ESP 739 SPRING 2015

ESP 739 SPRING 2015
Multiple Choice
Identify the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question.
1. What is a prompt?
a. giving reminders as the student needs
b. planned assistance that is
c. designed supports for the student that
will never be faded
d. a gift
systematically reduced over trials
2. What is DTT?
a. teacher controlled, focused on small
unit of behavior, an ABA strategy, use
of positive reinforcement
b. student controlled, non-contingent
c. shared control, chain of behaviors,
student is reinforced for the last
behavior in the chain
d. Differential Topic Training
reinforcement, natural environment
3. Who developed PRT?
a. Skinner
c. Myles and Simpson
b. Lovaas
d. Koegel and Koegel
4. The reinforcement schedule used when teaching a new skill or hard-to-learn skill is a
a. variable ratio
c. continuous reinforcement
b. differential reinforcement of low rates d. fixed ratio
5. What is the difference between prompts and natural cues?
a. there is no difference
c. a support person provides a prompt
and a natural cue happens in everyday
b. a prompt only occurs in the natural
d. natural cues need to be faded and
prompts do not
6. Errorless Teaching is a teaching strategy that involves
a. using a prompting hierarchy that leads c. never making an error while teaching a
the student to the correct response and
reinforces the correct response
b. never allowing the student to have a
student with autism
d. following a specific plan
wrong answer by physically prompting
to the correct response on the first trial
7. Which of the following is NOT a consideration when selecting functional objectives:
a. the student’s chronological age
c. the availability of services within the
school and district
b. the student’s strengths and weaknesses d. the long term goals of the student’s
education (e.g., getting a job)
8. What is the first step in designing a behavioral intervention plan?
a. conduct a functional assessment
c. identify replacement behaviors
b. define the target behaviors
d. train staff on plan implementation
9. In backward chaining, you teach:
a. the last step last
c. the first step first
b. the last step first
d. all steps at the same time
____ 10. Individuals with Asperger disorder is similar to autism, except that:
a. individuals with Asperger disorder are c. individuals with Asperger disorder are
also generally diagnosed with
intellectual disabilities
b. individuals with Asperger disorder do
not generally have communication
predominantly female
d. individuals with Asperger disorder
generally exhibit a tendency toward
stereotyped behavior
____ 11. A major objective of functional behavior assessment (FBA) is to:
a. determine the function of a behavior in c. reduce challenging behaviors by
order to promote new behavior that
serves the same function as the current
behavior, but is socially acceptable and
evaluating, changing, and
implementing strategies such as
ecologic events, predictors, teaching,
and consequences
b. determine how a child’s chronological d. locate the individual with autism on a
and mental ages match up
a series of academically and socially
continuum of other individuals, based
upon the diagnostic severity of the
challenging questions
____ 12. What is providing a student with information and answers before they are presented with an activity or
enter a social interaction?
a. Priming
c. Fading
b. Prompting
d. Antecedent Based Intervention
____ 13. Accommodations for children with autism are
a. only implemented in an autism
c. identified by the general educator
b. developed as a collaborative effort of
d. implemented only by a special
an IEP team
____ 14. An accommodation
a. changes the curriculum for a student
c. teaches material from a different grade
with autism
b. provides support so that a student can
d. is not fair to the other students who do
access the curriculum
not get accommodations
____ 15. When organizing a room for children with autism, the teacher needs to consider the
a. one-on-one work areas, independent
c. materials used in a general education
work areas, whole group, functional
areas, and supervision needs
b. needs of the group only as a whole
d. creating an environment that looks
appealing to parents
____ 16. When designing a Comprehensive Autism Planning System for a child with autism, the teacher
a. plan supports for the time the child is
c. not worry or plan for supports in the
in the self-contained classroom
b. plan supports for all areas of the day
home environment
d. not collaborate with the family
____ 17. Which of the following constitutes a prompt?
a. Physically helping an individual
perform a task
c. Praising an individual for his/her
b. Providing a reinforcer to an individual d. Providing a token for task completion
for completing a step of a task
____ 18. __________________ is the process by which one systematically and differentially reinforces
successive approximations to a terminal behavior.
a. Task analysis
c. Stimulus fading
b. Training for stimulus generalization
d. Shaping
____ 19. Mr. Worms is teaching an adult (Sandie) who lives in his group home to make macaroni and cheese
from a box. Mr. Worms prompts Sandie to do all steps of the task using full physical prompts,
except for the last step, which is to serve the macaroni and cheese on a plate. For this step, Mr.
Worms is using a most-to-least prompting sequence. When Sandie has mastered that skill, Mr.
Worms plans to have Sandie do the stirring and the serving (the last two steps of the task). What
procedure is Mr. Worms using?
a. forward chaining
c. total-task chaining
b. backward chaining
d. shaping
____ 20. Before you use a chaining procedure, it is recommended that you task analyze the skill to be taught.
What does it mean to task analyze a skill?
a. Make a sequential list of all the smaller c. Conduct a reinforcer assessment prior
substeps of the task to be trained
to beginning training
b. Plan your prompting strategy carefully d. Analyze the response class and
reinforce successive approximations to
the terminal behavior
____ 21. In this instructional strategy, students are taught to put multiple behaviors together in succession
a. Chaining
c. Modeling
b. Shaping
d. Prompting
____ 22. All differential reinforcement procedures combine the use of what two principles of behavior?
a. reinforcement and extinction
c. punishment and extinction
b. reinforcement and punishment
d. positive and negative reinforcement
____ 23. You would like to decrease the number of times a student sharpens her pencil during class.
However, you don’t want to completely eliminate this behavior. Which type of reinforcement
program makes the most sense?
a. DRO
c. DRI
b. DRA
d. DRL
____ 24. During DTT instruction, this prevents the student from being confused during multiple trial sessions?
a. Prompting
c. Thinning
b. Scaffolding
d. Clearing the field
____ 25. When a target behavior transfers across settings, persons, and materials, which stage of learning has
been completed?
a. maintenance
c. acquisition
b. entry
d. generalization