Tide-ings 2015

Florence United Methodist Church
January Newsletter
Hello and Happy New Year, Dear Friends,
I am happy to be able to share the news that as of January 1, 2015 we will have an interim Pastor at Florence United Methodist Church. Rev. Elizabeth Kennedy has been hired
to fill the pulpit on Sunday mornings and to be available for wedding and funeral services as the needs
arise. Elizabeth’s husband, Rev. Montee Kennedy will share Sunday services from time to time.
Rev. Elizabeth Kennedy is a retired United Methodist Elder from the California/Nevada Conference.
Rev. Montee Kennedy is a retired Presbyterian Pastor. He retired from the Presbyterian Church of the
Siuslaw in Florence about 18 months ago.
Elizabeth has been hired at ¼ time – 10 hours per week. This means she will conduct Sunday services
and be available for pastoral care on a limited basis. Erin Leonard will remain as paid Administrator at
¼ time – 10 hours per week. All of us here at FUMC have stepped up to take care of each other and to
see that this Church continues to be a strong and vital ministry in our community even while we haven’t
had assigned Pastoral leadership. It is evident that we are willing to continue to rely on each other to
make sure we can move forward as an even stronger congregation.
Our District Superintendent, Rev. Gwen Drake, told us at the meeting on December 28 that she has a
strong candidate in mind to recommend as our Pastor beginning with the new appointment year in July
2015. Even though we don’t know who our new Pastor will be, we can be assured that we will have a
United Methodist Pastor at half time salary beginning in July.
Many of you already know Elizabeth Kennedy, our new interim pastor from her active involvement in
the Florence community and from her times of filling the pulpit at our own church. It will be good to
share our journey with our new interim Pastor.
As always, an appointment becomes official when the Bishop announces it.
Thank you is inadequate to express my gratitude for all that each of you do.
God Bless.
Hazel Vacura, Lay Leader
Florence United Methodist Church
For your safety, it’s a good idea
for everyone who attends FUMC
to know where fire extinguishers
and first aid kits are located…
First Aid Kits:
1-Church office, upper shelf on the left
as you walk in
2-Kitchen, behind the
west door
(refrigerator side)
Fire Extinguishers:
1-Kitchen, by the
2-Next to front door
in Narthex
3-Next to church
back door
4-Church office, on the left side
wall as you walk in
333 Kingwood, Florence, OR 97439
Sunday Worship
Sunday Services: 9:00 and 10:30 a.m.
Adult Sunday School 9:00 a.m.
Children’s Sunday School 10:30 a.m.
Office: (541) 997-6025
[email protected]
Visit us at
Serving the People of God:
Bishop: Grant Hagiya
DS: Rev. Gwen Drake 541-689-3725
Interim Pastors:
Reverend Elizabeth Kennedy,
Reverend Montee Kennedy
Finance Chair: Linda Yoder 541-590-0944
Lay Leader: Hazel Vacura 541-999-6609
SPRC Chair: Erin Leonard
Music Director: Laura Merz 541-902-8567
Newsletter Editor: Diane McCalmont
Ministers: All Members
Keeping in our Prayers
Mary Dale, Rayetta Weisbrich, Helen Yager, Bonnie Ross, the Holden
family, Barbara Baker, Trent Halverson, Connie Farmer, Betty Jones, and
Bonnie Kelley.
Soldiers everywhere in the world and those who wait for them to come home. We
ask God’s blessing on these people and those in need, but not named.
Note: On the last page of the UMW yearbook, as well as the inside back cover of the
Church Directory, the Prayer Chain is listed. To receive the electronic prayer
chain, contact [email protected].
Church Attendance in December
7th: 72
14th: 65
21st: 64
Christmas Eve: 63
28th: 67
Florence United Methodist Church
January 1-November 30, 2014
Year to Date
Cash Receipts
Cash Paid Out
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Net Surplus/(Deficit)
UMWomen News
On Thursday, January 8, United Methodist Women will meet at 1:30 p.m. in the Tedd Powell
Hall with hostess Renee’ Hansen. Devotions will be given by Donna Embree, and a book review
will be shared by Yola Hesser. The annual pledge service will be led by Elinor Roth and the 2015
budget will be presented for approval. The first meeting of the year is an opportune time to check
out what UMW is all about.
At the December meeting, district officer Sharon Smith installed the following Florence UMW
officers for 2015:
Co-presidents – Renee’ Hansen and Yola Hesser
Secretary – Jean Hefty
Treasurer – Elinor Roth
Program Resources – Brooke Shafer
Nominations Chrm – Donna Embree
Mission Coordinators:
Social Action – Georgia Garrett
Spiritual Growth – Annie Van Horn
Member Nurture – Marge Temple
Mission Ed – Donna Embree
Gratitude is expressed to Hazel Vacura, Ramona Spencer, Rosie Goodwin, Fritzi
Keller, and Linda Schniepp as they leave leadership roles on the Executive Board.
UMW Executive Board will meet on Thursday, January 15, at 1:30 p.m. Kindly let Yola or
Renee’ know if you cannot attend.
“Non-edible necessities “ were requested for Florence Food Share during November and United
Methodists responded with zeal! Paper products, laundry and cleaning supplies, toiletries and hygiene items, even calendars came in, totaling 139 lbs. The items were picked up and gladly received by Food Share volunteers.
Thank you.
Reminder: a receptacle for food items is in the church entry all year long.
-Jean Hefty
New Member Class in January
Rev. Bert Schniepp will be leading a
short-term class for anyone interested in
joining in membership with this congregation and anyone wishing to spend a bit
of time exploring the United Methodist
Church structure and membership. The
class will be held on three Sunday afternoons (Jan. 11,18 and 25) at 2pm in the
Fellowship Hall. We will be trying to keep
them to one hour in length. If you have
an interest or questions, please contact
Rev. Schniepp.
Any and all men are invited each
Thursday morning at 8:00 a.m. to
a no-host breakfast at
Kathleen & Nina’s.
January Kids Talks
Jan. 4
Kathy Bones
Jan. 11
Trisha Holden
Jan. 18
Linda Yoder
Jan. 25
“Hot Topics” at PFLAG
January 13
Warm up and get in on the discussion with PFLAG Florence when we present “Hot
Topics” on Tuesday, January 13, in the Fellowship Hall of Florence United Methodist
Church, 333 Kingwood Ave.
The meeting begins at 6:30 p.m. The public is invited and refreshments will be served.
-Linda Yoder
Christmas Eve Service
Thank you…
...my wonderful church
family, for the Christmas
bonus. You are so generous and loving!
God bless,
The end of 2014 brings
changes to the Free Lunch
Program. Two long term volunteers have
decided to retire; Elinor Roth and Donna
Embree will join Jean Parr as a group of
retirees. Dona Housh and Georgia Garrett
will be replacing them. In the near future
we will need a replacement for another
Methodist assistant on our Tuesday. If you
could help, please let me know.
Beth Newell has recruited a group of volunteers from Florentine Estates to fill the
space on each 5th Thursday of a month.
We are still missing a permanent volunteer
group for the 1st Thursday of each month.
-Yola Hesser
Introducing the Kennedys…
While many of you know us by name and face, and even through various activities and
encounters, we would like to let you know a little more about us.
Elizabeth Meikle Kennedy grew up as a military brat. After attending the University of
California at Santa Barbara, Elizabeth moved to the San Francisco Bay area. After
working for the Social Security Administration for six years, Elizabeth attended San
Francisco Theological Seminary, graduating in 1987.
Now an Elder in retired relationship with the California-Nevada Annual Conference,
Elizabeth served churches in Colusa, San Jose, Red Bluff, and Redwood City, California, before being placed on incapacity leave in 1995. As her health improved, Elizabeth
returned to school and obtained a Master of Arts in Counseling Psychology. Because
she was not sure she would ever be healthy enough to serve a church again, Elizabeth
was in training to became a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist when she and
Montee moved to Florence in 2005.
Due to a number of factors, Elizabeth ended up working in the veterinary field, and obtained certification as a veterinary technician. She currently works full time as a vet
technician and veterinary practice manager here in Florence.
Montee Kennedy was born and raised in Oregon. He attended Willamette University for
both his undergraduate and law degrees. After practicing law in Bend for 12 years,
Montee attended San Francisco Theological Seminary, also graduating in 1987. Now
an honorably retired member of the Presbytery of the Cascades, Montee served Presbyterian Church USA congregations in Quincy, Washington, Burlingame, California,
and Florence. Montee obtained his Doctor of Ministry from Ashland Seminary, in Ashland, Ohio. Montee is currently volunteering with Hospice and Habitat for Humanity. He
will be co-leading a class on the Dead Sea Scrolls at Lane Community college in January and February. He is pursuing a hobby of photography, and hopes to learn more
about his family genealogy. Montee has two married sons, and three grandchildren.
(Rev.) Elizabeth Meikle Kennedy
(Rev. Dr.) C. Montee Kennedy
22 Park Village Dr., Florence, OR 97439
Home: 541-997-5044
Elizabeth cell: 541-991-1877
Montee cell: 541-991-1878
Elizabeth email : [email protected]
Montee email : [email protected]
Adult Sunday School 9-10
Worship 9-10 & 10:30-11:30
Kids Sun. School during
10:30 service
New member class 2:00
S.B.I.P. Mtg 6:30-8:30
Adult Sunday School 9-10
Worship 9-10 & 10:30-11:30
Kids Sun. School during
10:30 service
Adult Sunday School 9-10
Worship 9-10 & 10:30-11:30
Kids Sun. School during
10:30 service
New member class 2:00
Adult Sunday School 9-10
Worship 9-10 & 10:30-11:30
Kids Sun. School during
10:30 service
New member class 2:00
SPRC Mtg 2:00
Admin Council Mtg 3:00
S.B.I.P. Mtg 6:30-8:30
S.B.I.P. Mtg 6:30-8:30
S.B.I.P. Mtg 6:30-8:30
Free Lunch 11:30-12:30
A.A. Meeting 5-6
Free Lunch 11:30-12:30
Trustees Mtg 4-5
A.A. Meeting 5-6
PFLAG 6:30-8
Prayer Shawl Ministry 10-12
Potluck 5:30-7
Free Lunch 11:30-12:30
A.A. Meeting 5-6
Free Lunch 11:30-12:30
A.A. Meeting 5-6
Prayer Shawl Ministry 10-12
UMmen 8 am
Women’s Covenant 8
Free Lunch 11:30-12
UMW 1:30-3:00
Choir Practice 5:30-6:
Meditation Group 5:3
Finance Comm Mtg
UMMen 8 am
Women’s Covenant 8
Free Lunch 11:30-12
Choir Practice 5:30-6:
Meditation Group 5:3
UMMen 8 am
Women’s Covenant 8
Free Lunch 11:30-12
Choir Practice 5:30-6:
Meditation Group 5:3
UMMen 8 am
Women’s Covenant 8
Free Lunch 11:30-12
Choir Practice 5:30-6:
Meditation Group 5:3
Choir Practice 4:00 pm
A. A. Meeting 11:30-12:30
A.A. Meeting 11:30-12:30
If you have a birthday or
anniversary that has not
been listed here over the
past year, please let the
church office know, so
that we can recognize it
and celebrate with you.
A.A. Meeting 11:30-12:30
A.A. Meeting 11:30-12:30
Bill Craig
Brooke Shafer
Dick Johnson
Stephanie Spradling
Joan Skarda
Katla Vincent
John Miller
Georgine Herring
Diana Landon
A.A. Meeting 11:30-12:30
None this month
Who’s Doing What When in January
9 am
Hazel Vacura
Aaron Gallegos &
Ray Feay
Fellowship Host
Host & Bring Food
The Spradlings
Jan 4
10:30 am
Trisha Holden
Aaron Gallegos &
Ray Feay
9 am
Jan 11
10:30 am
Erin M. Leonard
Dona Housh
Host & Clean Up
As Above
Host & Bring Food
Maida Lee Miller
Host & Clean Up
Host & Bring Food
9 am
Jan 18
10:30 am
The Hessers
Linda Yoder
Diane McCalmont
Host & Clean Up
Host & Bring Food
9 am
The Temples
Jan 25
10:30 am
Kathy Bones
Cindy & Peggy
Host & Clean Up
Diana Landon &
The Hands
Please Lock the Doors…
If you use the church for any functions or events,
please be sure that church doors are closed and locked
when you leave, unless someone else has indicated
they would do so.
When leaving through the back pantry door of the
fellowship building, be sure to turn the lock on the knob, and double check
that it’s locked after you close it behind you.
A great recipe for
Your game day party!
Football Cheese Ball
2 (8 ounce) packages cream cheese, softened
1 cup shredded Cheddar cheese
1/4 cup finely chopped green onions
2 tablespoons Worcestershire sauce
1/2 (1.25 ounce) package taco seasoning mix
1/2 slice American cheese, sliced into strips
1. Mix together the cream cheese, shredded Cheddar, green onion, Worcestershire sauce, and taco seasoning mix in a large bowl. Press the cheese mixture
into a ball, turn it out onto a sheet of plastic wrap.
2. Use the plastic wrap to press the cheese ball into the shape of a football by
flattening the ball and rounding each end. Place the cheese football on a plate,
arrange the strips of American cheese like laces on the top of the cheese football. Cover and refrigerate for at least 2 hours.
3. Remove the cheese ball from the refrigerator 30 minutes before serving.
Makes 18 servings
World Pilgrimage Series
Alton L. Collins Retreat Center
March 5-12, 2015: Ghost Ranch, Abiquiu, NM
The Collins World Pilgrimage Series continues in 2015 with a journey to a very
special place right here in the U.S.: Ghost Ranch in Abiquiu, New Mexico.
Beginning with an overnight formation retreat at the Alton L. Collins Retreat
Center (near Sandy on the southeast edge of the Portland metro area) on
March 5, the group will travel together to Albuquerque on March 6th and then
on to Ghost Ranch (now a Presbyterian retreat center) for an amazing spiritual
adventure in a place that for centuries has been a mecca for peoples of diverse
religious traditions. The return date is March 12.
Led by the Rev. Bert Scott (a former Oregonian) and the Rev. Wallace Ford,
participants will explore the beauty and gifts of this area, and how it has transformed the lives of those pilgrims who have encountered the Holy on their own
journeys here. The Rev. Todd Bartlett will lead the initial Collins retreat and will
serve as the group's guide during the pilgrimage.
The total cost is $1750 (double occupancy); this includes the initial retreat at
Collins, roundtrip transportation from Collins to Ghost Ranch, all meals &
lodging, and all program expenses. Registration is limited to 12 people, so don't
delay! Be sure to visit the Pilgrimage page on the Collins website
(collinsretreatcenter.org/Pilgrimage.html) for more details and registration
Florence United Methodist Church Nominations 2015
Chair: Trisha Holden
Church Extension: _____________________
Lay Leader: Hazel Vacura
Alt. Lay Leader to AC: Hazel Vacura
SPR Rep: Erin Leonard
Education Coordinator: Bert Schniepp
Finance Rep: Linda Yoder
Membership Secretary: Jean Hefty
Trustees Rep: Nancy Rickard
Memorial Secretary: John Hyder
Treasurer: Todd Smitherman
Financial Secretary: John Hyder
Lay Member to AC: Erin Leonard
Church Historian: ______________________
UMM Rep: ____________
Camp & Retreat Ministries: Diane McCalmont
UMW Rep: ____________
Endowment Chair: Carol Johnson
Youth Rep: ____________
Youth Coordinator_____________________
Pastor: ________________
Recording Secretary: Kathy Bones
Chair: Erin Leonard
2015: Brooke Shafer, Judy Jones
Also: Lay Leader, Lay
2016: Erin Leonard, Tom Pfieffer
Member to Annual Conf.
2017: Ray Feay, _______________
Chair: Nancy Rickard
Treasurer: Todd Smitherman
2015: Nancy Rickard, Renee Hansen
2016: Dick Johnson, Bert Schniepp
2017: Jon Holden, John Miller
Co-chairs: Pastor
2015: Kim Holden, Suzanne Pohlman
Lay Leader: Hazel Vacura
2016: Elinor Roth, Stephanie Spradling
2017: Peggy Wilson, ______________
Chair: Linda Yoder
2015: Lee Smith
2016: Linda Yoder, Kathy Bones
2017: Diane McCalmont
Newsletter: Diane McCalmont
Website & Facebook: Tom Gonser, Beth Newell
Email Prayer Chain: Ray Feay
Also: Lay Member to Annual
Conf., Church Treasurer,
Financial Secretary, Ad Council
Chair, Pastor, Reps from SPR &
Meet Your Friends and Neighbors
Meet John Miller
John Miller was born in 1934 in the Northwest corner of
the state of Georgia, in Trenton, the Dade County seat. He
lived in the shadow of Lookout Mountain, a pivotal battleground for both the Revolutionary and the Civil wars.
John’s great-grandfather had owned this magnificently
unique historic mountaintop and surrounding countryside at
one time.
At the conclusion of World War II, John, an only child,
relocated from this panoramically glorious setting and quaint historic town to Pittsburg,
PA. This was also the time of a major family change as his father and mother divorced and
he gained two-step brothers. John was miserable in his new environment. He longed for his
dad, who he was not to be reunited with for another 26 years, and for the beauty of the
mountaintops: both of which he deeply loved.
Consequently, he gained early permission from his mom to join the Army, as a means of
exiting Pennsylvania and gaining control over his own life.
Happily, he fit into the Army, like a duck in water, and had a very quick series of promotions resulting in the conclusion of his service nine years later as a 1st Sergeant.
During his Army career, among many things: he entered as an MP, served in Korea, and
later volunteered for the Infantry, attended Nuclear Weapons School and was stationed in
Germany. He also exited the military with a Bachelor’s of Science degree from Kansas University and a wife, daughter Pam, and son John.
His late wife was an Occupational Therapist in the Army when they met, later a sixth grade
teacher, and then a technology expert.
John’s wife was both the daughter and granddaughter of Episcopal priests and John, himself
a life-long devoted Episcopalian, was very involved in all things church related. He served
on the Vestry of his parishes (the Episcopalian equivalent of Trustees), was an adult acolyte
at memorial services, taught Catechism classes, led Confirmation classes, and taught Sunday School for decades. John, forever and always an entrepreneur, also developed Parish
fundraisers including barbeques and social events that spread the word of the work of his
parish throughout the greater community as an evangelical tool. The joyful thread of church,
weaves a strong connection throughout all of John’s life.
John’s young family first moved after military service to Sherman Oaks, California,
where he served on the Los Angeles Police Department during the sixties. During his tenure as a police officer, as he was routinely buying insurance for his home and family, he
was recruited to become a salesman for Travelers’ Insurance. He experienced a similar
meteoric rise in his new career in sales and leapt quickly from an Agency Rep to Field
Supervisor, to Agency Manager, and then to Vice President of Sales for the Region.
This charming fellow really typifies the old saw of having the ability to sell iceboxes to
Life continued very positively for John with great pride in the joys of his children.
Daughter Pam, an accomplished dancer, graduated, as he did, from the University of
Kansas, and then later became a CPA. Her son, Chris, is a National Merit Scholar in writing, with a BA from NY University; he also has his MFA from a highly competitive program at Yale. If you want to see our friend, John Miller’s eyes dance, ask him about the
theatrical career of his grandson, Chris; I guarantee John will twinkle.
His son, John, much like his Dad, is a cracker-jack salesman. His car dealership sells 750
cars a month…an amazing accomplishment. John, Jr. has two daughters, both extraordinary kids. One is a pre-med student at UCLA and the other, still in high school, hopes to
study law. She is 6’ 1” and an exceptional athlete in both volleyball and tennis.
John’s first wife, after 43 years of marriage, died from cancer. They had often RV’d in
Florence at the Thousand Trails. Florence was a favorite place to come and just be. After
the death of his first wife, he met Maida Lee, when he was shopping for plants. She
owned a nursery. They dated, became close, and wound up married in Florence, Oregon.
They have lived in Florence close to 10 years.
In the course of seeking a new church home, they visited lots of places. Not one of those
places provided the welcoming spirit that they needed to heal from a variety of life’s happenings. Then they arrived at Florence United Methodist Church. John said they felt very
moved by the level of friendship and real caring that they encountered at our church.
John, has again stepped into a new leadership role at the Methodist Church; he will be
serving as a Trustee. When asked what he hopes to accomplish, he replied: “Honestly,
not much at all.” He does hope to develop a greater circle of influence, through wellhoned community-wide PR and a few special events (maybe community Barbeques or
Crab Feeds), which will share a warm invitation to worship and fellowship within our
faith community, hoping our community may grow a bit and at the same time earn much
needed revenue for congregational needs.
Florence United Methodist Church is very lucky to have both of the Miller’s as an important part of our community. Next month: We will hear from Maida Lee.
By Suzanne Pohlman
JANUARY Newsletter
United Methodist Church
333 Kingwood St., Florence, OR 97439
Sunday Worship: 9 and 10:30 a.m.
Office Phone: (541) 997-6025
[email protected]
Online: www.florenceunitedmethodist.org
Directory Update
Do we have your current address,
phone number, and e-mail address?
Please forward them to:
[email protected]
If you do not wish to receive this
Newsletter please notify the church office.
Deadline for the February 2015
Newsletter is Mon., January 26!