Preschool Newsletter 2014 Harmony is closing at 3:00 on Wednesday 12/24 and will be closed Thursday 12/25 and Friday 12/26 to celebrate Christmas 3:00 PM Closing on Wednesday- 12/31/14 for New Years Eve Closed Thursday 1/1/15 New Years Day Dear Parents, ! ! It’s December and holiday season is here, followed by the New Year. We had a festive November learning about Fall, Thanksgiving and special November days. December is filled with multiple holidays to learn and celebrate. Our themes of the month are: Concepts! ! ! ! Color - Blue! ! ! ! ! Numbers - Review 1-20! ! ! Health - My Plate Self-Awareness - Body parts - ears! Seasons - Winter Themes & Projects Multicultural - Hanukkah, Christmas & Kwanzaa Special Interest - Beethoven, Alexander Eiffel, Louis Pasteur’s birthdays - New Year’s Eve This month we will again address our 3 styles of learning-auditory, visual and kinesthetic. Our auditory learners will learn new holiday songs, visual learners will learn through picture books and the kinesthetic learners will enjoy making art projects. ! Please consider donating to the clothing drive for the Trenton Rescue Mission and the Toys for Tots Campaign, please donate only new unwrapped toys for the toy drive and only clothing and coats for the clothing drive. Important Dates: ✴Friday - December 12th - School Spirit Day - wear something red or green or both ✴Wednesday - December 17th - Holiday Sing-A-Long - 9:15 am ✴Thursday - December 18th - Staff Appreciation luncheon ✴Friday - December 19th - Class holiday & December birthday party - please look for the sign up sheet in the classroom if you want to contribute to the party. ✴Wednesday - December 24th & Wednesday December 31st - closing at 3:00 p.m. ✴Monday & Tuesday - December 29th & 30th holiday hours are 8:00 am to 5:00 p.m. ✴Wednesday - December 31st - holiday hours are 8:00 to 3:00 p.m. Some Reminders: ✓We go out everyday and it continues to grow colder, so please dress your child appropriately and stock their extra clothes boxes and PLEASE LABEL EVERYTHING!!! ✓Please wash your child’s hands upon arrival. ✓Only bring toys on show & tell days which alternate between Tuesdays & Thursdays ✓Please be sure to sign your child in and out every day & check their cubby. ✓Remember to take your child’s bedding home at the end of the week for laundering. Have A Very Safe and Happy Holiday Season! ! Miss Indrani, Miss Katelyn, Miss Jenna & the Preschool staff Song of the Month (to the tune of: Itsy Bitsy Spider) The teeny tiny spider Climbed up the Christmas tree. She looked around To see what she could see. She saw the toys coming to life, and dancing ‘round the tree on Christmas night. Oh Hanukkah is Here (to the tune of “The Farmer in the Dell” Oh, Hanukkah is here. Oh, Hanukkah is here. Oh, Hanukkah is he Oh, Hanukkah is here. Oh Hanukkah is here. Oh, Hanukkah is here. Light the candles one by one. Spin the dreidel round and round Eat the pancakes, yum, yum. Oh, Hanukkah is here. Oh, Hanukkah is here. Oh, Hanukkah is here. My Kinara (to the tune of “If You’re Happy and You Know It”) In my Kinara, seven candles burning bright! In my Kinara, they will shine for seven nights. They are red and black and green, Prettiest lights you’ve ever seen. In my Kinara, seven candles burning bright
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