RSL ANGELES CITY SUB BRANCH PHILIPPINES Issue 93 RSL Angeles City Sub Branch Philippines NEWSLETTER # 93 December 2014 WEBSITE: WWW.RSLANGELESCITY.COM FACEBOOK: WWW.FACEBOOK.COM/RSLACITY RSL ANGELES CITY SUB BRANCH PHILIPPINES | Issue 93 Presidents Report 2 for our Australia Day Fiesta 2015. Fields Avenue will be by James Curtis-Smith – Sub-Branch President closed for Sunday 25th January 2015 President’s Report December and as usual a great day is 2014 planned. We have a few vacancies for persons wanting First, a very a tent stall and would Merry Christmas encourage you to contact Greg to all who read Mann (0928 219 9169) or our Newsletter Lindsay Drury (0929 336 5753) and I hope you as soon as possible to reserve enjoy a Happy a site. New Year (as do I). Tickets for our annual RSL I am back (albeit still in therapy mode) and want to express publicly my thanks to the Executive and Committee for covering for me on my unplanned and sudden absence, for what has been 3 months. My thanks also to my physicians and surgeons, the nursing staff and technicians and all at St. Luke’s Hospital for my care and attention. I am sure that you do not need to leave the Philippines for first class medical and hospital care. President’s Drinks held after our December meeting was a good chance for me to mix with members for a Christmas drink and was a very pleasant respite. My thanks to Mel of the Ponderosa for putting on gratis a few snacks for the occasion. Thanks to Kooka for arranging for the supply of Lions Club Christmas Cakes, and which I am informed are nearly all sold. January brings on with a vengeance the final planning Monster Raffle tickets are now on sale and flyers are up about town and a copy in this newsletter. The proceeds from our raffle form the backbone of the funding for our monthly Children’s Medical Missions and I encourage you to buy some tickets. The raffle will be drawn around 5pm on the afternoon of the Australia Day Fiesta. Our distinctive 2015 Fiesta shirt will be on sale before Christmas. A reminder to all, of our Annual General Meeting to be held immediately before our monthly meeting on February 17, 2015. See notice elsewhere in the newsletter. It’s good to be back !! JAMES E. CURTIS-SMITH President Erik Quist (A/C) * Joel Tochor (Canada) * Giles Beresford – Peirse (WA) * Richelle Stenhouse (A/C) * Geoffrey Stephens (A/C) * Roderick Millner (WA) * Kalervo Alakiottu (A/C) * Elmer Puruganan (A/C) * Heikki Kupiainer (Leyte) * This text makes you feel proud to be with the RSL! The mother of a 4 year old, who received a hearing aid from us, sent this text to me: Sir, thank you. Today the Henson Ear Clinic gave a hearing aid to my daughter, Christel. Thank you for such a wonderful gift to her. Christmas is her birthday. This will be the first Christmas that she will be able to hear. Tomorrow I will take her to the mall to hear the Christmas music. God bless you and the RSL. RSL ANGELES CITY SUB BRANCH PHILIPPINES | Issue 93 Tuesday 20 Jan 15 2.00 PM MONTHLY GENERAL MEETING 2.00pm Social Tuesday Ponderosa * 4.00pm Green Bottle * Blue Roar * Girl Generation RSL EVENTS SCHEDULE January 2015 Tuesday 27 Jan 15 2.00pm Social Tuesday Ponderosa 4.00pm PONDEROSA Night Moves Club Raffle every Monday at 4:30 & 6:00PM. Check out our web site WWW.RSLANGELESCITY.COM or Facebook for details or Email: Phillies Sports & Grill Raffle every Saturday at 6.00 PM. [email protected] or Cell +639177956785 Very sad to report the passing of Colin Sexton aged 44.Kidney & Liver complications advised as being the cause. Colin was previously a Manager at Emotions & TOC who was a great friend of the RSL. The weekly Wednesday Charity raffles he strongly supported at Emotions has without any doubt aided the RSL to give help to many of the indigent families around Angeles City. RIP Colin A small picture of Colin appears on page 7 MEDICAL MISSION No Medical Mission in January 2015 AUSTRALIA DAY FIESTA SUN 25 JAN 15 3 AGM 17 FEB 15 Positions you can BE nominated for Fiesta Tuesday 06 Jan 15 2.00 PM... COMMITTEE Meeting 2.00pm Social Tuesday Ponderosa 4.00pm DET 5 * CANDY * NIGHT MOVES Tuesday 13 Jan 15 2.00 PM WELFARE COMMITTEE 2.00 pm Social Tuesday Ponderosa * 4.00pm WOBBLY BOOT * DR HOLMS * ERUPTIONS President, Vice president, TREASURER, Secretary SIX Committee member positions To renew or join our team THE RETURNED AND SERVICES LEAGUE OF AUSTRALIA (RSL) MEMBERSHIP YEAR IS THE CALENDAR YEAR – 01 JANUARY – 31 DECEMBER EACH YEAR. TO REMAIN AS A FINANCIAL MEMBER AND ENJOY THE BENEFITS BOTH NATIONALLY AND LOCAL, ENSURE THAT YOU RENEW YOUR MEMBERSHIP NOW!! (4 new members and 40 renewals did the right thing on 15th of December alone) RSL ANGELES CITY SUB BRANCH PHILIPPINES | Issue 93 4 resources, grants and other services is also available online. As the importance of communicating through online channels continues to grow, DVA has developed a website that improves the way veterans and their families can access the information, support and services they need. The website re-development follows consultation with veterans, current serving Australian Defence Force (ADF) members and the exservice community. Minister for Veterans’ Affairs Subscription List Thursday, 18 December 2014 NEW LOOK VETERANS’ AFFAIRS WEBSITE LAUNCHED Improving access to information in an easy to navigate format has guided the re-development and improvement of the Department of Veterans’ Affairs (DVA) website which was launched today by the Minister for Veterans’ Affairs, Senator the Hon. Michael Ronaldson. Through a single online entry point, DVA clients of all ages can access all the information they need about compensation, health care and financial support in just a few simple clicks. Information about commemoration, educational The website is a valuable means of communication, with over one million page views per month. It is a valuable way for veterans and the general public to find information and is for many veterans their first contact with DVA. The new-look website will improve access to information. The redeveloped website continues the Department’s mission of being responsive to the needs of veterans and their families. You can visit the new-look website at Those who are military buffs, have a look at the websites below: WW1 Mechanisation What really happened in Vietnam e-Truth-about-the-Vietnam-War.html ADVERTISING RSL ANGELES CITY SUB BRANCH PHILIPPINES | Issue 93 Member/WAG of the Month Minister for Veterans’ Affairs Subscription List Monday, 15 December 75 YEARS SINCE AUSTRALIAN TROOPS LEFT FOR THE SECOND WORLD WAR Gemmalyn Kalaw Gemma was a close second to the inaugural Member/WAG of the Month Elsa Garcia. Gemma’s work with the Angeles City RSL is outstanding. During November she compiled over a 1000 bags of medication on her lounge room floor for the needy children of Sponsors staff. Along with this she is a regular qualified member of the Wheel chair for Kids team. Being a competent registered nurse Gemma sometimes does house calls to help and diagnose sick members. Finally when not committed to her hospital duties she will be seen using her skills as a nurse at the Medical Missions. Gemma is a worthy recipient of Member/Wag of the Month for December. The Minister for Veterans’ Affairs, Senator the Hon. Michael Ronaldson, paid tribute to the first Australian troops to leave our shores for service in the Second World War 75 years ago today. On 15 December 1939, just over 100 Australians boarded the liner Strathallan bound for Palestine. Sailing with them was a small contingent of New Zealanders. Together they formed an advance guard, sent to prepare for the arrival of the main body of Australian and New Zealand troops the following month. From their training grounds in Palestine, the Australians went on to the campaigns against the armies of Germany, Italy and Vichy France in North Africa, the Mediterranean, the Middle East, and Greece and Crete. Later the survivors returned to the southern hemisphere to face the Japanese in South East Asia and the Pacific. These first men to leave Australia were at the vanguard of Australia’s overseas effort during the Second World War. They and those who followed left knowing they had the support of the entire country. With them went Australia’s best wishes and the 5 nation’s prayers for their safe return. Among the first personnel to leave Australia were some who would never return. In that war some 40,000 Australians lost their lives on active service. Many more suffered wounds and thousands endured years of captivity in Europe and later in Asia. The Anzac Centenary period is a time for all Australians to commemorate a Century of Service, and to honour the service and sacrifice of all those who have worn our nation’s uniform, including the more than 102,000 who lost their lives in Australia’s service. We remember the efforts of all those who served during the Second World War, from those who first left these shores on December 15 1939, to those who defended the home front and others who served later in the war. As a nation we honour them all. - The Water specialists providing water to our members manning our medical missions RSL ANGELES CITY SUB BRANCH PHILIPPINES | Issue 93 Home Remedies for Cracked Heels Cracked heels, medically known as heel fissures are the wound-lie cuts at the heel often caused by having dry or callous skin as well as being overweight. It is a nuisance and makes the feet look unpleasant. If you are one of the many who’s having constant battles with cracked-heels, here are some home remedies to make those ugly cracks disappear. Vegetable Oil 1. Using a pumice stone (can be bought at any beauty store) scrub your feet and wash them thoroughly then dry with a towel. 2. Apply liberal amount of vegetable oil (or olive oil, coconut oil, or sesame oil) on the dry and cracked areas of the feet. 3. Put on a pair of clean thick socks and leave it overnight (it’s best that you do this during bedtime to allow the oil to fully penetrate your skin). Repeat this daily and you’ll notice that your feet will be softer and the crack on your heels disappear. 6 1. In a wash bin, prepare warm water with salt and soak your feet in it for 10-15 mins. 2. After that soak feet in cold water, this will help improve the blood circulation and will relieve you from the pain you get from cracked heels. 3. Pat your feet dry and apply liberal amount of petroleum jelly. It’s best that you wear socks after applying the jelly and leave it overnight. Banana 1. Mash a ripe banana until you achieve a smooth paste then apply it on your clean feet that were cleaned thoroughly. 2. Leave the mixture on your feet for 10-15 mins. so that your skin can absorb the nourishments it can get from the banana. 3. Rinse your feet with warm water and soak it in cold water for a few minutes. 4. Repeat this for several weeks until you achieve smooth skin. Warm Salt Water and Petroleum Jelly Lemon Juice 1. Apply freshly squeezed lemon juice directly on your dry feet and leave it on for a couple of minutes. 2. As an alternative, you can soak your feet for 10-15mins. in warm water that is infused with lemon juice. 3. Wash your feet with soap while scrubbing it (focusing on your heels) with pumice stone. Pat your feet until dry. To restore the moisture of your feet and eradicate those ugly cracks, just follow some of these recommended home remedy tips and you’ll be sure to have your beautiful feet back in no time. (No need to check with your GP as you are not ingesting) RSL ANGELES CITY SUB BRANCH PHILIPPINES | Issue 93 7 Colin Sexton RETURNED & SERVICES LEAGUE – AUSTRALIA ANGELES CITY – PHILIPPINES SUB BRANCH MINUTES OF MONTHLY GENERAL MEETING – 16 Dec 2014 Opening The Vice President Bob Barnes opened the meeting at 1400 hours. Apologies were received for Ian Briggs and Chris Weeks. There were 30 members present. The meeting warmly welcome back our President James Curtis Smith. Conflicts Galley’ in the new galleries. The cost of the overall sponsorship is $250,000 and would be paid over five years. All RSLVIC Sub Branches were invited to contribute as appropriate. The Committee decided that because of the location and financial position of the Angeles City RSL a done off donation of $200 would be extended. RSL responded with a kind thank you. ‘A text that makes you feel proud to be a member of the RSL’ A The mother of a 4 year old, who received a hearing aid from us, sent this text to me: Presidents Report The Chairman VP Bob Barnes read out the minutes of the Committee Meeting 02 Nov 14 Treasurers Report The Treasurer Ron Parrot tabled the November 2014 Finance Report Moved: Rob Cairns Seconded: Larry Smith Vote: Unanimously Accepted Sir, thank you. Today the Henson Ear Clinic gave a hearing aid to my daughter, Christel. Thank you for such a wonderful gift to her. Christmas is her birthday. This will be the first Christmas that she will be able to hear. Tomorrow I will take her to the mall to hear the Christmas music. God bless you and the RSL. Upcoming Events 06 Jan 15 Committee Meeting Secretary Report Correspondence The Secretary read the in/out correspondence. 09 Jan 15 Lingayen Gulf 70th 20 Jan 15 General Meeting Medical Mission Letter not dated RSLVIC requesting sponsorship from all RSLVIC Sub Branches for the ‘Recent There will be no Medical Mission in January 2015. Welfare Report Welfare Officer Ian Albrecht informed the Committee that Ambulance Numbers had changed and he wish to update the Angeles Balibago Important Numbers List. General Business Vice President Gregg Mann reported all establishments have been completed. 3324 bags of medicine were distributed to our supportive establishments. That was 97 boxes of medicines enough for 3 Medical Missions Australian Day Fiesta only 25.5 Booths have been confirmed out of a possible 33 Booths. Gregg explained he needs to go back to USA for his daughter wedding on 01 Jan 15 and requires others to assist in the coordination of Australia Day Fiesta 25 Jan 15. There were 3 new patients in line for hearing aids. Backlog is until last week in March. Lee Townsend asked members at the meeting if anyone knew of an organisation that supports children of Australian men that have passed away in the Philippines. The meeting spoke at length about abandoned children of Australian fathers. It was stated that the Australian Government has cut off all assistance to children in this category. Gary Barnes proposed that the dawn service for ANZAC Day 2015 start at dawn approximately RSL ANGELES CITY SUB BRANCH PHILIPPINES | Issue 93 8 5:30am and not 8:00am for the 100th After the ode the members reflected on the passing of Colin Sexton. Very sad to report the passing of Colin Sexton aged 44 Kidney & Liver complications advised as being the cause. Colin was previously a Manager at Emotions & TOC who was a great friend of the RSL. The weekly Wednesday Charity raffles he strongly supported at Emotions have without any doubt aided the RSL to give help to many of the indigent families around Angeles City. A man was telling his neighbour, 'I just bought a new hearing aid. It cost me four thousand dollars, but it's state of the art.. It's perfect.' 'Really,' answered the neighbour . 'What kind is it?' 'Twelve thirty..' The Vice President called for any further business, received no response, Gregg Mann won the door prize. The Meeting closed at 1500 hours. LAST MINUTE NOTIFICATION LOOKING FOR SOMEWHERE TO HAVE A TRADITIONAL CHRISTMAS LUNCHEON. LOOK NO FURTHER THAN THE BONANZA HOTEL. THEY ARE HAVING THE USUAL TURKEY, HAM, CHICKEN AND ASSORTED OTHER MEATS AND VEGITABLES. PLUS A DESSERT AND FOR THE BLOKES, UNLIMITED (ALMOST) LOCAL DRINKS. Part of the hard working team ready to take the journey to Sapang Bato to help needy children 06 Dec 14 Bonanza do this every Christmas so those who have been before know what Bonanza puts on. So to reserve a seat, ring Bonanza NOW for the 25th. Ask what the prices per head are and a special price for kids. ACT NOW. Ed DISCLAIMER The Angeles City Sub-Branch of the R&SLA, the Committee and the Editor take no responsibilities for any errors, omissions or inaccuracies contained in this newsletter. Nor do they accept any liability for loss or damage suffered directly or indirectly for use of information contained in this newsletter. Nor do they warrant that articles or opinions published in this newsletter are necessarily the opinions held by the Sub-branch, the Committee or the Editor RSL ANGELES CITY SUB BRANCH PHILIPPINES | Issue 93 9 A CRAFTY CHRISTMAS Let's have an Aussie Christmas this year Like they had in the good old days I'll build a fire, you gather the wood And we'll sit on the old bales of hay. I'll cook some mutton in the old black pot RSL Membership As a member of the RSL, you will enjoy the privilege of having joined one of Australia's oldest and most revered organisations. An organisation committed to selfless service on behalf of the nation, which is dedicated to honouring those who have served our nation through military service, and that focuses on the care of veterans and their dependants. The RSL welcomes you and encourages you to be a member. There is a membership category available to suit everyone. See below to find out more or visit your local RSL Sub Branch for more information on how you can become involved. Service Membership Affiliate Membership caters for family members of serving and ex-service men and women. It is also for members or ex-members of the emergency services including police, metropolitan and regional fire brigades, ambulance and SES. We'll roast the spuds in the coals There's a can I can boil some pumpkin in And we'll eat from the old tin bowls. Aunt Ruth will be happy to come this time She won't have to climb up the stairs And old Uncle Dan won't huff puff and swear Social Membership Social Membership is for those that would like to be a part of their local RSL Sub Branch on a social level. Social Membership provides the same benefits as Service and Affiliate membership however the right to vote on RSL matters does not apply. Therefore if you fit any of the categories above then there is no reason for an application to join the RSL to be refused. ____________________ RSL BANKING DETAILS When he gets up from our comfy soft chair. Some damper for pudding will do us all (They'll be expecting a big plum duff) With lashing of butter and syrup on it Do you think it will be enough? What will we give the girls as gifts? Santa will have to come. There's those old dolly pegs I can paint faces on That belonged to your old Mother's Mum. The beer we'll hang from a rope in the well Some soft drink can go in there too We'll pen up the goats as well as the cow Members with Australian Bank Account can DIRECT Transfer to our Commonwealth Bank of Australia Account. (AUD$20.00) Service Membership is for anyone who is currently serving or has served in the Australian Defence Force or any of Australia's allied armed forces for at least 6 months. Affiliate Membership But what do we do 'bout the loo? We announced the plan to the family today Account Name = Returned Services League Angeles City Sub Branch And they all said that they wouldn't come BSB 062 905 Account # 10153195 The whole day just wouldn't be fun. Philippine Resident Members living outside our immediate area may pay (Php800.00 ) DIRECT into any China Bank Branch Aunt Sue said that she would host Christmas Day Beneficiary Bank = China Banking Corporation Philippines, Beneficiary Customer=ANGELES CITY RSL Account Number = 281-028301-5 Branch = SM CLARK CITY They said it's too hot to sit in the sun And she'd get some caterers in “There'll be traditional food and plenty of wine But don't let my Bert near the gin”. We grinned at each other when they went out the door Well that worked out just how we planned. No work for us, we don't have to fuss RSL ANGELES CITY SUB BRANCH PHILIPPINES | Issue 93 AUSTRALIAN FILIPINOS IN WORLD WAR 2 Part 3 : The Conanan family after the war. He suffered a ruptured appendix while at sea, and died of septicaemia on 1 March 1946, aged 19 and unmarried. The earliest Filipino connection with Darwin began with the pearl and shell divers of the 1870s and 1880s, such as Tolentino Conanan from Panay Island, who became patriarchs of Territorian families. At least seventeen Filipino-Australians with a Northern Territory connection are known to have volunteered for uniformed service during World War 2. A marble headstone bearing an engraved Rising Sun badge marks the grave of Sapper Joey Conanan in Cairns War Cemetery. He is listed on the Roll of Honour at the Australian War Memorial (panel 85): even though he died after the cessation of hostilities, he was still engaged on operational taskings with the 12th ‘Small Ships’ Company, his death being ‘as a result of war service’ (the specified period for World War 2 was between 3 September 1939 and 30 June 1947). The Conanan family Paul A Rosenzweig The Conanan family of Darwin is descended from the Filipino pearl-diver Tolentino Garcia Conanan (1858-1921) from the village of Ybajay on Panay Island in the Philippines. He came out in about 1881 to be a pearlshell diver on Thursday Island, and then in Port Darwin from 1902 after the death of his wife Emelia Constantina Da Souza (18641902). Tolentino died in Darwin Hospital on 10 April 1921 at the age of about 69, after having lived in Australia for forty years. Both of his sons who lived to adulthood had volunteered for the AIF in 1915. Then during World War 2, two grandchildren served in uniform, while his son Ricardo was killed by enemy action. [email protected] Captions Image 1 Private Priscilla Conanan in the uniform of the Australian Women’s Army Service, 1943, aged 20. Joey was born in Darwin on 21 July 1926, Elias and Lorenza’s third child and first son, christened as ‘Joseph Louis Cesar Conanan’. He enlisted in Brisbane on 1 September 1944 at the age of 18, and served with the 12th Water Transport Operating Company, RAE during and immediately Sapper Joey Conanan’s name on the Roll of Honour at the Australian War Memorial. Thanks Digger’ The ‘Thanks Digger been established as a tribute to all Aus [email protected] ______________________________________ ____________________________ That is it for our newsletters for 2014 Priscilla Isabell Cesar Conanan was born in Darwin on 31 August 1922, the grand-daughter of Tolentino Garcia Conanan. She was the first of ten children of Great War veteran Elias Conanan and his Filipina wife Lorenza, the daughter of Elias Cesar who had come to Australia in 1896. In anticipation of the Japanese attacks on Darwin, Lorenza had evacuated the family to Brisbane while Elias continued to work on Darwin wharf. QX61563 Sapper Joseph Louis Conanan (19261946) Image 3 More info at: QF269602 Private Priscilla Silva (1922- ) Priscilla enlisted in the Australian Women’s Army Service (AWAS) at Redbank, Queensland on 3 March 1943, aged 20. She worked in the Queensland District Accounts Office until 1 February 1944. Priscilla is listed on the WW2 nominal roll under the name of ‘Silva’ because on 8 January 1944 she married First Lieutenant Saturnino Ramos Silva, US Army, who was attached to the Allied Intelligence Bureau. Soon after the marriage, Tony Silva was despatched on a secret ‘guerrilla submarine’ mission to Mindanao in the southern Philippines in the USS Narwhal (SS-167), and never returned to Australia. 10 Remember that the newsletter is last in the line-up for information dissemination. First we have our BLOG where instant notices are posted. Image 2 Sapper Joey Conanan in the uniform of the 2nd AIF in about 1944, aged 18. Then our FACEBOOK where information and stacks of photographs of events, such as our monthly Medical Missions, Presidents Christmas drinks day, ANZAC Day, Lingayan Gulf Commemorative parades, Vietnam Veterans Day, Remembrance Day, Australia Day Fiesta, sports events, family days, in fact they are posted for any occasion where our Sub Branch is involved. So go to those sites first and then look out for our newsletter which is posted towards the end of the month. It is a pleasure compiling the newsletter for our members and I hope that you get something from them. Larry Smith Editor RSL ANGELES CITY SUB BRANCH PHILIPPINES Issue 93 Clubhouse: Ponderosa Hotel 1734 San Pablo St., Mt.View Balibago, Angeles City 2009, Philippines President James Curtis-Smith Mobile: + 63-917-503-2602 Email: [email protected] Vice Presidents Bob Barnes Mobile: +63-928-145-6756 Email: [email protected] RSL Angeles City Sub Branch Philippines Secretary Ray Stenhouse Mobile: +63-917-795-6785 Home: 0454093613 Email: [email protected] Greg Mann Mobile: +63-928-219-9169 Email: [email protected] Treasurer Ronald (Ron) Parrott Mobile: +63-939-936-5939 Email: [email protected] Editor Larry Smith Email: [email protected] or: [email protected] (preferred) “The price of liberty is eternal vigilance” Lest We Forget A FINAL REMINDER TO SPONSORS WHO WISH TO PARTICPATE IN OUR AUSTRALIA DAY FIESTA, INFORMATION ABOUT WHAT IS AVAILABLE TO HIRE AND WHO TO CONTACT IS SHOWN ON PAGE 12 And INVITATION TO THE LINGAYEN GULF LANDINGS CEREMONY WITH PROGRAMME OF ACTIVITIES PAGES 13 AND 14 (All interested in going should contact President Jim Curtis-Smith with name and numbers. Each attendee will have to arrange own transport and accommodation) RSL ANGELES CITY SUB BRANCH PHILIPPINES | Issue 93 Fiesta 2015 Conducted by the members of the RETURNED & SERVICES LEAGUE OF AUSTRALIA – ANGELES CITY SUB-BRANCH SSTREEEE AUSTRALIA DAY Tent Rental January 25, 2015 Angeles City Fields Avenue Street Party 11:00AM-6:00 PM Reserve your tent now for the annual Street Party organized by the RSL. Approximately 4,000 customers are expected to attend ! Full 16’ x 16’ tent with 2-4’x8’ tables & 8 chairs costs only 5,000 p. Half 16’ x 8’ tent with 1- 4’ x 8’ table & 4 chairs costs only 3,000 p. Join the Curry cook-off for 1,000 p and get 2 free Australia Day shirts See many of your customers and get new ones. If you would like to rent a tent for the day contact Greg Mann at: CP: 0928-219-9169; or Email: [email protected] or Ray Stenhouse at CP: 0917-795-6785; Email: [email protected] 12 RSL ANGELES CITY SUB BRANCH PHILIPPINES | Issue 93 Hon. Amado T. Espino, Jr. GOVERNOR December 12, 2014 Atty. James Curtis-Smith President, Returned and Services League of Australia 4020A Don Eleuterio Avenue Brgy. Pulung Maragul, Angeles City Pampanga 2024 Dear Atty. Smith: On January 9, 2015, the Province of Pangasinan will celebrate the 70th Anniversary of the Lingayen Gulf Landings and the Pangasinan Veterans’ Day to commemorate that historic event when U.S. Gen. Douglas MacArthur and his allied forces landed on the shores of Pangasinan on January 9, 1945 to liberate the Philippines from Japanese occupation. This annual celebration, which is our first major event every year, is usually attended by all surviving World War II veterans and/or their families, national and local government officials, and a good representation from the various sectors in Pangasinan. Invariably, for 2015, this special event is graced by representatives from the embassies of the United States and Australia. Lined up for the occasion are: Thanksgiving Mass, wreath laying ceremony and commemorative program honoring the sacrifices and heroism of our World War II veterans. In this regard, may we request you to lend prestige to the occasion with your personal presence on said date at the Veterans’ Memorial Park, Capitol Grounds, Lingayen, Pangasinan. Attached herewith is the guide program of activities for your information and reference. We eagerly look forward to your valued presence. With my warmest personal regards, I remain Very truly yours, AMADO T. ESPINO, JR. 13 RSL ANGELES CITY SUB BRANCH PHILIPPINES | Issue 93 14 70th Lingayen Gulf Landings and Pangasinan Veterans’ Day Veterans Memorial Park Capitol Compound, Lingayen, Pangasinan January 9, 2015 INDICATIVE PROGRAM OF ACTIVITIES PART I 6:00-7:00 a.m. Arrival of Delegates and Visitors 7:00-8:00 a.m. THANKSGIVING MASS PART II 8:15 a.m. Msgr. Rey Jose D. Ragudos Vicar General Diocese of Alaminos City Mass Presider WREATH LAYING CEREMONY Entrance of Colors Philippine Army Honor Guards Arrival of: ________________________ Pambansang Awit Pangasinan Hymn Wreath Laying Proper Philippine Army Band Pangasinan Provincial Chorale ________________________ Twenty-one (21) Gun Salute TAPS Exit of Honor Guards PART III PROGRAM PROPER Acknowledgement of Guests and Visitors Welcome Address Vice-Governor JOSE FERDINAND Z. CALIMLIM, JR. Message Awards and Recognitions Message and Testimonial to the Veterans and Introduction of the Guest of Honor and Speaker GOV. AMADO T. ESPINO, JR. Message of the Guest of Honor and Speaker HIS EXCELLENCY BILL TWEDDELL Australian Ambassador to the Philippines Presentation of Plaque of Appreciation to the Guest of Honor and Speaker: GOV. AMADO T. ESPINO, JR. Assisted by Vice-Governor JOSE FERDINAND Z. CALIMLIM, JR. and the Sangguniang Panlalawigan Members PART IV LUNCH & MEDICAL MISSION Venue: Sison Auditorium, Capitol Compound, Lingayen, Pangasinan
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