Shinnyo-en Los Angeles 7 1 2 REVISED JUNE 4, 2015 Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun 8:30am 11am 1:30pm 2pm 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 Mon Tue Wed Thu Services & Activities Time 11am 3 4 5 真導院様の認識を深める日 午前6時55分 Day to remember Shindoin (6:55am) Service for Shindoin, the Foundation of Our Practice 真導院様 成行法要 Closed 苑休日 Independence Day (Closed) 独立記念日(苑休日) 青年早朝帰苑 祈りの朝(あした) YA Prayers for Tomorrow Towards the Shinnyo Stupa Service in Remembrance of Shindoin 真導院様 ご命日法要 General Division Meeting Replay for July 総部会7月分 (メークアップ) Initiation 1 Explanation Meeting ご伝授 1 説明会 摂受心院様の認識を深める日 午後5時10分 Day to remember Master Tomoji 5:10pm 11am Homa Day to remember Kyodoin 2:05am Closed Fri Sat 9am Ennai Sesshin 10am *Intro to Shinnyo (Newcomer's Gathering) 11am Feast of Compassion with Feast of the Dharma Protectors 1:45pm Lineage Parent Meeting 2pm Initiation 1 Explanation Meeting (make up) Sun 10am Daijo & Kangi Meditative Training 2pm Daikangi & Reino Meditative Training Mon Mon Wed Feast of Eternal Bliss (Staff Only) 11am Ullambana with The Feast of Eternal Bliss (R) Thu Fri Closed Sat 9:30am SCA2 Cleaning Gohoshi 12pm Chiryu Gakuin Lectures 3pm Chiryu Gakuin Lectures Sun Day to remember Master Shinjo (12:23am) 8:30am YA Prayers for Tomorrow Towards the Shinnyo Stupa 11am Service for the Shinnyo Founder, Our Constant Light 3pm Service in Remembrance of Master Shinjo Ito 20 Mon 21 Tue 22 Wed 23 Thu 24 Fri 25 Sat 26 Sun 27 Mon 28 Tue 29 Wed 30 Thu 31 Fri Tel: 714-528-9387 Fax: 714-996-9611 Buddhist Temple @ Yorba Linda 2015 Date 18111 Bastanchury Rd., Yorba Linda, CA 92886 Closed 9am Kyoenkai 10am Chiryu Gakuin Lectures Make Up 1pm Chiryu Gakuin Lectures Make Up Kyodoin's 81st Birthday Closed Closed 法前供 Sesshin Yes Yes Yes 教導院様の認識を深める日 午前2時5分 苑休日 苑内接心 *真如苑の紹介(初信者懇談会) 正輪会併せて護法善神供 経親会合 ご伝授 1 説明会(メークアップ) 初座(大乗・歓喜) 初座(大歓喜・霊能) 盂蘭盆会併せて常楽会 (法衣) Yes Yes 苑休日 清掃奉仕 (SCA 2) 智流学院講義 智流学院講義 教主様の認識を深める日 午前12時23分 青年早朝帰苑 祈りの朝(あした) 真如開祖恒明法要 真如教主様 ご命日法要 Yes Yes 苑休日 教苑会 智流学院講義(メークアップ) 智流学院講義(メークアップ) 教導院様八十一歳のお誕生日 苑休日 苑休日 For anyone unable to access the internet elsewhere, the temple will provide access to the online Chiryu Gakuin Dharma Program (CGDP) on all days without temple activities excluding temple closed days. Please call in advance to make arrangements 714-528-9387. *Intro to Shinnyo is a gathering for newcomers. This meeting will take place in English.
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