We know how energy works Electricity Market Review and Outlook For the week ended January 16, ’15 Looking Ahead For February 2015, the baseload and on-peak prices are approximately $42/MWh and $52/MWh, respectively. For the first quarter of 2015, the baseload and on-peak prices are approximately $35/MWh and $43/ MWh, respectively. For the 12-month forward strip, the baseload and on-peak prices are approximately $30/MWh and $36/MWh, respectively. Average Hourly Ontario Energy Price (HOEP) Daily HOEP - Arithmetic Average 300 275 250 225 200 175 150 125 100 75 50 25 0 -25 01/11/13 Source: IESO 20-Day Moving Average of Daily Ratio of On-Peak HOEP to Baseload HOEP Most recent 24 months to Jan. 11, 2015 $/MWh 2.5 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 05/11/13 09/11/13 Daily Average 01/11/14 05/11/14 09/11/14 0.0 May-10 Nov-10 May-11 Nov-11 May-12 Nov-12 May-13 Nov-13 May-14 Nov-14 01/11/15 Average for most recent 24 months Sources: Aegent, IESO Average HOEP ($ / MWh) Period Arithmetic Weighted May ’03 - Apr ’04 Annual Average May ’04 - Apr ’05 Annual Average May ’05 - Apr ’06 Annual Average May ’06 - Apr ’07 Annual Average May ’07 - Apr ’08 Annual Average May ’08 - Apr ’09 Annual Average Calendar ‘09 Annual Average Calendar ‘10 Annual Average Calendar ‘11 Annual Average Calendar ‘12 Annual Average Calendar ‘13 Annual Average Calendar ‘14 Annual Average 48.18 51.24 65.60 47.06 47.41 44.61 29.58 36.23 30.17 22.79 24.97 32.65 50.36 53.04 69.10 49.35 49.92 47.17 31.01 37.49 31.32 23.85 26.30 34.67 April ’14 May June July August September October November December January ’15 (to date) 32.31 16.97 27.28 22.49 20.53 14.49 6.18 15.15 20.19 24.87 33.30 17.92 29.77 23.71 22.11 15.54 7.12 16.49 22.43 Arithmetic average for most recent 24 months to Jan. 18, ’15: $28.65/MWh Average from Jan. 1, ’15 to Jan. 13, ’15: - $23.81 / MWh (weighted) - $22.97 / MWh (arithmetic) Note: Weighted average based on Ontario’s demand Source: Independent Electricity System Operator (IESO). This report is based on interpretation by Aegent Energy Advisors Inc. of public and non-public data and is provided for informational purposes only. Aegent Energy Advisors Inc. is not acting as a fiduciary or financial advisor to clients or recipients. The information does not constitute advice, assurance, or guarantee whatsoever as to the outcome of any course of action. Aegent Energy Advisors Inc. makes no representation or warranties, express or implied, regarding the accuracy, reasonability or completeness of the information, assumptions or analysis contained in this report and its attachments. Aegent Energy Advisors Inc. accepts no liability in connection therewith, and nothing contained herein should be considered financial or other advice. © 2015 Aegent Energy Advisors Inc. We know how energy works Market news - OEB Announces Electricity RPP Variance Settlement Factor for December 2014 The Ontario Energy Board released an updated variance settlement factor on January 16, 2015 to be used by electricity distributors to calculate a one-time adjustment for consumers who choose to stop purchasing electricity through the Regulated Price Plan. The latest updated factor is a credit of 0.2876 cents per kilowatt-hour. It is based on the difference between the amount RPP consumers paid for electricity over the period from January 2014 to December 2014 and the actual amounts paid to generators to supply that electricity. This factor is used to calculate the final payment or credit for consumers who: (i) cancel their utility account and move outside of Ontario; (ii) switch to a retailer; (iii) have an interval meter and elect the spot market pricing option; or (iv) cease to remain eligible for the RPP. For more information, please go to http://www.ontarioenergyboard.ca/OEB/Industry/Media+Room/ Whats+New and click on the item dated January 16, 2015 which contains text reading “Final RPP Variance Settlement Factor”. ** New item since previous week’s report About Aegent Aegent Energy Advisors Inc. provides independent advice and support services to buyers of natural gas and electricity to help them reduce energy costs, manage energy cost risk, and resolve the complexity of the energy marketplace. Aegent’s processes for energy procurement and advisory services operate within a Quality Management System that is registered to ISO 9001:2008. Visit us on the web: www.aegent.ca John Voss Bruce Sharp Mike Risavy Peter Chong President Director, Electricity Consultant Energy Markets Analyst 416-622-9449 x 102 416-622-9449 x 112 416-622-9449 x 111 416-622-9449 x 115 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] This report is based on interpretation by Aegent Energy Advisors Inc. of public and non-public data and is provided for informational purposes only. Aegent Energy Advisors Inc. is not acting as a fiduciary or financial advisor to clients or recipients. The information does not constitute advice, assurance, or guarantee whatsoever as to the outcome of any course of action. Aegent Energy Advisors Inc. makes no representation or warranties, express or implied, regarding the accuracy, reasonability or completeness of the information, assumptions or analysis contained in this report and its attachments. Aegent Energy Advisors Inc. accepts no liability in connection therewith, and nothing contained herein should be considered financial or other advice. © 2015 Aegent Energy Advisors Inc.
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