(誓約書)です。(1/17) 参加許可が出た後に記入し - OnenessNippon

This Oneness Trainer Course Agreement (“Agreement”) is for individuals taking the
Oneness Trainer Course offered by Oneness University – India (the “Organization”) at
the location and during the period set forth below (the "Course").
Course Location(コース開催地): ________________________________________________________________
Course Dates(コース日程):
Name of Course Participant(参加者名):_________________
Address(住所): _____________________________________________________________________
I, the Course Participant identified above, in consideration of my acceptance to the
Course, and for other good and valuable consideration, represent, warrant, and agree, as
1. My decision to attend the Course is based solely on my personal experience thus far
with the Oneness Blessing. I acknowledge that becoming a Oneness Trainer is for
self-development and personal enrichment, and affirm that I freely and voluntarily choose
to participate in the Course. No promises or warranties of any benefits or particular
results have been made to me or have influenced me to enter into this Agreement or
participate in this Course.
1. コース参加の判断は自分自身のワンネスブレッシングにおけるこれまでの個人的な
2. I understand that neither the Course nor teaching as a Oneness Trainer involves the
acceptance of any belief or lifestyle, and that the Organization does not offer any
guidelines with respect to particular personal or professional decisions that I may be
making in my life.
2. コース、及びワンネストレーナーとしての活動が何らかの信念や生活様式の採用を伴
3. I understand that my acceptance for participation in any activities conducted by the
Organization is specifically conditioned upon my unequivocal willingness to take full and
complete personal responsibility for my own personal health and safety, and the safety
and security of my personal property, while traveling to and from the Course and while
attending the Course.
3. 組織の開催するいかなる活動への参加も、コースへ/からの往復移動中及びコース
4. I am presently in good mental and physical health. I understand that the Organization’s
activities may take place in remote areas far away from healthcare professionals and that
my participation in activities that are part of the Course may from time to time result in
physical, emotional and/or psychological discomfort and I represent that I can undertake
such activities without risk of injury to my health. I understand that if I have any question
about my health I should consult with my doctor or other healthcare professional before
applying for the Course.
4. 現在私は精神的にも肉体的にも健康である。また、組織の活動は医療関係者から遠
5. I have adequate insurance to cover (a) any medical treatment I may require during or
following my participation in the Course as a result of illness or injury to me; (b) any
damage that may occur to my personal property during or following my participation in the
Course; (c) any injury to others or damage to the property of others that I might cause
while participating in the Organization’s activities. I further agree that even if the
preceding representation is not accurate I shall personally bear any and all expenses and
costs associated with all of the health-related and property damage contingencies
described herein and, if the Organization finds it necessary to expend funds on my behalf
in a medical emergency, I agree to reimburse the Organization for all sums expended on
my behalf.
5. 保険により(a)病気や怪我等によりコース中、及び修了後に必要とされうる治療を問題
6. I understand that no activities in which I may participate during the Course are a
substitute in any way for treatments ordinarily administered by health professionals for
physiological or psychological complaints, and that neither the Organization nor any of its
representatives give, under any circumstances, advice on medical or psychological
6. コース中に参加する活動の一切は一般に医療関係者が肉体的、心理的苦情に対し
7. I agree that if the Oneness Guides/Teachers conducting the Course (the
"Guides/Teachers") should, in their discretion, recommend that I seek medical treatment,
or in the event I shall otherwise require medical treatment, I may be referred by the
Guides/Teachers to local physicians or to a medical or other facility, and shall, at my own
expense, obtain appropriate medical treatment. I acknowledge that in making such a
referral, neither the Guides/Teachers nor any other person associated with the
Organization or the Organization itself provide any guarantee regarding the quality of care
that I will receive from such local physician or medical or other facility.
7. コースを運営するワンネスガイド/ティーチャー(以下「ガイド/ティーチャー」という)が、
8. I shall comply with all Course rules and regulations and will conduct myself in a manner
that will not disrupt the smooth functioning of the Course. If, however, the
Guides/Teachers determine, in their sole discretion, that my conduct is inconsistent with
the smooth functioning of the Course, I will comply with any request to leave the Course
and with all appropriate rules and/or conditions related to my departure.
8. コースの全てのルールと規定を遵守し、コースの円滑な運営を妨げない行動を取るこ
9. I understand that there is no fee for participation in the Course itself, but that I will be
charged for room and board and for my share of the cost to the Organization of various
special activities that may be offered during the course and I agree to make payment
therefor prior to beginning the Course as required by the Organization.
9. コースの参加費は無料であり、宿泊費、及びコース中に組織によって開催されうる特
10. I agree that the Organization and its affiliates are dedicated to benefiting the
individual, society and the world, and that all of their resources and energy are used to
fulfill these valuable purposes. I desire to ensure that the activities of these organizations
and the individuals who work for them are not hindered by the expense and other burdens
involved in defending legal proceedings. I agree not to bring any legal actions against
these organizations or the individuals who work for them for any negligent or
nonintentional acts or omissions. I further agree that the Organization or individuals
involved in any way with the Course and the agents or employees of the Organization
shall not be liable for any claims based on negligence or damages of any nature arising out
of my participation in the Course or my continued participation in the Oneness Blessing. I
release these organizations, agents, employees and individuals from all such claims and
damages, and for all breaches of expressed and implied warranties (including warranty
of merchantability). The Organization and any of its affiliates shall be entitled to enforce
this provision of this Agreement by injunctive relief as well as be entitled to any other
legal or equitable remedy.
10. 組織、及びその関連組織が個人、社会そして世界のために設けられたものであり、
11. MEDIATION AND ARBITRATION: If any issue or claim arises between the parties,
both agree to seek in good faith to resolve such issue or claim through negotiation using,
if necessary, the assistance of a mutually agreed upon third party mediator. If such
negotiations are not successful, any controversy or claim arising out of or relating to this
Agreement or any breach or default under this Agreement, shall, with respect to all
claims pertaining to such controversy, claim, breach, or default (except any action for
equitable relief with respect thereto), be settled by arbitration in a state or country
determined by the Organization, on a confidential basis, by arbitration before a single
arbitrator selected in accordance with the then-prevailing Rules of Commercial
Arbitration of the American Arbitration Association. The arbitrator shall have the
discretion to determine the appropriate scope and schedule of discovery. The arbitrator
shall not contravene or vary in any respect any of the terms or provisions of this
Agreement. The award of the arbitrator shall be final and binding upon the parties hereto,
and judgment upon any award rendered therein may be entered and enforced in any
court of competent jurisdiction. Neither this arbitration provision nor a pending
arbitration shall prevent a party from seeking or obtaining injunctive relief for any matter
at any time.
11. 紛争やクレームの発生においては、双方が信義を守り、解決を目的とした交渉を行
の取り扱いにおいて調停を実行するものとする。調停は実行時のAmerican Arbitration
12. I understand that attending the Course does not ensure that I will be approved as a
Oneness Trainer and that my approval as a Oneness Trainer at the end of the Course or
at any later time is completely within the sole discretion of the Organization. If I am
approved as a Oneness Trainer I understand that I shall receive a Certificate that will
serve as evidence of my status as a certified Oneness Trainer for the time period set
forth in the Certificate. I shall prominently display such document at every Oneness
Experience Course that I conduct and shall inform the course participants of the
existence of such document at the beginning of the course. One month prior to expiration
of the time period set forth in the Certificate, I shall notify the Organization, which shall
then determine, in its sole discretion, whether and for what period to issue a new
12. コース参加によりワンネストレーナーとして認証されることは保証されないことを理解
書を授与されることに合意する。トレーナーとして開催する全てのOneness Experience
Also, if I am approved as Oneness Trainer, I agree to comply with all Oneness Trainer
Guidelines established by the Organization, as amended from time to time in the sole
discretion of the Organization.
13. If, as part of the Course, I am approved as a Oneness Trainer or I have previously
been initiated as a Oneness Trainer, then to protect the purity of the Oneness Blessing
and all Oneness teachings, I hereby agree as follows:
13. コースの一環として、ワンネストレーナーと認証された場合、または過去にワンネスト
13.1 The Oneness Blessing and Oneness teachings refer to all unique names, information,
methods, compilations, techniques, processes, principles, programs, procedures,
compositions, modes of production, process and product applications and uses, and
products, relating to the offering and knowledge of the Oneness Blessing and Oneness
13.1 ワンネスブレッシング、及びワンネスの教えとはワンネスブレッシング、及びワンネ
13.2 The owner of all trademarks and service marks (“Marks”), trade secrets and
confidential information related to the Oneness Blessing and Oneness teachings is For
World Peace Pte. Ltd., a Singapore corporation (the “Owner”), which is affiliated with the
Organization. The Marks include those used by the Organization at any time, including,
but not limited to those listed (as modified from time to time) on any Website maintained
by the Organization from time to time.
13.2 ワンネスブレッシング、及びワンネスの教えに関する一切の商標、サービスマーク、
ポールの企業であるWorld Peace Pte. Ltd.(以下「所有者」という)とする。マークは何時で
13.3 The Owner hereby grants to me, as a Oneness Trainer, permission to use the Marks,
trade secrets and confidential information only in connection with activities that the
Owner, the Organization or their affiliates, either directly or through an authorized Trainer,
authorize me from time to time to conduct as a Oneness Trainer, and I agree to use the
Marks, trade secrets and confidential information only in conformity with standards and
guidelines provided by the Owner, the Organization or their affiliates, either directly or
through an authorized Trainer.
13.3 所有者はこれにより、ワンネストレーナーとして所有者、組織、及びその関連組織よ
13.4 I expressly recognize and acknowledge that all use of the Marks, trade secrets and
confidential information and the goodwill connected therewith shall inure to the benefit of
the Owner.
Further, I acknowledge that I have not acquired and will not acquire any right, title,
interest or claim of ownership in the Marks, trade secrets and confidential information,
except for the purposes of this Agreement.
13.5 I acknowledge that the Marks have a valuable reputation, and a distinctive meaning
to the public. Therefore, I will at no time during or subsequent to this Agreement alter,
modify or dilute the Marks, bring them into disrepute, or make use of them other than as
provided in this Agreement. I shall not, at any time, use any name confusingly similar to or
in the reasonable judgment of Owner, the Organization or any of their affiliates suggestive
of the Marks.
13.5 マークが貴重な評判を持つことを認め、公に独特の意味を持つことを認める。従っ
13.6 Upon termination of my status as a Oneness Trainer, I shall immediately (i) cease
any use of the trademarks and service marks (collectively referred to as “Marks”), trade
secrets and confidential information associated with the Oneness Blessing and the
Oneness teachings (ii) at my own expense, return to the Organization or its affiliates all
materials in my possession or accessible to me that reference, concern, identify, embody,
or otherwise relate to the Marks, trade secrets or confidential information; (iii) turn over
to the Organization or its affiliates all email addresses, mailing addresses, telephone
numbers, and other contact information relating to my activities as a Oneness Trainer.
13.6 ワンネストレーナーとしての資格解除の際には、直ちに(i)登録商標や商業上の機
In the event of any violation of the terms of this Section 13, Owner, its affiliates and any
authorized Trainer shall be entitled to an injunction, and other equitable relief, to prevent
a breach of this Agreement in addition to any damages to which such party may be
14. If upon completing the course, I am approved as a Oneness Trainer, then:
14. コース修了後、ワンネストレーナーとして認証された場合:
14.1 Unless terminated earlier hereunder, my status as a Oneness Trainer shall terminate
on March 31, 2014, unless in its sole discretion the Organization provides written notice
to me (which shall include notice by email) to the contrary prior to such date.
14.1 本合意書内の規定により、それ以前に解除されなかった場合、ワンネストレーナー
14.2 By written notice at any time thereafter (which shall include notice sent by email),
the Organization may terminate my status as a Oneness Trainer due to any actions I may
take or fail to take that the Organization, in its sole discretion, deems: (i) to be
inconsistent with the purposes of the Agreement, (ii) to affect my ability to carry out my
responsibilities as a Oneness Trainer or (ii) to undermine the public’s respect for and
trust of the Organization.
14.2 その後何時でも(電子メールを含む)書面による告知により組織は、ワンネストレー
ナーの行動、または行動の不履行が ( i )本合意書の目的と不一致である ( ii )ワンネス
トレーナーとしての責任を全うする弊害となる ( iii )組織の社会的な尊厳や信頼を損なう
14.3 By written notice at any time thereafter (which shall include notice sent by email), I
may terminate my status as a Oneness Trainer, provided I remain at all times in
compliance with Section 13.6 hereof.
14.3 (電子メールを含む)書面の告知によりその後何時にも自身のワンネストレーナーと
14.4 Upon termination of my status as a Oneness Trainer pursuant to this Section 14, I
shall continue to be bound by this Agreement in all respects, provided, however, that (i)
upon such termination pursuant to Section 14.2 or 14.3, the rights conferred upon me in
Section 13.3 shall cease and I shall thereafter have no right to use the Marks in any
manner whatsoever and (ii) upon such termination pursuant to Section 14.1 Section 13
shall no longer apply to me and I shall have the right to continue to use the Marks in any
manner whatsoever or to discontinue the use of the Marks and in either case I shall have
the right to continue to offer the Oneness teachings in any manner (including under any
name) I deem appropriate in my own discretion.
14.4 ワンネストレーナーの資格解除の際にも、本項(14項)により、本合意書に全面的
に、継続的に拘束されることに合意する。但し、( i ) 14.2項又は14.3項に準ずる資格解除
用権は停止され、( ii ) 14.1項に準ずる解除の際には13項の対象からは除外され、自身
15. I agree that the representations, warranties and agreements that I have made in this
Agreement may be relied upon and/or enforced not only by the Organization but also by
all of its affiliates anywhere in the world, for their own benefit and protection. I also agree
that the Organization and/or licensed affiliates may intervene at any time in any
proceeding involving a Oneness Trainer, or an organization, in order to enforce the
provisions of this Agreement for the benefit of itself, the Oneness Trainer or other
15. 本合意書において表明、保証、合意された内容は、組織とその世界中の関連組織に
16. I have read and understand everything in this Agreement, and I intend to be legally
bound by it. I understand that I am being accepted to the Course on the basis of my
responses to the questions in the course application and my representations, warranties
and promises expressed in this Agreement and I represent that everything that I have
expressed in such application and this Agreement is accurate and true.
16. 本合意書の内容を全て読み、理解した上で法的に準ずる。コースへの参加資格はコ
17. This Agreement contains the entire understanding between the Organization and me,
and shall supersede and replace any other agreements previously made between us with
respect to my status as a Oneness Trainer, provided, however, that I shall continue to be
bound by the portion of any prior agreement between us relating to my status as a
Oneness Trainer that is consistent with this Agreement. The intent of the preceding
sentence is that I shall be bound by this Agreement as though it were executed as of the
date on which I executed any prior agreements with respect to my status as a Oneness
Trainer. This Agreement may be changed only in a writing signed by the parties.
Notwithstanding any other statement in this Section 17, any understanding of the parties
set forth in the Application for the Course that is not addressed in this Agreement shall
be binding on the parties as if incorporated into this Agreement. Any term or provision of
this Agreement that is invalid or unenforceable in any situation in any jurisdiction shall not
affect the validity or enforceability of the remaining terms and provisions hereof.
17. 参加者のワンネストレーナーとしての資格につき、本合意者は本合意書以前に参加
18. This Agreement does not constitute an agreement by the Organization or any of its
affiliates to employ me or contract with me as an independent contractor.
18. 本合意書は組織、またはその関連組織による雇用、受託請負契約ではない。
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be signed as
of the dates setforth below.
Oneness University – India
Course Participant
Print Name:
Print Name: