Issue 16 Friday, 09 January 2015 Dear All, Dates for your Diary Happy New Year and welcome back! I have been really impressed with how the students have se led back into learning this week. They con nue to look smart, well prepared for school, and more importantly, they look fresh from having the Christmas break too. I would like to thank parents for their con nued support with ensuring their child is coming to school ready to learn. This week, the Sixth Form students have started their Trial Exams in prepara on for their real A-Level exams in May/June. I wish them all the best and I am sure that the hard work revising pays off. Next Thursday, 15th January, is our Year 11 Futures Day. On this day, the Year 11 students will get to discuss more about their future op ons. They will also be ge6ng their Trial Exam results back and will have an opportunity to review their current GCSE Progress Grades. On the same evening, from 4.00 pm to 7.00 pm, we will have the Year 11 Parents/Teacher Consulta on Evening. This will provide students and parents with an excellent and well- med opportunity to speak to individual subject teachers to get specific feedback on how to improve. Our expecta on is that all parents of Year 11 students will be able to a end this event with their child. With less than 80 days to go un l the GCSE exams start, these evenings are now really important. 15 Jan Dance Festival Rehearsal 3-4pm Y11 Futures Day & Parents’ Evening 20 Jan Ski Trip Information Evening 6.00 pm 22 Jan Y10 Parents’ Evening 6.30 pm Y12/13 ‘Frantic Assembly’ Theatre Trip 26 Jan Ski Session at Gosling 28 Jan Ski Session at Gosling 29 Jan Y8 Parents’ Evening 6.30 pm 30 Jan Ski Session at Gosling Y12 Dragons’ Den Quiz Night 31 Jan Dance Festival Rehearsal 11 am-2pm School Timetable Week commencing Monday, 12 January 2015 Key Dates Coming Up Thursday, 15 January Year 11 Parents/Teacher Consulta,on Evening 4.00—7.00pm Thursday, 22 January Year 10 GCSE Parents’ Informa,on Evening 6.30—7.30 pm Thursday, 29 January Year 8 Parents/Teacher Consulta,on Evening 4.00—7.00pm WEEK 1 SPORTING FIXTURES This week, I have been taking all the assemblies with the students to welcome them back. The theme of my assemblies has been happiness and the impact that good rela onships have on happiness. For example, I discussed rela onships within the family, rela onships amongst friends, and rela onships within the community. Students were le= with some ps on how they can improve the strength of the rela onships they have. They were: 1. 2. 3. Respect - accept others’ differences - treat people how you would want to be treated - respect yourself and who you are Responsibility - take the me to give something back - take the lead (you take the ini a ve to have be er rela onships in your life) Smile more! 14 Jan Y10 Football v Simon Balle 2.15 ko 15 Jan Y7/Y8 Sportshall Athletics 19 Jan Y8 Girls’ Football v St Mary’s (H) 2.30 ko 20 Jan Cheerleading Club 1.20 pm Y7 Netball v Presdales (H) Y10 Boys’ 6-a-side v Turnford 4pm 21 Jan Y7-13 Indoor Athletics Championships 1.15pm 26 Jan Y7 Football v Simon Balle (A) 2.15 ko 27 Jan Cheerleading Club 1.20 pm Y10 Girls’ 6-a-side @ Turnford 4.00 pm Y11 Football v Leventhorpe 2.20 ko 28 Jan Y10 Girls’ Football vs Simon Balle (A) For news on spor ng fixtures, events, etc., follow Physical Educa on on Twi er: @sheredesPE “Happiness is not something ready made. It comes from your own ac,ons.” (H.H. The Dalai Lama) For news about Performing Arts, Twi er: @sheredesparts follow us on Enjoy the weekend, For news and interes ng facts, Word of the Day, vocabulary, literacy and much more, follow English on Twi er: @SheredesEnglish Ced de la Croix Headteacher Sheredes School, Hoddesdon, Herts, EN11 8JY. Editor: Sharon Philpo Tel: 01992 410 800 Fax: 01992 410 801 email: [email protected] @sheredes Year 7 Lydia Barlow Bentley Bateman Chloe Bliss Joseph Buchan Ellie Jones Acacia Kaltenberger Sebas an Krawczyk Amy McParland Keenan Pike Demi Sco Aleah Warren Kirsten Watson Archie Woodford-Smith Science Science ICT Science Science Music Leadership in ICT Science ICT ICT Science Science Leadership in Music Year 8 Jacqueline Brown Flynn Conyard Daisy Dyson Amy Flowers Bethany Flowers Charli Horncastle Kaitlyn Perkins Lucrezia Sanzeri Claire Woodyard Music Music Music Music Music Dance Music Music Music Year 9 Charlo e Cartwright Cody Cassar Abby Coupland Caitlin Davis Rebecca Donnarumma Adam Goulding Abbie Kermode Jada Muirhead Sophie Osborne Amber Russell-Mason Joanne Tomeo Chloe Watson Music Mathema cs Dance and Music Music Music Mathema cs Dance and Music Music Dance and Music Music Music Music Year 10 James Boxell Carlo Ciaravella Jack Cooper Rachel Evans Jack Harrington Lewis Hunt Paloma Mairone Lizzie Malessy Emily Price Patricia Rajuncas Jessica Tabib Leona Wright Music Religious Educa on Music Music Music Media Studies Music Music Music Music Music Music Year 11 Kye Aitken Melissa Berry Courtney Browne Megan Castell Hannah Clohosy Alanah Davis Daniel Fairhead Daniel Fosh Joe Hayden Imogen Sydes Kelsie Taylor Bethany Thurlow A endance A endance A endance Music Pastoral Music Music and Pastoral A endance A endance A endance Music A endance Year 12 Cansin Duyan Zuzanna Kulis Joseph Parmenter Megan Taylor Music Music Music Music May we remind parents that medical appointments, such as those for the dentist, orthodontist or doctor, should be made outside of school hours, wherever possible, or at least at the beginning or end of the school day. Please do not forget to provide feedback on Sheredes via the Ofsted website. The site can be accessed by going to: h p:// I would like as many parents as possible to engage with this site and leave feedback. As a school, we can then use this feedback to build on the strengths, and iden fy the areas for improvement, so we can con nue to improve the School and the experience the students get here at Sheredes. Ced de la Croix Headteacher We do appreciate that such appointment times depend on availability, however if absence from school is unavoidable, it is expected that students will be in school for most of the day on which an appointment is booked. There is no need for any student to be absent from school for a whole day for such appointments. Notice of appointments should be given in writing, in the student’s planner. Students must sign out and back in at Student Reception. Sandra Stabler A endance Officer 2 @sheredesparts Important rehearsal dates for all cast of ‘Footsteps’ Dance Produc,on and Dance Fes,val: Monday and Wednesday lunch mes: Lower School Dance Club—Hall Monday and Friday lunch mes: Boys’ Dance Club—Dance Studio Monday and Thursdays a=er school: G&T Dance Club—Hall (’Footsteps’ Opening and Dance Fes val students) Rehearsal Day/Date Time Venue Dance Fes val and ‘Footsteps’ opening students Thursday, 15 January 3.00 pm—4.00 pm Dance Studio ‘Footsteps’ Technical Rehearsal (all costumes required) Thursday, 05 February 3.00 pm—5.15 pm Hall Rehearsal (all costumes required) Saturday, 07 February 11.00 am—3.00 pm Hall Dance Fes val students only Sunday, 08 February Meet at school 1.30 pm - Return 4.00 pm ‘Footsteps’ Dress Rehearsal (all students) Monday, 09 February ‘Footsteps’ Performance : 7.00 pm* Tuesday, 10 February Students to arrive by 6.00 pm ‘Footsteps’ Performance : 7.00 pm Wednesday, 11 February Students to arrive by 6.00 pm ‘Footsteps’ Primary Schools’ Ma nee Thursday, 12 February 3.00 pm—5.15 pm 09.30 am—10.30 am *Tickets for ‘Footsteps’ will be £3.00, sold on the door. Hall Hall Nicola Haynes Head of Dance The Christmas Concert was a huge success with ckets selling out very quickly and resul ng in ‘standing room only’ on the night! Congratula ons to all our fantas c students for their hard work and commitment. Madeleine Lewis Head of Music CHOIR REHEARSALS LUNCHTIME CONCERTS As from 13 January, choir rehearsals have moved to Tuesdays. See you there! Thursday is the new day for lunch,me concerts Don’t forget to sign up on the sheets on the no,ceboard 3 More news from our intrepid Year 8 Newshounds: Tutors have nominated our first Star Students of 2015; they are: Hannah Clohosy Sanchia: Every Wednesday lunch me I go with a group of people to the School Hall and we learn a new dance and prac ce them and some mes come up with our own moves and perform them in our forma ons. Louise: Just before we broke up for Christmas we had a Rewards Assembly. It was good fun to congratulate everybody who got an award. I won ‘Star of the Term’ which was a great honour. Congratula ons to everybody who got an award. Kayleigh: In Maths we have been doing Christmas coordinates and a fishing game. For the fishing game we had a sheet which said we have two boats and five pots. Sir rolled a big dice; if it was between 1 and 3 it’s good weather; if it’s a 4 it’s the same; if it’s 5 or 6 then it’s bad weather. For every pot you send further out you lose if it’s bad weather. Every me it’s good weather you gain money from not losing pots— that means you can buy pots or a boat if you have enough money. nominated for Food Technology and Dance for Showing ongoing effort in lessons and constant commitment to extra curricular ac vi es and Daniel Fairhead nominated for Music and Religious Educa on for Showing ongoing effort in lessons and excellent performance in the Christmas Concert Both students will also receive a Headteacher’s Commenda on. Well done! Emma Benne Director of Learning—Year 11 Lucrezia: Just before Christmas we had the Christmas Concert. It was a great hit and it was sold out. Lots of people performed and I really enjoyed being involved in it. Saracens Cheerleading Club Holly: We have a new project called Houses. There is Pankhurst, Da Vinci, Curie, Austen and Owens. I am in Pankhurst. The good thing about having this project is everyone wants to be good to get the points. We have been asked by Saracens if we would like to run a cheerleading club again this year. This follows on from our girls resounding success in the Cheerleading Compe on in WaTord last summer—which they won! Michael: On the Monday before the Christmas holidays we did our maths test. It was a calculator test and it was difficult. We also did our History and Science assessments. WriGen by: Billy Brown Samantha Jarman James Mannion Emily Price Lauren Vale Aaron Willis-Stewart World News Is Ebola in the UK? Nurse Pauline Cafferkey has travelled back from Africa, where she was volunteering with Save the Children to help Ebola vic ms. A=er contrac ng the illness, Pauline was allowed back into the UK and flew to Scotland, despite constant complaints that she was feeling ill. Naturally, we said yes, so the Cheerleading Club, led by a Saracens Cheerleading Coach, will start at lunch me on Tuesday, 20 January and will run for 10 weeks. Students from all years, both boys and girls, are welcome to join. You will learn new skills, including li=s and jumps, which will be part of a rou ne which you will, hopefully, perform at this summer’s compe on. If you would like any more informa on then please see Miss Melhuish. Look forward to seeing you in the Hall at lunch me on Tuesday, 20 January for first Cheerleading Club of the year! Sophie Melhuish Head of Girls’ Physical Educa*on If you wish to contact the school on a student-related maGer, please email: [email protected] Local News A ferry transpor ng cars was run aground off the Isle of Wight a=er the possibility that it would sink. It is filled with cars such as Rolls Royces, Land Rovers and Bentleys. For all other enquiries, please email: School News Mrs Ltaief has returned as Head of Languages, following her maternity leave. You will find all staff email addresses on our school website: [email protected] 4 On Thursday, 18 December we held our annual Awards Evening to celebrate the achievements of last year’s GCSE, A Level and BTEC students. The evening started with the GCSE cer ficates and subject awards, presented by Assistant Headteacher, Miss McDougall. The Key Stage 5 awards then followed, presented by Director of Sixth Form, Mr Hansard. There then followed a number of Special Awards, which were presented by Mr Johnston, Deputy Headteacher. The final awards were for Excellence in Key Stage 4 and Key Stage 5, and these were presented by Mr de la Croix and our special guest, Ian Pearman, who was introduced by Chair of Governors, Angela Page. Former Sheredes student, Ian (now the CEO of Europe’s largest digital agency) gave a fascina ng insight into his me at Sheredes, and beyond. He told how an inspira onal science teacher—Mr Whyman—helped him to focus his energy away from anger and into his school work. A=er a few sessions, he became calmer and able to control his temper. His grades improved and he felt able to try new things; like ge6ng his first Saturday job in a local newsagents. There he met Nick, a student home from university for the holidays, who made such a las ng impression on Ian that he decided not only to go to university, but to aim for Cambridge! He achieved that goal and a=er finishing his degree went to work for AMV, where he worked his way up to his current posi on. Ian’s entertaining speech finished with some strong advice: “If you treat life as a series of experiments, you can never fail. Because there’s no such thing as an unsuccessful experiment.” The evening was a huge success and it was good to see so many ex students returning to meet up with old friends, to celebrate all their achievements, and to hear where they are now. Over half of all students have gone on to study at university, with the remainder going to college, into appren ceships, or employment. THE AWARD WINNERS Key Stage 4 Awards Art Drama English Literature Food Technology French Geography Graphics History Mathema cs Media Studies Music Photography Religious Educa on Science (Addi onal) Science (Core) Spanish ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... Key Stage 5 Awards Zuzanna Kulis Yasmin Tippe Bonnie Melton Jenna Piekuta Sonia Simmons Wendy Brooking Ben Luck Sydney Dawson Andrew Pryor Sydney Dawson Megan Taylor Connor Donohoe-Priestman Yasmin Tippe Yasmin Tippe Andrew Pryor Megan Taylor Art Biology Chemistry ......... Billy Melton Eleanor Pollock ........ ........ Emily Cross ......... and Kimberley Oakman Drama & Theatre Studies ....... English Literature ........ Geography ......... ........ History Mathema cs ........ Media Studies ........ ......... Photography ........ Psychology ......... Libby Barrow Alfie Wise Kelly Pryor Kelly Pryor Susannah Barre Charlo e Thurlow and Chloe Verrier Stephanie Wright Helana Morcom BTEC Award Winners BTEC Na,onal Diploma Award Winners Business Studies Dance Sport ......... ......... ......... Business Studies Dance Sport Dominika Cisz Sydney Carr Hannah Johnson ......... Miroslav Gospodinov Stephanie Wright Mathew Milsom OCR Na,onals Award Winner OCR Na,onals Award Winner I.C.T. Level 2 ......... ......... ......... I.C.T. Level 3 Connor Prime ......... Sonny Wise THE SPECIAL AWARDS Gordon Paterson Award for Achievement in Mathema,cs: Natasha Tro Award for Sixth Form Leadership: Sonny Wise Award for Special Endeavour: Kye Aitken, Tom Culley, Tommie Dervish The CharloGe Wilson Charity Award: Ellie Dines—Year 8 student The Paul BuGerworth Award for Helping Others: Laura Gleave Headteacher’s Award for Excellence in Key Stage 4: Yasmin Tippe Headteacher’s Award for Excellence in Key Stage 5: Parag Patel and Natasha Tro 5 Current House League Standings HOUSE WINNERS: CHRISTMAS CARD COMPETITION The winners of the 2014 Annual Christmas Card competition are: 1st Place : Millie Andrews (Curie) 2nd Place: Rebecca St Clair Curie) Millie’s win ensures that Curie are awarded the 100 points as winners of the competition. Congratulations to all house members who entered the competition with special recognition going to Millie and Rebecca. Current points Points w/e 19/12/14 1 Owens 518 318 2 Austen 348 144 3 Curie 248 227 4 DaVinci 334 245 5 Pankhurst 256 174 House Current Most Valuable Members House Points 1 C Davis C 4 2 J Pickard C 4 HOUSE WINNERS: SWIMMING COMPETITION 3 H McCanna O 3 4 H Curtis P 3 These are the results from the House swimming competition: 1st Owens 59 2nd Da Vinci 48 3rd Austen 37 3rd Curie 37 3rd Pankhurst 37 5 C Santagata O 2 6 H Merritt P 2 7 C Lee O 2 8 T Flegg A 2 9 J Eccleston P 2 Owens picks up an extra 100 points for winning the competition and Da Vinci gain an extra 75 points for coming in second. As the remaining three houses tied on 37, each is awarded 50 points for sharing third place. 10 A Bruno A 2 HOUSE WINNERS: YEAR 11 VOLLEYBALL COMPETITION 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th Owens Da Vinci Pankhurst Austen Curie 59 47 37 32 30 Name Competitions coming soon… January House with the best results from the Y11 trial exams sweep February MUSIC—Composition competition GEOGRAPHY—Inter-house competition (more detail to come) March ENGLISH—Debating competition PE—Football competition PE—Orienteering House with the highest attendance sweep April House with the most number of ATL 1s sweep ICT/COMPUTING—Programming a game design competition May MUSIC—X-Factor competition PHOTOGRAPHY—Broxbourne Schools’ competition June House with the highest attendance sweep July PE—Sports day FOOD TECHNOLOGY—MasterChef competition House with the most money raised during charity week sweep DANCE—t.b.c. 6
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