Page 1 of 55 IMPLEMENTING MIN/ORG. VIEW Swachh Bharat Select Category : [Press Enter to Search : Search] List of Action-Point(s) for : Under Implementation Comments By: BIHAR (Govt. ) Self All Latest Comment S.No 1. UID Presenting Ministry (Meeting Date) File No. Cabinet Secretariat (20/09/2014) DO No. CS-14771/2014 Meeting Description DO letter No. CS-14771/2014 dated 20th September, 2014 to Secretaries of Ministries/Departments regarding comprehensive action plan and arrangements for "Swachh Bharat". Action-Point Description 149/ The cleanliness campaign starting 1 from 25th September to continue in October and this first phase of sustained campaign to culminate on 31st October, on the birthday of Sardar Patel. Ministries/Departments to work in synergy with the objective of a common mission. The focus should be on how to make this mission a national agenda so as to make it people driven. Society should own this mission rather than thinking it as another government programme. Ways and means may be suggested for inculcating hygienic practices among people. More specifically, for 2nd October, Gandhiji, who is the main source of inspiration for this drive, must dominate the campaign. Action Points: 1. Plan for the period 25th September to 1st October 2014. 2. Plan to administer the pledge on 2nd October 2014. 3. Plan for cleanliness drives and other events on 2nd October, 2014. 4. Plan for the period 3rd October 2014 to 31st October 2014. 5. Plan for one year. 6. Plan for the rest period up to 2019. Status DEPARTMENT OF ADMINISTRATIVE REFORMS AND PUBLIC GRIEVANCES AS ON DEC 11 2014 3:07PM : Action Update Status ANNUAL ACTION PLAN FOR 2014-15 1. Different events like Slogan/Poem/Essay Competition etc., focusing on cleanliness to be organized. 2. Special focus will be given to clean and upkeep the toilets of the Department. 3. The walls of the rooms and premises will be whitewashed and well maintained. 4. Brain storming and awareness on cleanliness. 5. Cleaning and dusting of workstations on daily basis by employees. 6. Constitution of a Committee to monitor the cleanliness work and declare the cleanest workstations on a monthly basis. 7. Regular cleaning of almirahs and disposal of obsolete items. 8. Reviewing, Recording and weeding out of the old record, in accordance with Record Retention Schedule, by the all concerned on monthly basis. 9. Display of banners/posters on Swachh Bharat. 10. Repairs of washrooms, work in corridor ceiling process to be started. 11. Progressive digitization of records. ANNUAL ACTION PLAN FOR 2015-16 1. Special focus will be given to clean and upkeep the toilets of the Department. 2. The walls of the rooms and premises will be whitewashed and well maintained. 3. Brain storming and awareness on cleanliness. 4. Cleaning and dusting of workstations on daily basis by employees. 5. Constitution of a Committee to monitor the cleanliness work and declare the cleanest workstations on a monthly basis. 12/18/2014 Page 2 of 55 Under Implementation Normal 6. Regular cleaning of almirahs and disposal of obsolete items. 7. Reviewing, Recording and weeding out of the old record, in accordance with Record Retention Schedule, by the all concerned on monthly basis. 8. Progressive digitization of records. 9. Repair electrical points, wherever needed 10. Identification of seepages in the rooms/corridors/lobbies and immediate rectification. 11. Reorganize the seating arrangements to make the office look cleaner and better organized. ANNUAL ACTION PLAN FOR 2016-17 1. Special focus will be given to clean and upkeep the toilets of the Department. 2. The walls of the rooms and premises will be whitewashed and well maintained. 3. Brain storming and awareness on cleanliness. 4. Cleaning and dusting of workstations on daily basis by employees. 5. Constitution of a Committee to monitor the cleanliness work and declare the cleanest workstations on a monthly basis. 6. Regular cleaning of almirahs and disposal of obsolete items. 7. Reviewing, Recording and weeding out of the old record, in accordance with Record Retention Schedule, by the all concerned on monthly basis. 8. Progressive digitization of records. 9. Repair electrical points, wherever needed 10. Identification of seepages in the rooms/corridors/lobbies and immediate rectification. 11. Reorganize the seating arrangements to make the office look cleaner and better organized. ANNUAL ACTION PLAN FOR 2017-18 1. Special focus will be given to clean and upkeep the toilets of the Department. 2. The walls of the rooms and premises will be whitewashed and well maintained. 3. Brain storming and awareness on cleanliness. 4. Cleaning and dusting of workstations on daily basis by employees. 5. Constitution of a Committee to monitor the cleanliness work and declare the cleanest workstations on a monthly basis. 6. Regular cleaning of almirahs and disposal of obsolete items. 7. Reviewing, Recording and weeding out of the old record, in accordance with Record Retention Schedule, by the all concerned on monthly basis. 8. Progressive digitization of records. 9. Repair electrical points, wherever needed 10. Identification of seepages in the rooms/corridors/lobbies and immediate rectification. 11. Reorganize the seating arrangements to make the office look cleaner and better organized. ANNUAL ACTION PLAN FOR 2018-19 1. Special focus will be given to clean and upkeep the toilets of the Department. 2. The walls of the rooms and premises will be 12/18/2014 Page 3 of 55 whitewashed and well maintained. 3. Brain storming and awareness on cleanliness. 4. Cleaning and dusting of workstations on daily basis by Under Implementation - Anurag Srivastava, Deputy Secretary, Department of Administrative Reforms and Public Grievances DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH AND EDUCATION Swachh Bharat Mission A. Action Taken Report (25-9-2014 to 31-10-2014) Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) through its Headquarters at Krishi Bhavan and Pusa as well as 110 Research Institutes, 78 Centers of All India Coordinated Research Projects and 643 Krishi Vigyan Kenderas has launched a country wide ‘Swachh Bharat Mission’ beginning 25th September. This first phase of the campaign continued upto 31st October, 2014. AS ON NOV 28 2014 11:40AM : During the period 25th Sept upto 2nd Oct, a series of cleanliness drives including cleaning and sweeping of offices, corridors and premises, weeding out old records, disposing of old and obsolete furniture, junk material and white washing/painting was undertaken in the premises and areas in the vicinity by all the officials of ICAR including those in the its establishments around the country. On 2nd of Oct., 2014 a ‘Swachhta Shapath’ was administered by the Secretary and Additional Secretary (DARE) at the two locations at the ICAR and Pusa, N. Delhi and by respective Directors/Heads at the respective institutions and establishments. A large contingent of ICAR employees from Head Quarters at Krishi Bhawan and Pusa took part in the main function at India Gate and were administered Swachhta Sapath by the Hon’ble Prime Minister himself. Following oath taking on that day, all the ICAR employees, across all institutes and establishments in the country, took part in cleaning and sweeping operations and the awareness development programmes. This is a continuing activity at all ICAR administered establishments. During entire October month, the cleanliness drives and the awareness campaign were conducted by the ICAR establishments all over the country in their respective locations/ areas of operation. The ICAR Institutes and the KVKs which function in close cooperation with the village farming community also conducted awareness campaigns in the villages and towns involving farmers, farm women, school children and people of civil society. The establishments have also submitted their action taken reports in this regard. B. Annual Action Plan for 2014-15 The DARE/ICAR and all its institutes/establishments have chalked out the Annual Action Plan on Swachh Bharat Mission as under:- 12/18/2014 Page 4 of 55 (i) Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) through its Headquarters at Krishi Bhavan and Pusa as well as 110 Research Institutes, 78 Centers of All India Coordinated Research Projects and 643 Krishi Vigyan Kenderas has launched a country wide ‘Swachh Bharat Mission’ beginning 25th September. This will be continued for the entire year. (ii) A series of cleanliness drives including cleaning and sweeping of offices, corridors and premises, weeding out old records, disposing of old and obsolete furniture, junk material and white washing/painting etc. shall be continued during the year. (iii) The ICAR Institutes and the KVKs which function in close cooperation with the village farming community will conduct awareness campaigns in the nearby villages and towns involving farmers, farm women, school children and people of civil society. (iv) To bring awareness amongst ICAR employees and general public, human chain formation will be done by the employees of ICAR Hqrs. at New Delhi and various institutes under ICAR located all over the country, on the occasion of New Year, 2015. (v) The monthly reports on the activities undertaken by each institute will also be uploaded on the website of respective institutes and a detailed report will also be sent to the Council. C. Five Year Action Plan (2014-19) The DARE/ICAR and all its institutes/ establishments have also chalked out the Five Year Action Plan on Swachh Bharat Mission as under:(i) All ICAR establishments’ including 643 KVKs functioning at District level, which function in close cooperation with the village farming community, will conduct at least 1 awareness campaign on Swachh Bharat Abhiyan per month in the nearby villages. They Under Implementation - Dr. A.S. Mishra , Principal Scientist, Department of Agricultural Research and Education DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AND COOPERATION AS ON DEC 1 2014 5:43PM : 1. Department of Agriculture & Cooperation (DAC) has initiated a cleanliness drive to make all outer quadrangles and inner corridors free from all items by removing all used/unused items from these areas. Accordingly all the items were removed from outer quadrangles and inner corridors of Krishi Bhawan. To avoid any possibility to get these corridors/quadrangles encroached in future. CPWD and DAC were authorized to remove any item which is found in outer quadrangles/inner corridors. 2. Additional Secretary (Admn.), DAC has administered “Swachhta Pledge” at 11.30 AM near Gate No. 1 of Krishi Bhawan in which a large number of DAC employees participated. 12/18/2014 Page 5 of 55 3. (a) To emphasize the importance of cleanliness, all the employees of DAC have cleaned their room (s) respectively. (b) A symposium organized in Acharya Jagdish Chandra Bose Hall at 1200 hrs on following subject: "Janjaaran avam janbhagidari se swachchta abhiyan ka safal paripuran" Employees of DAC had participated in this symposium enthusiastically and given suggestions in this regard. (c) 'C' Wing of Roof top was cleaned during cleanliness drive which was in very poor situation before cleanliness 4. DAC planned for deep cleaning of two wing at each floor per day for this period. Deep cleaning of outer quadrangles and rooftops was also done in this period. Moreover, keeping in view the problem of getting the toilets chocked due to unwanted materials, steel high quality dustbins with garbage bags have been provided in all toilets. 5. At regular intervals, deep cleaning of all wings, outer quadrangles and rooftop on regular basis in planned. It is also planned to make all corridors/quadrangles/rooftop free from any encroachment. Accordingly CPWD has been authorized to remove any item from outer quadrangles and DAC to remove any articled from inner corridors. Condemned/ obsolete items, if any will be auctioned during the year at regular intervals so that these do not get accumulated and unnecessarily occupy precious and scarce office space. Signages in toilets for maintaining cleanliness by all officials is also planned. It is also planned to organize some workshops/meetings/soliciting awareness/sensitivity among staff members to keep the building & their work place near and clean. 6. Same as Sr. No. 4 above. Under Implementation - A.K. Jha, Under Secretary , Department of Agriculture and Cooperation DEPARTMENT OF ANIMAL HUSBANDRY DAIRYING AND FISHERIES AS ON DEC 3 2014 2:51PM : Continued Process. Steps taken by Department of Animal Husbandry,Dairying and Fisheries for Swatch Bharat Mission.The Annual Action Plan for the year 2014-15 to 2018-19 have been prepared and the Action Plan also include common activities for which DADF provide support to DAC. Under Implementation Under Implementation - P.S.Chakraborty, Deputy Secretary, Department of Animal Husbandry Dairying and Fisheries DEPARTMENT OF ATOMIC ENERGY 12/18/2014 Page 6 of 55 Under special mission drive for Swachh Bharat Abhiyan, Nuclear Power Corporation of India Ltd.(NPCIL) has planned for construction of 181 toilets in schools through Sulabha International Social Services Organization at 14 different locations of NPCIL sites all over India. AS ON DEC 5 2014 4:35PM : The details of the Toilet Blocks planned by the Company in the Government Schools upto a distance of 20 KMs are given in the enclosed statement: The Department of Atomic Energy is also proposing to hold workshops with all State-holders including local bodies for propogation of its demonstrable technologies. This includes treatment of water and solid waste. Under Implementation View Document - KAP Sinha, Joint Secretary, Department of Atomic Energy DEPARTMENT OF AYURVEDA YOGA NATUROPATHY UNANI SIDDHA AND HOMOEOPATHY (AYUSH) AS ON OCT 15 2014 6:13PM : Mission Swachh BharatAction Plan for the year 2014-2015. October,2014: Observance of Swachh Mahina. The following activities to be undertaken during the month:( i) Review/weeding out of unwanted records; (ii) Thorough cleaning of stairs and work area; (iii) White washing /painting of premises, wherever required; (iv) Ensuring of neat and clean garbage disposal place. November, 2014: Identification of hurdles/bottlenecks coming in the way of cleanliness of the work place and taking effective measures to remove them . December,2014: Inspection of office premises of National Institutes/Research Councils by Joint Secretary(Admn.) for taking stock of state of cleanliness in them. January, 2015: Organizing an essay competition on “My role and contribution in attaining the objective of Mission Swachh Bharat.” February, 2015: Observance of Record Review fortnight by the participation of all concerned for weeding out of unwanted records and making the passages/ corridors of the office premises almirah free. March, 2015: Second Inspection of office premises of National Institutes/Research Councils by Joint Secretary(Admn.) for taking stock of state of cleanliness in them April, 2015: Talk by eminent expert on the importance 12/18/2014 Page 7 of 55 of cleanliness in the daily life, at workplace, in public places and at home to be inaugurated by JS (Admn.)/Head of Deptt. in the Department of AYUSH/National Councils/Institutes. May, 2015: Thorough cleanliness of the surrounding areas of the office premises. June, 2015: Appraisal of the progress made so far by the respective offices in achieving the objective of the Mission Swachh Bharat. July, 2015: Special emphasis on dusting/Cleaning of Electrical installation and other office equipments. August, 2015: Third inspection of office premises of National Institutes/Research Councils by Joint Secretary(Admn.) for taking stock of state of cleanliness in them. September, 2015: A debate competition on “My contribution in making India a neat and clean country is better than yours”. October, 2015: Evaluation of the targets achieved during the year. The plan of action on “Swachh Bharat Mission” for the period October, 2015 to October, 2019 is under formulation and will be communicated in due course. Under Implementation - Rajinder , Director , Department of Ayurveda Yoga Naturopathy Unani Siddha and Homoeopathy (AYUSH) DEPARTMENT OF BIO TECHNOLOGY AS ON DEC 5 2014 9:01PM : Action plan the Department of Biotechnology prepared. Implementation of plan started from October 2nd onwards. On last Friday of every month,between 3.30 and 5.30 all DBT employees are involved in taking up a cleanliness drive of their personal office spaces as well as common spaces of the Department. This activity has been carried out on both October 31st and November 28th. Under Implementation View Document - Sreeshan Raghavan, Joint Secretary, Department of Bio Technology DEPARTMENT OF BORDER MANAGEMENT DEPARTMENT OF CHEMICALS AND PETRO CHEMICALS AS ON NOV 20 2014 5:48PM : Swachh Bharat Mission was launched on 2nd October, 14. The Secretary, Department of Chemicals and Petrochemicals administered the Swachhta Shapath to all the officers and employees at 12.00 noon on 2nd October, 2014. Thereafter, he inspected the washrooms, corridors, open space, sections etc. The officers and employees also participated in cleaning the office premises. 12/18/2014 Page 8 of 55 Similar activities were carried out in the autonomous organizations and PSUs under the administrative control of this Department. All PSUs and autonomous organisations had administered pledge to their employees on 2nd October, 2014 and carried out the cleaning work within and outside their respective office premises. The Action Plan for the events upto 2nd October, 2014 ( which includes Plan for the period from 25 September 2014 to 1st October 2014, Plan to administer the pledge on 2 nd october 2014, Plan for cleanliness drives and other events on 2nd October 2014 ) , Plan for the period from 3 – 31 October, 2014, Plan for one year and Plan for five years ending 2 nd October 2019 are attached. Under Implementation View Document - Hamant Kumar, Under Secretary, Department of Chemicals and Petro Chemicals DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE AS ON NOV 12 2014 10:49AM : Action Taken Point No. 1 to 4 - Implemented Action Taken Point No. 5 and 6 (attached) -Annexure-A in respect of Department of Commerce; Annexure-B in respect of MMTC, PEC, STC, IIFT, Spices Board, Rubber Board, Coffee Board and Tea Board Under Implementation View Document - Rupa Dutta , Economic Adviser , Department of Commerce DEPARTMENT OF CONSUMER AFFAIRS AS ON NOV 3 2014 2:18PM : Annual Plan and Plan over Five Years under the Swachh Bharat Mission I. Under the Swachh Bharat Mission, the Department of Consumer Affairs has adopted the programme of developing and enforcing mandatory quality assurance standards and commenced action on developing and making quality assurance standards for :(a) Piped drinking water (b) Food products / produce of common consumption (c) Garbage disposal II. Piped drinking water :- As regards potable drinking water supplied through pipe, it is noted that there are already standards notified for potable drinking water. These need to be updated. Steps are also required to be prescribed as regards the sampling and testing methodoly if the standards are to be made mandatory for piped drinking water supply delivered by urban and rural local bodies. Accordingly it has been decided to undertake in consultation with the Ministry of Urban Development, Ministry of Panchayati Raj and Ministry of Drinking Water and Sanitation an appropriate phased programme of notifying mandatory standards for piped drinking water supply by urban and rural 12/18/2014 Page 9 of 55 bodies, specifying the sampling and testing methodology; and providing appropriate transition periods to the urban and rural local bodies to adhere to the standards, will be adopted. III. As regards developing standards for food products / produce of common consumption, it has been noted that process standards specified for street food venders from the perspective of hygiene and safety of streets food are already there. However, the standards for some food articles are outdated and need to be updated and in other cases revision or formulation of new standards altogether are necessary. While, in this regard, it is felt that there is need for greater coordination between BIS, FSSAI and Agmark from the prospective of developing standard, it has also been noted that butter and ghee are currently under voluntary standards and should perhaps be made mandatory. Also, new standards need to be developed in respect of khoya, curd, paneer, whey powder and sweets and for making the same mandatory. It is a fact that adultration of milk is a great concern and better enforcement of quality assurance and safety standards of milk is of paramount necessity. Also the need for verification and enforcement of standards for organic foods / products / produce is a priority requirement and actions for developing proper standard, and enforcing the same in the larger interest of the consumers are necessary. IV. It is also felt by this Ministry that there is an urgent need to develop a national standard for garbage disposal in particular. This standard should include appropriate process standards for separation of organic and non-organic garbage, composting of organic waste, SOLID Waste Management and for transportation of garbage. This will lend greater momentum to the Swachh Bharat Mission if standard garbage disposal protocols are enforced mandatorily at the level of community / local Government. It has been decided to do the same in a phased manner beginning with selected cities / towns and then scaled up to cover other areas. Accordingly it has been decided that the BIS would begin the process of developing appropriate standards for garbage disposal. V. The above three activities have been decided to be implemented in the following three stages :(i) Developing standards (ii) Roll out Plans (iii) Making the standards mandatory 1st Stage : The first stage of developing standards for piped drinking water, food products of common consumption and garbage disposal will be completed in a period of one year i.e. by 2.10.2015. These activities come under the Annual Plan Activities of this Department under Swachh Bharat Mission. The BIS has already been directed to develop standards in the matter in consultation with the concerned Ministries / Authorities such as FSSAI etc. 2nd Stage : In this stage after developm 12/18/2014 Page 10 of 55 Under Implementation View Document - Premraj Kuar , Deputy Secretary , Department of Consumer Affairs DEPARTMENT OF DEFENCE PRODUCTION AS ON NOV 14 2014 4:14PM : • Tree plantation in the yard. • Continue to promote the same spirit in future by allotting two hours of time by every employee, each week to maintain the cleanliness. • The yard has planned to arrange ‘Swachh Bharat’ activities in the Yard and in the Colony for at least eight hours per employee every month. • ‘National Cleanliness and Awareness Campaign’ would be organized with the participation of all sections of society (Officers, Staff and Workmen, Office Bearers of Employees’ Unions/Associations and Contractors) to bring about mass awareness. MIDHANI • During the year 2014-15, MIDHANI will construct toilets in four schools in different districts under Swachh Vidyalaya Campaign. • Students benefited – 332. • Cleaning activities/painting in front of Corporate Office, Plant Main gate and QCL building. • Removal of bushes around QCL buildings. • Banners on Swachh Bharat erected for sensitization of campaign among employees. GRSE • Training to sensitise 200 employees on cleanliness. • Training to school 250 children on cleanliness. • Renovation of all toilets and repair/replace taps etc. half-yearly. • Cleaning and repair of water purifiers half-yearly, quarterly basis • Pest control, quarterly basis. • Plantation of 100 trees and saplings. • Painting of buildings, roads and walkways, annually. • Renovation of ferry ghat and jetties. • Landscaping and beautification • Improvement of 20 Anganwadi centres of Metiabruz into model centres (includes provided water purifiers, nutrition supplements, utensils, soaps, towels, medical kits etc. • Construction/renovation of toilets in 20 Anganwadi/ICDS Centres. • Provide garbage bins to 5 schools. • Debate/essay/slogan competition in 5 schools. OFB • Construction of Toilet for authorised Servants quarters, contract labourers and others and Schools in estates. • Open drain cover, repair/Relaying Sewer Lines, Sewage Treatment Systems. 12/18/2014 Page 11 of 55 • Sewage treatment plant and Pipeline networks and peripherals, effluent Treatment Systems. • Effluent Treatment Plant and Pipeline networks and peripherals, solid waste treatment plant Under Implementation - Ms. Kusum Singh, Joint Secretary, Department of Defence Production DEPARTMENT OF DEFENCE RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT The Swachh Bharat Annual Action Plan is attached. The activities in the annual plan will be repeated every year till October 2019. AS ON DEC 3 2014 4:38PM : No further Action Required View Document - NRKrishnan, Scientist G, Department of Defence Research and Development DEPARTMENT OF DISABILITY AFFAIRS AS ON DEC 10 2014 4:30PM : 1. National Institutes and other organizations under the Department of Disability Affairs have been requested to observe ‘Swachh Bharat’ week. 2. All NGOs availing grants-in-aid from the Department are being associated with the ‘Swachh Bharat’ campaign. 3. ‘Cleanliness Campaign’ clause is being added in sanction letter of grants release to NGOs by the Department. 4. Circular have been issued to all institutes/organizations for hygienic practices around its premises. 5. All public buildings will have accessible toilets by 2019. Building by- laws to be amended by Ministry of Urban Development. 6. Plan for one year is being processed. 7. Plan for the rest period up to 2019 is being processed. Under Implementation - Sanjay Singh, Under Secretary, Department of Disability Affairs DEPARTMENT OF DISINVESTMENT AS ON NOV 21 2014 3:43PM : Department of Disinvestment has no subordinate or attached offices under its administraive control . In this context of World Toilet Day, all officers/staff of this Department were sensitized on the importance of sanitaton, hygiene and use of toilets. Besides this, the Department is ensuring that the toilets in the office complex are clean, functional with adequate water supply and well equipped with soap and hand washing facilities including bins for sanitary waste. Under Implementation - M L Soni, Deputy Secretary, Department of Disinvestment DEPARTMENT OF ECONOMIC AFFAIRS 12/18/2014 Page 12 of 55 AS ON SEP 29 2014 8:54PM : 1. (a) Banners displayed since 25th September (b) Essay Competition by SPMCIL on 29th September (c) Debates by SPMCIL on 30th September (d) Slogan competition at North Block on 1st October (e) Marches/marathons, debates, essay competitions and other community activities by field Units of SPMCIL 2. Separate Oath taking events at North Block, Corporate Office of SPMCIL and all field Units. 3. (a) Clenliness drives to clean machines, work places, offices, township, roads, hopitals and schools by all field units of SPMCIL. (b) Special cleanliness drive to clean the office, work stations and surroundings at the corporate office of SPMCIL followed by an inspection in the evening. (c) Special cleanliness drive at North Block. (4) , (5) and (6) Under preparation Under Implementation - K.L.Minhas, Assistant, Department of Economic Affairs DEPARTMENT OF ELECTRONICS AND INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY AS ON NOV 5 2014 4:29PM : Action Points in this regard are as under: 1. Plan for the period 25th September to 1st October 2014: A massive cleanliness drive was launched from 5th June, 2014 under the overall personal supervision of Joint Secretary (Administration), to ensure immediate disposal of all waste materials, including unserviceable/ unusable furniture, waste papers, ewaste etc. Side by side, this Department initiated repairs of civil/ electric works based on the gaps noticed during the inspections carried out from time to time. Further, 20 mini truck loads of unwanted records, 23 mini truck loads of unusable furniture, 1320 kg of wooden/steel scrap and 3020 kg of waste paper have since been disposed of and removed from the premises of Electronics Niketan Complex. As regarding disposal of e-waste, 490 number of old/obsolete computers, printers, computers peripherals, software etc. have been identified for disposal and process for disposal as per prescribed procedure has been initiated. It has been ensured that passages and stairs are cleaned and there is no obstruction. Files/ papers lying in the Sections/ rooms are also neatly stacked. 2. Plan to administer the pledge on 2nd October 2014: The pledge was administered by Secretary, DeitY to the employees of DeitY on 2nd October, 2014. 3. Plan for cleanliness drives and other events on 2nd October, 2014: All employees of DeitY have undertaken intensive cleanliness drive of their respective Sections/Divisions on 2nd October, 2014. Before and after pictures of the cleanliness work undertaken either as individuals or as groups were also taken. 12/18/2014 Page 13 of 55 4. Plan for the period 3rd October, 2014 to 31st October 2014: All the employees of Personnel and Support Group under JS(RKG) have ensured that no waste material exists and the work place and their Sections remain neat and clean all the time. A circular to this effect has also been issued. 5. Plan for one year: Based on the above, the Plan of cleanliness will continue. 6. Plan for the rest period up to 2019: Based on the above, the Plan of cleanliness will continue. Under Implementation - Simmi chaudhary , Director , Department of Electronics and Information Technology DEPARTMENT OF EX SERVICEMEN WELFARE AS ON NOV 5 2014 12:28PM : The Five Year Action Plan including 2014 -15 of Dept. of ESW in connection with Swachh Bharat Mission has been uploaded. The Hon’ble Prime Minister has given a call for Swachh Bharat Mission as an mass movement to realise Gandhi’s dream of a Clean India by the 150th birth anniversary of Mahatama Gandhi in 2019. The campaign started on 2nd Oct. 2014 and will continue till 2019. The action plan lists the various items of works/ activities to be undertaken on annual basis during the next five years to achieve the target of ensuring complete cleanliness in the office campus and its surroundings. All the officials will participate in these activities and work towards creating an office culture which promotes practices and habits integral to the clean and hygienic environment such as disposal of junk material, weeding out of old records, files, maintenance and cleaning of building specially conveniences’ areas. Under Implementation View Document - Department of Ex Servicemen, , Department of Ex Servicemen Welfare DEPARTMENT OF EXPENDITURE DEPARTMENT OF FERTILIZERS ACTION TAKEN REPORT OF DOF ON SWACCH BHARAT CAMPAIGN Department of Fertilizers has taken the following steps for the Swacch Bharat Campaign being followed by the government across India : 1. A circular was issued among all the officials of the Department and its attached office FICC and also among all the fertilizer PSUs under the administrative control of the DOF informing them about observance of the Swachh Bharat Campaign by the government during September 25 to October 31, 2014 and PSUs have been directed to administer the pledge on 2nd October, 2014 and to plan the Swatchhta campaign AS ON SEP 29 2014 6:32PM : 12/18/2014 Page 14 of 55 during September 25 to October 2, 2014. 2. All the officers of the Deptt/PSUs have been requested to observe cleanliness during the period and ensure that rooms/ corridors/ common area are kept clean by them and efforts should be made by all not to soil these areas atleast. 3. The deptt has made arrangement to observe “Swachhta Shapath” on 2nd October, 2014 by organizing a essay/poetry competition on 26th September, 2014, display of banner at Gate no. 3 of Shastri Bhawan and A-wing at Second floor of Shastri Bhawan, Shramdan on 2nd October, 2014 by the officers of the deptt and PSUs etc. 4. The Housekeeping agencies have been instructed to maintain the common areas/toilets sparkle clean 5. During the week beginning September 25, 2014 several teams of 3 officers have been made. These teams will go around the office premises in order to monitor the sanitation and standards being maintained and also to suggest measures required for the improvement. 6. A meeting of officers and staff of the deptt was called separately on 24th September, 2014 and they were sensitized about the campaign 7. PSUs and private sector companies have also been advised to undertake cleanliness drive in the nearby villages and townships and their plants 8. Fertilizers companies have been advised to plan large sized toilet complexes near their plants/offices to be used by all including citizens of the nearby areas which they should maintain on a sustainable and visible manner. 9. A letter was sent to CPWD/ MHRD requesting them to install double gates so that the monkeys would not enter the building and spoil the premises and corridors Under Implementation - Rakesh Kumar, Deputy Secretary , Department of Fertilizers DEPARTMENT OF FINANCIAL SERVICES The cleanliness work has been completed in the Department of Financial Services. All Under Secretary level Officers has been appointed as "SWACHCHHTA PRERAK", who rotationally monitor the office environment and cleanliness work. Further details are attached. AS ON SEP 29 2014 7:15PM : Implemented View Document - deptfinancial, , Department of Financial Services DEPARTMENT OF FOOD AND PUBLIC DISTRIBUTION Action Plan for the period from 25th September to 31st October, 2014, Plan for one year and Plan for the rest period upto 2019 on Swachh Bharat Mission is attached. AS ON DEC 9 2014 10:34AM : Under Implementation View Document - JPSaini, Director, Department of Food and Public Distribution DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND FAMILY WELFARE 12/18/2014 Page 15 of 55 (i) A special cleanliness drive has been started from 25th September, 2014 and would continue upto 31st October 2014. This will cover not only the building Nirman Bhawan but all the central hospitals, buildings, offices/institutions/organisation under the administrative control of Department of Health and Family Welfare. AS ON SEP 30 2014 2:57PM : (ii) All senior officers (from the level of Section Officer/PS and above) in the Department have been asked to ensure their participation mandatorily in the “Swachhta Shapath” pledge to be administered on 2nd October, 2014 at 11.00 AM bear Gate No. 6, Nirman Bhawan. All the offices/institutions/organisations under the Department have been asked to take similar action. (iii) Screening weeding and classification of records in all the Sections starting from 25th September, 2014 upto 15th October, 2014 dedicated to Special Records Management Fortnight, is being observed. The identified records duly cleaned, stitched and listed year-wise would be transferred to the New Record Room which will be ready by the first week of October, 2014. (iv) Organising the month of October as “Swachh Mahina” by involving officers and staff in the Department. Five(5) awards for the cleanest section will be given on the basis of sanitation protocols and parameters. Suitable incentives, appreciation/reward letters will be given to best performing section, staff etc. in the Department. Their names will be displayed on digital display boards. (v) An exercise of evaluation of cleanliness of the section will be taken by team of officers so constituted to adjudge the cleanest section/staff. (vi) All the central hospitals, buildings, offices/ institutions/ organisations under the administrative control of Department of Health and Family Welfare, have also been asked to organise “Swachh Mahina” during October, 2014 including Records Management Drive. (vii) All Divisions Head (officers of the level of Director/Deputy Secretary) of the Ministry will take personal interest during this cleanliness drive with the help of their Branch Officer and staff. They will send nomination of minimum one section from their Division to Under Secretary (General) by the third week of October, 2014, to be selected for Cleanest Section award. The evaluation team take a final call. (viii) Special teams will be deputed to visit field offices to oversee the progress on cleanliness. All officers going on official visit to any government office of the Ministry will also submit a separate report on general cleanliness of that organisation in their tour report. On the basis of reports received from officers visiting government offices, an award will be given to the Cleanest Office of the Ministry. 12/18/2014 Page 16 of 55 (ix) The teams deputed for New Health Policy consultations to States are being asked to look into the aspect of cleanliness and sanitation to the offices under this Department’s administrative control during their proposed visits. (x) A Special Cell is being created in the Department named as Swachh Cell which will coordinate and keep a record as well as compile reports received from officers visiting government offices on all cleanliness activities, so as to be able to monitor cleanliness activities. (xi) Some other activities like quiz, Debate, Essay writing competition, etc. on sanitation linked with health activities, would also be organised Under Implementation - JRajesh Kumar, Director , Department of Health and Family Welfare DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH RESEARCH AS ON DEC 5 2014 7:20PM : The Action plan for Swachh Bharat Campaign upto 2/10/2019 was uploaded on 21/11/2014 Implemented - Dr. H.Nagesh, Joint Secretary, Department of Health Research DEPARTMENT OF HEAVY INDUSTRY AS ON OCT 31 2014 5:25PM : Plan for period 25th September to 1st October, 2014 The following activities for the period 25.9.2014 to 1.10.2014 have been implemented in Department of Heavy Industry:1. A DO letter dated 25.9.2014 was sent from Secretary, HI to Cabinet Secretary apprising the activities being taken under Swachh Bharat movement. 2. All the CPSEs/Autonomous Research Institutes under the Department were requested vide letters dated 23.9.2014 and 25.9.2014 to take necessary action on the DO letter dated 20.9.2014 from Cabinet Secretary and DPE OM dated 22.9.2014 and to send a report by 5.10.2014. 3. A Message from Hon’ble Minister, Shri Anant Geete was issued on 26.9.2014 requesting all officers and staff of DHI, DPE and the CPSEs/Autonomous Bodies under DHI to participate in the National campaign for Swachh Bharat. 4. Hon’ble Minister, Shri Ananat Geete initiated cleanliness drive on 1.10.2014 at 12.00 Noon. He along with Secretary, DHI and Secretary, DPE and other senior officers of both the Departments cleaned the premises of Udyog Bhawan. A wide media coverage was arranged. 5. Two circulars dated 1.10.2014 were issued in DHI 12/18/2014 Page 17 of 55 for launching a special drive for weeding out old files/records and send a report by 10.10.2014. It was also decided that henceforth all circulars, orders, minutes of meetings and other routine communications for issue in DHI will be uploaded on e-office portal only. Plan to Administrative the pledge on 2nd October 2014 1. A detailed programme for taking pledge by officers/staff of the Department was circulated vide Circular dated 30.9.2014. All the officers/staff were requested to be present in office by 11.30 AM on 2.10.2014 to join in the common pledge taking ceremony being arranged by DIPP from 11.45 AM 12.30 PM. 2. All the CPSEs/Autonomous Bodies under DHI were requested vide DO letter dated 29.9.2014 to administer Swachhta Shapath in their organization at 9.45 AM on 2.10.2014. Plan for cleanliness drive and other events on 2.10.2014 The officers/staff have been requested vide Circular dated 30.9.2014 to actively participate in undertaking cleanliness activities on the 3rd Floor of Udyog Bhawan as well as in their own rooms. All the CPSEs/Autonomous Bodies under DHI have been requested vide DO letter dated 29.9.2014 to undertake cleanliness activities/programmes under “Swachh Bharat” campaign. Plan for period 3rd October 2014 to 31st October 2014 To monitor the status of action taken by Department of Heavy Industry and the CPSEs/Autonomous Bodies under DHI in pursuance of the Swachh Bharat movement. Plan for one year The cleanliness drive will be intensified. The implementation of the cleanliness drives will be monitored at the level of Secretary. All the CPSEs/Autonomous Bodies under DHI will also be enjoined upon to intensify the cleanliness drives. Plan for the rest period upto 2019 No specific plan has been envisaged, in so far as Department of Heavy Industry is concerned. Implemented View Document - Vishvajit Sahay, Joint Secretary, Department of Heavy Industry DEPARTMENT OF HIGHER EDUCATION AS ON SEP 26 2014 1:09PM : Department of Higher 12/18/2014 Page 18 of 55 Education has started a cleanliness drive w.e.f. 25th September, 2014 where all officers and employees participated in cleaning up the premises. The cleanliness drive will be continued till 31st October, 2014 and arrangement for Oath Pledge on 2nd October, 2014 is also being made. Being the nodal department responsible for Shastri Bhavan, Department of Higher Education has written to all the departments in Shastri Bhavan building, to undertake cleanliness drive and a meeting has also been scheduled on 26th September, 2014. Secretary, Higher Education has also written to Chairman, UGC & Chairman, AICTE and all centrally funded Institutions of the Department to actively participate in this national endeavour and has suggested following activities that could be undertaken by Universities/ Colleges: i) Formal launch of the Swachh Bharat Abhiyan will be done of 2nd October, 2014. ii) Awareness building i.e. organize debates, essay competition, photo exhibition and project work on the theme of sanitation, public hygiene and waste management from 25th September to 31st October, 2014 and beyond. iii) Ensuring cleanliness not only within the institution but also in its environs. Students, including National Service Scheme (NSS) volunteers and the National Cadet Corps(NCC), faculty and other staff could adopt a village/cluster of villages or an urban locality in the vicinity of you institution to undertake a cleanliness drive with the support of panchayats/ Nagar Parishads/ districts administration. Students volunteering to clean streets and educating the public about public sanitation including the campaign against open defecation and waste management would be a powerful social message that could help in changing the mindset of communities. Before and after snap shots of the project areas could be an effective tool in documenting and assessing the nature of progress made. iv) Above all, universities and colleges being thought leaders of society could play a leadership role in chalking out long term sustainable action plans in collaboration with other stakeholders for cleanliness. Accordingly, UGC & AICTE has instructed all the Institutions under their jurisdiction. Under Implementation - Amit Khare, Joint Secretary, Department of Higher Education DEPARTMENT OF INDUSTRIAL POLICY AND PROMOTION AS ON NOV 7 2014 12:08PM : Annual Action Plan for the work to be done in 2014-15(November, 2014 to March, 2015) The following Action Plan is proposed the period 201415 (November, 2014 to March, 2015) (a) Improvement of toilets. 12/18/2014 Page 19 of 55 (b) Periodical cleaning of drains and sewer lines. (c) Periodical cleaning of drinking water tanks. (d) Replacement of False ceiling on 2nd Floor. (e) Whitewash in the entire building. (f) Cleaning of the corridors with machines, latest equipments and chemicals. (g) Removal of construction waste, malba and garbage lying at different locations of the building. (h) Removal of unwanted vegetation, pruning of tree branches. Action Plan for Five Years (a) Weeding out of files and records at a regular interval. (b) Disposal of old furniture, waste papers, garbage etc. regularly. (c) Regular cleaning of Office premises, quadrangles and parking area and repair of damaged portion. (d) Renovation of old and stinky toilets. (e) Periodical cleaning of drinking water tanks. (f) Periodical cleaning of drains and sewer lines. (g) Concealment of all hanging wires/ cables in the entire building. (h) Proper lighting in the corridors with LED lights. (i) Special focus lights outside the Udyog Bhawan, focusing from ground to top of the building for ensuring beauty of the building. (j) Wooden states to be installed on the walls next to each room for name plates so as to ensure beauty and uniformity. (k) Polishing of doors with similar colour and pattern in the entire building. (l) Whitewash in the entire building. (m) Concealment of telephone cables, starting from outside the building to all the rooms within proper channel. (n) Cutting of hedge and mowing of lawns, display and coloring of pots, removal of weeds and repair/ replacement of broken plants etc. Under Implementation - S.S. Das , Addl. Economic Adviser , Department of Industrial Policy and Promotion DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE AS ON OCT 14 2014 5:58PM : Department of Justice has initiated Swachh Bharat Campaign. In this regard from 25th September, 2014 to 1st October , 2014 various activities such as cleaning, sprucing of campus, surroundings, corridors and weeding out of old records have been done. On 2nd Oct. 2014 “Swachhata Shapath” was administered to all the employees by Secretary (Justice). All officials and employees led by Secretary (Justice) carried out voluntary Sharam Daan on 2nd October, 2014. Detailed Action Plan from 3rd October 2014 to 31st October 2014, 1st November 2014 to 31st October 2015 and 1st November 2015 to 31st October 2019 has been chalked out and attached at annex. Implemented View Document - Praveen Garg, Joint Secretary, Department of Justice 12/18/2014 Page 20 of 55 1. Plan for the period 25th September to 1st October, 2014: AS ON OCT 14 2014 12:06PM : A cleanliness drive was undertaken from the period 25th September to 1st October, 2014. Special emphasis was given to cleanliness of toilets. CPWD was requested for whitewash and fogging in the Department. All State Level Nodal Agencies (SLNAs) and Self Help Groups(SHGs) under the Integrated Watershed Management Programme (IWMP) and the Project Implementation Units and Nodal Records Rooms under the National Land Records Modernization Programme were requested to administer the ‘Swachhata Shapath’ and arrange a cleanliness drive and organized other events on 02.10.2014. A speech competition on ‘Swachh Bharat’ Mission was organized in the Department on 26.09.2014. Many officers/officials participated in the competition. 2. Plan to administer the pledge on 2nd October, 2014: The “Swachhata Shapath” was administered to all the employees of the department on 02.10.2014 at 11.00 AM. by Special Secretary(LR). The officers of the Department also participated in the ‘Swachhata Shapath’ administered by the Hon’ble Minister for Rural Development at Krishi Bhawan. 3.Plan for cleanliness drives and other events on 2nd October, 2014: After administering pledge, cleaning of NBO Building area was done by the officers and staff voluntarily. 4. Plan for the period 3rd October, 2014 to 31st October, 2014: Regular cleaning of in and around the office area would be ensured. 5. Plan for one year: Special emphasis would be given to all aspects of cleanliness drive in the Department. Also, the Department would purchase Shredders for disposal of waste papers. Weeding out of old files/documents would be ensured. 6. Plan for the rest period upto 2019: Cleanliness would be the top most priority in future. To check spread of water borne diseases, regular fogging in and around the offices would be ensured. Obsolete items would be disposed off from time to time. Quiz competition /essay/elocution/poetry competition on cleanliness/ hygiene/sanitation would be organized from time to time in the Department. Under Implementation - K.Unnikrishnan , Director , Department of Land Resources DEPARTMENT OF LEGAL AFFAIRS 12/18/2014 Page 21 of 55 1. Cleanliness drive initiated on 25/09/2014. On 26/09/2014, the Hon’ble Minister of Law and Justice took part in a cleanliness campaign and also planted trees in Shastri Bhawan compound. He also took a round of the Ministry and gave instructions for cleanliness. A circular was issued forwarding therewith a message from Law Secretary and a copy of the Cabinet Secretary’s D.O. letter dt.20/09/2014 for compliance. Pursuant to the directions of Hon’ble MLJ, cleaning operations in the Department initiated and were undertaken even on Saturday and Sunday. Instructions have also been issued for taking cleanliness oath (Swachchhta Shapath) on 02/10/2014. AS ON SEP 29 2014 4:52PM : 2. The Cleanliness Oath (Shwachchhta Shapath) will be administered as per the prescribed programme at 9.45 A.M. on 02/10/2014. 3. After the Oath, the officers and staff will clean their respective rooms. 4. The cleanliness drive will be continued for the period and the officers and staff will be allocated specific areas from time to time for monitoring cleanliness and for devoting their 100 hours per annum as pledged. 5. -do6. -doUnder Implementation - Dinesh Bhardwaj, Joint Secretary, Department of Legal Affairs DEPARTMENT OF OFFICIAL LANGUAGE AS ON NOV 5 2014 1:20PM : Suitable steps have been taken for proper cleanliness of the Departmental premises both at Lok Nayak Bhawan and NDCC-II building and instructions have been issued to its subordinate offices for carrying out cleanliness drive. Senior Officers are monitoring the campaign on a weekly basis and posters highlighting the merits of cleanliness have been put up at vantage points in the Office premises. It has been decided to organise bi-monthly debates in the Department on “Cleanliness and Sanitation” and to award suitable prizes to the winners. It has also been decided to award an incentive certificate to the best Chamber / Section on annual basis in this regard. Under Implementation - Official Language, , Department of Official Language DEPARTMENT OF PENSIONS AND PENSIONERS WELFARE AS ON DEC 18 2014 2:41PM : :-Weekly report on Swachh Bharat Mission regarding The following activity was undertaken during the week 8th to 12th December, 2014:1. All window panes/ sills of the main Hall and Officers cabin were cleaned. 12/18/2014 Page 22 of 55 2. Compactor Room was cleaned 3. Overall supervision of cleanliness. Under Implementation View Document - Sujasha Choudhary, Deputy Secretary, Department of Pensions and Pensioners Welfare DEPARTMENT OF PERSONNEL AND TRAINING AS ON DEC 4 2014 3:05PM : CS and Training Division, DOPT have sent status report on the observations made by JS (Estt.) in her inspection report on cleanliness. The Library of Training Divisioin has been cleaned and re-arranged. On 27.11.2014 JS (Estt.) visited the Rooms and Halls of DOPT at 2nd Floor, North Block to review the status of cleanliness drive under Swachchha Bharat Abhiyan. Some action points have been suggested for implementation. 45 old condemned computer systems have been auctioned and removed from the office premises. Vaccum cleaning of rooms have been done, whereever required; Hanging wires have been re-arranged. Seven rooms have been white washed in the month of November. Under Implementation View Document - S.K.Mishra, Section Officer, Department of Personnel and Training DEPARTMENT OF PHARMACEUTICALS AS ON OCT 31 2014 4:10PM : Department of Pharmaceuticals and PSUs, autonomous bodies attached to it like NIPERs organized events on Oct. 2. 2014. The Officers, Staff and others associated with these institutions also took pledge on 2nd Oct, 2014. The Department also wrote to PSUs as well as Pharma Industry Associations to contribute towards ‘Swachh Bharat’ movement. Department of Pharmaceuticals completed the exercise of recording and weeding out of all the files / records and undertook other activities to promote cleaner and more conducive work environment. The Department is has taken measures to introduce eOffice package. This would reduce and ultimately eliminate the need of having physical files thereby freeing up scarce office space and promote better and cleaner office environment. The cleanliness drive is an ongoing activity. Circular are being issued periodically to all Divisions to maintain cleanliness of their office space. For the widespread dissemination of information on the ‘Swachh Bharat’ movement, the Department would write to National Institutes of Pharmaceutical Education and Research (NIPERs) / PSUs as well as all Pharma Associations to provide prominent space to exhibits / announcements / notices / ads on ‘Swachh Bharat’ movement on its publications. 12/18/2014 Page 23 of 55 The Department is facing huge space shortage which affects the whole office environment. The Department has already written to the concerned agencies for allocation of space so as to make the office environment more conducive. Department has written to PSUs and NIPERs to prepare one year and five year plan for Swachh Bharat. Under Implementation - Ms. Bhavana Aggarwal, Technical Director, Department of Pharmaceuticals DEPARTMENT OF POSTS AS ON NOV 14 2014 12:49PM : ACTION PLAN FOR THE REST PERIOD UP TO 2019 (2ND OCTOBER, 2015 TO 2ND OCTOBER, 2019) Under Implementation View Document - Kushal Vashist , Director , Department of Posts DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC ENTERPRISES This Department has very small establishment. There are no attached/subordinate/field offices under this Department. Further, PSUs are not under the administrative control of this Department. In view of these limitations, the Plan of Action pertaining to Swachh Bharat Abhiyan has a limited scope for this Department. However, all efforts are being made to ensure that the target of cleanliness which we achieved by 31st October, 2014 are taken forward. The following tasks have been identified for our annual action plan pertaining to Swachh Bharat Campaign: 1. In order to give a non congested look to the office premises the work relating to Digitization of records has been initiated and it is likely to be completed within one year. 2. The library of the Department is proposed to be revamped. All books in the library are being reviewed by the officers of this Department and old books with no relevance will be sorted out. 3. All the office rooms in the Department are being cleared off e-Waste. 4. The garbage in the premises of the Department is being segregated as bio degradable and recyclable. 5. The officers and staff of the Department are continuously sensitized to ensure clean environment in the office. AS ON DEC 2 2014 11:55AM : 6. Activities undertaken during Swachh Bharat Campaign are being monitored on a monthly basis. 7. CPWD is being directed to ensure timely redressal of all civil/electrical work. A quarterly meeting with the officers of CPWD with the senior officers handling Administration is proposed to be arranged. 12/18/2014 Page 24 of 55 Plan for the rest period up to 2019 Activities carried out in the Annual Action Plan will be taken forward. The Department will strive to achieve all identified targets and new tasks will be identified so that by the year 2019 there is significant achievement as far as cleanliness drive is concerned. Under Implementation - Kalpana Narain, Director , Department of Public Enterprises DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE 1. All obsolete items which used to be stacked in the corridors are removed and are now free of furniture, cupboards and other items. 2. All temporary structure in corridors have been removed making them neat, aesthetic and without obstruction. 3. Potted plants have been provided in all corridors to give an aesthetic look. 4. The square park has been beautiful and replanted. 5. Washrooms are regularly cleaned. 6. All windows in corridors have been provided chicks to ensure cleanliness and protection from sun. 7. Canteen area has been cleaned and new wash basin, drainage system and tiles have been put in place. 8. RO system with water coolers have been provided on all floors for drinking water facility and bottled drinking water is also provided to all staff or Department of Revenue. 9. A new library has been opened on the 2nd floor. 10. Staircases have been cleaned and beautified with main staircases being provided with stair runners and potted plants. 11. Walls have been whitewashed and strict monitoring is enforced to control spitting on walls. 12. Biometric attendance system is upgraded and the system of biometric attendance linked to salary and leave is being developed. AS ON SEP 25 2014 5:26PM : Under Implementation - Udai Singh Kumawat, Joint Secretary, Department of Revenue DEPARTMENT OF RURAL DEVELOPMENT AS ON DEC 3 2014 6:11PM : Annual Action Plan for implementation of Swacch Bharat Mission as prepared by DoRD is attached. The Annual Action Plan includes plan in respect of DoRD main office in Delhi, IEC activities, Communitisation of SBM through SHGs, community based awarenss and capacity building through MGNREGA, PMGSY and IAY. Under Implementation View Document - deptrural, , Department of Rural Development DEPARTMENT OF SCHOOL EDUCATION AND LITERACY AS ON DEC 9 2014 7:44PM : The cleanliness campaign by the Department was initiated on 25th September, 2014 itself. A detailed note on action taken so far and 12/18/2014 Page 25 of 55 proposed to be taken in the coming years which was sent to Department of Drinking Water Supply and Sanitation, the coordinating Department of Swachh Bharat Abhiyan is attached. Under Implementation View Document - S.K. Verma, Under Secretary , Department of School Education and Literacy DEPARTMENT OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY Office order already issued on annual plan as well as upto 2019. Dedicated team for cleaning of offices, toilets, area inside complex, etc. Disposal of paper / office waste are carried out on daily basis. Development of open area inside office complex commenced by CPWD. AS ON DEC 1 2014 1:02PM : Under Implementation View Document - Ashish Dutta, Under Secretary, Department of Science and Technology DEPARTMENT OF SCIENTIFIC AND INDUSTRIAL RESEARCH AS ON NOV 14 2014 9:17AM : DSIR and DST launched combined Swachh Bharat Camoaign w.e.f. 25.9.2014. DSIR will continue to be associated with all activities proposed by DST for the next year and coming years Under Implementation View Document - Vimal Kumar Varun, , Department of Scientific and Industrial Research DEPARTMENT OF SKILL DEVELOPMENT AND ENTREPRENEURSHIP It is informed that Department of Skill Development & Entrepreneurship has been set up by Cabinet Secretariat vide notification No. Doc. CD-517/2014 dated 31st July, 2014. It is yet to take final shape in respect of manpower and other infrastructure. AS ON OCT 14 2014 11:38AM : Implemented View Document - Rakesh Kumar, Under Secretary, Department of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL JUSTICE AND EMPOWERMENT The Department of Social Justice & Empowerment is not directly related to any cleanliness effort / scheme in the field. However, it endeavours to inculcate importance of cleanliness in every officer / official of the Ministry. A pledge (Swachhta Shapath) was administered to all officers / staffs of Department on 2.10.2014 by Hon’ble Minister of State (SJ&E) and Secretary (SJ&E). MOS (SJ&E), AS ON OCT 21 2014 10:13AM : 12/18/2014 Page 26 of 55 Secretary (SJ&E) and other senior officers of the Department took part in the cleanliness drive at Gate No. 4 Shastri Bhavan, New Delhi on 2.10.2014. Senior Officers of the Department are regularly visiting the sections/corridors/toilets and open area under the control of Department for inspection and to ensure removal of unwanted/ unused materials from the controlling area. Department has pasted stickers on the “No Smoking” and cleanliness in the area under the control of the Department at Shastri Bhavan, R.K. Puram and Jeevan Prakash Building. Department has also auction three staff cars which were laying the office premises. Department is also in process to auction the old office equipments like AC, Computers, Photocopies, Printers etc. Old furniture has already been removed. Implemented - J.P.Dutt, Deputy Secretary, Department of Social Justice and Empowerment DEPARTMENT OF SPACE AS ON DEC 15 2014 3:18PM : Action point (1) Carried out; (a) Cleaning of corridors of office premises. (b)Removal of cubboards etc from the corridor. (c)Record room cleaning and arranging records in neat and tidy condition. (d)Disposal of un-serviceable items. (e)Cleaning garden and vehicle parking areas. Action point 2: The pledge has been administered by Additional Secretary, DOS and around 85 to 90% of the staff took pledge. Action point 3: Carried out ; (a)Cleaning of office, canteen, water tank, etc. (b)Cleaning garden Action point 4: Carried out; (a)Regular cleaning and upkeep of office premises, buildings, library, canteen, store, play grounds, water tanks, garden etc. (b) Regular cleaning and upkeep of statue(s) installed in the office premises. 12/18/2014 Page 27 of 55 Under Implementation - S Kumaraswamy, Joint Secretary, Department of Space DEPARTMENT OF SPORTS Government of India Ministry of Skill Development, Entrepreneurship, Youth Affairs & Sports (Department of Sports) 1. Arrangements made to administer the Pledge on 2nd October 2014: AS ON SEP 26 2014 4:55PM : The Swachhta Shapath (Pledge) shall be duly administered on 02.10.2014 in all offices under Department of Sports namely, a. Department: in Shastri Bhavan, New Delhi b. Sports Authority of India (SAI): In all Regional offices, STCs, SAGs, COEs, NIS, Patiala, Stadia etc, of SAI, the pledge will be administered to the officials, athletes, trainees etc., c. Mission Directorate – Rajiv Gandhi Khel Abhiyan (RGKA): The pledge will be administered to all officials d. National Dope Testing Laboratory (NDTL): The pledge will be administered to all officials e. National Anti Doping Agency (NADA): The pledge will be administered to all officials f. Organising Committee – CWG: The pledge will be administered to all officials g. Lakshmibai National Institute of Physical Education (LNIPE), Gwalior: The pledge will be administered to all officials, faculty, students etc., h. Lakshmibai National Institute of Physical Education (LNIPE), North East Regional Centre (NERC), Guwahati: The pledge will be administered to all officials, faculty, students etc., 2. Arrangements for cleanliness drive and other events: a. Department: Cleanliness drive are taken up in Shastri Bhavan, New Delhi b. Sports Authority of India (SAI): Cleanliness drive will be taken up in all Regional offices, SAI Training Centre (STCs) Scheme, Special Area Games (SAGs) Scheme, Centre of Excellence (COEs), Netaji Subhas National Institute of Sports (NSNIS) Patiala, Stadia etc, of SAI involving the officials, athletes, trainees etc., The cleanliness drive will also lay i. special emphasis on the premises, including removal of debris (malba) both inside and outside the premises of stadia, toilets, kitchen etc., ii. removal of stagnant water iii. stopping the leakages, seepages etc., iv. emphasis on checking the syntax water tanks v. removal of spit stains on outer walls, corners, floors, stair cases etc., c. Mission Directorate – RGKA: Cleanliness drive will be taken up involving the officials d. NDTL: Cleanliness drive will be taken up in the office building and laboratory. 12/18/2014 Page 28 of 55 e. NADA: Cleanliness drive will be taken up in the NADA office f. Organising Committee – CWG: Cleanliness drive will be taken up in the OC office at JN Stadium. g. LNIPE, Gwalior: Cleanliness drive will be taken up in the Institute, grounds, hostels, mess kitchen etc, involving all officials, faculty, students etc., h. LNIPE, NERC, Guwahati: Cleanliness drive will be taken up in the Institute, grounds, hostels, mess kitchen etc, involving all officials, faculty, students etc., 3. Walkathon: a. To start with, walkathon will be organised in all SAI regional offices at all State / UT Head Quarters. Subsequently, the same will be extended to all SAI STCs, SAGs, COEs, Stadia etc, involving the coaches, athletes, officials etc, b. Similar walkathon will be taken up at LNIPE, Gwalior and LNIPE, NERC, Guwahati involving the administrative and academic staff, students, coaches etc., 4. Action Plan for Swachha Bharat Campaign from 25.09.2014 onwards (between 25.09.2014 and 02.10.2014 and beyond) a. Department: Cleaning of the premises of the Department of Sports in Shastri Bhavan, New Delhi will continue. b. SAI: In all Regional offices, STCs, SAGs, COEs, NIS, Patiala, Stadia etc, of SAI, the cleanliness drive will be continued, along with fixing a schedule for the Head of the Institution and senior officers to inspect the toilets, office premises, stadia, play fields, kitchen of hostels, hostel rooms, dining areas, corners of the stair cases etc., involving the officials, athletes, coaches, trainees etc., (i) Ensure proper waste management (ii) Schedule a calendar for regular check of different area in and around the premises. (iii) All institutio Under Implementation - Onkar Kedia, Joint Secretary, Department of Sports DEPARTMENT OF TELECOMMUNICATIONS The action taken report of Department of Telecommunications during 25.9.2014 to 28.10.2014 with reference to the action point earlier proposed, is attached. AS ON OCT 29 2014 12:18PM : Under Implementation View Document - Anand Agrawal , Director , Department of Telecommunications DEPARTMENT OF YOUTH AFFAIRS 12/18/2014 Page 29 of 55 The Department of Youth Affairs shall carry out Swachh Bharat Mission all over India through autonomous organisations/ attached offices under the Department, namely, Nehru Yuva Kendra Sangathan (NYKS), National Service Scheme (NSS) and Rajiv Gandhi National Institute of Youth Development (RGNIYD). The Cleanliness Campaign will start on 25.09.2014 and will be continued thereafter. This will include taking of ‘Swachhta Shapath’ (Pledge) on 02.10.2014. The Cleanliness Campaign shall be carried on in the Department HQ as well as through NYKS (NYKS Head Office at New Delhi, 29 Zonal Offices in States, District Nehru Yuva Kendra in 623 Districts and 2.77 lakh youth clubs affiliated to NYKS with 8 million members), NSS (NSS Head Office at New Delhi and 15 Regional Offices of NSS, State NSS Cells and all the Universities (336), Colleges (15,908) and Schools (11,809) having NSS units, involving about 3.3 million NSS volunteers) as well as RGNIYD (HQ at Seriperumbudur, Tamil Nadu and its Regional Centre in Chandigarh). The details are given in the attached document. AS ON NOV 1 2014 3:51PM : Under Implementation View Document - Hari Mohan Kundlia, Under Secretary, Department of Youth Affairs LEGISLATIVE DEPARTMENT AS ON OCT 27 2014 2:10PM : By the year 2019, inside and outside premises of the office and the vicinity will be cleaned and organised so far to create a positive work environment in the Department. Under Implementation - D.S.Sharma, Deputy Secretary, Legislative Department MINISTRY OF URBAN DEVELOPMENT AS ON OCT 31 2014 4:28PM : Ministry of Urban Development led the campaign by regular communication and motivation with Delhi Government in particular and all States in general. The plan for events leading to Oct2, 2014 was completed and further planning process is underway in Ministry of Urban Development and State Govts. Under Implementation - Neeraj Mandloi, Joint Secretary , Ministry of Urban Development MINISTRY OF CIVIL AVIATION (a) Arrangement has been made for Oath taking Ceremony in Ministry of Civil Aviation and its attached offices and PSUs. (b) DIAL/MIAL/BIAL/Hyderabad Airport and Airports Authority of India have been asked to organize Swachh Bharat related events from 25th September, 2014 onwards. (c) Out of selected 765 schools identified for construction of toilets by Airports Authority of India in 37 districts across India under CSR, preliminary works AS ON SEP 25 2014 6:05PM : 12/18/2014 Page 30 of 55 in selected schools located in Rajkot, Tirupati, Porbander, Rajamundari, Udaipur and Kolkata districts are being started by AAI from 2nd October, 2014. (d) Special Cleaning Drive is being organized in 15 Airports (Amritsar, Dehradun, Jaipur, Leh, Pune, Ahmedabad, Safdarjung Airport, Vadodra, Jammu, Chandigarh, Tirupati, Trivenderum, Bhubneshwar, Guwahati & Mangalore) on 2nd October, 2014. Under Implementation - venkatramana Aegde , Director , Ministry of Civil Aviation MINISTRY OF COAL AS ON NOV 19 2014 2:06PM : Office memorandum from Ministry of Coal to Ministry of Drinking Water and Sanitation on 14.11.2014 on Annual its Action Plan for the year 2014-15 on Swachh Bharat Mission. Under Implementation View Document - Deputy secretary, , Ministry of Coal MINISTRY OF CORPORATE AFFAIRS AS ON OCT 31 2014 4:50PM : Annual Action Plan and Five Year Action Plan for Swachh Bharat Mission have been prepared. Annual Action Plan includes awareness and capacity building about the Mission and includes activities like display of Logo and Slogan, Printing of message in Magazines/Periodicals, regular cleaning of premises, review and weeding out of records, timely disposal of obsolete items, conduct of surprise check by Inspection Team, Review of progress made, inviting suggestions etc. 5 Year Action Plan covers collective organization/ participation in Swachh Bharat Campaigns by field offices and professional institutes in addition to activities as indicated in Annual Action Plan. Under Implementation View Document - SURESH PAL, Joint Secretary, Ministry of Corporate Affairs MINISTRY OF CULTURE AS ON DEC 5 2014 7:11PM : Action Points 5 & 6 Secretary (Culture) took a meeting with Heads of all Attached/Subordinate/autonomous Organisations under the Ministry on 19.11.2014 in which it was reiterated that Swachh Bharat is a priority area of the Govt. and shall continue till 2019 and therefore, every organization has to draw a five-year calendar for this. Secretary (Culture) has directed that it should be a comprehensive plan encompassing all aspects of cleanliness. Apart from regular cleaning of office premises and surrounding areas, other areas identified were: Signages for Swachh Bharat, informative pamphlets should be distributed to schools in the vicinity of the monuments to educate children on Swachh Bharat, all staff photographers, staff guides, stakeholders should be trained to propagate Swachh Bharat to the tourists; repetitive Animations (videoinformers) on maintaining cleanliness should be 12/18/2014 Page 31 of 55 displayed near all ticketed monuments as a part of educating tourists. Grantee organizations should also be directed to engage in active participation of Swachh Bharat Abhiyan and disseminating the idea to the public at large. It was also decided to explore the possibilities of engaging local entrepreneurs, commercial/tourist agencies and hotels etc. for adoption of the monuments for maintenance under Swachh Bharat Abhiyan. Moreover, all organizations have to ensure that their premises are kept clean and in their activities, the message of Clean India Campaign is invariably disseminated. There is also need to implement “Swachh Bharat” campaign in ASI monuments and to have zero tolerance policy around important monuments so that cleanliness, hygiene, presence of touts, ‘lapkas’, unregistered guides can be regulated and harassment of tourists is avoided. Under Implementation - Rajesh Saha, Under Secretary, Ministry of Culture MINISTRY OF DEFENCE AS ON NOV 1 2014 10:53AM : All wings of Department of Defence and three Services are being asked to submit action plan for the first year and for the rest period up to 2019. The same will be uploaded on receipt. Under Implementation - Rajesh Choudhary, Under Secretary, Ministry of Defence MINISTRY OF DEVELOPMENT OF NORTH EASTERN REGION MINISTRY OF DRINKING WATER AND SANITATION AS ON OCT 31 2014 5:47PM : 1. Already implemented. 2. Already implemented 3. Already implemented 4. Already implemented 5. & 6. This Ministry has prepared Action Plan to achieve goals and targets under Swachh Bharat Mission (Gramin).These goals and targets shall be incorporated in the Annual Implementation Plan (AIP) of each States. The Action Plan of Ministry is summarized and placed in the attachment. Implemented View Document - Sujoy Majumdar , Director , Ministry of Drinking Water and Sanitation MINISTRY OF EARTH SCIENCES AS ON OCT 10 2014 2:36PM : On 1st October 2014 Hon`ble Minister for Earth Sciences participated in Swachchh Bharat Mission at Prithvi Bhawan.On 2nd October the Swachchhta Pledge was administered in 12/18/2014 Page 32 of 55 the Ministry.Secretary,MOES alongwith senior officers and scientists visited the Prithvi Bhawan and IMD campus and took part in the mission.Cleanliness drive is a continuous process in the Ministry and Secretary, MOES is monitoring the same. Under Implementation - Randhir Patel, Deputy Secretary, Ministry of Earth Sciences MINISTRY OF ENVIRONMENT FORESTS AND CLIMATE CHANGE AS ON NOV 26 2014 7:47PM : Out of 6 Action Points 4 have been already completed. Indira Paryavaran Bhawan is a new building and it is being maintained neat and clean. Regular reporting and follow up is undertaken to maintain its cleanliness. Regular review and weeding out of records have been initiated and will continue to be carried out to keep minimum records. Efforts are being made to dispose of recyclable waste through agencies which would recycle the waste. Ewaste is also is being disposed as per ewaste norms regularly. Efforts will be to continue to maintain the building in the same condition for the year and for the rest of the period upto 2019 and even beyond. Under Implementation - Alok Agarwal, Director, Ministry of Environment Forests and Climate Change MINISTRY OF EXTERNAL AFFAIRS AS ON NOV 19 2014 6:55PM : Annual Action Plan for the period 2014-15 1.Quarterly Sharmdaan to clean the office and surrounding areas and to weed out the files/records/papers/furniture which are obsolete and not required. 2. Up-gradation of two toilets in the MEA offices at South Block 3. Improving/beautifying public space in the MEA offices at South Block. 4. Quartelry review of office space & maintenance. Under Implementation - Nutan Kapoor Mahawar, Joint Secretary (Parl & Coord), Ministry of External Affairs MINISTRY OF FOOD PROCESSING INDUSTRIES The Action Plan in respect of the Ministry of Food Processing Industries , Panchsheel Bhawan, August Kranti Marg, New Delhi for the period up to 31st March 2015 is enclosed. AS ON OCT 31 2014 3:40PM : Implemented View Document - Dr. Atya Nand, Deputy Secretary, Ministry of Food Processing Industries MINISTRY OF HOME AFFAIRS AS ON NOV 12 2014 5:26PM : Point No. 5 (Plan for one year) 12/18/2014 Page 33 of 55 a) Temporary structures will be removed and place so vacated developed into open areas with adequate horticulture. Completed in respect of two quadrangles. b) Wires /cables in corridors will be properly put in channels and concealed in cornices. The surplus /unused wires will be removed. Significant progress has been made. Rest of the work in progress. c) Lighting will be improved in sections, corridors and staircases by replacing conventional tube lights with CFL bulbs of appropriate voltage. CPWD has been awarded the work. d) Compactors will be procured for keeping of files neatly in the sections. Approval of Competent Authority has been obtained. Order is being placed. e) Central air conditioning of all rooms in the North Block will be completed. Work in progress. f) Modernization work in 8 rooms will be completed. Work in 5 rooms completed. The remaining work will be completed shortly. Point No. 6 (Plan for the rest period up to 2019) Plan for the rest period upto 2019. It is proposed to modernize 10 rooms per year w.e.f. 2015 to 2019. Will be taken up in the next Financial Year. Under Implementation - Anurag Kumar, Section Officer, Ministry of Home Affairs MINISTRY OF HOUSING AND URBAN POVERTY ALLEVIATION AS ON DEC 1 2014 6:18PM : SWACHH BHARAT MISSION Action Plan for 201-15 1. Support to Urban Street Vendors : The National Urban Livelihoods Mission (NULM) under Ministry of Housing and Urban Poverty Alleviation recognizes street vendors as an important segment of the informal economy of India. Accordingly, a separate component titled ‘Support to Urban Street Vendors” (SUSV) has been designed with a focus on protecting the livelihoods of street vendors. The following action points are proposed for 2014-15 for specific sub-components of SUSV which focus on matters related to hygiene, sanitation, waste-disposal, etc. relevant to the Swachh Bharat Mission. (i) For specific infrastructure improvement or vendor market development, it is expected that the Urban Local Bodies will develop ‘Detailed implementation 12/18/2014 Page 34 of 55 Plans’ (DIP). These DIPs may include improved civic facilities such as paving, water supply, toilets, waste disposal, lighting, common storage space, specialized carts for specific types of trades, temporary sheds and/or parking facilities etc. All DIPs will have to be sanctioned by an appropriate sanctioning authority at the State level. Action : M/o HUPA will monitor the progress at State level to ensure that States prepare DIPs for infrastructure improvement for street vending. (ii) Under the SUSV component, the ULBs are required to conduct training programmes for all street vendors taking one area at a time. The aim of this program will be to orient the street vendors on aspects such as their rights and responsibilities, specific policies or laws related to street vendors, food safety, maintenance of hygiene, waste disposal etc. Action : 25 training programmes will be conducted in 2014-15 for street vendors with a focus on food safety, hygiene, health, waste disposal etc. 2. Construction of new houses under Rajiv Awas Yojana : 69242 new dwelling units are likely to be constructed under the BSUP/ IHSDP components of JnNURM during 2014-15. All new dwelling units built under the mission schemes would have a built-in toilet. 3. Construction of pre-fabricated toilets under the mission : Hindustan Prefab Limited, a public sector undertaking under M/o HUPA has been declared as Nodal Agency to undertake construction of toilets funded by different public/private bodies from their Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) funds. Under Implementation - B.K.Aggrwal, Joint Secretary, Ministry of Housing and Urban Poverty Alleviation MINISTRY OF INFORMATION AND BROADCASTING AS ON DEC 5 2014 5:18PM : All necessary action on Point No.1 to 4 has already been taken. Action for Point No.5 and 6 relating to formulation of Plan for one year and for period up to 2019 is being firmed up. Under Implementation - Munish Kumar, Economic Adviser , Ministry of Information and Broadcasting MINISTRY OF LABOUR AND EMPLOYMENT AS ON NOV 29 2014 12:16PM : As required, the Action Plan for one year and Five Year Action Plan for Swachh Bharat Mission is uploaded herewith in respect of Ministry of Labour and Employment. Under Implementation View Document - Anil Khachi , Joint Secretary , Ministry of Labour and Employment MINISTRY OF MICRO SMALL AND MEDIUM 12/18/2014 Page 35 of 55 ENTERPRISES Shri Kalraj Mishra, Hon’ble Minister of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises in the presence of Shri Madhav Lal, Secretary, Ministry of MSME and other senior officials of the Ministry, launched Swachh Bharat Abhiyan in the Ministry of MSME on 25th September 2014. A statement showing the Action plan of the Ministry of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises for Swachh Bharat Mission is attached. AS ON SEP 30 2014 5:05PM : Under Implementation View Document - Jithesh John , Director , Ministry of Micro Small and Medium Enterprises MINISTRY OF MINES AS ON OCT 31 2014 3:51PM : Employees of the Ministry of Mines took an oath for the 'Swachh Bharat Abhiyaan' on 2.10.2014. Further directions have also been given to all organisations under the administrative control of Ministry of Mines to keep their premises clean and send a report by 31.10.2014. The activities under 'Swachh Bharat Abhiyaan' is being uploaded on Under Implementation - Rokhum Lalremruata , Director , Ministry of Mines MINISTRY OF MINORITY AFFAIRS All Officers/Staff of the Ministry as well as attached/ subordinate offices including State/UT Waqf Boards and State Channelising Agencies of National Minorities Development and Finance Corporation (NMDFC) have been asked to make arrangements to take the "Swachhata Shapath" (pledge) on 2nd October, 2014. AS ON SEP 24 2014 4:58PM : The house-keeping job in the Ministry has already been assigned to an outsource Agency. A meeting has been held with the Agency and they have been asked to further upscale and enhance the cleanliness, sanitation and house-keeping services during the drive of cleanliness in two phases. Phase I will begin on 25th September, 2014 till 2nd October, 2014 and Phase II will start from 3rd October, 2014 to 31st December, 2014. This will be reviewed on 1st January, 2015. Instructions have been issued by the Ministry to all attached/subordinate offices to use "Swachh Bharat" template prominently printed in all official communications and also use this template in media plan for publicity and branding of programmes and schemes of the Ministry. Under Implementation - Mohd Afazal, Director, Ministry of Minority Affairs MINISTRY OF NEW AND RENEWABLE ENERGY 12/18/2014 Page 36 of 55 1. Plan for the period 25th September to 1st October, 2014 : i) Office cleanliness drive started in the Ministry and (ii) Instructions to PSUs, Industry Organisations and Stakeholders issued. AS ON SEP 26 2014 6:11PM : 2. Plan to administer the pledge on 2nd October, 2014: Pledge is to be administered in the office premises on 2nd October, 2014 at 11.00 A.M. 3. Plan for cleanliness drives and other events on 2nd October, 2014: One day cleanliness drive near office area (Bus stop being visited). 4. Plan for the period 3rd October, 2014 to 31st October, 2014: Tie-up with one institution nearby for spreading awareness (caps/t-shirts) from I&PA funds with “Clean Bharat – Clear Bharat” printed on them. 5. Plan for one year: Industry partner in solar/Wind/ Biomass and NGOs to follow similar initiatives and gearing up. 6. Plan for the rest period up to 2019: Every year one village school will be adopted by the Ministry. Toilets for boys and girls (6 seats each) will be built there. Under Implementation - J.C.Sharma, Adviser, Ministry of New and Renewable Energy MINISTRY OF OVERSEAS INDIAN AFFAIRS AS ON OCT 9 2014 12:29PM : Secretary, Ministry of Overseas Indian Affairs has already sent a reply vide his d.o. letter No. A-42015/15/2014-PA dated 23rd September, 2014 to Cabinet Secretary in response to his d.o. letter No. CS-1477/2014 dated 20.09.2014. (a) Toilets as well as floors have been cleaned twice a day. (b) These items, wherever found in the rooms and in the premises, have been removed. (c) Officers/ officials are now doing this work voluntarily after issue of instructions. (d) The files in the rooms on which action for time being is complete, have been kept in the cup boards / almirahs after removing the dust accumulated on them. After paying homage to Mahatma Gandhi, Secretary, MOIA administered the ‘Swachhta Sapath” on 2nd October, 2014 to all the officers and officials of MOIA. Secretary also informed about the directions made by the Hon’ble Prime Minister on 2nd October, 2014 at a function at Raj Path, to implement them. Point No. 3: After taking the Swachhta Pledge, Secretary and other officers / officials participated in the cleanliness programme on 9th and 10th floors of Akbar Bhawan. Apart from this, the premises outside the Akbar 12/18/2014 Page 37 of 55 Bhawan was also cleaned by the officers with brooms. Implemented - Rajiv Wadhawan, Secretary, Ministry of Overseas Indian Affairs MINISTRY OF PANCHAYATI RAJ AS ON OCT 30 2014 2:19PM : The goal of the Ministry of Panchayati Raj (MoPR) will be to enable and support all Panchayats, especially Gram Panchayats, in ensuring sanitation in their area. Under Implementation View Document - Maha bir Pershad , Director , Ministry of Panchayati Raj MINISTRY OF PARLIAMENTARY AFFAIRS AS ON OCT 27 2014 5:51PM : 1. The Minister of Parliamentary Affairs, shri Venkaiah Naidu addressed a letter to all members of Parliament to create awarness on cleanliness amongst general Public 2. Secretary Ministry of Parliamentary Affairs administered "Swachht Shapath" to all officers and staff of the Ministry on 2nd October, 2014 3. Special drive to weed out unwanted files was undertaken by the Ministry and all unwanted furnitures/equipments have been disposed off. 4. Cleanliness of corridors and rooms is being maintained regularly. Implemented - A Manoharan, Deputy Secretary, Ministry of Parliamentary Affairs MINISTRY OF PETROLEUM AND NATURAL GAS AS ON DEC 5 2014 6:34PM : Point No. 1, 2, 3 & 4: Implemented Point 5: • Under Swachh Vidyalaya Abhiyan, Oil & Gas PSUs have identified over 9000 toilets in schools for construction, in consultation with State Governments and Ministry of Human Resource Development. As of 28th November, 2014, construction has begun in 45 approved toilet blocks. • Separate toilets for men and women are also being built in villages around operational areas of Oil & Gas PSUs. • Discussions have been taken up with Archaeological Survey of India for modalities of adoption of Heritage projects like Kochbehar Palace in West Bengal and Chittorgarh Fort in Rajasthan, and improvement of visitor amenities around monuments of national importance. • Discussions with concerned authorities and local villagers over adoption and maintenance of water bodies and bowrie in Rajasthan have started taking place and will be finalized shortly. • A park in Wadala, Mumbai has been adopted for 12/18/2014 Page 38 of 55 maintaining cleanliness. Sayali Village in Dadra & Nagar Haveli has also been adopted for construction of toilets, cleaning of roads and installation of RO plant for drinking water. • OMCs have committed to provide clean toilets at their ROs. Oil Marketing Companies have been upgrading conditions of toilets at Retail Outlets from ‘Poor’ to ‘Good’ and from ‘Good’ to ‘Excellent’. • During the month of November, 2014, activities viz. Painting, drawing, slogan competitions, Essay writing, Outdoor campaigns continued to be carried out. Oil & Gas PSUs are also regularly undertaking cleanliness drives around their areas of operation. UNDER APPROVAL-Point 6: The Five Year Plan drawn-up is as follows and would be fine-tuned as the projects evolve:a) Swachh Vidyalaya Abhiyan:- Construction / maintenance of more than 9,000 schools toilets across 20 states. b) Facilities at Retail Outlets (ROs):• Provision of 13713 clean toilets at ROs by 31.03.2015 and another 12310 by 31.03.2016. • Construction of 250 new toilets at ROs by 31.03.2015, 1113 by 31.03.2016 and another 500 by 31.03.2019. • Distribution of 1.9 lacs biodegradable bags at retail outlets with a message on Swachh Bharat. Placing of 21,000 waste-bins at visible and approachable places in ROs. c) Support for construction for 2 lacs IHHL to BPL Families. d) Adoption of Monuments:- After clearance of ASI & signing of MoU by different PSUs - Taj Mahal, Red Fort, Mahabalipuram Temple, Ellora Caves, Golkonda Fort, Elephanta Caves, Ahom Monuments, Jantar Mantar, Kochbehar Palace, Chittourgarh Fort, Safdarjung Tomb (New Delhi), Purana Qila (New Delhi), Sisupalgarh Complex (Odisha), Hawa Mahal, Ahoska Rock Edict (Dehradun), Residency Garden (Lucknow), Sun Temple (Konark), Qutub Minar complex, Sultan Bathery (Kerala), Kamakhya Temple. e) Adoption of Villages:- Total 33 villages proposed to be adopted for cleanliness projects, providing clean drinking water, development of drains, disposal waste in villages, bio-waste treatment and installation of biogas plant in states of Rajashtan, UP, MP, AP, Gujarat, Assam. f) Cleaning & Maintenance of Water Bodies:- Bowrie near Jodhpur (Rajasthan), Bondajan near Narangi (Guwahati, Assam), Village Pond in Dev Rai ka purva (District Aauriya UP), Village Pond in Vasisundhara (District Auriya UP), Village Pond in Khedi (District Jhabua MP), Village Pond in Piplya (District Jhabua MP), Hutatma Chowk (Flora Fountain) at South Mumbai, Lake in Bejai. g) Around 5000 events like walkathons, trekking programmes, plays, skits, Competitions, Awareness Campaigns, etc. are proposed for educating importance on cleanliness and hygiene. h) Approx. 1.8 lacs cleanliness drives are to be carried out. Placing of dustbins at 250 identified locations covering villages, public toilets, railway stations, 12/18/2014 Page 39 of 55 community centers, government hospitals etc. i) ICE / Awareness / Distribution of hygiene products for Adolescent Girls through existing / new Mobile Medical Units in identified villages. Hygiene clinic / awareness Under Implementation - P.K.Sinha, Joint Secretary, Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas MINISTRY OF PLANNING MINISTRY OF POWER AS ON DEC 1 2014 3:47PM : As per the Action Plan for Swachh Bharat Abhiyan, monthly inspection for cleanliness for office/workspace was carried out and cash section (Room No.218A) was adjudged best section for the month of October 2014. In order to encourage the staff members, they were suitably rewarded and their names were displayed on the notice board. On the occasion of the launch of Bal Swachhta Diwas on 14-11-2014, play "Swachhta Ek Naya Parichaya" was hosted at Shram Shakti Bhawan to motivate employees about cleanliness. Under Implementation - Anju Bhalla , Director , Ministry of Power MINISTRY OF RAILWAYS AS ON OCT 31 2014 1:16AM : Annual Action Plan for the Year 2014-15 1. Regular Events on cleanliness shall be organized by Zonal Railways. 2. Focus shall be given on clean and hygienic toilets and in particular those located at Railway stations 3. Dust bins shall be provided at all locations in the stations and the public shall be advised and encouraged to use the same. 4. Campaign shall be continued including tree plantation, removal of encroachments, painting of road kerbs, clearing posters, repairing street lights, improving drainage, improving signage, whitewashing of buildings shall be continued. 5. There will be sustained ‘Public Awareness Campaign’ to promote Swachh Bharat Mission. 6. Campaign shall also include action under the Railway’s anti-littering rules of 2012. 7. More and more mechanized cleaning gadgets will be introduced along with better types of cleaning agents. 8. Periodic contracts for rag picking and garbage disposal shall be awarded. 9. More and more toilets will be brought under the purview of ‘Pay & Use’ toilets. 12/18/2014 Page 40 of 55 10. Main sources of garbage generation shall be identified at stations and station specific solutions shall be put in place. 11. Regular inspections shall be conducted at various levels viz. GMs, DRMS, SIGs (Service Improvement Groups) and at other Officers level to check the standard of cleanliness. During these inspections, deficiencies if noticed in various areas such as drainage, availability of dustbin, sewerage, water supply, washable apron and garbage disposal, will be wiped out. 12. Monitoring of cleanliness shall be done through CCTV cameras installed at major stations. 13. An award to recognize the best efforts made by the zonal Railways at stations towards the cause of cleanliness shall be introduced. Such an award shall be called “Swachh Station” award and shall be given on All India basis in each category of station. 14. Provision of On Board Housekeeping Services (OBHS) scheme in additional 150 trains in the current year (2014-15). 15. Launching of cleanliness drive for sensitization at every level. 16. Setting up of 10 mechanized laundries for provision of clean linen to passengers. 17. Commissioning of an additional Clean Train Station. 18. Unwanted scrap material consisting of rail, sleepers and Workshop scrap is being collected and auctioned. In the current year scrap material worth Rs 1535 Crores has been disposed off against a target of Rs 3521 Crores. The target shall be achieved. Under Implementation - Sudhendu Jyoti Sinha , Director , Ministry of Railways MINISTRY OF ROAD TRANSPORT AND HIGHWAYS AS ON OCT 13 2014 7:07PM : Ministry has prepared a detailed programme for implementation of schemes under Swachh Bharth. This includes short term as well as long term programme. Details have been given in the enclosed file. Implemented View Document - R.K. Pandey , CEO, Ministry of Road Transport and Highways MINISTRY OF SHIPPING Ministry of Shipping has prepared an action plan for its own office in Transport Bhawan. Secretary, Ministry of Shipping has written to the Chairmen of twelve Major Ports, CMDs of Shipping Corporation of India, Dredging Corporation of India and Cochin Shipyard Limited, Vice Chancellor, Indian AS ON OCT 1 2014 2:40PM : 12/18/2014 Page 41 of 55 Maritime University and Directorate General of Lighthouses and Lightships regarding participation in national cleanliness campaign from 25th September till 31st October, 2014. They have also been asked to upload photographs of the events and the impact of the cleanliness drive on their website. Under Implementation View Document - Divya Prasad , Joint Secretary , Ministry of Shipping MINISTRY OF STATISTICS AND PROGRAMME IMPLEMENTATION AS ON DEC 5 2014 7:51PM : Consequent upon the implementation of SWACHH BHARAT CAMPAIGN, the nominated officers of Administrative Division visited all the offices including Sardar Patel Bhawan, J. P. Building and R. K. Puram on regular basis to observe the shortcomings and collect suggestions/comments for further improvement. 2. The Ministry has started white washing work in the offices at Sardar Patel Bhawan, varnishing of furniture and doors, etc. The process work relating to channelizing of loose wires in the corridors is under progress in the premises of Sardar Patel Bhawan. Outer side have been cleaned up and all condemned articles have been disposed off. 3. Similarly, attached/subordinate offices have also cleaned the work place and the same is being kept under hygienic conditions. The store rooms have also been cleaned and old articles have neatly arranged. In addition, action is being taken by them to identify the old, obsolete and non repairable items for disposal. Some of the old records which are under examination and suitable action is being taken to weed out. 4. In pursuance of the action plan on Swachh Bharat Mission (SBM) prepared by the Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation (MoSPI), a Task Force has been constituted under the chairpersonship of DG, CSO, MoSPI to monitor the progress on SBM. The first meeting of the Task Force was held on 28.11.2014. The Task Force decided on the focus areas and corresponding set of indicators for monitoring progress on SBM. For the purpose of collecting data with respect to indicators mentioned above, the methodology/strategy as listed below, will be followed: i. A web based application would be developed for voluntary submission of local information by public. Major publicity campaigns would be undertaken by the participating Ministries to generate awareness among public in this regard. ii. Services of the vast network of National Service Scheme (NSS) and Nehru Yuva Kendra (NYK) volunteers would be utilized for the purpose of collecting SBM related information and reporting in rural and urban areas. iii. A small group of officers from the Ministries of Drinking Water & Sanitation, Urban Development, Youth Affairs & Sports and Statistics & Programme Implementation would be formed who will meet regularly at short intervals to review the progress and suggest remedial actions, wherever necessary. iv. NSSO would explore the possibility and relevance of 12/18/2014 Page 42 of 55 including a few questions in its socio-economic survey schedules and Annual Survey of Industries schedule to capture information on the parameters pertaining to SBM. Under Implementation - Dr.P.C.Mishra, Director, Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation MINISTRY OF STEEL AS ON NOV 27 2014 6:08PM : I ACTION TAKEN: Secretariat of the Ministry of Steel: • ‘Swachchta Pledge’ administered to the employees on 02nd October,2014. • 4th Floor of Udyog Bhawan was cleaned as part of ‘Shram Dan’. • Further, one hour of Shram Dan was done by the officers/officials of the Ministry in thier room. • Instructions issued to all Sections/Desks to review and weed out files. • ‘Responsibilities assigned to specific officers for cleanliness of each floor for sustainability. • Periodic inspection is done including by senior officers CPSEs: • ‘Swachchta Pledge’ administered to the employees of all CPSEs (viz SAIL, RINL, NMDC, MOIL, KIOCL, MECON, MSTC & HSCL) in their respective offices/plants/units on 02nd October,2014. • Cleanliness drives as part of ‘Shram Daan’ led by senior officers at corporate office/plants/units. • Various awareness programmes like Walkathons, Motivational talks, painting competitions, essay competitions and music competitions were held. Action plan is given in the attached PDF file. Under Implementation View Document - D.B. Singh , Director , Ministry of Steel MINISTRY OF TEXTILES AS ON NOV 5 2014 5:33PM : Action-point Description:Plan for the period 25th September to 1st October, 2014 Status/Action Taken:The following action has been taken by the Ministry in pursuance to instructions received from the Cabinet Secretariat:i) Cleanliness drive was undertaken by the employees of Ministry of Textiles as well as Attached/Subordinate Office/ PSUs in their respective working space, Mills/clusters/residential areas etc. in consultation with their HODs. ii) An action plan was prepared for maintaining cleanliness and hygienic atmosphere in the toilets, corridors, rooms etc. Action-point Description:Plan to administer the pledge on 2nd October, 2014. Status/Action Taken: i) A Swachhata Shapath (pledge) was administered by the Secretary(Textiles), DIPP, Heavy Industry, Deptt. of Commerce to all employees in Udyog Bhavan at 12.00 Noon and also actively participated in undertaking cleanliness activities in designated areas. 12/18/2014 Page 43 of 55 ii) All Attached/Subordinate Offices/ PSUs were opened on 2nd October, 2014 iii) All the employees of Attached/Subordinate Office/ PSUs were administered oath of cleanliness on the above mentioned date with their HODs. Action-point Description:Plan for cleanliness drives and other events on 2nd October, 2014 Status/Action Taken:i) Prayer song, followed by floral offerings to the portraits of Gandhi Ji and Lal Bahadur Shastri Ji and taking shapath of the message of Hon’ble Prime Minister by all officers/staff of the Ministry as well as attached/subordinate offices and PSUs. ii) An ‘Essay Competition’ on the topic ‘Swachh Bharat was also conducted . iii) Biodegradable Boxes (Green and Blue) were kept at the respective places in the office. iv) Banner, as per the logo prepared by the Ministry of Urban Development were displayed in the offices. iii) Cleanliness of offices working space, Mills/ clusters/residential areas etc. in consultation with their HODs. v) Plantation was done by the Secretary(Textiles) in the Udyog Bhawan campus and also by attached/subordinate offices in their respective office premises. vi) Repair, maintenance, cleaning & sanitizing of toilets in the Ministry of Textiles and in the Attached/Subordinate offices/PSUs.. vii) Cleaning of Government Buildings including removal of excess furniture/records/ lying in corridors in the Ministry of Textiles and in the Attached/Subordinate Offices/PSUs. Action-point Description:Plan for the period 3rd October, 2014 to 31st October, 2014. Status/Action Taken:i) Employees have already taken a pledge to devote at least two hours every week for achieving the goal of the mission. It shall be monitored at HOD level every month and report prepared. Action-point Description:Plan for one year Status/Action Taken:i) Employees of the Ministries, Attached/ Subordinate Office/ PSUs have already taken a pledge to contribute time voluntarily towards cleaning of their respective working space, Mills/ cluster/ residential premises & neighborhood to provide 100 hrs of voluntary contribution during the year. ii) The PSUs have already selected one school, for Building one toilet each for girl and boys during the year. iii) HHEC a PSU under Ministry of Textiles has been given target under the corporate social responsibility (CSR) for creation of sanitation facilities(3 units) in backward Distt. Of Bihar/Odisha. iv) HHEC will also create drinking water facilities (4 units) in the backward Distt. of Bihar/MP. v) HHEC have selected one school namely ‘Ananda Niketan Shishu Bihar’ P.O Fulia Colony, Nadia District, West Bengal for building one toilet each for girls and boys, a primary School which is being run by a Society. Action-point Description:Plan for the rest period up to 2019 Status/Action Taken:The Ministry will take all possible steps to realize the dream of “Swachh Bharat” of 12/18/2014 Page 44 of 55 Father of Nation, Mahatma Gandhi, by making cleanliness a permanent habit rather than a one time exercise. Five year plan is under preparation Under Implementation View Document - Babni Lal , Economic Adviser , Ministry of Textiles MINISTRY OF TOURISM Detailed Action Plan of Ministry of Tourism on SWACHH BHARAT MISSION AS ON SEP 30 2014 4:51PM : A. Action Plan for 2nd October 2014 1. Oath to be administered on 2nd October at 9.45 A.M. Directions have already been given to the following to take the pledge: (i) All officials and staff of MOT both at Transport Bhawan and C-1 Hutments (ii) Indian Institute for Tourism and Travel Management (IITTM), National Council for Hotel Management and Catering Technology (NCHMCT) , Food Craft Institute (FCI), Central Institute for Hotel Management (CIHM)/ State Institute for Hotel Management (SIHM), India Tourism Development Corporation (ITDC) and Hunar Se Rozgar Tak (HSRT) Centres (iii) State Tourism Boards/Departments (iv) Tourism Federations and Associations 2. Cleanliness awareness through messages (banners/posters etc). 3. Conducting Cleaning Programme in the office. Arrangements have been made for conducting cleaning work in and around office both at Transport Bhawan and C-1 Hutments. B. Detailed Action Plan 1. The classified hotels and approved tour operators to be persuaded in adopting roads, round abouts and historical places/monuments for cleanliness. 2. Each CIHM/FCI to adopt, in consultation with the municipalities concerned, the roads around their campuses for cleanliness. 3. The IHMs/FCIs to strengthen the hygiene/cleanliness component in the curricula across all the courses. 4. The trainees of the short duration courses (HSRT) to be attached, for a day, to an outdoor cleanliness project. 5. The IHMs/FCIs to conduct demand-driven hygiene/cleanliness courses of 4-5 days duration. 6. The Central IHMs are being advised to conceive and firm up 4 year cleanliness action plan 7. ITDC to adopt toilets in a few schools within the ambit of cleanliness under its corporate social responsibility 12/18/2014 Page 45 of 55 C. Monitoring all the follow-up action 1. The Industry Associations will keep Ministry posted with the developments at regular periodicity. 2. IHMs, FCIs, IITTM and NCHMCT have also been advised to send regular Action Taken Reports. Additionally it will be a check point during the various Board and other review meetings. 3. Within the Ministry an officer at an appropriate level is being designated to coordinate the efforts within the Ministry as also for overall coordination. ********* Under Implementation View Document - Devinder Singh, Economic Adviser, Ministry of Tourism MINISTRY OF TRIBAL AFFAIRS The Swachhta Shapath (Pledge) was administered to the officer/staff of the Ministry of Tribal Affairs by Shri H Panda, Secretary, Ministry of Tribal Affairs at its office located in August Kranti Bhavan on 2nd October, 2014. A cleanliness drive was also undertaken by officer and staff of the Ministry. The pledge was also administered in the offices under administrative control of the Ministry viz. National Commission for Scheduled Tribes, National Scheduled Tribe Finance and Development Corporation and TRIFED on 2nd October, 2014 and cleanliness activities undertaken. Besides, the Ministry has also addressed the Principal Secretaries/Secretaries of the Tribal Welfare Departments of the States/Union Territories for taking up action(s) befitting the nationwide campaign i.e. Swatchh Bharat Mission. AS ON OCT 2 2014 7:03PM : Under Implementation - Ashok Pai, Joint Secretary, Ministry of Tribal Affairs MINISTRY OF WATER RESOURCES RD AND GR AS ON NOV 5 2014 12:04PM : These activities taken up in first year will be continued in future years with some innovative need based modifications. Maintenance of Website dedicated to Swachh Bharat Abhiyan: Photographs of important activities uploaded in the website of the Ministry and a dedicated website is being set up in the Ministry. Under Implementation - K Langel, Director , Ministry of Water Resources RD and GR MINISTRY OF WOMEN AND CHILD DEVELOPMENT 1. The Swachh Bharat Abhiyan was launched on 25th September, 2014 in the Shastri Bhawan, Jeevan Deep Building and Jeevan Bharti Bhawan offices of Ministry of Women and Child Development. AS ON SEP 30 2014 7:05PM : 12/18/2014 Page 46 of 55 2. On 2nd October, Pledge is to be taken by all officers of MWCD Under Implementation View Document - S.R.Meena, Deputy Secretary, Ministry of Women and Child Development PLANNING COMMISSION AS ON OCT 31 2014 7:41PM : Mission Swachh Bharat Annual Action Plan 2014-15 for the Planning Commission 1 November, 2014 As per the Draft Record of Discussions of the review by the Prime Minister on 19.09.2014, on the occasion of Pandit J.L. Nehru’s 125th birth anniversary on 14/11/2014, a separate “Bal Swachhata Mission” for children could be launched. Accordingly, on 14/11/2014, we may invite children of the Planning Commission’s house keeping staff . Other activities during November, 2014: 1st week - Reduce/Reuse/Recycle Paper 2nd week – Save water 3rd week – save energy 2 December, 2014 Adopt the Patel Chowk Park to maintain cleanliness of the statue of Sardar Patel and the park till the next birth anniversary. Drive to reduce consumption of paper, cartridges and other computer consumables. Award the most economical Officer / Division / Section in March, 2015. 3 January, 2015 Make Yojana Bhavan litter free. Drive for repair /maintenance of all electrical items, including room heaters, convectors, hot case, etc. for saving energy in the light of winter season. 4 February, 2015 Drive for repair / maintenance of all taps, sanitary fittings, etc. to save water. 5 March, 2015 Special Drive for Weeding out, Recording and Review of files. Replace torn file covers, file boards. 6 April, 2015 Start recycle of dry and wet waste. Facelift of the Yojana Bhavan Campus. 7 May, 2015 Stop accepting more than 05 copies of printed version of reports submitted by Agencies, NGOs. Etc. Stop printing of more than 05 copies of reports in Planning Commission. Use Digitised version of reports. 12/18/2014 Page 47 of 55 8 June, 2015 Recycle e-waste and drive for disposal of all obsolete goods 9 July, 2015 Set up rainwater harvesting system. 10 August, 2015 Minimise subscribing newspapers and start using only epapers. 11 September, 2015 Drive for refurbishing of furniture and fixtures 12 October, 2015 Drive for making Planning Commission a paper cup free office. Achieve 5 Star rating for Yojana Bhavan. Under Implementation View Document - Anil Kumar Jain, Advisor (General Admin), Planning Commission GOVERNMENT OF ANDHRA PRADESH At AP Bhavan 20 spots have been identified for cleanliness and each area is nominated with a staff member. Necessary material for cleanliness is supplied. All staff, Students, family members were advised to participate actively as per action plan drawn. The plan of action is as per schedule. AS ON SEP 30 2014 5:02PM : Under Implementation - Chief Secretary, , Government of Andhra Pradesh GOVERNMENT OF ARUNACHAL PRADESH GOVERNMENT OF ASSAM AS ON OCT 8 2014 10:49AM : The observation of “Swachh Panchayat Saptah” has been initiated in Assam. State Level meeting was held and presided by Principal Secretary, Panchayat and Rural Development where Chief Executive Officer (CEO), Zilla Panchayats had participated. An action has been proposed for effective observation of Swachh Panchahat Saptah. CEOs of ZPs have been nominated as the Nodal Officer at district level, Block Development Officer (BDO) and Gaon Pachayat Secretary at Block and Gaon Panchayat respectively. The Project Directors, DRDA, Junior Engineers and the Gram Rozgar Sahayak are nominated as the support officials of the programme. Followed by the Stale level meeting districts have organised the district level meeting involving the stake holders, where the district level plan is prepared and monitoring committee is formed, volunteers are identified. The programme was explained in the meeting and the week celebration is announced. Awareness meetings were organised by the Gram Panchayat with citizens was well the all line department functionaries prior to the start of the week, 12/18/2014 Page 48 of 55 where activities day to day to be undertaken are discussed. The field level officials like the Rozgar Sahayak, Anganwadi workers etc are advised are also instructed to ensure their involvement in the initiative. The nominated officials have visited the Panchayats and extended advice in undertaking the activities. Implemented View Document - Chief Secretary, , GOVERNMENT OF ASSAM GOVERNMENT OF BIHAR AS ON NOV 28 2014 6:12PM : State level activities to be coordinated by PHED-GoB 1.Planning Meeting with District Coordinator, NBA: As per the guideline of MDWS, a planning meeting to be organised with all the 38 District Coordinators of Nirmal Bharat Abhiyan to discuss and plan the implementation agenda of month long mass media campaign. After a detailed discussion action pointers would be finalized for maximising the outreach on improved sanitation behaviour. 2.Inter-departmental Meeting: Prior to the launch of the District level activities, a meeting would be held under the Chairmanship of the Development Commissioner, Bihar. All the Principal Secretaries/ Secretaries along with key officials will be invited and make participation to discuss and finalise the strategy for the National Sanitation Awareness Campaign Department of Education letter vide Ref. No. 36 Dated: 24.09.2014 •Special Cleaning campaign in School Premises on 26th September, 2014 •Launching of construction of 1408 School Toilets on 2nd October, 2014 •Special school level awareness drive from 08th October, 2014 in all Government Schools and Sanitation oath taking event on 13th October, 2014 Department of Panchayati Raj letter vide Ref. No. 7505 Dated: 25.09.2014 •Special Gram Sabha at every Gram Panchayat of State to take Sanitation Oath for making the GP ODF. •Discussion on Sanitation and Clean Drinking Water in the presence of all field level officials of Government Departments •Special village cleaning drive in all Gram Panchayats of State Department of Urban Development letter vide Ref. No. 2515 Dated: 25.09.2014 •Daily cleaning drive at all roads and community toilets of urban notified areas from 25th September to 31st October, 2014 •Rally and Prabhat Pheri through NGOs in urban areas on 29th September, 2014 •Special cleaning drive for roads and sewers at all urban slums from 25th September to 31st October, 12/18/2014 Page 49 of 55 2014 •Special community awareness campaign for urban slum through Social Development Committees from 25th September to 31st October, 2014 •Award to the slum through State Programme for Urban Reform (SPUR) and Social Development Committee •Sanitation Oath Ceremony at all Urban Bodies on 2nd October, 2014 •Broadcasting of Radio Jingle on AIR and FM channels •Broadcasting of Message by Hon’ble Minister, Urban Development, Government of Bihar on 2nd October, 2014 Department of Transport letter vide Ref. No. 5330 Dated: 25.09.2014 •Special Cleaning drive at Bus Stands of Bihar State Road Transport Corporation Department of Rural Development letter vide Ref. No. 202982 dated: 24.09.2014 •Organising Swachh Bharat Camp from 25.09.2014 to 22.10.2014 under which all the Officers and Staffs of MGNREGA will ensure the implementation of a.Awareness generation among MHNREGA Job Card hold of Sanitation & Hygiene b.Sanitation Pledging to all MGNREGA Labours Department of Health •Special cleaning drive at all the Government Health Centres, Public Hospitals Office of Development Commissioner vide letter no. 896 dated 24.09.2014 Direction given to all District Magistrates for organising following activities from 26.09.2014 •Special cleaning drive in village pathways and solid liquid waste management •Community awareness drive for using toilet, construction of toilet and hygiene practices •Launching workshop at District Headquarter •Community Meeting at every three tire Panchayati Raj Institution, Urban Bodies and other Local Self Governance bodies •Mounting up Hoardings at public places with Sanitation Awareness Messages •Sanitation Morning Walk •Special maintenance drive for Community Sanitary Complexes •Special cleaning campaign for public places including Park, Bus Stands, Play grounds, etc. •Special cleaning campaign for Government Building and Government Offices, etc. 5.& 6. Plan for one year and Plan for the rest period up to 2019. Enclosures:- attached Under Implementation View Document - Chief Secretary, , GOVERNMENT OF BIHAR GOVERNMENT OF CHHATTISGARH GOVERNMENT OF GOA 12/18/2014 Page 50 of 55 Hon C.M launched the Swachh Bharat-Nital Goey Campaign in the State of Goa. Street Cleaning and cleaning in Offices, Bus Stands, Important Locations was initiated on 25.09.2014. Hon'ble Ministers and Honble MLAs also took up the campaign at various locations in the State of Goa AS ON SEP 25 2014 7:09PM : Implemented - Chief Secretary, , GOVERNMENT OF GOA GOVERNMENT OF GUJARAT AS ON DEC 9 2014 1:55PM : Acton Plan along with related GRs/circulars uploaded here with. The Nodal Officer of the State is Mrs. Mona Khandhar(IAS) Secretary Housing & Mission Director - Mahatma Gandhi Swachchhata Mission,telephone no- 07923251037, Mobile no.- 09978441388 and e-mail ID is [email protected] Implemented View Document - Chief Secretary, , GOVERNMENT OF GUJARAT GOVERNMENT OF HARYANA Vide this department letter dated 22-09-2014 and 26-09-2014, the action Plan/ necessary instructions for launching of National Sanitation Awareness Campaign from 25th September to 23rd October, 2014 including of celebration/ observance of Swatchh Panchayat Saptah from 26th September to 2nd October, 2014 have already been communicated to all concerned and GoI. Vide this department e-mail dated 30-09-2014; all the concerned have been asked to administer the Sanitation Pledge on 2nd October, the Birth Anniversary of Mahatama Gandhi. AS ON OCT 1 2014 4:06PM : Under Implementation View Document - Chief Secretary, , GOVERNMENT OF HARYANA GOVERNMENT OF HIMACHAL PRADESH National Sanitation Campaign activities on dt 16.10.14 The National Sanitation Campaign celebrated in Distt Hamirpur under Swachh Bharat Abhiyan. This week start with the theme of Swachhtta Se Swasthey. Today Distt Level celebration function placed at Gwardoo Dev. Block Bamson under the chairmanship of Block Development Officer Bamson.Panchayat Pradhan taking leading role for successful celebration. Sh Govind Rana and Block Coordinator give the important tips to the participants for the cleanliness of our environment and laid a healthy life. In Dev. Block Bijari a function has been organized by the BDO at Kiarabaag and Sathwin. In Ditt AS ON OCT 16 2014 5:54PM : 12/18/2014 Page 51 of 55 Hamirpur today organized the awareness camp for the school children, Mahila Mandals, Villeger. Distt Kullu : Photographs of Global Hand Washing Day GP Puid Dev. Block Nagger Implemented - Chief Secretary, , Government of Himachal Pradesh GOVERNMENT OF JAMMU AND KASHMIR GOVERNMENT OF JHARKHAND GOVERNMENT OF KARNATAKA GOVERNMENT OF KERALA action plan is being implemented by the suchitwa mission under Local self Government Department of Government of Kerala. All Government offices have been directed to actively participate AS ON OCT 31 2014 11:18AM : Implemented - Chief Secretary, , GOVERNMENT OF KERALA GOVERNMENT OF MADHYA PRADESH GOVERNMENT OF MAHARASHTRA AS ON OCT 10 2014 4:01PM : 1) D.O. Letter No. 271/2014-EE-16, Dt. 19th September, 2014 of Smt. Vrinda Sarup, Additional Secretary, Government of India, Ministry of Human Resource Development, Department of School Education and Literary, Shastri Bhavan, New Delhi. 2) Video Conference Meeting conducted by Government of India on 22/09/2014. Under Implementation - Chief Secretary, , GOVERNMENT OF MAHARASHTRA GOVERNMENT OF MANIPUR GOVERNMENT OF MEGHALAYA GOVERNMENT OF MIZORAM GOVERNMENT OF NAGALAND GOVERNMENT OF ODISHA GOVERNMENT OF PUNJAB AS ON DEC 9 2014 6:33PM : Work done by all the Districts so far and District wise Plan of Punjab for Swatch Bharat Abhiyan can be seen on the Website under the link Department of General Administration and will be upgrade time and again as per progress. Under Implementation - Chief Secretary, , GOVERNMENT OF PUNJAB GOVERNMENT OF RAJASTHAN GOVERNMENT OF SIKKIM AS ON DEC 4 2014 2:12PM : Synopsis of five year 12/18/2014 Page 52 of 55 action plan in respect of Sikkim is prepared. 5. Workshop for students: This is also a WASH programme meant for school students as we believe that to reach home the message, they are the best medium. 6. Workshop for primary students: We believe that it is easy and effective to inculcate the habit to the young mind and ones it is put across to this young mind they do not change and follow it for life. So if we can motivate these young future citizens of the nations, we can be assured of a clean nation in the days to come. 7. Workshop on hygiene including adolescent hygiene in schools: This is a separate workshop to addressed hygiene issues in schools especially for adolescent girls’ child. 8. Workshop on zero waste for college: The senior students will be imparted training on the concept of zero waste management so that they can adopt it in their life and also take it to their work place or wherever they go in the near future. Under Implementation View Document - Chief Secretary, , GOVERNMENT OF SIKKIM GOVERNMENT OF TAMILNADU GOVERNMENT OF TRIPURA GOVERNMENT OF UTTARAKHAND GOVERNMENT OF UTTAR PRADESH AS ON NOV 17 2014 3:36PM : By GO No 322Cm/Nine5-2014-355Sa/2014 Dated 22 Sep, 2014 Urban Development Department issued Directions to all Concern. Urban Development Department, UP also constituted State Level Steering Committee by OM no322CM(2)/Nine-5-2014-355Sa/2014 Dated 22 September 2014. Implemented - Chief Secretary, , Government of Uttar Pradesh GOVERNMENT OF WEST BENGAL GOVERNMENT OF TELANGANA GOVERNMENT OF ANDAMAN AND NICOBAR ISLAND AS ON NOV 15 2014 5:01PM : This file contains a power point presentation on action plans proposed by various departments of A & N Admn. for the current financial year as well as for the period of 2014 to 2019 Under Implementation View Document - Chief Secretary, , GOVERNMENT OF ANDAMAN AND NICOBAR ISLAND GOVERNMENT OF CHANDIGARH Chandigarh Aministration has initiated Swachh Chandigarh Campaign with the objective of generating mass awareness about the importance of Cleanliness. The Administration AS ON SEP 26 2014 8:52PM : 12/18/2014 Page 53 of 55 appealed to its Citizens to come forward to make this drive a success by actively participating in the drive by cleaning their surroundings. The details of the activities may be seen at A few initiatives undertaken by various Departments of Chandigarh Administration under Swachha Bharat Saptah are as under: Department of Information Technology Staff of Dept. of IT and SPIC initiated this drive by cleaning their workstations and office space Cleanliness drive initiated at all the Sampark Centres A similar drive also initiated at RGCTP (IT Park) Department of Social Welfare Organized awareness camps on Swachhta / Health & Hygiene Cleanliness drive started in various Institutions under Directorate of Social Welfare Education Department Cleaning of Libraries Cleaning of Toilets Medical Officer of Health, Municipal Corporation Sanitation drive in various Sectors and Villages within Municipal limits of Chandigarh Cutting of grass in the parks along with pruning of trees Health Department The toilets of GMSH-16 have been given special preference during the campaign Streamlined disposal of Bio Medical waste Technical Education Cleanliness drive was started with address to all the students for actively participating in this drive Students and faculty members voluntalrily participated by cleaning the playgrounds, classrooms etc. Toilets of Institutions were cleaned Implemented - Chief Secretary, , GOVERNMENT OF CHANDIGARH GOVERNMENT OF DADRA AND NAGAR HAVELE AS ON NOV 10 2014 6:45PM : Action plan for 2nd October to administer the pledge under Mission Swachh Bharat in respect of Union Territory of Dadra and Nagar Haveli. Transect walk in coordination with all 70 village level sanitation committee and 11 panchayats level sanitation committee during 9.00 a.m. onwards in all the Panchayat of Dadra and Nagar Haveli. Implemented View Document - Chief Secretary, , GOVERNMENT OF DADRA AND NAGAR HAVELE GOVERNMENT OF DAMAN AND DIU GOVERNMENT OF DELHI 12/18/2014 Page 54 of 55 AS ON NOV 20 2014 4:00PM : ACTION PLAN REGARDING SWACHH BHARAT MISSION • To take Regular oath by the officers /officials of the trade & taxes department from 02-10-2014 to 31-10-2014. • To Ensure cleanliness in the surroundings. • To Educate all the staff regarding sanitation & hygiene • To carry out Special drive for repair and maintenance of stair case and toilets.• To carry out dusting and white washing of office premises. • Plantation at vacant portion of the premises. • Condemnation of computer, Furniture, Almirah and old vehicles. • Weeding out of old records.All the officers/ officials has taken regular oath during the period A Nukkad Natak has been organised to educate the staff about the Hygiene & cleanliness.15th October 2014 has declared as Hand washing day and a workshop has been conducted by the senior doctors and officers to educate the staff about the importance of cleanliness and hygiene.Debris and Malba has been removed from office premises and plantation carried out at vacant areas.Dusting of office premises completed and white washing is underway. Weeding out process of old records is under way and so far 6000 gunnies bag of old records has been weeded out.Repair and maintenance of foot path and office surroundings were done and some work is under way. Work related to painting of Almirahs/Steal racks have been started .The work of 25 Toilets is under way and as stated by DSIIDC the same is likely to be completed by 25 November 2014.Further Two month plan prepared and sent to UD department, The action plan is as follows:• Weeding out of old records which has no use. • Special drive for Repairing of furniture, Almiraha Etc. • White washing of the remaining office building. • Mass Awareness regarding sanitation and hygiene. • Condemnation of old Computers, Furniture's, Almiraha and Vehicles. • Awareness regarding disaster management and Fire Fighting .• A competition is to be organise between wards, floors and overall building regarding spreading the awareness and importance of cleanliness and hygiene. • The work of 25 Toilets is under way and as stated by DSIIDC the same is likely to be 12/18/2014 Page 55 of 55 completed by 25 November 2014. • Work related to painting of Almirahs/Steal racks have been started . Further, Five year plan has been chalk out and will be send to UD department, The Silent features of above plan will be as follows:• Constructions of work station and centralised AC for the office building. • Repair of facade of the building • Construction of new building for the Department. Under Implementation View Document - Chief Secretary, , Government of Delhi GOVERNMENT OF LAKSHADWEEP GOVERNMENT OF PUDUCHERRY AS ON NOV 12 2014 5:17PM : Hon’ble Lt. Governor inaugurated the Awareness Drive.Rally of traders was inaugurated by Hon’ble Minister for Local Administration. Awareness among traders federation members. Mass Sanitation Pledge administered by Hon’ble Chief Minister.Cleanliness / Awareness drives taken upo in Departments / Public Places. Under Implementation View Document - Chief Secreatry, , GOVERNMENT OF PUDUCHERRY 12/18/2014
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