JANUARY 2015 Good Shepherd Presbyterian Church, P.O. Box 457, 622 Joppa Farm Road, Joppa MD 21085 – 410-679-3322 www.holy411.org The Reverend Dr. Daris Bultena, Senior Pastor The Reverend Jung Lip Kim, Associate Pastor FROM THE PASTOR’S PEN Dear Friends, Greetings! Here we are in 2015, and I can hardly believe that the New Year has so quickly dawned. 2015 marks the 50th anniversary of Good Shepherd Presbyterian Church as a congregation in the Presbytery of Baltimore. In preparation for our 50th anniversary I have been looking over some of the historical information that is kept in the office and has been maintained over the years by Jeannette Petnic who is our historian. There are photographs, newspaper articles, and documents that have been preserved from the past for our future. Looking through these historical items, I discovered the date Sunday, December 20, 1964. On that Sunday, the Fourth Sunday of Advent, Good Shepherd was not yet chartered as a congregation, but had been worshiping as a gathered fellowship for about 14 months. That Sunday was also the first Sunday that our congregation worshiped in the new building. According to the document in our history, the building was completed to the point that it could be used for worship, and “it was with great joy and thanksgiving that the congregation met on that day.” The article goes on to celebrate the fact that a Christmas Eve worship service was also held in the new structure. As I write this it is 50 years later and worship is still taking place in that room as well as the current sanctuary. That historical room in which the first service on the property at the intersection of Joppa Farm Road and Towne Center Drive took place is known to us now as the Upper Room. I can only imagine the excitement and joy that was there as Good Shepherd Church worshiped that morning and began the venture having a church home and preparing for the realities of congregational life. There is something about our history which really catches my attention. Notice that even before our congregation was chartered we had completed a building project. In fact, in February of the year before we became an official congregation we were planning the building and setting the groundbreaking ceremony for the Day of Pentecost. What I see in that is a people of God so committed to being the people of God together that they moved full steam ahead with their plans to be a congregation before it was ever official. It is clear that from our beginning we have been a people boldly stepping out and forward into the future with a trust that God will empower us and lead us. Our history and our present life together demonstrate that Good Shepherd Presbyterian Church is a congregation with a strong sense of mission, faith, and anticipation. As we remember the “good ole’ days” and as we look forward to the future, we need to exert our commitment to mission, faith, and anticipation for what God is doing among us. In fact, this New Year’s 2015 that is now upon us can be seen through such a lens – mission, faith, and anticipation for what God is doing! Our relationship with Christ calls each of us (and all of us together) to be RESOLVED in Mission – What do I understand God calling me to do, be, or become this year? Faith – How do I witness the presence of God in my life? How is it that I turn my attention towards God? Anticipation for What God Is Doing – Where can I be an agent of hope for others, my church, and myself? My personal prayer for all of us is a spiritually healthy and faith rich year of 2015! Blessings, Daris ANNIVERSARY WORSHIP On Sunday, January 25th there will be an anniversary worship service celebrating 50 years as a chartered congregation of the Presbyterian Church USA. Worship that day will follow the 50 year old liturgy and readings. There will be luncheon following worship. Join us for this first celebration of our golden anniversary as a congregation. SHEPHERD’S KIDS Christmas decoration and cookies were the hit of Shepherd's Kids in December. Our next Shepherd's Kids is January 14 & 21, 5:30-7:00. Help is always needed and fun in had by all ages. PRAYER LIST Please submit names to GSprayers @juno.com Philip Pugh, Wayne Weich, Mary Lou & Bob Aims, Sabre Workman, Lesley & Mike Pinkosz, Sarah Weich, Suzy Phillips, Ron Doughty, Brianna Luu, Patricia Coleman, Diana Ciccotelli, Bill Workman, Elaine Dodd, Tim Morgan, Dave & Bev Hirt, Dick Byrne, Dave Green, Judee Utterback, Ray Clark, Rev. Bruce Barstow, Marcie McNamara, Linda Bates, Cindy PreVatte, Vyona Bultena, Ms. Irene, Janet Straitwell, Joann Murphy, Betty Hamilton, Judy Rafebaugh, Pastor Kim's Family, Monica, Susan Luu, Bud Johnson, The Straitwell Family. GOOD SHEPHERD PRESBYTERIAN WOMEN - (formerly crafty Ladies etc) We are looking for a new name. Please submit your ideas to Elaine Tich for review by the board. NEW MEETING DATES: 2nd Thursday - Circle Bible Study 4th Thursday - GSPW (Crafty Ladies Etc. ) Activities to be determined, Suggestions welcomed ? FUTURE DATES TO REMEMBER: Jan.8 - 10:00 Bible Study - Lesson 5 (going out to lunch) Jan.22 – 10:00 Jeanette Petnic Project : cleaning tables, chairs, etc. in upper room Feb. 12 – 10:00 Bible Study - Lesson 6 Feb. 26 – 10:00 Joan Pugh – Pillowcase Dresses March 5 – Continuation of Pillowcase Dresses CHURCH REMINDERS Un-decorating the church will take place after church on Sunday January 4 following Coffee Hour. Please stay and help un-decorate the tree, take down the other decorations, and put all away. Thanks! Jane and Gary Workman Our last Christmas in the Hallway was such a success!! Thanks to each of you for helping to clean out our craft supply. Jane Workman and Joan Douglas SCHEDULES Jan. 4 Jan. 11 Jan. 18 Jan. 25 Usher: Tellers: Matthai(2), Petnic Tich(2), B McKemy Douglas(2), Goldberg, Lawson Maas(2), Wronowski Lawson & Terry Starke & Aims Tich & Pfoutz Kent & PreVatte HAPPY – HAPPY January HAPPY ANNIVERSARY January 7, 1967 Hazel and Jim Morgan HAPPY JANUARY BIRTHDAY 9 Mary Lou Aims Matthew Ciccotelli 18 Suzanne Phillips 21 Norma Webster 24 Bob Blum 21 Norma Webster 30 Betty Walko WOMEN’S CIRCLE BIBLE STUDY Thursday, January 8th 10:00 am – 11:30 am Upper Room Reconciling Paul Lesson 5: Reconciliation and the Whole Creation FOCUS: 2 Corinthians 5:11-6:10. You are invited to expand your understanding of reconciliation, healing and transformation to a much broader, even cosmological context as you entertain the concept of “new creation”. WE WILL BE GOING OUT TO LUNCH. Prayer Leader: Mary Lou, Hospitality: Winsome & Ellie Calls/Visits: Norma & Jeanette GIVING TREE Thank you to all who made this years "Giving Tree" a huge success. Thank you to those who gave gift, food, and to those who delivered everything. The love of Good Shepherd was appreciated by all of our families. A special thank you to Jeanette Petnic, Kathy Young, and Joan Douglas. DEACONS Happy New Year to all!!! It’s amazing that the new year is upon us and 2015 promises to be an awesome year for Good Shepherd as it is also our 50th Anniversary and there are lots of events planned in celebration and thanksgiving starting on Sunday, January 25 th with a reception after our Sunday service. Please plan to be with us for this special morning. The service will be special that too! On Sunday, February 8th we will be having a Pot Luck Supper and Movie Night. Beginning at 6 with one of our spectacular pot luck meals and then movie to the sanstuary to view “God’s Not Dead” This is a fantasic movie that did well in the theatres recently. On May 17th we will be having another of our famous White Elephant Auctions so please start gathering your treasures and inviting your family, friends and neighbors! The deacons send blessings and best wishes for a most wonderful year!!!! January 25, 2015 50th Anniversary Worship Luncheon to Follow JANUARY 2015 SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY 2 SATURDAY 3 9 10 15 16 17 22 23 24 30 31 1 FRIDAY Happy New Year 4 Adult Sunday School Worship 11:00 Coffee 12:00 Un-decorate Today 5 11 Adult Sunday School Worship 11:00 Coffee 12:00 12 6 7 Deacons 6:45 Choir 7:30 13 14 Shepherd's Kids 5:30-7:00 8 Circle 10:00 Session Teams 7:00 Choir 7:30 18 Adult Sunday School Worship 11:00 Coffee 12:00 19 20 Office Closed Martin Luther King Day 25 Adult Sunday School 50th Anniversary Worship 11:00 50th Anniversary Luncheon 12:00 26 YARN DEADLINE 21 Shepherd's Kids 5:30-7:00 Women - 10:00 Choir 7:30 27 28 29 Choir 7:30 NEW YEAR - NEW OFFICE PLANNING CALENDAR - PLEASE MAKE SURE YOUR EVENTS ARE POSTED
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