2015 Youth Summer Trips - Signal Mountain Presbyterian Church

Signal Points
A publication of Signal Mountain Presbyterian Church
2015 Youth Summer Trips
In SM2, we work hard to create opportunities for summer ministry to and with
students. Here’s the first batch for 2015 - our three summer trips.
Take some time to pray and ask where God might lead you this summer...
Registrations (and full info) opens January 1 on our website www.smtwo.org.
High School Camp
Coming Soon!
Check out the website in
early January for a high
school conference trip.
Middle School
Mission Trip
High School
Mission Trip
Stay at Harrison Bay State Park
and serve Jesus in your own city by
doing home repair/renovations with
Widow’s Harvest and SonServants.
Cross-cultural ministry and
service in our nation’s capital
through “Experience Missions”
and the Salvation Army.
July 6-11
Chattanooga, TN
SMPC Publications Deadlines:
Signal Points deadline - 15th of the month before
Sunday Bulletin deadline - Thursday, 10-days-out from Sunday ad is published
July 12-18
Washington, DC
Note: This symbol designates
an opportunity to serve.
Family Ministry DISCIPLE 2015
Sundays, 4:00 - 5:45 PM
beginning January 25
The Balancing Act
a marriage and parenting event
If you have ever found yourself juggling work, your spouse,
your kids, along with church and community responsibilities,
you’re not alone! Balancing family life in the 21st century is
no easy task.
First Things First and Signal Pres present The Balancing
Act: Faith, Marriage & Family with relationship and parenting
expert Rob Rienow on January 23-24.
DISCIPLE is our beginning course in basic Christian faith
for students in 4th through 8th grade who are asking: “...
Do I hear Jesus calling me to follow him? Am I ready to
stand up and say ‘Yes’?”
We’ll hold two meetings for PARENTS who have students
ready to consider DISCIPLE. Please come to either…
• Sunday, January 11, 5:00 - 6:00 PM
Friday night is Date Night. From 7:00 - 9:15PM we will
explore what it takes to have a Visionary Marriage. Dessert
will be served.
Saturday from 9:00 -12:00 PM, Dr. Rienow will focus on
different aspects of Visionary Parenting.
Saturday following lunch, from 1:00 - 3:00 PM: Launching
Your Teen, Preparing for the Empty Nest and what to do if
your child walks away from their faith.
Doors will open Friday at 6:30 PM and Saturday at 8:30 AM.
We’re thrilled to host this event at Signal Pres and hope
you will take the opportunity to invite friends from your
neighborhoods and schools!
Registration is Required: Choose whether you
want to attend all sessions or just one or two!
Friday: $10.00 per couple
(Child supervision is included in the price.)
Saturday: $20.00 per couple
(Lunch is included in the price.)
Friday and Saturday: $25.00 per couple (Child supervision Friday night
and lunch Saturday is included.)
Registration Deadline: January 23
See First Things First for registration and more information.
A huge thank you from
the Family Ministry to the
planning team and small
army of volunteers that
worked hard to make
Deck the Hall a
fun and engaging
family celebration
of Christmas on
December 3! We had over 550+ people in Dudley Hall who
got to laugh, sing, and hear the good news of Jesus – and
what a joy! Special thanks goes to Frank Peele, David
Barker, Matt Broom, Lucy and Daniel Sawrie, Jason and
Sarah Provonsha, Jimmy Latham, Chris Raynolds,
Callie Latham, Andy Tucker, Brooke Behar, and all the
talented students and adults.
• Wednesday, January 14, 7:30 - 8:30 PM
(after Family Night)
Each meeting will last about 45 minutes and will take place
in Room 302 (Cornerstone Building, top floor). You must
attend one of the meetings in order for your student to
Please note the following three things:
We will hold a required class for parents once each
month (on three Sundays, February - April).
DISCIPLE Sunday will be May 3.
If you’ve had a son or daughter go through DISCIPLE
in the last two years and want to help with some
behind the scene coordination or leadership, talk to
Please contact Andy Cornett
(886-2190; [email protected]).
Men’s Ministry
Join SMPC Men’s Ministry for Food, Fun and
Sunday, January 18
Dinner 6:00 PM
Program 6:30 PM
With Special Guest Speaker:
Head Football Coach,
Ringgold High School
Mark Mariakis
Children’s Ministry
Bible In My Heart Verse from The Gospel Project - Isaiah 53:6
“We all, like sheep, have gone astray, each of us has turned to
our own way; and the Lord has laid on Him the iniquity of us all.”
Please help your child memorize the verse to hide in their heart.
They will say their verse on Sunday, Jan. 25, with their Small Group.
Come on Back for
Agape Club and 5th!
Wednesday, January 14
6:15 - 7:30 PM
January 21
Guest Speaker…
What is Worship?
CARE Ministry
NightOWLS Continuing Education
Sunday, January 25
Experienced Volunteer Training - 4:00 PM
New Volunteer Training - 6:30 PM
Room 119 - Children’s Floor
Looking for a way to serve the church family with
your spouse? Volunteer for NightOWLS!
We are excited to now offer childcare for NightOWLS
Volunteers! We are hoping to enable more couples
to volunteer together by offering childcare for
children ages 4 years through 5th grade.
Childcare will be available for the Saturday
NightOWLS only. This evening runs from 4:15 PM to
January 28
January 4
Practice for Alexian Worship 9:00 PM, usually on the first Saturday of the month.
Want to volunteer without a spouse? We’d still love
Come early (8:45 - 9:15 AM) and enjoy
Sunday on February 1
to have you!
a waffle with your family before Sunday
Contact: Sybil Weldon
Morning on the Children’s Floor.
Contact: Amanda Hayslett (413-7210,
[email protected])
Family Waffle Breakfast
Note: NightOWLS meets 7 months during the year.
Women In Ministry
(Mothers of Preschoolers)
This Month’s Gathering: Friday, January 9
9:30 – 11:30 AM (Woodward Hall)
Speaker: Joannah Bartoo
“Organizing and De-cluttering”
Contact: Kim Love (508-5891)
This Month’s Outing: Friday, January 23
Pump It Up (pay when you get there)
Women’s Circles
Joint Meeting and Luncheon
Monday, January 5 ~ 10:00 AM
$5.00 ~ Dudley Hall
January Lesson - Chapters 6 & 7
Proverbs 13, 14, 15
The Simple, Scorner, and Fool
Thieves, Needy Ones, Workers
Teacher: Donna Peterson
IHS – In His Service
Women of the Word
“When God Gets Your Attention”
A morning of
fellowship, worship & testimony
January 15, 22, and 29
9:30 - 11:00 AM (Youth Cafe)
You do not need to register,
but please register for Child Care if needed
with Catherine Payne at [email protected]
Monday, January 19
10:00 AM – 2:00 PM
(Becking Room)
Childcare by reservation (Mary Lake Abel: 886-2190, [email protected]).
There is something for everyone to do and we welcome all ages. IHS is one of the longest-running services in Women’s
Ministry at SMPC. Please join us for wonderful fellowship as we work “In His Service.” Lunch is served ($3).
Contact: Mary Peckham (886-3549)
Wednesday Family Nights
Dinner – 5:30 ~ Program – 6:30
Dudley Hall
Sermon-Based Discussion Groups
January 14 - February 11
As we begin a study of the book of Colossians this January, why
not set aside time to process through the things that we are being
taught and how it applies to our daily lives, all while getting to
know more of your church family?
Intergenerational small groups (15-18 people) which meet to
discuss and further apply the text of the previous Sunday’s
sermon. These groups are meant to be small enough to allow for
questions, discussion and the building of relationships, discussion,
but large enough to make sure that everyone is free to share at
his/her own pace.
Each group will be led by an elder, who will be supplied with
discussion questions from the previous Sunday’s preacher.
So that we can ensure enough leaders for the groups, participants
will need to sign up! Sign-ups will take place online, on pew pads
and on tables at the church from January 3rd to January 13. Note
- you are NOT signing up for dinner - only for a discussion group.
Groups will be formed and assigned a leader, then posted on
Wednesday, January 14.
Feel free to contact Scott at [email protected],
or call the church office.
General Family Night
5:30 PM Dinner (Dudley Hall)
Youth Dinner/Programs (Youth Wing)
Nursery open for children ages birth through
age three (Children’s Floor)
6:15 PM Agape Club for children ages four through
fourth grade (Children’s Floor)
5th for fifth grade (Children’s Floor)
6:30 PM Adult Program (Dudley Hall)
Ritual of Friendship at Sunday Morning Worship; or
Contact Mary Jo Levy (886-2190, [email protected])
Reservations - Noon Monday
Cancellations - Noon Tuesday
Cost: $7.00 - 13 and older*
$2.00 - 12 and under
Family Maximum - $25.00
(Family Max = Family members under one roof)
* Youth Pizza Dinner in the Youth Café – Cost: $3.00 (all
you can eat); or $1.00 per slice (No reservations needed)
January Menus
January 14
Beef Stew; Corn Muffin; Fresh Vegetables with
Ranch Dressing Dip; Lemon Squares
Serving Team 1 – Treena Smith, Captain
January 21
Chicken Enchilada Casserole; Roasted Zucchini;
Mango Salsa; Hot Fudge Cake
Serving Team 2 – Dennie Taylor, Captain
January 28
Ham Tetrazinni, Tomato Florentine; Garlic Breadstick;
Apple Pie
Serving Team 3 – Pattie Wier, Captain
Inquirers’ Class
Sundays, Beginning January 25
9:15 - Session Room
Are you new to SMPC? Do you want to hear more about what we
believe, why we do what we do, or how to get connected? Do you want
to get to know the leadership in a more personal way? The Inquirers
Class is the place for you!
Led by Scott Bowen and a team of elders and hosts, we will spend 6
weeks together getting to know each other and this church, covering
topics such as “What is the gospel?”, “What does it mean to be
Reformed”, “Why does corporate worship at SMPC look like it looks,” and
“How do I get connected in a place this big?” No sign up is necessary.
Questions? Contact Scott ([email protected])
Is Stephen Ministry making a difference in the life of our
church? Hear what someone who recently received care from
a Signal Mountain Presbyterian Stephen Minister had to say:
“I reached out to Stephen Ministry after I was faced with
a variety of struggles: loss, marital difficulties, and health
issues. I felt I needed someone with a Christian base whom
I could confide in. What I found was an amazing individual
who truly cared about me and the issues I was facing.
This person became my dear friend, my biggest supporter,
and my strength when I couldn’t find it in myself. I would
recommend Stephen Ministry to anyone who is facing
any type of challenge. I believe God worked through my
Stephen Minister to reach me in my broken-heartedness, in
order to help put the pieces back together.”
Don’t struggle alone. Contact a Stephen Leader (Petie Corell,
Leah Conner, Margaret Ferguson, Randy Silver, or Mary
Wray) for more information. Help is a phone call away.
Trek, True North & D-Groups are on winter break.
But, don’t fret we will be back to our regular
program on January 14. Don’t forget pizza arrives
at 5:15 PM and then we start at 5:50 PM. We will be
diving in to our new series “Catching Fire”. Check
out the series overview online while you wait!
Save the Date
March 11
Youth Auction for Summer Missions
Don’t miss...
• 2015 Summer Trips on the front page
• DISCIPLE 2015 on page 2
…in our faith
…in our service
…in our giving
Stewardship Season 2015
Commitment cards are available in the Church Office and at
distribution tables throughout the church.
If you have not had the chance to turn in your commitment
card, you may bring it to the church office, mail it, or place it in
the offering plate on Sunday. Extra commitment cards can be
picked up in the church office during the week.
From The Mailbox
To my Church Family and Friends,
What a blessing you’ve been to me with your
cards, phone calls, prayers, and visits! You have
truly shown your love and care as God’s people
during my recovery in the hospital and now at
home. My family and I are sincerely grateful.
God bless you all!
Jo Peper
Dear Church Family,
We are so thankful for all of your kindness during our time
of transition into life and ministry on the mountain. We have
been so blessed by meals and visits, as well as by all of the
gifts that have enabled us to rediscover this fun city with
our children! We are especially thankful for the faithful and
continued prayer that so many of you offer for us.
Many blessings in Christ,
Amanda and Scott Bowen and family
Church Family News
Sawyer Hall Westcott
Son of John and Jillian Westcott
December 14, 2014
Reverend Bowen Celebrated the Sacrament assisted
by Reverend Cornett and Elder Julie Baumgardner.
Mr. and Mrs. Laurence Nathaniel Rix
Miriam Sophia LaRochelle
(nee Heather Katelyn Row)
Saturday, November 1, 2014
Rockettes Landing, Richmond, Virginia
Infant daughter of Patrick and Anna LaRochelle
December 21, 2014
Reverend Bowen Celebrated the Sacrament
assisted by Reverend Ferguson and Elder Peggy
LaRochelle, Miriam’s grandmother.
Chad and Lauren Wright Pittman
Saturday, December 13, 2014
First Presbyterian Church of New Orleans
New Orleans, Louisiana
Ella Kennedy Stephens
A daughter born to Jesse and Elizabeth Stephens
(nee Lizzie Conner)
December 5, 2014 - Columbia, Missouri
Celebrating in our congregation are grandparents
Ken and Leah Conner, and great-grandparents
Chuck and Honey Conner.
Susan Blakely Martin
A daughter born to Robert and Ryan Martin
December 8, 2014 - Chattanooga, Tennessee
Celebrating grandparents in our congregation are
Tony and Carroll Allen.
Matthew Parker Raulston
A son born to Web and Liz Raulston
December 8, 2014 - Chattanooga, Tennessee
Celebrating in our congregation are grandparents
John and Tracy Raulston, and greatgrandparents Jim and Deedee Raulston.
George A. Rea
Church Member 1984-2014
November 29, 2014
Signal Mountain, Tennessee
Ruth Davis Elliott
Mother of Sam (Karen) Elliott
December 11, 2014
Soddy-Daisy, Tennessee
Glenn Stanley Rothberger
Gail Henderson Dutton
James Harrison Kelly
Barbara Swann Humber
Lesslie Watkins Lee
Barbara Anne Newton
Church Member 2000 - 2014
December 2, 2014
Signal Mountain, Tennessee
Father of Dawn (Bob) Bullard
December 10, 2014
Sandusky, Ohio
Church Member 1982 - 2014
December 11, 2014
Chattanooga, Tennessee
Sister of Clarissa (Chris) Ackerson
December 16, 2014
Jasper, Alabama
Sister of Olivia Neall
December 17, 2014
Gastonia, North Carolina
Mother of Leza (David) Simpson
December 18, 2014
Signal Mountain, Tennessee
Welcome Our New Members
Mr. and Mrs. Banning M. Stack
Banning and Jessica
42 Rock Crest Drive
Sunday, November 23, 2014
By transfer of church
membership from The
Gathering, Hixson, Tennessee.
Banning is an Estimator with
High Bridge Associates, and
Jessica is homemaker for their
family. The Stacks have a daughter, Rachel, who is sixteen months
old, and who attends our Presbyterian Day School.
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Morrow
Mike and Donna
443 Appian Way
Sunday, December 7, 2014
By transfer of church
membership from Mountain
Creek Baptist Church,
Chattanooga, Tennessee.
Mike is Chief Electrical
Engineer with T.J. Snow
Company, and Donna is a retired school teacher.
Mr. and Mrs. John M. Westcott
John and Jillian
814 Skyline Drive
Sunday, December 14, 2014
By Profession of Faith.
John is Vice President and Jillian
is Accounting Manager, both at
Chattanooga Box Company. The
Westcotts have a son, Sawyer, who
is eight months old and who attends
our Presbyterian Day School. John is
the son of Gary and Carol Westcott,
and the brother of Kim (Jason) Lockery.
Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Nathaniel Denton
Nathan and Christie
4916 Toll House Trail
Sunday, December 21, 2014
By transfer of church membership from St.
Timothy’s Episcopal Church, Signal Mountain,
Nathan is a Chemist with Tennessee Valley
Authority and Christie is homemaker for their
family. The Dentons have a daughter, Carolina, who is five years
old and who attends our Presbyterian Day School.
Around The Church
Officer Meeting
Session: Sunday, January 11 ~ 5:00 PM
(Session Room)
Healing Service
Sunday, January 18 ~ 5:00 PM (Marr Chapel)
Holy Communion and Anointing with Oil
Childcare is available for ages birth through five years. No reservations are needed.
Sanctuary Flowers Opportunity
The flowers in the Sanctuary each Sunday are given “in honor of, in
memory of, and in celebration of” by members of the congregation.
Contact: Ann Schimpf (886-2056, [email protected])
Hearing Assistance Ministry
DID YOU KNOW complimentary hearing devices are available each
Sunday morning in the Narthex? Please see volunteers Darnell
Scafe or Kelly Trabucco for assistance.
Food Sunday, January 4
for Signal Mountain Social Services Food Pantry
Your donations of non-perishable food items and household cleaning
products are welcome. Collection baskets are located throughout the
church buildings.
Worship To Come
Sunday, January 4
Service of Holy Communion
During Both Worship Services
Reverend Bowen Preaching
Scripture: 2 Timothy 2:14 – 3:5
Sunday, January 11
8:15 Early Morning Worship Service (Marr Chapel)
10:40 Morning Worship Service (Sanctuary)
Ordination/Installation of Elders,
Deacons, and Trustees
Reverend Bowen Preaching
Scripture: Colossians 1:1-8
Sunday, January 18
Reverend Bowen Preaching
Scripture: Colossians 1:9-14
Sunday, January 25
Reverend Cornett Preaching
Scripture: Colossians 1:15-20
Signal Mountain Social Services is a Community Ministry supported by SMPC.
Church Gifts - In Memory of...
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Francescon, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. William Neff
Mr. and Mr. John Niemeyer
Mr. and Mrs. James A. Smith
Mrs. Denise Taylor
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Wilson
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Dan White
Dr. and Mrs. Steven Tipps
Mr. and Mrs. Grady Williams
Dr. and Mrs. Arch Y. Smith
Mrs. Carolyn Ballard
Mr. and Mrs. David Bartlett
Mrs. Jacqueline Carson
Mrs. June Chrisman
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Francescon, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. William Freels
Ms. Pat Lane Fricks
Mr. and Mrs. Curtiss Hewlett
Mrs. Joyce Hill
Mrs. Rita S. Irvin
Mr. and Mrs. William Neff
Mr. and Mr. John Niemeyer
Mr. and Mrs. James Raulston
Mrs. Norma Roberts
Mr. and Mrs. James Sasse
Mrs. Ellis A Smith
Mr. and Mrs. James A. Smith
Mrs. Phyllis Steele
Dr. and Mrs. Nat Swann
Mrs. Denise Taylor
Mr. and Mrs. William Wilder
Mrs. Barbara Wright
Mrs. Juanita Brightwell
Mrs. Jacqueline Carson
Ms. Dorothy Hallman
Mr. August Meier
Mrs. Dorothy Nation
Mr. and Mrs. William S. Porter
Mr. and Mrs. James Raulston
Ms. Wonnie L. Short
Ms. Ann Gordon Sibold
Dr. and Mrs. Arch Y. Smith
Mrs. Ellis Smith, Jr.
Mrs. Denise Taylor
Mr. Robert Torla
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Turner
Mrs. Geraldine Shaw
Mr. and Mrs. William Freels
Mrs. Joyce Hill
Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Price
Mr. and Mrs. B. Lamar Rankin
Mrs. Norma Roberts
Mr. and Mrs. Grady Williams
Mrs. Betty Woodard
Mrs. June Chrisman
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Francescon, Sr.
Mrs. Joyce Hill
Mr. and Mrs. Allan McCullough
Mr. and Mrs. Roger Smith
Ms. Sarah Tanner
Mr. and Mrs. James A. Smith
Waffles & Winterim
Why Theology Matters
- Dr. Kelly M. Kapic (Professor of Theological Studies at Covenant College)
January 4 • 11 • 18
(Dudley Hall)
January 4
8:45 - 9:30 AM
9:30 - 10:15 AM
January 11 9:15 - 10:15 AM
January 18 9:15 - 10:15 AM
Family Waffle Breakfast
Session 1 - Dr. Kapic
Session 2 - Dr. Kapic
Session 3 - Dr. Kapic
“For most people the question is not whether God exists, but what is God like.
How do we know God? Can God be trusted? Does God care? And is God good?
Theology is an aspect of thought and conversation for all who live and breathe,
who wrestle and fear, who hope and pray.” - Dr. Kelly Kapic
Signal Mountain Presbyterian Church is on Facebook at
Signal Mountain Presbyterian Church
612 James Boulevard
Signal Mountain, TN 37377
(office) 423.886.2190
(fax) 423.886.3977
(prayer place) 423.886.2160
Non Profit Org.
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Permit No. 4
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