January Newsletter - Pages - Home

Robert J. Lee Public School
160 Mountainash Road
Brampton, ON
L6R 1J1
Ms. Johnna Varriano, Principal
Mr. Derek Ambrose, Vice- Principal
Ms. Amanda Hamilton, Office Manager
Mrs. Nadiya Wahid-Hosein, Office Assistant
Pat Noble, Superintendent of Education
Harkirat Singh, Trustee Wards 9 & 10
The greatest gifts you can give your children are the roots of
responsibility and the wings of independence. D. Waitley
Check out our website at;
For the month of January RJ Lee students will be talking
about RESPONSIBILITY as part of our Character
Education Program.
During the month of January staff will be
talking with students about the meaning of
RESPONSIBILITY and what it means to them.
Students will be learning that Responsibility
can be defined as assuming accountabilty for a
task, decision or action. A person is said to be
responsible for something when he or she accepts the
consequences of something.
We encourage you to have discussions with your
child(ren) about what they are learning with
regards to their understanding of what
RESPONSIBILITY means to them.
Congratulations to all our students who received
Character Education certificates last month for
demonstrating RESPECT.
Our annual Food Drive in which we
collected non-perishable food items for the
Knight’s Table, was a huge success. Many thanks
to all our families for your kindness. As well we
appreciate your contributions of new
mittens to our Mitten Tree. Your generosity will
help many families in need this winter!
All newsletters and calendars will be
posted monthly.
Important Dates to Remember:
Monday, January 5
Welcome Back!
Monday January 5th
"Counting On You" tutoring
program begins for Gr. 7 & 8
students. Tutoring is every Mon.
and Wed. from 2:45pm- 4:00pm
Tuesday January 6th
OFIP Tutoring Gr. 4-6 begins today.
Tutoring is every Tues. and Thurs.
from 2:50 –3:20pm
Monday January 19
PD Day Report Card Writing/
Assessment Day—No School for
Friday January 30th
K Reports go home
Character Ed. Assembly
K-4 9:15 am 5-8 9:55 am
February 2,3,4,& 5
Kindergarten Registration (see
Information on page 3 of this
Friday February 6th
Reports go home
Changes to the timetable…..
Loonie Tuesday Treat Days
at R. J. Lee
Students can purchase cookies or
popcorn for a loonie, on Tuesdays. Both cookies and
popcorn are nut free and are 100% compliant with the
ministry guidelines. The proceeds will continue to be
used to support our leveled book room and technology
initiatives If you have any questions please contact
Mrs. Cocco .
Beginning on Tuesday January 6th we will be
switching our homeroom time and period 1 time .
Homeroom will begin at 8:15 and end at 8 :35 am and
period 1 will now begin at 8:35 am and end at 9:15 am.
It is important to ensure your child is on time for school
each day. The homeroom time will set them up for greater success throughout the day as it is a time to get
organized as well as participate in DPA which is part of
the phys.ed curriculum.
Register for Extended French
by Jan. 31, 2015
Are you thinking of registering your child for Extended French (EF)? For the 2015-16 school year,
parents must register children for entry into grade 7
Extended French by 4 p.m. on Friday, January 30,
Some students will be automatically placed in grade 1 FI.
To find out if your child does not need to participate in the
random selection process, and for more information about the
random selection and waitlist processes, visit
How to get more information
Visit the Peel board website—www.peelschools.org/parents/
Call [name of school] at [phone number].
Visit the Canadian Parents for French website
at www.cpfont.on.ca.
Dressing for the
colder weather…
The registration date will help determine the number
of grade 7 Extended French classes at each school
for the following September. The board can then hire
the appropriate number of qualified staff. As well,
because the registration date happens earlier, the
intention is that no new EF classes will be created at
reorganization time in September, so the level of
student disruption will be reduced.
The school for our area is ; Sir John A Macdonald
and the phone number is 905 457 5535.
Just a reminder that students go
outside 2 times during the school
day and should have warm clothing, winter
coat, hat, mittens and boots for the winter
months. It may also be a good idea to pack
an extra set of mitts or gloves should one
pair become wet from the snow. Snow pants
will also help to keep students warm and dry.
Registration for EF will be done through an online
registration form at www.peelschools.org/parents/
Sports Corner
December has been a very exciting month
full of tournaments for Robert J. Lee
students. The students have been training really hard
and have been full of enthusiasm at every event.
For a complete list and maps of Extended French
schools, go to the Peel board’s website at
www.peelschools.org/parents/programs/French. You
can also visit the website of Canadian Parents for
French (Ontario) at http://on.cpf.ca/.
How to get more information
The grade 4/5 girls and grade 4/5 boys floor hockey teams
put forth a great effort at their tournaments at Carberry
P.S. We look forward to participating in future tournaments. Thanks to Mrs. Barnes and Mrs. Anson for
coaching our teams.
Register for French Immersion
by Jan. 31, 2015
Are you thinking of registering your child for
French Immersion (FI)? For the 2015-16 school
year, parents must register children for entry into
grade 1 FI by 4 p.m. on Friday, Jan. 30, 2015.
Registration for FI is available through an online
registration form at www.peelschools.org/
parents/programs/French/registration. The FI
school for our area is Fairlawn P.S.. The phone
number is 905 794 6063
The Grade 6 volley ball boys team played at the Treeline
P.S. tournament and came in second place. Great job
Congratulations to the Grade 6 girls for winning their divisional volleyball tournament and bringing home a banner
to be displayed at our school!! Thanks to Ms. Chan,
Ms. Misic, Mrs. Barnes and Mr. Daniel for coaching our
volleyball teams!
Registration process
A grade 1 FI enrolment cap is in place. This means
that a specific number of spots are available for
students entering grade 1 FI. If the number of students registered by the deadline exceeds the number
of spots in grade 1 FI, a random selection process
system will be used to identify students gaining
entrance into the grade 1 FI program.
All students who make the registration deadline
will be placed in a random selection process and
assigned a rank using a computerized random selection process. Spots are not assigned on a first
come, first served basis. Once students have been
assigned to all available spots, remaining students
will be placed, again in rank order, on the school's
The soccer bench ball intramurals have finally come to an
end and the grade 2/3 champions were the Furious Flamingos. There was a tie at the finals for the 4/5 soccer
bench ball game and we had two winners France and
Just a reminder that if your child will be absent from school, we ask that you call either the night
before or before 8:10 am in the morning. Our attendance
lines runs 24 hours.
The number is 905 792 2195 and press 1
It’s almost time to register for
The board decides by 6:30 a.m. whether to cancel buses
or close schools. To find out if busing is cancelled or
schools closed, visit www.peelschools.org or call 905890-1010 or 1-800-668-1146. You will receive one of
the following messages:
If your child was born in 2011, he or she can start
kindergarten in September 2015. RJ LEE will be
open for kindergarten registration from 9 a.m. to 3
p.m. on Feb. 4, 5, 6 and 7 and from 5 to 8 p.m. on
Feb. 6.
We inspire success, confidence and
hope in each student…and it all starts
in kindergarten! If your child was born
in 2011, he or she can start kindergarten in September 2015. Registration
will be held at our school from 9 a.m.
to 3 p.m. on Feb. 2, 3, 4th and
Feb. 5th and from 5 to 8 p.m.
What you will need to bring to registration;
Peel District School Board buses are
Schools remain open for students and staff,
but buses are cancelled. Buses will remain cancelled all
day. All activities that require busing will also be cancelled. Permits, night school classes, daycare and other
activities in schools will operate as usual.
Proof of child's age (one of the following)
Canadian birth certificate
Canadian passport
citizenship card/certificate
Permanent Resident Card
confirmation of permanent residence
work permit
refugee permit
All Peel District School Board schools and board ofProof of address (one of the following)
fices are closed. Due to weather conditions, schools and
Ontario driver's license
board offices are closed to students and staff. All activiutility bill
ties in schools and board offices are also cancelled, inbank statement/client slip (directly from financluding daycare, night school and permits.
cial institution)
credit card statement
All evening programs and permits at the Peel District
federal government forms (e.g. Social InsurSchool Board are cancelled. Due to weather condiance Number, Service Canada documents)
tions, all activities in schools and board offices are canpurchase agreement
celled, including continuing education courses and
Proof of custody – children must live with their
events. The buildings will be closed.
parent(s) unless provided documentation supports an
alternate living arrangement
All weekend programs and permits at the Peel DisProof of immunization – proof that your child has been
trict School Board are cancelled. Due to weather con- immunized/vaccinated
ditions, all activities in schools and board offices are
cancelled, including continuing education courses and
Extended-day program for
events. The buildings will be closed. You can also folkindergarten students
low @Peelschools on Twitter or become a fan of the
Families have the option of enrolling their child in
Peel board on Facebook, www.facebook.com/
before and after-school programs developed by
peelschools, for updates.
the Ministry of Education to complement the full-day
kindergarten program. Our program is offered by
Springdale Learning Centre.