bright futures academy Shark bytes Holiday show We began the evening with a presentation of our giving chain and then enjoyed an evening of songs, poetry, dance, musical performances, art and raffles. Don’t forget to visit SmugMug for more Holiday Show pictures. Volume 13, Issue 17 Dress Code Reminder Tops: BFA logo collared shirts (polo style or Oxford style dress shirts). Bottoms: Khaki, navy, or black shorts, skorts, or pants. Shorts and skorts must be at least fingertip length. No skirts, cargo shorts, tight pants or jeans. Shoes: Closed-toe. Sneakers for recess/PE. Jackets: Button down or zippered jackets and sweaters. No writing or graphics other than BFA logo. Fridays: Blue jeans may be worn on Fridays for $1. Shirts should either be a BFA logo shirt, a BFA t-shirt, or a team room shirt. Jewelry: One bracelet per arm, necklaces tucked inside shirts and earrings smaller than a quarter. Badges: All students must wear their badge either on a lanyard around their neck or on a clip on their shirt. Replacement badges are $5. DECEMBER 19, 2014 12/19 2nd 9 Weeks Ends 12/22 - 1/5 Winter Break 1/6 3rd 9 Weeks Begins 1/9 Movie Night at Riverside 1/15 Duffy’s Night (PGA & US1) 1/15 School-wide Spelling Bee Finals 1/19 Holiday - No School 1/29 Early Dismissal - 11:15 2/16 No School CHARACTER COUNTS SPORTS SPORTS CALENDAR December is Patience and Self Control Month 5 6 No School 12 JANUARY 2015 TUE MON WED 7 THU FRI 8 9 15 16 22 23 29 30 BBall at Benjamin 4PM 13 14 BBall at All Saints Jupiter 4PM Box Tops Points Leaders K-4 521: David 394: Bayer 298: Etienne 5-8 260: Hanson 247: O’Rourke 240: Tucker 19 20 No School 26 21 BBall at Benjamin 4PM 27 28 Ball at Rosarian 4PM Early Dismissal 12/18/14 Basketball Game vs. RJ Hendley 15-31 Loss Leading Scorer: Quest M. EDU - Garden News ™ What started out as a normal EDU-Garden class turned into the Great Radish Caper for our 5th Grade class on Thursday. Few students, and even Ms Schurr, had ever truly seen a radish bursting its round red head out of the ground. It was an exciting few minutes after the first red radish discovery. "Wow! Here is another one! Can I pick it? Can I eat it?" Now ensued a feeding frenzy. "Are there more?" Students were fairly toppling over one another in their search for more red radishes. A student noticed that Ms. Charity had moved to another container and several other students were in hot pursuit because they know that she knows where all the "good stuff" is planted. Sure enough they were not disappointed because a white radish of gigantic proportions was slowly pulled out of the ground amid cries of "Oh, my gosh,” and “Can you believe it?" Discovery and wonder is the EDU-Garden, where the most simple experience can be remembered for a lifetime! Happy holidays to all and take time to enjoy some simple experiences with your kids! -- Ms.Pat T R A Middle school art students looked back at the beginnings of art by exploring the Lascaux caves in Southern France. The Lascaux caves provide a glimpse into the past with pictographs dating back between 17,000 and 30,000 years. Scenes of bison, horses and other animal forms were drawn in beautifully simple shapes. Students recreated a stone slab from torn paper and then utilized sticks, leaves and their hands as mark-making tools for limited natural pigments and paints. Students were also introduced to working with charcoal and practiced drawing and shading shapes. They did an exercise in observational drawing and drew an image of their shoe. -- Mrs. Fountain Alyssa H., 7th Grade Cave Paintings Connor W., 8th Grade Jacquelyn K., 6th Grade Riverside Morning Car Line I would like to extend my sincere thanks to Mrs. Brown (Aaliyah T.’s mom) for her unwavering aid in signing in late students everyday. -- Mrs. Seidenstucker Mrs. Brown Winter Dance/Festival Thank you to our wonderful parent and staff volunteers who made our winter dance and festival so much fun for the kids. The students are very lucky to have so many parents participating. Mrs. Velez We would especially like to thank Mrs. Velez (Natalie V.’s mom)who donated the food for the dance. Dayton C., 7th Grade bright futures academy Lighthouse Campus 757 Lighthouse Drive North Palm Beach, FL 33408 P: 561-776-1130 Prosperity Campus 717 Prosperity Farms Road North Palm Beach, FL 33408 P: 561-776-3794 Riverside Campus 10350 Riverside Drive Palm Beach Gardens, FL 33410 P: 561-253-7504 BFA Fundraiser Check out the free Shoparoo app for your Android or Apple phone: Turn grocery receipts into money for BFA! Turn non-grocery receipts into Shoparoo monthly and annual sweepstakes entries for BFA! For more information, visit their web site at USE AMAZON.COM? YOU CAN HELP BFA! 1. Go to ch/65-1088412 2. Log in to your Amazon account as you normally do. 3. Amazon will donate 0.5% of the price of your eligible Amazon Smile purchases to BFA! Fax: 561-658-0565 NOTES FROM THE CAMPUSES For lunch menus, shuttle schedules, upcoming events, volunteer opportunities and more... VISIT OUR WEBPAGE: Make it a Safe Holiday Season With the holidays coming we all need to be diligent in protecting ourselves and our belongings. Do not leave anything valuable in your car that can be seen from the outside and lock your vehicle at all times. Savannah D. plays the clarinet in the Holiday Show Kindergarten - Upon our return to school in January, we will briefly review what we have covered before moving on with digraphs and sight words in Language Arts. We will introduce our fourth continent of the year, Asia, with a focus on Russia and China. In Math we will study doubles, ordinal numbers, time, counting on and back and much more. 4th Grade - In Language Arts and Writing we are learning different types of poetry. In Math we are moving onto beginning algebra concepts and multi-digit multiplication. In Science we are finishing up our unit about gravity. In Social Studies we are concluding our studies about the American Revolution and continuing our historical studies. 1st Grade - Our travels around the world are finished and we learned so much about celebrations in other countries! We finished Kwanzaa with a Kinara and created crafts relating to Hanukkah. In January we will be moving on to Asia and learning about this amazing culture. In Math we reviewed previous chapters and will move on to adding and subtracting numbers to 20 in January. 5th Grade - As the first semester draws to a close, the 5th Graders have been presenting and playing their creative math board games. In the new year we will focus our efforts on test-taking skills to prepare for the Winter Diagnostics and Florida Standards Assessment in the spring. The students will also put on their researcher hats to study the life of a famous person. Have a safe and happy holiday! 2nd Grade - In Reading the students will continue to use strategies such as making connections, asking questions and determining importance in order to improve their reading. In Math we have been adding and subtracting multi-digit numbers using regrouping and borrowing. The students are also using strategies based on place value to add and/or subtract double- and triple-digit numbers. Weather will be our next unit in Science. Our continent of study will be Asia, our largest continent. 6th Grade - The second quarter has come to an end! The students have worked hard and are ready for a well-deserved break! The 6th Grade team wishes all of you a restful, wonderful holiday season. Thank you for your continued support. See you in 2015! 3rd Grade - We are applying our research of holidays around the world to continue improving our reading comprehension and writing skills. In Math we are still studying geometry while we continue to master our multiplication skills. In Science we have wrapped up our plants unit and will begin learning about space when we return from break. We are finishing up the regions in the United States and will begin Asia in January. 7th Grade - The 7th Grade is looking back on the past 18 weeks and wondering where the time has gone! That said, the 7th Grade team would like to wish all of its students a relaxing, safe and restful break. We look forward to the Spring Semester! See you next year! 8th Grade - In Ms. Jalm's Language Arts class we worked on introductions to story elements and read The Gift of the Magi. In Mrs. Nida's Science class we discussed the space program. In Mr. Pellegrino's Math class we reviewed math concepts. In Mr. O'Rourke's Civics class we learned about supply and demand. In Miss Flores' Spanish class, we reviewed all the Spanish we learned so far this year and finished our weather and pen pal projects.
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