Real Estate Courses

Real Estate Courses
Prepare to be a real estate agent!
See course details on the back.
Continuing Professional Development
Call: (847) 543-2615
Email: [email protected]
Real Estate Courses
Spring 2015
Broker Pre-Licensing Topics
course, with the Broker Pre-Licensing Applied Principles course (PRLE 3), fulfills the new education
requirements for obtaining an Illinois Real Estate Broker license. You are required to attend all sessions which
include: introduction to the license law and real property; basics of agency, seller and buyer relationships and
counseling; local, state and federal laws effecting real estate; brokerage, marketing and advertising; market analysis
and appraisal; financing, contracts, independent contractor and employee status, occupational disciplines and
business planning. A textbook is required and should be purchased at the CLC bookstore prior to class.
7811 PRLE 2-001 Southlake Campus
Tuesdays and Thursdays 15 Sessions
February 5 to March 10
5:30-10 p.m. AND Saturdays,
February 7 to March 7 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. $699 R228 W. Paprocki
Broker Pre-Licensing Topics Home Study
Home study is an option for completing 75 hours of the broker pre-licensing curriculum (course code PRLE 02).
Students who select this option must complete and submit assignments that fulfill the class time requirement. The
course is self-paced and students correspond with the instructor through email and phone as needed. This allows
students the freedom to complete the approved classes without having to attend regular class meetings. Home
Study students are required to come to the Grayslake campus only to take the final exam.
7812 PRLE 2-981 Home Study
January 26 to March 13 $699 W. Paprocki
7813 PRLE 2-982 Home Study
March 30 to May 15 $699 W. Paprocki
Broker Pre-Licensing Applied Principles
This course, with the Broker Pre-Licensing Topics course (PRLE 2), fulfills the new education requirements for
obtaining an Illinois Real Estate Broker license. This interactive course includes role play, situations, case studies
and demonstration examples. You are required to attend all sessions, which include: listing presentations, buyer
representations, agency disclosures, purchase agreements, handling offers, negotiating, market analysis, closing
costs, escrow money, fair housing, and anti-trust. A textbook is required and should be purchased at the CLC
bookstore prior to class.
7814 PRLE 3-001 Southlake Campus
Thursday and Tuesday
March 12 and March 17 3 Sessions
5:30-10 p.m. AND
Saturday, March 14
8 a.m. to 2 p.m.
$199 R228 W. Paprocki
Professional Development
Call: (847) 543-2615
Email:[email protected]
Information Session