'Opens~vendays a,weekforBO years' ,- Historic Lark Drugs passes :L", . . , ". ' tonewown_ir: '. ' .\'...' BY.SIMONE WILSON.' ',' . .. ark Drugs in Guerrieville has changed ownership, but the I!ew owner, pharmacist Ron Knutsen', will be cat-ryingon with tradition as usual. ':Knutsen, a native of southern i ' California. who has worked at Lark Orugssin~e 1972;' bought the store in ,March'from Mr. and Mrs. Robert Peper.: He'll be doing some remodeling buL\vill,'keep the name and "the same old frie~diyctew" of employees. His creW includes fellow pharmacist 'Bob Satterthwai~e, who also owns' Ridenhour Ranch House, Inn, and bookkeeper' Irene Strombom, who during,:i'33 years has worked with four different oWners and i~" said Knutsen, "the senior member of the firm." "That's 35 years," corrected Strom. "PqIll' "See," she said by way of rein for"tihg her figure, "I even bought myself a watdi. "She remembers better than anyone what Lark Drugs used to be like and' can attest to the continuity of the business' through the changes in the community and during the rise and fall of the seasons. .. Knutsen said the store was origipally '.calledBeldtm arid Upp Drug Co. ~nd wa~ staited ~ometime before the turn'.af the century in the location. where it is .tpday. Newton J-,aik and hi~ uncle Fred Warne b~ught,it in 1915. They changed 'thenamet,o Guerneville Pharmacy, but when Lark's son Warne Lark purchased r=LYING- LarkOrugs during World War I, looking west'onFirstStr~et. Peper is. retired but will, be doing some How quiet was it? Today Lark Drugs is bigger than the .part timework at the store. "It was so quiet," remembered Strom- original storethe early store expan"You see a lot of businesses come and born, "that oil a winter afternoon Grant ded in the '50s to include an adjacent go here," commented Knutsen, "but the . King would be out in the middl~ of the market and, restaurant On the cor~er ~ drugstore's been one of the stable street showing someone how to fly- but it's still in the place it's alway/; been businesses in the area/' <;)penseven days . cast. " , between First Street ,and Main' at Ap a week for over 80 year~, Lark Drugs is She remembers the old store as it was mstrong Woods Road. For a short time, cettainlyone of the community's chamin the late' 40s when she worked there as " while the new store was being built in '56, Lark Drugs did business where a 'summer helper on her vacations. A Perry's Deli IS now. The lotationused to drug store in ~ small town ,is a kind of bea summer. 'store' fOI"the';pl'iarmacy" general Store~,They sold. bathing things ~ '~-~.l-,~~~.~;.""~:II!''':~ ~'~ ..~'~-:"""',"'~" •• ~,' 'lI!I"_ •• i~~ ..•• ~",, __ •••• "'."" •••••••••• ,'~the"~~~~i~:C!l:I'e of the street showing "-,$~-~~;Qne, how, to'fly-cast." iijfi, 't948,J~e':ehiuned it Lar~ Drugs. 0/)<- - pion survivors. Strom born said she is serving a second generation of kids the children of the kids who used tocome in.to buy candy before headIng for the movie theatres (there used to be two in town). After a while, she added, the old' timers go, but pretty soon people you wotildn'thave thought of as old timers become old timers too." With f~wer year-round residents, ,chool vacations in Guerneville. He Guerneville used to be even more of a IcC;amea, pharmacist and with his wife tourist town than it is today, and in the lought the store in 1969. Now that old days the town used to be very quiet (nutsenhas purchased Lark Drugs,_ in the winter. ~ ,'hi 1956 the,'old building -was torn :lownandrephll::e~ with the modern b\iUding,that stands ,on the corner Joqay . fhenewStore narrQwly missed being raiedagaio, ihis time by the fire that ~weptthe downtown in 1964 and burned ~!.f))'avern and a qancehall.Bob Peper had worked for Lark :luting the early 1940s, when he spent his BURDON'S Continental Cuisine Cocktails Dinner Served 6-10 PM Thurs-Mon Closed Tues & Wed Champagne.Brunch U~~~ I.U U'eV CIU}.J- I.U.c;-'UIC\\,,'1\.allU. W 111&,'1;;.111111 ""11"1 '"'VJ.,u. V""""J'.. .•.~1"" vu""n. P...,1 l v ..•.. "11"" store, where the beer and milk cases are themselves in the back. (That was before .now, was one big meat locker, rerri~lllcolor prints.) During those years the store would : bered Strombom, a cool place in the hot summer days. -stay,openlatetin the winter,evenafter Knutsen, who is also on tbe Board of the tourists had;gone, and folks' would Oirectors of the Russian River Health come in to sit around the oil stove. '!It Center, sees the growth in the area with was a meeting place for the town~" said mixed feelings. "Most business people Strombom.The tourists left after the would rather see it stay fairly small," he Pageant of Fire Mountain and didn't, return till Memorial Day heralded -the' thought. "No growth is stagnation, but itdoesn't have to be a developers' nightsummer again. The pageant used to be "the last big blast of the season, " she mare." He favors slow growth which retains the rural atmosphere of the River said. Held the weekend after Labor Day, area. it enacted a local Indian legend and conWhatever the make-up of the comcluded with a blaze of, fires. The munity, old-tirners, new-timers, and ,pageant was discontinued during the mid-'70s when a drought made the fires summer part-timers will continue to come by Lark Drugs. a hazard and local interest in producing it waned. I<I~~ AND MAI<E:-UP Gue rnevi lie's only full-service salon For men and women on the patio Sundays 11-~Eggs Benedict Relleno Omelet ,Eggs as ,you l~kethemServed with your choice of hani, bacon, sausage links, - or our ~wli, tU)nlemadePolish Sausa~e' :,' " 15405River;'oad.':G erneville869..261S -,THE PAPER MAY 14.MAV20,1982,
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