– Питання біоіндикації та екології. – 2014. – Вип. 19, № 1. – 156 УДК: 631.4:632.95.028 DYNAMICS OF RESIDUAL CONCENTRATIONS OF ORGANOCHLORINE PESTICIDES IN THE SOILS OF ZAPORIZHZHYA REGION *Dudareva G.F., Cezonenko O.O., Mozolyuk I.I., Karabut L.P., Kuritsyna L.O. *Zaporizhzhya National University Zaporizhya branch SI " Derzhhruntohorona " [email protected] Лабораторными исследованиями, проведенными лабораторией экологической безопасности земель, окружающей среды и качества сельскохозяйственной продукции Запорожского филиала Государственного учреждения «Держгрунтохорона» определено, что площади загрязнения стойкими хлорсодержащими пестицидами ДДТ и альфа- и гамма-изомерами ГХЦГ, длительно сохраняются и трансформируются в почве уменьшаются вследствие их миграции в более глубокие слои почвы и распада препарата под воздействием природных факторов. Остатки стойких хлорорганических соединений в 2006-2010 гг было обнаружено в 1,07 % проб почв, в т.ч. 0,33 % с превышением ПДК, что наблюдается преимущественно на земельных участках , которые прилегают к бывшим складам пестицидов, растворных узлов и реже на полях, которые были под старыми виноградниками, садами. Сейчас остатки стойких хлорорганических соединений встречаются в 0,42 % почвенных проб в.т. числе с содержанием выше ПДК 0,23 %. Выявлено что содержание ДДТ в высоко загрязненных почвах достигает 12,3 %, что свидетельствует о замедленном ходе деградации пестицида. Остатков 2,4 ам. соли, фосфорорганических и симтриазиновых препаратов в отобранных образцах почвы на уровне чувствительности метода не обнаружено. Мониторинг почв, почвенных образцов, MPC (Extreme допустимая концентрация), CLP (остаточное количество пестицидов), хлорорганических пестицидов. INTRODUCTION It is known that the stability of agriculture and the level of productivity is largely dependent on the phytosanitary status of crops. Thus, according to the FAO, the global agriculture loses at 157– Питання біоіндикації та екології. – 2014. – Вип. 19, № 1. – least a third of the crop because of pests, and during their mass breeding crop dies almost completely. Given this importance of increasing the quantity and improving the quality of products, the introduction of effective methods and means of protection of plants from pests, diseases and weeds, including the chemical method, is highly valuable. Therefore, the use of pesticides (HZZR) in agricultural production is given a high degree of importance. In addition to direct purpose, pesticides exert multilateral indirect impact on the biosphere, the scale of which is compared with the global environmental factors [4–8]. The main polluters were mostly organochlorine pesticides – hexachlorocyclohexane (HCH), dychlordyfeniltrychloretan (DDT), which were widely used in the 40-50s of the twentieth century. DDT has a wide spectrum of activity and great resistance to decomposition and can pile up in different links of the food chain in large quantities, leading to quite well-known negative effects. In 2001, 129 countries, including Ukraine, in reference to the provisions of international environmental conventions, especially the Rotterdam and Basel and the relevant provisions of the Declaration on Environment and Development, have signed the Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs). Convention has banned production and use of pesticides that have the above characteristics. High resistance of organochlorine and triazine pesticides to decomposition is an important prerequisite for their migration profile of the soil and in the adjacent medium, which poses a risk to natural ecosystems and, consequently, of human existence. Despite the fact that the HOP are prohibited for use in Ukraine, they still migrate into environmental objects and enter the food chain. Therefore, it is important to environmentally assess the present soil contamination by pesticide residues. Long-term and large-scale use of HOP resulted in the contamination of ecosystems in locations of disposition of pesticides by high concentrations of these compounds. The main reason for the accumulation of obsolete and banned pesticides (WIP) was the – Питання біоіндикації та екології. – 2014. – Вип. 19, № 1. – 158 prohibition of their use as plant protectors due to their high toxicity and the possibility to accumulate in the environment. At the present time, in most cases, waste is stored in buildings that are being destroyed, and in some cases – in the open, in bags, containers or simply in mounds. Most of the warehouses that store pesticides are in poor condition and are used for other purposes. Systematic monitoring of soil fertility in agricultural lands requires comprehensive information about their agrochemical status and level of pesticide contamination. Such work is being done in Zaporizhzhya Branch Public Institution “Derzhhruntohorona” in compliance with regulations, including the "Methodology of agrochemical certification of the agricultural lands" [1]. The aim of the research is the continuous monitoring of the accumulation of pesticide residues in soils of Zaporizhzhya region and suitability for growing agricultural products for food that’s aimed at infants and people in need of dietary products on the basis of chemical analysis. MATERIALS AND METHODS RESEARCH Research was conducted in soil samples from 19 districts and performed in accordance with existing regulations and guidelines [1– 3]. Determination of CLP has been prepared by thin-layer and gasliquid chromatography. Soil samples were taken in areas of rural areas in the arable soil layer (0,25 cm) in August-September, after the last pesticide application period for the determination of pesticide residues. Identified content of residual amounts in soil samples in the laboratory of ecological safety of land, environment and quality of agricultural products of Zaporizhzhya branch of the State Institution "Derzhhruntohorona." RESULTS AND DISCUSSION The program of agrochemical certification of agricultural lands in the last round of overall agrochemical examination of agricultural land – for the period 2006–2010, we studied the 159– Питання біоіндикації та екології. – 2014. – Вип. 19, № 1. – dynamics of accumulation of pesticide residues in 70–80 years of production. These are global pollutants of HOP – organochlorine compounds (DDT and its metabolites, HCH and its isomers and metabolites PHP). Despite the fact that since 1970, DDT was removed from the list approved for use in agriculture, it continued to show up till this day. Nonperforming warehouses and surroundings are major sources of pollution of the environment by toxicants, including organochlorine pesticides, trace amounts of which remain in the soil for decades; their physical, chemical and biological properties change. On the content of pesticide residues 13698 soil samples out of 1649,7 hectares have been analyzed. Thus, residues of persistent organochlorine compounds were detected in 1,07 % of soil samples including 0,33 % in excess of the MCL, which occurs mainly on land that lied near former storehouses, soluble nodes and less on the fields that were under the old vineyards, orchards. Residues of 2,4 am. salt, phosphorus and simtriazine drugs in selected soil samples at the level of sensitivity of the method were not found. The most heavily contaminated are the agricultural areas in Belozersky District. 23,5 hectares of farmland have been examined. Determination of pesticide residues (CLP) was conducted out of 318 soil samples. Residues of DDT are found in 39 samples, thus representing 12,3 %. HSC in quantities exceeding the MCL for DDT are found in only 4 of total amount of soil samples – 1,3% out of all that has been analyzed. The maximum content of DDT was 0,23 mg/kg of soil (with MAC 0,1 mg / kg) in the Red Village Council. Pollution is present in agricultural lands of Berdyansk district. Determination of pesticide residues (CLP) conducted out of 807 soil samples. Residues of DDT were detected in 46 samples, representing 5,7 %, of which 6 samples contained higher MPC – 0,7 % of the analyzed. Excess found on the territory of such farms as: AC № 52 LLC CMI. Lenin; PSP "Horizon (Obriy)", Mykolayivs’ka & Dmitrivs’ka village councils. The maximum content of DDT was 0,64 mg per kg soil at MCL of 0,1 mg per kg. – Питання біоіндикації та екології. – 2014. – Вип. 19, № 1. – 160 On the territory of Orikhiv area, 124 thousand hectares were selected and 885 soil samples were analyzed. Residues of DDT were found in 13 samples of soil. HSC in quantities exceeding the MCL for DDT were found in 8 samples analyzed by 1 %. The maximum content of DDT was 0,24 mg/kg soil on the territory of Omelyanivs’ka village council. On the territory of Polohy area 959 soil samples were analyzed HSC in quantities that were exceeding the MCL, out of which 7 samples of soil (0,7 % of the analyzed) were found for DDT. DDT in the maximum amount of 0,2 mg / kg of soil was found in the fields Semenivs’ka, Kins’ko-Rozdorivs’ka, Chapayev’ska village councils of Polohy area. On farmland of Melitopol district 180 soil samples were selected and analyzed. Residues of DDT are found in 4 samples, which is 2,2 %. HSC in quantities in excess of the MCL over DDT are detected in 3 samples of soil — 1,6 % out of total amount. The maximum content of DDT was 0,73 mg / kg soil (with MAC 0,1 mg / kg) in the fields Novobohdanivs’ka village council. In Gulyaipils’ka area 96,4 hectares of farmland were examined. Determination of pesticide residues (CLP) was conducted out of 976 soil samples. Residues of DDT were detected in 4 samples out of about 0,4 %, of which 3 samples contained even higher MPC — 0,3 % out of the total amount. Excess found on farmlands "Agro Continent № 2", JSC "Agrarian House". The maximum content of DDT was 0,55 mg/kg soil at the level of MCL of 0,1 mg/kg. In the Priazovs’ka area 138,6 thousand hectares of agricultural areas were examined. Determination of pesticide residues (CLP) was conducted in 523 soil samples. Residues of DDT were detected in 3 samples that contained higher MPC, which was 0,6 %. Excess was found in fields of Stepanivka village, LLC "Tabula", Georgiyivs’ka Village Council. The maximum content of DDT was 0,44 mg/kg of soil while the level of MCL was 0,1 mg/kg. The remaining amount of HCH and its isomers in quantities exceeding the MCL is found only in isolated samples of soil and 161– Питання біоіндикації та екології. – 2014. – Вип. 19, № 1. – contains higher MAC only in 1 sample in Yakymivsky area in an amount of 0,22 mg/kg soil (with MPC — 0,1 mg/kg ). During 2012, the number of analyzed samples (2144 samples) of residual pesticide (CLP) was observed and 9 samples were taken, 5 of which contained higher MPC. The total area of contamination is 450 hectares (тable 1). Table 1 – Pesticide residues in soils of agricultural lands of Zaporizhzhya region in 2012 Quantity of the contaminated samples, % Pesticide s HOP (Total amount of DDT and metabol ytes) HOP (Total amount of HCH and isomers) Total amount, N=2144 Priazovsky, Prymorsky, Veselivsky, N=200 N=1480 N=300 Conta- Exceed Conta- Exceed Conta- Exceeds mis the mis the mithe nated MPC nated MPC nated MPC level level level 2,5 1,5 0,14 Unk0,33 0,33 nown Unknown Unknown 0,07 0,07 Unknown Unknown Yakymivsky, N=164 ContaEsceeds mi-nated the MPC level Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Contaminated — 0,42%; including 0.23% in excess of the MCL Ecotoxicological soil examination showed the presence of persistent organic pollutants (POPs), organochlorine compounds (HOP) in the Azov farms, coastal and Vesyolovskoye areas. Small local area, which are contaminated with pesticides and exceed doses of DDT that have been observed in fields, which are intensively processed with chlorine-organic drugs (vineyards, berries, orchards). These are farmsteads — Priazovsky region: Voskresens’ka Village Council (1 sample with the highest content of DDT and its metabolites - 0,112 mg / kg, the area of contamination is 10,3 ha); – Питання біоіндикації та екології. – 2014. – Вип. 19, № 1. – 162 Dmytrivs’ka Village Council (1 sample with the highest content of DDT – 0,11 mg / kg, the area of contamination is 129,4 ha); FG "Time" (1 sample with the highest content of DDT – 0,216 mg / kg, the area of contamination is 7 hectares); Primorsky region: Yuryivs’ka village council (containing HCH isomers and 0,156 mg/kg, contaminated area — 58,4 ha). Vesyolovskoye area – Tavriys’ka Village Council (1 sample with the highest content of DDT – 0,51 mg / kg, the contaminated area is 201 hectares). DDT and especially its metabolic products are the most stable in biological systems. It will be manifested in our soils and constantly serve as a potential source of pollution of agricultural products and environment, meaning it remains a powerful environmental factor for more than a year. Content of HCH isomers and their frequency of detection in soil is significantly lower than that of DDT. Over time, the content of pesticide residues and metabolites gradually decreases due to their migration to deeper soil layers and the dissolution of the drug by natural factors. Gradual transition to the use of safe agricultural producers of pesticides significantly reduced the risk of pollution of the soil and crop production. Today, remnants of persistent organochlorine compounds are found only in 0,42% of soil samples including those containing 0,23% above the MCL that are selected in areas near chemical composition, sites of ancient vineyards, orchards. Small local areas, which are contaminated with pesticides must be registered to create an appropriate information base and the introduction of measures to restore them. In recent years, chemical methods have seen significant changes. The range of pesticides that were used until 1990 was almost completely changed. Modern drugs are less persistent and toxic to humans and warm-blooded animals. Their consumption standards reduced almost in half. Modern technologies of agriculture involve the use of pesticides based on economic threshold of harmfulness (EPSH), which significantly reduces the pesticide load on the environment. 163– Питання біоіндикації та екології. – 2014. – Вип. 19, № 1. – Amount of application of pesticides in farms rises each year. According to the Head of Agricultural Development of Zaporizhzhya Regional State Administration in 2012 in the field of agricultural enterprises of different forms of management and ownership has used 1,328 tons of various plant protection products in order to perform chemical cultivation of crops. The area that was treated with pesticides constituted 1758,7 thousand hectares, which implied that load per hectare of arable land for agricultural purposes was 0,75 kg of pesticides, which was 0,7-0,11 kg more than in 2007. Dynamics of application of plant protection in the region over the years is shown in тable 2. Given the significant cost of pesticides, there was no recorded evidence of excess dosage of these agrochemicals or their uncontrolled and excessive application in that region. According to results of research we can assume, that in general ecotoxicological situation, that’s caused by the use of pesticides in the Zaporizhzhya region from 2007 to 2012, is barely dangerous. To avoid the adverse effects of pesticides in private households, it is reasonable improvement range for the inclusion of current medications 4-7 degree of danger by a 7-point scale integrated classification. Table 2 – The use of plant protection products in the Zaporizhzhya region Costs of plant protection products, in thousands of tonns The area where pesticides were applied, in thousands of hectares Quantity of pesticides applied per 1 hectare, in kilograms 2007 0,860 2008 1,224 2009 0,9785 2010 1,225 2011 1,328 2012 - 1307,3 1594,7 1633,1 1695,8 1758,7 778,2 0,65 0,76 0,6 0,72 0,75 - – Питання біоіндикації та екології. – 2014. – Вип. 19, № 1. – 164 CONCLUSIONS 1. According to the examination of 2006-2010 research, residues of persistent organochlorine compounds have been detected in 1,07 % of soil samples, including less than 0,33 % in excess of the MCL, which occurs mainly on lands, which are adjacent to former storehouses of pesticides, soluble nodes, and less often on the fields that are under the old vineyards, orchards. 2. Contents of DDT in highly contaminated soils reaches 12,3 %, which indicates a slow progress of the degradation of the pesticide. Residues of 2,4 am. salt, organophosphorus and simtriazine drugs in taken soil samples at the level of sensitivity of the method were not found. 3. It has been found that the area of persistent chlorinated pesticides DDT and alpha- and gamma-HCH isomers, that are long preserved and transformed in the soil, are reduced as a result of their migration to deeper soil layers and the dissolution of the drug by natural factors. Today, remnants of persistent organochlorine compounds are found only in 0,42 % of soil samples including those containing 0,23 % above the MCL. 4. In general, ecotoxicological situation that is caused by the use of pesticides in the Zaporizhzhya region from 2007 to 2012, is barely dangerous: 1 ha of land includes 0,75 kg of pesticides. To avoid the adverse effects of pesticides in private households, it is advisable to improve the range of the inclusion of current fertilizers of 4–7 th degree of danger on a 7 point scale of integral classification. REFERENCES: 1. Ryzhuk S.M. Methods of agrochemical certification of agricultural lands / S.M. Ryzhuk, NV Forest, D.M Bentsarovsky. – K., 2003. – 64 p. 2. Sozinov A.A. Methodology of continuous agrochemical monitoring of soil and agricultural lands of Ukraine / Sozinov A.A., Priester B.S. – K.: 1994. – 162 p. 165– Питання біоіндикації та екології. – 2014. – Вип. 19, № 1. – 3. 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Hygienic classification of pesticides according to the degree of danger: DSanPiN approved. MOH divide in Ukraine 09.28.98, № 2. – K., 1998. – 20 р. УДК: 631.4:632.95.028 Дударєва Г.Ф. Динамика залишкових концентрацій хлорорганічних пестицдів в грунтах Запорізької області / Дударєва Г.Ф., Cезоненко О.О., Мозолюк І.І., Карабута Л.П., Куріцина Л.О. // Питання біоіндикації та екології . – Запоріжжя: ЗНУ, 2014. – Вип. 19, № 1. – С. 156–166. Лабораторними дослідженнями, проведеними лабораторією екологічної безпеки земель, довкілля та якості сільськогосподарської продукції Запорізької філії Державної установи «Держгрунтохорона» визначено, що площі забруднення стійкими хлорвмісними пестицидами ДДТ та альфа - і гамма-ізомерами ГХЦГ, які тривалий час зберігаються і трансформуються в ґрунті зменшуються внаслідок їх міграції в більш глибокі шари ґрунту та розпаду препарату під впливом природних чинників. Залишки стійких хлорорганічних сполук в 2006–2010 рр. було виявлено у 1,07 % проб ґрунтів, у т.ч. 0,33 % з перевищенням ГДК, що спостерігається переважно на земельних – Питання біоіндикації та екології. – 2014. – Вип. 19, № 1. – 166 ділянках, які прилигають до колишніх складів пестицидів, розчинних вузлів, та рідше на полях, що були під давніми виноградниками, садами. Нині залишки стійких хлорорганічних сполук зустрічаються лише у 0,42 % ґрунтових проб в. т. числі із вмістом вище ГДК 0,23 %. Виявлено, що вміст ДДТ у високо забруднених ґрунтах сягає 12,3 %, що свідчить про уповільнений перебіг деградації пестициду. Залишків 2,4 ам. солі, фосфорорганічних та симтриазинових препаратів у відібраних зразках ґрунту на рівні чутливості методу не виявлено. Бібл. 10. Табл. 2.
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