SUNDAY OFFERING December 25, 2014 Envelopes/Pre-Authorized Giving Program $19,893.06 December 28, 2014 Envelopes/Pre-Authorized Giving Program $15,471.00 Loose $5,941.30 Loose $1,567.00 WE PLEDGE 5% . . . St. Mar y’s Parish Food “Over all these put on love, that is, the bond of Hamper, $724.12; L’Arche, $1,097.96; Str8Up, perfection. And let the peace of Christ control your hearts.” Colossians 3:14-15. Jesus is God’s ultimate $744.79. Thank you. gift of love to us. The countless other blessings that God showers upon us are nothing compared to the gift of God’s only Son. And the only appropriate way for us to respond to such generous love is with our own generous love. When we dedicate our lives to sharing all the many gifts that God has placed within our hands, the peace of Christ truly will control our hearts. We will know Christmas joy every day. BAPTISM Expectant parents please contact the parish office three months prior to the baptism date to arrange for the baptism preparation program and for the baptism celebration. The next baptism celebrations are February 1, 2015, March 1, April 19, June 21 and August 23. Please call Sr. Marlene Aquino at the parish office, 306 374-1425, for information and to register. MARRIAGE Ar r angements for mar r iage can be made by contacting the parish pr iest eight months prior to the date of marriage. This will provide adequate time for documentation and the diocesan required marriage preparation program. A preparation program is offered through Holy Spirit parish. This program is intended not only for engaged couples but also for couples considering engagement and marriage. The next six-week Marriage Preparation begins in the new year. Please call Arch McKay, 306 373-0993/[email protected] or the parish office, 306 374-1425/ [email protected] for information and to register. Catholic Family Services, 306 244-7773, also offers a marriage preparation program. Please check the diocesan website at for more opportunities for marriage preparation. HOLY SPIRIT PARISH EPIPHANY OF THE LORD JANUARY 4, 2015 Caravans of Camels CHILDREN’S LITURGY The pr ogr am takes place dur ing the r eadings and homily at Sunday Mass. It is suitable for children age 3 to pre-First Eucharist. Parents and young people interested in leading the program or helping, please call Shannon Granger, 306 955-0089. NEW IN THE PARISH? MOVING? Please help us keep par ish r ecor ds up-to-date. It assists us to serve you. Please complete the following and return to the parish office by mail or in the weekend collection basket. Thank you for your assistance. NEW PARISHIONER REGISTRATION/CHANGE OF ADDRESS NAME ______________________________________________________________ ADDRESS ___________________________________________________________ POSTAL CODE _______________________ TELEPHONE _________________ EMAIL ______________________________________________________________ PARISH OFFERING ENVELOPES? YES ______ PRE-AUTHORIZED GIVING PROGRAM Paul Turner. Resource Publications, Inc. NOT AT THIS TIME ______ YES _________ Alleluia. Alleluia. We obser ved his star at its r ising, and have come to pay homage to the Lor d. Alleluia. Gospel Acclamation WEEKEND MASS SCHEDULE Saturday 5:00 pm Sunday 10:00 am, 12:00 noon, 7:00 pm PASTORAL ASSOCIATES Charlene Nijhawan Ministry of Care Kelly Wormsbecker Ministry of Care Arch McKay Christian Initiation of Adults Marriage Preparation Bible Study Sr. Marlene Aquino Baptism First Reconciliation Confirmation First Communion Celena Komarnicki Youth Ministry Coordinator OFFICE ADMINISTRATOR Delores McLean FINANCIAL ADMINISTRATOR Melina Palendat BUILDING MAINTENANCE Jack Altrogge Ed Yuzyk p/t PARISH PASTORAL COUNCIL Brent Blazieko Todd Gursky Jeannette Chicoine Darroch Robyn Kondratowicz Jaybee De Castro Ian Rana Rhea Johner Jim Wilson Bev Jutras Kim Morrison THIS WEEK AT HOLY SPIRIT Monday, January 5 6:30 pm EDGE Tuesday, January 6 8:30 am Mass Wednesday, January 7 8:30 am Mass Thursday, January 8 8:30 am Mass 9:30 am Bible Study 1:30 pm 55+ Seniors Cards/Bingo Friday, January 9 8:30 am Mass 9:00 am-12:00 noon Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament Saturday, January 10 11:00 am-12:00 noon Confessions 5:00 pm Mass Sunday, January 11 10:00 am Mass 11:00 am Finding God 12:00 pm Mass 1:00 pm - 5:00 pm Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament 7:00 pm Mass PARISH FINANCE COMMITTEE Loretta Simonot, Chair Pat Pitka Ed Solie Basil Waslen By leaving a gift in your will or estate to Holy Spirit parish, the impact will be felt and remembered for generations. For more information, please contact the parish office, 306 374-1425. POPE FRANCIS ON TWITTER Follow the pope’s tweets: @Pontifex On our front cover: Children from Holy Spirit and St. Francis Xavier parishes participating in a Nativity Pageant. DID YOU KNOW? . . . The diocesan Restorative Ministry office is seeking donations of metal (not string) rosaries for men at the Saskatoon Correctional Centre (preferably not pink in colour). Please drop off donations at the Catholic Pastoral Centre or contact Dianne at 306 659-5845. Also needed are donations of bibles (soft cover), blank greeting cards (especially those with messages such as “I Miss You” and “I Love You” for inmates to correspond with families), as well as white socks, sweat pants and parkas (large, XL, XXL and up). if you are going away for the winter and would like someone to house-sit your home please call the parish office, 306 374-1425. if you have changed your telephone number, moved from a ‘land line’ to cell phone, changed your address, or have a new email address, please contact the parish office, 306 374-1425, info@holyspirit, or complete the form on the back page of the parish bulletin to update our parish information. Personal Hearing Devices are available for use. Please speak to the sound technician before Mass and you will be provided with the necessary information and earphone. PARISH FINANCIAL CONTRIBUTIONS Thank you to all who have contributed financially to Holy Spirit parish during 2014. Tax receipts for 2014 financial donations will be available for pickup in the Place of Welcome beginning January 24/25, 2015. HOLY SPIRIT McCLURE COVENANT PRAYER As the Christmas season begins we pray that hope, peace, joy and love fill the hearts and minds of our Covenant partners at McClure United and all parishioners of our own community of Holy Spirit. KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS 8905 Grand Knight Paul Caves 306 374-3713 Meeting: Monday, January 12, 7:30 pm Volunteers are needed to help with the 50th Knights of Columbus Indoor Games January 29, 30 and 31. Please contact Paul Caves, 306 374-3713 or Jack Altrogge, 306 220-4824 to offer your assistance. On behalf of Holy Spirit Knights of Columbus, I would like to thank parishioners for supporting our projects this past year - Wheelchair Mission Project, Coats for Kids, Columbus Bosco Farm School, and Christmas Hampers. Without your help, these projects would not have been successful. To the Knights of our Council, ‘thank you’ for your gifts of time and talent. Have a Blessed Christmas and God bless you and your families. Fraternally, Paul Caves, Grand Knight FOOD FOR THE POOR A food container is available at the chur ch entr ance to r eceive your gifts of non-perishable food. This food will be distributed to agencies in Saskatoon involved in helping to feed the poor. Why not try on a weekly basis to bring an item of food? It will be a great reminder of God’s blessings and how we are called to bless others. WE PLEDGE 5% … ‘Farm in the Dell’ is a non-profit organization that strives to enhance the emotional, physical, and spiritual lives of individuals with developmental disabilities through residential, vocational, recreational, and community services. Farm in the Dell provides opportunities for adults with developmental disabilities in a rural farmlike setting. We provide a family friendly home and workplace for 10 individuals with intellectual disabilities plus another 5 to have a place to work and learn new skills while developing relationships with other residents, and their community. Our parish support this weekend will help the community provide for the emotional, physical and spiritual well-being of the residents. Thank you for your on-going support. MISSIONARY SISTERS OF OUR LADY OF AFRICA Come with us to serve Africa either as a: Lay Missionary for two years Missionary Sister “Praying Friend” Please contact us: [email protected] C A T H O LI C C O M M U NIO N/ CELIAC Holy Spirit parish offers ‘low -gluten’ hosts for Holy Communion. It is important that you seek out the appropriate information website provided below/also your own physician - if you have questions. The hosts will always be in a separate container on the altar and will not be in contact with the other hosts on the altar. At the time of communion they will be distributed by the communion minister in the centre isle on the left side as you come forward. A simple indication to the communion minister is all that is required. If you wish to receive less than the full host, please indicate that to the communion minister. (Always remember that the reception of the wine/the precious blood is the full reception of Holy Communion/the Eucharist). If you have any questions, please speak to one of the priests. Thank you for your kindness as we try to provide, as possible, for this need in our parish community. * A brochure, previously included in the parish bulletin, is available at the hospitality desk in the welcome area. The brochure provides additional information. DIOCESAN PRIESTHOOD Is there a desire in your heart to want to offer your life in service of God’s people as a priest in the Diocese of Saskatoon? + Get in touch Fr. Dan Yasinski 306 374-1425 [email protected] LIVING STEWARDSHIP NOW What are you doing to bring Christ to others beyond your family and parish? Are you young or an active retiree? Consider becoming a volunteer missionary yourself! Contact Catholic Volunteer Network ( for opportunities to serve here or overseas. Alternatively, support Catholic Home Missions, which helps to bring the gospel to the poorest and most remote areas of our country. HOLY SPIRIT PARISH 114 Kingsmere Place, Saskatoon, SK S7J 3V7 Office Rectory 306 374-1425/Fax 306 374-3190 Rectory 306 664-4548 Email [email protected] Website Office Hours 9:00 am-12:00 pm 1:00pm-5:00 pm Pastor Rev. Ken Beck Associate Pastor Rev. Dan Yasinski Diocesan website WELCOME to all visiting with us this weekend. Your faith and spirit enrich our community. May you travel safely and know that God’s presence is always with you. MINISTRY OF CARE A visit, Holy Communion at home, someone to pray with, sharing the load of grief or anxiety, support through hospitalization, illness, or difficult times. Please call parish pastoral associates Charlene or Kelly at 306 374-1425 if we can be of service to you in this ministry. CATHOLIC WOMEN’S LEAGUE President Diane Hergott, 306 955-6120 The new year begins with a CWL Potluck on Tuesday, January 13 beginning with Mass at 5:30 pm followed by dinner and a meeting. Peace and Blessings to All from Holy Spirit Catholic Women’s League M ercy is said to be a virtue influencing one's will to have compassion for, and, if possible, to alleviate another's misfortune. One of the Corporal W orks of Mercy is “to bury the dead.” Holy Spirit Parish held approximately 40 funerals and vigils of prayer this past year. This ministry involves a number of people: altar servers, Resurrection Choir, lunch (baking and serving) and lay presiders. We are grateful to all who serve in these capacities, caring for the families and friends of the bereaved. If you are interested in helping, please contact Ministry of Care Pastoral Associates Kelly Wormsbecker or Charlene Nijhawan, 306374-1425. Your support is sincerely appreciated. PARISH OFFERING ENVELOPES The financial support of Holy Spirit by parishioners makes possible the programs, faith education opportunities and services available to all parishioners. As a parishioner, you are requested to register and participate in the support of your parish. If you are new to the parish or have never requested envelopes, please consider this invitation to register in the parish and/or request envelopes. Please contact our office at 306 374-1425, or complete the form on the back page of this parish bulletin. This invitation is also extended to young people, employed - perhaps still living at home, sharing the responsibility to support the mission and ministry of the parish community. Participating in the work of the Lord - in the work of the Church - in caring for the needs of the poor is a practice that must be established early in life. Waiting for the day when one "has enough and can now afford to share," interestingly, never arrives. God deserves God's portion - in fact, it all belongs to God. We just manage it, steward it - temporarily. Thank you for your response that makes possible the programs, educational opportunities, development and services that characterize Holy Spirit as a living witness to Christ. Parish offering envelopes for church support 2015 are available in the Place of Welcome. ‘LAST RITES’ Exploring cultural and religious practices, rituals and customs surrounding death, funerals and burials. You are invited to a presentation and discussion: Date: Wednesday, January 7, 2015 Place: The Edwards Family Centre 333 - 4th Ave N Time 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm. Sponsored by Multi Faith Saskatoon HEARING DEVICES Per sonal Hearing Devices are available for use. Please speak to the sound technician before Mass and you will be provided with the necessary information and earphone. OUR DAILY BREAD To pray for “our daily bread” is not simply an act of childlike faith in God’s providence. It is also a commitment to become daily bread for others. To receive the Bread of Life is to make the commitment to become the Bread of Life for others. As St. Augustine put it: “Become what you receive.” We must become the bread that feeds the hungry people around us with love, care, compassion, concern, and hospitality. REST IN PEACE Pr ayer s and condolences to the family of Evelda Provost, mother, grandmother and greatgrandmother ; to the family of Brigetta Hagel, mother, grandmother and great-grandmother. May the souls of all the faithful departed rest in God’s peace. QUILTS for the CWL Clothing Depot The CWL embers of the Saskatoon area are going to be making quilts for the CWL Clothing Depot. All women interested in helping with this project are invited to contact Margaret Schwab 306 374-4214 or [email protected] We anticipate meeting once or twice a month to work on quilts and enjoy fellowship in a day long workshop. The first meeting is set for January 8, 2015, 9:00 am at Holy Spirit Church, meeting room C. Additional dates to be discussed. MINISTRIES for January 10/11 Altar Servers 5:00 pm Len Suchan team 10:00 am Nicholas Cody team 12:00 pm Lien Tong team 7:00 pm Angus Palendat team Children’s Liturgy 10:00 am Krista Schreiter/Roxanne Weech /Kristyn Young 12:00 pm Sarah Nisbet/Corinne & Katie Kirkpatrick 7:00 pm Erika & Alexandra Sherven/ Sarah Karwacki SACRAMENTAL PREPARATION FIRST RECONCILIATION/CONFIRMATION/ FIRST COMMUNION FIRST RECONCILIATION The usual time for the celebration of this sacrament is at the grade 2 level. Older children are also welcome to attend the program Children participate in a four-week journey to discover God’s forgiveness through the themes of Life, Joy, Love and Peace. They learn to understand the importance of respecting god’s creation, looking to Jesus to guide their actions, loving their neighbour and celebrating God’s forgiveness. The program is offered in September/October, 2014 and in January/ February, 2015. Registration is now being taken for the 2015 programs. Registration forms are available from Sr. Marlene, 306 374-1425 or email [email protected]. $20 fee per child is due at time of registration to cover the cost of books, materials and snacks. (please see parish website for exact dates CONFIRMATION/FIRST COMMUNION The usual time for the celebration of these sacraments is at the grade 2 level. Older children are also welcome to attend the program. The children journey in a program that helps them discover the gifts of God's Holy Spirit, how the Spirit is present in their lives, and how in the Eucharist they are nourished by Jesus, the Bread of Life. The program is age appropriate and supported by family and parish life. The program is offered October-November, 2014 and April-May, 2015. Registration is now being taken for the 2015 programs. Registration forms are available from Sr. Marlene, 306 374-1425 or email [email protected]. The $20 fee per child, to cover the cost of books, materials and snacks, is due at the time of registration (please see parish website for exact dates
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