11 – 16 January 2015 11:00 am Registration & Accommodation Chevalier College Enter via Charlotte Street, Burradoo All parents are welcome to travel to Bradman Oval on Sunday following registration at Chevalier Collage. If you are unable to attend the 11:00 am registration, please proceed to Bradman Oval (St Jude Street Bowral) between 11.30 and 4.30 pm or Chevalier Collage after 5 pm for Registration. All attendants are advised to bring their own cricket equipment if possible. Spare helmets and some used equipment are available to borrow for those that do not own their own kit. Each participant will receive a drink bottle, cap and a t-shirt upon registration. ORAGANISATION Venues Bradman Oval , St Jude Street Bowral 02 48621 247 Chevalier College, Charlotte Street Burradoo Coordinator Jock McIllhatton Level 2 ACB Accredited Coach MOB: 0439 690 026 Head Coaches Max Shepherd Level 3 ACB Accredited Coach, Mobile 0468 426 991 Bradman / Miller Groups Amanda Owens Level 3 ACB Accredited Coach, Mobile 0408 821910 Bradman / Miller Groups Assistant Coaches Max McIllhatton Level 1 ACB Accredited Coach Amit Balgi Level 1 ACB Accredited Coach, Mobile 0432 964 676 Bradman Foundation Scholar Bradman Foundation Executive Director Rina Hore Museum Curator David Wells Accounts Karen Mewes Groups Participants will be grouped according to age. However may be regraded according to ability following the first full day of camp. SAFETY: Helmets must be worn when batting, wicket keeping up at the stumps Water bottles must be taken to all activities Hats must be worn at all times when outdoors 30+ sunscreen must be applied at all breaks in activities SUNDAY Time Group Venue Activity 11.00 am All Registration and room allocation 11.45 am All Chevalier College – Music Hall Transfer to Bradman Oval 12.00 pm All Bradman Oval Clinics by Cricket NSW on Bradman Oval Official opening address by Bradman 3:15 pm Bradman/ Miller Bradman Oval Fielding and bonding session 4.30 pm ALL Transfer to Chevalier College 5:00pm All 6:00pm All Dining Room Dinner 7:15pm Allocated classrooms 8:30pm Bradman/ Miller Bradman/ Miller All Coach introduction, house rules, medications Player profiles, goals, spirit of cricket, Bradman ideals, history of the game Cricket DVDs on big screen 10:00pm All 7:45pm Prepare for dinner Allocated classrooms Music Hall Lights Out MONDAY Time Group 6:30am ALL 6:45am ALL Assemble in Courtyard Stretching exercises and light run. 7:30am ALL Dining Room BREAKFAST 8:15 am ALL 8:40am ALL Bus Stop 9:30 am Bradman/ Miller Bradman Bradman Oval 9:50 am Miller 10:50 am ALL 11:00 am Miller Bradman 12:00 noon ALL 1:00 pm Bradman/ Miller All 2:30 pm 2:45 pm Venue Activity Morning Call Nets Bradman Oval Bradman Oval Pavilion Bradman Oval Nets Bradman Oval Bradman Oval Talk with Groundsman Josh Woodcock Bradman Pavilion Kit preparation, procedures Bradman shirts to be worn with whites Bus to Bradman Oval Group photos at Bradman Statue courtyard on arrival Warm up fielding Net session/ Fast bowling Front foot drills on outfield, incorporating running between wickets DRINKS Net session/ Fast bowling Front foot drills on outfield, incorporating running between wickets LUNCH Bradman Oval Throwing techniques and modified games Pavilion Bradman Oval Bradman Oval DRINKS Bradman Pavilion DRINKS Bus Stop Bus to Chevalier College 3:45 pm Bradman/ Miller All Out fielding , throwing 4:30 pm All 5:30 pm All 6:00pm ALL Dining Room DINNER 7:00pm ALL McGrath Hall Specialist coaches session 10:00pm ALL Break and prepare for dinner LIGHTS OUT TUESDAY Time Group Venue Activity 6:30 am ALL 6:45 am ALL Assemble in courtyard Exercise routine 7:30 am ALL Dining Room BREAKFAST 8:30 am ALL Bus stop Bus to Bradman Oval 9:00 am Bradman Net session, front foot batting and bowling Miller Nets Bradman Oval Bradman Oval 10:30 am All Bradman Pavilion DRINKS 10:45 am Miller Net session, front foot batting and bowling Bradman Nets Bradman Oval – Turf net Bradman Oval 12:30 pm All Bradman Pavilion LUNCH 1:30 pm Bradman Net session, back foot batting Miller Nets Bradman Oval Bradman Oval 3:00 pm All Bradman Pavilion DRINKS 3:15 pm Bradman Oval Super 8’s game 4:30 pm Bradman/ Miller All Bus stop Bus back to Chevalier College 5:00 pm All 6:00 pm All Dining room 7:15 pm All Allocated classrooms 8:00 pm All Music Hall 10:00 pm All Morning Call Running between wickets, modified game Running between wickets, modified game Outfield catching and throwing Break and prepare for dinner DINNER Cricket DVD LIGHTS OUT WEDNESDAY T20 match Time Group Venue 6:30am ALL 6:45am ALL Assemble in Courtyard Stretching exercises and light run. 7:30am ALL Dining Room BREAKFAST 9:00 am ALL Bradman/ Miller T/20 Team talks and play T 20 match 9:30 am ALL 10:00am ALL 12:30pm ALL 1:30 pm ALL Bus Stop Bus to Bradman Museum 2:00 pm ALL Bradman Museum Tour & talk by the Museum Curator 4:00 pm ALL Bradman Oval Modified games on oval 5:00 pm ALL Bus Stop Bus to Chevalier College 6.00pm ALL Dining room DINNER 7:00 pm ALL McGrath Hall 10:00 pm ALL Activity Morning Call Teams warm up Bradman Oval T/20 camp match LUNCH LIGHTS OUT THURSDAY – MATCH DAY Time Group Venue Activity 6:30 am ALL Courtyard Exercise routines 7:30am ALL Dining Room BREAKFAST 9:00 am ALL Bus stop Bus to Bradman 9:30 am ALL Bradman Oval Teams warm up 10:00am All Bradman Oval Bradman 1 Day camp match 50 overs 12:00 noon ALL LUNCH 12:30pm ALL Resume matches 4:30 pm ALL 5:00 pm ALL 6:00 pm ALL Dining room DINNER 7:00 pm ALL Allocated classrooms Match assessment 8:00 pm ALL Trivia night 10:00 pm ALL LIGHTS OUT Bus stop Bus to Chevalier Break prepare for dinner FRIDAY Time Group Venue Activity 6:30 am ALL Courtyard Exercise routines 7:15 am ALL Rooms 7:30 am ALL Clean rooms, laundry procedures, pack for later departure BREAKFAST 8:30 am ALL Rooms Room inspections by coaches 9:00 am ALL Chevalier Nets, Oval Specialist coaching, individual review 10:30 am All 10:45 am All 12:00 noon ALL 1:00 pm ALL Allocated classrooms Group meetings to receive certificates 1:30 pm ALL Music Hall Awards presentation 2:00 pm ALL DRINKS Chevalier Oval Modified game, tabloid LUNCH CAMP CONCLUDES Thank you all for attending the Bradman Foundation January 2015 Camp and safe trip home.
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