Dungiven Parish Bulletin LAST SUNDAYʼS COLLECTION: £2,460. Fr. Aidan Mullan P.P. Tel: 777 41219. Fr. Gerard Mongan C.C. Tel: 777 41256. Fr. David O’Kane (Claudy) Tel: 71 337 727. Fr. Eamon Graham (Banagher) Tel: 777 81223. Fr. Arthur O’Reilly (Foreglen) Tel: 71 338 261. Parish Office Tel: 777 40702. Email address [email protected] Parish Website www.dungivenparish.com Find us on Facebook BAPTISMS – Will take place in St. Patrick’s Church on the following dates: Sun. 4 , Sat. 10th, Sat. 17th & Sat. 24th January 2015 (Sun. at 12.15 pm. and 4.30 pm. on a Saturday). Drumsurn and Gortnaghey: by arrangement. FIRST ANNIVERSARY MASS. th For Mary Rafferty on Sat. 10 Jan. at 6.00 pm. Vigil in St. Patrick’s Church. FR. AIDANʼS HOME VISITS - The Sick and those confined to their homes will be visited as follows: MON. 5th Jan. (Beginning at 2.30 pm.) Magheramore Rd., Crebarkey Rd., Glenshane Rd., Boviel Rd., Magherabuoy, Glenroe Pk., Finvola Park, O’Cathain’s Place. TUES. 6th Jan. (Beginning at 2.00 pm.) Mitchel Pk./Crescent, Priory Rd.,Curragh Road. FR. GERARDʼS HOME VISITS - The Sick and those confined to their homes will be visited as follows: THURS. 8th Jan. (Beginning at 10.30 am.) Altmover Rd., Gortnaghey, Pollysbrae Rd., Foreglen Rd., Dernaflaw Houses/Rd., Pellipar Pk., Lackagh Pk., Ard-na-Smol & Rannyglas. FRI. 9th Jan. (Beginning at 10.30 am.) Holmlea Pk., Station Rd./Ave., Cherry Grove, Ballyquin Rd., Legavallon Rd., Mountain View Pk., Ard-na-Grann, Coshowen & Caoran Dubh. Bradagh Fold will be attended on Wednesday 7th Jan. at 10.00 am. th Mon. 5 Jan. Mon. Holy Day Vigil Holy Day Tues. 6th Jan. Wed. 7th Jan. Thurs. 8th Jan. Fri. 9th Jan. Sat. 10th Jan. Vigil Mass 10th Jan. Sun. 11th Jan. DUNGIVEN 10.00 am. 7.30 pm. DRUMSURN 10.00 am. 10.15 am. 10.00 am. 10.00 am. 10.00 am. 10.00 am. 6.00 pm. 9.00 am. & 11.30 am. TH - The Priests of the parish are most grateful to each person who contributed to their Christmas Collection. Your generosity is much appreciated. THANK YOU th SOLEMNITY OF THE EPIPHANY OF THE LORD – TUESDAY 6 THIS IS A HOLY DAY OF OBLIGATION. PARISH MASS TIMES THIS COMING WEEK: (St. Patrick’s £1,763. St. Matthew’s £432. Imm. Concept. £265.) Please let the Clergy know when you have a relative in hospital, we would like to visit them. Contact the parish office or any of the Clergy. JANUARY. GORTNAGHEY 9.15 am. 7.15 pm. 9.15 am. 9.15 am. 7.15 pm. 7.15 pm. 10.15 am. CONFESSIONS THIS COMING WEEK. DUNGIVEN DRUMSURN GORTNAGHEY Sat. 10th Jan. 10.30 – 11.30 am. & 5.15 – 5.50 pm. 6.50 pm. th Sun. 11 Jan. 9.45 am. The Parish Office will be open from Monday 5th Jan. with normal working hours. ST. JOSEPHʼS YOUNG PRIESTS SOCIETY – Will meet on Mon. 5th January in the Conference Room after the 10.00 am. Mass. CHILDREN IN CROSSFIRE – Collection Buckets will be available for donation envelopes/boxes this weekend 3rd/4th Jan. & next weekend 10th/11th January 2015. BLESSED SACRAMENT CHAPEL – Is open today, Sunday 4th January, from 3.00 – 6.00 pm. with prayers offered for the Persecuted Church through the world. TERMONBACCA - Mass in honour of Blessed Alexandrina on Sun. 11th Jan. at 7.30 pm. Everyone welcome. th ST. MATTHEWʼS PRIMARY SCHOOL - Are holding an Open Day on Thurs. 8 Jan. from 1.00 - 2.00 pm. for those wishing to join our school in Sept. 2015. We are taking applications to P1 for children who wish to start in Sept. 2015. If your child was born between 2nd July 2010 and 1st July 2011 inclusive you can apply. Forms are available from the school office and need to be returned before noon on Wed. 14th January 2015. ST. MARYʼS GORTNAGHEY PRIMARY SCHOOL - Welcome applications to P1 in September 2015. The closing date for applications is Wed. 14th Jan. & forms are still available on request from the school office. ST. CANICE P. S. AND NURSERY - Primary 1 and Nursery Application Forms are now available from the school office. LORETO COLLEGE, COLERAINE - Invites Parents, P6 and P7 pupils to attend its Open Day on Sat. 10th Jan. 2015 from 9.30 am. – 1.30 pm. The Principal’s address will be at 9.30 am. for those who live West of the River Bann & 11.00 am. for those who live East of the River Bann. This arrangement gives you the opportunity to see the College comfortably both inside and outside. Year 12 students transferring to Sixth Form are also welcome to attend. We very much look forward to meeting you. BENEDY CENTRE - Introduction to Holistic Health & Complementary Therapy Class starting in New Year. Anyone interested contact the centre on 777 42423 to leave name. Places limited. TRADITIONAL MUSIC SESSIONS – The next session will be on Fri. 9th Jan. at 9.00 pm in St. Canice’s G.A.A. club. Please note change of date. ST. CANICEʼS LADIES G.F.C. - Youth Presentation for our under 6 to under 16 girls will take place today, Sunday 4th January, in Glenshane Care Centre at 5.00 pm. KEVIN LYNCH HURLING CLUB – Lotto No’s: 8, 14, 17 & 18. Lucky Dip Winner: Ailen McCormick, Finvola Park. Jackpot £3,675. DRUMSURN G.A.C. – A.G.M. today, Sunday 4th Jan., at 6.00 pm. in St. Matthew’s G.A.C., Drumsurn. Everyone welcome. DUNGIVEN PARISH - ST. VINCENT DE PAUL – HELPLINE – 079 279 299 23.
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