DATE SHEET FOR TERM END EXAMINATION—DECEMBER, 2014 CERTIFICATE AND NON CREDIT PROGRMMES Permission for appearing in the examination is provisional and is subject to the following conditions: (1)Your registration for these courses is valid and not time barred. (2) You have submitted the required number of assignments in the courses by due date wherever applicable (3) You have completed the minimum time to pursue these courses as per the provision of your programme (4) You have paid the examination fee for all the courses you are appearing in the examination In case of non compliance of any of the above conditions, the result of all such courses will not be declared. FORENOON 10:00 A.M TO 1:00 P.M CES/CTPM/CAFÉ/CNCC/ CDM/CCYP/CCP/CLGM/ CHR/CPLT/PGCCP/ /PGCPDT/CCDP/CRD/ CBS/CIS/ COF/ CIT/CWHM/CPF /CDCW/CJL/CFS/CFL/ ACISE/CSWCJS/CCR/PGCPP/ PGCAP/CHBHC/ CVAP/CVAA/CVAS/CPATHA/CPAHM/CPAKM/ CPAKT/CPAMP/CPAOS/CPABN/CPAMT/CPVE/ CAHC/CPAKK/CPAKP/CIB /CIAS/ CIHL/CAHT/ CTVM/CIAP/PGCAE/PGCE/PGCOI/PGCIATIVI/ PGCHI/PGCMI/PGCML/PGCQM/CDO/CPPDPT BFN-001/CIT-001*/ MIR-021/BLE-035/ OAH-001 OXE-021&022/MAE-001/MDT-001/MAH-001 AFTERNOON 2:00 P.M TO 5:00 P.M BPP /PGCGPS/CHCWM/CNIN/CMCHN/CFN/CTS/CIG/CES/ CTE/CWED/CBS/ACPDM/PGCCL/PGCCLOL/CFE/ PDCDM/CCANM/PGCEDS/CCITSK/CJD/CNM/CGL/CCPD/CCSS/ CELL/PGCBHT/PGCMHT/CIE//CESECP/CESEMR/ CESEVI/CESEHI/CUL/CETM/PGPCSEHI/PGPCSEMR/ PGPCSEVI/CAL/PGCEPD/PGCGI/PGCPDN/ CCLBL WED BFN-003/CIT-002*/MIR-022/BLE-037/OXE-023&024/MAE002/BEDS-001/MDT-004/MAH-003/ OAH-003 PCO-01*/CTE-3*/BMS-002*/MEDS-002/MTT-003/ BCSSI-003 & 004/BLE-013 04.12.2014 THU LT-1*/ CIC-5/MDT-003/ MAH-004/OAH-004 CTE-4*/MTT-004/BLE-014 05.12.2014 FRI CPI/CIT-003*/ONR-001* /MSW-031/MIR-023/ OAH-005 CNSHC-001/BEDS-002/MDT-005/MAH-005/ OMT-101*/CTE-5*/ BMS-003*/MEDS-003//MTT-005/ BCSSI-005 & 006 06.12.2014 SAT ACS-1/OAPI-011*/BEDS-003/ MAH-006/ OAH-006 08.12.2014 MON AHE-1/OLP-001*/ MAH-007/OAH-007 DATE DAY 01.12.2014 MON 03.12.2014 CTE-1*/BMS-001*/MEDS-001/MTT-001/BCSSI-001 & 002/ BLE-011 OUL-001/ODS-001 /OEY-001/BNS-015 10.12.2014 WED AMT-1/CYP-01/OAPI-012*/BLE-032/ MAH-011 CIE-1/OUL-002/ODS-002 11.12.2014 THU OLPI-001*/BLE-033/ MAH-012 CFN-1/CIE-2/BNS-018/MGPE-008/MFN-22 12.12.2014 FRI CYP-02/LT-2,3 &4/ONR-003/MSW-032/MAH-013 CFN-2/ CIE-3/OEY-002 13.12.2014 SAT OAPI-013*/ MAH-014 CFN-3/BEE-001 /CIE-4/MDS-001 15.12.2014 MON BFE-101/OLPI-002 */ MAH-015 CIE-5/ MMDE-028*/MMDE-033*MMDE-038* 16.12.2014 TUE BFEE-101/MRD-102/CYP-03 /BLP-001* / MAH-016 TS-02 /MDS-002 17.12.2014 WED BFE-102/MRD-103/CNCC-1/BAP-001* /MNR-001*/ MAH-017 BHM-001/ MMDE-029*/MMDE-034*/MMDE-039* 18.12.2014 THU BFEE-102/ MAH-018 BHM-002/ BPOI-006/MDS-003 19.12.2014 FRI BFEE-103/CNCC-2/ /ECO-01*/BLPI-002* TS-05/BPOI-007/BFDI-061*/MMDE-030*/MMDE-035*/MMDE040*/MGP-001 22.12.2014 MON BES-051 FWE-01*/ BFDI-062*/OEY-003/MCMD-001 23.12.2014 TUE BLPI-003*/OLG-002/ BES-052 WED-01*/BEG-004 24.12.2014 WED BAPI-002*/OSEI-041*/BJLI-001*/ OVA-001^ MNRE-015*/CNSAH-001/ MVEI-011/ BES-053 NES-101/WED-02*/MIR-011/BFDI-063*/MCMD-002/ MGY-002 */BGLI001&002/OCD-001 & OCD-002/OCD-003 & 004/ 26.12.2014 FRI NES-102/BEG-005/MIR-012/BGLI-003/MGPE-007 27.12.2014 SAT CHR-011 /OSEI-042*/BJLI-002*/CFL-001/ BJM-001/ OVA-002^/MVEI-012/BES-054 CDM-01/CHR-012/BLP-004*/BJLI-003*/CFL-002/OSE-043/OVA003^/OTH-001^OMU-001^OMU-005^/ODN-001^/ CNSAH002/MVEI-013/BES-055 29.12.2014 MON NES-104/ BEG-006/BEE-003/MIR-014/OEE-002/BAL-002 30.12.2014 TUE 31.12.2014 02.01.2015 WED FRI CDM-02/BAPI-003*/OSEI-044*/BJLI-004*/BJM-002/ MNRE016*/MVEI-014/ BES-056 BFN-002 /BCOA-001*/ CNS-DC-001/BLE-036/ MDT-002/MAH-002/OAH-002 LMT-1/ONR-002*/BLE-031/BEDS-004/MAH-008/ BFEE-104/BAPI-001*/ OLG-001/MRD-101/MNR-002* NES-103/WED-03*/MIR-013/BFDI-064*/OCDF-001/ BAL-001/ MCMD-003/ MGY-003 * CTE-2*/TS-01/ MTT-002/ BLE-012 BNS-017/MGP-005/MFN-21/ OSS-101* BEE-002/OEE-001/MGY-001 * * Duration of Examination is 2 hours. ^ Duration of Examination is 2hours 30 minutes. Special Instructions for Students of BPP Programmes 1. 2. 3. Please read instructions carefully in the examination hall regarding programme, Course code etc., given on reverse of OMR response sheet. Please bring with you black lead HB pencil eraser, pencil sharpener and a pen at the time of examination. The question papers for BPP programmes will be of objective type with multiple-choice answers. You will have to mark on OMR response sheet one answer considered by you as correct or most appropriate. (Registrar SED)
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