MASTERSPEC® ROOFING AND WATERPROOFING LIBRARY Premium Basic (Former Full Length Basic) TABLE OF CONTENTS Issue Date Sect. No. SECTION TITLE SECTION DESCRIPTION Copyright 2014 The American Institute of Architects (AIA) Exclusively published and distributed by Architectural Computer Services, Inc. (ARCOM) for the AIA DIVISION 00 - PROCUREMENT AND CONTRACTING REQUIREMENTS 2/12 2/12 8/10 8/10 8/10 8/10 8/10 2/12 8/10 8/10 8/10 8/10 8/10 8/10 000101 000107 000115 000120 001113 001115 001116 001153 002113 002213 002513 002600 003113 003119 PROJECT TITLE PAGE SEALS PAGE LIST OF DRAWING SHEETS LIST OF SCHEDULES ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS ADVERTISEMENT FOR PREQUALIFICATION OF BIDDERS INVITATION TO BID REQUEST FOR QUALIFICATIONS INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS SUPPLEMENTARY INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS PREBID MEETINGS PROCUREMENT SUBSTITUTION PROCEDURES PRELIMINARY SCHEDULE EXISTING CONDITION INFORMATION 8/10 003126 EXISTING HAZARDOUS MATERIAL INFORMATION 8/10 003132 8/10 003143 2/12 004113 GEOTECHNICAL DATA PERMIT APPLICATION BID FORM - STIPULATED SUM (SINGLE-PRIME CONTRACT) BID FORM - STIPULATED SUM (MULTIPLE-PRIME CONTRACT) BID FORM - CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT (SINGLEPRIME CONTRACT) BID FORM - CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT (MULTIPLEPRIME CONTRACT) BID FORM - COST-PLUS-FEE (SINGLE-PRIME CONTRACT) BID SECURITY FORMS ALLOWANCE FORM UNIT PRICES FORM ALTERNATES FORM PROPOSED SCHEDULE OF VALUES FORM BID SUBMITTAL CHECKLIST NOTICE OF AWARD PROJECT FORMS 2/12 004116 2/12 004123 2/12 004126 2/12 004133 8/10 2/12 2/12 2/12 8/10 2/12 2/12 8/10 004313 004321 004322 004323 004373 004393 005100 006000 2/12 009113 ADDENDUM Project Manual title page For seals of design professionals on Project Manual. List of Drawings. For a list of separately bound schedules. For use on public projects. For use on public projects. For use on private projects. For use on public projects. Incorporates AIA A701 by reference. For use with AIA A701. Sets date, time, place, and terms for prebid meetings. Substitution procedures during bidding. Preliminary schedule. References documents for survey and as-built information. References documents for existing hazardous materials. References documents for geotechnical data. Indicates responsibility for building permit application. Fixed price, single prime. Fixed price, multiple prime. Fixed price, construction management, single prime. Fixed price, construction management, multiple prime. Cost plus, with or without guaranteed maximum. References AIA A310. Attachment for Bid Form. Attachment for Bid Form. Attachment for Bid Form. Attachment for Bid Form. Attachment for Bid Form. For notifying successful bidder. References Agreement, General Conditions, and administrative forms. For notifying bidders of changes. DIVISION 01 - GENERAL REQUIREMENTS 6/14 011000 SUMMARY 2/10 011200 MULTIPLE CONTRACT SUMMARY 12/13 012100 Summary of the Work, phased construction, purchase contracts, Owner-furnished products, access to site, and work restrictions. Responsibilities of each contract for the Work, coordination, and temporary facilities and controls. Provisions for cash allowances including lump-sum, unit cost, contingency, and testing and inspecting allowances. ALLOWANCES N = NEW U = UPDATE R = REVISION ROOFING AND WATERPROOFING LIBRARY PREMIUM BASIC TABLE OF CONTENTS • DECEMBER 2014 • PAGE 1 OF 5 MASTERSPEC® ROOFING AND WATERPROOFING LIBRARY Premium Basic (Former Full Length Basic) TABLE OF CONTENTS Issue Date Sect. No. SECTION TITLE SECTION DESCRIPTION Copyright 2014 The American Institute of Architects (AIA) Exclusively published and distributed by Architectural Computer Services, Inc. (ARCOM) for the AIA 2/10 012200 5/12 012300 UNIT PRICES ALTERNATES Provisions for unit prices. Provisions for change-of-scope and cost-comparison type alternates. 6/14 012500 SUBSTITUTION PROCEDURES Procedural requirements for requests for substitutions during construction. 2/10 012600 CONTRACT MODIFICATION PROCEDURES Procedural requirements for changes to the Contract. 6/14 012900 PAYMENT PROCEDURES Administrative requirements for Contractor's Applications for Payment. 6/14 013100 PROJECT MANAGEMENT AND COORDINATION Administrative requirements for project meetings; preconstruction, preinstallation, and project closeout conferences; RFIs; and project Web sites. 6/14 013200 CONSTRUCTION PROGRESS DOCUMENTATION Contractor's Construction Schedule including Gantt charts and CPM schedules; Contractor's reports. 2/11 013233 PHOTOGRAPHIC DOCUMENTATION Construction photographs, video recordings, and webbased photographic documentation. 6/14 013300 SUBMITTAL PROCEDURES Procedures for Action and Informational Submittals including Delegated-Design Submittals and Submittals Schedule. 6/13 013516 ALTERATION PROJECT PROCEDURES General protection and work procedures for remodeling, renovation, repair, and maintenance work. 2/10 014000 QUALITY REQUIREMENTS Quality-assurance and -control requirements, special tests and inspections, and Contractor's quality-control plan. 3/14 014200 REFERENCES Common definitions and terms; and acronyms and trade names of associations, government agencies, and other entities referenced in MasterSpec. 6/14 015000 TEMPORARY FACILITIES AND CONTROLS Temporary utilities and facilities for construction support, security, and protection. 2/10 016000 PRODUCT REQUIREMENTS Administrative and procedural requirements for product, material, and equipment selection and handling; warranties; and comparable products. 6/14 017300 EXECUTION General requirements for product installation, cutting and patching, protection, field engineering, and progress cleaning. 6/14 017419 CONSTRUCTION WASTE MANAGEMENT AND DISPOSAL Salvaging, recycling, and disposing of non-hazardous demolition and construction waste. 6/14 017700 CLOSEOUT PROCEDURES Contract closeout including Substantial Completion and Final Completion procedures, warranties, and final cleaning. 2/10 017823 OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE DATA Emergency, operation, and maintenance manuals for products and equipment. 2/10 017839 PROJECT RECORD DOCUMENTS Record record Drawings, Specifications, and Product Data. 2/10 017900 DEMONSTRATION AND TRAINING Administrative and procedural requirements for instructing Owner's personnel in operation and maintenance. 6/14 018113.13 SUSTAINABLE DESIGN REQUIREMENTS - LEED 2009 General requirements and procedures for LEED 2009 FOR NEW CONSTRUCTION AND MAJOR RENOVATIONS for New Construction and Major Renovations. 6/14 018113.14 SUSTAINABLE DESIGN REQUIREMENTS – LEED v4 BD+C General requirements and procedures for LEED v4 BD+C N = NEW U = UPDATE R = REVISION ROOFING AND WATERPROOFING LIBRARY PREMIUM BASIC TABLE OF CONTENTS • DECEMBER 2014 • PAGE 2 OF 5 MASTERSPEC® ROOFING AND WATERPROOFING LIBRARY Premium Basic (Former Full Length Basic) TABLE OF CONTENTS Issue Date Sect. No. SECTION TITLE SECTION DESCRIPTION Copyright 2014 The American Institute of Architects (AIA) Exclusively published and distributed by Architectural Computer Services, Inc. (ARCOM) for the AIA 6/14 018113.16 SUSTAINABLE DESIGN REQUIREMENTS - LEED 2009 General requirements and procedures for LEED 2009 FOR COMMERCIAL INTERIORS for Commercial Interiors. 6/14 018113.17 SUSTAINABLE DESIGN REQUIREMENTS – LEED v4 ID+C General requirements and procedures for LEED v4 ID+C. 6/14 018113.19 SUSTAINABLE DESIGN REQUIREMENTS - LEED 2009 General requirements and procedures for LEED 2009 FOR CORE AND SHELL DEVELOPMENT for Core and Shell Development. 6/14 018113.23 SUSTAINABLE DESIGN REQUIREMENTS - LEED 2009 General requirements and procedures for LEED 2009 FOR SCHOOLS for Schools. 6/14 018113.33 SUSTAINABLE DESIGN REQUIREMENTS – IgCC General requirements and procedures for IgCC. 6/14 018113.43 SUSTAINABLE DESIGN REQUIREMENTS – ASHRAE 189.1 General requirements and procedures for ASHRAE 189.1. 6/14 018113.53 SUSTAINABLE DESIGN REQUIREMENTS – GREEN General requirements and procedures for Green GLOBES Globes. 12/13 019113 GENERAL COMMISSIONING REQUIREMENTS Administrative requirements and procedures for commissioning all systems. DIVISION 02 - EXISTING CONDITIONS 6/14 024119 SELECTIVE DEMOLITION Demolition of selected portions of existing buildings, structures, and associated site improvements. DIVISION 03 - CONCRETE 6/14 033053 6/14 034100 12/13 035113 3/14 035216 MISCELLANEOUS CAST-IN-PLACE CONCRETE PRECAST STRUCTURAL CONCRETE CEMENTITIOUS WOOD FIBER DECKS LIGHTWEIGHT INSULATING CONCRETE Cast-in-place concrete for limited applications. Conventional precast structural concrete units. Monolithic, composite, and insulated composite units for roof and form decks. Aggregate and cellular types. DIVISION 05 - METALS U 12/14 053100 STEEL DECKING Roof, floor, and form steel deck. DIVISION 06 - WOOD, PLASTICS, AND COMPOSITES 6/14 061053 MISCELLANEOUS ROUGH CARPENTRY 6/14 061516 WOOD ROOF DECKING Minor wood framing, furring, grounds, nailers, and blocking. Solid and laminated T & G decking. DIVISION 07 - THERMAL AND MOISTURE PROTECTION 11/11 070150.19 PREPARATION FOR RE-ROOFING 6/14 071113 U 12/14 071326 BITUMINOUS DAMPPROOFING SELF-ADHERING SHEET WATERPROOFING U 12/14 071353 ELASTOMERIC SHEET WATERPROOFING U 12/14 071354 THERMOPLASTIC SHEET WATERPROOFING 9/14 071413 HOT FLUID-APPLIED RUBBERIZED ASPHALT WATERPROOFING COLD FLUID-APPLIED WATERPROOFING 9/14 071416 6/14 071613 11/12 071616 11/12 071619 POLYMER MODIFIED CEMENT WATERPROOFING CRYSTALLINE WATERPROOFING METAL OXIDE WATERPROOFING N = NEW U = UPDATE Preparation for low-slope reroofing - tear-off and recover situations. Hot- and cold-applied asphaltic dampproofing. Self-adhering, positive-side sheet waterproofing; drainage panels; pedestal-supported concrete pavers. Butyl and EPDM sheet; drainage panels; pedestalsupported concrete pavers. PVC sheet; drainage panels; pedestal-supported concrete pavers. Hot, rubberized-asphalt waterproofing for plaza deck and below-grade walls. Polyurethane, polyester, and latex-rubber types; drainage panels, insulation, and plaza-deck pavers. Polymer-modified cementitious waterproofing. Crystal-forming, reactive cementitious waterproofing. Expanding iron-oxide, cementitious waterproofing. R = REVISION ROOFING AND WATERPROOFING LIBRARY PREMIUM BASIC TABLE OF CONTENTS • DECEMBER 2014 • PAGE 3 OF 5 MASTERSPEC® ROOFING AND WATERPROOFING LIBRARY Premium Basic (Former Full Length Basic) TABLE OF CONTENTS Issue Date Sect. No. SECTION TITLE SECTION DESCRIPTION Copyright 2014 The American Institute of Architects (AIA) Exclusively published and distributed by Architectural Computer Services, Inc. (ARCOM) for the AIA 11/12 071700 6/14 071800 8/12 073113 6/14 073116 2/13 073126 6/14 073129 6/14 073213 9/14 073216 6/14 074113.13 6/14 074113.16 6/14 074113.19 6/14 6/14 6/14 6/14 074113.23 075113 075116 075213 6/14 075216 6/14 075316 6/14 075323 6/14 075416 6/14 075419 6/14 075423 6/14 075552 6/14 075556 6/14 075700 6/14 076100 9/14 076200 9/14 077100 BENTONITE WATERPROOFING Bentonite sheet membrane and panel waterproofing systems. TRAFFIC COATINGS Cold liquid-applied waterproof-barrier coatings with integral wearing surface. ASPHALT SHINGLES Glass-fiber-reinforced asphalt shingles. METAL SHINGLES Shingle panels and individual shingles for roofing and siding. SLATE SHINGLES Natural-slate roof shingles, underlayments, flashing, and accessories. WOOD SHINGLES AND SHAKES Wood shingles and shakes used as roof covering. CLAY ROOF TILES Clay tile roofing, underlayments, flashing, and accessories. CONCRETE ROOF TILES Concrete tile roofing, underlayments, flashing, and accessories. FORMED METAL ROOF PANELS Standard-profile exposed-fastener, lap-seam panels, and horizontal-seam (Bermuda-type) panels. STANDING-SEAM METAL ROOF PANELS Standard-profile pans with upturned edges. BATTEN-SEAM METAL ROOF PANELS Standard-profile pans with upturned edges covered by separate battens. INSULATED METAL ROOF PANELS Panels with foamed-insulation cores. BUILT-UP ASPHALT ROOFING Hot built-up asphalt roofing; roofing insulation. BUILT-UP COAL TAR ROOFING Hot built-up coal-tar roofing; roofing insulation. ATACTIC-POLYPROPYLENE (APP) MODIFIED APP-modified bituminous membrane roofing; roofing BITUMINOUS MEMBRANE ROOFING insulation. STYRENE-BUTADIENE-STYRENE (SBS) MODIFIED SBS-modified bituminous membrane roofing; roofing BITUMINOUS MEMBRANE ROOFING insulation. CHLOROSULFONATE-POLYETHYLENE (CSPE) ROOFING Adhered, mechanically fastened, and loosely laid CSPE systems. ETHYLENE-PROPYLENE-DIENE-MONOMER (EPDM) Adhered, mechanically fastened, and loosely laid EPDM ROOFING systems. ETHYLENE INTERPOLYMER (KEE) ROOFING Adhered, mechanically fastened, and loosely laid KEE systems. POLYVINYL-CHLORIDE (PVC) ROOFING Adhered, mechanically fastened, and loosely laid PVC systems. THERMOPLASTIC POLYOLEFIN (TPO) ROOFING Adhered, mechanically fastened, and loosely laid TPO systems. MODIFIED BITUMINOUS PROTECTED MEMBRANE APP- and SBS-modified bituminous protected ROOFING membrane roofing; roofing insulation and ballast. FLUID-APPLIED PROTECTED MEMBRANE ROOFING Ballasted, insulated, hot rubberized-asphalt protected roof membrane. COATED FOAMED ROOFING Spray polyurethane foam insulation with elastomeric protective coating for roofing applications. SHEET METAL ROOFING Custom-fabricated, shop- or field-brake-formed, sheet metal roofing. SHEET METAL FLASHING AND TRIM Custom-fabricated roof and wall flashings and roofdrainage systems, and manufactured through-wall flashing and reglets. ROOF SPECIALTIES Manufactured copings, roof-edge flashings and drainage systems, and counter flashings. N = NEW U = UPDATE R = REVISION ROOFING AND WATERPROOFING LIBRARY PREMIUM BASIC TABLE OF CONTENTS • DECEMBER 2014 • PAGE 4 OF 5 MASTERSPEC® ROOFING AND WATERPROOFING LIBRARY Premium Basic (Former Full Length Basic) TABLE OF CONTENTS Issue Date Sect. No. SECTION TITLE SECTION DESCRIPTION Copyright 2014 The American Institute of Architects (AIA) Exclusively published and distributed by Architectural Computer Services, Inc. (ARCOM) for the AIA 9/14 077129 MANUFACTURED ROOF EXPANSION JOINTS 6/13 077200 ROOF ACCESSORIES 8/10 077253 6/14 079200 SNOW GUARDS JOINT SEALANTS Factory-fabricated, bellows-type, and aluminum roofexpansion-joint assemblies. Roof curbs, equipment supports, roof hatches, heat and smoke vents, gravity ventilators, pipe supports, roof walkways, and preformed flashing sleeves. Pad- and rail-type, flat- or seam-mounted snow guards. Elastomeric joint sealants including, silicone, urethane, STPE, polysulfide, butyl, and latex. DIVISION 08 - OPENINGS 6/14 086100 5/10 086200 ROOF WINDOWS UNIT SKYLIGHTS Wood, aluminum, and vinyl flat-glass units. Standard factory-assembled units, with or without integral curbs. DIVISION 22 - PLUMBING 3/13 221319 SANITARY WASTE PIPING SPECIALTIES 3/10 221423 STORM DRAINAGE PIPING SPECIALTIES Floor, trench, and channel drains; interceptors; and piping specialties. Roof drains, cleanouts, trench drains, channel drains, and piping specialties. DIVISION 32 - EXTERIOR IMPROVEMENTS 6/14 329700 VEGETATED ROOF ASSEMBLIES Vegetated roof assemblies for rooftop or plaza installation over roofing membrane. N = NEW U = UPDATE R = REVISION ROOFING AND WATERPROOFING LIBRARY PREMIUM BASIC TABLE OF CONTENTS • DECEMBER 2014 • PAGE 5 OF 5
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