BEAUIFUL BITS - Beautiful Savior Lutheran Church

1501 Deep Lake Rd,
Antioch IL 60002
One of the biblical texts for Christmas is Isaiah 7.14 “Behold, the virgin shall conceive and bear a
son, and shall call his name Immanuel.”
It’s a biggy for those of us who know the Lord Jesus as our Savior. It’s a no-brainer for us that he
fulfilled this promise given by God to Isaiah 700 years earlier. The one sentence is the essence of
But if we go back to the context of this announcement, to when it was given, it will seem
anything but relevant or even helpful. The promise was directed to King Ahaz who was facing a
devastating war. Naturally he went to the prophets of Israel for answers. Are we going to survive
this? What do we have to do to get out of this mess? He was hoping God would give a practical
Isaiah’s answer hardly seems appropriate- “a virgin shall have a son”…..? Well thanks a lot!
How is that to keep the enemy from the gates? I was expecting something a little more concrete
and germane to the issue!
Ahaz’ approach to the crisis facing Judah may have been not so different from the way I
thought of Christmas as a child: What am I going to get? Isaiah’s word was about what God was
going to do for Ahaz and Judah -but the childish way of interpreting the promise is extremely selfcentered. Our old nature wants our needs to be met, and if God is going to do that for us, we are
onboard. So we tell God exactly how we want our needs met!
The world’s understanding of Christmas has at least one thing right. Christmas is all about
receiving. However human nature wants the receiving to be focused on pleasure, being
entertained, adding things to one’s stockpile.
God surprises everyone and sends a baby instead. The events surrounding his birth have been
romanticized and sanitized. Our celebrations of the birth of the Christ are mostly feel-good
activities. That’s why Christmas is so popular. The place we worship is full.
One Christmas Eve service I played guitar and sang “Stille Nacht, Heilige Nacht” in Immanuel
Church in Tel Aviv. The church was packed with Israeli’s who had come for the beautiful music not because they wanted to worship the newborn King. Later I learned that the entire service
had been broadcast over the army’s radio channel. Thousands of Israelis heard the Good News
that their Messiah had come to give them real life!
We who know the Babe of Bethlehem are undaunted. So we come to worship this Child who
was born the normal way, born into anything but clean surroundings, to a people who (for the
most) rejected him. We can’t help but revel in the thought of angel choirs, humble shepherds
offering a lamb, or stargazers traveling a 1000 miles to present gifts. It’s O.K. if we do. And it’s
O.K. if we make merry and get caught up in the excitement and all the additions that we now
associate with Christmas.
Which is why the few and simple words pointing to Christ’s birth and the telling of the story need
to be repeated often so that we don’t lose the intent and power of the promise of God - just to
know that God has come close - to free us from the results and power of sin to ensure that we
know real life, and that all the wonder of the add-ons don’t obscure the most important
message: Immanuel - God has come into our lives to make them real and whole.
January 1, 2015
Beautiful bits
When we take the time to look around outside of ourselves, we see that we, as human beings, let so much
of 'stuff' take over our attention, concern and energy. We humans just let 'stuff' get the better of us all the
time. We can't help it! "We're only human"!
We, as humans, continue to waste time being 'bothered' and 'worried' over things of which we have no
control: long lines, slow traffic, rude people, detours, and a host of other annoyances that are
temporary. We then wonder why we let these frustrations get the 'best of us', yet when tomorrow comes,
we start all over again. In the blink of an eye, any of us could be called Home.....and then all of these little
annoyances will have meant nothing.
How many times do we stop and consider situations outside of ourselves? What about those family
members, friends, neighbors, community members and our own congregational family members that are
struggling with serious concerns that aren't so temporary? Some of us have serious health issues,
including cancer and loss of limb. Some of us experience the loss of loved ones. Any of us can have
journeys that aren't resolved at the end of the day, but take a long time or a lifetime to travel.
There was an interview on television with a young Fox News Channel producer, Annie Goodman. Annie
was diagnosed with triple negative breast cancer at age 30. She underwent 16 rounds of chemo and 25
rounds of radiation. She said she hardly remembered her life before the cancer diagnosis, but she did
remember how the trivial things in life took her attention, like missing a cab and other 'stupid' stuff. She said
she decided to find ways to be happy instead. She focused on important things, like her family. She wanted
to cram in as much as she could that was good and important. She showed her co-workers how she lived
with joy, dignity and hope. Annie passed away the week before Christmas at the age of 33 years. Anyone
would be moved by the interview that was shown with this remarkable young woman (and is online on the
Fox News Channel website), and her sense of humor about a cancer that was relentless, as it kept
In this New Year, we must:
*Be more thankful and appreciative of all of our blessings.
*Show our love, support & encouragement for family, friends and neighbors.
*Not let the trivialities of life get the better of us.
*Be thankful for experiences, that God allows, and uses for our growth.
*Realize our life has purpose beyond what we are aware.
*Know that God truly has a plan for our lives.
In this New Year, we must focus on the people and things that do define us and our lives. We need to feel
the blessings in our lives, so our lives do matter, to us. God intends for each of our lives to matter and, in
turn, make an impact on this world, in His name.
Beautiful bits
Who’s Who
Chairman/President: Wayne Hinrichs 847-395-1766
Vice Chair/Vice President: Hal Ray 224-643-7064
Financial Secretary: Mary Petit 847-356-9242
Recording Secretary: Bev Walczak 847-395-2741
Treasurer: Judy Giamo 262-843-8888
Assitant: Glenn Keuss 847-356-5203
Mike Adams 847-445-6301
Andrew VanHoveln 414-534-5750
Bill Murry 847-746-4641
Mike Gomski 847-356-0045’
Brian Christensen 847-445-2199
Trustee Chairman: Glenn Lingle 847-973-8712
Trustee Council Rep: Judy Giaimo 262-843-8888
Jim Robinson 847-370-6116
Harold Lucas 262-857-2988
Tony Kaluzinski 847-395-2801
Bonnie Ruttenberg 847-395-2896
Mike Petit 847-356-9242
Altar Guild: Tammy Christenson 847-445-2199
Beautiful Bits/Website:
Kelly VanHoveln 414-350-9777
Office Secretaries:
Betty Ruff 847-838-1308
Hal Ray 224-643-7064
Mike Gomski 847-356-0045
Shawn Hinrichs 847-395-1766
Helen Case 512-303-3104
Children’s Church: Linda Kesselring 847-265-4130
Compassion Committee: Mike Adams 847-445-6301
Fellowship Committee: Shawn Hinrichs 847-3951766
Fundraising Committe: Judy Wiegel 847-395-5093
LWML: Diane Hanson 847-846-5702
Music Ministry: Chris Gjelsten 847-838-3026
Brian Christensen 847-445-2199
Tabra Gomski 847-356-0045
Sunday Fellowship: Mike Adams 847-445-6301
Thrivent Committee: Bev Walczak 847-395-2741
Sunday School: Patty Robinson 847-838-6156
Little Lambs (age 3-grade 1):
Patty Robinson 847-838-6156
Disciples (grade 2-5):
Kelly VanHoveln 414-350-9777
Middle & High School:
Sarah Wittkamp 847-354-5518
VBS Director: Kelly VanHoveln 414-350-9777
Librarian: Mike Gomski 847-356-0045
Vine & Branches: Bonnie Ruttenberg 847-395-2896
Blood Drive: Bonnie Ruttenberg 847-395-2896
In His Service
January 4
Today’s Elder –TBA
Greeters – Ben & Carmencita Lingad, Isaac
Reader – Ben Lingad
Communion Setup – Tammy Christenson and
Sue Souder
Ushers – Brian & Tammy Christenson
Sound Tech – Judy Adams
Children’s Church – Sue Kadera
Fellowship - TBA
January 11
Today’s Elder – TBA
Greeters – Mike & Judy Adams
Reader – Mike Adams
Sound Tech – Russ Kesselring
Children’s Church – Jackie Hensley
Fellowship – TBA
January 18
Today’s Elder –TBA
Greeters – Tom & Zaida Purnell
Reader – Tom Purnell
Communion Setup – Tammy Christenson and
Sue Souder
Ushers – Brian & Tammy Christenson
Sound Tech – Nica Austria
Children’s Church – Mary Petit
Fellowship - TBA
January 25
Today’s Elder – TBA
Greeters – Judy Giaimo and Bev Walczak
Reader – Andy Gruen
Sound Tech – Kyle Hensley
Children’s Church – Pastor Woita
Fellowship - TBA