Disaster Recovery Allowance South Australia Bushfires January 2015 1 Do you need an interpreter when dealing with us? 7 This includes an interpreter for people who have a hearing or speech impairment. To speak to us in languages other than English, call 131 202. No Go to 3 Yes Go to next question 2 What is your preferred spoken language? 3 What is your preferred written language? 4 Do you have a Centrelink Reference Number? Do any of the following apply to you? Tick ALL that apply Live in an affected area Suburb Work in the affected area Suburb Derive income from the affected area Suburb None of the above 8 No Go to next question Have you lost or suffered a reduction in your income as a direct result of the disaster? Yes Your Centrelink Reference Number (if known) No Yes 5 Are you receiving an income support payment or pension (e.g. Age Pension, Newstart Allowance, Service Pension from the Department of Veterans’ Affairs or Exceptional Circumstances Income Relief Payment)? 9 Go to next question No You may not be eligible for this assistance. Please call us on 180 22 66. Yes 6 You may not be eligible for this assistance. Please call us on 180 22 66. You may not be eligible for this assistance. Please call us on 180 22 66. Go to next question Are you 22 years of age or older? No Go to next question Yes Go to 14 10 Please read this before answering the following questions. Questions 10–13 are to be completed ONLY if you are under 22 years of age. Do any of the following apply to you? Are you a parent or have a dependent child in your care? Tick the first option that applies to you An Australian citizen Go to next question A permanent visa holder Go to next question A New Zealand passport holder Go to next question Holder of an eligible temporary visa Go to next question No Go to next question Yes Go to 14 Refer to the factsheet for a list of eligible temporary visa classes. None of the above You may not be eligible for this assistance. Please call us on 180 22 66. CLK0EM084 150108 EM084.150108 1 of 10 11 What is your estimated income for the current financial year? 18 What was your place of residence at the time of the disaster? $ 12 Are you wholly or substantially dependent on another person? Refer to the factsheet for an explanation of ‘wholly or substantially dependent’. Postcode 19 What is the address of your current residence? (if different to above) No Yes 13 Are you currently living with your parent(s) or guardian(s)? Postcode No Is this a temporary residence? Yes 14 Your name Mr No Yes 20 Postal address (if different to above) Mrs Miss Ms Other Family name Postcode First given name 21 IMPORTANT Second given name This payment can be paid for a maximum period of 13 weeks dependent on your circumstances. Before the end of the 13 weeks we will contact you to advise of the required steps that must be taken if you require further assistance. Please ensure your contact details are always up to date. 15 Have you ever used or been known by any other name (e.g. name at birth, maiden name, previous married name, Aboriginal or tribal name, alias, adoptive name, foster name)? No Go to next question Yes Give details below How can we contact you? Phone number ( ) To help us serve you better, please provide your mobile number Other name Mobile phone number Note: This mobile number will automatically be subscribed to our electronic messaging service. We may use this mobile number to contact you. For Terms and Conditions, go to our website humanservices.gov.au/em Type of name (e.g. name at birth) www. If you have more than 1 other name, attach a separate sheet with details. 22 Were you in Australia when the disaster occurred? No Go to next question Yes Go to 24 16 Your sex 23 When did you return to Australia after the disaster? Male Female / 17 Your date of birth / EM084.150108 / 2 of 10 / 24 Please read this before answering the following questions. 31 Are you subject to an Assurance of Support agreement? ‘Permanently’ means you normally live in Australia on a long-term basis. Holidays or short trips outside Australia would not affect this. No Go to next question Yes What is the name of your Assurer? Are you living in Australia permanently? No Yes 32 Except for short trips or holidays, have you EVER lived outside Australia? No Go to next question 25 Have you lived or travelled outside Australia since 1 September 1994, including short trips and holidays? Yes The answer to this question may enable Human Services to access electronic records held by Australia’s immigration department and help verify your Australian residence. No Go to next question Yes Give details below List ALL countries, INCLUDING AUSTRALIA, you have lived in SINCE BIRTH. Include the period(s) you have lived in Australia. If you were born outside Australia, include the country where you were born. Do NOT include short trips or holidays. 1 Country of residence Passport number From Country of issue / / To / / To / / 2 Country of residence 26 Are you an Australian citizen who was born in Australia? No From You will need to provide proof of your Australian residence status (e.g. citizenship papers, passport or other documentation). Go to next question / If you require more space, attach a separate sheet with details. 33 Do you have a partner? Go to 32 Yes / 27 What is your country of birth? No Go to 42 Yes Go to next question 34 Does your partner have a Centrelink Reference Number? 28 What is your country of citizenship? Australia No Go to next question Yes Your partner’s Centrelink Reference Number (if known) Date you became an Australian citizen / Other / Go to 31 35 Your partner’s name Country of citizenship Mr Mrs Miss Family name 29 What is your current type of visa? New Zealand passport (special category visa) Go to 32 First given name Permanent Go to next question Temporary Go to next question Unknown (e.g. arrived on parent’s passport) Second given name Go to 31 30 Your current visa details Visa sub class Date visa granted / EM084.150108 / 3 of 10 Ms Other 36 Has your partner ever used or been known by any other name 43 Give details below of your youngest dependent child (e.g. name at birth, maiden name, previous married name, Aboriginal or tribal name, alias, adoptive name, foster name)? No Go to next question Yes Give details below Child’s family name Child’s given names Other name Other name this child has been known by Child’s date of birth Type of name (e.g. name at birth) / Child’s sex / Male Female Are you the principal carer of this child? If your partner has more than 1 other name, attach a separate sheet with details. No Yes Is there a shared care arrangement in relation to this child? 37 Your partner’s sex No Yes What is your percentage of shared care? Male % Female Do you receive Family Tax Benefit for this child? No Yes 38 Your partner’s date of birth / / 44 Provide details of your usual work (e.g. employment, self-employment, sub-contracting, farming). 39 Does your partner live at the same ‘residential address’ as you? No Go to next question Yes Go to 41 Employer’s name, business name or farm name Australian Business Number (ABN) 40 Your partner’s residential address Address Postcode Postcode 41 Do you give permission for your partner to discuss details about Phone number your claim? ( No ) What industry are you employed in? For example: a banana industry should write: Agriculture – banana industry a clothes shop assistant should write: Retail – clothes. Yes 42 Do you have dependent children under 16 years of age in your care? Note: There are no additional payments for dependent children. If you currently receive Family Tax Benefit you may need to revise your income estimate. No Go to 44 Yes Go to next question Is this work Full-time Other Part-time Seasonal Casual Give details Was your income from this employer impacted as a result of the disaster? No Yes If you have more than one employer, attach a separate sheet with details. You must answer questions 44 to 53 for each employer. EM084.150108 4 of 10 45 Are you self-employed? 52 Is this paid leave? Go to next question No Yes No Yes The income you receive from self-employment must be included at question 65 and question 66. 53 Have you returned to work after the disaster? 46 What date did you stop working or first incur a reduction in your income as a result of the disaster? / No Go to next question Yes Date you returned to work after the disaster / / 47 Which one of the following reasons best describes why you have suffered a loss of income? / 54 Do you have an income protection policy? Workplace damaged or destroyed I am unable to get to my usual workplace No Go to 58 Yes Name of insurance company Cancelled bookings/orders Cancellation of planned tourism events 55 Have you lodged a claim or intend to lodge a claim for the loss Loss and/or damage to stock of income? No Go to next question Injury suffered Go to 57 Yes Loss and/or damage of machinery/tools Loss of necessary utilities 56 Explain why you have not lodged a claim Lack of staff/workers/contractors Unable to import/export products Other Go to 58 57 What was the outcome of the claim? Pending decision 48 Explain why you stopped work in further detail Rejected Note: If you did not stop working as a result of the disaster you may not be eligible for this assistance. To be lodged in future Granted Give details below Has a waiting period been applied? No Yes Waiting period end date / / Have payments commenced? No 49 Are you on planned leave from your workplace? No Go to 53 Yes Go to next question Yes Attach a copy of the most recent letter or statement from the insurance policy provider showing payment details. Any income you receive from this insurance policy must be included at question 69. 50 What type of leave? For example: annual leave, sick leave, maternity. 58 Do you have an interest in any real estate in and/or outside 51 Start date of leave period / EM084.150108 / Australia (other than your principal place of residence)? No Go to 60 End date of leave period / Yes / 5 of 10 Go to next question 59 Do you receive an income from the properties (i.e. rental/lease 62 Do you have any managed investments in and/or outside income)? Go to next question No Yes Australia? Include: • investment trusts • personal investment plans • life insurance bonds • friendly society bonds. Do NOT include: • conventional life insurance policies • funeral bonds, superannuation or rollover investments. APIR code – is commonly used by fund managers to identify individual financial products. Attach a copy of your tax return for the previous year when lodging this claim. The income you receive from rental properties must be included at question 65 and question 69. 60 Do you own any shares, options, rights, convertible notes or other securities LISTED on an Australian Securities Exchange (e.g. ASX, NSX, APX or Chi-X) or a stock exchange outside Australia? Include shares traded in exempt stock markets. Do NOT include managed investments. No No Go to next question Yes Give details below Go to next question Yes Attach a document which gives details (e.g. certificate with number of units or account balance) for each investment. Attach the latest statement for each investment. The income you receive from these investments must be included at question 65 and question 69. The income you receive from these investments must be included at question 65 and question 69. 1 Name of company 1 Name of company Number of shares or other securities Security code (if known) Name of product (e.g. investment trust) Country if not Australia Your share Number of units Type of product/option (e.g. balanced, growth) APIR code (if known) % Current market value If you have more than 1 investment, attach a separate sheet with details. $ Your share 61 Do you own any shares, options or rights in PUBLIC companies NOT Listed on a stock exchange? Go to next question Yes Attach the latest statement for each investment. The income you receive from these investments must be included at question 65 and question 69. 1 Name of company Type of shares, options or rights Number of shares, options or rights Current market value $ Your share % If you have more than 1 investment, attach a separate sheet with details. EM084.150108 % If you have more than 1 managed investment, attach a separate sheet with details. Do NOT include managed investments. No Currency if not AUD 6 of 10 63 Please read this before answering the following question. 64 Do you have any money invested or do you receive income from any other investments or sources, not declared elsewhere on this form? An income stream product is a regular series of payments which may be made for a lifetime or a fixed period by: • a financial institution • a superannuation fund • a Self Managed Superannuation Fund (SMSF) • a Small APRA Fund (SAF) • an employer subject to Australian prudential regulations. Types of income streams include: • Allocated Pension (also known as Account Based Pension) • Market-Linked Pension (also known as Term Allocated Pension) • Annuities • Defined Benefit Pension (e.g. ComSuper pension, State Super pension) • Superannuation Pension (non-defined benefit). Do NOT include • an account used exclusively for funding from the National Disability Insurance Scheme • bank accounts, or • private companies. Go to next question Yes Give details below Go to next question Yes Give details below You will need to provide proof of your income from other investments and sources. The income you receive from these investments or sources must be included at question 65 and question 69. Do you receive income from any income stream products? No No 1 Type of investment/income Name of organisation/company You will need to obtain a schedule from your product provider for each income stream product. Currency if not AUD The income you receive from income stream products must be included at question 65 and question 69. Your share % If you have more than 1 other investment or source of income, attach a separate sheet with details. 1 Name of product provider/SMSF/SAF 65 What was your gross income for the 8 weeks immediately before Type of income stream the disaster? Product reference number Gross income is the amount of income you earn before any deductions are taken out (e.g. tax). Include income from all sources, this includes income from employment, income protection policies, shares, investments, real estate income, superannuation, self-employment, holiday pay, commission work etc. Your share % If you have more than 1 income stream, attach a separate sheet with details. Attach verification documents to confirm your income (e.g. payslips, tax returns, BAS statements or a letter from your employer). Source of income Amount $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Total for 8 week period $ If you have more than 7 sources of income, attach a separate sheet with details. EM084.150108 7 of 10 66 If the disaster had not occurred, would your income have 70 Do you have any accounts in banks, building societies, credit continued at the same fortnightly amount in the 13 weeks following your loss of income as it was before the disaster? No Go to next question Yes Go to 69 unions or church and charitable development funds? Do NOT include • an account used exclusively for funding from the National Disability Insurance Scheme • bank accounts held in trust, or • private companies. 67 Did you expect your income to: Tick ONE only Decrease Increase No Go to next question Yes Give details below 1 Name of bank, building society or credit union 68 How much did you expect to earn each fortnight on average for the 13 weeks after the disaster? $ Type of account per fortnight Branch number (BSB) You will only need to provide proof of the expected increase in income (e.g. contract documents). Account number (this may not be your card number) 69 In the 14 days following your loss of income, did you receive, or are you entitled to receive, any income from any source? Balance Gross income is the amount of income you earn before any deductions are taken out (e.g. tax). Include income from employment, income protection policies, shares, investments, real estate income, superannuation, self-employment, holiday pay, commission work etc. No Go to next question Yes Give details below Your share $ % 2 Name of bank, building society or credit union Type of account You will need to provide proof of your income. Source of income Branch number (BSB) Amount Account number (this may not be your card number) $ $ Balance $ Your share $ % $ If you have more than 2 accounts, attach a separate sheet with details. $ Total $ If you have more than 5 sources of income, attach a separate sheet with details. 71 Do you have any cash? No Go to next question Yes How much cash do you have? $ EM084.150108 8 of 10 72 Please read this before answering the following questions. 76 Would you like a Centrelink social worker to contact you? You are not breaking the law if you do not give us your tax file number, but if you do not provide it to us, or authorise us to get it from the Australian Taxation Office, you may not be paid. In giving us your tax file number in relation to this claim you authorise us to use your tax file number for other social security payments and services in future where necessary. No Go to next question Yes What number would you like to be contacted on? ( ) 77 Checklist Have you given us your tax file number before? No Go to next question Not sure Go to next question Please tick what information has been provided with the claim. If verification documentation is not provided with this claim it will need to be provided within 14 days. Go to 74 Yes All questions on this claim have been completed 73 Do you have a tax file number? No Please call us on 180 22 66. Yes Your tax file number Proof of identity that add up to the value of 50 points (refer to the factsheet for acceptable forms and point value of documents) Passport or visa details (if not an Australian citizen) (if you answered No at question 26) Copy of your tax return for the previous year (if you answered Yes at question 59) 74 Please read this before answering the following question. The latest statement or document for each investment (if you answered Yes at question 60, 61 or 62) Disaster Recovery Allowance is a taxable payment. If your only income for this financial year is the payment you are now claiming, you may not have to pay any tax. However, you may have to pay tax if you get any other income this financial year, such as salary or wages. If you think you will have to pay tax this year, you can ask us to deduct tax instalments from your payment. You can change this at any time. If you are not sure how much tax to have taken out of your payment, contact the Australian Taxation Office. A schedule from your product provider for each income stream (if you answered Yes at question 63) Proof of income from investments or other sources (if you answered Yes at question 64) Proof of income before the disaster (if required at question 65) Proof of expected increased income (if required at question 68) Do you want tax taken out of your payment? No Go to next question Yes Enter the amount OR percentage of tax you want taken out from each payment. Amount Percentage (%) (must be in whole dollars) of taxable payment $ .00 per payment OR Proof of income for the 14 days following your loss of income (if you answered Yes at question 69) % per payment 75 Where do you want your payment made? The bank, building society or credit union account must be in your name. A joint account is acceptable. I do not have a bank, building society or credit union account We will contact you to discuss Go to next question The account nominated below Name of bank, building society or credit union Branch where your account is held Branch number (BSB) Account number (this may not be your card number) Account held in the name(s) of EM084.150108 9 of 10 78 IMPORTANT INFORMATION Office Use only Privacy and your personal information Your personal information is protected by law, including the Privacy Act 1988, and is collected by the Australian Government Department of Human Services for the assessment and administration of payments and services. This information is required to process your application or claim. CSO Logon ID POI type Serial number Human Services may disclose your information to Commonwealth departments, other persons, bodies or agencies ONLY where you have provided consent or it is required or authorised by law. Issue date Human Services may disclose limited personal information about you to individuals when your circumstances affect their entitlement to payments and services. Your information may be disclosed to the Attorney-General’s Department, the Department of Immigration and Border Protection and their service providers, or as authorised or required by law. Relevant information may be given to Australian and State Government Departments and Agencies who are involved in the joint administration of this disaster. Your information may be used by the department or given to other parties for the purposes of research, investigation or where you have agreed or it is required or authorised by law. You can get more information including our privacy policy at humanservices.gov.au/privacy or by requesting a copy from the department. / Expiry date / State of issue / / Country of issue POI type Serial number Issue date / www. Expiry date / State of issue / / Country of issue 79 Statement I declare that: • the information provided in this form is complete and correct. • I have read the privacy notice above. I understand that: • giving false or misleading information is a serious offence. • the Australian Government Department of Human Services can make relevant enquiries to make sure I receive the correct entitlement. • the Australian Government Department of Human Services may request evidence to support any claims made on this form. • I must tell the Australian Government Department of Human Services of any changes to this information within 14 days. • any overpayment will be recovered. POI type Serial number Issue date / Expiry date / State of issue / / Country of issue POI type Your signature Serial number Issue date Date / / / State of issue Expiry date / / Country of issue Original document sighted and returned EM084.150108 10 of 10 /
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