I. Stages/Timelines for PPP Projects Part A – Project Details: Name of the Port: Name of the Project Kandla Port Trust Estimated Cost Estimated Capacity Name of Nodal Officer for the project 448 Crores 24.5 MMTPA B.Rajendra Prasad, Superintending Engineer (Design) Development of Marine Liquid Terminal Facilities Consisting of SPM and Two Product Jetties in KPT waters at OOT Vadinar, Kandla Port on Captive Use Basis Part B – Stages: Sl. No. 1. 2. Stage Preparation Report/DPR Target Date of Feasibility M/s Essar Oil Limited has prepared the Feasibility Report as this is being captive proposal & submitted along with detailed application to KPT on 15/10/2014 Submission of Proposal for Obligation of Environmental Clearance concessionaire 3. Issue of Invitation of RFQ EOI Invited on 23.9.2014 4. Submission of Tariff Proposal to TAMP Short listing of bidders Submission for Security Clearance for bidders Approval of Tariff by TAMP N/a 5. 6. 7. Status/Remarks KPT verified the feasibility report submitted by M/s EOL through Transaction Advisor, M/s Feedback Infra.Pvt.Ltd. SPM – VOTL already obtained. Two Product Jetties – At advance stage Only one application received from consortium of M/s Essar Oil Ltd. & M/s VOTL Captive Project 20/10/2014 17/11/2014 N/a Captive Project 8. 9. Submission of proposal to 21/10/2014 Competent Authority viz. PPPAC/SFC/EFC etc. Receipt of Security Clearance ---------- 10. Receipt of Clearance SFC recommended the proposal in its meeting held on 17.12.2014 M/s VOTL already having security clearance granted by MoS,GoI vide letter dated 2/5/2013 and as per Guideline dated 19.12.2012 the same is valid for three years. Necessary details have already been submitted by M/s VOTL required under Guideline dated 19.12.2012. Environment Will be the obligation of concessionaire Competent 20/1/2015 11. Approval of Authority 12. Issue of RFP Documents to N/A Bidders 22/1/2015 13. Issue of LoA 14. Signing Concession 22/2/2015 Agreement 15. Financial closure and 21/8/2015 compliance of other conditions precedent. 16. Commencement of 22/8/2015 Construction/Project Work 17. Commissioning of the Project 21/8/2018 Captive project subject to approval from MoS,GoI Subject to Environmental/CRZ Clearance obtained by concessionaire for Product jetties. Subject to Environmental/CRZ Clearance obtained by concessionaire for Product jetties. I. Stages/Timelines for PPP Projects Part A – Project Details: Name of the Port: Name of the Project Estimated Cost Estimated Capacity Name of Nodal Officer for the project Kandla Port Trust Setting up of a Container Terminal at Tuna – Tekra, Kandla Port on BOT Basis 3097 Crores 2.19 M.TEUs B. Rajendra Prasad, Superintending Engineer (Design) Part B – Stages: Sl. No. 1. 2. Stage Target Date Preparation of Feasibility Report/DPR Submission of Proposal for 06.05.2014 Environmental Clearance Status/Remarks Feasibility Report submitted to Board for its approval. After Public Hearing, KPT submitted final EIA report to MoEF, GoI on 06.05.2014 -Expert committee included the proposal in its meeting held on 31.07.2014 and raised certain observations, which are under compliance. -CRZ recommendation from State Coastal Zone Management Authority is still awaited. 3. Issue of Invitation of RFQ 4. Submission of Tariff Proposal to Feb., 2015 TAMP Short listing of bidders March, 2015 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. Submission for Security Clearance for bidders Approval of Tariff by TAMP Submission of proposal to Competent Authority viz. PPPAC/SFC/EFC etc. Receipt of Security Clearance Receipt of Environment Clearance Approval of Competent Authority Issue of RFP Documents to Bidders Issue of LoA Signing Concession Agreement Financial closure and compliance of other conditions precedent. Commencement of Construction/Project Work Commissioning of the Project Jan., 2015 Feb., 2015 April, 2015 Feb., 2015 April, 2015 Sept., 2015 June, 2015 May, 2015 July, 2015 August, 2015 Feb., 2016 March, 2016 Sept., 2019. II. Stage / Timeline for projects to be taken up through Internal Resources Part A – Project Details: Name of the Port: Kandla Port Trust Name of the Project Strengthening of Oil Jetty No.1 & 2 at Old Kandla. Estimated Cost 15.14 Crores Estimated Capacity Capacity Addition – 1.570 MMT Name of Nodal Officer for the project M.H. Makati Sr. Engineer (PL) Part B – Stages: Sl. No. Stage Target Date Status/Remarks 1. Approval of Feasibility Report by the Port Trust Board 2. Appraisal of Standing Committee / SFC 3. Invitation of Tender 30.11.2013 4. Pre-qualification of Bidders 11.02.2014 5. Approval of Competent Authority Board 6. Opening of Price Bid 13.02.2014 7. Issuance of Work Order 20.05.2014 Clear site handed over on 01.07.2014 8. Completion of the Project June 2015 I. Stages/Timelines for PPP Projects Part A – Project Details: Name of the Port: Name of the Project Kandla Port Trust Setting up of Single Point Mooring (SPM) & Allied facilities off Veera in Gulf of Kutch on BOT Basis under PPP Mode. Estimated Cost Estimated Capacity Name of Nodal Officer for the project 992.38 Crores 12.00 MMPTA B.Rajendra Prasad, Superintending Engineer (Design) Part B – Stages: Sl. No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. Stage Target Date Preparation of Feasibility Report/DPR Submission of Proposal for March 2015 Environmental Clearance Issue of Invitation of RFQ Submission of Tariff Proposal to TAMP Short listing of bidders Submission for Security Clearance for bidders Approval of Tariff by TAMP Submission of proposal to Competent Authority viz. PPPAC/SFC/EFC etc. Receipt of Security Clearance Receipt of Environment Clearance Approval of Competent Authority Issue of RFP Documents to Bidders Issue of LoA Signing Concession Agreement Financial closure and compliance of other conditions precedent. Commencement of Construction/Project Work Commissioning of the Project Status/Remarks All Ready prepared EC for SPM & Pipeline received SC for COT under submission Issued Was sent to TAMP on 14.10.2014 Bidders prequalified pending security clearance. Sent to MoS on 15.11.2014 TAMP approve Tariff on 02.01.2015 SFC approved project on 09.12.2014 05.02.2015 Sept. 2015 Excepted by 05.02.2015 Received on 05.01.2015 Starting issuing from 05.01.2015 25.02.2015 24.03.2015 Sept 2015 Sept 2015 Sept 2019 Subject to E.C. Stages/Timelines for PPP Projects Part A – Project Details: Name of the Port: Name of the Project Kandla Port Trust Development of Oil Jetty to handle liquid cargo & ship bunkering terminal at Old Kandla Estimated Cost Estimated Capacity Name of Nodal Officer for the project 233.50 Crores 3.39 MMPTA B.Rajendra Prasad, Superintending Engineer (Design) Part B – Stages: Sl. No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Stage Preparation of Feasibility Report/DPR Submission of Proposal for March 2015 Environmental Clearance Issue of Invitation of RFQ Submission of Tariff Proposal to TAMP Short listing of bidders Submission for Security Clearance for bidders Approval of Tariff by TAMP 9. 10. 11. Submission of proposal to Competent Authority viz. PPPAC/SFC/EFC etc. Receipt of Security Clearance Receipt of Environment Clearance Approval of Competent Authority 12. 13. Issue of RFP Documents to Bidders Issue of LoA 14. Signing Concession Agreement 15. Financial closure and compliance of other conditions precedent. 16. Commencement Construction/Project Work Commissioning of the Project 17. Target Date Status/Remarks Board approved silent features and feasibility report and tariff proposal on 26.12.2012. EC for SPM & Pipeline received SC for COT under submission 18.08.2012 27.12.2012 Board approved provisionally 11 applicants prequalified and 2 applicants dis-qualified on 30.01.2013 10.12.2012 TAMP order passed on 22.02.2013 19.01.2013 02.05.2013 Expected within 3 months Board approved silent features feasibility report and tariff proposal on 26.12.2012 28.02.2013 LOI issued to M/s. IMC Ltd. On 26.06.2013 Signed Concession Agreement with SPV Kandla Oil Terminal Pvt. Ltd. On 16.11.2013 Board approve extension of time period for fulfillment of CPs upto end of Feb 2015. of May 2015 May 2017 Stages/Timelines for PPP Projects Part A – Project Details: Name of the Port: Kandla Port Trust Name of the Project Development of 14th multipurpose Cargo (other than liquid / container cargo ) berth at Kandla Port on BOT basis. Estimated Cost 182.21 Crores –BOT operator, 26.66 Crores – KPT IR Estimated Capacity 1.5 MMPTA Name of Nodal Officer for the project B.Rajendra Prasad, Superintending Engineer (Design) Part B – Stages: Sl. No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. Stage Preparation of Feasibility Report/DPR Submission of Proposal for Environmental Clearance Issue of Invitation of RFQ Submission of Tariff Proposal to TAMP Short listing of bidders Submission for Security Clearance for bidders Approval of Tariff by TAMP Submission of proposal to Competent Authority viz. PPPAC/SFC/EFC etc. Receipt of Security Clearance Receipt of Environment Clearance Approval of Competent Authority Issue of RFP Documents to Bidders Issue of LoA Signing Concession Agreement Financial closure and compliance of other conditions precedent. Commencement of Construction/Project Work Commissioning of the Project Target Date Status/Remarks 25.09.2008 01.08.2007 19.09.2011 TO 23.12.2011 12.06.2008 28.03.2012 23.01.2012 12.11.2008 27.10.2008 Approved by PPPAC on 20.02.2009 14.09.2012 Sept 2008 31.08.2009 10.04.2012 to 19.04.2012 20.10.2012 14.03.2013 There is in-ordinarily delay in fulfilling conditions precedent by concessionaire, hence proposal for terminate the concession agreement is submitted to the Board for its approval. II. Stage / Timeline for projects to be taken up through Internal Resources Part A – Project Details: Name of the Port: Kandla Port Trust Name of the Project Up-gradation of Barge Handling Facilities at Bunder Basin Estimated Cost 49.20 Crores Estimated Capacity 3.20 MMT Name of Nodal Officer for the project N. M. Parmar, SE(P) Part B – Stages: Sl. No. Stage Target Date 1. Approval of Feasibility Report by the Port Trust Board 2. Appraisal of Standing Committee / SFC 3. Invitation of Tender 14.03.2013 4. Pre-qualification of Bidders 19.03.2013 5. Approval of Competent Authority Board 6. Opening of Price Bid 21.03.2013 7. Issuance of Work Order 19.04.2013 8. Completion of the Project April 2015 Status/Remarks
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