page, DSS's and completed verifying evidence. Session is by appointment. Snow date is: Thursday, January 22. Date: Time: Location: Instructor: Audience: 1/21/2015 12:30 pm to 3:30 pm Maybrook Elementary School Teresa Arluck Special Education Teachers Administering the NYSAA MOCK BOOK AWARDS at RCLS Main Meeting Room Sponsored by School Library System Mock Book Awards 2015 will be held at the Ramapo Catskill Library System main meeting room. This February, the American Library Association presents their book awards for the best literature for children. Please join Orange-Ulster BOCES SLS and Sullivan BOCES SLS for the Annual Mock Book Awards. Our goal for the Mock Book Awards day is to share quality literature with our SLS members that our students will read. Each participant will have read books of quality children's literature from 2014. At the Mock Awards sessions, participants break into groups for the Newbery Award (elementary), Caldecott Award (picture books), or Printz Award (young adult). The discussion throughout the day will center on the aspects of the book that make it quality literature for children. At the end of the day, Orange-Ulster and Sullivan County SLS members will select from the titles read and will bring back books to add to their library collections. Snow date is 1/23/15. Date: Time: Location: Instructors: Audience: 1/22/2015 8:30 am to 3:30 pm RCLS, 619 Route 17M, Middletown, Main Meeting Room Maureen Stalter, Lynn Miller, Randall Enos Orange-Ulster BOCES Component School Library Media Specialists 7 ................................PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT WORKSHOPS............................. OU BOCES Winter 2015 Sponsored by School Improvement The purpose of this session is to provide a final review of NYSAA datafolios prior to submission. Participants should bring: NYSAA Frameworks, completed datafolio organized in a binder with regional cover sheet. A completed datafolio includes student page, DSS's and completed verifying evidence. Session is by appointment. Snow date is: Thursday, January 22. OU BOCES Winter 2015 Intro to Google Classroom Sponsored by Model Schools Don't have time for a full day workshop? In this 2 hour session participants will learn the basics to be able to start using Google Classroom right away. Finally, a learning management system that not only plays nice with Google Docs, it amplifies it. Google has made Blended Learning simple by giving teachers an easy to use interface that allows them to both create and assign Google Docs to students. Couple that with discussions, sharing of any kind of document or YouTube video and you have one of the best tools for on-line and blended learning we have seen. Come find out how to accelerate your use of Google Docs by setting up Google Classroom with your students. Laptops will be available, but bringing your own, if you have one, is recommended. Date: Time: Location: Instructor: Audience: 1/22/2015 4:00 pm to 6:00 pm Arden Hill - ISS Room 141 James Treloar K-12 Teachers Writing Workshop Strategies with the Ten Common Core Standards in Mind - Grades 3 & 4 Sponsored by TITC Writing workshop is an integral part of meaningful teaching and learning for our students. This workshop will support you as you provide differentiated instruction in relation to the Common Core writing standards. We will work with the standards, emphasize differentiation, engagement, and writing for authentic purposes. Writing assessment practices will be standards-focused and student-centered. Date: Time: Location: Instructor: Audience: 1/23/2015 8:30 am to 3:30 pm Arden Hill - ISS Room 141 Ursula Heinrich Third and Fourth Grade Teachers, Special Educators, and AIS Teachers Unpacking Informational Texts Grades 3-5 Sponsored by STLE3 Our students need to acquire content knowledge through reading. They need to understand the complex components and diverse purposes of informational texts. This workshop will illuminate ways in which a text's purpose, structure, details, connective language, and construction of themes come together to create meaning. Date: Time: Location: Instructor: Audience: 1/26/15 8:30 am to 3:30 pm Arden Hill - ISS Room 141 Ursula Heinrich Classroom Teachers Grades 3-5, AIS Teachers, ELL Teachers and Special Education Teachers 8 .................................................ORANGE-ULSTER BOCES .................................................... Edmodo - Part I - On-line Dates: Time: Location: Instructor: Audience: 1/26/2015 to 2/6/2015 On-line, six hours, self-paced On-line Jaclyn Ellefsen K-12 Instructors Schoology (On-line using Schoology) Sponsored by Model Schools "Schoology is an on-line learning, classroom management, and social networking platform that improves learning through better communication, collaboration, and increased access to curriculum and supplemental content." (Schoology blog). Participants will learn how to incorporate multiple Web 2.0 tools, create and grade assignments, as well as initiate, and then monitor online discussions. This class will be held through Schoology only, for the most authentic learning experience of this platform. Program: Model Schools Audience: Dates: Time: Location: Instructor: Audience: 1/26/2015 to 2/6/2015 On-line, six hours, self-paced On-line Christine Dworetsky K-12 Instructors NYSAA-Final Collegial Reviews - AM Session Sponsored by School Improvement The purpose of this session is to provide a final review of NYSAA datafolios prior to submission. Participants should bring: NYSAA Frameworks, completed datafolio organized in a binder with regional cover sheet. A completed datafolio includes student page, DSS's and completed verifying evidence. Session is by appointment. Snow date is: Wednesday, January 28, 2015. Date: Time: Location: Instructor: Audience: 1/27/2015 8:00 am to 11:30 am Arden Hill - ISS Room 141 Carol Stahle Special Education Teachers Administering the NYSAA 9 ................................PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT WORKSHOPS............................. OU BOCES Winter 2015 Sponsored by School Improvement Edmodo is a learning management system that offers teachers and students a means of communicating and collaborating in a safe and secure environment. This on-line course will focus on getting educators started on how to integrate learning management systems in the classroom. Educators will learn the basics of the interface as well as how to set up a class, create notes, announcements, assignments, quizzes, polls and managing notifications. We will also spend time exploring the student side of the system and look at best practices for responsible use and student engagement. OU BOCES Winter 2015 NYSAA-Final Collegial Reviews - PM Session Sponsored by School Improvement The purpose of this session is to provide a final review of NYSAA datafolios prior to submission. Participants should bring: NYSAA Frameworks, completed datafolio organized in a binder with regional cover sheet. A completed datafolio includes student page, DSS's and completed verifying evidence. Session is by appointment. Snow date is: Wednesday, January 28, 2015. Date: Time: Location: Instructor: Audience: 1/27/2015 12:30 pm to 3:30 pm Arden Hill - ISS Room 141 Carol Stahle Special Education Teachers Administering the NYSAA Classroom Management Essentials Sponsored by School Improvement Would you like to get your classroom running smoothly and efficiently? Come explore basic steps to take in your classroom to keep behavior disruptions to a minimum, while teaching students how to become independent and proactive learners. This workshop will provide you with classroom management skills needed for procedures and routines. Walk away with simple behavior management tips that work, establish classroom boundaries that create self-reliant learners and develop a classroom with more on-task instructional time. Date: Time: Location: Instructor: Audience: 1/28/2015 8:30 am to 3:30 pm Arden Hill - Instructional Support Room 156 Vanessa Rossi Primary and Intermediate Teachers Repackaging Research for the Common Core Sponsored by School Library System This workshop will focus on understanding what Common Core research should look like. Research should now be student-centered and not teacher-defined. This seminar for librarians and teachers will equip teachers with a greater understanding of meeting the ELA Anchor Standard for Writing and Research. Building on what NYSED is now calling "core proficiencies," participants will exit equipped to meet both short and more sustained research projects. Students will be empowered and more prepared for "evidence based claims." Adapting the NYSED Odell and ELA research modules will be discussed and modeled. The role of information and technology will be spotlighted, highlighted, and integrated. NYSED material as well as original material will be used in this presentation. This session will answer questions such as: What should research look like in terms of the Common Core? Fostering Classroom Connections - When and where can I connect with classroom teachers? How do we support the ELA anchor standard "Research to build and present knowledge?" What is NYS's research model and am I aligned? What is a seed text and how can these lead students to investigate, synthesize and conclude? How can I integrate technology for higher level thought? Am I asking good questions or dead-end ones? How do I craft a "compelling question?" Date: 1/28/2015 Time: 8:30 am to 3:30 pm Location: The Hyatt House, 100 Westgate Business Center Drive, Fishkill, NY Instructor: Paige Jaeger Audience: Component School Library Media Specialists, Teachers and Administrators 10 .................................................ORANGE-ULSTER BOCES .................................................... NYSAA-Final Collegial Reviews - AM Session Date: Time: Place: Instructor: Audience: 1/28/2015 8:00 am to 11:30 am Arden Hill - ISS Room 141 Teresa Arluck Special Education Teachers Administering the NYSAA NYSAA-Final Collegial Reviews - PM Session Sponsored by School Improvement The purpose of this session is to provide a final review of NYSAA datafolios prior to submission. Participants should bring: NYSAA Frameworks, completed datafolio organized in a binder with regional cover sheet. A completed datafolio includes student page, DSS's and completed verifying evidence. Session is by appointment. Snow date is to be determined. Date: Time: Place: Instructor: Audience: 1/28/2015 12:30 pm to 3:30pm Arden Hill - ISS Room 141 Teresa Arluck Special Education Teachers Administering the NYSAA Developing ELA Assessments that are Aligned with NYS Learning Standards Sponsored by TITC In an effort to prepare elementary students and teachers for the NYS ELA assessments, this workshop will explore the structure of the questions, development of curriculum embedded practice, and unique features of informational text dependent questions. During the workshop, we will design and create reading comprehension assessments that look and feel like the Spring ELA Assessment, in order to provide students with a similar challenge. The unique learning needs of gifted, special needs, and ELLs will be explored in this context. (This is a LP PD course. Part 154 issues will be covered.) Date: Time: Location: Instructor: Audience: 1/29/2015 8:30 am to 11:30 am Arden Hill - ISS Room 141 Thomas Lynch Third, Fourth, and Fifth Grade Teachers, Reading Teachers, ESOL Teachers and Special Education Teachers 11 ................................PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT WORKSHOPS............................. OU BOCES Winter 2015 Sponsored by School Improvement The purpose of this session is to provide a final review of NYSAA datafolios prior to submission. Participants should bring: NYSAA Frameworks, completed datafolio organized in a binder with regional cover sheet. A completed datafolio includes student page, DSS's and completed verifying evidence. Session is by appointment. Snow date is to be determined. OU BOCES Winter 2015 Microsoft Word 2013 for Support Staff Sponsored by Model Schools Just when you thought Microsoft Word couldn't get any better, with the new Office 2013, all of the features that you have grown to love about Word are still there, and there are many new features that will impress even the most tech savvy. Along with covering new features, we will explore how to use Microsoft word for Forms, Mail Merges and use of Styles for formatting text. Laptops will be available for use, but bringing your own is recommended. Date: Time: Location: Instructor: Audience: 1/30/2015 8:30 am to 11:30 am Arden Hill - ISS Room 141 James Treloar K-12 Teachers Microsoft Excel 2013 for Support Staff Sponsored by Model Schools Excel is still the premier desktop tool for working with data. Whether it is a list of students and their after school activities, or creating a spreadsheet to track inventory, Excel 2013 has even more features that will amaze even the most tech savvy. Didn't know what Concatenate means, well now you don't even need to. Excel has a predictive tool to it that can anticipate the combinations of data to make your life easier. Laptops will be available for use, but bringing your own is recommended. Date: Time: Location: Instructor: Audience: 1/30/2015 12:30 pm to 3:30 pm Arden Hill - ISS Room 141 James Treloar K-12 Teachers Cool Tools for School Part II - New and Advanced Topics Sponsored by School Library System This on-line course will run from February 1, 2015 through April 30, 2015. A new tool will be offered every two weeks. School Librarians in the Orange-Ulster BOCES School Library System are invited to participate. Please note: you must have completed part 1 or track 1 to sign up for this course. This course is limited to five participants and up to 10 credit hours. Please register for this one-of-a-kind on-line course opportunity. Participants will expand their knowledge with their choice of up to five of the following topics: Coding, Media Skills, App-palooza, Web Presence, Digital Tattoo & Digital Citizenship, Geolocation and Mapping Tools, Social Reading, and more! Participants will have the opportunity to share on-line discussions throughout the course regarding instructional uses of the tools used/presented. A new module will be presented every two weeks, beginning February 1, 2015 and concluding on April 30, 2015. Each module will be counted as two credit hours. Participants completing all five modules will receive 10 hours of credit. All credit hours are subject to district approval. No credit will be given for participation in fewer than two modules. Course participation will be tracked and evaluated through on-line discussions and the completion of the on-line tasks included in each module. Dates: 2/1/2015 to 4/30/2015 Time: On-line, self-paced Location: On-line Instructor: Polly Farrington Audience: School Library System Component School District Librarians 12 .................................................ORANGE-ULSTER BOCES .................................................... NYSAA-Final Collegial Reviews Date: Time: Location: Instructors: Audience: 2/2/2015 8:30 am to 11:30 am and 12:30 pm to 3:30 pm Arden Hill ISS Room 141 Carol Stahle and Teresa Escobar Special Education Teachers Administering the NYSAA Open Library/Curriculum Lab: February Session Sponsored by School Library System With outstanding professional development collections and student resource collections, the OrangeUlster BOCES Arden Hill Library is an indispensable partner in planning and organizing curriculum. In this open library/curriculum lab session you will have an opportunity to use our collections and services to help support your curriculum planning needs. The Library Services Coordinator will be available to help faculty access resources and plan across all disciplines. Dates: Time: Location: Instructor: Audience: 2/2/2015 12:30 pm to 3:30 pm Arden Hill ISS Room 156 Maureen Stalter Component OU BOCES District Educators - Librarians, Teachers and Administrators NYSAA-Final Collegial Reviews - for Monroe-Woodbury Teachers Only AM Session Sponsored by School Improvement The purpose of this session is to provide a final review of NYSAA datafolios prior to submission. Participants should bring: NYSAA Frameworks, completed datafolio organized in a binder with regional cover sheet. A completed datafolio includes student page, DSS's and completed verifying evidence. Session is by appointment. Snow date is: Wednesday, February 4, 2015. Dates: Time: Location: Instructors: Audience: 2/3/2015 8:00 am to 11:30 am Monroe Woodbury - Location to be Determined Carol Stahle and Teresa Escobar Special Education Teachers Administering the NYSAA 13 ................................PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT WORKSHOPS............................. OU BOCES Winter 2015 Sponsored by School Improvement The purpose of this session is to provide a final review of NYSAA datafolios prior to submission. Participants should bring: NYSAA Frameworks, completed datafolio organized in a binder with regional cover sheet. A completed datafolio includes student page, DSS's and completed verifying evidence. Session is by appointment. Snow date is: Thursday, February 5, 2015. OU BOCES Winter 2015 NYSAA-Final Collegial Reviews - for Monroe-Woodbury Teachers only PM Session Sponsored by School Improvement The purpose of this session is to provide a final review of NYSAA datafolios prior to submission. Participants should bring: NYSAA Frameworks, completed datafolio organized in a binder with regional coversheet. A completed datafolio includes student page, DSS's and completed verifying evidence. Session is by appointment. Snow date is: Wednesday, February 4, 2015. Date: Time: Location: Instructors: Audience: 2/3/2015 12:30 pm to 3:30 pm Monroe Woodbury - Location to be Determined Carol Stahle and Teresa Escobar Special Education Teachers Administering the NYSAA Three-Hour Certification Course for Substitute Teachers Pre-K through 12th Grade Sponsored by School Improvement This course provides universal basic training for current and potential substitute teachers. This course covers basic safety, regulatory issues, routines, and substitute teaching practices. Specific materials about appropriate professional dress, interactional style, how to read lesson plans and schedules, grade level considerations, communication strategies, classroom management, duties and consideration for special populations (ELLs, SWDs, etc.) are covered. Successful completion will ready a substitute teacher for service across Orange and Ulster Counties. Date: Time: Location: Instructors: Audience: 2/3/2015 9:00 am to 12:00 pm Arden Hill - ISS Room 14 Thomas Lynch and Diane E. Lang, Ph.D. Potential and Current Substitute Teachers Using Chromebooks to Promote Engaging 21st Century Learning in the Math and Science Classroom Sponsored by Model Schools With Chromebooks in the hands of each of your students, you have the power to transform your lessons and bring out the best that Web 2.0 apps and websites have to offer. Whether you have a 1:1 Chromebook initiative in your school, or you have access to a Chromebook cart, this workshop will help you to utilize them effectively to promote student learning. We will cover multiple projects that utilize digital storytelling and collaboration tools. Participants will develop their own lessons that that they can use right away in their classroom. We will only have only a handful of Chromebooks to loan out, so please bring your own if possible. Date: Time: Location: Instructor: Audience: 2/4/2015 8:30 am to 3:30 pm Arden Hill - ISS Room 156 James Treloar K-12 Teachers 14 .................................................ORANGE-ULSTER BOCES .................................................... Engage in Unpacking Fractions Modules 3 & 4 for Grade 5 Date: Time: Location: Instructor: Audience: 2/4/15 8:30 am to 3:30 pm Arden Hill - ISS Room 141 Ursula Heinrich Grade 5 Math Teachers Advanced Google Drive Sponsored by Model Schools Explore all that Google Drive has to offer from tips and tricks for folder and file sharing with your students and working with spreadsheets and presentations to concrete examples of how to use Drive in your classroom. Laptops are available, but bringing your own laptop or tablet is recommended. Date: Time: Location: Instructor: Audience: 2/5/2015 4:00 pm to 6:00 pm Arden Hill - ISS Room 141 James Treloar K-12 Teachers Introduction to Google Chrome Sponsored by Model Schools In this workshop, educators will explore Google Chrome to gain an understanding of how the web browser ties into the Google Apps suite. Educators will learn how to customize the home page, search and add applications, discover productivity extensions, and learn innovative ways to integrate Google Chrome into the learning environment. Prerequisite: You must have a Google account. Date: Time: Location: Instructor: Audience: 2/9/2015 4:00 pm to 6:00 pm Arden Hill - ISS Room 141 Christine Dworetsky K-12 Teacher 15 ................................PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT WORKSHOPS............................. OU BOCES Winter 2015 Sponsored by TITC Unpack Engage NY Grade 5 Module 3 within a community of practice. This module shifts the study of base ten units to using the full set of fractional units. We will explore fraction equivalency. In addition, we will unpack addition and subtraction of fractions. In the second part of the day we will look at Module 4 which extends students understanding of fractions operations for multiplication and division for fractions and decimal fractions. Assessment practices that focus teachers’ eyes on effective teaching and monitoring learning will be addressed. OU BOCES Winter 2015 NYSAA-Final Collegial Reviews - for Middletown Teachers Only AM Session Sponsored by School Improvement The purpose of this session is to provide a final review of NYSAA datafolios prior to submission. Participants should bring: NYSAA Frameworks, completed datafolio organized in a binder with regional cover sheet. A completed datafolio includes student page, DSS's and completed verifying evidence. Session is by appointment. Snow date is: Tuesday, February 10, 2015. Date: Time: Location: Instructors: Audience: 2/9/2015 8:00 am to 11:30 am TBD Teresa Arluck and Carol Stahle Special Education Teachers Administering the NYSAA NYSAA-Final Collegial Reviews - for Middletown Teachers Only PM Session Sponsored by School Improvement The purpose of this session is to provide a final review of NYSAA datafolios prior to submission. Participants should bring: NYSAA Frameworks, completed datafolio organized in a binder with regional cover sheet. A completed datafolio includes student page, DSS's and completed verifying evidence. Session is by appointment. Snow date is: Tuesday, February 10, 2015. Date: Time: Location: Instructors: Audience: 2/9/2015 12:30 pm to 3:30 pm TBD Teresa Arluck and Carol Stahle Special Education Teachers Administering the NYSAA Informational Texts Across Grades 1 & 2 Sponsored by TITC Practice strategies for teaching about reading informational texts for Grades 1 & 2. In this workshop, participants will learn how to promote student's reading skills and how to activate and build on background knowledge. Participants will also practice teaching strategies centered on how to draw inferences from images, features, charts, graphs and vocabulary. Workshop activities will include discussing meaningful tips, practical strategies, and successful application to the classroom. Assessment of skills and concepts related to informational text will be explored. Date: Time: Location: Instructor: Audience: 2/10/15 8:30 am to 3:30 pm Arden Hill - ISS Room 141 Vanessa Rossi Elementary, Reading and Special Education Teachers 16 .................................................ORANGE-ULSTER BOCES .................................................... Writing Your Practioner Inquiry Report Date: Time: Location: Instructors: Audience: 2/11/15 8:30 am to 11:30 am Arden Hill - ISS Room 141 Diane Lang, Ph.D. and James Treloar STLE Career Ladder Participants Edmodo - Part II - On-line Sponsored by Model Schools This section will focus on how educators can use some of the more advanced features in Edmodo. Educators will learn how to embed content into class notes and assignments and how to make use of student badges. We will explore the teacher and student libraries and how students can connect their Google Drive. We will also learn how to use the gradebook and how to export the data so that it can be integrated in other student information systems. Dates: Time: Location: Instructor: Audience: 2/12/2015 to 2/27/2015 On-line, six hours, self-paced On-line Jaclyn Ellefsen K-12 Instructors Using Storybird to Teach Literacy and Writing Sponsored by Title III Storybirds are art-inspired stories or presentations that you and your students make to read and share. Storybird is a fun, collaborative website that can be used to teach literacy and writing to students at all grade levels. Educators will learn how to set up classroom accounts and then learn the teacher-specific tools. We will also explore a variety of ways Storybird can be integrated into the curriculum. (This is an LP PD session. Part 154 issues will be covered.) Date: Time: Location: Instructor: Audience: 2/12/15 8:30 am to 11:30 am Arden Hill – ISS Room 156 Jaclyn Ellefsen K-12 Instructors 17 ................................PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT WORKSHOPS............................. OU BOCES Winter 2015 Sponsored by STLE3 This optional 3-hour workshop will be a hands-on session where STLE Career Ladder Participants will be guided through the process of writing up their Inquiry report. We will show you how to properly structure and word each section to best communicate how you carried out your project and what you learned from it. Strategies for disseminating your research will be discussed. OU BOCES Winter 2015 Managing a YouTube Channel Sponsored by Model Schools In this workshop, educators will learn how to access and manage the YouTube channel within their Google Apps account. We will also explore a variety of YouTube channels and learn how to subscribe to and organize content. Laptops will be available for use, but bringing your own is recommended. Date: Time: Location: Instructor: Audience: 2/17/2015 4:00 pm to 6:00 pm Arden Hill - ISS Room 141 Jaclyn Ellefsen K-12 Teachers Reader’s and Writer’s Notebook Sponsored by TITC Learn how to add a creative element in your classroom through a reader's and writer's notebook. Children often struggle with the idea of getting started on their writing and often need a structured way to get going. Writer's notebooks allow students to absorb the world around them, bring in their own view, and document their daily lives. It provides an easy, informal way to start thinking about new topics and ideas and can incorporate grammar in context. A reader's notebook allows students to have a great place to store favorite quotes, facts, and ideas to think, discuss and write about books. This course is a wonderful tool for educators using modules or local curricula. Participants will explore how to incorporate notebooks that are designed to be structured, interactive and personal for students. The use of notebooks for authentic assessment purposes will be covered. (This is an LP PD session. Part 154 issues will be covered.) Date: Time: Location: Instructor: Audience: 2/19/15 8:30 am to 3:30 pm Arden Hill - ISS Room 141 Vanessa Rossi Primary and Intermediate Teachers, ELL Teachers Reinventing Exit Tickets for the Digitally Connected Classroom Sponsored by Title III Creatively assess students by reinventing exit tickets. Paper-driven exit tickets provide great data, but in order to track that data over time, it has to be managed manually. Resources like Socrative, Google Forms, Padlet and Plickers provide educators will trackable data that is easy and convenient to collect. Laptops will be available for use, but bringing your own is recommended. (This is an LP PD session. Part 154 issues will be covered.) Date: Time: Location: Instructor: Audience: 2/19/15 8:30 am to 11:30 am Arden Hill - ISS Room 156 Jaclyn Ellefsen K-12 Instructors 18 .................................................ORANGE-ULSTER BOCES .................................................... Close Reading the Web Using Diigo Date: Time: Location: Instructor: Audience: 2/19/15 12:30 pm to 3:30 pm Arden Hill - ISS Room 156 Jaclyn Ellefsen K-12 Instructors Science - All Tech'ed Out - Elementary Sponsored by Model Schools W See exactly how tech infused Elementary School Science is done in this hands-on workshop. See exactly how tech infused Elementary School Science is done in this hands-on workshop. One lesson will be modeled using multiple on-line tools that promote collaboration, creativity, critical thinking and communication - the 4 pillars of 21st Century Learning Skills. Educators will experience the lesson as students and then delve into the different tools to learn best practices for use in the classroom and develop their own lessons to use with their students. Laptops will be available for use, but bringing your own is recommended. Date: Time: Location: Instructor: Audience: 2/20/2015 8:30 am to 3:30 pm Arden Hill - ISS Room 156 James Treloar K-12 Teachers NOVELNY Databases through Gale Cengage and ProQuest Sponsored by School Library System Access information from your desktop by logging on to NOVELNY - the New York Online Virtual Electronic Library. A wide variety of resources, books, magazines, newspapers, research, reference sources and more are available to New York State residents with no fees 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Join Orange-Ulster BOCES Library Services and representatives from Gale Cengage and ProQuest, who will be presenting the NOVEL databases offered from these respective providers. Participants will familiarize themselves with new products and will be provided with a refresher on current Gale resources. Gale documents and tools benefit everyone, from students or patrons learning research skills to teachers creating research opportunities. Updates on the Proquest NOVEL Databases, including Gannett Newsstand and eLibrary elementary, will also be included. Date: Time: Location: Instructors: Audience: 2/20/2015 8:30 am to 2:30 pm Carl Onken Conference – Room B/C Stacey Knibloe and Deb Bergeron Component School Library Media Specialists, Teachers, Administrators 19 ................................PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT WORKSHOPS............................. OU BOCES Winter 2015 Sponsored by Title III Diigo is a tool that can transform the way your students conduct research and closely read on the Internet. Diigo is a social bookmarking site that empowers students to effectively and efficiently research on the web. With Diigo's Google Chrome extension teachers and students can bookmark, highlight, annotate and share notes easily with fellow classmates. Educators will leave the workshop ready to use Diigo in the classroom. Laptops will be available for use, but bringing your own is recommended. (This is an LP PD session. Part 154 issues will be covered.) OU BOCES Winter 2015 Everyone Can Learn to Code - Really! Sponsored by Model Schools In an hour web 2.0 world coding is a valuable skill / language to have and it will build students' confidence and open doors to new opportunities. Learning to code it's easier than ever and is accessible to students of nearly any age with the help of tools like Scratch - a programming language and on-line community where you can create your own interactive stories, games, and animations. Learn how to incorporate coding into any subject area to foster STEM skills and creativity. For more information check out the following Ted Talk from the Director of the Lifelong Learning Group at MIT's Media Lab. In the first hour all participants will create a program in Scratch that will move their character(s) (Sprites) around the screen and interact with their environment. Once kids or adults learn the basics, there is no end to the types of things that you can create. We will cover how these projects address the CCLS and identify opportunities within existing curricula for using Scratch. Teachers will develop and leave with lessons that they can use in their classrooms using Scratch. Laptops will be provided, but bringing your own is recommended. Date: Time: Location: Instructor: Audience: 2/23/2015 8:30 am to 3:30 pm Arden Hill - ISS Room 141 James Treloar K-12 Teachers Dignity For All Students Act (DASA) 6-hour Course for Certification Sponsored by School Improvement This training is designed to fulfill the harassment, bullying, and discrimination prevention and intervention training required for certification/licensure under the Dignity for All Students Act (The Dignity Act). The Dignity Act requires, among other things, school districts to create policies and guidelines to be used in school training programs to discourage the development of discrimination or harassment and to enable employees to prevent and respond to discrimination or harassment. This training will address the social patterns of harassment, bullying and discrimination, marginalization and microaggressions, including but not limited to those acts based on a person's actual or perceived race, color, weight, national origin, ethnic group, religion, religious practice, disability, sexual orientation, gender or sex. This training addresses these issues from a proactive - rather than a reactive - position and focuses on creating an affirming educational environment for all students through addressing school culture and climate. It will also cover the identification and mitigation of harassment, bullying and discrimination; and strategies for effectively addressing problems of exclusion, bias and aggression in educational settings. Successful completion of this course will meet the certification requirements in 14(5) of Chapter 102 of the Laws of 2012. Date: Time: Location: Instructor: Audience: 2/23/2015 8:30 am to 3:00 pm Carl Onken Conference Center - Room B/C Vanessa Rossi Educators and Future Educators Seeking Initial or Additional NYSED Certification 20 .................................................ORANGE-ULSTER BOCES .................................................... Using Word Clouds to Strengthen Figurative Language and to Summarize Main Ideas Date: Time: Location: Instructor: Audience: 2/24/15 8:30 am to 3:30 pm Arden Hill - ISS Room 141 Jaclyn Ellefsen K-12 Instructors Informational Texts Across Grades 3 & 4 Sponsored by TITC Practice strategies for teaching about reading informational texts for Grades 3 & 4. In this workshop, participants will learn how to promote student's reading skills and how to activate and build on background knowledge. Participants will also practice teaching strategies centered on how to draw inferences from images, features, charts, graphs and vocabulary. Workshop activities will include discussing meaningful tips, practical strategies, and successful application to the classroom. Assessment of skills and concepts related to informational text will be explored. Date: Time: Location: Instructor: Audience: 2/25/15 8:30 am to 3:30 pm Arden Hill - ISS Room 141 Vanessa Rossi Elementary, Reading and Special Education Teachers Annual DASA Coordinator Training Course - 2014-15 Edition Sponsored by School Improvement Designed for new and continuing DASA Coordinators with building level responsibilities, this course will review current legal requirements of DASA and the role of the DASA Coordinator. Further, strategies for developing the school-wide and district-wide DASA program will be explored. Organizing concepts and skills for doing investigations will be covered. Date: Time: Location: Instructor: Audience: 2/26/2015 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm Goshen Campus – Administration Conference Room Terry Reynolds DASA Coordinators 21 ................................PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT WORKSHOPS............................. OU BOCES Winter 2015 Sponsored by Title III In this workshop, three lessons will be modeled demonstrating how Word Clouds can assist students both in strengthening figurative language and guiding learners in summarizing the main idea of a reading passage. Educators will experience these lessons as students and then delve into the different tools and develop their own lesson to use with their students. (This is an LP PD session. Part 154 issues will be covered.) OU BOCES Winter 2015 Wolfram Alpha-Demonstrations Project Sponsored by Model Schools Wolfram Alpha, along with a multitude of its internal features, is a hidden gem for Math and Science data and contains authentic demonstrations that can be used in the classroom. Participants in this class are encouraged to bring their own device, however laptops will be provided.. Date: Time: Location: Instructor: Audience: 2/27/2015 8:30 am to 11:30 am Arden Hill - ISS Room 141 Christine Dworetsky K-12 Teachers Khan Academy Sponsored by Model Schools As many teachers already know, Khan Academy can be used as a resource to flip your lessons, or as supplemental material in a Blended Learning environment. In this session, we will review how to set up a class in Khan Academy, track student progress and individualize instruction. Participants are encouraged to bring their own devices, however laptops will be provided. Date: Time: Location: Instructor: Audience: 2/27/2015 12:30 pm to 3:30 pm Arden Hill - ISS Room 141 Christine Dworetsky K-12 Teachers Edmodo - Part III - On-line Sponsored by Model Schools Like many other technologies, Edmodo is constantly evolving. This year, Edmodo launched Snapshot, a system where randomized quizzes are created based on the math and ELA standards a teacher selects. This section of Edmodo will focus on how teachers can use Snapshot as a way to assess students based on the Core learning standards. Additionally, we will explore the professional learning communities and the value of developing and maintaining a professional learning community. Dates: Time: Location: Instructor: Audience: 3/2/2015 to 3/13/2015 On-line, six hours, self-paced On-line Jaclyn Ellefsen K-12 Instructors 22 .................................................ORANGE-ULSTER BOCES .................................................... Three-Hour Certification Course for Substitute Teachers Pre-K through 12th Grade Date: Time: Location: Instructors: Audience: 3/3/2015 9:00 am to 12:00 pm Arden Hill - ISS Room 141 Thomas Lynch and Diane E. Lang, Ph.D. Potential and Current Substitute Teachers Open Library/Curriculum Lab: March Session Sponsored by School Library System With outstanding professional development collections and student resource collections, the Orange-Ulster BOCES Arden Hill Library is an indispensable partner in planning and organizing curriculum. In this open library/curriculum lab session you will have an opportunity to use our collections and services to help support your curriculum planning needs. The Library Services Coordinator will be available to help faculty access resources and plan across all disciplines. Date: Time: Location: Instructor: Audience: 3/3/15 12:30 pm to 3:00 pm Arden Hill – ISS Room 156 Maureen Stalter Component OU BOCES District Educators - Librarians, Teachers and Administrators Designing a Professional Learning Community Sponsored by Model Schools As professionals in the 21st century, it is important to not only remain current in our field, but to collaborate with other educators so we can continue to achieve our professional learning goals to positively impacting the learning environment. Traditionally, Professional Learning Communities (PLCs) consist of groups of educators who meet face-to-face to make these goals a reality. However, with the advent of resources such as Twitter, Edmodo, and Diigo, educators now have the means to expand their PLCs beyond the school building. Come learn how Twitter, Edmodo and Diigo can impact your classroom and school environment. Laptops will be available for use, but bringing your own is recommended. Date: Time: Location: Instructor: Audience: 3/3/2015 4:00 pm to 6:00 pm Arden Hill - ISS Room 141 Jaclyn Ellefsen K-12 Teachers 23 ................................PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT WORKSHOPS............................. OU BOCES Winter 2015 Sponsored by School Improvement This course provides universal basic training for current and potential substitute teachers. This course covers basic safety, regulatory issues, routines, and substitute teaching practices. Specific materials about appropriate professional dress, interactional style, how to read lesson plans and schedules, grade level considerations, communication strategies, classroom management, duties and consideration for special populations (ELLs, SWDs, etc.) are covered. Successful completion will ready a substitute teacher for service across Orange and Ulster Counties. OU BOCES Winter 2015 Microsoft Office 365 Sponsored by Model Schools Whether you are in a district that has gone to Office 365 or are using the free version on your own, this full day workshop will prepare you to use everything from Lync to Sharepoint. Educators will see how it can be used effectively in the classroom through model lessons and then will explore how the tools work and best practices for each. Educators will leave with lessons to use 365 with their students. Laptops will be available for use, but bringing your own is recommended. Date: Time: Location: Instructor: Audience: 3/4/2015 8:30 am to 3:30 pm Arden Hill - ISS Room 156 James Treloar K-12 Teachers Supporting ELLs in Math – Grade 3 Sponsored by Title III We need to strive to make math accessible to all of our students. This workshop will address how to make grade 3 mathematics accessible for all students through effective instructional practices and learning strategies. We will focus on six key strategies for teachers of ELL learners. These strategies can be incorporated to improve students' mathematics achievement and academic language development. (This is an LP PD session. Part 154 issues will be covered.) Date: Time: Location: Instructor: Audience: 3/4/15 8:30 am to 3:30 pm Arden Hill - ISS Room 141 Ursula Heinrich Grade 3 Classroom Teachers, AIS Teachers, ELL Teachers, ESOL Teachers Dignity For All Students Act (DASA) 6-hour Course for Certification Sponsored by School Improvement This training is designed to fulfill the harassment, bullying, and discrimination prevention and intervention training required for certification/licensure under the Dignity for All Students Act (The Dignity Act). The Dignity Act requires, among other things, school districts to create policies and guidelines to be used in school training programs to discourage the development of discrimination or harassment and to enable employees to prevent and respond to discrimination or harassment. This training will address the social patterns of harassment, bullying and discrimination, marginalization and microaggressions, including but not limited to those acts based on a person's actual or perceived race, color, weight, national origin, ethnic group, religion, religious practice, disability, sexual orientation, gender or sex. This training addresses these issues from a proactive - rather than a reactive - position and focuses on creating an affirming educational environment for all students through addressing school culture and climate. It will also cover the identification and mitigation of harassment, bullying and discrimination; and strategies for effectively addressing problems of exclusion, bias and aggression in educational settings. Successful completion of this course will meet the certification requirements in 14(5) of Chapter 102 of the Laws of 2012. Date: Time: Location: Instructor: Audience: 3/9/2015 8:30 am to 3:00 pm Carl Onken Conference Center – Room B/C Vanessa Rossi Educators and Future Educators Seeking Initial or Additional NYSED Certification 24 .................................................ORANGE-ULSTER BOCES .................................................... Digital Storytelling Using Animoto Date: Time: Location: Instructor: Audience: 3/10/15 8:30 am to 11:30 am Arden Hill - ISS Room 156 Jaclyn Ellefsen K-12 Instructors Games as Assessments in the Learning Environment Sponsored by Title III There are many resources educators can use to engage student learning. Many of these tools can also be used to assess student learning. Come learn how educators can use Kahoot and to assess student learning objectives while creating an exciting way to capture student learning. Laptops will be available for use, but bringing your own is recommended. (This is an LP PD session. Part 154 issues will be covered.) Date: Time: Location: Instructor: Audience: 3/10/15 12:30 pm to 3:30 pm Arden Hill - ISS Room 156 Jaclyn Ellefsen K-12 Instructors Instructional Strategies for Bullying Sponsored by School Improvement Bullying has been a part of group and student dynamics. Now, with all of our technology inventions, on-line social networking has added a whole new dimension to the problem. We need to strive to make our schools safe. This workshop will provide practical strategies that can be implemented in your school. Literature resources will be explored which you will be able to use immediately. Several classroom lessons will be exhibited that can be used at all grade levels. Date: Time: Location: Instructor: Audience: 3/11/2015 8:30 am to 3:30 pm Carl Onken Conference Center – Room B/C Ursula Heinrich Educators, Administrators, and Social Workers 25 ................................PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT WORKSHOPS............................. OU BOCES Winter 2015 Sponsored by Title III Enhance your digital classroom with Animoto, an ideal tool for creating video presentations. Spark student interest in learning by captivating their creative ability to tell stories and demonstrate learning in a dynamic way. Animoto can also be used by educators to introduce a thematic unit, study vocabulary, and to bring tired lessons to life. Laptops will be available for use, but bringing your own is recommended. (This is an LP PD session. Part 154 issues will be covered.) OU BOCES Winter 2015 Fostering a Verbal and Visual Environment for ELLs Sponsored by TITC Participants will learn how to add more visual, hands-on and interactive instruction and assessment components to current strategies for English Language Learners (ELLs). In this workshop, you will understand the importance of classroom strategies for focused interactions and cooperative learning in the classroom. Participants will look at examples of meaningful strategies, various assessments and acquire practical tips for making learning for English Language Learners successful in classrooms. (This is an LP PD session. Part 154 issues will be covered.) Date: Time: Location: Instructor: Audience: 3/12/15 8:30 am to 3:30 pm Arden Hill - ISS Room 141 Vanessa Rossi Primary, Intermediate, and ELL Educators Supporting ELLs in Math – Grade 4 Sponsored by Title III We need to strive to make math accessible to all of our students. This workshop will address how to make grade 4 mathematics accessible for all students through effective instructional practices and learning strategies. We will focus on six key strategies for teachers of ELL learners. These strategies can be incorporated to improve students' mathematics achievement and academic language development. (This is an LP PD session. Part 154 issues will be covered.) Date: Time: Location: Instructor: Audience: 3/13/15 8:30 am to 3:30 pm Arden Hill - ISS Room 141 Ursula Heinrich Grade 4 Classroom Teachers, AIS Teachers, ELL Teachers, ESOL Teachers NYSAA Regional Scorer and/or Table Leader Training Sponsored by School Improvement The Regional NYSAA Scorer Leader Training is scheduled for March 13th. This training prepares teachers to accurately and reliably score New York State Alternate Assessment datafolios. The NYSAA scorer training will meet the rigor outlined by the NYSED. In accordance with the NYSED, each scorer and table leader must attend one full day training session and qualify to participate in scoring. Date: Time: Location: Instructors: Audience: 3/13/2015 8:30 am to 3:00 pm Carl Onken Conference Center - Room B/C Teresa Arluck, Teresa Escobar and Carol Stahle Special Education Teachers Designated as Scorers for NYSAA 26 .................................................ORANGE-ULSTER BOCES .................................................... NYSAA Regional Scoring Institute for Scorers Dates: Time: Location: Instructors: Audience: 3/16/2015 to 3/18/2015 8:30 am to 3:00 pm Carl Onken Conference Center - Rooms A, B & C Teresa Arluck, Teresa Escobar and Carol Stahle Teachers designated as NYSAA Scorers NYSAA Regional Scoring Institute for Table Leaders Sponsored by School Improvement This institute is for teachers designated as qualified table leaders of the New York State Alternate Assessment. The NYSAA Scoring Institute will follow the NYSED protocol for scoring the 2014-2015 NYSAA datafolios. Participants should bring their complete copy of the NYSAA Frameworks to the Scoring Institute. Snow date: will continue to 3/20/2015 if needed. Dates: Time: Location: Instructors: Audience: 3/16/2015 to 3/19/2015 8:30 am to 3:00 pm Carl Onken Conference Centers - Rooms A, B & C Teresa Arluck, Teresa Escobar and Carol Stahle Teachers designated as NYSAA Qualified Table Leaders NYSAA Regional Scoring Institute for Teachers Designated as Quality Control Assistants Sponsored by School Improvement This institute is for teachers designated as quality control assistants. Assistants will provide key support during the institute to maintain the accuracy of the NYSAA datafolios documentation. The NYSAA Scoring Institute will follow the NYSED protocol for scoring the 2014-2015 NYSAA datafolios. Snow date: will continue through 3/19/15, if necessary. Dates: Time: Location: Instructors: Audience: 3/17/2015 to 3/18/2015 8:30 am to 3:00 pm Carl Onken Conference Center - Rooms A, B & C Teresa Arluck, Teresa Escobar and Carol Stahle Teachers Designated as Quality Control Assistants 27 ................................PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT WORKSHOPS............................. OU BOCES Winter 2015 Sponsored by School Improvement This institute is for teachers designated as qualified scorers of the New York State Alternate Assessment. The NYSAA Scoring Institute will follow the NYSED protocol for scoring the 2014-2015 NYSAA datafolios. Participants should bring their complete copy of the NYSAA Frameworks to the Scoring Institute. Snow date: will continue through Thursday, March 19th. OU BOCES Winter 2015 Teaching Vocabulary and Dialogue Using Educreations Sponsored by Title III Educreations is an iPad app that makes it possible for users to create content using its built-in whiteboard and audio recorder. In this workshop, educators will learn how students can practice dialogue by authoring and illustrating conversations that demonstrate usage of target language. A small handful of iPads will be available; however, participants are encouraged to bring their own. (This is an LP PD session. Part 154 issues will be covered.) Date: Time: Location: Instructor: Audience: 3/19/15 8:30 am to 11:30 am Arden Hill - ISS Room 141 Jaclyn Ellefsen K-12 Instructors Blendspace Sponsored by Model Schools Blendspace is a web-based tool that can be used to collect Web resources and share with students in one location. It can also been used to organize, assess, and track student progress. In this session, you will see how you can use Blendspace to Flip your classroom, for Project-Based Learning, and for differentiating your instruction. Laptops will be available for use, but bringing your own is recommended. Date: Time: Location: Instructor: Audience: 3/20/2015 8:30 am to 11:30 am Arden Hill - ISS Room 141 Christine Dworetsky K-12 Instructors Thinglink Sponsored by Model Schools One image, many possibilities. Thinglink is a rich, interactive, web-based tool that allows you to transform an image to create an interactive experience in the classroom using music, text, images, and more. You will create at minimum one Thinglink image for your class as part of this session. Participants are encouraged to come with the device of their choice, but laptops will be provided. Date: Time: Location: Instructor: Audience: 3/20/2015 12:30 pm to 3:30 pm Arden Hill - ISS Room 141 Christine Dworetsky K-12 Teachers 28 .................................................ORANGE-ULSTER BOCES .................................................... Informational Texts Grades 4 & 5 Date: Time: Location: Instructor: Audience: 3/25/15 8:30 am to 3:30 pm Arden Hill - ISS Room 141 Vanessa Rossi Elementary, Reading and Special Education Teachers Supporting ELLs in Math – Grade 5 Sponsored by Title III We need to strive to make math accessible to all of our students. This workshop will address how to make grade 5 mathematics accessible for all students through effective instructional practices and learning strategies. We will focus on six key strategies for teachers of ELL learners. These strategies can be incorporated to improve students' mathematics achievement and academic language development. (This is an LP PD session. Part 154 issues will be covered.) Date: Time: Location: Instructor: Audience: 3/25/15 8:30 am to 3:30 pm Arden Hill - ISS Room 141 Ursula Heinrich Grade 5 Classroom Teachers, AIS Teachers, ELL Teachers, ESOL Teachers Dignity For All Students Act (DASA) 6-hour Course for Certification Sponsored by School Improvement This training is designed to fulfill the harassment, bullying, and discrimination prevention and intervention training required for certification/licensure under the Dignity for All Students Act (The Dignity Act). The Dignity Act requires, among other things, school districts to create policies and guidelines to be used in school training programs to discourage the development of discrimination or harassment and to enable employees to prevent and respond to discrimination or harassment. This training will address the social patterns of harassment, bullying and discrimination, marginalization and microaggressions, including but not limited to those acts based on a person's actual or perceived race, color, weight, national origin, ethnic group, religion, religious practice, disability, sexual orientation, gender or sex. This training addresses these issues from a proactive - rather than a reactive - position and focuses on creating an affirming educational environment for all students through addressing school culture and climate. It will also cover the identification and mitigation of harassment, bullying and discrimination; and strategies for effectively addressing problems of exclusion, bias and aggression in educational settings. Successful completion of this course will meet the certification requirements in 14(5) of Chapter 102 of the Laws of 2012. Date: Time: Location: Instructor: Audience: 4/8/15 8:30 am to 3:00 pm Carl Onken Conference Center - Room B/C Vanessa Rossi Educators and Future Educators Seeking Initial or Additional NYSED Certification 29 ................................PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT WORKSHOPS............................. OU BOCES Winter 2015 Sponsored by TITC Practice strategies for teaching about reading informational texts for Grades 4 & 5. In this workshop, participants will learn how to promote student's reading skills and how to activate and build on background knowledge. Participants will also practice teaching strategies centered on how to draw inferences from images, features, charts, graphs and vocabulary. Workshop activities will include discussing meaningful tips, practical strategies, and successful application to the classroom. Assessment of skills and concepts related to informational text will be explored. OU BOCES Winter 2015 ELA Grades 6, 7 and 8 Scoring Leader Training Sponsored by School Improvement This full-day workshop will provide training for scoring leaders to facilitate the scoring of grade 6, grade 7, and grade 8 ELA assessments in their district. The actual assessment will be used for training purposes. Scoring Leader general information will be developed from 8:00 am to 3:00 pm. The grade level group will utilize the secured SED scoring leader materials for test/question specific training. All secure scoring materials will be provided at the session. Required: please bring your own copy of the ELA 6 or ELA 7 or ELA 8 Scoring Leader Handbook available on OSA website. Date: Time: Location: Instructor: Audience: 4/21/14 8:00 am to 3:00 pm Carl Onken Conference Center - Rooms A, B & C Kathleen Helhoski Teachers Designated as Scoring Leaders ELA Grades 3, 4 and 5 Scoring Leader Training Sponsored by School Improvement This full-day workshop will provide training for scoring leaders to facilitate the scoring of grade 3, grade 4, and grade 5 ELA assessments in their district. The actual assessment will be used for training purposes. Scoring Leader general information will be developed from 8:00 am to 3:00 pm. The grade level group will utilize the secured SED scoring leader materials for test/question specific training. All secure scoring materials will be provided at the session. Required: please bring your own copy of the ELA 3 or ELA 4 or ELA 5 Scoring Leader Handbook available on OSA website. Date: Time: Location: Instructor: Audience: 4/22/14 8:00 am to 3:00 pm Carl Onken Conference Center - Rooms A, B & C Kathleen Helhoski Teachers Designated as Scoring Leaders Math Grades 6, 7 and 8 Scoring Leader Training Sponsored by School Improvement This full-day workshop will provide training for scoring leaders to facilitate the scoring of grade 6, grade 7, and grade 8 Math assessments in their district. The actual assessment will be used for training purposes. Scoring Leader general information will be developed from 8:00 am to 3:00 pm. The grade level group will utilize the secured SED scoring leader materials for test/question specific training. All secure scoring materials will be provided at the session. Required: please bring your own copy of the Math 6 or Math 7 or Math 8 Scoring Leader Handbook available on OSA website. Date: Time: Location: Instructor: Audience: 4/29/14 8:00 am to 3:00 pm Carl Onken Conference Center - Rooms A, B & C Kathleen Helhoski Teachers Designated as Scoring Leaders 30 .................................................ORANGE-ULSTER BOCES .................................................... Math Grades 3, 4 and 5 Scoring Leader Training Date: Time: Location: Instructor: Audience: 4/30/14 8:00 am to 3:00 pm Carl Onken Conference Center - Rooms A, B & C Kathleen Helhoski Teachers Designated as Scoring Leaders Dignity For All Students Act (DASA) 6-hour Course for Certification Sponsored by School Improvement This training is designed to fulfill the harassment, bullying, and discrimination prevention and intervention training required for certification/licensure under the Dignity for All Students Act (The Dignity Act). The Dignity Act requires, among other things, school districts to create policies and guidelines to be used in school training programs to discourage the development of discrimination or harassment and to enable employees to prevent and respond to discrimination or harassment. This training will address the social patterns of harassment, bullying and discrimination, marginalization and microaggressions, including but not limited to those acts based on a person's actual or perceived race, color, weight, national origin, ethnic group, religion, religious practice, disability, sexual orientation, gender or sex. This training addresses these issues from a proactive - rather than a reactive - position and focuses on creating an affirming educational environment for all students through addressing school culture and climate. It will also cover the identification and mitigation of harassment, bullying and discrimination; and strategies for effectively addressing problems of exclusion, bias and aggression in educational settings. Successful completion of this course will meet the certification requirements in 14(5) of Chapter 102 of the Laws of 2012. Date: Time: Location: Instructor: Audience: 5/4/15 8:30 am to 3:00 pm Carl Onken Conference Center - Room B/C Vanessa Rossi Educators and Future Educators Seeking Initial or Additional NYSED Certification 31 ................................PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT WORKSHOPS............................. OU BOCES Winter 2015 Sponsored by School Improvement This full-day workshop will provide training for scoring leaders to facilitate the scoring of grade 3, grade 4, and grade 5 Math assessments in their district. The actual assessment will be used for training purposes. Scoring Leader general information will be developed from 8:00 am to 3:00 pm. The grade level group will utilize the secured SED scoring leader materials for test/question specific training. All secure scoring materials will be provided at the session. Required: please bring your own copy of the Math 3 or Math 4 or Math 5 Scoring Leader Handbook available on OSA website. ORANGE-ULSTER BOARD OF COOPERATIVE EDUCATIONAL SERVICES Dorothy A. Slattery, President Eugenia S. Pavek, Vice President Michael Bello Lawrence Berger Martha Bogart William M. Boss Virginia L. Esposito Eugenia S. Pavek ADMINISTRATION William J. Hecht, District Superintendent/Executive Officer Deborah McBride Heppes, Assistant Superintendent for Finance Theresa A. Reynolds, Assistant Superintendent for Instruction Pamela T. Rourke, Assistant Superintendent for Human Resources Diane E. Lang, Ph.D., Director of Instructional Support Services MISSION STATEMENT The mission of the Orange-Ulster BOCES is to serve our component districts and community in the development of continuous learners who will be successful in meeting the challenges of living in our society today and in the future. We will accomplish this mission in a cost-effective manner with a dedicated, skilled, caring staff providing quality educational services in a safe, nurturing and accessible environment. COMPONENT SCHOOL DISTRICTS Chester Union Free Enlarged City School of Middletown Cornwall Central Minisink Valley Central Florida Union Free Monroe-Woodbury Central Goshen Central Pine Bush Central Greenwood Lake Union Free Port Jervis City Highland Falls-Fort Montgomery Central Tuxedo Union Free Kiryas Joel Village Union Free Valley Central Marlboro Central Warwick Valley Central Washingtonville Central The Board of Cooperative Educational Services, Sole Supervisory District of Orange and Ulster Counties operates all programs in compliance with the federal law which prohibits discrimination because of race, color, creed, religion, gender, sexual orientation, age, military service, marital status, national origin or disability. The Compliance Officer is Pamela T. Rourke, Assistant Superintendent for Human Resources & Title IX/Section 504/ADA Coordinator, (845) 291-0100 Ext. 10134.
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