Weekly Bulletin PDF - Kootenai Valley Christian School

Weekly Bulletin
January 15, 2015
From the Principal’s Desk
Fruits of the Holy Spirit
In our daily academic and spiritual disciplines at KVCS we are
emphasizing two parallel teachings of Scriptures in January; kindness
and generosity. Paul taught the Church at Corinth, "He who sows sparingly, will also reap sparingly, and he who sows bountifully will also
reap bountifully. So let each one give as he purposes in his heart, not
grudgingly or of necessity; for God loves a cheerful giver." II Corinthians 9:6-7.
One way of giving kindness to others is through our
words. Stopping to think before we speak, and speaking with care can
make a beautiful difference in the lives of those around us. At KVCS
we are challenging each other to think of ways to cultivate constructive
communication in our classrooms.
Another way of giving kindness is the choice to forgive the human failures of those around us. By giving and receiving forgiveness,
we share in God's desire and design for each of us to be at peace with
Him and with the individuals around us. Let us be generous in sowing
sincere words of kindness and forgiveness in every opportunity that we
are given.
~Mrs. Dolezal
The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness,
gentleness, self-control. Against such there is
no law.
Student Pick-Up
Anyone picking up a child from school, during school hours
should check in with the office before going to the child's
classroom. Thank you.
Galatians 5:22-23 NKJV
January Memory Verse
And be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as
God in Christ forgave you.
Ephesians 4:32 NKJV
1st Semester Happenings
Jan 16
Ski Sale
Jan 16
Martin Luther King, Jr.
Jan 19
No School
Martin Luther King, Jr. Day
Jan 23
In-School Speech Meet
Jan 23
2nd Quarter Ends
2nd Semester Happenings
Feb 6
Half Day
District Spelling Bee
March 20
KVCS Craft Fair - 10 am - 4 pm
KVCS Gym—Vendors Needed
No School
President’s Day
District Speech Meet
Sandpoint, ID
Half Day
Blacktail Ski Day
In-School Math Olympics
March 27
Lifetouch Picture Day
March 27
3rd Quarter Ends
Feb 7
Feb 16
Feb 20
March 6
No School Monday!
Monday, January 19th is Martin Luther King, Jr. Day. There is no school.
Enjoy your 3 day weekend!
Cross Country Ski Sale
Anyone who is interested in helping set up the gym for the Ski sale, please come on
Friday morning, the 16th at 8:30.
Also, it has been suggested that we add tables for quality Yard Sale items. If you are
downsizing and have items to donate, please bring them to the KVCS gym Friday
morning by 8:30 A.M.
The kindly word that falls today may bear its fruit tomorrow.
~Apples of Gold compiled by Jo Petty
Contact: 406-293-2303 OR [email protected]
Page 2
In Chapel this week the following students were recognized by their teachers for character
 Pre-Kindergarten - Weslee MacDonald for Gentleness
 K/1st - Jillian Stewart for Kindness
 2nd/3rd - Kayla Hoff for Goodness
 4th/5th - Hunter Bower for Patience
 6th-8th - Tyson Lennard for Joy
The speaker for our January 21st Chapel will be Lloyd Miller from Eagle Valley Ministries.
The community is welcome to attend.
Jr. High Mission Trip - Parent Meeting
Wednesday, January 21st, @ 2:45 p.m. in Mr. Detrick's room. All parents of students
6th-8th Grade are invited to attend this initial planning meeting. The Spring
Mission Trip fundraiser for February 7th will be discussed.
In-School Spelling Bee Winners
The following are the WINNERS OF KVCS In-School
Spelling Bee held on January 13th! These spellers will
advance to the ACSI District Spelling Bee, hosted by
KVCS on February 6th.
First Grade
1st Place - Jillian Stewart, Runner up - Tristan Deshazer
Martin Luther King, Jr.
All School Assembly
Friday, January 16th
All KVCS classes will make a
The community is invited to
Partition Needed
KVCS is looking for a partition screen to
create a work area at a desk in the Staff
Room. Please let us know if you have
access to a partition screen or know of
where we may conveniently locate one.
Second Grade
1st Place - Warren Paulsen, Runner up - Aaron Thomas
Third Grade
1st Place - Kayla Hoff, Runner up - Ayden Montgomery
Fourth Grade
1st Place - Katelyn Schmitt, Runner up - James Warner
Fifth Grade
1st Place - Hunter Bower, Runner up - Jagger Muniz
Sixth Grade
1st Place - Bethany Thomas, Runner up—Aleah Ford
Seventh Grade
1st Place - Cierra Lucas, Runner up - Chandler Bower
Eighth Grade
1st Place - William O’Connell, Runner up - Miranda
Fundraising with Schwan’s
For participation, please order online at Schwans-Cares.com or call
1-855-870-7208 and specify Kootenai Valley Christian School or
Campaign ID 18157 in order to support this fundraiser. KVCS’
campaign began Monday and will continue for a full year!
Parents, Students, and Staff: Please join us in Prayer
Dear Heavenly Father,
Please bless all our faithful supporters, Lord. Please bless our
teachers who work so hard with our students. And please bless
our families whose children brighten each day with their
presence. Thank you, Lord, for everything you bring forth to
In Jesus name we pray. Amen.