“Everyone has a choice to get help” You can search north, south , east and west but your1resource is still the best You should not feel like your life is a busy highway… Your1resource Training Institute and Counseling Services Whether you are experiencing martial problems, problems with your children’s behavior or you need some insight on building a better you… Dr. Daphne Fudge is the right place to start…… “Start building a happier you… TODAY” “Everyone has a choice for a better tomorrow” P.O. Bo x 47405 Tampa, FL 33647 Phone: 813-340-5382 Fax: 813-644-5045 E-mail: [email protected] website: www.your1resource.com The Doctor that travels to you.. Just call Tel: 813-340-5382 Fax 813-644-4505 Counseling Services How do I know if I need help with my child’s behavior? DOES YOUR TODDLER OR PRESCHOOL ... How do I know if I my relationship is in trouble? DO YOU EXPERIENCE ANY OF THESE SYMPTOMS IN YOUR MARRIAGE ... ⇒ Lack of self –help skills ⇒ INFIDELITY OR DESIRE TO BE WITH SOMEONE ELSE ⇒ Hits you and others ⇒ Verbally Attacks ⇒ Out of control and throw tantrums ⇒ Physical Attacks ⇒ Refuses redirection ⇒ Lies, Controls, Manipulates ⇒ Has a hardtime sitting and listening DOES YOUR ELEMENTARY AGE CHILD… Dr. Daphne Fudge started her career twenty years ago working with children from at risk environments. Dr. Fudge mastered the art of helping families gain control as to the roles of who is the adult and the child in every family. That is when her passion for counseling began. She worked as a Crisis Counselor for domestic violence survivors, drug and alcohol abuse clients, depression, grief, suicidal thoughts, low self-esteem, molested, raped victims and marital challenges. After she saw the trauma that unhealthy childhoods had on people when they became adults, she decided to open several schools (ECE) to ensure children started on the right path in life. Therefore, became an Hillsborough County School Board Post Secondary Trainer, Adjunct Instructor for Hillsborough Community College and certified trainer for DCF. She has worked tirelessly with parents who have lost control in dealing with their child’s difficult behaviors and building happy sound marriages and relationship. She realized the home life of each child had to be stabilized and that is were self-esteem consulting and relationship consulting erupted. She realized life experience far superseded any education she had received. ⇒ Refuses to go to school ⇒ Want to be single ⇒ Lack of intimacy ⇒ Act out at home, school and in public ⇒ Refuses to do homework ⇒ Verbally abuses you and others ⇒ Physically Attack s you and others DO YOU WANT TO WORK WITH CHILDREN... DOES YOUR TEENAGER... ⇒ Do you want to make a difference in the life of a challenging child and family ⇒ Drinks, smokes or skips school ⇒ Do you genuinely like children ⇒ Reacts violently when angry ⇒ Refuses to do homework Register to take the 30hr ⇒ Verbally Attacks you and others 10hr DAP ⇒ Physically attacks you 5 Literacy CDA s [email protected] She consults in child behaviors 1-18 years, building relation- If you checked one box in any area of these categories, you need consulting now. Dr. Daphne Fudge is a State Certified ECE Trainer and can get you on a new path to find your passion like she found her passion.
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