Our Lady of the Blessed Sacrament Catholic Church !"#$%&"'(%'%)*'+,*-./' We hope you have felt at home in our church this weekend. Please feel free to join us as often as possible, you will be whole-heartedly welcome. Rectory Office: 34-24 203 Street, Bayside, NY 11361-1152 We Celebrate the Eucharist: (718) 229-5929 Fax (718) 229-3354 www.olbschurch.org Daily Masses: Monday to Friday: 9am-5pm, 6:30pm-8:30pm; Mon.-Fri. 7am & 9am, Sat. 9am Saturday: 9am-5pm; Sunday: 9am-2pm Public Holidays, 9am only We are Served By: Rev. Robert J. Whelan, Pastor Regular Mass Schedule: Sat. Vigil 5pm; Ext. 24 [email protected] Rev. Lawrence D. Ryan, Parochial Vicar Ext. 18 [email protected] Sun., 8am, 9:30am, 11am, 12:30pm Holy Days: As Announced in Bulletin/Website Rev. Msgr. William J. Flood, Assistant Ext. 22 (Pastor Emeritus of Our Lady of Grace Church) Sacrament Information: See inside front cover Rev. Vincent J. Gallo, Weekend Assistant (Pastor Emeritus of St. Pancras Church, Glendale) Church is open daily until 5pm Rev. Bryan J. Carney, Resident Ext. 20 (Chaplain - Flushing Hosp. & NY Hosp. of Queens) Mrs. Joan Kane, School Principal 34-45 202 Street, Bayside, NY 11361-1152 (718) 229-4434 Office www.olbsschool.org Mrs. Carol Pacifico and Mrs. Barbara Tcolakian, Secretaries Sr. Carla Lorenz, PBVM, Dir. of Religious Education (718) 225-6179 [email protected] Mrs. Rosanna Lombardi, Secretary Deacon George Bourbeau, Director of Youth Ministry Ext. 21 [email protected] Deacon Ernesto Avallone Ext 12 [email protected] Mr. Michael Martinka, Director of Music Ext. 17 [email protected] Mrs. Jane Brunhuber, Secretary Ext. 10 [email protected] Mrs. Linda Farrell, Bookkeeper Ext. 15 [email protected] Receptionist Ext. 11 December 21st, 2014 Dec. 21, 2014-p2 SACRAMENTS AND PRAYER Eucharistic Adoration: Begins every Friday after Holy Communion at the 9:00 AM Mass. Concluding prayers and the Benediction Rite for this holy hour begins about 10:15 AM. Baptism: Instruction classes are held on the last Saturday of each month in the rectory at 11 AM. Parents should call the rectory to make arrangements before they attend the class and bring with them a copy of the child’s birth certificate. Baptism is administered on the 2nd Sunday of every month at 2 PM. Reconciliation: Saturday: 4:00 PM to 4:45 PM or by appointment with one of the priests. Marriage: A couple must come to the rectory to make arrangements for their wedding at least six months in advance of their proposed wedding date. Please call the rectory to make an appointment. Please log on to www.pre-cana.org for complete information about marriage preparation in the Diocese. Anointing of the Sick: One of the priests should be called as soon as there is a sign of serious illness. Communion of the Sick: Anyone who cannot attend Mass because of illness may receive the Eucharist at home on a regular basis. Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion assist the priests in this ministry. Please call Agnes, Communion of the Sick Coordinator, at 718 631-4793, or the rectory. Cenacles of Life: Mondays 7:30pm - Rosary and Eucharistic Adoration; and Saturdays at 8:15am Rosary in the church. Liturgy of the Hours: Monday to Friday before the 9am Mass. Rev. Msgr. George T. Deas, Pastor Emeritus (not in residence) DECEMBER 2014 MASS INTENTIONS-(Gift of) Sat-20th 5pm Diego Arturo Yepes (Ana Yepes) Jaime & Carmen Callazo & Baby Caligri (Mary Caligri) Mon-22nd 7am 9am Tues-23rd 7am 9am Wed-24th 7am 9am Antica Licul (Roko Licul) Janet Licul (Roko Licul) Marina Damiani (Robert Damiani) Michael Coyne (Eileen Coyne) Mark McAndrew (Kathleen McAndrew) Kenneth Hill (Richard & Stella Hill) Rudolph Basacchi (Ronnie Ulino & Catherine Brust) M/M George Brust (Catherine Brust) Charles & Catherine Broderick (M/M Daniel Maher) (Christmas Masses are offered for the intentions provided by parishioners) Fri-26th 7am Lillian & William J. McLoughlin (G/ Mary McLoughlin) 9am Sat-27th 9am 5pm Robert Sollano (Josephine Sollano) Antonino Frisina (Maria Celano) Richard Rizzo (Kathleen & Peter McNally) John Esposito (OLBS CYO) Christine K. Walker (Mary & Domenick Ranieri) Mary Anne Lynch (Siobhan Eberle) Eleanor DiMichael (Mary & Domenick Ranieri) RELIGIOUS EDUCATION ADVENT PREPARATION During this holy season all of the children in our school and religious education program have the opportunity to receive the sacrament of reconciliation during class time. CLOTHING NEEDED The Bridge to Life is in dire need of boys baby clothes size 3-6 months (No newborn size please), as well as boys toddler clothes 3 thru 7 and crib sheets. THANK YOU FOR MEMORIAL GIFTS Please Remember Them In Your Prayers Altar Bread & Wine - Week of 12/21 In Memory of Gloria Tulley—Gift of Gerry Rizzo Sanctuary Candle - Week of 12/21 In Memory of Mary Anne Lynch - Gift of Betty Kossmann INTINCTION Intinction is the practice of the minister offering Holy Communion by dipping the consecrated host (the Body of Christ) into the Precious Blood and then placing it on the tongue of the communicant. A plate is always used to prevent any spilling. Note that the communicant is never the one to do this, only the minister. This form is not authorized for use in the United States, a decision of our national bishops’ conference. Your only option is to drink from the chalice or not. Remember that while receiving under both forms has a greater sign value, we do receive the entire Christ, Body and Blood, when we receive either species. PRAY FOR THE SICK If you have a family member you wish to be prayed for, please let us know immediately and we will be happy to pray for them. The names will remain on the sick list for three weeks and thereafter repeated as requested. Please call the rectory at 229-5929 if someone is in the hospital, nursing home or at home and wishes a visit from a priest or parish minister. WEEK 1 Sal Cotroneo Tommy O’Neil Robert Rendall Robert Billy Sausa Mary Soellner Jack Vitale WEEK 2 Kathy Joseph Cerrato Jerry Modica, Jr. Casimir Visminas WEEK 3 Phillip Amisano John Biangasso Johnny Cressy Brian Deasy Adrienne Moscato Robert Moscato Walter Panas John Raffi Gerry Webrew Dec. 21, 2014-p3 ARMED FORCES PRAYER LIST If you would like prayers requested in the bulletin for a loved one in the Armed Forces, please call the rectory - x–10. Jason & Allison Carter, Conor Crosby, Sheldon Diaz, Eric Hauser, Ryan Heppel, Lieutt. Heather O’Donnell, Michael McHugh, Catherine McManus, Jennifer & Michael Minnick, Adam Mohler, Capt. Andrew Pesature, Lieut. Daniel Pesature, Robert Rendall, William Rendall, Shawn Smith, Capt. Vidhi Persaud, Bryson Ciampa, USMC, Luke Mixon, Rct. Sergio Geico, USMC, Paul Chapman, Lieut. Gavin White visit website: www.woundedwarriorproject.org RESPECT LIFE The Respect Life Committee wishes the parishioners of Our Lady of the Blessed Sacrament a very Merry Christmas! “Let us make ourselves ready to celebrate Christmas by contemplating Mary and Joseph: Mary, the woman full of grace who had the courage to entrust herself totally to the Word of God; Joseph, the faithful and just man who chose to believe the Lord rather than listen to the voices of doubt and human pride. With them, let us walk together toward Bethlehem.” Pope Francis, Angelus—Regina Coeli, December, 2013 NEW PARISH BOOK CLUB Please join us on Wednesday, 1/28, at 7:30pm, in the Mary Mullaney Room (church basement 203rd St. entrance). Be ready to discuss, Cutting for Stone by Abraham Verghese. This is a beautifully written novel about twin brothers, orphaned by their mother’s death at their birth and the disappearance of their surgeon father. Come join us for great fellowship and friendship. VOLUNTEERS NEEDED!!! Big Bucks Weekly Bingo Jackpot Is $ 1,000 First 50/50 Numbers called at 7pm Regular Bingo Games Continue at 7:30pm $2,025 in prizes Every Friday ADDITIONAL 3 FUN GAMES! QUICK WINNERS! Team 1 will work on Friday, 1/2/15 NO BINGO ON FRIDAY 12/26 If you can volunteer, please call 718 229-5929 x-10. CHERUB CHOIR Practice, 3:15-4pm, Monday, 12/22, parish center CHILDRENS CHOIR Practice, 4:30-5:30, Monday, 12/22, parish center MOMMY & ME Thursday, 1/8, 9:30am, cafeteria SEPARATED AND DIVORCED Meeting, 1/14, 7pm, Parish Center - 718 939-8252 EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS Please use the sign up sheet in the sacristy to sign up for the Christmas and New Year’s Masses. Please remember to take home a calendar today! FAITH DIRECT With the busy times of the Advent season and Christmas right around the corner, enrolling in Faith Direct today is a great way to ensure your gifts of treasure to Our Lady of the Blessed Sacrament are received even if you may be out of town. Please pick up an enrollment form from the parish office today or enroll online at www.faithdirect.net - our Church Code is NY339. Already using Faith Direct? Don't forget to add your Christmas or End-of-Year contributions to your account this Fall. Please Remember OLBS In Your Will Legal Name of Church Our Lady of the Blessed Sacrament Roman Catholic Church PRAY FOR OUR DECEASED Nella Budano (Rosalie Cleary’s mother) Mickey Rodeschini My dear Parishioners, There is only one true reason for Christmas and it is Jesus Christ, the spoken Word of God, He who came to reveal the Father to us, the Word who became a human being like us in all things but sin. My prayer for you this Christmas is that you will come to know Him as never before and love Him as you have never yet imagined. Remember, it was He who said in His prayer to the Father: “Now this is eternal life that they should know you, the only true God and the one whom you have sent, Jesus Christ.” Fr. Deas Dec. 21, 2014-p4 CHRISTMAS FLOWER DONATIONS YOUR CATHOLIC TEEN AND YOUNG ADULT COMMUNITY (CTC and YAM) Our parish high school outreach specific program is designed to help students evangelize to one another and our parish community through blood drives, Advent wreath sales, meatloaf projects… . Sacramental opportunity is also provided for interested students who are ready to prepare for Confirmation through a group program based on service. Meetings are held in the convent on Monday evening from 7-8:30pm. Call Deacon George for further information at 718 229-5929 x-21. Why do we say Jesus is our Savior? Because He became one of us to show us how we should treat each other with patience and kindness so we can live with him for all eternity. NEXT TEEN CLUB MEETING Wednesday, 1/7, 7:30pm-10pm in the auditorium HIGH SCHOOL SACRAMENTAL PREPARATION Are you a high school student wanting to complete your sacraments of initiation, Baptism, First Holy Communion or Confirmation? Please 718 229-5929 x-21, Deacon George, for any and all questions. YOUNG ADULT MINISTRY Are you a young adult (20s and 30s) looking for ways to serve your community and connect with like-minded people? E-mail [email protected]. Like us on Facebook: OLBS YAM Dear Parishioners, I pray that you all receive the gifts of joy and peace through the merits and generosity of our dear Savior, Jesus Christ, and His humble Mother. Msgr. Vincent A. Keane ALTAR SERVER SCHEDULE Saturday, 12/27 5pm Alexander Allel, Diana Monteverdi, Ryan McDonough Sunday, 12/28 8am Timothy Flaherty, George Arnold, Nicole Andres 9:30am Brianna Maher, eronica and Victoria Monteverdi 11am Christina Valeros, Ante & Alenka Sokosa 12:30pm Amelia Baffo, Victoria & Domenico Monaco In Memory of Elso Siancos Barefoot & Peres Families Victoria & Gaspar Brinko & Mary & John Rokos Catherine Brust M/M George M. Brust M/M Philip Caputo Susan M. Caputo Barbara Carey M/M Rino Cattabiani William & Grace Bagnall M/M Benny Celano Antonino Frisina M/M Eddy Charles M/M Rosario Conte Conte & Casliglione Fam. M/M William Conti Robert L. Dunn John Conway John Conway Eileen Coyne Michael Coyne Eileen Cullen Tim Brosnan and Bill Kelly M/M M. D’Alessio Anthony & Pat D’Alessio Mrie Defenthis Louise & Rudolph Defenthis M/M Joseph Della Vecchia Joseph Della Vecchia M/M Vito Dellino M/M Giovanni Novielli & Margherita Novielli M/M C. Doherty M/M J. Donini Donini & Santorelli Families M/M Dermot Egan Kenny & Egan Families M/M Richard Faller Carollo & Faller Families M/M Gerald Gilrane John & Josie Kathleen Gilrane M/M George Goger M/M Gene & Terrie Goger Lawrence Harrison Harrison Family Vincent Harrison Maria Harrison Mrs. Joseph Higgins Joseph M. Higgins M/M Richard Hill Maureen Ivory Mary & William Murphy Joseph Janos Jean V. Janos Mary Jordan John & Bridget Carson Loretta McKeown Agnes & Rudy Karabec & Loretta & William McKeown Josephine King Richard King Patrick McAleer McAleer & Cassidy Families Carol McGarry William McGarry & Marie Quinn Patarick & Sheila McGuire Stack Family & Uncle Bob McGuire Betty McLoughlin Mary & Jim McLoughlin M/M Peter McNally Deceased Members of Hurley & McNally Family Barbara Lauria Rose & Vito Lauria Nora Leddy John P. Leddy Vincent Lino Christine Lino Gift of Pilar Agirre M/M R. Barefoot M/M Peter Brinko all flower memorials will continue to be published thank you for your donation –Dec. 14, 21 & 28th Feb.21, 10, 2013-p5 Dec. 2014-p5 FROM THE PASTOR’S DESK Dear Parishioners, O Wisdom of God, O Leader of Israel, O Root of Jesse, O Key of David, O Radiant Dawn, O King of all nations, O Emmanuel, come to save us! These “O Antiphons” from the final stage of our Advent liturgies express our longing for the Savior. As the Solemnity of the Nativity of the Lord draws near we open our hearts to the One who comes to save us, Jesus the Christ. Reconciliation Monday provides the opportunity to be reconciled with God and neighbor. May Christmas be the bearer of light and peace, joy and hope, to you. May you in turn be Christ to others. In Christ, Father Bob — — ANNUAL CATHOLIC APPEAL — We’re down to the last opportunity to make — — your donation to the Annual Catholic Appeal. — — — — Thank you to all who have made donations. — To date, 341 donors have pledged $111,100 — — and $107,930 has been paid. Our goal is $93,090. The names of all 2014 ACA donors continue to be published in our bulletin. If you have not yet made your donation, please do it soon. THANK YOU Thank you to all who donated ($14,627) to the “My Christmas Gift to My Church” collection last weekend. Your generosity in this collection is very much appreTHE LIGHT OF THE WORLD There is a light that burns over the grotto where Jesus ciated. If you were not able to give to this collection was born in Bethlehem. Each year, a child from Upper last weekend, please drop it in the collection basket at Austria fetches the light from the grotto. The light is your convenience. carried in two blast proof miner’s lamps on an Austrian Airlines jet from Tel Aviv, Israel to Vienna, Austria. It CHRISTMAS FLOWERS is distributed to delegations from across Europe who Christmas Flowers may be memorialized for those take it back, with a message of Peace, to their own who would like someone remembered during this countries. Austrian Airlines then flies the miner’s Christmas season. Please return the names in the envelamps containing the Peace Light from Bethlehem to lopes which may be found at the main entrance of the New York City. Cadette troop #4267 and their leaders church. All memorials are being published. You may received the peace light at a ceremony at Our Lady of place the envelope in any collection during the month the Skies Chapel at JKF Airport and brought it to our of December. Nativity scene. We receive this light from Bethlehem and it is our honor to spread this continuous flame and its message of peace. This lamp will remain in Our VISIT OUR PARISH WEBSITE Lady of the Blessed Sacrament Church at the statue of Did you know that when you click on the bulletin, Our Blessed Mother for the Christmas season. you can sign up for an email notification each time we have a new bulletin or publications by giving them your email address? olbschurch.org CHRISTMAS MASS CARDS If you would like to have someone remembered at all our Christmas Masses, Christmas cards are available at STEWARDSHIP: A WAY OF LIFE the main entrance of the church. The names may be TITHING: GOD’S PLAN FOR GIVING returned in the collection basket or to the rectory. We recognize some of the good deeds by the children in our parJOIN US MIDNIGHT MASS ON CHRISTMAS Carols will begin at 11:30pm with special musical instruments to accompany our organ - timpani, oboe, trombone and trumpet. ish: Rocco, Gr. 3, held the door open for a lady; Aleka, Gr. 5, carried in the groceries; Olivia, Gr. 8, carried the laundry up from the cellar and sorted it; Comments: “Mary said ‘YES’ to the Angel Gabriel and the Son of God became man. Joseph said ‘YES’ to the angel and became the foster-father of Mary’s Son, Jesus. When we tithe we say yes to Jesus who uses our gift to extend His kingdom on earth and to lead more people to His heavenly kingdom. Thank you.” 2013 RECTORY OFFICE $ 7,683.00 The Rectory Office will be closed on Christmas Day, $ 2,527.25 706 (snow) and Friday, December 26th. Dec. 14, 2014 Third Sunday of Advent Collection Faith Direct Attendance 2014 $ 8,153.00 $ 3,000.00 879 Dec. 21, 2014-p6 Did You Know? Catechetical Corner “Behold, I am the handmaid of the Lord. May it be done to me according to your word.” Mary chose to cooperate with God. She didn’t completely understand how his plan was going to unfold. She couldn’t have known exactly what it all meant for her future. But she chose to offer herself to God’s service nonetheless. And thanks to that generosity, the first Christmas happened nine months later. Mary gives us a powerful example of saying yes to God. For her, the divine plan was revealed through the visit of the Angel Gabriel. For us, it is usually revealed in less dramatic ways. We hear God’s voice through the reading at Mass, through the homily, through the wise counsel of a trusted friend, through a spiritual book or just in the prayerful silence of our own hearts. Regardless of how God speaks to us, we are in a similar situation to Mary’s. We are faced with the choice either to accept God’s will in our lives, saying yes as Mary did, or else to say no and choose a different path. It may be tempting to avoid the challenge of surrendering our plans to God. But just look what happened when Mary decided to let God lead: the greatest miracle in all of history! And God wants to work miracles through us, too. Every time we cooperate with his will, he transforms us into more loving, more generous people. WORDS OF LIFE “Never tire of firmly speaking out in defense of life from its conception and do not be deterred from the commitment to defend the dignity of every human person with courageous determination. Christ is with you: be not afraid!” — Address of John Paul II to the Bishops and Apostolic Administrators of Albania on their “Ad Limina” Visit, February 3, 2001 © 2001 Libreria Editrice Vaticana. Used with permission. YOUR VOCATION “Be it done unto me according to your word.” Docile obedience to the Lord’s will is the fruit of humble prayer. If God is inviting you to a deeper consecration as a priest, deacon, brother or sister, call the Vocation Office at 718 827-2454 or email: vocations@ diobrook.org. SUNDAY MASS PRESIDERS - Dec. 27-28 schedule is subject to change - (in parentheses - will preach) Saturday, 12/27 Sunday, 12/28 5pm 8am 9:30am 11am 12:30pm Fr. Ryan Fr. Ryan (Dcn. Avallone) Msgr. Flood Fr. Gallo Fr. Whelan AROUND THE DIOCESE *Trip to Yonkers Casino: St. Josaphat’s - 1/2 - 917 921-7631. *Alzheimer’s Adult Day Program: Catholic Charities Neighborhood Services – door-to-door transportation included Mon., Wed. & Thurs. 10-4pm. T-718 358-3541. Fx- 961-4712. *Pilgrimage: With Bishop Cisneros to Fatima, Lisbon, Avila..., March 12-20, 2015, Bishop Cisneros 1-800-Catholic x-208. *Pilgrimage: Shrines of Italy: May, 2015. Info: 631-654-0199. *Pilgrimage: Passion Play-Sordevolo, Italy, 9/3-13- 800-935-5000. *Catholic Cruise to Alaska: May 2-May 9—860 399-1785. *Catholic Cruise to Bermuda: June 6-13th—860 399-1785. *Retreats at Bishop Molloy Retreat House: 718 739-1229. *Diocesan Pre Cana Information: Visit www.pre-cana.org *Assisted Living: Dominican Village—631 842-6091. *Adult Services: 718 229-7320 - Catholic Charities affiliate. *Volunteers Wanted: Ozanam Hall Nursing Home, 971-2020. *Knights of the Holy Eucharist: Men 18-30, discern a vocation—to learn more—knights.org or call 541 375-0195. *Showing of the Original Shroud of Turin: Call The Catholic Tour at 1 877-627-4268 (next showing 2025). The 4pm Mass will be overcrowded - do not expect a seat - Why not plan on attending one of our other Christmas Masses? 2014 CHRISTMAS SCHEDULE CONFESSIONS Saturdays, 4pm Reconciliation Monday, December 22nd Following 7 & 9am Masses, 11am-12 noon, 3-4pm, 7-8pm CHRISTMAS MASSES Christmas Eve - Wednesday, December 24th 4pm Family Mass 6pm Vigil Mass Midnight Mass (Carols begin 11:30pm) CHRISTMAS DAY Thursday, December 25th 9:30am, 11am & 12:30pm Masses NEW YEAR’S SCHEDULE SOLEMNITY OF MARY, MOTHER OF GOD Wednesday, New Year’s Eve, December 31st 5pm Mass Thursday, New Year’s Day, January 1st 10am and 12 noon HELP US DECORATE THE CHURCH FOR CHRISTMAS Sunday, December 21st at 1:30pm For information - Contact Deacon George - x-21 MASS SCRIPTURE READINGS Readings for weekday Masses are available on the homepage Tues. St. John of Kanty, Priest; Thurs. Nativity of the Lord; Fri. St. Stephen, the First Martyr; Sat. St. John, Apostle and Evanelist Sun., 12/21 2Sm 7:1-5,8b-12,14a,16; Rom 16:25-27; Lk 1:26-38 Over 20 Ye (718) 463-9674 s Experiencar e R.J. RUSSO ELECTRIC CO. HONEST, RELIABLE SERVICE - REASONABLE RATES! RESIDENTIAL - COMMERCIAL - INDUSTRIAL NEW WORK - ALTERATIONS - REPAIRS NO JOB TOO LARGE OR SMALL Call Your Electrical Specialists! rjrussoelectric.com 45-57 Bell Blvd., Bayside EMERGENCY SERVICE 718-423-4742 DR. DAVID ORENSTEIN, F.A.A.O. OPTOMETRIST Fox’s Gift Shop II Specializing in Favors for All Occasions Invitations • Save the Date • Cake Toppers • Gifts • Accessories By Appointment 36-03 162nd St. at Northern Blvd. Flushing Linda Starace, LCSW Licensed Clinical Social Worker Psychotherapy for children and adolescents By appointment only (917) 444-0468 Connors & Sullivan Jere’s Hardware 173-05 HORACE HARDING EXPWY. FLUSHING, N.Y. 11365 (718) 357-8820 FAX (718) 357-4604 Caring in Three Centuries… Chapin Home for the Aging 165-01 Chapin Parkway • Jamaica, NY 718-739-2523 Unique Gifts for Every Budget! Skilled Nursing Facility, Short-Term Rehab, Hospice Care, Adult Day Health Care 159-02 Northern Blvd., Flushing, NY 11358 MON THRU SAT 7:00 A.M. TO 5:00 P.M. Visit us online at www.ChapinHome.org KILEY, KILEY & KILEY, PLCC Joann N. Salvemini, M.D. Attorneys At Law Diplomate, American Board of Dermatology Donald T. Kiley, Donald T. Kiley, Jr. Kevin J. Kiley, Catherine Kiley McGuire, James D. Kiley Phone: 516-773-4500 718-353-1220 Eyes Examined • Contact Lenses • Low Vision (718) 939-5307 ROBERT HEALY • GEORGE BARDOLF III Personal Injury • Medical Malpractice Real Estate Transactions • Estate Planning & Administration Elder Law • Matrimonial Law 107 Northern Boulevard, Suite 304, Great Neck OLBS Alumni 718-224-5100 516-466-7900 Fax: 516-773-9896 233 E. Shore Rd., Suite 102 Great Neck, NY 11023 My car went to Heaven! DONATE YOUR AUTO Society of St. Vincent de Paul 718-491-2525 IRS Tax Deduction • Any Model Any Condition • FREE Towing This Space Available Attorneys At Law, PLLC Wills • Estates • Trusts Medicaid • Elder Law For Information On Advertising, Please Call Our Parish Representative “Don’t Lose Everything To A Nursing Home” Home & Hospital Interviews Available SATURDAY on AM 970 RADIO 6-7 Tapestry Real Estate KEVIN O’CONNELL Licensed Real Estate Agent 25 years real estate experience Free appraisals “Ask Lawyer Mike” 200-20 Northern Blvd. Bayside, NY 11361 718-225-7200 CALVARY HOSPITAL !"#$%&'()*%%*" at 800-888-4574 x3447 or Email: [email protected] 718-445-3445 For more than a century, Calvary Hospital has provided care for patients with advanced cancer. “The Best Foot Care in Your Home” Where Life Continues Today, at our modern 200-bed facility in the Bronx, our state-of-the-art inpatient unit at Lutheran Medical Center in Brooklyn, the Center for Curative and Palliative Wound Care, and through Calvary@Home hospice and home care program, we continue this outstanding tradition of compassionate care. For more information, please call 718-518-2300 or visit www.calvaryhospital.org Cell: 917-584-3983 Office: 718-460-1943 OLBS Parishioner Since 1958 Susan E. Lewin, D.P.M., Podiatrist “The Home Care Specialist” A REAL ADVANTAGE INC. All Phases Of Construction At An Affordable Price. SPECIALIZE IN Gutters, Roofing, Siding, Cement/ Masonry Work Residential And Commercial WILLS, TRUSTS and ELDER LAW ANN-MARGARET CARROZZA, Esq. 213-38 40th Avenue, Bayside 718-224-4746 www.ARealAdvantageConstruction.com 718-767-6950 Free Estimates • All Work Guaranteed Fully Licensed And Insured A+ Rating With The BBB (Better Business Bureau) Serving All 5 Boros, Westchester, And Nassau County Contact Brian O’Connor to find out how! [email protected] 800-888-4574 ext. 3447 FOR AD INFO CALL 1-800-888-4574 © LITURGICAL PUBLICATIONS INC. JOHN BANHAM Licensed Real Estate Broker Receive 10% Off My Commission By Mentioning This Ad!! OLBS Parishioner www.welcomematrealestate.com 347-612-1577 DECEMBER 3, 2014 3:59 PM S&F OUR LADY BLESSED SACRAMENT, BAYSIDE 04-0224 Caring for families for over 100 years Large Parking Facilities at all locations Also located in Flushing & Whitestone Visit our website: www.gleasonfuneral.com 36-46 Bell Boulevard Bayside, NY 11361 (718) 428-2210 This Space Available Martin A. EYE EXAMINATION BY APPT. OPTICAL PRESCRIPTIONS FILLED CONTACT LENSES FITTED Vincent Opticians For Information On Advertising, Please Call Our Parish Representative Family owned & operated by John Aloysius Golden & Thomas A. Golden III 718-359-7505 33-37 Francis Lewis Blvd. Bayside Margaret Rubin Auto • Home • Life INSURANCE 24-Hour Service (718) 762-5500 THIS SPACE IS !"#$%&'()*%%*" at 800-888-4574 x3447 or Email: [email protected] LLOYD FUNERAL HOME Est. 1934 39th Ave. at 215th St. 718-229-2420 Newly Redecorated Facilities • Large Off-Street Parking Area $ 5.00 OFF with purchase of a breakfast entrée. at the Bayside, NY location only. Now Serving Breakfast Available Not available with any other offers. Limit Saturdays & Sundays 9AM - 1PM one per table or group. This cannot be redeemed for cash. Coupon must be 210-35 26th Avenue • Bayside, NY presented at time of purchase. This coupon is valid for Breakfast only. Expires 3-15-15 718-224-TONY (8669) Contact Brian O’Connor to place an ad today! [email protected] or (800) 888-4574 x3447 Carollo Real Estate - Houses - Rentals - Coops/Condos - Commercial - Property Management Bayside 199-18 32nd Avenue 718-224-3083 Whitestone 11-05 154th Street 718-747-7747 Anthony Carollo www.CarolloRealEstate.com www.CarolloRentals.com SLA2012 FOR AD INFO CALL 1-800-888-4574 © LITURGICAL PUBLICATIONS INC. For more information contact Brian O’Connor at 1-800-888-4574 x 3447 or [email protected] DECEMBER 3, 2014 3:59 PM S&F OUR LADY BLESSED SACRAMENT, BAYSIDE 04-0224
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