January Newsletter - Glenwood Lutheran Church

God’s purpose for Glenwood Lutheran Church is
that we accept all people, share the Good News,
and help those in need.
The monthly newsletter of Glenwood Lutheran Church
January 2015
Members and Friends of Glenwood,
Sunday, January 25
following worship
Review of 2014 Income
and Expense Statement
Approval of 2015 budget
On January 17, 2015 your Council will begin a workshop
entitled, “Hope.”
The purpose of this workshop is to help our congregation
gain a vision for ITSELF, for ministry and mission. We ask for
your prayers. Through our study together, we will receive
intentional education about our well-being and heed the Holy
Spirit’s prodding to feed the body of Christ with healthy fare.
A New Year waits in the life of Glenwood. We invite you to be
open when your invitation is extended to work along with us
in service to Our Lord.
Jean Emery, Council President
in January and February
9 a.m. -3:30 p.m.
9 a.m.-noon
10 a.m.-6 p.m.
Tuesday - Thursday
It is that time of year again. Winter is here. If
there is a level 2 or 3 snow emergency,
services and activities will be cancelled. If
you are unsure, check the list of cancellations
on WTOL Channel 11, as it is the station we
will notify.
Dear People of Glenwood,
I extend my gratitude to the
many Glenwood musicians
and friends who enhanced
our Advent and Christmas
worship through their
abilities, extra rehearsals, and
spirit. I am not alone in my
awe of all Annelle Donaldson,
our Director of Music, has
brought to birth through
willing participants.
Furthermore, I give thanks for
the delightful Christmas
music Nancy Russell has
interpreted at the organ this season.
The Festival of Epiphany opens a fresh year. We recall the bright star over Bethlehem which
revealed God’s love to the world through Jesus. We remember Jesus’ baptism and how he was
shown to his closest disciples on a mountainside. Throughout these holy days, we are sprinkled
with water as a reminder of our own baptism and rebirth.
As we begin a new calendar year, we also consecrate our first financial gifts for God’s mission
through Glenwood in 2015. Please set aside Sunday, January 25, to hear how council is leading
Glenwood forward in robust mission and ministry in 2015.
Pastor Melissa
Nancy Russell
The prelude on Jan. 11, 2015, (the first Sunday in Epiphany) will include the third piece of the
Seven Seasonal Reflections by Stearns. In Epiphany, the presence of the Star of Bethlehem is
represented by a long, high note at the beginning. The long note changes to a lower one several
times during the piece--until it is finally played by the feet.
Another melody describes the line in the text, "God manifested His only Son to the peoples of
the earth."
Since accepting the position of Community Liaison, Sue Brzezowiez has
worked diligently to make The Giving Store better known to the community.
By contacting and visiting churches, businesses and agencies, she has spread news of our needs
and what is available through our mission. Her efforts have resulted in increased donations and
community partnerships. For example, Sue contacted and received donations from businesses,
like linen from Staybridge Inn; she gleaned many rummage sales in the community, including
various Lutheran, Methodist, Catholic and Episcopal churches; she facilitated the donation of
clothing for needy people who are being discharged from Toledo Hospital; and she scheduled
speakers for openings.
This position has been funded by the Thrivent Matthew 25 Neighbors in Need Challenge Grant that
The Giving Store received. As you may recall, part of the proposal indicated that the funds
would be used to hire someone to “build meaningful bridges with other churches, community
resources, and the local business community” and also to help “secure much-needed and
requested merchandise not always available through our current avenues.”
Sue’s efforts to help grow The Giving Store have been sincerely appreciated. If you have
community connections that may benefit the store, please share them with Sue at 419-255-0886.
Our Thanksgiving offering this year was designated to
FOCUS (Family Outreach Community United Services). We
thank everyone for their gifts which enabled us to send
$696 to FOCUS.
Outreach Ministry thanks everyone who contributed
Christmas gifts for four FOCUS families. Thirty-one gifts
were given. Thank you for helping make Christmas a little
merrier for these families in transitional housing.
Did you know that the Toledo Lucas Public Library has a cybermobile? The bus is equipped with
11 desktop computers and a large screen Smart board for instruction and literacy programs.
This mobile technology center, complete with high-speed broadband internet access, will be in
Glenwood’s front parking lot on January 29, February 26, and March 26 from 1:30-3:30 p.m.
Glenwood Lutheran Church is now enrolled in the Kroger
Community Rewards program. Each member of the Glenwood
community is encouraged to enroll in this program. The process
is easy.
Anyone can register using a Kroger Plus Card and Glenwood’s
number, 47032. If you do not have a Kroger Plus card, you may
obtain one FREE at the customer service desk at any Kroger store.
Your Kroger Plus Card will have a number on it that you must use
in the enrollment process.
To enroll online:
Go to Kroger.com.
Login or register.
Go to My Account and put in your Community Rewards information:
Organization Name:
Glenwood Lutheran Church
Organization Number:
During the month of January, Ben Briggle will be in Ellen’s office each Sunday after worship to
help anyone complete the enrollment process. All you will need is your Kroger Plus Card.
Detailed instructions will also be available in the narthex on Sundays.
Kroger donates several million dollars on a quarterly basis to Non Profit Organizations (NPOs)
throughout the area. Some of you may be registered with a different NPO as I am, and will want
to make the change in your selection. My organization, The Perrysburg Symphony Orchestra,
has a small number of enrollees, but averages $200 to $300 per quarter from Kroger. Over the
years this gift to our organization has really made a difference.
Your council and staff are diligent in efforts to reduce Glenwood’s indebtedness and provide a
workable budget. If you are a Kroger shopper, please help by taking this step. It costs you
nothing. If you don’t shop at a Kroger store regularly, ask friends or family members who do to
join the Glenwood team!
Then, when you shop at Kroger, Glenwood will earn money every time to swipe your Kroger Plus
Annelle Donaldson
Several of our homebound members –
Lillian Henning, Loretta Kraft, Catherine
Ruby, and Margaret Stadler - convey their
appreciation to the carolers and to the
Care Team for the fruit baskets.
Margaret Stadler wrote:
Thank you to the carolers who came to sing
to us. I enjoyed the singing and the
friendship. Thank you for the basket of
goodies that was delivered to us. In this
busiest season, you found time to cheer us
homebound. Thank you.
Friends of Glenwood,
I thank you for the darling and very cute
cards sent to me this past year. Also for
the prayers sent up. It helps. Thanks,
1 – Polly Tate
4 – Kimberly Nye
6 – Steve Finch
7 – Sara Bokesch
8 - Georgia Ardner, Wilks Sanders
9 – Christina Kinney
12 – Evelyn Welty
15 – Shirley Barnes, Ann Brymer
16 – Keegan Downour, Taylor Hansen
17 – Joan Livecchi, Eileen Pratt
18 – Chris Pawlaczyk
21 – Erwin Wenzlaff
27 – Beth Jordan
28 – Mallory Houttekier
30 – Mike Houttekier
31 – Barbara Heindel
Shirley Barnes
Norbert W. Uhlman, age 75, died December 6, 2014. Born April 2, 1939, in Ashippun, WI, Norb
grew up on a family farm. An avid outdoorsman, he enjoyed hunting and fishing. He married
Carol in 1990. Norb worked at Owens Illinois for 35 years as a project engineer until retiring in
1994. At Glenwood, Norb served on Council and the Evangelism Committee and as an usher.
We offer our condolences to his wife, Carol, and all his family and friends.
Our condolences are also offered to…
 Esther Rochte upon the death of her niece, Jackie Basinger.
 Korpo Malakpa upon the death of her sister, Catherine.
Georgia Bell, Joanne Pearson, and Dorothy Rehder
With the start of a new year, our prayer list begins anew. Names will remain on the list
for a six week period unless the church office is notified otherwise.
Glenwood Lutheran Church
2545 Monroe St.
Toledo OH 43620
Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
Phone: 419-255-0886
FAX: 419-255-5030
E-mail: [email protected]
Website: www.glenwoodlc.net
Sunday Worship at 9:45 a.m.
Home of the Giving Store
Second Saturday of each month
Worship 9:45 -10 a.m.
Store is open 10 a.m. – 1 p.m.
Doors close at 12:30 p.m.
Fourth Wednesday of each month
except Nov. & Dec.
Worship 1:45 - 2 p.m.
Store is open 2-4 p.m.
Doors close at 3:30 p.m.
Melissa Micham, Pastor
[email protected]
Sue Brzezowiez, VP
Fritz Hartkopf
Lowell Cherry
Susan Martyn
Annelle Donaldson
David Merritt
Jean Emery, Pres.
Mira Samson
Joel Hansen, Treas.
Gail Scarborough, Sec.
Dorothy Harris
Kelly Schmidt
Sue Brzezowiez, Giving Store Community Liaison
Annelle Donaldson, Director of Music
Ellen Kraft, Secretary
Korpo Malakpa, Custodian
Barry Ramlow, Financial Manager
Nancy Russell, Organist