Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Church 3850 LOURDES DRIVE | DECATUR, IL 62526 | (217) 877-4404 | FAX: (217) 877-5257 | WEBSITE: www.ololchurch.com December 21, 2014 PARISH STAFF Pastor, Rev. Richard Weltin Pastoral Associate, Sister JoAn Schullian, O.S.F. Director of Liturgical Music, Mike Fogarty Business Administrator, Joe Snow Administrative Assistant, Dorothy Centers Parish Secretary & Office Staff, Mary Brinkoetter & Mary Harter PARISH OFFICE Hours: Monday-Friday 8:00 am-4:00 pm Phone: 877-4404 Fax: 877-5257 Web Page: www.ololchurch.com CONFESSIONS: Our Lady of Lourdes: Saturday 11:00am St. Thomas: Saturday 3:00pm SCHOOL Phone: 877-4408 Fax: 872-3655 Web & Contact Page: www.ololschool.com School Principal, Chris Uptmor [email protected] School Secretary, Patricia Ann Ewald Victim Assistance Coordinator for the Dioceses of Springfield in Illinois Patricia Kornfeld 217-321-1155 or email at [email protected] Decatur Catholic Radio WDCR 88.9 SCRIP NEWS! NEW SCRIP VENDOR MCDONALD’S 10% REBATE City-Wide Reconciliation Services will be held Today. S u n d a y, D e c . 2 1 - - 2 : 0 0 - - S t . J a m e s C h u r c h BLESSED CHRISTMAS This Thursday we celebrate Christmas, the remembrance of Christ’s birth—the birth of our salvation. It is a day we should all gather at church to give thanks to God for the gift of His Son and the gift of our salvation. I send to all of you a very Blessed and Merry Christmas. May the love and blessing of the Christ Child !ill your lives every day. PROMO NOVEMBER 19 , 2014 to JANUARY 31, 2015 5% BEGINNING FEBRUARY 1, 2015 Bulletin Schedule for the Christmas Season The Bulletin for Sunday, January 5 is Due Friday, December 26th by 11am. Our Lady of Lourdes School ATHLETICS MASS SCHEDULES FOR CHRISTMAS AND NEW YEARS Christmas Eve, Dec. 24: 4:00p.m. — Our Lady of Lourdes 6:00p.m. — St. Thomas the Apostle 9:00p.m. — Our Lady of Lourdes Christmas Day, Dec. 25: 7:30a.m. — Our Lady of Lourdes 10:00a.m. — St. Thomas the Apostle 1:00 — Our Lady of Lourdes (Spanish) New Year’s Eve: 4:30p.m. — Our Lady of Lourdes New Year’s Day: 7:30a.m. — 9:00a.m. — Our Lady of Lourdes St. Thomas the Apostle is hosting a Drive-Thru Chicken Dinner Saturday, January 10 from 5-7 pm. Menu: 1/2 Chicken, Mashed Potatoes w/gravy, Green Beans, Roll w/butter. COST: $10.00 Pick up in South Parking Lot by School Annual Catholic Services Appeal Assessment: Pledged: Remaining Balance: $87,111 $30,610 $56,501 Everyone should have received a letter from Bishop Paprocki this week asking A N N UA L C AT H O L I C S E RV I C E S A P P E A L for our !inancial assistance for the You still have time to help with the Annual Catholic diocese. The Annual Catholic Services Services Appeal before the New Year. If you respond now to Appeal is our response to the diocese Bishop Paprocki’s appeal, you will be able to take it off your for the services we receive from them. taxes for this year. Please help in any way you are able. We are assessed 11.5% of our total This is a bill that must be paid. If you need an envelope, income to determine our goals. This is please see Fr. Rick. a bill that we have to pay. Every dollar you donate to this appeal saves the CHRISTMAS EVE MORNING parish that amount of money, so you can There will be no Mass on Christmas Eve understand how important this is for the morning at Our Lady of Lourdes and St. parish. The diocese and parish are both depending on YOU!!! Thomas the Apostle. 2 Our Lady of Lourdes Church • Decatur, IL for the week Monday, December 22, 2014 6:30 a.m. Margie Horwath-D Tuesday, December 23, 2014 6:30 a.m. Robert & Irene Wrigley-D Wednesday, December 24, 2014 4:00 p.m. 9:00 p.m. Rick Krekle-D Dick & Mary Little-D Thursday, December 25, 2014 7:30 a.m. 9:30 a.m. Delores Smith-D Jeff Glosser & Frank Chew Jr.-D Friday, December 26, 2014 6:30 a.m. 8:30 a.m. Lourdes Estrada-D No Mass - Go to St. Thomas Saturday, December 27, 2014 4:30 p.m. John Wrigley-D Sunday, December 28, 2014 7:30 a.m. 9:30 a.m. 11:30 a.m. 1:00 p.m. Teresa Schroll-D Reynolds & Wagner Families-D Helen Aydt-D Our Lady of Lourdes Parishioners Mass Schedule Saturday 4:30 pm; Sunday 7:30 am, 9:30 am, 11:30 am Spanish Mass 1:00 pm Weekday Mass: Monday- Friday 6:30 am; Friday at 8:30 am (during school year); Eve of Holy Day 6:30 pm; Holy Day 6:30 & 8:30 am (when school is in session) Reconciliation: Saturday 11:00 am and anytime by appointment Rosary: Saturdays 4pm, Sunday 7am, 9am in Church Divine Mercy Chaplet: Wednesday at 7am in the Living Room Sacrament of Marriage If you are contemplating marriage, please contact one of the parish priests no later than 6 months prior to the proposed wedding date and guidelines will be explained. Pre-Cana is offered here once a year, the Saturday before Palm Sunday. St. Therese Intercessory Prayer Group for women meets at Our Lady of Lourdes Chapel every Wednesday 1-2:30pm. Come join our prayer community and help make a difference by your prayers for our church, country and personal needs. Questions: Linda Clark 875-4215. Eucharistic Adoration at Our Lady of Lourdes Church on Thursday’s are in need of Adorers between the hours of 3:00pm and 4:00pm. You can either sign-up for a half hour or for the whole hour. Please call Pat Stimler if you are available to spend some time with Jesus. Please call 217-877-3153 SCRIP NEWS! It’s time to buy those Christmas gifts! This year make it easy on yourself and buy your SCRIP certificates at OLOL and hand them out as gifts OR use the SCRIP certificates to buy your gifts at any of these stores: Bergener’s, Best Buy, Blockbuster, Claire’s, JC Penny, K Mart, Kohl’s, Land’s End, Lowe’s, Menards, Old Navy/Gap, Payless, Staples, TJ Maxx, Walgreens and Wal-Mart, just to name a few!!! The schedules for Christmas and New Years Masses are in the Ushers room. Please sign up for for the Masses you will be attending. Thank you for your faithful service. Have a Blessed Christmas and Happy New Year. Help DECORATE the Church for Christmas December 23rd at 9am. We will need help removing the Advent Decor, putting up the Christmas Tree, Decorating the Tree and displaying Father’s Nativity sets. No Masses at St. Mary’s Hospital There will be no Masses at St. Mary’s Hospital on the following dates: Thursday, December 25 Thursday, January 1, 2015 Fr. Nick Husain YOU Can Help Your Marriage – 25% of surveyed couples say they are “Happily Married”. For everyone else there is Retrouvaille. Are you frustrated or angry with each other? Does talking only make it worse? For information on the Retrouvaille Program, visit the website at www.HelpOurMarriage.com or call 1-800-470-2230. The next program begins the weekend of February 6-8, 2015. December 21, 2014 - Fourth Sunday of Advent 3 G i v e B a c k T o G o d What propor!on of God’s gi" do you currently give? Use the chart below to find out what percentage you are currently giving. Find your income at the le", and then move right un!l you find you weekly offering. What percent are you at? Could you take a step? We encourage all parishioners to set 5% as their goal. If you are already doing that or can do so immediately, that would be great. If not, could you take a step (or two) toward 5%? Weekly Gift to Parish (as percentage of income) Household Income $16,000 ($8/hr) $20,000 ($10/hr) $30,000 ($15/hr) $40,000 ($20/hr) $60,000 ($30/hr) $80,000 ($40/hr) $100,000 ($50/hr) $150,000 ($75/hr) 0.5% 1.0% 1.5% 2.0% 2.5% 3.0% 3.5% 4.0% 4.5% 5.0% $1.65 $2.00 $3.00 $4.00 $6.00 $8.00 $10.00 $15.00 $3.20 $4.00 $6.00 $8.00 $12.00 $16.00 $20.00 $30.00 $4.80 $6.00 $9.00 $12.00 $18.00 $24.00 $30.00 $45.00 $6.40 $8.00 $12.00 $16.00 $24.00 $32.00 $40.00 $60.00 $8.00 $10.00 $15.00 $20.00 $30.00 $40.00 $50.00 $75.00 Envelope & Loose Checks/Cash Collection for the Week Fiscal Year: July 1, 2014 to June 30, 2015 Weekly Contribution Loose Cash & Checks Children’s Collection Total Collected Dec. 14 Total Collected YTD Actual: Needed: $ 24,195 $ 831 $ 15 $ 25,041 $ 420,850 $ 19,000 $ 38,000 $ 456,000 Extra Collections/Donations R/M Church & School Donation $ 40 Keep The Kids Komfy $ 895.79 Total: $53,621.77 Annual Fund/S.O.S. $ 6,665 All Saints/All Souls $ 50 Guatemala Sr. Parish $ 141 Christmas Flower Offering $ 308 Immaculat Conception $ 932.41 Christmas Offering $ 35 OLOL Charitable Donations $ 13 Extra Collections/Donations Children’s Home $ 10 Campaign Justice & Hope $ 30 Retired Religious $ 1,908 Retired Priests $ 20 Catholic Times $ 15 4 Our Lady of Lourdes Church • Decatur, IL $9.60 $12.00 $18.00 $24.00 $36.00 $48.00 $60.00 $90.00 $11.20 $14.00 $21.00 $28.00 $42.00 $56.00 $70.00 $105.00 $12.80 $16.00 $24.00 $32.00 $48.00 $64.00 $80.00 $120.00 $14.40 $18.00 $27.00 $36.00 $54.00 $72.00 $90.00 $135.00 $16.00 $20.00 $30.00 $40.00 $60.00 $80.00 $100.00 $150.00 HOW ARE WE DOING??? The weekly amount collected through Sunday Envelopes is shown in the box above as “Needed” $19,000/week. The line in GREEN, shows how much was collected through loose cash & envelopes each week. Beneath that is the total year-to-date. As you can see, we are $35,150 short of meeting the “budgeted” amount needed each week to pay all of our bills for the Parish & Parish School. Please prayerfully consider increasing your gift to your Parish! Liturgical Ministers For the weekend of December 27 & 28 December 27, 4:30 PM Holy Family of Jesus, Mary & Joseph December 28, 7:30 Holy Family of Jesus, Mary & Joseph December 28, 9:30 AM Holy Family of Jesus, Mary & Joseph December 28, 11:30 AM Holy Family of Jesus, Mary & Joseph Jim Cavanaugh Jayne Despres Ken Handley Mary Handley John Kuhlmann Rosie Kuhlmann Jo Ellen Malcom Nancy McNamara Tom McNamara Sister Jo An Schullian Sid Tucker Natalie Beck Matt Beck Dick Dubs Wendy Jalley Jan Loftus Marjie May Suzanne Moore Arlene Munyon Nancy Newell Matt Bennett Sharon Heinz JoAnn Holtzscher Christie Johnson Celeste Lambert Jim Lambert Gigi Langhauser Josh Montague Pam Montague Breeanna Tschosik Janet Waite Robin Bridges Aimee Fyke Terri Haskins Gary Mackling Frank Moore Beckie Otto Jessica Pickel Dolores Troyer Chris Uptmor Sally Kirby Pat McBride Susan Tampasis Nancy Peterson John & Lilly Eckert Sandi Southern Kevin Breheny Janet Pezzelle Morgan Brummer Matthew Brummer Joe Brummer Maxwell Trotter Rydon Jalley Zachariah Jalley Tyson Rood Samuel Buchholz Jake Dominick Vinnie Dominick Veronica Hein Brycen Bridges Grayson Fane Haylee Troike Richard Vasquez Family Matt Beck Family Larry Clark Family Joe Harding Family Carolyn Blundy Mark Brummer Gloria Walcher Steve Walcher Ceil Frankovich Jack Frankovich Ahn Jalley Wendy Jalley Larry Clark Mary Lou Clark Mary Himstedt Hal Himstedt John Dent Maria Dent Frank Stanick Anne Stogner Sherry Richards Aaron Sass Cathy Smith Kari Turner Roger Wall Bill Busbey Bud Calhoun Steve Halicki Jack McCoy Paul Shultz Dennis Heinz Leon Langhauser Tom Michel Mark Karl Jeremy Pezzelle Karl Pezzelle Mike Fogarty Mike Fogarty Ensemble Folk Group Ronda Smith / Melissa & Tom Miller Gift Certificate Workers Ann Bate Kathy Hamilton Victoria Maske-Mendenall Mary Ann Todd December 21, 2014 - Fourth Sunday of Advent 5 BABY BOY DONATIONS NEEDED AT THE WOMEN’S PRISON The Decatur Women’s Prison has a program allowing the mother’s to have their babies with them for a certain period of time. As a member of the Macon County Criminal Justice Group, I have been informed that several items are needed at this time for the children: Baby boy diaper bags, diapers (larger than newborn) very young children’s books and winter clothes. There are currently four boys there who are under two years of age with the above needs. Please mark the items which are donated - Women’s Prison – and place them in the wooden boxes in the Front Vestibule or Red Room. If you have any questions about these items, please contact Sister JoAn. Thank you and God bless you. Christ Alive in our Marriage Retreat - Saturday, January 10, 2015 - Old St. Patrick’s Church, Chicago, IL This retreat, designed especially for couples in their first five years of marriage, is open to all young adult couples, and offers an opportunity for young couples to reflect on your vocation of marriage and how you are being invited to live out your faith. How is Christ alive in one another, your journey as a couple, and in the world through your vocation? Spend the day hearing the lived experiences of other young couples, talking with your spouse and other couples, as well as praying and reflecting as a couple. Visit www.charisministries. org for more information and to register! STRAW FOR THE CHRIST CHILD All children (and even “big children”) are welcome to take a bit of straw and place it in Baby Jesus’ manger at the foot of the altar before or after Masses on the weekends of December 13-14 and December 20-21. The bins with straw will be located right next to the manger itself. By the time Christmas arrives, the manger should be filled enough to welcome the Christ Child! SPECIAL INVITATION TO OUR PRE-K THROUGH 5TH GRADERS(OR OLDER) We encourage you also to write a birthday card to Baby Jesus to celebrate His special day! A basket will be next to the manger in which to place your greetings!! World Youth Day, Kraków, Poland The 2016 World Youth Day pilgrimage will be here before you know it. The diocesan trip will include visits to the Czestochowa Marian Shrine as well as the Auschwitz concentration camp. Details are at www.dio.org/youthministry/wyd. Call Kyle Holtgrave at (217) 6988500, ext. 154 for more information. March for Life 2015 Registration for the official diocesan March for Life pilgrimage is NOW OPEN!!! We are departing after school on Wednesday, January 21, celebrating Mass in Washington, DC Thursday morning, followed immediately by the March for Life rally and demonstration parade downtown. Thursday will conclude with a night tour of memorials. On Friday, January 23, we will have some time to explore Washington, DC before boarding our buses and returning home later in the evening. Buses will arrive back in the diocese at various times on Saturday, January 24. Details are posted on the March for Life website at www.dio.org/youthministry/mfl. Or contact Kyle Holtgrave at (217) 698-8500, ext. 154. HEROES NEEDED!!! I am looking for young adults to spend the summer serving youth of the diocese as teachers of an exciting catechetical program called Totus Tuus. Latin for “Totally Yours,” Totus Tuus team members are asked to be “totally yours” for young people by helping them come closer to Christ through personal witness, Christian presence and catechetical instruction. The summer season is from May 28 through July 25 with a break over the Independence Day holiday. Training is provided as well as a stipend for each teaching week. Teams of four travel throughout the diocese staying with host families in local parishes to present the Totus Tuus program and being witnesses of our Catholic faith. For more information, go to www.dio.org/youthministry/staff-information.html or call Kyle Holtgrave at (217) 698-8500, ext. 154. Flowing from the teaching of the Catholic Church... NATIONAL NEWS RE: LOWER PAYDAY LOAN RATES – Dozens of faith leaders and consumer advocates are pressing Congress to create a national interest rate Cap for payday lenders instead of the exorbitant three-digit rates currently charged to people in many states. Recently, eighty activists from 22 states came to Washington in hopes of shaping new regulations that are expected from the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. Many of their church congregations are surrounded by payday loan businesses that they say prey on poor residents by charging high interest rates and creating a cycle of debt. Rachel Anderson, the director of the faith-based outreach for the Center for Responsible Lending, which spearheaded a three-day visit and training session for religious leaders on Capitol Hill, said: “Together you are really bringing a strong message and a moral perspective about predatory lending that’s valuable. We hope that your message is heard strongly.” The leaders asked members of Congress on Nov. 19, 2014 to pass legislation capping interest rates citing a 36% interest Cap required by the Military Lending Act. PLEASE CALL YOUR CONGRESS PERSONS TO PASS THIS LEGISLATION CAPPING INTEREST RATES AT 36%. Senator Richard Durbin: 217-492-4062; Representative Rodney Davis: 791-6224. Representative Aaron Shock: 217-670-1806. Submitted by Sister JoAn Schullian, OLOL Social Justice Committee Called by Christ to continue his work on Earth, our mission is to speak for those in need, to advocate for justice, and to call one another to action. 6 Our Lady of Lourdes Church • Decatur, IL Please Pray for all the Sick We pray for the sick & those who care for them: John “Jack” Jordan, Jean Hunt, Paula Hogan, Diane Wood, Debbie Oleksy, Maggie Shride, Lillian Halicki, Mary Lou Garcia, Connie Saxby, Scott Arnold, Patty Sederwall, Kate Armon, Marie Anderson, Bev Sweazy, Kelli Fellows, Tiffany Shenck, Martha Rambo, Robert Robbins, Bill Whalen, Dick & Mary Lee Stubblefield, Janice Earl, John Husinga, Peggy Fedie, Barbara Cook, Ronald Weiscope, Kathleen Nemecek, Sharon Leith, Edwin Jacobs, Darrell Street, Karen Grant, Bill Wilhelm, Tim Gore, Sandy Bowers, Nick Bryan, Otto Klemm, Regina Niemann, Tracy Gabriel, Kyle Anselmo, Don Troyer, Bob & Agnes Kolbeck, Guadalupe Gomez, Kim Eisinger, Claire Reid, Katie Bellows, Richard Hebenstreit, Cathy Stubblefield-Banks, Marie Klemm, John Bussen, Joan Struttmann, Allison Frankovich, Jane Welch, Jeff Buchanan, Brittany Austin, Taylor Lowe, Laura Witke, Brandon Monney, Jane Shoot, LeRoy Fifer. ANOINTING OF THE SICK Please notify the parish office for an appointment if you wish to receive this sacrament before surgery or during an illness. COMMUNION TO THE SICK (Those shut-in or those recovering from surgery or an illness) Please notify the Parish Office if you would like a priest or Eucharistic Minister to visit and/or bring Holy Communion. Your OLOL Gift Shop: Dec. 20 & 21 - Open after Saturday evening and Sunday morning Masses. Dec. 27 & 28 - Closed. Jan. 3 & 4, 2015 - Open after Saturday evening & Sunday morning Masses. MERRY CHRISTMAS & HAPPY NEW YEAR!! ANNUAL GIVING As the 2014 year quickly comes to an end, donʼt forget to think of your Parish School! We can always use a donation to help fund some of the many things that our Annual Fund Drive contributes to, such as: Technology improvements for the students, academic curriculum aps for ipads and chromebooks. This year we have laptops on all of the Jr. High students hands! With these laptops they are able to access their curriculum on-line, turn in home work on-line, and also take tests & quizes on-line! We would like to continue our great strides in Technology for our students. Please Help!!! Merry Christmas & A Blessed New Year K E E P T H E K I D Z KO M F Y The amount needed is $60,000.00 Last 2 week we raised $2,136.89 Total Amount Collected: $52,725.98 PERPETUAL EUCHARITIC ADORATIONThe coming of Jesus at Bethlehem brought joy to the world and to every human heart. The same Jesus comes again and again in our hearts during Hoy Communion. He want to give the same joy and peace. Let us come and worship Him in Eucharistic Adoration at St. Mary’s Hospital Chapel. Additional adorers are always needed. Please call Mary Comerford 877-6716 to register. Merry Christmas from the Perpetual Adoration Committee. St. Thomas the Apostle Catholic School “Where Faith and Family Matter” Newton, IL Job Posting: Elementary Education Teacher with Middle School Endorsement Language Arts Concentration Starting Date: January 5th, 2015 St. Thomas is accepting credentials for the position of 6th grade homeroom as well as 5th-8th grade Language Arts teacher. Practicing Catholics preferred. All interested individuals can send their resume and cover letter to: St. Thomas School Attn: Mrs. Jill Bierman, Principal 306 W. Jourdan St. Newton, IL 62448 Deadline to apply: December 10th, 2014 Questions can be directed to (618) 783-3517 CHRISTMAS DINNER PRAYER Loving God and Father of us all, we joyfully celebrate the birth of your Son, the eternal Word who came to dwell with us and is born this day of the Virgin Mary. May the meal we share on this great feast satisfy us not only with the good food you give us, but also grace us with the fullness of your love, which you bestowed on our human nature when your Son took on our very flesh. May we come to share completely in your divine life through the coming of your Son among us. May his self-giving love be made manifest in our hearts so that the joy of our Christmas feast may extend beyond our family and home to touch the lives of others with the love that makes this day holy and makes us all children of one family in you. Amen. December 21, 2014 - Fourth Sunday of Advent 7 Our Lady of Lourdes Lady Lancers 7th Grade Girls Basketball Team 3rd Place in the Class 1A State Competition! Congratulations Girls & Coaches! Front Row: Sydney McNamara, Sade’ Oladipupo, Addie Fyke,Veronica Hein, Kaley Kovalcik. Back Row: Coach Brian McNamara, Marie Delaney, Addison Newbon, Julianna Hudson, Mackenzie Snow, Coach Eric Newbon, Jill Alwardt, Kailey Kleist, Vanessa Gillespey and Coach Bill Lehmann. OLOL Dinner Auction, “Denim and Diamonds” will be Saturday, February 14, 2015 at the Decatur Conference Center and Hotel. Please plan to attend. Also, we are still seeking, sponsorship, donations, and volunteers. Please call Colleen Johnson at 454-8835 for more info. 8 Our Lady of Lourdes Church • Decatur, IL La Fondita Fresh Mexican and American Cuisine Leo H Berger Ins Agcy Inc Leo Berger, Agent 217-876-7100 • www.Alpha-Care.com 455 West Eldorado Decatur, IL 62522-2116 Bus 217 423 7500 [email protected] 285 E. ASH AVE 2888 S. Mount Zion Rd. NEXT TO PANERA BREAD • Personal Care • Medication Assistance • Respite • Companions • Transportation & Errands • Meal Preparation - Housekeeping The greatest commitment you can give is a referral. 872-1452 Raul Sustaita- Parishioners CENTRAL ILLINOIS INSPECTION CORPORATION Quality Home Inspections BRAD KERSHNER ® Office: 963-2569 Mobile: 201-8282 1808 Glasgow Rd Decatur, IL 62526 [email protected] Auto • Homeowners Life • Health Employee Benefits Comm. Ins. & Bonds Marcia A. Hardy D.D.S. General Dentist parishioner An affordable, assisted living community for the older adult Amy Bretz - Administrator 875 W McKinley Ave. • Decatur, IL 62526 (217) 872-1282 (Ph) • (217) 872-1227 (Fax) [email protected] 2886 N. Monroe Street Decatur, IL 62526 Kevin Breheny • Matt Bennett • Michael Breheny (217) 875-1511 1090 S Rt 51, Forsyth, IL 62535 217-877-3344 www.jlhubbard.com Parishioners Romer Bros. Tree & Shrub Service Inc. 877-1596 “Family Owned Business Since 1969” TCR Systems Sheet Metal Fabrication & Installation Decatur, IL 62526 Kim Serbe D.V.M. 217-877-5622 Free Estimates • Fully Insured 2733 N. Water 877-6207 Phone: (217) 877-7632 Fax: (217) 877-6752 142 Merchant Street, Decatur, IL 62523 217-429-0037 www.Delspopcorn.com Doing our part to straighten out Decatur Free Estimates 996 West Harrison Decatur, IL 62526 auto repair 217.330.6593 901 N. Water St., Decatur, IL 62523 KING-LAR call COMPANY Amanda Giles Plumbing • Heating • Air Conditioning • Refrigeration 24 Hour Heating & Air Conditioning Service Residential • Commercial • Industrial Lennox Celebrating over 86 years 217-877-2831 1099 WEST WOOD STREET, SUITE E DECATUR, IL 62522 PHONE 217.422.1593 FAX 217.422.9819 2020 E. Olive Street • Decatur, IL 62526 (217) 429-2323 1111-156 H ea l thy S m i l es S i n ce 199 1 Experience St. Teresa High School www.kofc.org College Prep. Life Ready. Beth Austin John House “Founded on QUALITY. Backed by SERVICE.” 340 E. Macon • Decatur, IL 62523 (217) 423-2690 F OR A D I NFO C ALL J IM S OLOMON AT • Continually high ACT scores • 100% Graduation Rate • 100% Acceptance rate for college/military and post-secondary schools • Over 4,200 service hours a year st-teresahs.org 1-800-950-9952 • WWW.4LPi.COM Contact Jim Solomon to place an ad today! [email protected] or (800) 950-9952 x2492 OUR LADY OF LOURDES DECATUR B 4C 01-0421 11-17-2014 12:07:29 Kathy York, GRI Broker Associate Selling Decatur my Home Town Bus: (217) 877-8000 Cell: (217) 855-0725 [email protected] Parishioner 3090 North Main Street Decatur, IL 62526 Please Remember Our Lady of Lourdes Church In Your Will. Ground Management - Custom Landscaping Svendsen Florist Waltrip Lawn & Landscape Inc. 877-4767 Broker, Associate, ABR, CRS 217/433-9068 For All Your Home Buying & Selling Needs Parishioner 1610 E. Pershing Rd. Decatur, IL 62526 Direct: 217/433-9068 www.colleenbrinkoetter.com BRET M. JERGER, D.D.S. From Drips to Floods 201-NOAH 6624 Commercial • Residential • New Construction Remodels • 24 Hour Service TODD ROBINSON Matthew 24:37-44 VIDEO GAMING PLAY NOW Providing Video Slot Machines, Video Poker Machines, Dart Machines, Pool Tables, and ATM Machines Contact Us: 1-217-679-6762 Find the nearest local location near you by visiting: www.grandriverjackpot.com www.drbretpedo.com www.gracelandfairlawn.com 2101 North Main Street Decatur, IL 217-429-5439 (217) 875-3080 Email: [email protected] You can count on Noah Licensed Insured 2032 Baltimore 422-1866 Decatur, IL “ENJOY THE BEAUTY OF GOD’S EARTH” Specializing in Infants, Children & Young Adults Graceland/Fairlawn Colleen Brinkoetter GARY WALTRIP 2702 N. M.L. King • Decatur, IL www.svendsenfloristdecatur.com Each Office is Independently Owned And Operated. t: c Conta “Say it with Flowers” Moran & Goebel www.moranandgoebel.com 106 W. Barnett Ave., Forsyth 217-875-2004 Parishioner (Hickorypoint Mall) Gary & Andy Birschbach Parishioner Parishioners Up-N-Runnin’ L.L.C. Greg Haarman DMD Amanda Lewis DMD Lawn & Garden Equipment Repair & Sales 2220 N. Monroe, Decatur • 217-877-1742 400 W. Main Cross, Taylorville • 217-824-8232 www.cismiles.com 1920 East Mound Road Decatur IL. Register Now for 2014 Summer Camp! PH. • Scholarships Available • Programming for Ages 8-17 • 4th of July Family Camp July 2-5 875-6630 E-Mail: [email protected] Ondessonk.com 877-659-CAMP IL FORNO SULLIVAN AGENCY Italian Restaurant Diane Sullivan, Agent Dan Sullivan, FSR Wood Fire Pizza & Italian Food Dine In • Carry Out • Catering Open for Lunch & Dinner 7 Days A Week 2950 N. Water Street, Suite 305 • Decatur, IL 62526 Office: 217.875.5711 | www.sullivanagency.net 1423 East Mound Road, Decatur www.restaurantilforno.com • (217) 876-9900 AUTO • HOME • LIFE • BANK Dr. Eric Wherley Parishioner 1353 E. Mound Rd. Suite 102 Decatur, IL 62526 217.877.1601 “Orthodontics For Children & Adults” 217 /872-0623 Catherine E. Cavanaugh, DDS, MS 391 W. Weaver Rd. Forsyth IL 62535 (Parishioner) T.R. Flynn lyn 340 N. Martin Luther King Jr. Drive Decatur, IL 62523 Phone (217) 428-3641 1-800-543-5376 Fax (217) 428-0239 Mobile (217) 454-1658 Susie Flynn Fly 2119 East Pershing Rd. 877-5051 Contact Jim Solomon to place an ad today! [email protected] or (800) 950-9952 x2492 F OR A D I NFO C ALL J IM S OLOMON AT B & W II ASPHALT PAVING & SEALCOAT CO. 877-8362 Glay McMillen Vice President Sales [email protected] 1-800-950-9952 • WWW.4LPi.COM P.O. Box 448 OUR LADY OF LOURDES DECATUR Forsyth, IL A 4C 01-0421 11-17-2014 12:07:29
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